Dispensary and Prescriptions To request repeat medication, please place your repeat slip in the collection box by the Dispensary window, or through the letterbox if closed. Please enclose an SAE if you would like the prescription posted back to you. You can email a repeat prescription request to: prescriptions.f [email protected]. If you are elderly or infirm and unable to get to the surgery you can call or fax the Dispensary on 01621 784455 between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Two working days are required to renew a prescription. Please allow extra time if you wish to collect your prescription from a chemist. The Dispensary is only able to dispense medication for patients living more than one mile from the Surgery. From time to time patients will be required to make an appointment for a medication review before further prescriptions can be issued. Please ensure an appointment is made with reception before the medication runs out Burnham Surgery supports the principles of the Mid Essex Policy on: 'Medicines that are available for purchase over the counter'. An increasing range of medicines are available for purchase and it is expected that patients will purchase such medicines after seeking appropriate advice from a community pharmacist or other healthcare professional. This is particularly the case in self-limiting illness. For further details please see our website or ask the receptionist for the Mid Essex Policy on prescribing of medicines that are available for purchase. Patient Details If you change your name, address, telephone or mobile number please fill in a form available from Reception so that your records are kept up to date. Patient Confidentiality The Burnham Surgery follows the patient confidentiality policy as outlined NHS England. Any request for a report or copies of notes requires a signed patient consent form. Patient Behaviour We have a policy of Zero tolerance towards verbal, physical aggression or violence towards our staff or other patients. Patients who ignore this will be removed from the list and may face police action. Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions We aim to provide patients with the best possible service and welcome your comments and suggestions. It is useful to hear from our patients on anything you are happy about, or what may have caused you concern. If you wish to send in any compliments or make a complaint, please write to the Practice Manager in the first instance. We will endeavour to deal with any complaint promptly. You can also ask reception for a copy of our complaints procedure or go on our website. The surgery is not a Teaching or Training surgery. The surgery is suitable for disabled access. THE BURNHAM SURGERY Foundry Lane, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex CM0 8SJ Telephone: 01621 782054 Fax: 01621 785592 Dispensary Tel / Fax: 01621 784455 email: prescriptions.f [email protected] Web: www.burnhamsurgery.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday: 8.00 am – 06.30 pm Tuesday: 8.00 am – 06.30 pm Wednesday: 8.00 am – 06.30 pm Thursday: 8.00 am – 06.30 pm Friday: 8.00 am – 06.30 pm We also operate a “Satellite” Surgery on Monday & Thursday (09:30am to 10:30 am) located at Fambridge School House, Ferry Road, North Fambridge, Essex CM3 6LS Dr M.H. Latif MB BS DTM&H (Eng) DCH (Eng) – Senior Partner Dr F.J. Kamlow MB ChB MRCP (Eng) – Partner Dr C.J. Collins MB BS BSc – Partner Practice Manager: Mrs Liz Mackenzie Assistant Practice Manager: Mrs Caron Tozer Nurse Manager: Debbie Sams RGN, DN Cert, BSc (Hons), Post Cert NP Practice Nurses: Claire Barthorpe RN, Emily Clark BSc Nursing (Hons), RN Julie Church RN, DIP, Gill Pankhurst RN, DIP HE Bernie Wood RN Health Care Assistants: Judy Paine, Sheila Matthews Dispensary Manager: Carol Banham Reception Manager: Sandra Swanborough The Practice area covers:Burnham-on n-Crouch, Althornee and North Fambrridge. n Registration To register as a a patient ask at reception r for detaills. New patients will w be invited to make m an appointment to discuss their health h needs. An initial appointmennt will be made with w our Health Care Assistant for this purpose. p In the intereests of continuity of care, the Docto ors in this practicee have individual patient lists. Howeever, when registeering with the praactice, where possible patients’ cho oice of doctor will be b accommodated. nts Appointmen Registered patients p can make an a appointment by y telephone or in pperson. When mak king an appointment our reception staaff may need to ask a you a few quuestions so that you y can w the most appro opriate healthcare professional. p If you consider your caall to be be booked with urgent and you y need to speak with w a health profeessional then pleasee ask to be put thro ough to our triage nu urse who is available between 9:00-18 8:30 Monday to Frriday. If you are un nable to keep an ap ppointment, please let the Surgery know as soon as posssible so that it can be b made availablee for another patiient. Many appoiintments are lost due to patients not informing i us of a cancellation. c Parking The car park k immediately outsside the surgery is free. There are ddisabled parking baays and there is a ram mp for easy access to the Surgery. Home Visitss These are for patients who are too frail, disabled d or confined to beed to and unable to o attend the Surgery. To request a visitt on the same day, please call receptiion as soon as possible in the morning.. Your call will bee referred to the triaage practice nurse for assessment. ded by Mid-Essex Clinical Commisssioning Group Out of Hourrs Service – provid For urgent medical m treatment outside of normall surgery hours, pllease call: 111. For F lifethreatening emergencies e pleasee call 999. Other alternatives a are: For on healtthcare advice and information 24 ho ours a day. NHS Choices C is also on nline at http:/ /ww w.nhs.uk / . GP Out-Of--Hours: This serviice is now located at: a Orthopaedics D Department within Zone E at Broomfielld Hospital. The hhours are from 6.30 0pm to 8.00am Mo onday to Friday an nd from 6.30pm Fridaay until 8.00am Monday M (and Bank Holidays) H The nearest Hospital H A&E for serious accidents and a emergencies iss at: Brroomfield Hospita al, Court Road, Brroomfield Ch helmsford, Essex CM1 C 7ET Tel: 012 245 443673 NHS England If you require information i regard ding Primary Mediccal Services, pleasee contact:NHS England – Essex Area Team m: Swift House, Heedgerows Businesss Park, Colchester Roaad, Springfield, Chhelmsford, Essex CM2 C 5PF Tel: 01 113 824 9113 GP Clinics ● Cryotherrapy ● Diabetic ● Joint Injections Practice Nursee Clinics Practice nursess and a healthcare aassistant are availaable by appointmen nt and their servicees are available in thee following clinics:: ● Asthma Clinnic ● BP Monitoriing ● Cervical Sm mears ● Childhood C Immunissations ● COPD Monitoring M ● Diaabetic Clinic ● Ear Syringing ● ECGs ● Family y Planning ● Hearring Tests ● In nfluenza Vaccinatiions ● INR Monittoring ● Lung Fu unction Tests ● New Pattient Health Checkks ● Phlebotomy (Blood Test) ● Travel T Vaccinations ● Well Woman Cliinic ● Wound Caare and Removal off Stitches Test Results We will notify y patients if any teests or X-Ray ressults indicate thatt further treatmen nt or investigation is required. Travel Immun nisations Patients requirring immunisationn prior to travelliing should collecct a travel form from reception at leaast eight weeks in aadvance of their trravel date. This wiill then be revieweed by a nurse before you are contacted to make an appoin ntment or you can download a form from our website. Influenza Vaccinations Influenza Vaccinations are recoommended for paatients over 65 and a for those chrronic h as, COPD, Heartt, Lung or Kidney Disease. Patients will be contacted each conditions such autumn about the t clinic vaccinatiion dates. Private Mediccals Doctors will caarry out medicals for insurance poliicies, driving licen nce renewals and other o purposes, by appointment a only.T To arrange a med dical and enquire about charges, pllease contact the offiice initially. District Nursee Team The District / Community C Nursees for this area aree based at: The Kn nightswood Centrre in Southminster and a can be contacteed on Single Pointt of Access: Tel: 0300 003 2150
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