We are proud to announce that Rebecca Edgar (S6) has been awarded Netball Scotland Under 17 Player of the Year. She was deemed to be one of the most influential players of the national U17 squad, playing in all U17 Netball Europe matches. It was noted that she could always be relied upon to make outstanding interceptions and was an inspiration to her team-mates. On court, she has been observed to play with great pride, passion, commitment and determination, with a ‘never give up attitude’. She has consequently now been called upon to play for the National U19s at the Netball Europe competition. T1 – S6 Non-Uniform Day The Charities Committee are delighted to report that an impressive total of £311 was raised last Friday for non-uniform day. Reporting and Examinations We have been reviewing the timings of reporting and examinations; these changes relevant to the spring and summer terms will be highlighted in the appropriate school calendars which will be published in due course. With regard to this current term, the key dates I would like draw your attention to are: o S1 - 6 Progress Reports will be published on 21 November. o S1 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 25 November - booking sheets for making appointments with the subject teachers will be available in Reception. Please contact Mrs Wylie or ask your youngster to come to Reception. o S4 Prelims will be staged between 1 and 12 December. S5 & S6 Parents' Evening – Wednesday 10 December We are going to trial a new system for this forthcoming Parents' Evening. There will be no prior booking of appointments with the teaching staff, who will be available in Larchfield Hall for consultation between 6.30 and 9.00 pm. If a member of staff is free, then please approach them. There are two particular points that I would ask you to note. I would request that discussions are limited to five minutes. If further time is felt to be necessary, then an additional consultation may be arranged for a later date. Secondly, please ensure that you are 'registered' for the evening by 7.30 pm. This may be done by receiving your name badge from the Prefects sitting in the Covered Way, which will allow us to keep track of our parents attending and so not keep back staff unnecessarily at the end of the evening. This is very much a trial to see if we can assist such evenings to run more smoothly and efficiently. I will be interested to learn of your thoughts and observations on the night. Children in Need We had a fun day last Friday (including a visit from Pudsey bear!), with Nursery and Clarendon raising £300.21 for Children in Need. Many thanks to Mrs Reid for co-ordinating the day’s events. Road Safety Week This week is National Road Safety Week; therefore, we are having a special focus on this subject as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. Our newly appointed Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) led assembly; teachers are focussing on this in some lessons and on Friday the JRSOs will lead some activities in the afternoon. Excursions T1 are visiting the Mosque in Glasgow today and J3 head to the Glasgow Resource Centre tomorrow to enhance their learning about Egyptians. Upcoming Events We are now looking forward to the run up to Christmas. J1 and J2 are busy rehearsing for their Christmas show (rehearsal on the afternoon of Tuesday 9 and the actual performance on Thursday 11 December at 2.00 pm in St Bride’s Hall). A J5 to T2 choir will perform at the URC Christmas Tree Festival (Tuesday 16 December at 1.00 pm) in Princes Square and at the PTA Fair (Friday 28 November at 6.30 pm). We would very much welcome a friendly audience at any of these events; they are guaranteed to get you in the mood for the festive period! The Transitus Singers will entertain Helensburgh and Lomond Carers on Wednesday 10 December in the afternoon at the Carrick (see the Music section for further details). The children concerned have been (or in the latter case will be) issued with a permission letter and I would ask you please to return the reply slip to allow us to make appropriate travel arrangements etc. If the letter has gone astray you will be able to find a copy on the school website. The Christmas parties will take place on Friday 12 December (Transitus) and Monday 15 December (Clarendon). On top of all this, J3 will host a St Andrew’s Assembly on Friday 28 November at 2.00 pm to which parents are invited. J5 are planning a Greek Assembly on Tuesday 2 December at 9.00 am. Of course, we would love to see a full house (or church) for our final event of the year which is our Junior School Carol Service at 2.00 pm on Thursday 18 December. St Andrew's Day The Nursery will be celebrating St Andrew's Day on Friday 28 November. The children are invited to wear something tartan; we will be having a Scottish-themed snack and singing some Scottish songs. PE Don't forget the parents of the children who attend PE lessons in the Sports Hall are invited to come and watch the last PE session of the term on Monday 8 December in the Sports Hall at 9.00 am. Friday 21 November Inter-house Tennis In the Sports Hall from 3.45 – 5.30 pm for S4 – S6 pupils. Saturday 22 November Rugby v Jordanhill School Home – S1 & S2: meet at 9.00 am and kick off at 10.00 am. Away – 1st XV, U15 & Transitus: all boys to meet at 8.00 am at Sports Hall, travelling in school uniform and splash tops. Kick off at 9.45 am and U18 kick off at 10.00 am, S3 at 10.20 am. Return at around 12.45 pm. Saturday 22 November Hockey v Kelvinside Academy 1st & 2nd XI and 1st / 2nd Year teams all meet at the Sports Hall for 7.45 am to travel to Balgray, Great Western Road, Glasgow G12 0BN. The 1st XI must travel in full tracksuits as their match will be at 9.15 am. 2nd XI & 1st/2nd Year teams must travel in school uniform. 