Ash Trees Surgery Newsletter no 31 December 2014 Carnforth Bolton Le Sands Halton Silverdale Arnside Drs Hobbs + Halhead + Wrigley + Wadeson + Thomas + Knox + Cheung + Wickenden + Woodbridge Baker +Trafford + Swi +Smith +Lupton + Kew The doctors and staff of Ash Trees wish all our patients and colleagues a very happy & healthy Festive Season The surgery will close on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 December, also Thursday1 January 2015 FLU SEASON IS UPON US !! Update of merge of Ash Trees and Arnside Surgeries If you are eligible for the vaccination, Stop the FLU VIRUS spreading make an appointment We are now in the process of combining certain aspects of the business, whilst retaining the character of the different sites. We have started proceedings to combine the two Silverdale surgeries, into one building. Our future intention is to be able to offer Silverdale patients increased sessions of both doctor and nurse. You may notice doctors from Arnside covering for Ash Trees doctors and vice versa. Otherwise, our aim is to continue to offer good patient care, with as little disruption as possible for our patients and staff. We will keep you updated of all future developments. What can we do about MONDAYS ????? The day after a weekend or Bank Holiday are bound to be busy. But, we often have three times the calls into the surgery than on other days. Please consider; if the call will wait, call later in the day or the next day? We don't want the urgent cases to be kept waiting. Thank you If something's troubling you, then get in touch with the Samaritans. They will listen, not be judgmental and be completely confidential (You don't have to be suicidal). They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 08457 90 90 90 Order your repeat prescriptions early for the holidays When the surgery is closed - call 1 1 1 DO YOU HAVE PATIENT INTERNET ACCESS ? This is our internet service offering you the ability to book appointments on-line and order repeat medications at your convenience. If you would like to sign up to this service please collect a form from our reception desks. You need to provide personal id. We also provide an SMS messaging service which will confirm your appointment by text and send you a reminder 24 hours before. We hope to use this more in the future to send out important health information to our patients. **IMPORTANT: Please check at the reception desk that we have your correct contact details ** CQC ….. It was with trepidation we faced an inspection in October. Last year our report was outstanding, but we were aware our recent changes would have an impact this time. However, our staff worked so hard to exhibit the workloads they manage, the inspectors could not fail to be impressed. The response from our patients was mainly very positive and hugely supportive—thank you. There is work to be done to improve, eg documentation to evidence some of our work, not relating directly to patient care. The full report can be seen on the CQC website in the New Year. Avoiding Unplanned Admissions to hospital We are part of a national drive to support our older patients and those with long term conditions at home, and avoid unnecessary admission to hospital. These patients will have received letters explaining this initiative recently and how it will result in your personal care plan. Your GP or one of our team will contact you to ensure that your care plan is tailored to meet your care needs. The care plan is about your family, your health and the care that you receive and can be shared by the team of health and social professionals involved in your care. If you have any queries regarding this , contact the project lead, Lisa Jones, or speak to your GP. FRIENDS & FAMILY TEST The NHS have introduced a mini questionnaire, to allow easy feedback from patients to give an indication of how their Doctor’s surgery is performing. The main question asked is; ‘Would you recommend this surgery to your friends and family?’ All patients are encouraged to take part, either by ticking a form in the surgery, on line, or by responding to an SMS message. We are obliged to submit our patient responses monthly. Ask at reception for more details. Thank you! Practice News Chelsea Williams and Kirstie Sewell were welcomed to our permanent, full time staff of Patient Advisors at Carnforth. Both girls are very quickly increasing their skills and knowledge. Nicola Lovering joined as a full time Patient Advisor. Nicky will work at both Arnside and Ash Trees. We bade a sad farewell to Gill Collingwood, Practice Manager at Arnside, who left after 14 years service. She will now be able to spend more time with her family. Lorraine finished in her dual role of receptionist and phlebotomist at Arnside and Silverdale. She has many travel plans and we bid her ‘bon voyage’! We welcomed a new Practice Nurse, Harriet Kelly to the team, who comes to us with a lot of experience in trauma and triage. Our much loved and unique pharmacist, Jeff Chambers, left us in November. He and wife, our ex Nurse Practitioner, Shirley, have re-located to the sun! Dr Helen Thomas has returned to work, having settled baby boy no 2 into nursery. ******* Look for more news of staff development in the New Year…….
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