A SEASON OF RENEWAL The church is now in the season of Lent, a period of preparation for Easter that recollects Christ’s temptation in the wilderness and therefore lasts for forty days (plus six Sundays). During this time the members of Christ’s Body are encouraged to take stock of their lives and repent, when and where necessary. This does not mean, however, that Lent is about ‘self punishment’ (or ‘self improvement’ for that matter). Rather, it is a time to wrestle with questions like, “how might I be more open to God’s presence and prompting in my life?” This process of inquiry is well worth the effort because it holds forth the possibility of renewal. To aid our journey, the worship service and worship space have a relatively spartan and sober tone that is intended to break us free from the all-too-familiar worship service of the rest of the year. These are some of the more noticeable features of Lenten worship: We begin worship with a period of reflection and Confession of Sin “Alleluias” are neither said nor sung Unadorned altar appointments made of wood, glass, and pottery replace silver and brass Intentional periods of silence are observed to encourage personal reflection Banners and other ‘décor’ are simplified or removed to encourage us to look ‘inward’ These changes, along with differences in music, combine to create an effect that can be quite powerful as we open ourselves to the Spirit’s movement in our lives. WE WELCOME YOU TO CHILDREN IN WORSHIP Children bring much richness to the community gathered at worship. They bring new ways of seeing familiar rituals and often show an understanding of the mystery of the sacraments lost to many adults. Children also bring noise, awkward questions, loud toys, and confusion. Yet their presence is essential to the growth and vitality of the church. Here are some tips to help us worship together. The key word here is “participation.” COME EARLY to get a good seat, preferably in front where children can see the liturgical action. Don’t worry that being right up front will cause later embarrassment. Children (and adults!) are more likely to fidget if they can’t see what’s going on. SHARE your service leaflet or prayer book with young readers, and help them follow along. Even the youngest like to ‘hold the book’ like mom and dad. Children are naturally curious about why ‘we do what we do.” Whisper explanations where appropriate. SPEAK to your children in a whisper close to the ear—modeling how they should respond in the same quiet way. It helps everyone when you are clear about the behavior you expect in church, especially when stated in a positive way (“We all stand when we sing.”) WE ALL KNOW KIDS who are gifted noise-makers without a single thing in their hands. However, for those who do bring playthings, make sure they’re quiet, soft toys. SOMETIMES, despite our best efforts, children act up. Please feel free to take your child out of the service for a few moments— everybody has a bad day occasionally. You might take a little walk around the Narthex or get a drink of water in the small kitchen. Nursery Care for infants is available. Please see an usher for more information. THE HOLY EUCHARIST THE WORD OF GOD AN EXHORTATION (excerpted and adapted from the Book of Common Prayer, page 316) B eloved in the Lord: Our Savior Christ, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood as a sign and pledge of his love, for the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of his death, and for a spiritual sharing in his risen life. For in these holy Mysteries we are made one with Christ, and Christ with us; we are made one body in him, and members one of another. But if we are to share rightly in the celebration of those holy Mysteries, and be nourished by that spiritual Food, we must remember the dignity of that holy Sacrament. I therefore call upon you to consider how Saint Paul exhorts all persons to prepare themselves carefully before eating of that Bread and drinking of that Cup. Examine your lives and conduct by the rule of God’s commandments, that you may perceive wherein you have offended in what you have done or left undone, whether in thought, word, or deed. And acknowledge your sins before Almighty God, with full purpose of amendment of life, being ready to make restitution for all injuries and wrongs done by you to others; and also being ready to forgive those who have offended you, in order that you yourselves may be forgiven. And then, being reconciled with one another, come to the banquet of that most heavenly Food. And if, in your preparation, you need help and counsel, then go and open your grief to a discreet and understanding priest, and confess your sins, that you may receive the benefit of absolution, and spiritual counsel and advice; to the removal of scruple and doubt, the assurance of pardon, and the strengthening of your faith. To Christ our Lord who loves us, and made us a kingdom of priests to serve his God and Father, to him be glory in the Church evermore. Through him let us offer continually the sacrifice of praise, which is our bounden duty and service, and, with faith in him, come boldly before the throne of grace and humbly confess our sins to Almighty God. CONFESSION OF SIN & ABSOLUTION BCP 353 ACCLAMATION AND SALUTATION BCP 355 THE COLLECT OF THE