Florey Primary School Newsletter An ACT Government School Phone: 6205 8011 T E R M Upcoming Events….. Term 4 4 Fax: 62058002 W E E K 4 PO Box 223, Kippax, ACT, 2615 e: [email protected] www.floreyps.act.edu.au 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 Principal’s Message... Dear Parents and Carers Week 4 Sun 9 Nov Laura Jean Fundraiser Week 5 Wed 12 Nov Preschool 2015 Welcome Twilight Picnic Week 5 & 6 Mon 10 Nov To Fri 21 Nov Swim and Survive Program Week 8 Thurs 4 Dec Jump Rope for Heart Week 10 Mon 15 Dec Year 6 Graduation and dinner Wed 17 Dec Last day of term 4 2015 Mon 2 Feb First day for kindy and new students Tues 3 Feb First day for All returning students Melba Copland Dance Fest was a superb display of student dance. Our year 5/6 dance students performed brilliantly and the cohesion, joy and enthusiasm of the school shone throughout their performance. Not only did our students perform so well, reports from back stage indicated that they displayed the Florey values of respect, tolerance and inclusion, and excellence, at all times. Congratulations and well done! Our sincere thanks go to Mrs Rosemary Plumb for all her work that enabled students to participate in this event and to Joni Wood and Mardi Roberts from Melba Copland Secondary School who worked with our students, choreographing, and teaching the students their dance. World Teachers Day was celebrated last Friday with the P&C providing a delicious morning tea for staff. It is always heartening to be acknowledged for the work that we do, especially as we move into the busiest time of the school year. Thank you to the P&C for their kind words and the lovely morning tea. The SRC have raised $1389 through Bandana day. The money raised goes to Canteen, supporting young people living with cancer. Congratulations to all children who participated. Giving to those in greater need in whatever way we can is an important part of student learning. The library will be reopened next Monday with the Literacy Café up and running every morning from 8:30 am. The library has had the carpets cleaned and any smoke residue removed from the ceiling supports. The room next to the library that suffered the main damage as a result of the fire is being refurbished as a classroom. We are organising alternative spaces for our counsellor, the Paint and Play storage and for the Uniform Shop. As our school continues to grow, having access to an extra room can only be of benefit. Thank you to the 44 parents who have responded to the Homework Survey that the Board have put out for families. The more responses we receive, the more balanced will be the view of how our community feels about homework. Please take the time to answer the survey. It can be easily accessed through the schools website; click on the ‘useful links’ tab and the survey link will appear. The survey will remain open until 14 November. If you would prefer a hard copy, please see the front office. Next Wednesday the Preschool P&C will be welcoming families for 2015 with a Twilight Picnic. I look forward to meeting families between 5 and 7 pm. Next week the Swim Program begins. If your child is participating, please ensure that they are at school on time as the first group will be leaving at 9:10 am. Students need to have all their swimming gear with them and a plastic bag to place wet items into. Students not attending the swim program will continue with their learning program. Felicity Paint and Play is up and running again this Friday. TERM 4 WEEK 4 PAGE 2 Kidd and Neumann Cottage News ... We would like to congratulate all the year 1/2 children that entered the talent show last week. They all sang, danced and skipped really well. Watch out for more information about the finals in week 7. Swimming lessons start next week. Please make sure that all your children’s belongings including their swimmers and towels are named to ensure they can be returned if lost. We are hosting assembly this Friday with Kindergarten. We have been busily practising the ‘Cha Cha Slide’ during our fortnightly arts rotations and can’t wait to share it with you. During P.E lessons and at lunchtime we have been practising our skipping skills and are looking forward to demonstrating these tricks at our Jump Off later this term. Please keep looking for sponsors. There is a link on the fundraising brochure to the website where you can electronically lodge your sponsors and keep track of how much you have raised. Suzi, Louise, Adam, Maria, Adrienne, Kelly and Erin Worrell Cottage News... The first four weeks of term have been extremely busy and productive! Classes are gearing up for the Great Florey Race which will be kicking off in the next couple of weeks. Our geography IExCel groups are working beautifully with 90% of our students established in their knowledge of continents and oceans! CONGRATULATIONS to the 5/6 students who represented Florey Primary School in the Melba Copland Dance Showcase on Tuesday evening. You guys were brilliant! We couldn’t be happier or more proud of your effort and behaviour during the evenings performances. Well done! This Friday is our last day for Fun Fitness Friday. The 5/6 students have done a wonderful