November 9, 2014 Aldersgate United Methodist Church Rock Hill, SC The Aldersgate Experience Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, The People of the United Methodist Church PRIORITIES, PRIORITES The world is so busy that we forget what is important by tending to the urgent. The urgent is the immediate demands of trifling requirements. The important is what makes life worth living beyond today. Hear this story and ask God to help apply it in your life. The author is unknown to me. One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used this pertinent illustration. As he stood before the group of high-powered overachievers he said, “Okay, time for a quiz,” as he pulled out a gallon Mason jar, and set it on the table. He also pulled out a dozen fist-sized rocks and placed them in the jar. When the jar could hold no more rocks, he asked, “Is the jar full?” “Yes,” they all said. “Really?” replied the Professor as he reached for a bucket of gravel. As he poured the gravel in, shaking the jar to settle the gravel as far down as it could go until no more gravel could fit, he asked, “Is it full?” “Probably not,” one replied. Dumping sand in the same manner as the gravel until no more could fit, “Is it full?” “No!” they all said. Then he poured in the water till it overflowed. “Now?” “Yes, it is full!” “What is my point?” he asked. An eager beaver answered, “The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, there is always room to do more.” “No,” said the professor. The point is if you don’t put the big rocks; the important things; family, faith, dreams, a worthy cause, in first, you’ll never get them in at all.” Let’s remember this when it comes to our life with Christ. -- Ben Epworth Thanks Aldersgate Dear Aldersgate UMC, Thank you for supporting the ministry of Epworth Children’s Home. This letter serves as an acknowledgment and receipt of your contribution of $595.00 to Epworth on Friday, September 26, 2014. Your gift helps children like Emily. Emily is a kind-hearted 17 year old who came to Epworth one year ago. She did not have the stability of a safe and loving home growing up and as a result was developmentally nearly 10 years behind her peers. Her delays due to neglect were tragic enough but she also experienced abuse from her stepmother’s boyfriend. When the abuse was finally reported, Emily was placed into Epworth’s care. When Emily arrived in the cottage, she was evaluated and the staff created a comprehensive care plan to help her heal emotionally and physically, and help her overcome her development delays. Her cottage mates assisted the Epworth staff by helping care for Emily. They walked with her to class, made sure she never ate lunch alone, and were sure to include her in any cottage activities. Unlike the home Emily knew as a child, her cottage and clinical staff at Epworth treated her with respect and nurtured her development. Just a year later, Emily is hardly the same girl she was when she first arrived. She is thriving in school and is striving to make up for lost time and complete her studies. Her delays are becoming less and less of an obstacle and she is maturing into a lovely young woman. In addition to her growth in school, she is much more active socially including going to the movies, youth group, and just being a happy teenager. What is truly remarkable is that Emily’s transformation is now extending beyond herself. Just a few weeks ago another teenage girl came to Epworth with a similar background as Emily. Their shared experiences enabled the two girls to quickly form a friendship and Emily is now providing the same kind of help that other cottage mates once offered her. As one of the older girls in the cottage, she is giving of herself to provide opportunities for the other girls. Emily is doing her own part to break the cycle of abuse and neglect in our communities. Your gift to Epworth is also helping to break this cycle. It creates space for children like Emily to heal and transform. Through your faithful support, each child receives the care they need to aim higher in life and create a brighter future. Thank you for supporting Epworth and the children who live here. Together we are breaking the cycle of abuse, neglect and shame and replacing it with an opportunity for each child to live a life of self-respect, responsibility and productivity. Sincerely, The Rev. John E. Holler, Jr. President Sincerely, /s/ John Holler The Rev. John E. Holler, Jr. President Please Pray for those who are homebound or in Nursing homes: Jewel Bigger, Helen Horton, Anne Looper, Jettie Morris, Bill Tucker, Juanita Tucker. Steve Matson NOVEMBER 11 Flower Calendar If you have signed up for flowers they must