DAY A lmighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. THE LESSON G Genesis 9:8-17 od said to Noah and to his sons with him, "As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth." God said, "This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth." Following the reading… The Word of the LORD. Thanks be to God. PSALM 25:1-9 BCP 614 The People remain standing… The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Mark. Glory to you, Lord Christ. THE HOLY GOSPEL I Mark 1:9-15 n those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased." And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." Following the Gospel… The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Christ. THE SERMON THE NICENE CREED BCP 358 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE BCP 383 THE PEACE The peace of the Lord be always with you. And also with you. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOLY COMMUNION THE OFFERTORY Gifts of canned goods, food staples, paper products and cleaning supplies may be placed in the large basket in front of the altar. This offering is delivered to the St. Patrick’s Center Food Pantry to be distributed to those in need. THE GREAT THANKSGIVING BCP 361 THE LORD’S PRAYER (Contemporary) BCP 364 THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD BCP 364 Lamb of God FRACTION ANTHEM Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world; grant us your peace. When you arrive at the altar, you may stand or kneel. Receive the Bread in your open palm held high followed by the Common Cup, taking the cup by its base and guiding it to your lips. You may also receive the Bread only or only the wine, with arms folded over your chest to indicate which element you do not want to take. Please reserve altar rail area for those who need assistance kneeling. SENDING FORTH OF THE EUCHARISTIC VISITOR In the name of God and this congregation I send you forth bearing these holy gifts that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s body and blood. We who are many are One Body, because we all share One Bread, One Cup. POST-COMMUNION PRAYER BCP 366 SOLEMN PRAYER OVER THE PEOPLE DISMISSAL Parish Announcements Lenten Devotional Materials Please plan to take advantage of the Lenten devotional materials for adults and children. There are options for families with small children and adults. The materials are available in the Narthex. Address and Email Changes? It is hard to believe, but we will soon begin working on the annual directory! If you have any address/phone/email changes, please let us know. New Comers’ Classes Begin Today New Comers’ Sunday Classes will be one of the offerings during the final session of “Choices Are Good,” which runs from February 22 until March 29th. Those wishing to learn more about St. David’s, its programs, as well as its history and the history and theology of the Episcopal Church should sign-up for this informative class. General and Individual Confession The adage “all may, some should, none must” expresses the Anglican/Episcopalian understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This so-called ‘minor sacrament’ is available to everyone individually. Although some of us would benefit from the experience, no one is required to participate. The Book of Common Prayer (p 316) offers the following advice that may help us to know when we might need something to supplement the General Confession in the Eucharistic Liturgy: Examine your lives and conduct by the rule of God’s commandments, that you may perceive wherein you have offended in what you have done or left undone, whether in thought, word, or deed. And acknowledge your sins before Almighty God, with full purpose of amendment of life, being ready to make restitution for all injuries and wrongs done by you to others; and also being ready to forgive those who have offended you, in order that you yourselves may be forgiven. And if, in your preparation, you need help and counsel, then go and open your grief to a discreet and understanding priest, and confess your sins, that you may receive the benefit of absolution, and spiritual counsel and advice; to the removal of scruple and doubt, the assurance of pardon, and the strengthening of your faith. May God strengthen and guide you in your Lenten journey as we share in Christ’s death and resurrection through the waters of baptism. Sunday Morning Coffee Hour Hosts Needed Coffee Hour hosts are needed for March 1st. Please sign-up today with a friend to lighten the load and provide this valuable ministry to visitors and members alike. The Annual Quest for Keys In today’s world, it’s important to maintain the security of the church building. And, considering all the children who enter our halls in the Day School, safety is a priority. So, the church would like to have an inventory of keys. Who has a key? If you have any keys to any part of the church, simply give Jackie Taylor, our Parish Administrator, a call at 302-475-4688 or email her at [email protected]. Be prepared to read the letters and numbers on the keys to ensure a proper inventory. Many thanks. Next Sunday in Adult Formation The final rotation of ‘Choices Are Good’ begins next Sunday. Be sure to sign-up TODAY and “make your choice” of the various exciting classes! A minimum number of FIVE participants is required for each class to go forward. Annual Meeting Notice Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of St. David’s Parish, Brandywine Hundred, Wilmington is scheduled for Sunday, April 26, 2015. The Annual Meeting will be preceded by ONE WORSHIP SERVICE to begin at 9:30 am. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting. Look for sign-up sheets and more information about the potluck in the near future. All members of St. David’s are strongly encouraged to attend this business meeting and celebration of our life together here at St. David’s Parish. African-American History Display Many thanks to Claude Green for providing the information about African-American history currently on display in the Narthex. This display contains information about the Rev. Absalom Jones and Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont and their role in Delaware’s history. Camp Arrowhead With all the cold and snow, summer seems very far away, but NOW is the time to sign up your child for summer camp at Camp Arrowhead, the Diocesan camp on Rehoboth Bay. Brochures are available in the Narthex. You may also go to camparrowhead.net for more information and to register online. Youth Group Info The Nightwatch trip to St. John’s Cathedral in NYC will leave on Friday, February 27th at 3:30 pm from the church parking lot. Permission slips and release forms will be sent out by email and I'd like them returned at our 2/22 meeting. Looking Ahead March 29th Palm Sunday April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm April 3rd Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm April 4th Easter Vigil at 8:00 pm April 5th The Day of Resurrection April 26th Annual Ministry Celebration: One service at 9:30 am We keep these people in our prayers and in our hearts... Stewart Taub Karin Fang Sam Bell Carol Clark Karen Bayless Tom Juranich Merritt Tilley Renee Tilley Owen Bradford Torben Kai Hsu Gladys Frick Robert Girard Carolyn Luttrell Jane Britton Morgan Brown Kay Bennett Olivia Kirby Thomas Grace Ellen Clark John Van-Catledge Rachel Markowitz Carmine Mango Bill Waid Kate Reynolds John Gwaltney Peggy Louie Sheila Coffin Chuck Conner Charlie Courtney Richard Mickles Green Family Frank Jones Jill Johnson Joan Murphy Steve Leishman Sister Francis Deffge Deceased David Spooner John Waldron Jerry McGinnis Bobby Towns Catherine Zlotnick Those Who Serve and those who Celebrate: Eucharistic Ministers - Laurie Schall, Michelle Sobczyk, Pat Van-Catledge, and Jeff Cook Lectors - Kathleen Koch and Jane Harvey Intercessors - Laurie Schall and Pat Jackson Greeter - Callie Manion Altar Guild - Janie Jersild, Sandy Frazer, Jane Bordzol, Linda Bradford, and Gail Campbell Bread Baker - Janet Leishman Eucharistic Visitor - Linda Owens Counters - Bob Rhodunda and Peggy Louie Vestry Member of the Day - Bernie Glavin Ushers - Bernie Glavin, Bill Rhodunda, and Bill Goeller Coffee Hour - today is graciously provided by the Michelle Sobczyk and Judy Byrne. Thank you to those who served as acolytes today. Celebrating birthdays & anniversaries this week - Vicki Cargill, Helen Geimeier, Steven Weatherman, Lindsay Wheeler, and Marcia Wight TIME EVENT/LOCATION Today 8:00 am Holy Eucharist First Sunday in Lent 9:00 am Christian Education 10:15 am Holy Eucharist Hospitality Hour in the Great Hall Monday, February 23 Tuesday, February 24 5:30pm Youth Group in Memorial Room (Middle & Upper School together) 7:00 pm Outreach in Nursery 8:oo pm AA Meeting in Great Hall 10:00 am Book Group in Memorial Room 12:00 pm Staff Meeting in Memorial Room 8:00 pm AA in Memorial Room Wednesday, February 25 9:05 am Thursday, February 26 Friday, February 27 Day School Chapel 9:30 am “Firm Believers” in Memorial Rm 6:30 pm Girls Scouts in Great Hall 7:00 pm Yoga in Memorial Room 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Brownies in Memorial Room 7:00 pm Bible Study in Nursery 7:30 pm AA meeting in Great Hall 3:30 pm Youth Group meets in church parking lot for Night Watch trip to NYC AA Meeting in Memorial Room Saturday, February 28 Sunday, March 1 The Feast of St. David ??:?? Am Youth Group returns to St. David’s 7:00 pm AA meeting in Memorial Room 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 9:00 am Christian Education 10:15 am Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour in Parish Hall Bold Font = Parish Activity Regular Font = Outside Group This Week at Saint David’s DAY Saint David’s Brandywine Hundred A Community of Disciples Passing Along God’s Love to all Staff Vestry The Rev. Brad Hinton, Rector The Rev. Canon Jim Von Dreele, Priest Associate Tom Deschaine, Deacon Janet Leishman, Day School Administrator Katharine Hanna, Children’s Minister Leah Rowe, Youth Minister Jackie Taylor, Administrative Assistant Steven Weatherman, Director of Music J.T. Walton, Sexton Erica Diehl, Nursery Attendant Sascha Kazeem, Nursery Assistant Sue Taber, Senior Warden Jolene Baddick, Junior Warden Karen Olmstead, Treasurer Janet Leishman, Clerk Paul Archer Bernard Glavin Lexie Harra Doug Lawrence Kathleen Logullo Tracey Mulveny Bruce Owens Parish Office Hours Mondays through Thursdays 9:00 am until 1:00 pm Office is closed on Fridays stdavidsde.org Parish Office 302-475-4688 Day School 302-475-3747
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