Christ Episcopal Church Worship Leaders at Our Services this Morning: 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Chalicists Tommy Hudgins Nancy Spilman Dave Sweet Lector/Prayers Kelly Cain Lee Probst Torch Bearers: December Ushers: 8:00 AM: 10:30 AM: Acolytes [none assigned] Campbell Pitzer (Dove) Woodson Smith C1 Macy Wagoner C2 Altar Guild for December Team 5: Page Beeler, Janice Cain, Jane Franck, Virginia Huckfeldt, Karen Jones, Courtnaye Mills, Campbell Pitzer, Cindy Hammond, Ann Parker Coleman Worship Services Sundays: Est. 1841 Ann Mason Smith TB1 Hadden Probst TB2 Hank Long, Harold Williams Rives Coleman, George Scouras, Pete Scouras, Ron Probst 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I with Music Coffee and Fellowship between the services 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Music & Choir Opening Sentences and Collect for Purity BCP 323 Eucharistic Prayer I BCP 333 10:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Organ Voluntary Hymn in Procession: 57 Christ Church Clergy and Staff Bishop of Southwestern Virginia: The Right Reverend Mark Bourlakas [email protected] Rector: The Reverend Roy G. Pollina [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Deborah Scearce [email protected] Financial Secretary: Linda Gray [email protected] Organist/Choirmaster: Lynn H. Gardner [email protected] Director of Christian Education: W.T. (Bo) Setliff, Jr. [email protected] Vestry for 2014 Year 3: Treasurer Lloyd Barber; Clerk Beth Sibbick; Dave Sweet, Senior Warden John Swezey; Year 2: Jane Thomasson, Ron Probst, Lewis Pitzer, John Franck Year 1: Sarah Beth Keyser, Junior Warden Susan Critz, Hank Long, Melinda Penn 321 E. Church St., Martinsville 276-632-2896 Mail: 311 E. Church St., Martinsville, VA 24112 J. S. Bach Helmsley BCP 355 “Lord Have Mercy Upon Us” Kyrie: John Merbecke The Collect The Second Lesson Bible Study Group in the Parish House. Sleepers Wake “Lo! He comes, with clouds descending” Opening Sentences Wednesdays: 7:00 AM December 21, 2014 8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite I The First Lesson Thursdays: To Serve God, Family and Community with Spirits uplifted by the Holy Eucharist, Hearts enriched by Scripture, and Minds enlightened by God’s gift of Reason. The Fourth Sunday of Advent First Sunday each month, Healing Rite: The sacramental anointing and laying on of hands for healing will be offered after the 8AM and 10:30AM services. 12:00 Noon Holy Eucharist, Rite I, with Litany for Healing, in the Chapel Martinsville, Virginia BCP 212 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 (The Congregation is asked to please stand and sing) Romans 16:25-27 “O Come, O come, Emmanuel” (Verse 7) Gradual Hymn: 56 Veni, veni, Emmanuel Luke 1:26-38 The Holy Gospel “O Come, O come, Emmanuel” (Verse 8) Veni, veni, Emmanuel The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Gospel Hymn: 56 Hymns Page 81 Page 82 Page 102 Page 83 Page 124 Page 128 Page 111 BCP 713 A Christmas Pageant The Congregation is invited to sing with the children “Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming” (Verse 1) “Of the Father’s love begotten” (Verse 1) “Once in royal David’s city” (Verse 1) “O come, all ye faithful” (Verse 1) “What star is this” (Verse 1) “We three kings” (Verse 1) “Silent night” (Verse 1) The Nicene Creed Prayers of the People BCP 358 Form IV BCP 388 The Confession of Sin and Absolution BCP 360 The Peace, Announcements Offertory Anthem: A Litany for Advent (St. Francis Choir) Shirley W. McRae Old 100th The Doxology: Hymn 380 verse 3 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The Great Thanksgiving BCP 361 “Holy, holy, holy Lord” Memorial Acclamation: S 132 Robert Powell Antiphon tone Amen S 146 McNeil Robinson The Lord’s Prayer, Breaking of Bread Agnus Dei: S 157 BCP 364 “O Lamb of God” Wolchko), Hannah “Lou” Shelton, Valerie Barrow, Eddie Bobbett (Cousin of Cindy Hammond), Don Deaton, Gabriel Porras (Great-Grandson of Ruth Chaney), Marie and Margaret (friends of Mary Ruth Reynolds), Mary Jo Littlefield, Page Morgan and Derrick Stoneman (friends of Cindy Hammond), Duane E. Crowley (Father of Susan Pollina), Clay Gravely, Carson