job organising sport and skill based activities for K-4 units this semester. Swimming starts next week and will run until the end of week six. If you are a 5/6 student participating in swimming, please remember to bring all your gear to school next week. We would like to remind parents and carers of the end of year important dates timetable that went home last week. Please write these dates in your diaries as we have a lot of events coming up this term! We would like to remind all 5/6 students to be exemplary role models for our school community. We expect you to be demonstrating leadership and modelling our school values at all times. Finally, a big thank you to all the students who have been doing homework this term! We are seeing some excellent recipes, dioramas, letters and maps across the unit. Keep them coming! Shelly, Jeremy, Rosemary, Mark and Aaron. SUPER STUDENTS Congratulations to the following ‘SUPER STUDENTS’ Week 4 Sophia Pham from KKT Emily P from 1/2AH Ailis, Emmanuel, Wyatt, Sienna, Avron, Tristan, Aisha, Blake, Csenge and Luke from 3/4MT Grace from 5/6RP TERM 4 WEEK Snack Shack... 4 PAGE 3 Save Time! Order Online! - www.flexischools.com.au Please use the Summer Menu when ordering It is hard to believe we are nearly at week 5 already. Time sure does fly when you are having fun. Thank you for your continued support, particularly when each week seems to get busier and busier in the lead up to the end of the year. Swimming – Week 5 and 6: The Swim School starts next week and we wanted to let you know that you are still able to put in a lunch order despite disruption to recess and lunch times for some classes. We will keep the canteen open for extended times at both recess and lunch for over-the-counter orders and once the timetable for classes is finalised we will adjust the times for lunch order delivery. Please come and see Lisa at the canteen if you have any questions or concerns. Calendar Updates: There are a few changes to the school calendar which affect the canteen: Week 6 – Preschool Transition visit to Canteen (notes sent home this week) Week 7 – No Disco Week 9 – Sausage Sizzle Friday 12 December (due to canteen being closed in Week 10) Week10 – Canteen closed due to end of year activities and major canteen clean-up Parent Canteen Volunteers for this term: We still need volunteers in the canteen. If you would like to join our little team and enjoy a bit of a laugh, we would love to have you. If you have a spare hour or two please see Lisa in the canteen and she will add you to the roster. Parent Roster Term 4 WEEK 5 11/11/2014 to 14/11/2014 Tuesday 11/11/2014 AM – Patrina Olds PM – NIL Thursday 13/11/2014 AM –Yeshi Debel PM – Kaelah Manson Wednesday 12/11/2014 AM – Fran Bink Friday 14/11/2014 AM – Catherine McCallum PM – Kelly Gooch TERM 4 WEEK 4 PAGE 4 Community News... Dear Families, This year Florey Primary School will be participating in the Heart Foundations ‘Jump Rope for Heart’. A pamphlet will be sent home later this term with more details and a fundraising form. On Thursday 4 December the school will be holding a skip off day where students will participate in a variety of skipping activities that promote positive physical activity as a part of looking after our hearts. The day will be split up into sections and each age group will get a timeslot to learn and perform in a variety of skipping rotations. All money is to be returned to the front office. The funds raised by the school will help support life saving research and health programs to improve the health of all Australians. Stay tuned for further updates. Louise Tominich Dear Families, Florey Primary is holding a $15.00 Family Portrait Fundraiser on Sunday 9 November 2014. You will receive a giant 10”x13” framed portrait for your donation - a great family gift idea. These funds (plus bonuses) shall go back to our school. You will also have the chance to purchase additional portraits at exceptionally good prices. Visit the Laura Jean Photography facebook page: www.facebook.com/laurajeanphotographyfundraising Like the page and we receive a bonus. Place your completed voucher plus $15.00 in an envelope marked ‘family portraits’ including your name and contact number and return this to the front office. Nikki Beljanski 0405 184 488 or 6258 9580 Local to home, great value and fantastic quality portraiture! www.laurajean.com.au Zumba Kids with Shirley Enrolments are now open for Term 4 Zumba Kids @ Florey Primary School. The sessions are run in the school hall every Friday during lunchtime. The first session for Term 4 starts Friday 17 October 2014. If you would like to enrol your child please contact Shirley from “Funkshirlnal Fitness” on 0417282173 or [email protected]. If your child would like to come along to a trial class this Friday please fill in the form below. Please note your child will not be able to attend unless they have permission from their parent/caregiver. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHILD’S NAME:__________________________ PARENTS/CAREGIVERS NAME: ________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ PHONE:_________________________
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