UGHS SCHOOL SONG Cheer, Cheer for Union Grove High, Ring out the echoes up to the sky, While our team will win this game, We’ll shout the good old UG Name! We’ll cheer them on to sure victory, Our team will fight for you and for me, While our banner red and white is waving for UG High Union Grove Union High School Student Handbook 2014-2015 Student Handbook & Planner 2014-2015 Union High School District Administrator: Mr. Alan Mollerskov Principal: Mr. Thomas Hermann Assistant Principal: Mrs. Stacy Mortensen Athletic/Activities Director: Mr. David Pettit 3433 S. Colony Avenue Union Grove, WI 53182 Main Office: 878-2434 Attendance Line: 878-2436 Fax: 878-4056 This handbook belongs to: Name: _______________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ City/Zip:_____________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Student #:________________ Union Grove Union High School All complaints must be filed with: Equity Coordinator - Ms. Michelle McCarthy District Civil Rights Coordinator - Mrs. Stacy Mortensen Dear Students and Parents: DIRECTORY DATA The administration, faculty and staff welcome each of you to Union Grove Union High School. These four short years will pass very quickly and will have a lasting effect over your lifetime. It is for that reason that we ask you to make good decisions that best prepare you for your next step after high school. Best wishes for the upcoming year. The Legislature created section 118.125 (2)(j) which provides that “directory data” may be disclosed to any person, if the school has given public notice of the categories of information which is designated as directory data with respect to each pupil and has allowed a reasonable time thereafter for the parent, legal guardian, or guardian ad litem of any pupil to inform the school that all or any part of the directory data may not be released without prior consent from the parent, legal guardian or guardian ad litem. “Directory date” is defined in the new section 118.125 (1) (d) to mean those pupil records which include the pupil’s name, participation in official recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, photographs, degrees and awards received. Information such as the student name, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, photographs and awards received, shall be considered public information and may be released to appropriate persons and media. Students’ addresses will be released to the school photographer for mailing regarding school photos. Other institutions that may be included, but are not limited to, alumni reunion committees, area newspapers and other publications. School districts receiving federal education funds are required to provide, on request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education, access to secondary school students' names, addresses and telephone listings unless access to such information has been restricted by the secondary school student or the student's parents. Your Partners in Education, CASES NOT COVERED BY THIS HANDBOOK Our job is to assist you the best we can in preparing you for a university, a technical college, the military or the work force. We believe this faculty is second to none in wanting to help you achieve your goals; a reality that can only occur if you are here and prepared every day. Take responsibility for your success. This handbook has been developed to provide you with the guidelines and expectations necessary to operate an orderly school. You are encouraged to make yourself knowledgeable of the contents of this handbook. Many opportunities are available to you at Union Grove Union High School. If you take advantage of them, become involved and put forth your best effort, you will find your four years of high school to be some of the most rewarding of your life. We will arrive at school each day prepared and ready to put forth our best efforts. All we ask is that you do the same. Al Mollerskov Superintendent Tom Hermann Principal 1 Stacy Mortensen Assistant Principal It is understood that the rules and policies contained in this handbook are not all inclusive. The Administration may take such action not forbidden by law as is necessary to maintain a safe, healthy, and orderly environment. School policies and rules apply to all students regardless of age. 42 will sign agendas for students returning to class. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this signature. Upon the students’ arrival back at class, teachers will check the time on the agendas. During lunch, students must be in the library within 5 minutes of the start of their lunch period and remain in the library the entire time. Entire classes will also sign up to use the library. Each student using the library will have a teacher provided assignment that uses the library’s resources. The computers and printers are for educational use only. For details, please refer to the Computer Usage Agreement. The following conduct is not allowed: loud talking or laughing that is disruptive gum chewing, eating, drinking, leaving the library without permission, and mishandling of furniture or materials. Students may not use headphones in the library unless it is for educational use, as determined by the library staff. Loaning periods for library materials are posted in the library. There is no grace period for returning materials late. Students will be charged fines if library materials are turned in late, damaged or lost. Notices of fines will be handed out in first hour classes the second Monday of each month. Anyone who has not paid their fines by the last day of the month will not be allowed to check out additional books. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The Union Grove Union High School District is committed to equal educational opportunity for all students in the district. It is the policy of the Union Grove Union High School District, pursuant to s.118.13, Wis. Statutes, that no person, on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, religion, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physcal, mental, emotional or learning disability, may be denied admission to any school in this district or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program. This policy also prohibits discrimination under related federal statutes, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, national origin), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (handicap). It shall be the responsibility of the District Administrator to examine existing policies and develop new policies where needed to ensure that the Union Grove Union High School District does not discriminate pursuant to federal and state law. The Distrrict Administrator shall ensure that an employee is designated annually to receive complaints filed under s. 118.13 Wis Statutes, PI9, wis. Admin. code, Title IX of the Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. That employee shall assure adoption of a complaint produre to resolve complaints alleging violation of these laws. 41 Table of Contents Page National Honor Society 37 Nondiscrimination Policy 41 Nurse's Office/Medication 29 Parental Notification of Code Violations 20 Parking Lot 34-35 Passes - Hall/Restroom/Phone 20 Pep Rallies/Assemblies 36 Personal Appearance 15 Plagiarism 25 Post Secondary Options 40 Probation 23 Restrooms 14 School Calendar 3 School Fees 28 School Hours/Schedule 4 School ID Card 30 Services 28-29 Significant Health Issues 29 Sportsmanship 35-36 Student/Parent Responsibilities 8 Student Assistance 30 Student Conduct/Hallways 14 Student Council 36 Student Parking 34-35 Student Records 27 Student Removal from Class 23-24 Student Rights Re: Self Expression16 Study Help/Homework 33 Suspension 20-21 Teacher Assigned Detentions 20 Telephones 31 Theft/Trespassing 19-20 Tips for Success/ Activites Philosophy 6 Tobacco 15 Valuables 28 Vandalism 16 Video Cameras/ Personal Communication Devices 19 Visitors 28 Withdrawal/Transfer 27 Work Permits 34 After School Detentions 20 Alcohol and Drug Assistance 30 Alcohol and Other Drugs 15-16 Alcohol Testing 17-19 Alternative Programming 40 Announcements 34 Attendance and Tardiness 9-13 Busing 32-34 Cafeteria 31-32 Cases not covered in this handbook 42 Change of Address 27 Classroom Conduct 23-27 Closed Campus 10-11 Co-curricular Activities/Athletics 6-7 Computer Usage Agreement 31 Counseling 30 Course changes 25 Curriculum 38-39 Dances 37-38 Dirctory Data 42 Discipline Plan 26 Displays of Affection 15 Expulsion/Use of Drugs 22 Field Trips 36 Fighting/Vandalism/ Weapons/Destructive Devices 16 Fire and Severe Weather Drills 27 Fundraising 36 Gambling 19 Grading System 38-39 Hallways/Lockers 14 Harassment/Bullying 21-22 Homebound Instruction 33 Honor Roll 40 Illness 10 Insubordination 24 Library Policies 40-41 Locker Room Policy 14 Lost and Found 34 Makeup Work 13 Media Services 30 2 Union Grove Union High School 2014-2015 School Hours 7:30 a.m.—2:45 p.m. September 2014 Su M Tu W Th F S Aug 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 NS 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 14 15 16 LS 18 19 20 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 26 27 30 October 2014 Su M Tu W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PT LS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 LS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 46 November 2014 Su M Tu W Th F S 2 3 (4) LS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LS 20 21 22 23 30 24 25 ER NS NS 29 Su M 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 5 6 7 8 9 LS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ER NS NS NS 27 28 NS NS NS 1 December 2014 F S January 2015 Su M Tu W 7 LS Th NS 8 15 F NS 9 16 3 10 17 S 4 11 5 10 6 13 18 (19) NS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 31 44 For current events…www. NS LS ER PT ( ) LEGEND No School 3 Hr. Delay-10:30 am Start Early Release-11:30 am Parent/Teacher Conferences End of Term Aug. 25 Aug. 26-28 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Sept. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Nov. 27-28 Dec. 10 Dec. 23 Dec. 24-Jan 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Feb. 4 Feb. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 March 3 March 4 March 11 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Apr. 3-10 Apr. 22 Apr. 25 May 4-15 May 15 May 25 May 31 June 1-4 June 4 June 5 New Teacher Inservice District Inservice Freshman Orientation 1:30 pm First Day of School 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. Homecoming Game Homecoming Dance P/T Conference 4:30-7:30 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. PSAT Testing 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. End of Term 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. Early Release 11:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Break 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. Early Release 11:30 am Winter Break School Resumes 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. End of Term 2 District Inservice Winter Formal 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. P/T Conference 4:30-7:30 pm AP Parent Meeting 7:30 pm 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. ACT-All Juniors ACT Work Keys-All Juniors 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. End of Term 3 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. Spring Break 3 Hr. Delay-Staff Dev. Prom AP Testing Senior Banquet Memorial Day - No School Graduation 1:00 pm Fr., Soph., Jr. Only Early Release 11:30 am No School-District Inservice February 2015 Su M Tu W Th F S 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 LS 11 PT 5 12 LS 6 13 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 7 14 21 28 March 2015 Su M 1 2 8 9 15 22 29 Tu W Th F S 3 4 5 6 7 10 LS 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 (24) LS 26 27 28 30 21 45 April 2015 Su M Tu 5 12 19 26 NS 13 20 27 NS 14 21 28 Su M Tu W 1 NS 15 LS 29 Th 2 NS 16 23 30 F NS NS 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 May 2015 W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 NS 26 27 28 29 30 June 2015 Su 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 Tu 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 Th ER 11 18 25 F NS 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 45 Calendar May Be Adjusted Due to State Testing Dates 3 7/18/14 Final Honor Roll Two levels of honor roll are recognized. High Honor Roll includes students who have a term grade point average of 3.50 or better. The other, called Honor Roll, includes those students having a term grade point average of 3.0 to 3.499. Names of current honor students will be sent to local newspapers for publication and will be posted at various places within the school. Students who have earned High Honor Roll status for three terms within a school year, but not necessarily consecutively, will be presented with an emblem suitable for wearing on a school letter jacket. Subsequent High Honor Roll status will be recognized each time with an award of a bronze, silver or gold medal. On-Line AP Courses On-line AP Courses beyond the coursework offered at Union Grove Union High School are available to students that have obtained Junior or Senior status. Alternative Programming Union Grove Union High School strives to provide all students with a comprehensive program through regular course offerings during the regular four block schedule. There may be occasions, however, when it becomes necessary to provide students with alternative programming. Students and parents must consult a counselor before pursuing any alternative program. Some alternative selections may need the formal approval of the Principal and/or Board of Education. Youth Options The State of Wisconsin allows for students to apply for alternative school options should specific curriculum not be offered by the high schools. Such options include, but are not limited to, the University of Wisconsin system and Gateway Technical College. Students may explore such options following the 10th grade. Application for Fall semester programs must be completed no later than March 15. Applications for the Spring semester must be completed no later than October 1. Students and parents who are interested should contact a counselor for more information. LIBRARY POLICIES The Media Center is organized for students to research, develop leisure reading, and use for the development of classroom skills. Students who have questions regarding selection of books, researching projects, or leisure reading should consult the librarian. Library rules and regulations are posted by the librarian. Students who violate such regulations may lose library privileges. The library is open to students and staff daily from 7:10 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. Students may use the library during Broncos Period, classes and lunch. Those students in study hall need to obtain a pass from the library at the beginning of the school day. Students leaving an academic class need to have their teacher call the library to make sure there is room for the students before sending them. If this is not done, students will be sent back to class. The library 40 Union Grove Union High School has a weighted system utilized for computing grade point averages, honor rolls, and honor graduates based on only AP classes only. The following courses will be weighted according to the system outlined. Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF E Points Weighted Points 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 3.7 4.6 3.3 4.1 3.0 3.8 2.7 3.4 2.3 2.9 2.0 2.5 1.7 2.1 1.3 1.6 1.0 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 Reasonable effort, but student has not met requirements. Course credit given, but 0 grade points earned: S= Satisfactory U=Unsatisfactory I = Incomplete. Work must be completed within two weeks for credit to be given. Common Grading Scale: Teachers will use a common grading scale (with the exception of a few classes). A+ A AB+ B 100-98 97-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 B 82-80 C+ 79-77 C 76-73 C- 72-70 D+ 69-67 D DF 66-63 62-60 59-0 Failing Grades A growing concern is that incoming Freshmen do not seem to understand the impact of a failing grade. In high school, failing grades will lead to being ineligible for graduation. 39 REGULAR DAY SCHEDULE 1 7:30 - 8:53 (83) Lunch during 3rd Period 2 9:03 - 9:38 (35) (B.R.O.N.C.O.S) 3 9:45-11:08 (83) 4 11:15-1:15 (120-30/90) 5 1:22-2:45 (83) ------------------------------------------------------TWO HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE 1 9:30 – 10:30 (60) 2 No BRONCOS Period 3 10:35 – 11:35 (60) 4 11:40 – 1:40 (30/90) 5 1:45 – 2:45 (60) ------------------------------------------------------- Lunch during 3rd Period THREE HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE 1 10:30 - 11:20 (50) 2 No BRONCOS Period 3 11:25-12:55 (90-30/60) 4 1:00-1:50 (50) 5 1:55 - 2:45 (50) ------------------------------------------------------- Lunch during 2nd Period EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 7:30 - 8:30 (5/55 ) No BRONCOS Period 8:35 - 9:30 (55) 9:35 - 10:30 (55) 10:35 - 11:30 (55) B.R.O.N.C.O.S Period will not be held on "Special Schedule" days. 4 Who do I talk to if I need help with: Accident Report Activity Calendar Activity Fee Athletic Eligibility Athletic Team Attendance Bus Information Change of Address Checking Out of School for the Day Club Information College Information College Recommendation Course Work Daily Announcements Emergency Financial Aid/Scholarships Grade Questions Homework (Extended Illness) Honor Roll ID Replacement Injury Job Opportunities Locker Problems Lost and Found Lost Money in Vending Machine Lost Textbooks Need Help/Problem in Class Parking Permit Prescription Medicine Problem with a teacher Problem with another student Requirements for Graduation Summer School Information Tests-ACT, SAT, etc Textbook Fines Theft Report Transcripts Transferring Schools Visitor's Pass Work Permits Website/Nurses Office Website/Attendance Office Attendance Office Athletic Office Website/Athletic Office Attendance Office/Teacher District Office Guidance Office Attendance Office Guidance or Activities Office Guidance Office Guidance Office Guidance Office/Teacher Website/Classrooms Any Staff Member Guidance Office Teacher/Guidance Office Attendance Office Guidance Office Main Office Nurse’s or Main Office Guidance Office Attendance Office Attendance Office Main Office Main Office Teacher Attendance Office Nurse’s Office Guidance or Main Office Guidance or Attendance Office Guidance Office Guidance Office or Attendance Office Guidance Office Teacher/Main Office Attendance Office Guidance Office Guidance Office Main Office District Office 5 For a 7p.m.-11 a.m. dance, students may leave at 10:30. A student may leave early with their parent. Cafeteria will be open on the half hours for five minutes. Students can store their belongings in there at their own risk. Guest Passes - When a student signs up their guest from another school they will be given a guest “pass” from the office. The completed pass must be returned to the office by the due date. Dress Code - No hats, no jeans. Boys should wear collared shirts and dress pants. Girls cannot wear dresses that expose cleavage, extend above mid- thigh, have slits extending above mid- thigh. Students not appropriately dressed will not be allowed in to the dance. Student Check-In - Students with bags, purses, and/or coats will be asked to stop at the check-in table and will be subject to search. It is strongly recommended that all bags and purses be left in vehicles. If a teacher or staff member believes a student has been drinking or is under the influence, the student will be subject to search and given a breathalyzer, the Racine County Sheriffs will be called, and (at the Sheriff’s discretion) any student found drinking at a dance will be ticketed. Parents must pick students up and students may be given a three day out-of-school suspension. Future extra-curricular activities may be impacted. Dancing - When dancing back to front, all dancers must remain upright. Examples are: no hands on knees and no hands on the dance floor with your buttocks touching your dance partner. There will be no touching of the breasts, buttocks or genitals. There will be no straddling of each others’ legs. A student dancing inappropriate will be asked to leave and a parent will be called. Video Taping - The dance will be video taped to insure the safety of all students attending. CURRICULUM Grading System Student grade reports are posted to family access on Skyward after each term of the grading period. Teachers evaluate students and render grades within the framework set forth according to each teacher’s goals and objectives. The term’s final grades are the ones which are recorded on the student’s permanent high school record. Parent/teacher conferences will be held in the middle of 1st and 3rd term at which time grades can be distributed in person. 38 tion in Student Council is set up exclusively through the by-laws of the council itself. As members of the council, students are encouraged to provide creative leadership to the student body. This is accomplished through representation of student needs to the Administration, working with all student groups, and articulating the council goals. TOP TEN TIPS ON BEING A SUCCESSFUL BRONCO 1. 2. National Honor Society Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character, with each criteria being of equal importance. Selection of members shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council. To fulfill the scholarship requirement, the candidate must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and be nominated at the end of their Sophomore or Junior year. There is no quota of members per class. 3. The faculty council considers the leadership criteria to be highly important for membership selection. All elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities are then reviewed. Students are expected to have several leadership experiences both in school and out of school in order to meet the leadership criteria. 7. 8. The faculty council also considers the service criteria to by highly important. Students are to report any activities outside of school in which they participated for the betterment of the community. Again, students are expected to have several examples of community service in order to meet this requirement. 10. 4. 5. 6. 