2nd XI play at 10.15 am and the last match is at 11.00 am. Hoping to leave at 12.00 noon and return to Helensburgh for 1.00 pm. 3rd Year A team to meet at Ardencaple for 8.40 am; match at 9.15 am and finish at 10.15 am. 2nd Year A team to meet at Ardencaple for 9.45 am; match at 10.10 am and finish at 11.00 am. T1/T2 A & B teams to meet at Ardencaple for 10.30 am; matches at 11.00 am and finish at 12.00 noon. Spectators are very welcome at both venues. Thursday 27 November 1st XI Indoor Hockey At the Sports Hall from 4.00 to 5.15 pm. Thursday 4 December 1st XI Indoor Hockey At the Sports Hall from 4.00 to 5.15 pm. Rugby cancellation line: 07518 430155 Hockey cancellation line: 07518 430319 (please phone after 7.00 am) Gold Award - If you are interested in signing up for the Gold DofE Award, please collect a letter from Mrs Willis in the General Office. Consent forms and cheques should be returned either to Mrs Harwood or Mrs Willis as soon as possible. Any questions, please contact Mrs Harwood in HFT. Bronze & Direct Silver DofE Meeting - There will be a Duke of Edinburgh meeting this Friday (21 November) as well as next Friday (28 November) from 3.30 to 5.30 pm in the Conference Room on both days. Could all pupils ensure that they have suitable leg covering (i.e. trousers) as we will be doing first aid training and may need to work on the floor! Transitus Singers at the Carrick – The T1 and T2 members of the Junior Choir have been especially invited to sing for the Helensburgh & Lomond Carers’ Christmas lunch to be held at the Carrick on Wednesday 10 December from 12.45 to 2.30 m for a 1.30 to 2.00 pm performance. All those children involved have been sent a letter with full details. John Muir Songcycle CDs featuring Lomond's Clarsach Group, Flute Choir and Transitus singers are now available at a cost of £5 from the General Office. All proceeds will go to Lomond School Music Department. Food Matters Catering Survey We have been working with our new catering partners, Inspire Catering, since the start of last term and are keen to canvas your feedback on our catering service. We will be sending you a link to a catering survey over the next few days; we would ask that as many of you as possible feedback into this survey in order that we gather a broad spectrum of views and comments. From the survey responses we receive we will draw out one lucky pupil from each year group, who will receive free school meals for a week up to the value of £4.00 per day. We really want to hear from you, so please take a few minutes to give us your views! School Catering Menus If you would like to view the school lunch menus, these can be found on the website under the Parent/Pupil Resources folder (at the top of the home screen), in the Catering folder (at right hand side of screen) and under the weekly menus subfolder. Young Enterprise Scotland – Plea for Any Unwanted Vinyl Records! Many thanks to those who have generously donated some vinyl records to be recycled as vinyl clocks for our YES 6th Year project. Match Teas – A Plea for Helpers! We are still looking for volunteers to fill the following gaps, which have been colour co-ordinated for clarity and simplicity! If anyone would be able to offer their assistance, please contact Lucy Swigciski ([email protected] or text 07768 898784 detailing your preferred date/-s)! Usual timings are 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. If you cannot manage your chosen date, please give at least 7 days’ notice or arrange for a replacement yourself. It would be helpful if any changes to the following are emailed to Lucy at the earliest possible opportunity: DATE 22 November 29 November 6 December 13 December 10 January 17 January 24 January 31 January 21 February VOLUNTEERS NAME NAME NAME NAME Shona Malcolm Rachel Leach Shirley Bell Rhona Hamilton Freda Mucklow Gill Douce Emma Bull Elaine Lindsay Anne-Marie Hicks David King Jane Leach Lucy Swigciski RUGBY MATCHES - AWAY NO HOCKEY RUGBY T.B.C. Kathy Watters Claire Rowan Linda Ramsay Lynsey Hassan Heather White Judith McGlinchey Denise Laverty RUGBY PARENT? Melanie Wells Cara Watt Linda Wilson HOCKEY PARENT? HOCKEY PARENT? HOCKEY PARENT? HOCKEY PARENT? RUGBY PARENT? RUGBY PARENT? RUGBY PARENT? RUGBY PARENT? Tunnock’s Teacake Eating Competition How many can you eat in 45 seconds? All names to Mrs Macleod (Clarendon) by Thursday 27 November £1 entry - Rules apply 6.15pm T1 and T2 7.00pm S1 to S3 7.20pm S4 to S6 7.40pm Parents and staff The PTA are requesting kind donations of sweeties for our famous candy cones – any gift would be appreciated. Please place your contributions in the collection box in Reception by Monday 24 November. The school is happy to advertise articles for sale (e.g. sports equipment, musical instruments, items of furniture) and other small items. The main intention is for the Lomond community to sell smaller items amongst themselves. For these small ‘for sale’ advertisements the charge is £2 per item per week. Business Advertising: This is meant to be for small local businesses. Some goods and services cannot be included, such as property transactions, financial services, tuition and childcare. Charges per week are: £25 for a full page, £15 for a ½ page and a ¼ page will be £10. Small ads (⅛ page or less) will be charged at a rate of £5 per week. Deadline: Monday 3.30 pm Windows PCs and desktop hardware serviced. Any issues with your desktop pc or laptop? Put your pc in for a service! Special Discount - £5 off standard hourly rate for Lomond Call: 01436 671976 or 08733 085670 Items For Sale Range Rover rubber front and rear mat set. Little used. Genuine Land Rover parts. Suit model L322 from 2002 to 2012. £60 Range Rover rigid boot tray. Genuine Land Rover part. Little used. Designed for model P38A (1994 - 2002) but also fits L322 model 2002 - 2012. £40 (Bargain price of £95 for both boot tray & mat set!) Buyer to collect, please, for the above items. Please call 07771 610378 after 4.30 pm.
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