The Eagle In a caring environment, we will achieve our full potential. From the Principal 21 November 2014 BANDSTRAVAGANZA 2014 Congratulations to Miss Murphy and our year 6 band students. They performed brilliantly at Bandstrav last night. They performed with five other ACT schools to entertain us. The standard of the music is amazing and very professional. We were asked at one point to “close your eyes and forget that there were students performing, listen to the music”. Not only do we have talented students in our own school, but the musical talent across the ACT is impressive. If you have a student currently in year 4, please encourage your child to audition for the band program early next year because it is certainly well resourced and inspirational for our young students when you attend celebrations of achievement such as we did last night. I have no doubt that our Evatt students sitting in the gallery after their performance, were inspired by the enthusiasm, obvious talent and energy of the bands last night. Interestingly, Evatt students seem to be successful in moving their musical careers forward through their selection to the ACT Primary Concert Band, of which we have currently three members, but also two past students. It was great to see former Evatt students represented in the ACT Junior Concert Band. Over the last three years, at least two of our students have been selected to play in these outstanding bands. Mrs Susan Skinner Board Chair: Adam McEvoy P&C Chair: Christine Trull Principal: Canteen Open Wed, Thur, Fri Monday 24 November School Banking Preschool Open Week Japanese Lunch and Garden Visit – Kinder Note due Yr 5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40-12.45pm Tuesday 25 November SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch) Wednesday 26 November Canteen Open Scholastic Issue 8 due Thursday 27 November Canteen Open Constable Kenny @ 1.30-2.30pm Japanese Lunch and Garden Visit – Kinder: 10.00am – 2.00pm Friday 28 November Assembly: The Dr Who’s Preschool Picnic Canteen Open ….. don’t forget to check the Back Page Heydon Crescent, Evatt ACT 2617 Ph: (02) 6205 5999 Fax: (02)6205 5995 : [email protected] : “We wish to acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as the traditional owners and custodians of this land” 2015 CLASSES A gentle reminder for parents and carers, that staff will be organising classes for next year from Monday. If you have a particular wish or request for your child, then you need to send this request in as a matter of priority by Monday 24th at 3:00pm. Any requests after this time cannot be guaranteed to be considered. YEAR 6 GRADUATION For parents of students in year 5 and 6, please note that graduation for our year 6 students for 2014 is Tuesday 16th December at 9:30am. It is also at the graduation assembly, that we announce the School Leaders for 2015. Elections for school leaders from our current year 5 cohort are imminent. Students and staff vote for their preferred school leaders. The total votes from staff and students decide who will be the school leaders for the following year. TICKET SALES FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT Please remember to order your tickets as soon as possible from the school office. Seating is limited and I know that several parents were disappointed over the last couple of years that they were not able to see their child perform in the concert because they left it too late to order tickets. Susan PEACE CHILD CONCERT – Evening Concert Crowajingalong Scout Group, who are fundraising for new wheelchair access toilets & shower, and solar panels for the Scout Hall, will be providing a sausage sizzle for the evening concert (from 5.00 – 5.45pm and at interval): Sausage sizzle $2.50, all drinks $1.50. Permission Notes Due: Japanese Lunch and Garden Visit Kinder Note due: 24 November Pizza Pedal Party – Seniors Yr 3-6 Note due: 2 December Pizza Pedal Party – Juniors and ANTs PS-2 + ANT’s Note due: 2 December 2015 – Year 3/4 Camp Yr 2-3 Payment due: 16 February 2015 (payment plan option available) 2015 – Year 5/6 Camp Yr 4-5 Payment due: 16 February 2015 (payment plan option available) TIMSS TESTING Two of our Year 4 classes who were randomly selected to take part in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), completed the test on Tuesday. TIMSS is an important educational research project investigating student achievement in mathematics and science. More than 60 countries, including Australia, are participating in this study. TIMSS is an important activity to keep us, as parents and citizens, informed about how our students in Australia are performing in comparison to their peers in other countries, and to compare programs of study and teaching practices. We will be able to obtain current national and international information which will help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in our country. Parents or guardians of selected students, who were requested to complete a questionnaire about early learning experiences and their own attitudes towards mathematics and science, are reminded to return the questionnaire. All data will be kept strictly confidential and no individual student or school will be identified in published data or reports. We are privileged to be part of such an international project and urge you to complete it. Thank you in anticipation for your support in this matter. Louise Frawley, Literacy and Numeracy Field Officer PIZZA PEDAL PARTY – Whole School Excursion Pizza Pedal Party- Whole School Excursion to John Knight Park Friday 12 December. To celebrate the end of the school year as a student community, the whole school will be travelling to John Knight Park for a picnic and play on Friday 12 