The Parish Community of Jesus, the Good Shepherd December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Parish Staff Pastor Rev. Selvam Asirvatham (Rev. Gerald Johnson) Deacons Mass Schedule Saturday, December 20, 5:00PM- St. Joseph’s Church People of the Parish 7:30PM- St. Peter’s Church Anthony Matteo Family Sunday, December 21, 8:00AM- St. Joseph’s Church People of the Parish 10:00AM- St. Peter’s Church William A Reppert, Domenic D’Alessandro, & Domenic D’Alessandro Jr. & McDermott & Henfey Families 12 Noon- St. Peter’s Church Joseph T. Finn 6:00PM- St. Peter’s Church Anthony Matteo Family Monday, December 22, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel Leon & Diane Grabawski Tuesday, December 23, 9:00AM- St. Peter’s Chapel Vaneta Hutchinson & Elizabeth M. Finn Wednesday, December 24, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel NO MASS 5:00PM- St. Joseph’s Church People of the Parish 5:00PM- St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish 8:00PM- St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish 12Midnight St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish Thursday, December 25, 8:00AM- St. Joseph’s Church People of the Parish 10:00AM- St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish Friday, December 26, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel NO MASS Saturday, December 27, 5:00PM- St. Joseph’s Church People of the Parish 7:30PM- St. Peter’s Church Maria Perinho Sunday, December 28, 8:00AM- St. Joseph’s Church Anna & Angelo DeVece 10:00AM- St. Peter’s Church Secular Franciscans & Vincent Altimari 12 Noon- St. Peter’s Church Earle A. Gale 6:00PM- St. Peter’s Church John Shaffer Richard Benner Salvatore Lancieri • Herman Mosteller Gary Schmitt • Matthew Stap Lay Trustees Vince Carey & Henry Schwartz Religious Education Office Maria Gimello, DRE THE FRUIT OF YOUR GENEROSITY DEC. 7, 2014 $ 7,844.00 Weekly Collection $ 380.00 Electronic Giving $ 2,174.00 Heat $ 619.00 Immaculate Conception We strongly encourage everyone to use their Offering Envelopes so that we can properly record your donation for tax purposes. Also, we are in need of individuals with time available on Monday mornings to help us count our collection. If you are interested or need envelopes, please contact the Parish Office. Please remember Jesus, the Good Shepherd parish in your will! “I ask you one thing: do not tire of giving to God, but do not give your leftovers.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Muito obrigado pela sua generosidade. A familia da Paroquia Jesus, o bom pastor, muito lhes agradece pelea seu dizimo e oracoes. CHAPEL & ADORATION Our monthly day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be every second Thursday of the month. Our next day of Eucharistic Adoration will be Thursday, January 8, from 9:30AM to 6:30PM, ending with Benediction. December 28th, – Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & SANCTUARY LIGHTS This week the Sanctuary Light in St. Joseph’s Church will illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in Memory of the Varsaci Family. This week the Sanctuary Light in St. Peter’s Church will illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in Memory of William Reppert. If you would like the sanctuary light to illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in memory of your loved one, please call the Parish Office at 856- 4610100. Joseph 1st Reading: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (17B) 2nd Reading: Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 Gospel: Luke 1:22-40 WEDDING BANNS Banns III Antonio Castro & Vanessa Chierchio READINGS 1 511 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson There comes a time in life when visits to the doctor become if not imperative, then at least more important than ever. I know I’m “there.” This makes me recall a wisecrack my late Dad once made in which he declared that he “was glad he retired so that he could make all his doctor appointments!” Now it’s my turn to do what my parents once did for me: be my own advocate with the medical people, and ask as many pertinent questions as I can conjure. St. Luke, who along with Matthew gives us the Christmas story, was a doctor. Born in Syria, and fluent in Greek, he gives us the beautiful account from Mary’s perspective, fueling speculation that he could have been Our Lady’s doctor. We