be paid for in advance. The church will no longer order flowers if payment is not received at least two weeks in advance. November 9th flowers are given by Harvey Mayhill to the glory of God and in celebration of Harvey & Lin’s 50th Wedding Anniversary November 16, 2014: McCraven The cost of the Flowers $37.40 A card will be mailed to remind you of your This Sunday Rev. Ben Herlong Children’s Worship: The Good Samaritan” Encourage our children-ask them about their lesson! CHILDREN’S WORSHIP We appreciate your time and service in leading worship for our children at Aldersgate UMC. If you are unable to serve on the Sunday(s) that you have been assigned, we ask that you first contact another person(s) on the list to sub for you. Please save the date - November 21, 2014 If you need further assistance, please contact Fran Threatt or Hope Carter as soon as you learn of your conflict, no later than one week prior to your Sunday of service. SHRIMP BOIL in Fellowship Hall Thank You and Blessings to each of you, COST: $6.00 per person Hope Carter and Fran Threatt YOUNG AT HEARTS If you plan to attend, please sign the sheet located in the narthex outside the sanctuary so we know many will be attending). Also, we need persons to bring slaw, dessert and beverages. If you have questions, please contact Hope Carter (803-980-4137) or Fran Threatt (803366-6267). Please save the date: Friday, December 19th For our Christmas Party Church Fellowship Hall! GIFTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO THE MUSIC FUND IN MEMORY OF SUE COOK BY: RAY & YVONNE LAUTZENHEISER, HAROLD & BETTY McCORKLE, RON & LOUISE THOMAS, TO THE CULP CANCER FUND BY: BILL & DIXIE CLICK PARKER & HOPE CARTER UNDESIGNATED BY: MARY ETTA & LISA TINKLER Aldersgate United Methodist Church 2115 Celanese Road Rock Hill SC 29732-1305 Return Service Requested __________________________ AS MEMBERS OF THIS CONGREGATION WE WILL FAITHFULLY PARTICIPATE IN ITS MINISTRY BY OUR PRAYERS, OUR PRESENCE, AND OUR WITNESS. Attendance: November 2nd Total Worship 102 Early Worship 17 Traditional Service 85 Sunday School OUR GIFTS: Budget Needed Each Week Received: November 2nd General Fund Regular Offering: Designated Fund Total: $ 4,958.00 $ 7,770.80 $ 978.00 OUR SERVICE: (November 9th) Altar Guild Children’s Worship Greeters (10:30) Ushers (10:30) Acolyte (10:30) Crucifer (10:30) Lectionary(10:30) Beth and Griffin Hollingsworth Robert & Faye Smith Richard Powell & Bruce Farrington Sue Van Dyke The flowers are given by Harvey Mayhill to the glory of God and in celebration of Harvey & Lin’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Our Community Assistance Donations for November will go to Salvation Army. Hearing Devices are available from the Sound Operator if you need one. SUNDAY, Nov. 9th 8:00a.m.- UMM Breakfast 8:30a.m. - Early Service 9:15a.m. - Children’s Choir 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m. - Chancel Choir MONDAY, Nov. 10th 10:00a.m. - Coffee & Conversation 7:00p.m. - Boy Scouts TUESDAY, Nov. 11th Veteran’s Day 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School 7:00p.m. - Trustees WEDNESDAY, Nov. 12th 10:30a.m. - Aldersgate Ringers 6:30p.m. - Chancel Bells THURSDAY, Nov. 13th 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School 1:30p.m. - Visitation Team 7:00p.m. - Adult Bible Study FRIDAY, Nov. 14th SATURDAY, Nov. 15th SUNDAY, Nov. 16th 8:30a.m. - Early Service 9:15a.m. - Children's Choir 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m. - Chancel Choir LECTIONARY The Prayer Shawl Ministry We will not meet again until January, 2015. Please continue to knit and crochet!!! If anyone would like to learn to knit or crochet, please join us on January 15, 2015; or if you already knit or crochet, we would love to have you join us. Church Staff Bishop: Reverend Jonathan Holston……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [email protected] District Superintendent: Reverend Joe Long, Jr. …………………………………………………………… …………………[email protected] Pastor: Reverend Ben Herlong ……………..…………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Church Secretary: Sharon Hess………………………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Organist: Betty J. Farrington…………………………………………………………………………………….………[email protected] Choir Director: Ray Lautzenheiser…………………………………………………………………………………… ………[email protected] Youth Director:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..Open Website………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… Church Phone:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(803) 366-4637 Parsonage Phone………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(803) 980-6631
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