9. Be punctual: Absences and tardiness are disruptive to learning, especially yours. Stay up on your homework: Nothing good comes from turning in a incomplete, late or unsatisfactory work. Communicate your issues and concerns with your teachers, counselors and administrators. Get academic help early: Avoid waiting until the last week to pass a class. Get involved: We have many positive, fun and exciting activities being offered at Union Grove Union High School. Make good choices and do what you know to be right: The popular thing is not always the right thing. Be informed: There are no excuses for not knowing. Have a pass: Always ask for a pass before you enter the hallway during class time. Have fun and enjoy the many opportunities that Union Grove Union High School offers: expect excellence from the people around you because we expect excellence from you. Choose your friends wisely. ACTIVITY PHILOSOPHY The entire faculty is given the opportunity to complete a rating form for each student eligible for NHS membership. The committee looks closely at the faculty’s rating on the character of each student. Membership is an honor bestowed upon a select group of students by the faculty council on behalf of the school faculty. Students may not apply for membership. Eligible students are required to complete the student information form and return it by the due date. It is expected that these forms will be neatly and carefully prepared by the student. Involvement in activities is an integral part of the educational program, as it complements and enhances the intellectual, emotional, and social development of each participant. Union Grove Union High School is committed to offering a great variety of extra-curricular opportunities and achieving excellence by developing students’ dedication, character, potential, and preparation for life in a competitive society CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ATHLETICS Potential candidates will be notified after second term grades are received. Those selected for membership will be notified by the end of March and the induction ceremony will be held the following fall. Dance Policies and Procedures Time Release - The doors will be locked one hour after the start of the dance. No one will be admitted after that time. Students will not be released from the dance until one half hour before the dance ends. For a 7-10 p.m. dance, students may leave at 9:30. 37 An individual’s total education extends beyond the classroom. The purpose of an effective co-curricular program must be to provide each student with opportunities for emotional, cultural, mental, physical, and social growth. This growth can be accomplished through activities that support and advance the curriculum, promoted common interests, develop a sense of ownership in the school, and reflect and enhance the goals of the District. In order to accomplish this purpose, the co-curricular program should exhibit the following characteristics: 6 1. High level of participation 2. Equal access for all students 3. Responsiveness to students’ interests/talents 4. Faculty participation/support 5. Interaction with parents and community talents and skills 6. Diverse opportunities 7. School/community service 8. Development of leadership qualities 9. Enjoyable experiences and positive attitudes 10. Promotion of a curiosity about and an interest in many different activities 11. Development and demonstration of students’ 12. Management by skilled and effective sponsors and coaches Union Grove Union High School offers a rich array of activities that include student leadership, community service, interest level clubs and academic competitions and experiences. Every student is encouraged to select one or more of these programs in which to participate. CLUB ADVISORS SPORTS/COACHES A Capella Choir: Jen Hojnacki Academic Decathlon: Kathy Franks Art Club: Sandi Zangerle Battle of the Books: Gayle Kerznar Bowling: Jennifer Jansen Bronco Buddies: Rebecca Gunville Car Club: Nick Baldwin Drama Productions: Josh Lang Equestrian Club: Stacy Mortensen FBLA: Eric Swanson Forensics: Jen Jackowski Gaming Club: Alex Vincer German Club: Jessica Dahlberg Jazz Band: Alex Vincer Jr. Class Advisor: Jen Maier/Tammy Rhody Key Club: Polly Weidoff Math Club: TBD Model U.N.: Mike Arendt NHS: TBD Pep Band: Alex Vincer Science Club: TBD Scrapbooking: Amy Buchanan Senior Class: Polly Wiedoff Skills USA: Aaron Schreiber/Lee Caminiti Ski Club: Renee Hansen/Janet Kieslich Spanish Club:Jen Purdy, Emily VanDyne Varsity Football: Jordan Hein Boys/Girls Tennis: Mike Brannan Girls Volleyball: Sarah Busalacchi Boys Volleyball: Dan Dresen Boys/Girls Cross Country: Kyle Patoka Boys/Girls Soccer: Sean Jung Boys/Girls Golf: Eric Swanson Dance: Amanda Lappi (Fall/Winter) Boys Basketball: Dave Pettit Girls Basketball: Rob Domagalski Wrestling: Andy Weis Girls Softball: Ryan Boylen Boys/Girls Track: Joe Busalacchi Boys Baseball: Mike Arendt Co-op Programs Boys/Girls Swimming - Burlington HS Girls Gymnastics - Burlington HS Boys Hockey - Greenfield HS 7 Student Council: Julie Mikula, Jennifer Maier Trap Club: Aaron Schreiber Officials or judges are to be accorded respect at all times. The rules of the activity are to be known, understood, and appreciated. A familiarity with the current rules and the recognition of their necessity for a fair contest are essential. · · Self control must always be maintained. A proper perspective must be maintained if the potential educational values of competition are to be realized. Skill in performance regardless of affiliation is to be recognized and appreciated. Union Grove Union High School and the Southern Lakes Conference strongly support the concepts of good sportsmanship. The details of application are outlined in all sports programs as well as with the teams themselves. Fundraising Many activities use fundraising as a mechanism for raising money for various programs. All fundraising is to be cleared annually through the Activities Director prior to the actual time of implementation. The advisor is responsible for maintaining the fundraising activity. Monies taken in by fundraisers are accountable to the District Office. Pep Rallies Periodically, the school will have pep rallies as both a recognition for participants in athletic and non-athletic activities and a means by which to increase student spirit. Students are requested to show respect for others when at pep rallies, to enter and leave stands in an orderly fashion, and to promote school spirit in a positive and meaningful way. Assemblies Student assemblies are designed to be entertaining and educational. Students should enter and leave assemblies in an orderly fashion. Attention, respect, and courtesy should be given speakers and performers at all assemblies or programs. Students who yell, disrupt, or who are discourteous during an assembly program will be barred from further programs. Field Trips Field trips are designed to provide students with further exploration of a specific area of study. As such, they are an extension of the curriculum and, therefore, are a part of the school day. All rules and policies of Union Grove Union High School, including those related to smoking and grooming, are applicable when on field trips. Student Council The Student Council of Union Grove Union High School gives students an opportunity to participate in the planning and governing of school activities. Student representa- 36 · Students must register their vehicles in the office and purchase a parking tag which should be displayed on the rear view mirror. There is a $100.00 charge. Failure to display a tag may result in the vehicle being ticketed/towed at owner’s expense or office disciplinary action. · Students will not be assigned parking spaces but should park on a first choice daily basis only in the numbered spaces that have been provided. Failure to park correctly in the spaces provided can result in the vehicle being ticketed/towed at owner’s expense and loss of parking privileges for one term or the remainder the school year. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES · · · · · · Speeding or careless driving in the parking lot will result in a ticket and suspension parking privileges. · The designated area for parking is a part of school property and control. All rules regarding smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, as well as student behavior, are applicable. No loitering! · Failure to follow attendance rules regarding tardiness and unexcused class absences can result in suspension of parking privileges. · Parking in a NO PARKING ZONE will result in the car being ticketed/towed at the owner’s expense. · During the school day, students will need permission from the office to go to their vehicles in the parking lot. · The school reserves the right to search any vehicle parked on school property. · Permits will be issued in the following priority: 1) Work Study, 2) Senior and Juniors/Open enrollment students – First come basis AFTER 3 PM ALL STUDENTS WILL BE PICKED UP AT THE SOUTH ENTRANCE. NO STUDENT PICK UP AT THE NORTH ENTRANCE AFTER 3 PM. Sportsmanship Union Grove Union High School believes that sportsmanship is an essential ingredient to a successful high school activities program. The elements of fairness, courteous behavior, and gracious acceptance of both individual and contest results must be incorporated into every extracurricular activity. The following fundamentals of sportsmanship are supported by the Union Grove Union High School District and the Southern Lakeshore Conference: · Respect is to be shown at all times. The opponent should be treated as a guest and accorded the tolerance, honesty, and generosity which all human beings deserve. 35 · · · · · · · · · · Understand and follow the Student Handbook. Attend school and classes regularly, arrive on time, bring appropriate materials, such as books, paper, pencils, etc.; be prepared to participate in class and do homework. Work toward academic growth. Respect the rights, feelings and property of fellow students, parents, school staff, visitors, guests and school neighbors. Conduct yourself properly while at school, at any school-related activity, at bus stops, or on school busses so as not to interfere with the rights of the students. Follow discipline guidelines adopted by the school and the school district. Dress appropriately and have grooming habits which do not interfere with learning process or school environment or pose a danger to health or safety. Properly care for, return, or pay for lost school-issued textbooks. Have your parent/guardian notify the school when you will be absent. Be accountable for your own actions, both as an individual and as part of a group. Build bridges of understanding among persons of different races, religions, sexes and social and economic groups. Refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language. Obey the laws concerning the possession and use of certain drugs. Do not bring to school materials clearly forbidden by school rules. Cooperate with other students and staff members to promote the well-being, safety, and security of the school community. PARENT/GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES · · · · · · · · · · Review and discuss the Student Handbook. Act as partners with school staff members by sharing appropriate ideas for improving learning and preventing or resolving discipline problems. Provide for the health, physical and emotional well-being of your student. Promote prompt and regular attendance and provide the school with reasons for absences and tardiness. Attend parent conferences/school activities. Encourage compliance with school rules. Provide a quiet study area at home and monitor the completion of homework. Inform the school of any change in address, telephone number, or emergency contact information. Observe state law which requires all students to be immunized against certain diseases. Report to the school office when visiting the school during regular school hours. 