PARISH OF ST. JUSTIN. Parish Centre: 48 Whalley Drive, Wheelers Hill Phone: 9561 8891. Fax: 9560 5308 Email: [email protected] Website: hhtp:// 1st Sunday of Advent Sunday, 30th. November 2014 WEEKEND MASS TIMES. Saturday: Sunday: Vigil Mass 8.30am & Weekday Masses: 7pm 10.30am Wednesday to Saturday 9.15am NB: Tuesday 9.15am Holy Communion Service Feast Day: Reconciliation: Wednesday 3 Dec St. Francis Xavier Saturday 9.40am or by appointment Please ring 9561 8891 Liturgy of the Word: Today: 1st Sunday of Advent Is 63:16-17,64:1.3-8. 1 Cor 1:3-9. Mark 13:33-37 Next Weekend: 2nd Sunday of Advent Is 40:1-5,9-11. 2 Pet 3:8-14. Mark 1:1-8 Readings Sundays “B” Weekday Year 1 RECENTLY DECEASED: Mgr. Aldo Rebeschini PE ILL: John Wicks, John Teer, Georgie Schelbeck Baptism Welcome : Khiara Annie-Marie Spinelly Collections: Presbytery $ 633 Thanksgiving (Stewardship) $ 976 1st Collection—Presbytery & House 2nd Collection—Stewardship—Church ADVENT: Our Preparation time for the Great Feast of Christmas. The Liturgical colour changes to Purple or Violet as a sign of Prayer and Penance until our Christmas Celebrations The Redeem Booklet of daily reflection will be helpful during this time. Books available in Foyer. Our Christmas time table will be in next weeks bulletin. Rosters: Weekend: 29/30 Nov 2014 Rosters: Weekend 6/7 Dec. 2014 SPECIAL MINISTERS 7pm: J. Charman 8.30am: B. Chew 10.30am: R. Jacobson, V. Toppi SPECIAL MINISTERS 7pm: M. Coyle 8.30am: F. Gunther 10.30am: G. Cristiano, O. Kaminskyj. READERS 7pm 8.30am 10.30am READERS 7pm 8.30am 10.30am P. Dunne T. Wong Y. Alveres A. De Fazio M. Sholl K. Brown PIETY STALL 7pm L. Reed 8.30am Volunteer 10.30am Volunteer PIETY STALL 7pm J. Dunne 8.30am Volunteer 10.30am G. Maudsley COUNTERS: Team 2 P. Coughlin, C. Drieberg, E. Tomasiello COUNTERS: Team 3. S. Vissenjoux, R. Luckman, O. D’Souza TRANSPORT C/View: J. Persico Willows: P. Dunne TRANSPORT C/View: H & M Rochecouste Willows: B. Fernando ALTAR GROUP: M. Marcello, L. Longstaff ALTAR GROUP: N. Perri. CHURCH CLEANING: A. Ryan, V. Batinic CHURCH CLEANING: R. Nanie, M. Telley DATA PROJECTION 7pm A. Rinaldi 8.30am M. Carlie 10.30am K. Browne DATA PROJECTION 7pm G. Reed 8.30am I. Tontodonati 10.30am Y. Alvares ALTAR SERVERS 7pm. S & D Kilgower 8.30am J. Brodie 10.30am R. Rajahmoney, J. Pikoulos ALTAR SERVERS 7pm. T. Lewis, S. Iyer 8.30am C. Fredricks 10.30am. J. Luca, O. Ward Banking: 1 Dec. A. Marandola BANKING ROSTER DUE FOR RENEWAL Please advise if you are still available new volunteers most welcome in Foyer PARISH PRAYER : Jesus help us we walk our pilgrim way to heaven May St. Justin be our Guide Grant us his strength of faith and wisdom So we remain united as one family growing in love in our Parish of St. Justin St. Justin pray for us. OFFERTORY (Gifts) You are invited to take the Card on the table and then bring up the gifts during the Mass. (Please replace the card after Mass) Thanks ! DIARY DATES Sat/Sun 29/30 Nov 1st Sunday of Advent Readings will be from Year B (2) Deacon Neil will join us at Masses this weekend. Tues 2 Dec 9.15am Holy Communion Service Thurs 4 Dec 7.30pm Parish Pastoral Meeting Sat/Sun 6/7 Dec 2nd Sunday of Advent Tues 9 Dec 12—3pm Ladies Lunch Mulgrave Counrty Club. 7pm School Christmas Concert Thurs 11 Dec 7pm Parish Education Board meeting Fri 12 Dec 10.30am Staff Mass Nazareth College Sat/Sun 13/14 Dec 3rd Sunday of Advent Mon 15 Dec 6.30pm Graduation Mass Grade 6’s. Tues 16 Dec 7pm Advent Anointing/Penance Service. Wed 17 Dec 9.15am End of Year School Mass 9.15am 7.30pm Cathedral Ordination of 2 New Bishops. Sat/Sun 20/21 Dec 4th Sunday of Advent ‘Year of the Consecrated Life’ will commence on this 1st Sunday of Advent and will concluded on the World day of Consecrated Life Feb 2016. Reflection for this weekend 1st Sunday of Advent. Pope Francis proclaimed 2015 year of Consecrated Life. The year also marks the 50th anniversary of Perfects Caritatis, a decree on Religious Life, and Lumen Gentium, the second Vatican Council’s constitution on the Church. The purpose of the Year, as stated by the Vatican is to ‘make a grateful remembrance of the recent past’ while embracing ‘the future with hope’. RERUM NOVARUM ORATION A Stitch in Time: Early Intervention in Psychiatry: Young People at Risk Australian Catholic University, Phillippa Brazil Theatre, Daniel Mannis Building,8 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Monday 1st December 7pm light refreshment for 7.30pm start. All welcome: RSVP /Inquires 9926 5727 or [email protected] FROM THE PASTOR Last weekend was a very important time in our Parish Life. We welcomed Deacon Neil Daculan to the Parish as a pastor with special gifts to share with us. His ministry of the Word through the Gospel and Peaching will be of a great grace for us all. We wish him and his family a very happy and fruitful journey with us at St. Justin's. Neil will be joining us on weekends to assist at Masses and the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and when possible Funerals. A Ministry which is now becoming more evident with 13 deacons now serving in Melbourne Church. Time has now moved along and we are preparing for Advent and Christmas. On Saturday morning we prepared the Advent wreath , Crib and Christmas Tree. Thanks to the Liturgy Group. There will be the usual collection of Toys & Gifts of no perishable foods for distribution by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your gifts of cash , Toys and food will be put to good use. Gifts can be left at the Crib each weekend during Advent. Please do not wrap the toys. This will help the St. Vincent de Paul group sort our the age groups and the best way to distribute your generous gifts. Thanks in advance for your very generous giving over the Christmas season. You have always given a great deal of pleasure to many families in need. The Christmas time table will be published next week so you can plan your Christmas Celebrations. Christmas Lunch—Mulgrave Country Club TUESDAY 9TH December. 12—3pm All welcome to share a meal and good company. Contact Josie Dunne 0410 417 313
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