CGS WOMEN: Sunday Brunch - (Rescheduled due to snow) Open to all women of the parish - Sunday, March 22, 1pm at The Yard Restaurant, ( Cost: $25 includes full buffet, coffee/tea, tax and gratuity. For more information contact Jan Lambert ([email protected]). Send reservation and check made out to CGS Women to Sandy Desharnais, by March 16. Anyone want to car pool? Contact Frances Rodier ([email protected]). We will cancel by March 19 if forecast is for more bad weather. IPOD DRIVE: One of our parishioners, Sarah Heimberg, is collecting used iPods for her Girl Scout Silver Award project, “Project Grace Notes: Music Therapy for Senior Citizens.” Sarah is working with a senior living community in Bedford. The residents in the community all have memory loss problems, because music is proven to boost memory, she is collecting iPods for the residents to upload their music to listen on. The iPods can be used, the more basic iPods, like the Shuffle, are preferred, and they do not need to have their original battery life. Please drop off all iPods to the CGS office or to one of the Clergy. The deadline for the Drive is March 29. NEEDS FOR THE NORWELL HOME: The Norwell Home, part of the Front Door Agency is in need of the following items: Pain medication/fever reducer/cold medicine for children and adults; thermometers; diapers and pull-ups – all sizes; twin bedding for women and children. Please drop the items in the marked boxes which are located at the front entrance of the church and in the foyer. Thank you for your generous donations. VOLUNTEER BABYSITTERS NEEDED AT THE NORWELL HOME: We are looking for active individuals who love kids and wish to volunteer to assist with our babysitting needs. Children range from infants to late elementary school. We offer babysitting for the groups we run, individual family needs as they arise and special events. Times needed can range from weekdays to weekends, days or evenings based on the event so we will take any availability. The frequency of need will depend on volunteers availability as well as our needs. 16 years and older please. A meeting with staff and background check required for anyone interested. Contact Darlene at 603816-0280 or [email protected] (M, T, Th, F) to schedule a meeting or for more information. Music at Easter: The Senior Choir, Junior Choir, and Instrumental Ensemble are welcoming additional musicians to contribute to the festive celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord! Senior Choir rehearsals for 7:45pm Good Friday and 9:45am Easter Sunday: Tuesday, March 17, 7:15-8:00 Tuesday, March 31, 7:15-8:45 Tuesday, March 24, 7:15-8:00 Saturday, April 4, TBD Junior Choir rehearsals for the 8:15 Easter service: Wednesday, March 18, 5:30-6:30 Wednesday, April 1, 5:30-6:30 Wednesday, March 25, 5:30-6:30 Instrumental Ensemble rehearsals for the 8:15 Easter service: Saturday, March, 12, 10am-11am Saturday, March 28, 10am-11am Saturday, April 4, TBD If you are interested, please contact Brett Greene at [email protected]. JOB AVAILABLE: House cleaning for a local cleaning company, 15-25 day time hours per week. Contact Pastor Odie. CALENDAR CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD (EPISCOPAL) MONDAY - FRIDAY NOONTIME AA Sunday, March 15 8:00 - 11:00 AM Nursery Care 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 9:00 AM Fellowship Hour 9:00 AM Christian Ed. All Ages 9:45 AM Holy Eucharist 11:15 AM Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM J2A, YAC Thursday, March 19 6:00 PM Tai Chi 7:00 PM AA Why me? Monday, March 16 6:15 PM AA Winding Down 6:30 PM Bellringers 7:45 PM Adult Handbells Saturday, March 21 9-12 Inquirer’s Class 9-11:30 AM AA 11-12 Drama Tuesday, March 17 6:30 PM AA Tuesday Traditions 7:15 PM Senior Choir Sunday, March 22 8:00 - 11:00 AM Nursery Care 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 9:00 AM Fellowship Hour 9:00 AM Christian Ed. All Ages 9:45 AM Holy Eucharist 11:15 AM Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM J2A, YAC Wednesday, March 18 12:00 PM Holy Eucharist (lounge) 7:00 PM AA 6:00 PM Soup and Seminar 6:30 PM EFM 7:00 PM Scottish Dancers Friday, March 20 6:15 PM AA 8:00 PM AA Good Shepherd 9:45 PM AA 23rd Hour THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT MARCH 8, 2015 THE HOLY EUCHARIST AT 8:00 & 11:15 214 Main Street; Post Office Box 412 Nashua, New Hampshire 03061 Church Office 603-882-5352 Fax 603-880-4440 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BCP Numbers refer to The Book of Common Prayer (Red Book) Service music preceded by “S” is located in the front of The Hymnal 1982(Blue Book) The Hymns are located in the second section of The Hymnal 1982 and in the green supplement, Wonder Love and Praise (WLP). Please remember to turn