ST. ANNE’S PRIMARY SCHOOL st Sunday 21 December 2014 St. Anne’s Catholic Church Lynton Avenue, Weeping Cross, Stafford, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 661012 Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon Lynton Avenue, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 663128 Fax: 01785 662987 Email: [email protected] Head Teacher: Mrs. J. N. Lomas READERS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION ST. ANNE’s Website: Parish Secretary: Marie Badger The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No 234216 Fourth Sunday of Advent – Sunday Lectionary Cycle B, Weekday Mass Cycle 1, Psalter Week 4/1 Date Time Saturday 20th 6:00 pm Sunday 21st 9:30 am 11:15 am 5:00 pm Church Liturgical Day SA Mass Intention Vigil Mass SP SA SA Joe McHugh Fourth Sunday of Advent Private Intention Audrey Mitchell John Sheppee M. Murphy, L. Bell, C.Love Sun. 28th : Readers: Euch. Ministers: Jean Lindop H. Lewis, J. Lindop, C. Williams J. Peck, D.Hannett (A) Reader: Sarah. Bidding Prayers: Elisa Michael H, Lyn C, Margaret J. Gift Aid Total 22nd 12:00 noon SA Tuesday 23rd 10:00 am SP Wednesday 24th 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 11:30 pm SP SA SA Advent Feria John and Kath Tyson Children’s Vigil Mass Family Vigil Mass of Christmas Night Carols with Mass at Midnight Thursday 25th 9:30 am 11:15 am SP SA Christmas Dawn Mass Christmas Day Mass Friday 26th 10:00 am SA Feast of St. Stephen, the first Martyr Saturday 27th 6:00 pm SA Sunday 28th 9:30 am 11:15 am Pat and Mary Daly Ann Fletcher RIP Pro Populo RIP RIP RIP Dr. & Mrs O’Connell RIP Fr. Jeremy Sierla Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Baby Paige Evans Peggy Ogram RIP [St Patrick’s] Sunday at 9:00 am. Prayers for the parishioners who are ill or housebound at this time: [St.Patrick’s] : Joan Johnston, Kath Read, Pauline Pullen, Michael Spencer-Caple, Graham Burningham, Dcn David McCarroll, Cyril Adams, Brenda Targett, Graham Turner, David Bryant, Tim & Kathleen Tiernan, Alex Hughes, Gregory McKinlay, Jayne & Ralph Lennon, Louise Bell, Tony Lord, Donald Williamson, Christine Bradley, Alice McMillan, Antonia Hewitt, Winifred & Brenda Crockett, Alex Hudson, Gladys Malkin, and Jean Shearer. [St. Anne’s] Patricia Walters, Monica Scriven, Linda Burgess, Sheila Bartle, Molly Hukin, Margaret Currall, Pip Gibson, Joyce & Peter Muriel, Cathy Miles, Colin Wise, Derek Moon, Bernard Lundberg, Gay Colbeck, Christiana Saberton, Patsy Connelly-Smith, Mary Helks, David Bamber, Peter Turner, Hilary Glover, Baby Brandon Harland, Baby Thomas McCormick. St Patrick’s Church Cleaning 26th December: Mary Bamber, Therese Rosairo & Eileen Turvey Altar Linen 28th December: Imelda Moore Flowers Joan McKinlay Carmel Price, Mary Owen Offertory St. Patrick’s Offertory Non- Gift Aid Standing Order £225.00 £215.28 £167.77 £608.05 199 £129.20 £104.36 £136.00 £369.56 156 ATTENDANCE Refreshments 28th December: Therese Rosairo Lyn/Dave Requiescat in Pace: Of your charity, please pray for the eternal repose of the soul of MARGARITA (Peggy) GILES who died recently. May she rest in peace. Please also pray for all her loved ones who now mourn for her. Her Requiem Mass will be held on Tuesday 30th December at 11am, followed by internment at Tixall Road Cemetery. are available in the church porch. Christmas offerings are your personal gift to the priest of the parish and Children’s Liturgy Nativity Play: The children’s liturgy nativity and party went very well with children from both parishes attending which was lovely. Thank you to all who came along and those who supported with fundraising. Staffordshire Women’s Aid is a registered charity that exists to support and empower women and children suffering from domestic and/or sexual abuse. We will be collecting gifts for the Staffordshire Women’s Aid again this year. If parishioners could buy a small extra gift for a girl, boy or a mum and bring them all to masses over Christmas we will ensure that they get to the refuge to be used throughout the year to help those who are in need. RIP Prayers for the departed loved ones whose anniversaries occur at this time: [St. Patrick’s] Stanislaw Gackowski, Winifred Mary Cotton, Dom Krsul, Francis Acklaud, Clifford Hewitt, Violet Melvin,Wasil Hryneczko, Joseph Meehan, James McEwan, Egizia Valentini, Nickolas Byrne, Austin Rend, Morah Lennon, James Saullion. [St. Anne’s] Peter Rice, Noel Joret, Vincent Eardsley, Esther Martin, Ronnie Thomason, Pepita Pinney, John Taylor, Elsie Papworth, Frances Curran, Bernard Hadley, Mary Rogers. Church St Anne’s St. Anne’s Christmas Offering Envelopes forms part of his annual income. Mr & Mrs Gerald Dizon & Family Mary Rogers RIP Vigil Mass [St. Anne’s] Saturday at 5:30 pm. Source Christmas Crib: After Christmas Eve, please do go and visit the crib and pray for the members of your family, living and dead. Any donations will be sent to Ebola Crisis Appeal. Requiem Mass for Jean Kennelly followed by burial at Tixall Road Cemetery at 1:15pm. SP SA INCOME RIP Reception of Jean Kennelly’s body Monday SACRAMENT OF PENANCE RIP ST. PATRICK’s Sat. 27th : Readers: Euch. Ministers: TIMES OF HOLY MASS AND LITURGIES THIS WEEK Day Marston Road, ST16 3BT Telephone: 01785 356685 EContact: Head Teacher: Mrs. A. Goodison Website: St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 48 Sandon Road, Stafford, ST16 3HF Telephone: 01785 661012 ST. PATRICK’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Children’s Liturgy “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.” - Pope Francis Going into Hospital: Please do let the parish priest know if you are going into hospital. Furthermore, it is ESSENTIAL that you ask for the Catholic chaplain when in hospital. Chaplains are often no longer automatically given the names of Catholic patients. Many health care providers (e.g. Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Mental Health Units) apportion resources in line with how many requests are made so you are actually doing the Church a favour by requesting the chaplaincy and sacraments whilst in hospital. Peter’s Pence: The Holy Father is grateful to the people of the Archdiocese for their generous donation and particularly for the devoted sentiments which inspired it. He knows how much effort was involved. The Archdiocese contributed £43,139.49 to Peter’s Pence in 2014. Church Bazaar: Thank you all for helping to make this year’s bazaar a success. The Grand draw raised £1,534 and the stalls raised £966 giving us a total of £2,500. Parish 150 Club: The next draw will take place this weekend. Second Collection for Poor Parishes Fund of the Diocese: St Anne’s: Gift Aid – £66.00 Non-Gift Aid – £202.34 St. Patrick’s: Gift Aid – £91.04 Non-Gift Aid – £83.84 Fr. David Standen’s New Address: Fr. David is currently working in the Diocese of Middlesbrough and his details are St Joseph’s Presbytery. 169 Burdyke Avenue, York, YO30 6IX; telephone 01904 622448. PLEASE TAKE A COPY OF THIS BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU
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