1|Page PARISH STAFF: Fr. Gregory Hart, Pastor Dc. Dan Daily, Deacon Pamela Castillow, Bookkeeper / Office Manager Shannon Stowe, Business Manager / D.R.E. Chris Teague, Catholic Youth (CY) Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH FACILITIES: Parish Hall Phone: Rectory Phone: SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION All Sacraments require a call or visit to the parish office for more information. Below are some notes for your benefit: Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a preparation process before Baptism of Children. Registration is required. If possible, it is recommended that all requirements be completed BEFORE the child’s birth. Sick Calls: Please call the parish rish office if you or an immediate relative would like to receive the Eucharist or Anointing at home or in the hospital. Confirmation: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education and the candidate must be 14 years old. Contact tact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Convalidations: This is the term for marriages getting “blessed” in the church. Most rules for “Weddings” apply for Convalidations. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 8:00am through Midnight Friday in the Chapel. First Communion: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education. Candidates must be at least 7 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Funerals: Please call the office immediately to start preparation. Marriage Cases/Annulments: If you’ve divorced and are planning to re-marry, have already re-married, married, or are marrying / married to someone with that situation even if it was prior to being Catholic: Contact Pamela Castillow at 361-2612. Reconciliation: ½ hour before all weekend ekend Masses or by Appointment. RCIA Classes: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Pat Buhr 479-524-8921 or 479-466-7776. 7776. RCIA is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who may not have completed the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Weddings: A minimum of 6 months is required for marriage preparation. No outdoor weddings are permitted. 479.361.2211 479.717.2047 IMPORTANT PARISH CONTACTS: Altar Servers: (Saturday): (Sunday): Chris Teague Mike Della Rosa 479.544.2100 479.790.2246 Bereavement Dinners: Norma Deines 479.751.1425 Bulletin: Shannon Stowe [email protected] Cemetery: Mike Zulpo 479.361.2357 Choir: (Sunday): Marty Taldo 479.361.2459 Church Decor: Margie Ceola Jettie Franco 479.361.2560 479.361.2423 Catholic Youth (CY): (Sixth through ugh Twelfth Grade): Chris Teague 479.361.2612 479.544.2100 Eucharistic Ministers: Leonard Pianalto 479.361.2633 Gift Bearers: Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612 Misty Piazza Misty Piazza & Christine Terry Ryan Pianalto & Shirley Lott Mary Frances Sulzen 479.466.3994 Gift Shop: Saturday: Sunday (Eng): Sunday (Lat): Grape Festival: (Chairman) (Co-Chair) “The Hut” Grapevine (e-mail news): Ryan Pianalto Clint Penzo Shannon Stowe 479.287. 9384 479.466.6681 479.361.2615 [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Lectors: Patricia Gross 479.521.0123 Parish Council: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612. If you are new to our parish, we welcome you and invite you to become a member. Registration forms are on the Parish Website (www.stjoetontitown.org) or in the Parish Office. Please complete one for each family member and drop it into the collection basket. Please also call the office if any of your family information has changed (name, phone, address, etc.) so that we can make the changes in our information. We are always in need of more help in our various parish ministries please call the parish office or the person in charge of any ministries you are interested in. We would love to have you! 2|Page SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL IN NEED THROUGH Rob Beyer Kay Brooke Mike Buckingham Rose Carender Rhonda Ceola Sheryl Clark Raidell Collins Kay Corso Michael Daily Barbara Doyle Bailey Finn Rebecca Finn Richard Finn Angela Friend Paula Gallagher Angela HarcusChris & Cindy Hart FamilyAlma Hartman Mary Hartsock Mikayla Hritz Rose Huff Jay Hughes Joe Kammerer Charles Lichti Mary Lipinski Msgr. James Mancini Patricia Mansell Paula Marinoni Fr. Jon McDougal Thomas McFadden Amber Miller Rex Muhlenkamp Julie Neil Deloris Peacy Peggy Penzo Claudine Pianalto Elsie Mae Pianalto Esther Pianalto Lena Pianalto Leonard Pianalto Duane Piazza Travis Placek Rick Russell Peggy Sanders Paul Siedsma Bill St. Mary Cathyrn Staggs Maureen Tenseldt Eleanor Woodmore Shea Woodmore Diana Wright Please call or e-mail ([email protected] ) the Parish Office and let us know if your loved one is still in need of prayer. HOLY FATHER'S INTENTIONS FOR NOVEMBER Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. COLLECTIONS: Regular Collection Children's Collection All Souls Building Fund $4,491.39 $10.00 $20.00 $72.00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Gerald Walsh, Sr Sun. Nov 23 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: SI: Eramo Herrera & Family Sun. Nov 23 