CHRIST THE KING CHURCH The First Candle EACH CANDLE ON THE ADVENT WREATH represents a certain Mystery of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The first candle which will be lit today is called the ISAIAH CANDLE. It is named for the prophet in the Old Testament who wrote clearly about the coming of the Messiah. The Christmas hymn tells us Isaiah has foretold it. “The Virgin shall conceive and bring forth a Son”. So our first candle recalls the ancient word of God’s faithful people as they waited and looked with enormous faith and patience for the coming of The Promised November 30, 2014 OUR PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY ARE EXTENDED TO Karen & Chuck Hansen on the death of their grandson, David Banmiller and to the family and friends of Robert Ivey may they and all faithful departed rest in peace. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION There will be Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on this 1st Friday, December 5, from 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Church. Advent has arrived, a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Prepare your soul by spending time in adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament this First Friday! Let this be your gift to Him, who loved us so much that He became one of us. one of Israel” . (reprinted by permission) “O Living Host, my one and only strength, fountain of love and mercy, embrace the whole world” St. Faustina Kowalska MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 30: 9:30 a.m. +Cole Westley Thomas 11:00 a.m. +Mary Ellen Triece Monday, December 1: 8:00 a.m. Jane Santos Tuesday, December 2: 8:00 a.m. +Lizabeth Gratton Wednesday, December 3: 8:00 a.m. +Hollis Myers Thursday, December 4: 8:00 a.m. Richard & Judith Wood Friday, December 5: 8:00 a.m. Laurie Hickman Cox Saturday, December 6: 8:00 a.m. +James Paul Harrison 5:30 p.m. Jackie Wilson & Family Next Sunday, December 7: 9:30 a.m. +Gary Love 11:00 a.m. +Catherine Pitts For more information, contact Suzy Galligan 214.369.0107 or Beverly Marroy, 214.522.4329. PRAY FOR THEM For our sick brothers and sisters we commend them to the grace and healing power of Christ. Olga Burnett Eithne Shank Martha Gilbreath Trish Siller Rogers Hartmann Catherine Stanzel and for Larry Lacerte Caroll Tettee John McCarthy Come Pray With Us THE ROSARY is recited in the Church every weekday morning at 7:40 a.m. before the 8:00 a.m. Mass, and on Saturday morning after the 8:00 a.m. Mass, and our special Rosary is every Monday at 12:30 p.m. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR December 7, 2014 Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-14; Mark 1: 1-8 Dear Sponsor: I would like to thank you, for your generosity, in being a sponsor for our weekly parish bulletin. Your support defrays all cost to the parish. We encourage all of our parishioners to look to the back of our bulletin, when in need of services. A mass will be celebrated for you as a Special Blessing for your support. Again I thank you for generosity. Msgr. Donald F. Zimmerman, Pastor First Sunday of Advent weekly calendar SUNDAY November 30 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am. & 12:30 p.m. Church Nursery is available For 1,2,& 3 year olds during the 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Masses Please stop by St. Anne’s tables outside of Mass on Sunday, December 7th to shop for CTK-themed ornaments, cards, magnets and more! These make great Christmas gifts! A portion of the proceeds benefits St. Anne’s Society. NO Pre-School F. F. 12:30 p.m. Youth Mass—Church NO 7/8 Faith Formation Will resume 12/7/14 Youth Night - 6-8 p.m. - Community Center MONDAY December 1 7:40 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Rosary—Church (Monday—Friday) Mass Rosary—Church (every Monday) 4:15 p.m. F. F. for Grades 1-6 TUESDAY December 2 8:00 a.m. Mass WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. December 3 Mass THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. December 4 Mass Mass 7:30 p.m. December 5 8:00 a.m. Mass Adoration - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. December 6 Mass Rosary after Mass 4:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Confessions Mass Angel Tree NEXT SUNDAY December 7 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am. & 12:30 p.m. Angel Tree - after all the Masses Church Nursery is available For 1,2,& 3 year olds during the 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Masses 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Email: [email protected] /or Fax—214.365.1205 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UP-COMING EVENTS DECEMBER: Monday, 8 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Holy Day of Obligation MASSES 8-10 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Monday, 8 Family of Faith Tuesday, 9 Altar Society Christmas Tea 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Norma Longwell Saturday, 13 Return Angel Tree Gifts Sunday, 14 Return Angel Tree Gifts =========================== MASSES - For Christmas Eve - December 24th 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. - In the Community Center 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. - In the Church R.C.I.A. - C. C. FRIDAY ***BULLETIN ARTICLES*** MUST BE SUBMITTED BY ***NOON ON MONDAY!!!