off all pagers and cell phones. Voluntary Processional “Berceuse” Louis Vierne “Come, thou fount of every blessing” standing Hymnal 686 Opening Acclamation and Collect for Purity Kyrie Healey Willan The Collect of the Day The People of God of CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD (EPISCOPAL) Ministers Rector Associate Rector Vergers Organist & Choir Director Asst. Choir Director Bellringer Director Parish Administrator Communications Secretary Sunday School Coordinator Nursery Staff Youth Director Front Door Agency Seminarian Intern to the Diaconate All Baptized Parishioners The Rev. Dr. Robert “Odie” Odierna The Rev. Alanna Van Antwerpen John Townsend, Harvey Shaw Brett Greene Sue Reilly Chaim Burstein Laurie Ascani Andria Sousa Mary O’Reilly Heidi Odierna Marcie Byrd Maryse Wirbal Pam McDonald Please recycle your bulletin by placing them on the table at the entry door. Thanks for helping keep our community Green! Please Note: Unauthorized recording and the taking of unauthorized photographs at Church of the Good Shepherd are prohibited. BCP 323 Hymnal S 91 BCP 167 THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD The First Lesson sitting Ephesians 2:1-10 You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once lived, following the course of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient. All of us once lived among them in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of flesh and senses, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else. God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-- by grace you have been saved-- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-- not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. Reader: People: The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Psalm 146 BCP 803 The Gospel Gospeller: People: John 3:14-21 standing The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John Glory to you, Lord Christ. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God." Gospeller: People: The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Christ. The Sermon Pam McDonald The Nicene Creed kneeling Jim Flaherty Philip Frost MaryLou Fuller John Haynes Ian Hodgkins Steve Howe Wendy Huckins Peggy Kors Lorraine Lang Gabbie Langill Robert Langill Celine Langlois Joel Lapointe The Larson Family Rose Louise Patti & Paul Liamos McKenzie Kathy Macaraeg June Madeira The Peace BCP 331 standing The People greet one another in the Name of Christ The Announcements THE HOLY COMMUNION The Offertory Hymn “Just as I am, without one plea” The Doxology Jamie Masingill Henry Maynard Holly Metcalf Susan Mitchell Melissa Anne Morrill Nori Genie O'Loughlin Connor Olympia Jeffrey Osborne Yingsho Osborne Ray Palmer Hallie Parker Bo Patterson Shirley Philips Rev. Kathleen Potts Rose Emma Egon Raak Jean Ragsdale Hymnal 380, v3 The Lord’s Prayer Flowers are given in loving memory of Cathleen Flint by Louise Flint and Sandy Descharnais. A gift has been given to the Book of Remembrance in memory of Stanley Mountfort by Ruth Bodapati A gift has been given to the Book of Remembrance in memory of Carl Fudge by Ann Malik. A Gift has been given in honor of Tim Favorite for the many kindnesses to our family by The Bergeson’s. Flowers have been given in memory of David Cheries by his family. Willian Following the Sanctus, the People kneel BCP 328 Prayers for the Deceased: David Cheries; Don Cox Sr.; Richard Kashulinas; Dorothy Rathmell kneeling Sanctus and benedictus qui venit Eucharistic Prayer John Scanlan Jr Bob Schaller Cody Sleeper Dawn Sosa Bo Stewart The Steeves Family Ernie Stokes Franklin Stuart Diane Thomas Tracey Thompson Doug Tremlet Julie Tyska Vlad Vascak Judy Veselik Edi-Lu Wartella Dorothy Welford Wilkins Family Xavier Zakrajsek Paul Zielie Hymnal 693 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. BCP 326 For Healing and Special Concerns Gary Allen Fiona Anderson Ted & Helen Arsenault William Ashline Cliff Barber Tadjiu Boduch Bobby Bergeson Eric Bergeson Francis Brennan Jerry Chartier Karen Chevelier Wyman Cogswell Winnie Darling Glenn Davis Sally Deschenes Rob Desharnais John Epstein Rick Farrenkopf Mino Figueroa The Confession The Great Thanksgiving sitting Prayers of the People Parishioners: Sandra Haines & Keara, Gordon & Lauren Mahaney; Betty & Philip Hall; Charles Hall; Bernadette Halloran; Deborah Hamilton & Judith Potter. kneeling BCP 333 Hymnal S 114 BCP 334 BCP 336 Agnus Dei Willian kneeling Hymnal S158 The Communion of the People If you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are welcome to share in the Bread and Wine of Communion, regardless of your denominational background. Come to the rail at the direction of the ushers. Stand or kneel at the rail and receive the bread (a wafer) in