MCI Bulletin 23 November 2014 - Methodist Church Of The Incarnation

VISION 2018 Growing Christian Disciples who renew their worship to the Almighty
God and share Christ’s Love with the community and world.
MCI Church Theme 2014 Rejuvenating Worship
Order of Service
23 November 2014
Musical Prelude
Call to Worship
Mr Ronald Tan
Celebration of Worship
Pastoral Prayer
Rev Derrick Lau
Greetings / MCI News & Concerns
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Scripture Lesson
Genesis 50:15-21
Redeeming Bad Choices
UMH 95
Ms Bernice Koh
Rev Michael Wong
Song of Dedication
Musical Postlude
Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI)
Sunday Service: 9.00 am (Mandarin) | 10.30 am @ JPG Hall (Contemporary English),
11.00 am @ Sanctuary (Traditional English) | 1.30 pm (Hokkien)
31 Teck Whye Lane Singapore 688798 | | [email protected]
Office Tel 6765 2209 | Fax 6763 4373 | Kindergarten Tel 6763 0621
Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Derrick Lau
Assistant Pastor, Rev Clarence Lee
Preacher Matthew Chooi (Mandarin)
Administrator, Ms Chris Goh
For booking of rooms & general
enquiries, contact Ms May Ng
9862 2202
9477 0937
9009 2235
6765 2209
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
| [email protected]
a) Hi, Welcome to MCI
We belong to the family of Jesus Christ and seek to
honor and glorify God through Worship, Word,
Welcome, Witness and Wonder.
We pray that you will be inspired by the worship of the
Almighty God and will experience a deeper touch of His love! If you are our
GUEST, please feel free to speak with our iWelcome hosts, Mr Stephen Lim or
Mr & Mrs Aloysious WMK to learn more about our ministry such as Sunday
School, Cell Group Ministry, Prayer etc...
b) We welcome our Guest Preacher, Rev. Michael Wong. He has served in
SMAC and TRAC and retired in 2003 after 38 years of ministry. Currently, he
is re-engaged at Toa Payoh Methodist Church. May the Lord’s anointing be
upon him as he proclaims God’s Word today.
c) Pastor Edwin Khoo is the preacher for our 11.00 am Traditional Service
today. Pray for the Lord’s anointing too.
Prayer Concerns
a) We WORSHIP an awesome God.
Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you— majestic in
holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Exodus 15:11
b) We obey the WORD of God
Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let the
one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord
and rely on their God. Isaiah 50:10
c) We WELCOME all.
Then Jesus said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name
welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For
it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” Luke 9:48
d) We are WITNESSES of His Grace.
“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have
chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.” Isaiah 43:10
e) We behold His WONDER.
Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned
for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they
would be too many to declare. Psalm 40:5
f) Continue to pray for all who are going through difficult trials and testing. May
the Lord encourage and strengthen all who turn their hearts to You.
g) Pray for peaceful resolution to the prolonged conflicts in the Middle East,
Hong Kong, etc…
Let’s continue to pray unceasingly. If you have a prayer concern, you may like to
share it with our pastors or email it to [email protected].
Join our Sunday Prayer Team | Intercessions for preachers, worshippers,
ministries and church concerns
| 9.30 am - 10.15 am | Hope Room | Level III
Come early and prepare our hearts and minds for worship. Pastor leads in
prayer for your personal needs and concerns from 10.20 am onwards.
3. Solid Rock Spiritual Journey Discipleship 2014
Sermon Theme for November: Knowing and keeping God’s Will
Memory Verse for November:
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
Highlights of the TRAC 39th Session @ Christ Methodist Church
a) From 1 Jan 2015, TRAC will be organised into 4 Districts, namely Districts 1, 2
3 & 4. MCI is grouped under District 2 with Rev Nga Mee Hee as District
b) Rev Derrick Lau and Rev Clarence Lee have been reappointed to MCI for 2015.
c) Rev Derrick Lau continues to serve as Chaplain, TRAC Students @ TTC.
d) Rev Derrick Lau received his Long Service Award for 30 years of service with
e) TRAC approved a yearlong Sabbatical Leave for Rev Derrick Lau for 2016.
f) Conference Sunday will be celebrated on 8 Nov 2015
g) TRAC Vice President: Mr Edmund E | TRAC Lay Leader: Mr Kim Seah
h) TRAC VP will convene a meeting to address issues associated with Land Lease
Renewal among affected TRAC Churches e.g. MCI & PMC (2022).
i) TRAC is finalising the arrangements for MCI to host the 40th Session in 2015.
The 2nd Session (0f a total of 4 Sessions) of the Baptismal & Membership
Today | 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm | MCI Grace Room | Level II
A Special Sale of home-made cookies and cakes
30 Nov 2014 | 12.15 pm | Social Hall
All proceeds from the sale will go towards for the renovation of the kitchen. Total
cost is estimated at $1,200. Funds raised in excess of renovation costs will be
channelled to MEP. Rhema CG has adopted the project as their Micah 6:8
Engagement. Renovation works will commence in early Dec 2014 and is targeted
to complete by mid-Dec. Thank you for your support.
WSCS is organising a Barang Barang Sale
7 Dec 2014, Sunday | 10.00 am – 2.00 pm | Social Hall.
Members are invited to contribute/donate their non bulky household items
(preferably new or unused) to raise funds for our MEP. Bring the items to church
during the next 2 weeks.
Please contact Lee Lian @ 9615 6327 or Gillian @ 9758 7841 if you have queries.
Worship Essentials 2014 Lanyard
WE2014 Participants who do not wish to retain the lanyard are requested to
return them to our infoHub for recycling. Thank you.
Sha’ir Puji-Pujian (also known as Malay Hymnal) used by the Peranakan
Congregations of Methodist Churches
If you or your family members have copy or copies of this hymnal that you do not
wish to keep, please donate them to the Council on Archives and History of The
Methodist Church in Singapore. We are collecting them as a step to preserving
the heritage of the Methodist Church. Please call the Council at 6478 4775 or
email [email protected] regarding this. Thank you.
10. MCI’s Missions Trips
Praise God for the opportunities of serving Him in this community and beyond.
Praise God for a meaningful and fruitful trip to:
West Malaysia (Rumah Faith) |16-19 Nov 2014
Pray for the coming trips:
Fujian (Teaching English & Outreach) | 8-15 Dec 2014
Sibu (SIAC Women’s Conference & Women’s Retreat) | 11-16 Dec 2014
11. China Nationals Ministry:
Fairfield Methodist Church is appealing for old long sleeved shirts and long pants
for their ministry among China National Construction Workers. No ladies’ or
children’s clothings please. Their past collection from other churches
together with their own congregation were quickly and completely
distributed. They need plenty of them. Would appreciate it if you could bundle
and label “shirts” or “pants” for easy sorting. Please leave the bundled clothing at
our Social Hall on or before 7 Dec 2014. Thank you.
12. We express our condolences and sympathy to Victor Tan and his family on
the passing away of Victor’s mother, Mdm Toh Gek Kuan on 15 November 2014.
May the Lord’s comfort and peace be upon the bereaved family.
13. We are exploring a Car Parking System in order to optimise the car park
facilities in our church. We will provide the details in 2 weeks’ time. We seek your
prayers and support in launching a GRP System (Green Red Parking). More Car
Park Marshalls are needed to facilitate this process. Please register your interest
and availability @infoHub
14. Next Sunday’s Sermon: Waiting in Hope | Romans 8:18-25
but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 (NRSV)
Our Core Values: Love God | Unconditional Love | Servanthood |
Transforming Grace | Reach the Lost | Exponential Faith