8 ATTENDANCE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO REPLICATE THE CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE WHEN A STUDENT IS ABSENT. Next to our staff, time is our most valuable resource.That is why daily attendance is critical. The Union Grove Union High School Board of Education and Racine County, in recognition of the statutory requirements for school attendance (WI stat. 118.5 & 118.16), in the public interest of an educated society, and the ultimate success of the individual student within the school and work setting, believe that school attendance takes precedence over non-school activities. Unless a student is excused or graduated from high school, parents/guardians are required by law to ensure regular attendance at school for their young adult until age 18. It is the responsibility of both parent and student to follow proper attendance procedures. The school accepts responsibility for keeping up to date records regarding student attendance. School attendance is monitored every period of the day inclusive of homeroom. The school follows strict procedures relative to the laws of the state of Wisconsin in enforcing attendance. the office. Homework may be assigned by individual instructors for the development and enrichment of skills. Students who require help may seek the help of the instructor or arrange for tutoring service. Announcements Verbal announcements of student activities and school policies will normally be made the last five minutes of 1st period. All announcements must be approved by the administrator/designee before being read. Any announcements submitted by students must be initialed by the advisor or teacher. All announcements must be submitted before 8:00 am. Announcements will be posted on the office bulletin board and school website. Lost & Found Articles found in the building should be taken to the cafeteria. Students should check to see if lost articles have been turned in before reporting them stolen or missing. Unclaimed articles will be disposed of at the end of the second and fourth terms. Electronic items are turned in to the office. Work Permits Current law regarding the number of hours a minor may work are available from the principal. Under Wisconsin Law, work permits may be revoked by the principal if the student displays problems in school attendance. Work permits may be obtained from the school if the following are provided: · The following are considered legitimate reasons for absence by the Board of Education:. · · · · · · · Illness - mental or physical. Medical verification may be required. Family emergency or crisis. Attendance at a funeral of an immediate relative. Appointments with medical specialists. Please schedule appointments around the school day when possible. Attendance at family celebrations or religious events. Attendance at special events of educational value as approved by the Administration. This statement does not excuse absences for professional baseball games, concerts, “skip days”, picnics, etc. School related activities as approved by the Administration. Family trips can be taken during the normal school term. The intent of this statement is to provide opportunity for students to accompany their parents/guardians on a vacation that cannot be scheduled when school is not in session. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to schedule time off outside the school calendar. All such absences must be arranged with the Administration prior to the trip. Student absences in excess of 10 days per year will not be considered excused unless a medical excuse from a doctor, or a court document is on file with the school office. Student vacations without 9 · A letter from the employer indicating hours to be worked, the salary paid, as well as the employer’s address/phone number, the work involved. A letter from student’s parent/guardian stating that the student has permission to work, listing their home address. A birth /baptismal certificate, driver’s license or state ID card A $10.00 fee. A social security card Student must sign the permit in the presence of the person issuing the permit. · · · · · Student Parking Union Grove Union High School provides bus transportation to all students requiring such service. Therefore, it is important that student driving be limited. The use of automobiles to drive to school is regarded as a privilege and will be regulated by the policies of Union Grove Union High School and the Racine County Sheriff’s Office. Students who drive to school must know and follow these policies: · Under no circumstances may a parking tag be sold or transferred to another student. 34 · · · · · No eating or smoking on the bus. No rollerblades, skateboards, scooters on bus. Bus riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the bus in in motion. In case of emergency, students are to remain in the bus or evacuate the bus as directed by the driver. Do not leave by the rear door except in case of emergency. Report any injuries to the driver. After leaving the bus · When it is necessary to cross the road, do so with caution. Cross at least ten feet in front of the bus after getting a signal from the driver after looking to be sure that no traffic is approaching from either direction. General policy regarding bus conduct · Students must get on and off the bus at their regular pick-up points, except where there is written permission from the parents requesting such change. · Non bus riders desiring to ride the bus to a regular bus student’s house may do so only if there is room on the bus and they have a note from the school principal requesting this. Violators of these rules will be reported with a written referral to the principal or assistant principal. Violation of bus rules will be penalized in the following manner: First offense - Assistant Principal confers with student,. Second offense - Assistant Principal again confers with pupil also notifies parent that a third violation will result in no less than a three day suspension of bus riding privileges. Third offense - Assistant Principal administers not less than a three day suspension of bus riding privileges. Parents are notified of this by the Assistant Principal. Fourth offense-may result in extended or permanent loss of riding privileges. Severe violations - May necessitate immediate application of penalties set forth in third and fourth offense, even it is the first or second offense. Homebound Instruction Should a student become incapable of remaining in school because of verified medical problems for more than five consecutive days, the school will provide homebound instruction until such time that the student can be determined healthy enough to come back to school. Homebound instruction must be arranged through the Principal. A conference will be set up between the student’s teachers, a guidance counselor, and parent/guardian. Study Help/Homework Union Grove Union High School, through its counseling office and efforts of individual instructors, can provide additional help for those students who are in need of academic tutoring. Students or parents/guardians interested in such help should contact 33 parent/guardian accompaniment are unexcused. Please note: Students may receive a failing grade on all daily classroom work or participation missed due to an unexcused absence. Excused students will be permitted to make up major tests and projects within a reasonable period of time as designated by the teacher. Students are expected to stay in the classroom for the first 45 minutes of each class before leaving on a pass. Absense due to illness On the day of the absence, the parent/guardian is obligated to do the following: · Call the high school between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. stating the reason for the absence. · Provide a written notes explaining the absence. THE ABSENCE WILL BE CONSIDERED UNEXCUSED UNLESS A PHONE CALL IS RECEIVED BY THE HIGH SCHOOL WITHIN 24 HOURS. For an absence due to a long term illness of 5 days or more, the student must have a medical excuse for re-admittance to school. Per WI stat 118.15(3)(c), a child may not be excused for more than 10 days in a school year. Absences beyond 10 days are considered unexcused. Students may not receive credit for work missed due to unexcused absences. Pre-arranged absence - Two or more days Prior to the absence, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to do the following: A phone call describing the nature of the absence, one week in advance of the absence, should be submitted to the attendance office. Upon receipt of this call, the student will be issued a Vacation slip which must be completed by all of that student’s teachers, counselors and returned to the attendance office before the absence. Appointments-Medical or Dental On the day prior to the absence, or the morning of, it is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian to do the following: · · Call the Attendance Office stating the time and reason of the absence. A Permit to Leave the Building will be issued. Submit to the Attendance Office proof of a medical/dental visit upon return to school. Closed Campus No student is permitted to leave school grounds without prior approval by the attendance office. A signed Permit to Leave Building pass must be shown to our 10 Security Guard. Non-compliance with this rule will result in suspension for the rest of the day and revocation of parking privileges for a time set by the Administration. For example: students found to be leaving campus to go to lunch will be suspended for the remainder of the day. Parental notification after the student has left will not excuse the absence. Union Grove High School grounds extend to include the Legion parking lot. Students will not be allowed in the student parking lot any time during school hours unless they have approval from school security. Violation of this rule will result in the following disciplinary action: * 1st offense - Administrative warning and detention * 2nd offense - Out of school suspension and parental notification * 3rd offense - Out of school suspension for 1-5 days and/or revocation of parking privileges for a time stated by administration. The school retains the right to hold vehicle inspections and search their contents at any time the vehicle is on school grounds. Unexcused Absence from Class & All Day Truancy Students who miss one or more class periods without approval from the attendance office, will be considered unexcused. Students who violate this policy will be given a “0” grade for that day’s assignment and class participation. Students can make up any major test or project within the time limits set by each teacher. Disciplinary action for unexcused absences is as follows: 1st Truancy: Office detentions with parental notification. 2nd Truancy: Office detentions with parental notification. Referral to Guidance Counselor. 3rd Truancy: Office detentions for each hour of unexcused absences with parental notification. Parental conference required with Asst. Principal and Guidance Counselor. Attendance improvement plan is discussed and implemented . Loss of privileges—see below. 4th Truancy: Parental notification and referral to RCSD for a truancy citation. Further loss of privileges. 