*** Pre-School F. F. Youth Mass—Church Monday, December 8 - Holy Day of Obligation IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MASSES 8 & 10 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. MASSES (in the Church) For Christmas Day - December 25th 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. - NO 12:30 P.M. ========================= The Church Office will be closed December 24,25,26 The Community Center GYMS will be closed from Monday, December 22 thru Monday, December 29. The exercise room & track will be open December 22, 23, 27, 28 & 29 The entire Community Center will be closed December 24. 25 & 26 ============================= Women’s Evening Fellowship dates-Wednesdays-6:00-8:30 p.m.; December 17; January 28; February 25; March 25; April 22; and May 27. Meet in the Community Center. ==================== DONUT SUNDAYS December 14 - Hosted by Altar Society January 11 - Hosted by CKS Parent’s Association February 8 - Hosted by St. Anne’s March 1 - Hosted by CKS Parent’s Association April 26 - Hosted by Altar Society May 17 - Hosted by St. Anne’s CHRIST THE KING CHURCH November 30, 2014 Faith Formation News PARISH ORGANIZATIONS NEWS & EVENTS Pre-school/Kindergarteners (3-4-5 year olds), Faith Formation; ”Come to Know God”; is on Sundays during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. If you have questions please contact Kate O’Connell at [email protected] ======================================== For general information contact Karen Eubanks, President, [email protected] or 972.788.1524. 7/8 Grades—Sunday’s—6-7 p.m. Community Center For membership information contact, Annette Matteson, [email protected] or 214.692.1017. More details contact Charlotte Dooley by email at: [email protected] 7th/8th Graders/Teens Faith Formation NO Dinner Meeting - November 30; resume Sunday, December 7. 12:30 p.m. Youth Mass—Every Sunday ============================================ F.F. for Grades 1-6 Mondays- thru April 29, 2015 4:15-5:30 p.m. Questions email Ms. Reimann at [email protected]. or call 214.365.1234. ALTAR SOCIETY Please note membership forms are available in the back of the church in the literature racks. THE EVENTS FOR January - April 2015 January, 2015 Sunday, 25 Tuesday, 27 February Saturday, 14 Tuesday, 24 Welcome Mass for New Parishioners 9:30 a.m. - Mass - CTK Church Karen Purvis Book Review 10:00 a.m. - Community Center 6th Annual Parish Valentine Dinner Lenten Morning Reflection 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. - Community Center March Wednesday, 18 Annual Fundraiser & Luncheon Belo Manison April Sunday, 26 Membership Sunday & Donut Sunday After Sunday Masses only High School Youth (9-12 grades) Questions? Call Kirk Dooley 214.755.1708 Christ the King Men’s Group The Men’s Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 7-8 p.m. at Christ the King Community Center. Social follows at Nick & Sam’s Grille. For more information contact Michael McDaniel at [email protected] Upcoming events: • • Dallas Christmas Parade, this Saturday, December 6, 7-11 a.m. to assist as “bleacher hosts” at the parade. Please reply to Mike McDaniel. [email protected] Parish Nativity Display - David Pratt is leading committee. Please reply to David for meeting time and date. [email protected] SDVP Car Donation Program - 1-800-322-8284 Free towing! Tax deductible! Donate your vehicle to St. Vincent DePaul Society and support our mission of bringing hope and assistance to those in need right here in the Dallas community. Tuesday, 28 Spring Membership Tea 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Candyce Eoff Please call the Altar Society Prayer Chain with any prayer requests. ALL calls kept confidential. Call Mary Rozycsko at 469.855.1568 (new #) ====================================================================================== ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY All women of CTK parish are cordially invited to join St. Anne’s Society. For more information or to join or to renew your membership, please visit http:// or contact Colleen Edmondson at [email protected] Please stop by our tables outside of Mass on Sunday, December 7th to shop for CTK-themed ornaments, cards, magnets and more! These make great Christmas gifts! A portion of the proceeds benefits St. Anne’s Society. Please note: our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Childcare will be available. The Christ the King Women’s Morning Book Group meets the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m., in the CTK Community Center. The following are book selections for 2014: December 18 - Christmas Lunch Questions please e-mail Gretchen