the palm of your hand. Receive the wine either by drinking from the cup (guiding it to your lips) or by touching the wafer, which you have retained, lightly to the wine, being careful not to touch your fingers to the wine. If you decide not to receive the Bread and/or the Wine and would prefer to receive a blessing, simply cross your arms over your chest. If you are in need of a Glutenfree wafer instead of the regular bread wafer, please indicate this to the clergy at the time you are receiving communion. Prayer of Thanksgiving kneeling BCP 339 The Blessing Recessional Dismissal Voluntary “In the cross of Christ I glory” standing Hymnal 441 standing “Prelude and Fugue in E minor” J.S. Bach THE END OF WORSHIP - THE BEGINNING OF SERVICE Acolytes 8:00 11:15 Lay Ministers 8:00 11:15 Ushers 8:00 11:15 Altar Guild ASSISTING IN OUR WORSHIP Henry Snowdon, Molly Ireland Avary Whitehead, Ian Matera Howard Titus, Harvey Shaw, Diana Newman Pam McDonald, Don Yelton, Elizabeth Naughton Sharmini Peiris, Diane Temple Julia Gower, Judy Simonds Eileen Brunk, Leo Brunk, Beth Barker and Megan Verfaille, Adreinne Marshall THE PARISH NOTICES SUNDAY FORUM: God’s Acts of Salvation: Holy Week and the Passion Next Week: God’s Acts of Salvation: The OT with Jeff Cooley LENT = RITE I - In Lent our response to “The Lord be with you” will continue to be “And also with you”. Therefore ignore the response in the Prayer Book! In Lent we use Rite I for all celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Rite I helps us experience the penitential nature of the season with its emphasis on our need for God’s forgiveness and mercy - our “vertical” relationship with God. Beginning with Easter, we return to Rite II, which emphasizes more the themes of joy, praise and the “horizontal” nature of our relationship with God. MAUNDY THURSDAY CORRECTION: In the middle of Maundy Thursday Eucharist, we always share the Lamb Dinner as we try to re-enact Jesus’s actions in the Upper Room when he shared the Passover Meal with the Apostles and then instituted taking the Bread and Wine “In remembrance of me.” This year the Vestry and clergy have decided that there will be NO CHARGE for the Lamb Dinner that is part of the liturgy. Since we only have room for 150 people for this service you will still be asked to make reservations by getting a ticket for the liturgy so that we can have an accurate count in preparing enough lamb. Please take note that the Lamb Dinner is part of the entire liturgy – it is not appropriate to come and go for only that part of the service. SOUP AND SEMINARS DINNER AT 6:00 PM, SEMINAR FROM 6:30 – 7:30 PM. For four (4) Wednesdays in Lent our topic of discussion will be Redemption in the Midst of Brokenness: Scripture, Family Systems Theory and You. The series will explore Scripture using the lens of Murray Bowen’s Family Systems Theory as a way to reflect on our own life experience and spiritual journeys. After enjoying good soup we will be engaged in a presentation and discussion. Led by Pastor Alanna. Two remaining Wednesdays March 18, 2015: Joseph and His Brothers: Influences of Sibling Position March 25, 2015: Disciples in Jerusalem: Family Systems & Anxiety ALTAR GUILD: needs coffee cans for our flower delivery ministry. The regular 1 lb. size and they can be either metal or plastic. Leave them Sundays in the sacristy or in the office during the week. ARUBA: CGS’s Timeshare is available to be reserved for any week in March of 2016. Cost to reserve your week vacation is $300 with the remaining $1,200 due in January. Contact Pastor Odie or Laurie Ascani immediately if interested. Andy and Rainey Palmer had an outstanding time when they went last month with rave reviews about the resort! ADOPT-A-CHILD FOR EASTER BASKETS: Once again the Outreach Committee is sponsoring this program for parishioners to supply Easter Baskets to the needy children in residence at the Front Door Agency. The “Basket” with the names of kids to adopt will be available on Sunday March 15th. Instructions will be provided with the name of the specific child you adopt. INQUIRERS’ CLASS: Saturday, March 21st 9:00AM – 12:00 Noon Deepen your knowledge of your faith, religion and the Episcopal Church by attending the Inquirers’ Class. There will be two sessions taught by the Pastor Odie. The class is considered adequate preparation for anyone desiring to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church when the Bishop comes to Southern Convocation for Confirmation in April. FRONT DOOR GOURMET FESTIVAL TICKETS: Sunday, March 22, 4-8 pm. This fantastic event includes great food and auction items galore. Tickets are $100 per person but are available at $85 per person from Pastor Odie.
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