5th Truancy: Parental notification. Court referral. Parents are notified through certified mail. Further loss of privileges until a time determined by the Administration. ANY TRUANCY THAT IS CONCIDERED A SAFETY ISSUE IS PUNISHABLE ON 1ST OFFENSE WITH A TRUANCY TICKET Additional actions may be taken at the discretion of the High School Administration and the Board of Education these may include, but are not limited to: 11 Busing Busing is provided for students at Union Grove Union High School according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin and Board Policy. Bus riding is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to follow rules set forth by the Board of Education and the State Department of Transportation. Dousman Transport Company Bus Company Contact : Ms. Paula Behling 878-1101 The following rules shall be observed by all riding the school buses: General Rules · The driver is in full charge. Obey all directions promptly. · Bus drivers reserve the right to assign seats. · Classroom conduct must be observed on the bus at all times. · Once you are on the bus, you must remain there until you have reached school or home. The only exception to this rule is when a student has to transfer to another bus. · Any damage done while rules are not observed will be paid by the offender. Prior to loading(on the road and at school) · Be on time at your stop - buses cannot wait. · Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus. · Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter. · Be careful in approaching bus stops. · Bus riders are not permitted to move toward the bus at school loading zone until the buses have come to a complete stop. While on the bus · Keep hands and head inside at all times. · Remember that loud talking or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. Damages must be paid for by the offender. · Leave no books, lunches or other objects on the bus. Keep all objects out of the aisles, especially band instruments. No one is to open the rear emergency door of the bus · Help look after the safety of other riders. · Windows are to be opened only with the permission of the driver and may not be lowered to more than the third notch. Do not throw anything out of the bus windows. · Bus riders are expected to be courteous to fellow pupils and to the bus driver. · Vulgar or profane language will not be tolerated. · Absolute quiet when approaching a railroad crossing. 32 is based on nutrition and ease of consumption during a set time period. Students are requested to proceed to the cafeteria upon dismissal from class, to walk and line up in an orderly fashion. All students, whether they eat or not, are to report to the cafeteria during lunch period. Students may not leave the cafeteria without the permission of the lunchroom supervisor. If a student wants to work in the library during lunch, he/she must report there immediately and stay for the entire period. Disturbances, the throwing of food, and disruptive noise will not be tolerated. Lunch trays are to be removed from the tables when finished. Respect for the cafeteria in terms of cleanliness, good manners in eating, and mutual respect for everyone including the cooks is expected. Students may bring bag lunches. Students in violation of cafeteria rules may be required to eat in a place other than the cafeteria. Cafeteria Rules · Report to the lunchroom on time · No cutting in line · Keep your food on your tray · Take only the food you intend to eat · Clean up your own eating area · Return all trays, utensils, plates, etc. · Remain at the seating area (not hallway) until the dismissal bell rings. COMPUTER USAGE AGREEMENT The Union Grove Union High School Board has a Computer Usage policy in effect. All students will be provided a copy during the first week of school and will sign an aggreement stating they have read the policy and will abide by the stipulations as set forth by the board. Union Grove Union High School will strongly enforce all policies. A copy of the policy can be viewed at Course Retakes When a student repeats a course he/she will receive elective credit for each term passed the first time, but all original grades will remain on the transcript and be included in the calculation of the GPA. Grade of “F” will continue to remain on the transcript, even after the course has later been completed with a passing grade. Telephones Office phones are to be used only in the case of illness or emergency. Messages will be delivered through the school office in cases of real emergency. Students who work should inform their employers that telephone messages will not be delivered by the office. 31 - Grade reduction due to lack of class participation. - Denied access to extracurricular programs - Priority Scheduling - Revocation of parking permit - Lunches in the cafeteria - Elimination of Work Study -Loss of Youth Options - Denied access to dances, assemblies School Day: The school day for students is defined as starting when a student enters the school grounds or school bus and ends when the student leaves the school grounds or bus. Tardiness to Class: In accordance with school policies regarding attendance, students are to be in class on time. Students must understand that excessive tardiness will bring about disciplinary action from the attendance office. If you are late to class, do not come to the office for a late pass, report directly to class. Tardy to School: If the student is tardy to school, a parent/guardian is expected to call in advance to the attendance office before any tardy will be excused. Tardy students must report to the Attendance Office before reporting to class. An unexcused tardy admit slip will be issued to the student. The following are acceptable excuses for tardiness to school: Illness, medical or dental appointment with Physician's verification , or family emergency or crisis. The following are not considered acceptable excuses for tardiness to school: Oversleeping, car problems and motor vehicle violations. The administration reserves the right to refuse to accept any excuse for tardiness to school. Arriving to class late: 1st Tardy: Handled by classroom teacher (warning) 2nd Tardy: Handled by classroom teacher (assigned teacher detention). 3rd Tardy : Handled by classroom teacher (assigned teacher detention). *Parent Contacted by teacher. 4th Tardy: Referral and school detention. Parent contacted by Asst. Principal. 5th Tardy: ISS for Insubordination.*Parent contacted by Asst. Prin. 6th Tardy: ISS for Insubordination.*Parent contacted by Asst. Prin. 7th Tardy: Possible removal from class for excessive classroom disruptions. Habitual Truancy procedures begin. 18 Year Old Attendance Status Students who are 18 or will become 18 will be accountable to the same rules/policies regarding attendance as students who are not 18. 18 year old students may not sign themselves out or excuse themselves. 12 Illness If a student is ill during the day, he/she should report to the nurse’s or school office. Any request to leave school because of illness must be cleared with a parent/guardian or person designated as an emergency contact. Students who leave school ill without clearance will be listed as having an “unexcused” absence and detentions may be issued. Make-Up Work When a student has been absent from class, he/she should contact each teacher about make-up work you may also check your skyward account for any teacher assignments. It is entirely up to the student to arrange for missed assignments. All incompletes must be made up within two weeks of the reporting period. Exceptions are based on extenuating circumstances and may be granted if requested. Requests for homework to be delivered to the office may be made to the attendance secretary on the second day of absence. Instructors have 24 hours to turn in assignments to the office. STUDENT CONDUCT Introduction It is the responsibility of the school to provide a safe and orderly learning environment in which all students can learn. No student’s behavior should interfere with another’s right to be safe, with any teacher’s right to teach, or with any student’s right to learn. Each teacher is able to establish the rules and procedures for his or her classroom. You are expected to observe those rules and to respond promptly to the direction of your teacher. All students are expected to adhere to the following basic rules. 1. Treat ALL persons in and around the school with respect. 2. Treat ALL school property and the property of others with respect. 3. Act only in ways that are safe for you and for others. 4. Act only in ways that allow teachers to teach and students to learn. Students who violate these rules will be disciplined. Union Grove Union High School recognizes that the skills students learn are not confined to the classroom. Standards of acceptable behavior and mutual respect must be learned and maintained if people are to be successful in life. The District also recognizes the individuality and uniqueness of every person. As a result, the rules of student conduct are designed for the benefit of maintaining the rights of every person to a safe environment, a nonrestrictive environment, and respect for all components of the educational process. If there are questions relating to the enforcement or purposes for any of the following codes, please address the question to an administrator as soon as possible. 13 Counseling Counseling services are available to all students. Many problems concerning both school and one’s personal life may be helped by consulting a guidance counselor. Support services are available in many different forms for those students who express a need. Academic guidance is provided through conferences involving a student, parents, teachers, and counselors. Individual counseling is also available. Vocational, work, and college information is made available through the Guidance Office. Students interested in the United States Armed Services, as well as occupational programs, should consult their counselor. Alcohol and Drug Assistance Addiction and abuse of alcohol/drugs will prevent the attainment of goals and personal success. It is the philosophy of Union Grove Union High School to attempt to help any person who seeks it in this area. Students who have problems in this area are encouraged to seek the assistance of a guidance counselor, trained staff member or Student Assistance Coordinator. All inquiries are kept confidential. Student Assistance The Program to Assist Student Success (PASS) is a comprehensive program that deals with factors that may inhibit or prevent student success within the school setting and beyond. Students who are in need of help because of drug/alcohol related problems, depression, pregnancy, low self esteem, suicidal tendencies, court problems, or in need of someone to listen should contact a guidance counselor or the Student Assistance Coordinator. Also, many faculty and staff members are trained to provide support through prevention, intervention, referral to outside resources, and supportive strategies. Students seeking help may request it directly or go through a referral process. All inquiries are kept confidential. School Identification Card Photo I.D.s are required of every student at Union Grove Union High School. There is no fee for first I.D. Replacements are $2.00. The I.D. allows for admittance to non-WIAA playoff home games. Media Services The Media Center is organized for students to research, develop leisure reading, and use for the development of classroom skills. Students who have questions regarding selection of books, researching projects, or leisure reading should consult the librarian. Library rules and regulations are posted by the librarian at the beginning of the school year. Students who violate such regulations may lose library privileges. Cafeteria The school does not have an open lunch policy, so students may not leave the building during this time. The hot lunch program at Union Grove Union High School 30 Nurse’s Office The school nurse is available for assisting you with health concerns. The nurse or her staff will be in school for immediate nursing care during the school day on a part time basis. Designated staff will handle emergencies when the nursing staff is not in the building. Students should not be sent to school when they are ill and will be sent home if they are suspected of having a communicable disease. Medication Policy Medication forms are available from the nurse or in the office. Students must have a medication form on file in the office and comply with the following rules to use medication in school. ·A Physician’s Order form must be completed for any medications taken for more than twelve days in a month. All medication must be registered with the high school office. ·Students may keep prescription and over-the-counter medication with them at school as long as a Student Medication Authorization form is completed and the medication is registered with the office. *Parents or guardians may choose to have school staff administer medication. In this case, a Medication Administration Consent form must be completed. · ALL MEDICATION MUST HAVE: - Child’s full name in Original container, - Name of drug and dosage, - Time to be given If medication is a prescription drug, all of the above, plus: - Pharmacy name and phone number - Prescription number - Physician’s name Emergency Form All students are required to have a signed emergency health form each year. This information is extremely important should an emergency regarding a student arise. Significant Health Conditions The school needs to be aware of any significant health conditions of students in attendance. Please notify the school nurse at 878-2434. Accidents/Emergency Report all accidents to the teacher in the area, the school nurse, or the building administrator. The school may determine that an emergency exists and ask for assistance. Parent/guardian or their designated emergency person will be contacted immediately. 