Saint Mary Parish 211 North Main St. Randolph, MA 02368 Established 1850 Randolph, Massachusetts MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John J. Ronaghan Email: [email protected] WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Pinto Paul, C.S.C. Email: [email protected] SENIOR DEACON 4:00pm 8:00, 10:00, 11:30am Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Celebrated at St. Mary Parish 9:00am Holy Day Masses As announced Accommodations for the Handicapped Parish Website: Cemetery Website: Deacon James H. Eames DRE/PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs. Patricia J. O’Connor Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT Mrs. Julie Pantazelos Email: [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Join us on Facebook! SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office for information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Mrs. Judith A. Concannon Email: [email protected] Saturday 3:00pm – 3:45pm in the Chapel, or by request. Mr. Robert S. O’Connor Email: [email protected] Preparation should be made with a priest at least six months in advance. CEMETERY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Mrs. Felicia Kopelman-Hayes BUSINESS MANAGER Mr. Joseph Sheehan Email: [email protected] TELEPHONE NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 22 Seton Way - 781-963-4141 Rel. Ed Center: 30 Seton Way -781-961-5009 Cemetery Office: 245 North St. - 781-961-9323 FAX NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 781-963-0884 Rel. Ed Center: 781-961-5055 Cemetery Office: 781-963-0884 If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or for any other reason, please contact one of the priests or call the Pastoral Center. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Saturday following 9:00am Mass until 11:00am. HAITIAN CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP PASTORAL CENTER OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9am to 4pm Guerisons, Graces, Benedictions!!! Venez nous joindre chaque jeudi soir a 7:00pm a la priere charismatique pour chanter et louer Dieu! Healing, Blessings!!! Come to join us every Thursday night at 7:00pm at the charismatic prayer in French and in Creole to sing and praise the Lord! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a vibrant faith community committed to living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. As a Eucharistic people, we seek to deepen our personal union with Jesus Christ through the ministries of Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we devote ourselves to the Catechetical Ministry of Youth and Young Adults and to ongoing Adult Faith Formation. We seek to continue the mission of the Church by extending hospitality and outreach to all the People of God. ST. MARY RANDOLPH, MA COLLABORATIVE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE St. Mary Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT MEMORIAL MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 29, 2014 4:00pm Robert Lucier, Sr. & Bobby Lucier Sunday, November 30, 2014 10:00am John & Mary Fahey 11:30am James & Barbara Hurley Saturday, December 6, 2014 4:00pm Marie Therese Targete Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:00am Andrew Soper 10:00am Pauline Correll 11:30am Nicholas J. Tempone WEEKLY OFFERTORY Due to Thanksgiving the Bulletin Company has requested that we send this bulletin a week earlier so the Offertory figures for the weekends of 11/23/14 and 11/30/14 will be published the weekend of 12/7/14. Thank you for your understanding. SECOND COLLECTIONS-DECEMBER 12/14/14 Monthly Energy Collection 12/25/14 Clergy Benefit Trust (Christmas Offering) SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Candle in the Church this week burns in Loving Memory of ANTHONY, PETER & ANGELA AGEN donated by Emmanuel & Veronica Agen. OPPORTUNITIES IN WHICH TO MEMORIALIZE DECEASED LOVED ONES If you wish to memorialize a deceased loved one, you can do so by calling the Pastoral Center and scheduling one of the following: Sanctuary Lamps $10 a week donation Weekday Masses $15 donation 9am—Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Weekend Masses $25 donation 4pm Vigil, 8am, 10am, 11:30am Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—9:00am St. Bernadette Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am 9:00am—Vietnamese 11:00am Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday—9:00am BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT St. Francis of Assisi Parish (as part of the Braintree Collaborative) is excited to host “Faith: A Mother’s Story”. This is a one of four women of the Bible presentations Olivia Woodford has created and performs at churches throughout the country. Join us on Sunday, December 7th at 5pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Braintree. Free will offerings gratefully accepted. Created and Performed by Olivia Woodford. FAMILY MASSES Family Masses are scheduled for Sun., November 23rd, Sun., December 7 and Christmas Eve at 6 pm. If you have children that attend Catholic School who would like to participate please do not hesitate to call the Religious Education Office at 781 961-5009. All are welcome. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES We wish to remember in our prayers those brave men and women who are presently serving our country here and overseas. Jeremy Lucier, Kevin Ryan, Ryan Dornan, Paul Ellis, Kirsty Penticost, William Williams, Christopher Jackson, Ryan O’Keefe, Keith Littig, Timothy Walsh, Thomas Cheney, Elliot Trippel, Richard Pert, Drake Barry, Tom Ram and Colin Reilly. Please call the office if you would like someone added to this prayer list and also please inform us of their safe return. Thank you! FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT NOVEMBER 30, 2014 NOTES FROM FR. RONAGHAN PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Dear Parishioners: On this Thanksgiving Weekend, we continue to give thanks to the Lord for the many blessings that are ours: the blessings of our Faith, our family, our friends, and our parish community. It is also an opportunity for me to say “thank you” for the many ways in which you build up this local church.