St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31...

St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31 5BW) Parishes
Southampton East Area, Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity 246871
Phone 023 8044 8671, Email: [email protected].
Parish Priest: Fr. Claro V. Conde, Parish Administrator: Deacon Peter Silsbury, (Tel. 02380 477158)
Mrs. Marion Patient, parish registrar (11am – 1:00pm Mondays and Tuesdays)
Safeguarding Reps: Barbara Reed, Coleen Smith & Anne Patient (02380 448 671)
For emergency calls please txt 07803191502
ALL SAINTS – 2nd November 2014
Failte! Witajcie! Willkommen, Merhba! Mabuhay!
Nno! EnnaVishayam! Bienvenidos! स्वागत (Svāgat)
ahlan wa sahlan ‫ أهًال و سهًال‬, Selamat dating
SATURDAY VIGIL Mass: 6 pm (St Patrick’s)
9am Mass Annunciation (Netley Abbey)
11am Mass St. Patrick’s (Woolston)
Confessions before the Masses
3rd November Monday All Souls
9.30 am Mass (St Patrick)
4th November Tuesday St. Charles Borromeo
9:30am Service (Annunciation)
5th November Wednesday Feria
9.30 am Service (St. Patrick)
Tea and Coffee afterwards
6th November Thursday Feria
9:30 Service (St. Patrick)
7th November Friday St Willibrord
9:30am Service (Annunciation)
INTENTIONS for November: Norah Nelson rip; Patrick
Doyle rip; Patrick de Sousa Hurley rip; Edward John
Maher rip; Theresa Chan rip
BIRTHDAYS: David O’Rourke (8 Nov); John White (8
Nov); Fr Claro Conde (8 Nov)
BAPTISMS in Nov.: Joseph and Lily Walsh (16 Nov).
Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News:
MASS FOR THE BEREAVED will be on Tuesday 11th
November at St Patricks Church 7.30 pm. While
praying for ALL those who have died, there will be an
opportunity for everyone present to light a candle in
remembrance of their own loved one. If you wish to
do so will you please fill in one of the forms to be
found at the back of the church, printing the name
clearly so that it can be read out in the Litany for the
SAVE TREES. You can have the newsletter sent by email. Let us
know. Reduce our Carbon Footprint
Please welcome Fr. Patrick Sugrue, C.Ss.R. from
Dundalk Ireland who is kind enough to minister the
parishes while I am away for home visit. He will be
here from the 8th to the 17th of November. You can
make appointments with him for confessions and
spiritual counselling. He is a great missionary and
confessor in the charism of St. Alphonsus, the founder
of the Redemptorists of whom he is a member.
While I am away, Niel Capinpuyan will manage the
Presbytery and St. Patrick’s Church. A few month ago,
I appointed him our maintenance man. He has been
doing well in his job and the Diocese has employed
him part time. Most of the time he volunteers for all
odd jobs I ask him to do. Any concerns you might
want my attention, call his mobile 07877 805067.
Rosa is also away. Her second mother Theresa died in
China. (Her real mother died when she was a child).
Theresa is a devout Chinese Catholic of the
Underground church. She brought Rosa and other
family members to the Catholic faith despite of the
risk of state persecution and prosecution. Rosa is
attending her funeral. She will be back on the 17th of
November. So matters of her office in the parish and
the hall will be taken care of by Niel.
For the past few days, a group of volunteers and I
have been busy ministering to people in crisis. I have
been attending to 2 prisoners, one a parishioner and
another a parishioner at Sacred Heart, Bournemouth.
I have also been following up and counselling
spiritually 2 victims of human trafficking. On sailor is
temporarily staying with me as he was found out to
have cancer.
I will celebrate my 60th birthday with my sisters and
brothers and other members of my family doing
charity work for the survivors of the greatest ever
typhoon Haiyan in my place. I will also be with my
former priestly colleagues who are the front line
ministers of help in the area. Nov 8 is the first
anniversary of the typhoon and it also my birthday.
Thank you for all your prayers, support and
2nd Collections in November: 2nd – Bamenda; 9th –
B&M; 16th – St Vincent de Paul Society; 23rd – B&M;
30th – B&M. If you want to arrange a special second
collection, please ask Fr Claro, and it will be included
in the list.
Please note that the date for the Carol Service has
been set for Sunday 21st December, 4pm at the
Annunciation. There is a team of parishioners
planning the service, publicity, refreshments etc.
More details to follow nearer the time for the
newsletter. Thanks Anne
St Patrick total: £781.36
Loose plates: £89.86; Envelopes: £260.36;
Prayer candles: 22.07; Repository: £10.00;
Second collection B&M: £66.07; Quiz Night: £333.00
Voice in the Desert: Saturday 15 November, 10:30am
– 4pm. If you are aged between year 8 – young adult,
we warmly invite you to join us for our preparation
event for National Youth Sunday 2014! The day will
kick-start with a performance from award-winning
theatre group, TenTen theatre, and will involve
workshops on everything from drama to music to
spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final
Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Cost:
£10. Venue: Saint George Catholic College, Leaside
Way, Swaythling, SO16 3DQ. Bookings and more info:
Will Hince 07780221686
[email protected]
The Annunciation total: £224.96
Loose plates: £73.90; Envelopes: £52.00;
B&M (loose plate): £67.06; B&M (envelopes): £6.00;
Lottery £26.00.
Important Notice Standing Orders The majority of
Offertory Giving is now by Standing Order. This makes
counting quicker & avoids people searching for loose
change to put in the bag on Sunday Morning. If you
would like to set up a Standing Order (which we can
claim Gift Aid if you are a tax payer) please speak to
Irene Chapman or Peter Chilton or Fr. Claro.
FOR GIFT AID Donation scheme please contact Irene
Chapman (Woolston) or Peter Chilton (Netley)
RCIA. Are you thinking about becoming a Catholic or
do you know someone who is? Would you like to
explore the faith? …then come along to the RCIA
programme Tuesdays at St Patricks 7 pm. If you would
like further information please speak with Deacon
led by the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph
Sat. 22nd Nov. 10 am—1 pm St Edward’s Church Hall
Chandler’s Ford SO53 2DU. Optional workshop till 3
pm. Bring a packed lunch. Book online or call 01590 681 874
Readers’ Course: Readers please make a note of this
date: Tuesday 2 December for a revision course at
Immaculate Conception in Portswood.
If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us
have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new
parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through
the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the
parish or out of the parish, please let us know .Thank
RACE NIGHT. Tickets are now available for the Race
Night in St. Patrick's on 15th November. Adult Ticket
£5 including a Beef Casserole. Child Ticket £2 including
a Hot Dog. Tickets for sale after Mass this weekend
until the event, or call Chris 02380560452 email:
[email protected]
Birthday Party Please come and wish Father Claro
Happy Birthday at Annunciation Presbytery, 3pm
Sunday 2nd November. Please bring some food &
drink to share. Chris Bick
Hall. Sunday 14th December 2014 after Mass – 1 pm
onwards. All parishioners who wish to donate please
let Sylvia Morton a list of the dishes they can provide.
No charge for the Dinner but a donation towards
Church Funds will be gratefully received.
CHRISTMAS HAMPER: Donations are requested of
Christmas goods to fill the hamper eg. drink,
Christmas Cake, Mince pies etc. Please leave at the
back of the church for collection. The Hamper prize
draw will take place at the International Christmas
Dinner on 14th December.
visiting families who pray the Holy Rosary for one week in
their homes. Yolanda & Henry Harwood are hosting her this
week, then she goes to Francis & Jenny. Anyone who would
like to host her please contact Yolanda.
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