29 Hallways The eight minute passing periods between classes provide the student with ample time to walk from one part of the building to another. In order to maintain a safe environment and avoid confusion, students are asked to walk to their classes, not run, and to avoid congregating in the middle of the halls with friends. Lockers Lockers are made available to all students. The locker is the property of the school and should be treated as such. Students assume all responsibility for the contents of their lockers. Therefore, the school is not liable for any losses the students may incur. Students should never leave their lockers unlocked, share lockers, or give the combination to another student. Students choose such actions at their own risk. Lockers should be kept orderly and clean at all times. Students are asked not to deface lockers or break the lock for easy accessibility. Students are responsible for keeping lockers in good condition. The school retains the right to hold locker inspections and search their contents at any time. Locker Room Privacy Locker rooms are provided for the use of physical education students, athletes and other activity groups and individuals authorized by the building principal or by District policy. * No one will be permitted to enter into the locker room or remain in the locker room to interview or seek information from an individual in the locker room at anytime. Such interviews may take place outside of the locker room consistent with applicable District policies and/or school rules. * No cameras, video recorders or other devices that can be used to record or transfer images may be used in the locker room at any time. * No person may use a cell phone to capture, record or transfer a representation of a nude or partially nude person in the locker room or to take any other photo or video image of a person in the locker room. Students and staff violating this policy shall be subjected to school disciplinary action and possible legal referral, if applicable. Other persons violating the policy may be subject to penalties outlined in state law. The building principal or his/her designee shall be responsible for enforcing this policy. Restrooms Students are requested to use the restrooms before and after school, between class periods, and at the beginning and end of the lunch period. Students are not to loiter in the restrooms. If a student is feeling ill, he/she is asked to report to the office. Students who smoke in or vandalize restrooms may have their access restricted. 14 Personal Appearance Union Grove Union High School students and parents have a responsibility to exercise good judgment in dress, in order to maintain an atmosphere of positive educational experience. We expect students to come to Union Grove Union High School dressed appropriately and ready to learn. Any over exposure of skin will not be tollerated. Students who do not comply with the dress code will be sent to the office to make arrangements for appropriate clothing. Your cooperation in maintaining an appropriate standard which reflects an educational setting is greatly appreciated. The high school reserves the right to request that students replace any questionable clothing that falls under the following areas: Visitors Union Grove Union High School maintains a closed campus policy. Visitors must be admitted by the principal’s office. The school requests that adult visitors check into the principal’s office and provide the principal/designee with the purpose and amount of time they will spend in the building. Student visitors will be admitted with parental permission only. Permission is required by a parent of both the visitor and the student host. Such permission must be granted in person or over the phone directly to the principal/designee. There will be no exceptions. Prior notification of visitation must be made. **Clothing will not contain - expressions that are obscene, profane, and pornographic, that represent illegal behavior, which demean race, religion, sex, ethnicity, or that advocate pain, death, suicide, gangs or drug use. Valuables Students are discouraged from bringing large amounts of cash or valuables to school. While the school does attempt to provide for a secure environment, it is not responsible for the theft of student property. All student lockers have working locks. Students should not tamper with the locking mechanisms. Any problems with lockers should be reported to the main office. See a PE teacher for a lock. Non-compliance with this policy will result in the following disciplinary action: SCHOOL FEES * * First, the student will be asked to remove or reverse the item. If this is not possible, parents will be asked to supply proper items of clothing. Refusal to comply will be considered insubordination and may result in suspension and confiscation of the item in question. Confederate Flags: Confederate flags are banned on school grounds. Students are expected to refrain from wearing clothing and hats with the Confederate flag on them. Displays of Affection and Acts of Inappropriate Sexual Connotation Displays of affection which go beyond standards (determined by staff) of good taste for behavior in public places will result in a warning, detention and if continued parent conference. Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, Alcohol and Other Drug Use All uses of any of these substances on school property is strictly forbidden. Disciplinary action will be initiated in the following manner: Drug Possession: 1st offense: 5 day OSS and parent meeting with the Administrative team. 2nd offense: 15 day OSS, referral to Racine County authorities and expulsion hearing . Drug Distribution: 5 Day to be extended to a 15 day OSS, referral to Racine County authorities and expulsion hearing . 15 Required Fees - Payable at Registration: $50.00 - Registration Fee (includes School I.D. Card) * $5.00– Class Dues $50.00 - Yearbook $75.00 - Student Participation Fee ( Athletics, Drama, Forensics, Equestrian) $100.00 - Parking Permit* $ 2.00 - School I.D. replacement $. 330.00- Driver’s Education Certain courses will also have a materials/workbook/lab fee connected to them. Those not able to pay required school fees can make arrangements for payment by installments with the high school office. Free/Reduced Lunch status will change registration and activity fees. * These fees are pro-rated based on date of enrollment or purchase. SERVICES Introduction Union Grove Union High School tries to provide quality services at all levels of student involvement. Union Grove Union High School strives to make the school experience as meaningful as possible. Services offered to students are available in order to aid them in school and with problems outside of school, illness, further study and convenience. Services are a privilege and may be terminated for students who abuse them or do not follow procedures. 28 Student Records A cumulative folder for each student is maintained by the Guidance Office. Such records are a history of the student’s educational progress and contain test results, grades, and other information deemed to be important for school purposes. A student/ parent/guardian has the right to inspect records which meet the categorical definition of “educational records”. Requests for such a review must be made through the Guidance Office. Transcript requests will now be through the electronic service Docufied. The link is available at Change of Address/Name All student changes of name, address or phone number should be filed as soon as possible with the Guidance Office. Fire and Severe Weather Drills Fire drills are held at regular intervals throughout the school year to learn and practice the techniques of coping with an emergency. Every drill should be approached with the attitude that there is an actual fire. Every person in the building must leave at the sound of the alarm. Directions posted in each room should be followed carefully. Once outside, please stay with your class. Tornado alert or severe weather drills may be conducted periodically to acquaint the student with indoor survival procedures. During these drills, proceed to the area designated by the teacher and be ready to follow any verbal directions. If evacuation is necessary, it should be carried out in the same manner as fire drills. Withdrawal/Transfer In order to withdraw from school, any student who is 18 years old must meet with a counselor. Students who are under 18 years of age must comply with Wisconsin Law relative to compulsory education. Students who wish to withdraw or are going to transfer to another school should follow the procedures as listed: · Secure a note from parent or guardian and present it to the Guidance Office at least two days before withdrawing. · Obtain a withdrawal form from the Guidance Office. Have the form signed by a parent/guardian. · The withdrawal form must be signed by all the student’s teachers. · Students must settle all financial obligations. Partial rebates may be issued. · Records will be forwarded to other schools upon written request from that school and written release from the adult student or student’s parents. 