V 2018 MCI Church Theme 2014

VISION 2018 Growing Christian Disciples who renew their worship to the Almighty
God and share Christ’s Love with the community and world.
MCI Church Theme 2014 Rejuvenating Worship
Order of Service
26 October 2014
Musical Prelude
Call to Worship
Ms Serene Lai
Celebration of Worship
Prayer on Behalf of All
Ms Amelia Koh
Greetings / MCI News & Concerns
Rev Derrick Lau
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Scripture Lesson
UMH 95
Judges 14:1-20
Ms Chung Shiyong
Tasty Temptations
Rev Derrick Lau
Song of Dedication
Rev Derrick Lau
Musical Postlude
Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI)
Sunday Service: 9.00 am (Mandarin) | 10.30 am @ JPG Hall (Contemporary English),
11.00 am @ Sanctuary (Traditional English) | 1.30 pm (Hokkien)
31 Teck Whye Lane Singapore 688798 | www.mci.org.sg | [email protected]
Office Tel 6765 2209 | Fax 6763 4373 | Kindergarten Tel 6763 0621
Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Derrick Lau
Assistant Pastor, Rev Clarence Lee
Preacher Matthew Chooi (Mandarin)
Administrator, Ms Chris Goh
For booking of rooms & general
enquiries, contact Ms May Ng
9862 2202
9477 0937
9009 2235
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
6765 2209
| [email protected]
Hi, Welcome to MCI
We belong to the family of Jesus Christ and seek to
honor and glorify God through Worship, Word,
Welcome, Witness and Wonder.
We pray that you will be inspired by the worship of
the Almighty God and will experience a deeper touch
of His love! If you are our GUEST, please feel free to speak with our iWelcome
hosts, Ms Cindy Wong or Mr Kendrick Chua to learn more about our ministry
such as Sunday School, Cell Group Ministry, Prayer etc...
Prayer Concerns
a) Praise God for the awesome 35 Days of Worship Essentials 2014. Praise Him
for the vision of mobilizing the whole church to embark upon this spiritual
journey together. Praise Him for the Organising Task Force chaired by Ms
Serene Lai and the participation of over 300 children, youths and adults. Pray
that the 35 Days that we had spent on the development a deeper life of worship
and service will continue to grow in Christ.
b) Praise God in particular for the Evening of Praise (18 Oct 2014) where we
gathered as a Family in Christ for a special Service. All glory be to our Lord for
His love, blessings and the manner in which He has inspired us to continue to
worship Him and express our devotion to Him via sacrificial offering and
Micah 6:8 Engagements.
c) Continue to pray for all who are going through difficult trials. May the Lord
raise faith among us and declare that He is indeed the Sovereign Lord of us all!
d) May the Lord restore peace and bring about reconciliation among different
groups of people in countries such as Syria, Israel, Indonesia, Hong Kong etc…
Let’s continue to pray unceasingly. If you have a prayer concern, you may like to
share it with our pastors or email it to [email protected].
Join our Sunday Prayer Team | Intercessions for preachers, worshippers,
ministries and church concerns
| 9.30 am - 10.15 am | Hope Room | Level III
Come early and prepare our hearts and minds for worship. Pastor leads in
prayer for your personal needs and concerns from 10.20 am onwards.
3. Solid Rock Spiritual Journey Discipleship 2014
Sermon Theme for October: Journeying with Paul
Memory Verse for October:
We speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.
We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4
LCEC CY 2014/2015 Installation and Dedication is scheduled on
Date: 2nd November 2014 (Sunday)
Time: 10.30 am Contemporary Service @JPG Hall
All stewards shall be officially installed and dedicated. Church is requested to
pray, encourage and support our leaders as they serve the mission of God @MCI
and beyond.
5-week course on The Life and Ministry of Paul
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November 2014 | 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm |
Covenant & David Room | $30 (after 18 Oct 2014)
Closing Date: Today | (Minimum – 30 pax to start)
Come and learn more about this interesting Apostle and Missionary, and how his
life lessons can also be ours! For more information, please refer to noticeboard.
Register @ infoHub.
The purpose of the Baptismal & Membership Course is to prepare
candidates for the Sacrament of Water Baptism and/or Church Membership.
16, 23, 30 Nov and 7 Dec (Sundays) | 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm
MCI Grace Room | Course Fee: $10 | Closing Date: 9 Nov 2014.
Register @ infoHub.
All are cordially invited to participate in our MCI Hokkien Fellowship
Worship Service on Sundays at 1.30 pm. On the 3rd Sundays, it will be held at
Bethany Methodist Nursing Home (BMNH). Next Session will be on 16 November
Mass CPR and AED training session (1 hour) on:
TODAY | 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm | JPG Hall
See you there! If you have not already registered for it, you are welcome too.
Couples who are planning marriage or would like to know more about biblical
teachings concerning marriage are requested to contact Pastor Derrick
concerning Marriage Preparations Course. Please note that Notice for
Marriage Solemnisation should be arranged with pastor at least 6 months prior
to the intended date. Please email: [email protected]
10. Ministry Opportunities. We were made to serve Him. Come and sign up for
the following:
a) Car Park Marshalls - to optimize the vehicle parking space in church for the
benefit of worshipers and visitors.
2 person per Sunday | 8.50 am to 10.15 am | noon to 12.30 pm
b) Gardeners - to develop, beautify and maintain the church's garden and
1 person per weekday | 1 to 1.5 hours
Please register @ infoHub.
11. Church Membership update. Please inform [email protected] of changes in
your mailing address, mobile phone, email etc…Thank you.
12. Next Sunday’s Sermon:
Living in God’s Favour | Psalm 90
Our Core Values: Love God | Unconditional Love | Servanthood |
Transforming Grace | Reach the Lost | Exponential Faith
Sermon Application Method is a means by which you could further reflect
on the sermon by writing your personal response and then be engaged in sharing
and discussing them with members of your small group.
Topic: Tasty
SAMSON | Judge over Israel |
Preacher: Rev. Derrick Lau
Date: 26 October 2014
S_____________ Birth | miracle | Judges 13:5
A_____________ with incredible strength | Judges 15:14-15
M____________ from wine and grapes, not cut their hair or beard, avoid
contact with dead bodies | Nazirites |
S_____________ to sexual temptations | Judges 14:1-3
O_____________ his enemies | Philistines |Judges 16:30
N_____________ & honored alongside Gideon, David and
Samuel | Hebrews 11:32-34
Questions for reflection (individually or with small group members):
What gifts or special abilities has God endowed upon you?
In what ways are you employing/utilizing them for His glory?
What are your weaknesses?
How do you plan to deal with those tasty temptations associated with your
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
1 Corinthian 10:13