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Parishioners Mon. Nov 24 No Mass: No Mass Tue. Nov 25 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: SI: Denise Kidd Wed. Nov 26 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: SI: Corey Gumm MASS CHANGES DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Thur. Nov 27 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: In Thanksgiving Fri. Nov 28 7:30 am: NO MASS Fri. Nov 28 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Minnie Piazza Sat. Nov 29 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Michael Sbanotto Sun. Nov 30 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: All Parishioners Sun. Nov 30 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: SI: The Sloat Family Sat. Nov 22 Tuesday Bible Study (both sessions) will not meet this week. We will pick back up on December 2. Also no P.R.E. or Parenting Classes this week. We will start back December 3. WHAT’S GOING ON AT ST. JOSEPH’S Fr. Correnti 4th Degree Knights of Columbus will be selling Keep Christ in Christmas magnets. Magnets will available before and after Mass on November 22 and November 23 for $5.00 each. For more magnets after November 22 & 23 contact Lewis Germany at 479-387-8158. All Soul's Remembrance Altars: Photos left will be relocated to the Work Sacristy. Bible Study: We just started the next Bible study will pick with "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass" by Edward Sri. there are two times to choose from on Tuesdays, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM or 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Call Chris Teague in the Parish Office to register! The next class will be December 2. The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in lowincome neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Lector Training: Proclaim the Word of God to others in the Holy Mass! Training will be held Tuesday, December 2 at 6:45 pm in the Church. Lectors do also have to be VIRTUS trained, if a potential lector needs it, a class will be set up to accommodate ASAP. Please call the office to register. Matthew Kelly is coming to NW Arkansas next March to present Passion and Purpose Live at St. Raphael in Springdale on Saturday morning March 7th. Tickets are regularly $39.00 each, but for a limited time, you can get your tickets for $20.00 at St. Joseph's office. Those who wish to take advantage of this offer will need to bring their money to the parish office and leave their name and contact information. When the tickets come in, we will notify you. RCIA Anyone wanting to join the Catholic Church is welcome on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the Parish Education Center Adult Education Room. This class is also open to all Catholics who want to learn more about their faith. 3|Page Child Care during 9:00am Mass in the Education Cent Center: For children between 1 and 4 years old. Parents are required to register, volunteer in the nursery and bring diapers and wipes (if the children are still in diapers). Volunteers need VIRTUS training, if they haven't had it already. Bring your children to the Parish Education Center between 8:45 and 9:00 and pick up will be immediately after Mass. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (P. R. E.) No class November 26th for the Thanksgiving Holiday! CATHOLIC YOUTH (CY) Join in Adoration! All CY members and their families (as well as anyone else who wants to) are invited to join in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM every Wednesday in the Chapel of the Church! 11/22 4pm - 7pm CY Shopping and setting up for Thanksgiving ving baskets. 11/23 1pm - 6pm Thanksgiving baskets and set up Angel Tree. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Welcome all new adorers!! Midnight to 6am 6am to Noon Laura Leto Denise Kidd 479-442-0643 / 479-409-6467 479-306-4244 44 / 479 479-439-2047 Noon to 6pm 6pm to Midnight Shirley Hoke Judy Ranalli 479-521-7869 / 479-530-4577 479-361-2086 2086 / 479 479-957-0825 The chapel is open for those who want to Adore the Lord from Tuesday at 8:00 am to Friday at Midnight. Please know that you can still sign up for any hour convenient for you. The Lord loves many Adorers. Adorers are welcomed for any hour. Two Adorers per hour is especially encouraged! If you cannot attend your Holy Hour, please ask a family member, friend or another adorer to substitute for you. If none are available, then contact your division leader. KNIGHTLY NEWS Our Next Meeting – Monday, December 8th at 6:30 pm. at the KOC hall with food and beverages being served after the meeting. For info or if you have any suggestions, please contact Ryan Pianalto at 479.287.9384 287.9384. POLENTA SMEAR - TONTITOWN MUSEUM Grazie Mille!! Many thanks!! The Tontitown Historical Museum Board sends a big "Thank You" to everyone who helped make the 13th Annual Tontitown Reunion and OldOld Fashioned Polenta Smear a great day! Our thanks are many! We appreciate extra hands and support from St. Joseph's -- Father Hart, Richard Ptak, and all the CY members who helped ease our work. Many thanks to: Tyson Foods for the umedo chicken; David Peachee for providing projector and computer technical support; Loretta Brunetti for singing That's Amore - Tontitown style; Ranalli Farms Produce and Tontitown Winery for a beautiful raffle basket; and our generous door prize providers -- Guido's, Mama Z's, and Venesian Inn. Thank you to Kathy Pianalto Miller, Kevin Sbanotto, Justin Pianalto, and Ruth Ann Roso Ritchie for helping the Museum Board chefs make yummy polenta and umedo, and to all who brought desserts. And, thanks to all who supported our new Amici, Friends of the Tontitown Tont Historical Museum,, membership campaign by joining or renewing memberships. Amici membership forms are available in the Tontitown Storia newsletter or email [email protected] or visit www.tontitown.com. We look forward to seeing Amici window clings abound in the parking lot and around town! Finally, a sincere thank you to all who continue to bring family photos and documents to preserve Tontitown's rich history, and who come enjoy a special Sunday afternoon of friendship and fun! ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES NWA FRASSATI JOIN FRASSATI! The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Our Bible study series on the book of Psalms will resume on Monday, Dec. 1st at 7pm at St. Joe's in Tontitown. Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Potluck, Sunday, Nov. 23rd. Hope to see you there! To learn more, email us at [email protected]! ST. RAPHAEL'S - SPRINGDALE Exciting news: Matthew Kelly is coming to NW Arkansas next March to present Passion and Purpose Live! He will be at St. Joseph in Conway Friday night, March 6th and at St. Raphael in Springdale on Saturday morning March 7th. Tickets can be purchased on line at www.dynamiccatholic.com or you can contact each eac church for more information. Please plan to attend this powerful, engaging and captivating event. St. Joseph: 501-327-6568 501 & St. Raphael: 479-756-6711. ITALY PILGRIMAGE Pilgrimage To Italy: Assisi * Siena * Florence * Orvieto * Rome with Fr. Salvadorr Márquez-Muñoz Márquez MARCH 3 - 12, 2015. PRICE: $3845 from XNA per person, based on double occupancy For a single room, add $680. Plus airline taxes and fuel surcharge approximately $135. For more information: TRAVEL TYME - (636) 391-1000 391 or nationwide 1800-886-2151. 4|Page DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK Wake Up the World to the Joy of Consecrated Life! A Women’s Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat will be held January 3-4, 2015 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207. Come see that Sisters are Real People! The retreat is for young women 16-35 years of age who want to learn and discern about Religious Life. Sponsored by the Diocesan Offices of Vocations, Youth & Campus Ministry, & Minister for Religious, the retreat will include talks on Religious Life by Sisters from congregations serving in Arkansas; time for prayer & reflection; and opportunity to speak with the Sisters. The Retreat is free. Registration deadline is December 19. For Registration Form and more information see http://www.dolr.org/events/womens-religious-discernmentretreat or contact Sr. Joan Pytlik, Minister for Religious [email protected] or 501-664-0340, ext. 384. ATTN: MARRIED COUPLES In this season of Thanksgiving and you count your blessings—think of how grateful you are for your spouse and show them that gratitude by signing up for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to be held Feb. 13-15, 2015 at Subiaco. Space IS limited—so don’t delay!! For more info or to apply, please visit our website arkansaswwme.org or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501-3121119 or email [email protected]. If you apply by Dec. 31st get 25% off the $100 application fee—mention ad or call for promo code when applying to receive discount). Catholic Charities has initiated a support group for people with mental health challenges to know that they are valued and genuinely welcome. The group is called the St. Dymphna Society. Meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month in Fletcher Hall, at St. John Center, at 6:00 p.m. Mass is held, and meetings follow. To learn more contact Rebecca Cargile, 664-0340 x 355. No reservations are necessary, and all are welcome! Focus on Mental Illness--Impact on the Family: Many families are ill equipped to respond to the multiple challenges of a family member‘s diagnosis of mental illness. Behaviors can be misinterpreted, and finding effective resources and medical interventions may prove overwhelming. The strain on the family can be significant. The stigma that often accompanies this illness may cause families to be hesitant to share their need for support during this difficult time. How can our parish be of support to families with this need? Diocesan Directory: The 2015 Diocese of Little Rock directory is now available. It is an invaluable resource to keep in your house or car to find Mass times for another parish or to call or e-mail a parish, priest, deacon or religious in the diocese. It costs only $10. Send your check or money order to Directory, Arkansas Catholic, P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock, AR 72217. Calvary Cemetery in Little Rock is offering to plant a minimum of five daffodil bulbs on a grave of your choice for a donation of $10. Proceeds will support the upkeep of the cemetery grounds. Please mail your donation to: Calvary Cemetery, Diocese of Little Rock, P.O. Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565 NFP (Natural Family Planning) classes are starting almost every month in Northwest Arkansas. Find schedules at the diocesan web site (www.dolr.org) “Marriage and Family” section, “NFP” link (phone: 501-664-0340). The methods of NFP reflect the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life and promote openness to life and the value of the child. NFP classes are now required as part of marriage preparation for all couples in the Diocese, and already married couples are invited and welcome to register for a class series as well. NFP methods can help couples with infertility and women's health issues. Some of these moral methods have a higher success rate than InVitro Fertilization. The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Associate Director in the Office of Faith Formation. The minimum qualifications include: Theology degree or (5) years of Faith Formation experience, strong presentation and communication skills, and the ability to work some weekends and evenings and travel. The diocese offers competitive pay with excellent benefits. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to [email protected]. The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Associate Editor for Arkansas Catholic. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in journalism/ communications or equivalent experience and three years of writing and editing experience. This is a full-time position with competitive pay and benefits. Applicants must submit a cover letter, resume and published clips. To apply, write Malea Hargett, Editor, Arkansas Catholic, P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock, AR 72217 or [email protected]. For more information call (501) 6640125. SEARCH #135 Retreat: Registrations are now being accepted for Search #135, a retreat to help juniors and seniors in high school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #135 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, December 12 – 14, 2014. The fee is $120.00. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: http://www.dolr.org/offices/youth/documents/search135.pdf. If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry [email protected] at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340, ext 418. Scholarships are available for in need of financial assistance. Scholarship applications are at: http://www.dolr.org/offices/youth/documents/diocesanscholars hipapplication.pdf. Catholic schools have been in the state of Arkansas since 1851. In planning for the future of our Catholic schools, there is an increased awareness regarding the need for scholarship availability. This year alone there is a need of $2.1 million for 906 students who qualified for scholarships. The Office of Catholic Schools asks that you help us to continue the tradition by investing in the future and donating to the Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal. Make your donation/pledge today. To learn more contact the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools at 501-664-0340 x 321, email [email protected] or visit www.dolr.org/schools/invest.php 5|Page OPPORTUNITIES Stress Study: The ArKIDS research lab at the University of Arkansas is currently running a study for adolescents, age 10-17, who have experienced a stressful event. If eligible, you will be paid $40 for completing the study! The study involves filling out questionnaires and completing some lab tasks, including remembering and writing about your stressful event in the laboratory. The study takes about 3 hours total. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Emily Mischel at (479) 575-3523 or email [email protected]. WEEKEND MINISTRIES Date: 22-Nov Altar Servers: Candle Kylie Miller Cross Colton Miller Book Brayden Zulpo 30-Nov Richard Ptak Brooke Pianalto Mikayla Pianalto Adrian Gonzalez Matthew Huck Egillio Pianalto 23-Nov 29-Nov Lectors: Candle Abigail Guy Cross Christopher Guy Book Lucas Schaben Lydia Huck Matthew Fakult Andrew Fakult Brock Bewley Connor Pianalto Patricia Gross Gerald Walsh Roger Gross Eucharistic Ministers: Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Judy Ranalli Stan Pianalto Valerie Wright Sara Miller Mary Ann Carender Shannon Stowe Bob Brock Maureen Gruich Mike Della Rosa Pat Brock Chris Martini Chris Pianalto Patricia Mansell Margie Ceola Helen McGinnis Sara Miller Judy Ranalli Shannon Stowe Debbie Verucchi Laura Huck Mike Verucchi James Miller Denise Pearce Melanie Wiedenhoeft Gift Bearers: EM to Sick Roger & Sara Miller Family Steve & Andrea Dittmore Family Pat & Bob Brock Volunteers Needed Brian & Michelle Lehmann Family Maureen Gruich HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Bailey