27 Fighting Acts of physical violence endangering the health and welfare of any student on school property, such as fighting, is strictly forbidden. Consequences for such acts are; * Suspension up to five days and/or notification of the Racine County authori ties as well as parent notification and parent conference before returning to school. * Continued acts of violence may result in further suspension, referral to authorities and expulsion. Vandalism Persons responsible for damage to school district property, inclusive of lockers, walls, books, entry/exit doors shall make proper restitution as determined by the principal or superintendent. Where the minor does not make restitution, the parent or legal guardian shall be held liable. It is the responsibility of students to help in keeping the grounds, halls, and all parts of the school looking clean and neat. Students are requested to refrain from littering or defacing school property. Weapons/Destructive Devices Possession of guns, knives, clubs, brass knuckles, or any devices that could inflict bodily harm is prohibited. This is inclusive of firecrackers, explosives, or smoke producing devices. Any such weapon possession may result in parent contact/conference, suspension, police referral, and possible expulsion. Use of such articles for classroom presentation must be approved by the principal. Student Rights Regarding Expression Education promotes the rights of individuals to question the status quo and express themselves in a way that allows for the rights of others. The display of posters, distribution of printed materials, use of petitions, and demonstrations will be regulated by the principal. The use of bulletin boards, display cases, and school property is also regulated by the Administration. Students who wish to exercise such rights must first meet with the Administration to determine proper parameters for any such expressions. Alcohol Testing The Administration is authorized to require a student to provide one or more samples of his/her breath for the purpose of determining the presence of alcohol in the student’s breath. The school’s breath screening device is approved by the Department of Transportation. The presence or use of alcohol will result in suspension from school and parental notification. We are concerned about your physical and emotional well-being. We encourage you to accept responsibility for the decisions you make in regard to alcohol and other drug use. It is against school policy and state law to possess, distribute or consume alcohol, or other drugs, prescription medication or other medication, on or off school property 16 Students suspected of Alcohol or Drug use while on school property or at school events may be subject to use of a Breathalyzer. Any violations of these rules can result in suspension, expulsion and referral to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. In addition, such violations can result in loss of athletic or extracurricular activity privileges. No student shall use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol, controlled or uncontrolled substances. Under Section 125.09(2)(c), Wisconsin Statutes, no person may possess or consume alcoholic beverages on school premises, in a motor vehicle, or while participating in a school sponsored activity. This prohibition does not apply to the authorized use of prescription drugs by a student who has written permission of his or her parent/guardian and physician on file with the school nurse. No person may use, possess, with the sole intent to use, deliver, possess with intent to deliver or manufacture drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance prohibited by state law. For the purpose of this policy, “drug paraphernalia” means all equipment, products, and materials of any kind that are used or solely intended for the use in planting, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, or concealing. A student who: * sells or distributes controlled or non-controlled substances, look-alikes such as caffeine pills, alcohol and near beer. * puts pressure on other students to use controlled or non-controlled substances. * threatens other students with bodily harm because of drug involvement. * actually uses controlled or non-controlled substances on school grounds. * is in possession of controlled or non-controlled substances. * possesses or manufactures drug paraphernalia. May: * have his/her locker searched. * empty his/her pocket or purse, backpack in the presence of an administrator and one other staff person. * have parents notified of the incident. * be reported to the Sheriff’s Department. * be suspended from school until a formal expulsion hearing before the Board of Education. 17 Discipline Plan Union Grove Union High School is committed to maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment. The following is a list of rule infractions that will result in disciplinary action. This list may not be all inclusive, but can be used as a guide. The following numbers represent the disciplinary action that can be taken when violations of the rule occur. 1 - Administrative Warning 2 - Parental Notification 3 - Parent/Administrative Conference 4 - Detention after school 9 - Revocation of privileges 10 - Referral to police/authorities Rule Infraction Closed campus violation Unexused absence Tardiness Parking lot violations Inappropriate attire Harassment/Bullying Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Possession or Use Fighting Vandalism Weapons Gambling Cellphone, Video cameras Theft Trespassing Loitering School/Classroom conduct Skipping detention Insubordination Computer Violations 5 - Suspension In/Out of school 6 - Expulsion 7- Change or reverse clothing 8 -Restitution 11-Confiscation Minimum Action Maximum Action 1 -4 1-4 1 1 1 1,2 7 7 2, 6, 7 2,3,4,7 3-7 2,5,9 3,6,7,8 3,6,8 7 7 6 1,2 1 3,6,8 3,6,8,10 7,8 3,7 5, 11 2,3 1 4 1-4 1,2-4 1,2,3,4 1,2 3,6,8, 10 6 7 7 7 7 9,10,11 School Closing Announcements relating to closing of school because of inclement weather are made on the designated local radio station: WRJN (1400 a.m.), or television station: WTMJ (Channel 4) and WISN (Channel 12). Please do not call the school to seek information regarding school closing. If an announcement is not broadcast, school is in session. We also have Skylert, our automated calling system. Please keep your primary phone number updated to ensure delivery of all messages. 26 The student will receive a zero on the assignment and possible referral to the Assistant Principal for discipline action. Repeated zeros and consequences will be given for repeat offenders. The punishments will be cumulative by student - if a student has been caught cheating once in class A and later in class B, the student will be disciplined for a second cheating incident. Parents will be notified each time there is an instance of cheating discipline. Course Changes Course Changes must be based on a valid educational reason: failure, lacking the prerequisite for a class, IEP Modifications, Summer School credit earned, adding Workstudy, Administrative/Teacher directed change and computer error. Course changes will not be made for the following reasons: having a friend in another class, desiring a different lunch, like/dislike of a teacher, not knowing anyone in a class, or changing one’s mind. Course change requests will only be considered prior to the start of each term. Plagiarism Policy With the increased use of the Internet for research on reports and major papers, students should be aware of the consequences of using someone else’s work, not citing it, and claiming it as their own. Each student will sign the Plagiarism Policy (attached to the Computer Usage Policy) at the beginning of the school year. * have a parent conference to discuss the incident. * have the incident fully investigated and a report submitted to the Superintendent. The principal, assistant principal, superintendent, law enforcement officers, or school agents are authorized by the School Board to require a student to provide one or more samples of his/her breath for the purposes of determining the presence of alcohol in the student’s breath whenever the authorized employee, agent, or officer has reasonable suspicion, such as: smell of alcohol, slurred or slowed speech, glassy eyes, dilated pupils, inability to focus, sleepy look, and bobbing head, that the student is under the influence of alcohol while he/she is: on school premises, in a school owned or leased motor vehicle, in a privately owned vehicle on school grounds, in a school bus, or while participating in a school-sponsored activity. The test will be administered in a private location under the supervision of 2 or more adults, which may include a Racine County Deputy. Test results will be preserved as confidential pupil records in the respective student file. The results of the breath screening device or a pupil refusal to submit to breath testing shall be made available for use in any hearing or proceeding regarding the suspension, pre-expulsion, or expulsion of a student due to alcohol use. Legal Reference: Sections 118.45 and 120.13(1) (a), Wisconsin Act 367. Levels of Plagiarism Level 1: Occurrence would involve the student’s use of phrases or a few lines or a paragraph without proper citation. Most of the student’s work is still his/her own. Level 2: Plagiarism is more serious. It involves the student’s use of multiple paragraphs of someone else’s work and/or the use of someone else’s ideas without proper citation and/or repeated paraphrasing without proper citation. While some of the work is the student’s own, it is clear that significant portions of the student’s work are not his/her own Level 3 : Most, if not all, of the work has been copied from another source. Level 4 : Plagiarism occurs when the student has plagiarized, in any way for the second time. Students who are found to have the presence of alcohol in their breath or who refuse to submit to breath testing: * will be refused admission to and/or removed from the activity. * will be detained and have their parents/guardians notified by telephone. * will have their parents/guardians pick up their child from school, or the site of the activity, before being released. * will have the incident referred to law enforcement officials. * will be suspended from school. Range of Consequences for Plagiarism * may undergo a pre-expulsion hearing with the superintendent. Level 1: A grade reduction on the assignment in question Level 2: A grade of zero for the assignment in question. Level 3: A grade of zero for the assignment in question with no opportunity to make up that work in any way, including extra credit. Level 4: For any subsequent occurrence in the student shall immediately be dropped from the course and receive an F for a final grade. 25 * may be recommended to the School Board for an expulsion hearing 18 (talking, loud noises, etc.). c. Improper language, disrespect or insubordination. Video Cameras The use or visible possession of video cameras in the school is prohibited. Violation of this policy may result in confiscation. 2. Personal Communication Devices/ Laser Lights During school hours, students are extended the privilege of possessing and using devices such as cellular phones during passing time and lunch. Cell phones will be shut off and placed in the classroom storage unit during class time. Any violation of this rule will result in confiscation of the phone. On the first violation, the phone will be returned to the student at the end of the school day and the parents will be notified. On any subsequent violation, the phone will be returned to the student’s parent. Administration has the right to search cell phones if reasonable suspicion of inappropriate conduct exists. Phones may be turned over to police in extenuating circumstances. Laser lights or pointers are strictly forbidden in the building at all times. Gambling The playing of cards, rolling dice, flipping coins, or any other form of gambling for money will not be permitted. Violators will be disciplined at the discretion of the administration. Theft Any student who commits a theft or breaks and enters the school shall result in restitution, suspension and a referral to the authorities. Theft includes stealing school property from faculty, school employees or other students. Breaking and entering includes the school building, lockers, and locker rooms. Students who attempt to extort money or valuables from students will be referred to the authorities. Trespassing Students under suspension, or drop-outs, that are present in school building or on school grounds may be subject to citations for trespassing. Parental Notification It is the philosophy of Union Grove Union High School that parents, teachers, and students are partners in establishing an environment for student success. Violations of regulations and procedures for safe and mature conduct within the classroom or school will be written up, placed in the student’s file and notification given to the parent. Parents are requested to be available for conferences should the need arise. 