—the Body of Christ, here at St. Mary’s. A special word of thanks to our Confirmation Retreat Team, to all those who participated in and supported our “Open Mike Night”, to all those who organized our recent Fairs, and to our Hospitality Committee, who keep us well nourished. This past Sunday, at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Mr. Hung Nguyen, received the Chevrus Award Medal from Cardinal O’Malley. This award is given to a parishioner who in a quiet and gentle way builds up the Body of Christ. For many years, Hung served our Funeral Masses and continues to be our daily Sacristan and the person who opens up the Church for Daily Mass. Congratulations, Hung, and may God continue to bless you with much happiness and peace. This past October 5th, members of the Personnel Team from the Archdiocese met with the Staffs, and Parish and Finance Councils of both St. Mary’s Parish and St. Bernadette’s Parish looking ahead to the appointment of a new Pastor for the Randolph Collaborative, which we expect to be announced before Christmas. During the month of October our Ushers conducted the Annual Mass Count at all of our weekend Masses. I thought that you might be interested in the average count for each of the weekend Masses: 4:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 11:30am 175 144 442 258 This count will influence the weekend Liturgical Schedule for the Collaborative. This weekend begins the Season of Advent, a time of joyful waiting for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Already, we have much to be thankful for. Bishop Dooher will confirm our high school candidates and 4 adults on Sunday afternoon, December 7th and during this coming week, we will begin new classes for our Altar Servers. To help you to prepare for Christmas, we have Advent “blue books”, available at the entrances to the Church. With so much going on in preparation for Christmas, it would be good to spend a little time each day, spiritually preparing ourselves for Christmas. We would ask that each family or household limit yourself to one each, so that we will have enough for everyone. Especially around this time of year, the needs of the poor become more acute. Throughout the Advent Season, we will have baskets available at the entrances to the Church for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. If you are able, please remember the poor. Best Wishes for a blessed Advent! Fr. Ronaghan GRADE TEN CONFIRMATION PROJECTS Our grade ten classes have already begun a series of service projects as they head toward Confirmation which will take place in December of 2015. Two weeks ago, this awesome group made cards for, “Holiday Mail for Heroes”, which is a wonderful project sponsored by the Red Cross. These cards of support will be sent out during the holiday season to military men and woman serving all around the world or in military hospitals or facilities. This coming Tuesday November 25, this same group will be assembling the Christmas tags for our “Giving Tree.” In addition, they will be bagging and inserting a Thanksgiving Prayer into our bread loaves for the Thanksgiving Day Mass. CONFIRMATION 2014 Confirmation is fast approaching on Sunday December 7 at 2 pm with Most Reverend John A. Dooher. Our Confirmandi and sponsors are asked to arrive at 1:30 pm as the Bishop has asked to speak to them before Confirmation. Our Confirmandi this year include 30 of our high school students along with 5 adults. A Penance Service has been scheduled for all on Tuesday December 2 at 7:15 pm in the Church. Following the Penance Service, our high school students will continue downstairs to the Church Hall for an exam. A Confirmation Rehearsal has been scheduled for Thursday December 4th at 7 pm in the Church. We do ask that the sponsors, if possible, attend the rehearsal. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT 2014 Amvets Pearl Harbor Ceremony and Breakfast, Sunday, November 30th, Randolph AMVETS Post 51, 9 AMVETS Lane, Randolph, MA Ceremony starts at 9:30am, with breakfast to follow. Contributions of $7.00 requested for the Chaplain’s Fund. WELCOME We are pleased to have you with us. If you are a new parishioner and haven’t registered in the parish, please fill out the form below indicating husband, wife, son, daughter and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Pastoral Center, 22 Seton Way, Randolph, MA 02368. Last Name:___________________________________ First Name:__________________________________ Mailing Name:_______________________________ Address:______________________________________ Tel. No.______________________________________ Date of Birth__________________________________ Spouse: ______________________DOB___________________ Children_____________DOB_________________ ____________________DOB___________________ Please send Offertory Envelopes: yes______ no_____ Would you like to join our Giving Online Program Yes______no_____ DID YOU KNOW!! Did you know that the St. Mary’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our bulletin and when you do please make sure to mention you saw their ad in our bulletin. If you are a business owner, consider advertising in the bulletin. It’s an easy way to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Sylwia Kohut at 508-713-3692. CHRISTMAS YOUTH CHOIR 2014 Mrs. Felicia Kopelman-Hayes, our parish Music Director, is once again announcing the formation of a Christmas Youth Choir. Anyone in grade two and up is welcome to join! This Christmas Youth Choir will sing at the Christmas Eve Family Mass at 6 pm. Rehearsals will be held from 5 PM to 6 PM on Tuesdays in our Religious Education Center on the following days: Rehearsals Tuesday December 2nd Tuesday December 16th Interested? Call the Religious Education Office at 781 961-5009 SENIOR NEWS FROM ST. MARY The next meeting for St. Mary’s Seniors is scheduled for December 5th following (hopefully) the 12:15 Mass. Our entertainment for that day will be a musical program called A TOUCH OF KLASS. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and is gearing up towards Christmas. This is probably the busiest time of the year for most of us, so come and enjoy the 5th of December with us, food and entertainment provided. GOD OF THIS CITY TOUR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT The Faith Formation of Youth & Young Adults ministry within the Office for Lifelong Faith Formation and Parish Support & LIFT Ministries invite you to their God of this City Tour happening around the Archdiocese the week of December 1-5. The tour will visit churches in Lynnfield, Walpole, Billerica, Rockland and Boston. Each night will feature uplifting music, dynamic talks, confessions and Eucharistic Adoration. The nights are FREE to attend and open to ALL AGES. More information can be found on their website at LESSONS AND CAROLS BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT “Lessons & Carols” featuring the Saint John’s Seminary Schola and special guests under the direction of Dr. Janet Hunt will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 7:30pm and Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 3:00pm. There is no admission fee for this event. Saint John’s Seminary is located at 127 Lake Street, Brighton, MA 02135. Please call 617-746-5423 or email [email protected] for further information.
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