expect our doctors to be current and competent, caring and careful in their diagnosis, frank and fearless in their answers to our queries. We patients hang on their every word, and we often have to brace ourselves for what they’ll say. Over all these centuries, believers have been awed by Doctor Luke’s story, which is “gospel” par excellence. Good News! Theologians and mystics have both contributed reflections on what Luke wrote so many centuries ago, and we can benefit from their insights. For example, we have Gabriel’s comforting greeting to Mary in “Be not afraid!” They happen to be the same words now Saint Pope John Paul II used in St. Peter’s square as the opening of his installation homily. This great man has already been named a mystic. In the original setting, these three words of Gabriel denote God’s gentle compassion for creatures not expecting any heavenly visitations. In the late pope’s case, the words exuded his brave confidence and his encouragement for a people weary of the twentieth century and somewhat anxious about the coming twenty-first. There is so much humanity in Mary’s question to Gabriel: “How can this be?” She shows us that there is never any harm in respectfully asking the Lord to explain Himself. He will if He wishes. Or He may want us to figure things out for ourselves. In either case, we all would do well to imitate Mary’s complete trust and humble acceptance of God’s will. So, a mere four days out, I am not wrong in saying: “It is Christmas once again.” Advent has told us in snippets of Scripture during these past four weeks that there was more than ample preparation for this great event throughout the Old Testament. Saint Luke gives us the precise perspective of a medical man, a gentle one at that. We know that the year 2014 puts its stamp on this very special birthday celebration called Christmas. What the new year will add is unknown at this point. What we know for certain every year is that the love of God made so obvious in the Person born at the first Christmas needs to be spread far and wide by us who claim to follow Him, beginning with our families. So, may I join with all the bishops, priests, deacons and consecrated religious who serve you each day with a sincere wish for you to have a blessed Christmas one and all! First Reading: II Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 Nathan the prophet reappears in this book, here delivering the Lord’s prohibition against building a temple. God promises His people an heir to David (Jesus) whose kingdom will “stand firm forever.” Second Reading: Romans 16:25-27 This great Epistle closes with a hymn of praise, or doxology. To God be “glory forever and ever. Amen.” Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 The unexpected appearance of Archangel Gabriel is outdone by his earth-shattering, life-altering message to Mary from God Himself. Mary’s “Magnificat” response is unique expression of humility. Her older cousin’s pregnancy echoes the power of God. 2 511 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND ALSO FOR THEIR CAREGIVERS “ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE” (ESL) Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish “English as a Second Language” (ESL) program is in need of Assistant Instructors. WHEN: Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-9 PM (Classes will resume after the Christmas break on Tuesday January 6th, 2015). WHERE: St Peter’s School. Assistant Instructors who are bilingual in Spanish or Portuguese are an asset to the program but not a requirement. Instructor Training will be Tuesday January 6, 2015, 7-9 PM at St. Peter’s for briefing and handouts. We would like Assistant Instructors to help with small groups and with one on one instruction. Part-time instructors are also welcome. Please feel free call one of the co-directors with any questions about the ESL program. Margie Hamersly: 856-461-5115 or email [email protected] or Patricia Hood: 215-450-0729 or email [email protected]. Kaye Allis, Benjamin Ambrose, Helen Antonieski, Connie Cucinotta Anthony, Ron Atzert, Carmen & Betty Balsama, Michael Barton, Alice & Russell Bowles Sr., Marie Busch, Cheryl Cannava, Georgianna Carney, Helen Stuckert Carpenter, Earl & Betty Carty, Alex Cerasoli, Dylan Cherry, Vince Comegno, Priscilla Cormney, Ellen Doak, Mike Dunn, Brian Emmons, Helen Fazzone, Tom Feeney, Betty Fox & Family, Patricia Horn, Maryann Hubbs, Gloria Huston, John Jenkins, Priscilla Jester, Audrey Joynt, Frances Kauffman, Margaret Keller, Kristina Layden, Dana Longo, Dawn Longo, William Mack Sr., Norma Marrazzo, Thomas Marrazzo, Shirley Marsh, Kevin McCloskey, Regina New, Francis Nitchkey, Fran Ogazalek, Charles Parker, Della Pestridge, Cheryl Porter, Bill Rawls, Carol Reale, Frank Reale Sr., Chuck & Margo Rider, Marie Rizzo, Pat Jester Roper, Hunter Russo, Eleanor Saia, Rita Santucci, Barney Schultz, Mary Shahade, Cecilia Shinn, Harold Shinn, Maryann Speaker, Pauline Srerich, Sr. Mary Terese, Mildred Stanly, Bonnie Sweet, Dan Tedesco, Rhonda Vinett, Joseph Voelmle, Annette Volpe, Deborah Wilkins, Hannah Wilkins, Steven & Cindy Yodzis. FOR OUR MILITARY Please keep in your prayers our parishioners Kevin Benner, US Army SN. Gregory Borger, US Navy Lt. Col. Elaine Cunningham, USAF LTJG Casey Czarzasty, US Navy LT Devon Czarzasty, RN, US Navy PFC Anthony Foster US Army Lt. Karl Scheimreif, US Navy Lt. Karlee Scheimreif, US Navy CDR. Eric Wirstrom, US Navy Capt. Kathryn R. Reynolds, US Army Daniel Edge, US Navy C. Warrant Officer John Rawls, US Navy Nicholas J. Rizzo, US Air Force John L. Wade, US Army Anthony Yannarella, US Army PFC. Joseph Yannarella US Army and all those serving our country throughout the world. Lord, hold our troops in Your loving Hands. Bless them and their families. Amen. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Providence House Domestic Violence Services (PHDVS) of Catholic Charities provides services to survivors of domestic abuse and their children in Burlington County. The program is currently in need of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, contact Marcia Fishkin, Community Affairs Program Supervisor, at 856-8240599 or email [email protected].” CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CHOIR The Children’s Christmas Choir will sing at the 10 A.M mass at St. Peter's on Dec, 21 and at the Christmas Eve 5 P.M mass at St. Peter's Church. PRAYER NETWORK Please contact Della Pestridge from 9AM to noon at 856-764-0168 or Priscilla Jester at 856-461-5767 from 4PM-8PM. SICK LIST In order to keep our “Pray for the Sick” list as current as possible effective January 4, 2015 we will clear the Sick List of all names. If you would like to remain on the list please call the Parish Office. 3 511 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent BINGO! BINGO FOR BABIES FUNDRAISER!!! JANUARY 25, 2015 Good Counsel Homes is hosting our first designer Coach bag bingo fundraiser! It will be held at ST Joseph’s Barna Hall, 2pm-6pm. Purchase your tickets in advance, $30, and bring 6 friends and we will reserve a table for you. Complimentary coffee and desserts- but feel free to bring your own snacks! 15 vendors will be present 1pm and bingo starts 2pm. No tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets will be sold after Masses the weekends of January 3/4 and 10/11. Call JoAnn DiNoia 609-3872928 [email protected] or Kelly Larkin 267-980-1894, [email protected] Thank you for supporting our mothers and babies. PROFIT------ (August) $3,582.97 Volunteers needed Friday Evenings Selling 50/50-----5:45PM to 7:15PM this is a seated position Floor-----7:15PM to 9:15PM selling 50/50 on floor and checking cards Caller----7:00PM to 9:15PM sitting position –speak into the microphone Come see old and new faces in a comfortable atmosphere. REWARD ---When you reach those pearly gates. CALL (856)461-0100 Hope to see you some Friday! COOKBOOK UPDATE The Altar & Rosary Society is now accepting your recipes for the Parish Cookbook. The recipes can be dropped off in the back of the church at each of the two Parish worship sites. Look for the boxes marked for Cookbook Recipes. Recipes can be for Appetizers, Main Dishes, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Desserts, and Crockpots. Please keep the ingredients and directions easy and don’t forget to Print your name and phone number on the recipe card so we can contact you in case of a question on the recipe. If any Parishioner would like to assist the Altar Rosary Society with this fund raiser, or if you have a question, please call Kathy Robertson at 856-764-1130 or the President Joyce Horton at 856-764-1447. SECULAR FRANCISCANS The Secular Franciscans of St. Peter's Fraternity would like to invite you to join us in the church before the 10am mass on December 28 to celebrate a Crib Service in honor of the Holy Family. Immediately following the mass, we will have a covered dish luncheon in Toth Hall. All are welcome. Time: 9:15 in church for service, Mass at 10:00, luncheon immediately after mass. Your dishes may be dropped off in kitchen before joining us upstairs. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Holy, Happy New Year !!! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CORNER Special Collection The November St. Vincent de Paul Special Collection totaled $2,528.50. The officers and members thank you for your generosity and your faithful support of the work we do in the community. We ask that you keep the members of the Society in your prayers as we try our best to help those who reach out to us in their time of need. The Parish Office will be Closed on Wednesday, December 24, Thursday, December 25, & Friday, December 26. Please note that there will be NO morning Mass on Wednesday, December 24, and Friday, December 26. K of C NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Please join us to Celebrate your 2014 New Year’s Eve Party Wednesday , December 31, 2014 at KOC Council Home 1436, Bridgeboro Road from 9 PM – 1 AM DJ Entertainment, Open Bar, Buffet & Party Favors. Tickets Only $45.00 Contact Deacon Rick Benner 609-284-2744 or [email protected] Merry Christmas From Fr. Gerald, the Deacons, & Staff 4 511 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent THIS WEEK AT JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT Please check the Parish Calendar on our website for late updates Mon. Dec. 22, 9:30a-9:45a Miraculous Medal after 9AM Mass 7:00p-8:15p NO Religious Ed. Gr. 5-8 Tues. Dec. 23, 9:30a-9:45a St. Anthony After 9AM Mass 4:15p-5:30p NO Religious Ed. Gr. 1-4 7:00p-9:00p NO ESL Wed. Dec. 24, Parish Office Closed Thur. Dec. 25, Merry Christmas Fri. Dec. 26, Parish Office Closed 5:30p-10:00p NO Bingo Doors Open 5:30PM First Game 7:15PM 6:00p-9:00p Spanish Music Rehearsal 8:00p-9:00p Portuguese Prayer Group Sat. Dec. 27, 10:00a-12:00p Spanish Baptism Class 11:00a-12:00p SVdP Food Pantry 3:30p-3:30p Confessions StP. 5:45p-5:45p Confessions StJ 6:00p-7:15p Port./Brazilian RCIA 6:30p-7:15p Port./Brazilian Children’s Rel. Ed. Sun. Dec. 28, 8:30a-2:00p Secular Franciscans The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at [email protected]. CONFESSIONS 3:30pm on Saturday at St. Peter’s Church and after 5pm Mass at St. Joseph's Church or by appointment. Liturgical Bits & Bytes – CHRISTMAS FEAST Christmas is a feast for the eyes. We hardly know where to look first. The church is alive with all the symbols of Christmas celebration. Even before we enter we see signs of the season at the entrances of the church. The manger scene is a magnet for the children to come and see. The sanctuary is filled with light. All Advent we have been praying for Christ’s coming. The candles proclaim Christ, the light of the world. Candles are meant to remind us that Christ is in our midst because we are gathered in his name. The words of the ancient “O come, let us adore Him!” remind us that we are here to give glory to God. Stop, look and listen! The Lord is in our midst! By all means look around and then look within your own heart ... to find an even more profound presence of the God who came to be one with us. Copyright © 2009 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 511 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent 21 de DICIEMBRE de 2014 IV DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO –- Ciclo B – AÑO DE LA GRACIA 1a Lectura 2Samuel (7, 1-5. 8b-12, 14a. 16) = El Dios que salvó a Israel de Egipto e hizo con él una alianza, también estableció a David como rey. Esta promesa la realizó Jesucristo, hijo de David por excelencia. Salmo 88= Cantaré eternamente las misericordias del Señor. Salmo 2a Lectura Romanos 16, 25-27= En este himno a la Encarnación del final de la carta, san Pablo, nos manifiesta el misterio de Cristo. Esta manifestación es para todos. Evangelio Lucas 1, 26-38 = María la llena de gracia es la que hizo realidad el proyecto de Dios. Ella siempre dijo SI a la palabra de Dios. Entrada: Ofertorio: Comunión: Salida: Alegría,(5x) y placer, que la Virgen va de paso con su esposo hacia Belén.