19 Unruly and/or dangerous behavior. a. Harrassment (including mental, physical and sexualharassment). b. Instigating, inciting or encouraging a fight or disruption. c. Threats to any person. d. Physical, verbal, written abuse, or confrontation to a student or a staff person. e. Fighting or striking a student or staff member. f. Theft or damage to school property. g. Unsafe actions or behavior in any class or lab. h. Possession or use of a weapon or any other item that might cause bodily harm to persons in the classroom. i. Possession of an illegal drug or drug related device. j. Being under the influence of alcohol or other. k. controlled substances or controlled substance analogs. l. Dress code violations which include dressing or grooming in a manner that presents a danger to health or safety, causes interference with work, or creates classroom disorder. m. Smoking or chewing tobacco, or posssession of smoking or tobacco products. n. Any action that puts a student at risk of injury to themselves or others will result in immediate removal from class. o. Any threat or action that presents a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of students will result at the least in removal from the classroom, suspension/explulsion, and referral to the Racine County authorities. When a student is removed from class, the teacher shall send the student to the Assistant Principal or designee and inform him/her of the reason for the student’s removal from class. This must be preceded by a direct phone call to the Assistant Principal or designee describing briefly the nature of the reason for removal. A written explanation shall be provided to the Assistant Principal or designee within 24 hours from the time of the incident. (The written explanation will be provided within the format prescribed by the administration.) The Assistant Principal or designee shall inform the student of the reason(s) for the removal from class and shall allow the student the opportunity to present his/her version of the situation. The Assistant Principal shall then determine the appropriate educational placement for the student who has been removed from a class by a teacher. Cheating Any instance of cheating in the classroom will have the following consequence: 24 · · Failure to achieve academically when such failure is caused by attitude or improper behavior on a consistent basis. Conduct at school or school events that adversely affects the status of the school. Use of Dogs Law enforcement officers may participate in a search of school property using police dogs at the request of the Administration. 948.50 Wis Stats. US Constitution 4th Amendment. CLASSROOM CONDUCT Passes - Hall/Restroom/Phone Students may be issued passes to leave the classroom for official office business. Passes to use the phone during class time will not be allowed. Students may be issued passes to the restroom or locker on a limited basis. However, the faculty and administration may deny those requests at any time. After School Detentions Detentions will be served on each Tuesday, and Thursday that school is in session from 2:45 until 3:30. Students will be notified by referral. The student will be given a copy of the referral, a copy will be sent home. Detentions will be scheduled after conferring with the student. Detentions must be served on the date for which they are scheduled. Philosophy/Scope There are two major components of the Discipline Plan: the individual discipline plan of each teacher and the school-wide plan that covers the areas outside the classroom. The District is committed to maintaining a positive academic atmosphere. Teachers are expected to create a positive learning climate and to maintain proper order in their classrooms. Students are expected to behave and to participate in learning activities in the classroom in such a manner that allows teachers to effectively carry out their lesson plans. Students are expected to abide by all rules of behavior eestablished by the Board of Education, administration and their classroom teachers. Student behaviors that are dangerous, disruptive, unruly, and that interfere with the teacher’s ability to teach effectively will not be tolerated. Any student who engages in such behavior may be subject to removal from class and placement as outlined in this document. In addition, the student may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established Board policies and school rules. This code of classroom conduct applies to all students in grades 9-12. The District will not discriminate in standards, rules of behavior or disciplinary measures, including suspensions and expulsions, on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. (See Student Handbook and/or Board Policies for full non-discrimination policy.) Student Removal From Class 1. A teacher may remove a student from class for the following reasons: Behavior that interferes with the ability of the teacher to teach effectively. This type of behavior includes, but is not limited to: a. Obstruction of classroom activities or other intentional action taken to attempt to prevent the teacher from exercising his/her assigned duties. b. Repeated classroom interruption or disruptions 23 Detentions will not be rescheduled unless there is notification by a parent’s phone call, made on or before the morning of the scheduled detention. In the event a detention is missed: * 1st offense, the detention will be re-scheduled * 2nd offense and each offense there after, an In-school suspension may be issued. Rules for students in after school detentions: * Students must report on time. No one will be admitted after 3:00 pm. This will count as a missed detention. * Study materials should be brought to detention or a book to read. * No passes will be given. * No talking is allowed. * Any student who is disruptive in detention will be dismissed and will serve the detention over. * If a student has any missed detentions, he/she will not be eligible for extra-curricular events until the detention is made up. * No cell phones or Ipods. Teacher assigned detentions: Students who fail to show up for a teacher assigned detention will have a disciplinary referral sent to the office and the Assistant Principal will meet with the student and assign a school detention. Suspension In/Out of school suspensions will apply for any breach of appropriate conduct. Either will be assigned to students by the administration for the following offenses, but not limited to: * * * * * Progressive discipline in the classroom Failure to serve assigned detentions Fighting Progressive discipline in tobacco use Possession of alcohol or other drugs 20 * * * * * * Theft Tampering with any alarm system Insubordination toward staff member Profanity or threats toward a staff member Possession of weapons Other acts deemed unacceptable by an administrator. School suspensions may be for one day up to five days, during which all daily classroom work or assignments will receive a failing grade. All major test, quizzes, or projects may be made up within a reasonable time as designated by the classroom teacher. A parent/student/ administrator conference is required for re-admittance to school. If you are suspended in school (ISS) or out of school (OSS) you may not be on the campus or attend any school functions for any reason unless you have made prior arrangements with a princpal. All suspensions are considered excused absences. Harassment/Bullying The Union Grove Union High School Board has a bullying and harassment policy in effect. All students will be provided a copy during the first week of school and will sign an agreement stating they have read the policy and will abide by the stipulations as set forth by the board. Union Grove Union High School will strongly enforce all policies. A copy of the policy can be viewed at Acts such as hazing underclassmen, extortion, name calling, and other acts considered harassment are strictly forbidden. Disregard for this policy would result in, but not limited to the following disciplinary action: · · · Administrative warning and parental notification. Suspension and/or expulsion. Referral to the Racine County authorities for possible disorderly conduct charges. It is the policy of Union Grove Union High School that harassment related to race, sex, national origin, religion/creed, ancestry, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, physical , mental, emotional and learning disabilities, will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We firmly believe that all persons are to be treated with respect and dignity. Harassment that makes the recipient feel afraid, embarrassed, helpless, angry or unsafe or upsets the recipient to the point that he/she cannot learn, cannot teach, or cannot be effective at school in his/her duties. Harassment incidents will be responded to in one of the following ways (but is not limited to): administrative warning, parental notification, out of school suspension, loss of athletic/activity priviledges, and/or refferal to the Racine County authorities for possible diorderly conduct or harassment charges. 21 Harassment is prohibited between staff members, between staff members and students, between students, and from members of the public directed at students or staff on school property or at school sponsored events. Some examples of harassment may include, but are not limited to: making fun of someone, telling distasteful jokes, gestures, physical intimidation, hitting or touching, “shanking” or snapping clothes, pranks, hazing, vandalism, destruction of property, making threats, body marking, spreading hurtful rumors, writing offensive graffiti, displaying offensive graphic materials. The fact that someone does not intend to harass an individual is not considered a defense to a complaint of harassment. In most cases, it is the effect and characteristics of the behavior that determine if the behavior constitutes harassment. All people have rights under state and federal laws to be protected from such harassment and are encouraged to report incidents that may violate this policy. Reports should be made to either Mr. Hermann or Mrs. Mortensen. Complaint forms are available in the Student Services Department, High School Office, and District Office. All complaints will be objectively and discreetly investigated. Proper action to correct the situation will follow if the investigation concludes that harassment has occurred. False charges are a serious offense and will be treated as such. Insubordination Insubordination is regarded as any refusal to comply with staff, teacher and/or administrative directive. The administration reserves the right to suspend individuals up to five days for each offense depending on the nature of the insubordinate act. The administration also reserves the right to refer cases of insubordination that have resulted in repetitive suspension for possible expulsion. Probation The Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Administration, may place a student on probation for serious misconduct or academic failure. Probation provides a time for a student to improve his/her academics and/or conduct. During this time, the student may be suspended from extracurricular activities. Expulsion After a student is suspended, the case may be referred to the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing. Parents and all others concerned will be informed of the proper due process procedure according to Wisconsin law. Any one of the following is considered sufficient for an expulsion from Union Grove Union High School. · Failure to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the student handbook or administrative bulletins. · Insubordination or failure to comply with the instructions given by a member of the staff. · Verbal abuse of a staff member or student. · The willful destruction of school property. 22
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