VISION 2018 - Methodist Church Of The Incarnation

VISION 2018 Growing Christian Disciples who renew their Worship to
God and share Christ’s Love with the community and world.
Church Theme 2015: Engaging Members with God’s Word
23rd Anniversary Combined Service | 中英文联合主日崇拜程序
11 Jan 2015 | 2015年1月11日
Musical Prelude | 序乐
Call to Worship | 宣召
Mr Aaron Aloysious & 陈雪玲姐妹
Celebration of Worship | 敬拜赞美
Pastoral Prayer | 教牧祷告
Rev Clarence Lee
Greetings / MCI News & Concerns | 欢迎和家讯
MEP Update
Sibu 2014 Missions Trip Presentation
Offertory | 奉献
Doxology | 颂赞
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
At The Cross
UMH 95
Creative Arts Ministry
Scripture Lesson | 信息经文
Psalm 119:105 |诗篇 119:105
The Word that Lights our Path
Ms Bernice Koh
Rev Derrick Lau
Song of Dedication | 回应诗歌
Benediction | 祝福
Rev Derrick Lau
Musical Postlude | 殿乐
Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI)
Sunday Service: 9.00 am (Mandarin) | 10.30 am @ JPG Hall (English),
11.00 am @ Sanctuary (Traditional English) | 1.30 pm (Hokkien)
31 Teck Whye Lane Singapore 688798 | | [email protected]
Office Tel 6765 2209 | Fax 6763 4373 | Kindergarten Tel 6763 0621
Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Derrick Lau
Assistant Pastor, Rev Clarence Lee
Preacher Matthew Chooi (Mandarin)
Administrator, Ms Chris Goh
For booking of rooms & general
enquiries, contact Ms May Ng
9862 2202
9477 0937
910 07345
9009 2235
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
6765 2209
| [email protected]
1. Hi, Welcome to MCI
We belong to the family of Jesus Christ and seek to honor and
glorify God through Worship, Word, Welcome, Witness &
Wonder. We pray that you will be inspired by the worship of the
Almighty God and will experience a deeper touch of His love!
If you are our GUEST, please feel free to speak with our iWelcome hosts,
Mr Lim Joo Ming or Ms Yeo Soo Kheng or Ms Catherine Ho to learn more about
our ministry such as Sunday School, Cell Group Ministry, Prayer etc...
2. MCI 23rd Church Anniversary - TODAY
a) We praise God who has led us through the years of ministry @ Teck Whye
community. Let’s celebrate His goodness and commit ourselves to serving His
b) Prayer Cushions will be presented to all worshippers. We encourage you to
develop a life of Prayer based on the Word of God.
c) Group Photography Session will take place immediately after the Service @ JPG
d) You are invited to a Film Show entitled “Irreplaceable”.
1.15 pm | JPG Hall | Admission is Free |
Our families play a vital role in our lives and well-being. But the culture and
media seem bent on redefining what “family” is. Are there really many
definitions? Are we seeing the end of what is "traditional" family? And what
does our faith have to say about all of this? This is Focus on the Family’s latest
documentary, featuring their research all over the world for answers.
Due to the nature of the movie, it is suitable for those aged 15 years and above.
3. Prayer Concerns
a) Church Theme for 2015: Engaging Members with God’s Word. Pray that the
Lord will bless and direct our hearts in developing this theme and that all will
support its program and activities.
[ The Day of the LORD ] “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your
young men will see visions. Joel 2:28
b) Church 23rd Anniversary. Pray for the Lord’s continued anointing on our
pastors, staff, leaders, members and friends as we celebrate His faithfulness in
leading us through the years.
The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of
the holy ones. Psalm 89:5
c) Church Camp 2015. Pray for the Committee in organizing this camp. Pray for
speakers, registration, logistics, resources etc…
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the
breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many
wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together
and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to
anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple
courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere
hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added
to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47
d) Community Outreach. Pray that MCI will continue to be God’s Beacon of Light
that shares His love with the community and world.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good
deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
e) Conflict resolution among those who are going through difficult tensions.
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11
f) Compassion of Christ for those who are poor and needy and those going through
trials and suffering.
But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in
love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15
g) Covenant that was made or renewed at the beginning of this New Year. May His
Spirit enable and encourage us to remain faithful to Christ always.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the
everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the
earth.” Genesis 9:16
Let’s continue to pray unceasingly. If you have a prayer concern, you may like to
share it with our pastors or email it to [email protected].
Join our Sunday Prayer Team | Intercessions for preachers, worshippers,
ministries and church concerns
| 9.30 am - 10.15 am | Hope Room | Level III
Come early and prepare our hearts and minds for worship. Pastor leads in prayer
for your personal needs and concerns from 10.20 am onwards.