Armstrong at [email protected] First Sunday of Advent MORE INFORMATION Safe Environment News CTK COMMUNITY OUTREACH MINISTRY ALL persons wishing to volunteer at Christ the King Church or Christ the King School MUST BE CLEARED through the Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment Program. Please consult the “Event Calendar” at, go to the Safe Environment page for updates regarding other Safe Environment retraining options as well as details of specific Safe Environment events. Christ the King Community Outreach Ministry (CTKCOM) is a ministry to bring CTK parishioners together for service work in our community. CTKCOM is open to ALL PARISHIONERS—men, women, young, old, singles, married-any parishioner interested in community outreach service work. Please remember that all volunteers must renew training annually. “Family of Faith Meetings” are held the 2nd Monday of the month. (2014) 12/8, from 7pm to 9pm. Please register on line at; click on Safe Environment, then click on “sign up for training” and scroll down to CTK Church, fill out information. [email protected] For more information contact Laura Lynch, Safety Director, at 214. 365.1208. For the safety of the children parents should accompany their children, under 12, to the restrooms. Neither the restrooms nor the vestibule are monitored during Mass, therefore, adult supervision is required. CTKCOM information and volunteer forms are available at website under “Ministries” or email anahfrank- ========== Birth Choice Dallas, a Catholic Crisis pregnancy center, is looking for volunteers. They are in need of counselors and a receptionist to answer phones. If interested please contact Christina Smith at 214.631.2402. Christ the King Reverence for Life Committee The CTK Reverence for Life Committee offers prayers and activities that promote the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. Join Us! For more information, contact Ellen Dorn at [email protected] Please SUPPORT OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF you would like be one of our bulletin advertisers please contact Bill Strait at [email protected] or 972.743.3842. The Society of St. Vincent dePaul at Christ the King assists those with temporary, emergency We meet Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. in “The Pat Adams Room#2”, in the CTK Community Center. During the month of October we assisted 4 families, with various needs including rent, utilities food and clothing which totaled over $1,377. This work is made possible through your conneeds and invites all to join an live your faith through service to others. tinued financial support. If you would like to help, please contact us at 214.365.1247. Additionally, each month on the first Sunday of the month, a “Bundle Sunday” is hosted by the Christ the King Parish to benefit the St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store. The next BUNDLE SUNDAY, December 7, 2-5 p.m. To schedule a pick-up of furniture or large item(s), call 214.373.7837 or email [email protected] and they will be pleased to schedule a time convenient for you. You may drop off donations at the store located at 3052 W. Northwest Highway, Dallas, 75220, 7 days a week. We are pleased to announce that the 2nd St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store location is NOW OPEN at 3305 North Central Expressway (Highway 75) and Parker Road. CHRIST THE KING CHURCH Dear Parishioners: November 30, 2014 MUSIC AT CHRIST THE KING Once again Bishop Kevin Farrell has asked that we encourage our fellow Catholics who have been a way from the Church for a while “To Come Home for Christmas.” Henry McDowell, Music Director/Organist Christopher Widomski, Assistant Organist Merily Songe, Director of St. Cecilia Singers & Cherub Choir We will need your help to make this all come about. There are brochures in the racks in the Church that you may take to give to someone you know who has been “away for awhile.” Music Inquires: [email protected] Wedding Inquires: [email protected] Merily Songe: [email protected] ========================================= To our visitors, our ushers are in the Narthex to “Welcome You Home” and to assist you. If you would like to make an appointment to speak to or see Msgr. Zimmerman, or one of our Pastoral Associates, Bill Hare, or Deacon Tim Muldoon, please give the greeters your name and phone number. Msgr. Zimmerman, encourages everyone to help make this worthwhile ministry successful. “May God continue to bless us all” “COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS” The picture of being home for Christmas touches a longing deep within us. The Christmas season may intensify it, but the feeling is timeless. It’s like Dorothy trying to get back to Kansas or George Bailey discovering that it really is a wonderful life. It’s a common reality that we are lost...homesick, runaway children who long to come home to God. We are created for a living, loving and growing relationship with God. Nothing else, regardless of how much