(Se repite) Saber que vendrás, saber que estarás partiendo a los pobres tu pan./A ti clamo, Señor Ven Salvador, ven sin tardar, tu pueblo santo esperando está. //El ángel anuncia a la Virgen María que de ella nacería, Jesús, el Mesías// La Navidad está ya a la vuelta de la esquina. Están a punto de cumplirse los días y la Virgen dará a luz un Hijo que será nuestro Señor y Salvador. Todos esperamos recibir el gran don de Dios con un corazón bien dispuesto. Dispongámonos a preparar bien la acogida que Él espera de nosotros. MISA AL NINO JESUS Y TODOS LOS NIÑOS: Queremos agradecer a las comunidades Hispana, Brasilera y Portuguesa por tan bonita unión al compartir unidos en estos días de Adviento. Que el Niño Jesús los guíe siempre en la unión y nazca en sus hermosos corazones. ¡TENGAN TODOS UNA FELIZ NAVIDAD! ORACION PARA EL ENCUENTRO MUNDIAL DE LAS FAMILIAS. (Para rezar en los hogares todos los días) Dios y Padre de todos nosotros, en Jesús tu Hijo y nuestro Salvador, nos has hecho tus hijos e hijas en la familia de la Iglesia. Que tu gracia y amor ayuden a nuestras familias en cualquier parte del mundo a estar en unión con las demás en fidelidad al Evangelio. Que el ejemplo de la sagrada familia, guie a todas las familias, especialmente las más atribuladas, a ser casas de comunión y oración, a buscar siempre tu verdad y vida en tu amor. Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén. ESCUELA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA - 856-461-9343 Comienzan vacaciones navideñas desde esta semana y les desean a todos una FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO, lleno de muchas bendiciones. MISA Y BENDICION PARA LAS FAMILIAS –El domingo 28 de diciembre se bendecirán a las familias. El compartir será el domingo 4 de enero con la visita de los Reyes Magos con sorpresas. Necesitamos colaboradores que traigan sus deliciosos platos. Gracias por su ayuda! GRUPO DE ORACION “María, Reina de los Inmigrantes” 27 de diciembre,10 y 24 de enero-7pm- Pedro CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL Rafaela – 973-296-3600 BAUTISMOS – 2do. Domingo de cada mes. ANUNCIOS COMUNIDAD BRAZILERA Y PORTUGUESA CURSO DE BATISMO Todo 1* Domingo incricoesbna missa de lingua portuguesa aos sabados com (Greyck e Marcia) CATEQUESIS INFANTIL Todos os sabados as 6:00pm no predio da escola Saint Peter. (Dona Geni e Ariadines) ¡Jesús, María y José, rueguen por nosotros! 6 511 337 Bridgeboro Street Riverside, NJ PAGE FUNERAL HOME 302 E. UNION ST., BURLINGTON, NJ 08016 609.387.0098 856.461.1116 Patrick Daley, Mgr., N.J. Lic. 4171 609-386-3700 William T. Slimm, Jr., Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4218 Brian P. Horne, N.J. Lic. No. 4258 Michael J. Drahuschak, N.J. Lic. No. 4599 TONY’S BARBER SHOP Specializing in Today’s Styles GALDO JEWELERS FINE JEWELRY AT DISCOUNT PRICES 764-9635 UNI-SEX HAIRSTYLING Children’s Cuts• Walk-Ins Hours: M, Tu, Th, F: 9-6:00pm Sa: 8-2pm • Closed Weds 525 Cinnaminson Ave. Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-829-9730 Serving the Area Since 1962 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 3 Scott St., Riverside DELRAN CHIROPRACTIC Dr. A. Richard Polino Dr. John S. Sinibaldi Dr. Jason R. Polino Dr. Nancy Cilio-Polino 856-461-6262 EMERGENCIES WELCOME 3001 Bridgeboro Rd. Delran, NJ FAMILY PRACTICE 478 Cooper Street Beverly, NJ New Touch from Brasil Unisex Salon Haircut, Hair Color Manicure, Pedicure Massage, Waxing Waxing • Facials Walk-ins Welcome 23 Scott St., Riverside 856-393-7633 10% OFF Mon-Wed Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. 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ARNIERI’S PIZZA BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 856-317-1111 201 Middleton Street 764-1883 Attorney at Law Personal Injury • Real Estate Wills • Estates • Traffic Court 856-461-0231 Check out our reviews on: Jesus The Good Shepherd PARISHIONERS ONLY Landscaping & Lawn Care • Handyman Services NO JOB IS EVER TOO SMALL L&M Bakery “Cakes For All Occasions” Pies & Assorted Pastries OPEN DAILY River Rd., Delran 856-316-8819 461-1660 HOME HELPERS We Deliver In-Home Companion Care Housekeeping • Laundry • Meal Prep. Personal Care • Transportation 4267 US Hwy 130 South Emergency In Home Monitoring Edgewater Park BEER Diocese Member CAVE 609-877-1323 Event Planning GUTTER CLEANING 856-461-1601 John’s Tree Service Trim & Removal Stump Removal • Insured GUTTER DOCTORX T: 856-461-0611 Lic. & Ins. 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