December. Students in Preschool, Kindergarten, Year One, Year Two and the ANTS team will be travelling to the park by bus while students in Years Three, Four, Five and Six will travel by bicycle. There will be an opportunity to order a pizza lunch. The order form will be coming home with the permission note this week. Please return the permission note and pizza order form in separate envelopes. We would really appreciate any parents and carers who could volunteer to accompany us on the excursion, either for the whole day or a shorter component. If you can join us for any amount of time please indicate on the return slip provided with the permission note. Tim Cahill Football Academy’s “Win a Clinic” competition. During the last two weeks 21 students have given up one of their breaks each day to work on an entry to win a coaching clinic from Robbie Anderson, the head coach of the Tim Cahill Football Academy. Our students decided to translate “Welcome to Australia, we hope you score heaps of goals” in to the languages of the entire competing nations, make posters with this slogan and hold them up in a group photo. Our students’ hard work paid off with Evatt School winning a coaching clinic. Robbie, is flying all the way from England to coach forty eight of our lucky students on Thursday the 27th of November. This is an amazing once in a life experience for the lucky students. I know that they will all improve their football skills and understanding. I would like to thank all the students for their hard work, and special thank you to Sun Gyung Goh, Sherry He and Nicholas Osbourne (our fantastic parent/uncle helpers) for being our translators. PARENTS AND CARERS SURVEY – ACT PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS The ACT Education and Training Directorate is conducting an online survey of primary school and early childhood parents and carers as part of a wider research process on communicating the benefits of the public school system in Canberra. As a parent or carer of a student in an ACT public primary or early childhood school, your views and feedback are very important. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Data collected goes directly back to Piazza Research (an independent Canberra-based research firm contracted by the Directorate to conduct this survey). The survey can also be accessed on mobile devices and tablets. In order to achieve a reliable response rate, several reminders will be sent to all parents over the next two weeks. Your information is protected This survey is completely anonymous and individual answers will not be tracked or attributed to an individual. Who to contact If you require help with completing this survey, please email [email protected] as an initial contact point, providing a phone contact with an email address. Piazza Research will contact you from there. You can access the survey by or by scanning the QR code below. The survey will be open until Friday 28 November. I encourage you to complete the survey to help the ACT Education and Training Directorate in its research and thank you in advance for your participation. Evatt SUPA Club for Term 4 - TUESDAY WHEN: B2 (bring your lunch) WHERE: Parent and Community Room Come along for lots of fun with Bible stories, games and craft. SUPA club is supported by Scripture Union and all children from Years K - 6 are welcome. If you would like more information, please contact Team Leader Carolyn Goode on 0414 713 523. Many thanks, Janice Latimore Our school has signed up to the very exciting Ride or Walk to School program for the next 3 years. Take a look at this short video about the program Before we start implementing we need to survey parents so we can understand what barriers our school might have and give everyone a chance to have input into the program. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey: Evatt's Eats cook books now available at the front office, just $20 each or 3 for $50! A limited number of Evatt's Eats cook books, with a wonderful selection of recipes from the Evatt Primary School community, are now available at the front office. Christmas is getting closer! The cook book would make a great Christmas present for family and friends. Healthy salads, quick and tasty meals, lots of chocolate - the cook book has it all! Don't miss your chance to get one while they last! CANTEEN NEWS The Volunteer Roster is on the wall outside the canteen door. Please put your name down if you have some time to spare. Canteen Menu: Changes to the menu: Banana Moove has been deleted by the supplier. Passion fruit frozen yoghurt is temporarily unavailable. CANTEEN OPENING DAYS The canteen will be open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is Wedges Day and Thursday is Pie Day. An updated menu is available on the school webpage (link above). If you are interested in contributing to the development of the canteen then come along to the P&C AGM next year or contact me for more information. If you have any questions about the change in opening times please contact Michelle Willacy at [email protected]. P&C NEWS Uniform Shop We have just received extra stock of brand new short-sleeve t-shirts ($22) and still have long-sleeve t-shirts ($25) with the school logo available for sale. You can order these at any time by filling in an order form at the front office or submitting an order online through the school website or the school app. You can pay by cash or direct deposit. We will deliver your shirts to your child’s class. Pedal Party Friday 12th December 2014 – Seniors (Years 3-6) Students riding to John Knight Park on Friday 12th December will have their bikes checked prior to be able to complete the ride. To pass and attend the excursion, the children’s