4. Our Pulpit Ministry for January & February 2015 is based on Reflection on
Jeremiah. Scripture Memory for January 2015:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5
5. MCI Church Camp 2015: Save the Dates! Did you hear? Church camp is back
this year, and a new adventure awaits! This time, we will be digging deeper and will
be more engaged with God's Word. Expect a fun time of spiritual discovery and
bonding with our church family.
Dates: 4 - 7 June 2015 (Thur– Sun) | Venue: Renaissance Hotel in JB, Malaysia
Set aside these dates and stay tuned for more information! For clarification, please
contact MCI Office.
6. All are cordially invited to participate in our MCI Hokkien Fellowship Worship
Service on Sundays at 1.30 p.m. On the third Sundays, it will be held at Bethany
Methodist Nursing Home (BMNH). Our next Session at BMNH will be on 18 Jan 2015.
Bus will leave MCI at 12.45 pm. All are welcome to serve as befrienders as we reach out
to the residents there. Please register @ infoHub.
7. Flower arrangements for Sanctuary on 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Floral
donation with a minimum contribution of $40 will be appreciated. Please use the
floral envelope that is available @infoHub. Thank you.
8. Trinity Theological College welcomes you to an Open House on 21 Jan 2015,
Wednesday | 8.15 am – 2.00 pm. We believe that theological education is for
everyone, so do come and learn how you can prepare yourself for full-time ministry,
as well as to witness effectively in the marketplace. Please register online at or email [email protected] or call 6767 6677 by 16 Jan 2015.
1. 欢迎:第一次来聚会的新朋友,并请弟兄姐妹与新朋友握手问安。
2. 主日学:今天成人主日学将暂定一次。下主日见!
3. 华委会议: 今主日下午 1.00 - 4.00 在 2M 楼 Grace, Messiah 课室开
4. 福建团契:每星期日下午 1.30 在 3 楼 Chapel 有聚会。并在每第三
5. 橄榄树团契:这是一个全新属于年长者的团契。通过团契生活,年长者在
星期三,下午 2.00 – 3.30 有聚会。欢迎五十五岁以上的会
6. 来临的聚会: 21/1/15 | 时间:下午 2.00 | 地点: 2M 楼 Grace, Messiah 课室
7. 教会营:2015 年6月 4 至7日 (星期四-星期日) 假新山的
Renaissance 酒店,请锁定日期和预备心参加。详请可询问办公室。
21/01/15 奉献状况 /人数
崇拜总数 : 137 崇拜人数 : 123 儿童主日学 : 14
奉献总数 : $5531.10
主日奉献 : $959.8
儿童主日 :$23.70
按月奉献 : $3410 (601-$150 609-$20 619-$200 635-$200 639-$50 643-$100
647-$200 661-$100 662-$160 666-$10 668-$30 670-$50
674-$150 680-$140 684-$200 686-$$50 695-$500 697-$100
698-$700 699-$300)
建堂奉献 : $510 (633-$400 647-$50 670-$10 674-$50)
第二次奉献 (三一宣教基金 ) : $517.60
感恩奉献 : $10 (670-$10)
宣教基金奉献: $20 (680-$20)
茶水奉献 : $80.00 (629-$30 670-$30 680-$20)
Our Core Values: Love God | Unconditional Love | Servanthood |
Transforming Grace | Reach the Lost | Exponential Faith
Sermon Application Method (S.A.M.) is a means by which you could further reflect on the
sermon by writing your personal response and then be engaged in sharing and discussing them with
members of your small group.
Topic: The Word that Lights our Path
Text: Psalm 119:105 | Preacher: Rev. Derrick Lau | Date: 11 January 2015
Praise God for the celebrations of MCI’s 23rd Anniversary!
The New Year brings NEW:
For some, the path ahead seems to be…
P ________________
D _________________
P ________________
D _________________
P ________________
D _________________
R ___________ W ________
E ___________ members with God’s W _____
N ___________ the spirit of W _________
E ___________ God’s W ________
W __________ to our Faith
God’s Word is a L _____ for my feet and a L _______ on my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Discuss our Challenge for 2015:
Deepen our W ____________ Centered Ministry
Broaden our O ____________ to those w/o the Word
Expand our R ____________ to serve God’s missions
Intensify our D ____________ strategy for all members
Your Word is a Lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
经文:诗 119:105
| 讲员: 刘作丰牧师 |日期: 1/11/15
P ________________
D _________________
P ________________
D _________________
P ________________
D _________________
R ___________ W ________
E ___________ 会众有神的 _____
N ___________ 有欢迎人的 _______
E ___________ 神的大能 ________
W __________ 在我们的信仰
神的话语是我脚前的 _____ 和路上的 _______
(诗篇 119:105)
在事工的中心上,我们深化W ____________
在没神话语的人群中,我们扩大O ____________
在事奉神的工作上,我们发展R ____________
在给所有会众的策略上,我们强化D ____________
你 的 话 是 我 脚 前 的 灯 , 是 我 路 上 的 光 (诗篇119:105)。