Anglin (friend of John & Loretta Yeaman), Susan Holland (Niece of Morgan and Barbara Holland), Scott Derks, Ben Lewis, Jimmy Scearce (Husband of Deborah Scearce) Pray for those Deployed: Aaron Blade (friend of Cindy Hammond) & all who protect our Prayer A Sanctus: S 129 Monthly Prayer List: Father Roy G. Pollina, Jim Johnson, Babe Carter, Bill (Father of Liz John Merbecke freedom. PAT (Angel Tree Party) - CEC Youth and St. Nicholas (aka Lewis Pitzer) will again host an open house party for the children and their caregivers today from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm in the PH. Christmas Eve Services at Christ Church on Wednesday, December 24th will begin with a Prelude of Carols at 4:30 pm and 10:30 pm before the Christmas Eve 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm services. Christmas Offering Envelope – Please remember a gift for your church at Christmas time. Adding a 13th month to your giving would be wonderful, but any offering this Holy Season is greatly appreciated. All who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Communion Chant: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Isaiah 7) Ecce virgo concipiet Communion Anthem: Maria walks amid the thorn (St. Francis Choir) David Cherwien Communion Hymn: 265 “The angel Gabriel from heaven came” Gabriel’s Message Stewardship Reminder – All 2014 pledges need to be in the Church Office by Monday, December Post Communion Prayer The Nursery is closed beginning Sunday, December 21st and will reopen on Sunday, January 4th. Chapel Services - NO Chapel Services on Wednesday, December 24th, December 31st OR January BCP 365 The Blessing Hymn in Procession: 59 “Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding” Merton The Dismissal Closing Voluntary 7th. Chapel Services will resume on Wednesday, January 14th. Holiday Office Hours - The church office will be closing on Wednesday, December 24th at noon and will reopen on Monday, December 29th. A Virgin Pure Nicolas LeBegue Choir Rehearsals – except for special rehearsals for January 4th, children’s and adult choir will resume on Tuesday, January 6th @ 3:30pm and Thursday, January 8th @7:00pm The Hymnal 1982 (Blue Book) 29th by noon. Also, if you have not submitted your 2015 pledge card, please return it to the church office as soon as possible. The Book of Common Prayer (Red Book) The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Flora Whittle and Robert Thruston Hubard, Jr. By Melinda and Walter Lee Penn, III The Advent Wreath is given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Rives S. Brown, Jr., Lucy Brown Coleman, Betty Meade Cullinane and Richard A. Walmsley By Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman, Jr. The Advent Wreaths on the front doors are given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Mary Dandridge Payne Smith By the Family The Nativity Scene is given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Robert B. McCutcheon st th Sunday School – NO Sunday School December 21 OR December 28 . Altar Guild – Please save tall juice cans, tall vegetable cans, or large coffee cans (48 oz. or more) for the Altar Guild. You may bring them to the church office. Grace Network Sunday- Our Grace Network Assignments for December: boxed potato products, dish detergent and toothpaste. Use the Food Lion card for your shopping or give the card to Nadine Barrow, Sue Rosser or Barbara Holland to shop for Grace Network. Happy Birthday this week to: 12/21 Valerie Barrow; 12/22 Douglas Beeler, Jennifer Gravely; 12/24 Jane Thomasson, Alaina Scouras; 12/25 Carol Deaton; 12/26 Kayleigh Hudgins Loaves & Fishes - Wednesday, December 31st from 5:30-6:30 PM. They will also be accepting clean, gently used coats for men, women and children in all sizes for anyone in need. Please drop off all coats at the Parish Office OR in the Undercroft before 4:00pm on Wednesday, December 31st. Thank you for your help and support of this worthwhile event. Monday Bible Study Class – will resume on Monday, January 12th at 12:00 noon in the Parish House. Please bring your bible with you. The class will be studying Psalms 25.
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