equipment needs to pass the ABC Tight Safety Test. Please spend some time over the next few weeks ensuring your child’s bike is ready for this excursion. A B C Tight Helmet Air in the tyres, tyres in good condition Brakes present and work Chain, clean and operates smoothly The wheels, headset, seat pole and crakes need to be tight Present, strap intact, can fit two fingers between chin and strap Understanding the Gifted Learners in our Classrooms Recognising and understanding gifted learners is challenging for educators and parents alike. The characteristics and needs of students who are gifted are personal and unique, and recognising them involves understanding that these specific characteristics may be demonstrated through a variety of different behaviours often presenting differently in school compared to at home. The ACT Education and Training Directorate Gifted and Talented Students Policy is based on the Francois Gagné Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (2008). This model highlights the impact of environmental and intrapersonal catalysts on the development of giftedness towards talent or competency. Although intellectual or academic giftedness is only one of the domains in Gagné’s model, it is the domain which often requires the most differentiated response in the classroom. Gifted students have characteristics and needs which are different from those of their same age peers. As a group, intellectually gifted learners comprehend complex ideas quickly, learn more rapidly and in greater depth, and may exhibit interests that differ from those of their age peers. They need time for in-depth exploration, to manipulate ideas and draw generalisations about seemingly unconnected concepts, and to ask provocative questions. Gifted learners find excitement and pleasure from intellectual challenge and show initiative and originality in work, particularly in areas of high interest and passion. At times gifted learners will show extraordinary degrees of motivation and a single-minded pursuit of goals, which their peers may find hard to understand. However, these students may also be selfcritical in evaluating and correcting their own efforts, exhibiting perfectionist behaviours, which lead to task avoidance and the tendency to take criticism from others very much to heart. Gifted students often demonstrate an ability to handle abstract ideas and flexibility in thinking, which allows them to consider problems from a number of viewpoints and show high levels of empathy for the feelings and circumstances of other people. Gifted students possess a need for like-minded friends and longer-term relationships than their same aged peers and this often results in a preference for older friends or friendships with much younger, but equally gifted students. When like-minded connections are not available to them, they may experience feelings of isolation and rejection and subsequent accusations of social maladjustment from those around them. It is important to recognise that gifted learners are not a homogenous group and that students may exhibit differing levels of giftedness across one or more of the domains outlined in the Gagné model. Equally, it is important to acknowledge that giftedness does not always translate to talent and thus underachievement may need to be addressed in the case of some gifted learners. Ultimately, gifted learners require support in order to achieve their full potential. To this extent, they are no different to any other students whose learning needs differ from the norm. References Gagné, F. (1985). Giftedness and talent: Reexamining a reexamination of the definitions. Gifted Child Quarterly, 29, 103-112. Gagné, F. (2008). Building gifts into talents: Overview of the DMGT. Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) Rogers, K.B. (2007). Lessons learned about educating the gifted and talented: A synthesis of the research on educational practice. Gifted Child Quarterly. 51 (4) 382-396. VanTassel-Baska, J. (2007). Leadership for the future in gifted education: Presidential address. Gifted Child Quarterly 2007 51: 5 DOI: 10.1177/0016986206297087 DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN IN HIGH SCHOOL? The ACT Secondary Bursary Scheme can provide ACT residents on low incomes with financial support for students in Years 7 – 10. Eligibility: Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card or a Health Care Card with means tested ‘payment codes’ - see application form for more details APPLY NOW ACT EDUCATION AND TRAINING DIRECTORATE Secondary Bursary Scheme Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning GPO Box 158 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Application forms are available at all high schools, colleges, Centrelink Regional Offices and online at assistance_for_families Enquiries: 6205 8262 EVATT PRESCHOOL - 2015 2015 Preschool Open Week and Preschool Picnic We would like to invite all children who will be attending Evatt Preschool in 2015 to attend the Preschool Open Week which will be held during the week beginning Monday 24th November. Children and their parents or carers are invited to attend the preschool any day during the week beginning the 24th November for a short or long session. It is up to you how long you stay. Parents/carers are required to remain at the preschool with their child. The purpose of the open week is to allow the children to become familiar with the environment and to participate in some preschool experiences. Please bring a hat, water bottle and some food depending on the time of day that you intend to visit. It will be lots of fun! On Friday 28th November we will be having a Preschool Picnic. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the current parents and they can share their experiences about the preschool year. It is also nice to meet some new people and for us to welcome you in to the Evatt School community. Please RSVP to Evatt School via email, [email protected] to let us know of your intention to visit and the time you would like to spend with us. We look forward to meeting you and your children. COMMUNITY NOTICES Being a parent is the hardest job we’ll ever have. All parents at some time experience difficulties and stress. Parentline ACT is a confidential, anonymous telephone counselling and information service. Phone Parentline if you would you like: • To talk with someone about those parenting issues. • Help with some ideas on raising children. • Support in the important job you are doing. • To know what is available for parents, teenagers and children. • To build better relationships in your family. • Help to understand your child or teenager’s behaviour. Parentline ACT. Monday to Friday (except on public holidays), 9am to 5pm. Phone: 6287 3833 ANY KIDS ARE WELCOME ....... TO THE ‘ADVENT CRAFT WORKSHOPS !’ WHEN: Tuesdays 2nd, 9th and 16th December From 3:15 – 5pm. WHERE: North Belconnen Uniting Church hall, Conley Dve. Melba (opposite Melba/Copland High School). WHO: for Primary School kids, who may stay unaccompanied after being signed in, and filling out an initial registration form – emailed to you. ** Children below school age can stay, but must be accompanied by a parent/carer. WHY: to hear the Christmas story, creatively presented by Tim – and have fun making a variety of Christmas crafts. COST: $5 per child each session (max. $10 per family). Covers a delicious afternoon tea on arrival and craft resources. RSVP: to MARY on 0422 818 861 stating names & ages of attending children – by Friday 28th November. Communities@Work is hosting its Best Dressed fashion sale on 21 and 22 November to raise funds for its Social Programs. Stylish pre-loved, smart, dressy and special occasion fashion wear will be on sale. Our range includes designer labels. Let your friends know! VIP Shopping Experience - First 20 registered will go into a draw to win: An exclusive shopping experience where three lucky guests will be selected for professional styling / personal shopping sponsored by Style Liberation. Champagne and light refreshments available. When: Friday, 21 November 2014 Time: 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm Where: Tuggeranong Community Centre, 245 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway Cost: $30 RSVP: Wednesday 19th of November This is your opportunity to expand your wardrobe for less with clothing suitable for the office, social events or the corporate setting. Super Saturday Sale When: 22 November, 2014; 9 am - 12 pm. Where: Tuggeranong Community Centre, 245 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway Cost: $5 entry No RVSP Required All proceeds of the sale support Communities@Work’s Social Programs, which provides food and essential services to Canberrans experiencing hardship. We will also gladly accept donations of good quality women's and men's office wear at the following locations: Tuggeranong Community Centre, 245 Cowlishaw St, Greenway Office of Kate Lundy, 15 London Circuit, in the city Gungahlin Community Centre, 47 Ernest Cavanagh St, Gungahlin. A CSO CHRISTMAS Join the Canberra Symphony Orchestra to herald in the festive season with style. On 6 December, Llewellyn Hall will be transformed into a Christmas wonderland with the help of special guests, conductor Timothy Sexton, soprano Rachael Beck, and the Woden Valley Youth Choir, and more. With a mix of modern and traditional Christmas songs, this concert will fill your family’s heart with cheer and merriment as only the magic of Christmas can! This is the first time CSO has presented a Christmas Concert and we hope you can join us for this very special event. 6 December, 2pm & 7.30pm, Llewellyn Hall ANU. Visit or phone 6262 6772 for more details. The Back Page …… Term 4 2014 Week 7 8 9 10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 24 Preschool Open Week Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 25 26 Scholastic Issue 8 due Dec 1 Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 8 Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 2 3 9 10 Concert Rehearsal 9.30am – 2.30pm Canteen - closed 15 Canteen – closed Wk 10 for cleaning 16 Yr 6 Graduation 9.30am and Dinner 6-9pm Canteen closed 17 LAST DAY!!! SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch Thursday Friday 27 Constable Kenny @ 1.30-2.30pm Kinder – Japanese Lunch Excur – 10.00am-2.00pm 4 28 Assembly: The Dr Who’s Preschool Picnic 11 Concert Performance Matinee – 11.30-1.30pm Evening – 6-9pm Canteen - closed 18 12 Yr 6 Orientation – MCSS Pizza Pedal Party Thursday Friday 5 Assembly: Concert 19 Canteen Closed Term 1 2015 Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday February 2 First Day – Kinder & Preschool 3 First Day – Whole School 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 5/6 Camp Borambola 19 20 23 24 25 3/4 Camp Birrigai 26 27 Mar 2 3 4 6 6 9 10 7 16 17 11 Ride 2 School Launch 2-3pm 18 5 School Swimming Carnival 12 19 20 13 SCHOOL PAYMENT DETAILS: EFTPOS: Visit the front office in person, fill in a Credit Card Authority or ring the front office and pay over the phone (Mastercard/Visa only). Direct Transfer: Evatt Primary School Management Account, BSB: 032777, Account number: 001244, Reference field: “child/family name” & “excursion/payment name” VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. The contribution has been set at: $100.00, for one child, $180.00 for two children, $240.00 for three or more children.
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