Lehmann Scott Mann Carl Holasek Clemente Rojo Teresa Tucker Rebecca Green Bo Sloat Shane Ahrents Keith Cook Christopher Mirch Matt Clinkscales Frances Franco Kaitlynn Teague John West Nathan Brinegar Zachary Brinegar Walker Frame Miller Herndon Jeremy Johnson Geraldine Jones Brian Sloat Collins Sullivan Joe Piazza Cooper Williams Dawn Kujawa Emily LeDuc HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! David & Diana Wright Pete & Lou Pianalto Hector & Marlene Gonzalez Steven & Kristie Hendricks HAPPY THANKSGIVING! -Hays, Edward, Prayers for the Domestic Church: A Handbook for Worship in the Home (Kansas: Forest of Peace Books, 1979), 122. Lord God, our hearts are crowded with gratitude as we celebrate the feast of Thanksgiving. We have come to this our feasting table with great joy and eagerness, for we are truly grateful to You, our God, for all that we have been given. We pause now and, in silent prayer, do thank You for the great generosity of Your gifts. We also thank one another for gifts - especially for the gifts of love and affection that we have freely shared. We are thankful for all who are present at this our feast as well as for all those who have labored in love in order to bring this dinner to our table. May You, our God, bless this Thanksgiving feast and all of us who shall share it in Your holy name. Amen. 6|Page CALENDAR OF EVENTS – NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MASS READINGS NOVEMBER 23 - NOVEMBER 29 Nov 23 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Nov 25 No Mass LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Bible Study Cancelled THANKSGIVING BASKET 1PM TO 6PM Nov 30 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Sunday: Isa 63:16-19, 64:1-7; Ps 80:1-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37 Monday: Isa 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Matt 8:5-11 Tuesday: Isa 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-17; Luke 10:21-24 Wednesday: Isa 25:6-10; Ps 23:1-6; Matt 15:29-37 Thursday: Isa 26:1-6; Ps 118:1-27; Matt 7:21-27 Friday: Isa 29:17-24; Ps 27:1-14; Matt 9:27-31 Saturday: Isa 30:19-26; Ps 147:1-6; Matt 9:35-10:1-8 Nov 24 Parish Council 6:30 PM - PEC-AE Dec 2 Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC Dec 1 No Mass Nov 26 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Mass 12:15 PM English IMMACULATE CONCEPTION VIGIL Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Rosary 5:40 PM Mass 6:00 PM English LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Nov 28 No AM Mass OFFICE CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED Dec 3 Dec 4 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Dec 5 1st FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM RCIA 6:30 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Advent Reconciliation St. Vincent dePaul Rogers 7:00 PM Dec 10 Dec 11 LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM OFFICE CLOSED Due to staff vacation Dec 12 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Advent Reconciliation St. Raphael's Springdale 7:00 PM Advent Reconciliation St. Thomas Aquinas U of A Fayetteville 7:00 PM Advent Reconciliation St. Stephen's Bentonville 7:00 PM Dec 16 Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Advent Reconciliation St. Joseph's Fayetteville 7:00 PM Dec 9 Bible Study 3:00 PM - PEC LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM Dec 15 No Mass Latin Mass 11:30 AM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Advent Reconciliation St. Mary's Siloam Springs 7:00 PM PEC = Parish Education Center AE = Adult Education Room ADVENT RECONCILIATION ST. JOSEPH'S TONTITOWN 7:00 PM ABBREVIATIONS: C = Church 7|Page Nov 29 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Dec 6 1st SATURDAY Rosary 7:40 AM Mass 8:00 AM Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Dec 13 Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM OFFICE CLOSED Dec 14 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM NO PRE or Parenting Class Lector Training 6:45 PM - C Dec 8 FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Latin Mass Mass 7:30 AM Nov 27 THANKSGIVING Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Dec 7 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Nov 22 No R.C.I.A. LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Saturday Nov 21 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 6 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12,15-17 Ps 23:1-5,6 1 Cor 15:20-26,28 Mt 25:31-46 Monday: Rv 14:1-5 Ps 24:1-6 Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19 Ps 96:10-13 Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4 Ps 98:1-3,7-9 Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2,21-23; 19:1-3,9 Ps 100:1-5 Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Rv 20:1-4,11–21:2 Ps 84:3-6,8 Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7 Ps 95:1-7 Lk 21:34-36 Friday Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Dec 20 Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM PH = Parish Hall LofH = Liturgy of the Hours 8|Page
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