we pay for it or how much we give away to achieve it, can satisfy that hunger. Perhaps you’ve simply drifted away from the Church, or stopped attending Church on a regular basis, no matter how long you’ve been away or for what ever reason, you are welcome to come home. Your faith community misses you and is incomplete without you, especially this time of the year. We are the Church, a community of broken, sinful disciples striving to do better, but we are also a community of faith-filled disciples who pray for, nurture, and support one another during life’s ups and downs. It’s tough to journey through the hardships of life without the support of a loving and supportive faith community. It doesn’t really matter how old you are or how many years you’ve been away from the Church; you can always reclaim your Catholic faith. We welcome you to “Come Home for Christmas.” are missed... ================================ Sunday, November 30th, The First Sunday of Advent 5:30 p.m. - Vigil Schola, cantor & organ 9:30/11:00 a.m. - CTK Singers, cantor & organ “My Lord, what a morning’” arr. By Burleigh “Jesus Christ, the apple tree” by Daley “E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come” by Manz 12:30 p.m. - Organ & cantor ========================================================== December 7 - the Second Sunday in Advent 5:30 p.m. - Vigil Schola, cantor & organ 9:30/11:00 a.m. - CTK Singers, cantor & organ “And the glory of the Lord” by Handel “Listen to the Lambs” by Dett “Zion hort die Wachter singen” by Bach 12:30 p.m. - Organ & cantor ====================================================================== Sunday, December 14th, Christmas at Christ the King The Orchestra of New Spain - 6:00 p.m. Free admission, but donations would be greatly appreciated. ================================================================= - Organ News The pipe organ is a musical instrument commonly used in churches or cathedrals that produces sound by driving pressurized air (called wind) through pipes selected via a keyboard. Because each organ pipe produces a single pitch, the pipes are provided in sets called ranks, each of which has a common timbre and volume throughout the keyboard compass. Most organs have multiple ranks of pipes differing timbre, pitch and loudness that the player can employ singly or in combination through the use of controls called stops. A pipe organ has one or more keyboards (called manuals) played by the hands, and a pedalboard played by the feet, each of which has its own group of stops. The keyboard(s), pedalboard and stops are housed in the organ’s console. The organ’s continuous supply of wind allows it to sustain. Please clip & put on your refrigerator The Church Office will be closed December 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 The Community Center GYMS will be closed from Monday, December 22 thru Monday, December 29. The exercise room & track will be open December 22, 23, 27, 28 & 29 The entire Community Center will be closed December 24, 25 & 26 MASSES - For Christmas Eve - December 24th 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. - In the Community Center 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. - In the Church MASSES - For Christmas Day - December 25th 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. - NO 12:30 P.M. First Sunday of Advent Our Angel tree will be held Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7, after each Mass. As usual we will have angels for the seniors at the Brady Center ($20 for towels) and angels for the White Rose Center. This year St. Mary of Carmel School in West Dallas is celebrating its 70th anniversary. In years gone by it was the custom for Santa Claus to come to the school Christmas program and to pass out gifts to all the children. This year we are going to help revive this tradition by providing all the gifts to Santa Claus. We will have angels for pre-school through eighth grade. Gifts will be returned the following weekend, December 13/14, after any Mass. Thank you in advance for helping in such a meaningful way. We are proud of the following who are serving and protecng our country. Casey Baker—U. S. Navy (deployed) Richard Bryarly—U. S. Army (deployed) J. Michael Eisenlohr—U. S. Army Nicholas Hainsfurther—U. S. Air Force (deployed) David K. Hill, Jr. - U. S. Army James Ireland—U. S. Navy Hugh M. McMahon—U. S. Army Alex Szinnyey - U. S. Marines Manuel A. Segovia - U. S. Marines (deployed) Dylan Underkofler—U. S. Army Christopher Wohlfeld—U. S. Navy Marla Wohlfeld—U. S. Marines And for those not listed! Thank you and God Bless you all!… “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.” Amen. HEIRLOOM ORNAMENTS FOR SALE - Handmade glass ornaments are exact replicas of “The Flight Into Egypt” stained glass window at Christ the King Church. Ornaments are $75 each and can be purchased at the Church Office. For more information contact Michelle Collins at [email protected]
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