bulletin - Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

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PREPARE THE WAY FOR CHRIST During the season of Advent the readings call us to straighten the
crooked and fill in the low spots. It is a transformative
time, a time to turn away from sin and seek to welcome
Christ more fully into our lives. It is especially appropriate that all of us take the time to ritualize this change of
heart by bringing our sin to the Sacrament of Penance.
The Sacrament of Penance offers us the opportunity to hand over our sin, let it go and open ourselves
to the mercy of God. It is about a celebration that allows
God not just to forgive us, but to flood us with His divine
Over the closing days of Advent there are several opportunities to prepare ourselves for the coming of
Christ through the Sacrament of Penance. Our communal celebration is:
Dec 22- (Mon. - 7:30 pm) St. Mary Magdalen
There are additional times for individuals to celebrate the Sacrament:
Mon - Dec 22 from 11 am to 12 noon
Tues - Dec 23 from 11 am to 12 noon
and 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
CHRISTMAS LITURGIES The office has already begun getting calls about the Christmas schedule, so if you
are one who is planning ahead, there will be 4 Liturgies:
CHRISTMAS EVE: 4 pm, 6:15 pm & 10 pm
We have asked a Sheriff deputy to help direct
traffic following the 4 pm Liturgy. Please note: all traffic
will turn right when leaving this Liturgy.
The Christmas Eve 6:15 pm Liturgy will include
the children helping to make the Christmas Gospel
come alive.
The Mid-Night Liturgy of Christmas is at 10 pm. It
is the primary Liturgy of Christmas and is especially
beautiful. It follows the pattern of the Christmas Liturgy
of the fifth century. Three readings from the Old Testament remind us of how the promise of a Savior guided
God's people and prepared us to hear the Good News
of Jesus' birth. The morning Mass of the Shepherds
(10 am) is much simpler, also very beautiful.
SPAIN Last year, the pilgrimage to the Holy Land was
switched to a trip to Spain. But the timing did not work
for enough of the group. Several expressed a desire to
still go to Spain; the travel agent has put a trip together.
The trip would cover Barcelona, Madrid and Seville and places in between. Tentatively, the trip is
scheduled for Sept 21-Oct 1 and the venders will honor
last year’s costs, so the trip will run about $5,000 per
person. If you are interested, let me know. We will have
a meeting Sunday, January 18, at 4 pm.
Fr. Dave Howell
Dec. 22, Monday
1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56
9:00 am
+Jeanette Duncan
Dec. 23, Tuesday
Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66
9:00 am
Communion Service
Dec. 24, Wednesday - Vigil of Christmas
Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25
4:00 pm
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
6:15 pm
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
Dec. 24, Wednesday - Mid-Night Christmas Liturgy
Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14
10:00 pm
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
Dec. 25, Thursday - The Nativity of the Lord
Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18
10:00 am
St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners
Dec. 26, Friday - Saint Stephen, The First Martyr
Acts 6:8-10—7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22
9:00 am
+William Kessler
Dec. 27, Saturday - Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist
1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8
4:30 pm Vigil +Margaret Borowiak
Dec. 28, Sunday - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary
and Joseph
Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-5/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/Lk 2:22-40
9:00 am
+Rita Schuster
11:00 am
+Ruth Davidson-Hughes
Feast of the Holy Family
Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-5 - In ancient Near Eastern culture, it was thought essential to have a
male descendent to carry on the family line and
inherit all that his parents had worked for. But the
elderly Abraham and Sarah were still childless,
which seemed to contradict God’s promise to
them. Today’s passage will tell us how this problem is solved.
Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 - The author of Hebrews frequently held up Old Testament heroes.
He did this because he was writing to a community whose faith was wavering. Today he presents
Abraham and Sarah as examples.
Luke 2: 22-40 - Today’s Gospel reading offers
a glimpse of the holy family at a threshold moment in their lives. Luke makes it clear that Joseph and Mary were law-abiding Jews. Simeon
and Anna are important figures: their words
speak to God’s salvation, offered to both Jews
and Gentiles, and they point to the controversy
that will mark the public ministry of Jesus.
Reflect: What is the ministry God is asking of
me? How am I fulfilling it?
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Week of 12/14, 2014
Approximately 1433 people participated
Securing Our Future
$ -0$ 4,252
Children’s Collection
Thank You for your Gifts
Please be advised that all contributions for the year
2014 should be in the church office by December 31,
2014 to receive credit for this tax year. Funds received after that date will be posted to the year 2015.
Please pray for all the sick who have been commended to our prayer, that they will respond to
God’s healing will, especially:
Anne Zaragoza, Susan, Dennis, Ellen Andary, Russell Impellizzeri, Virginia Darga, Jack Matta, Mary
Ann, Michael Murphy, Patty Nouhan, Robert Laginess, Norma Pellerito, Hannah, Doug & Linda Lambert, Joyce Egerer, Sandy Pace, Mark Czajkowski,
Amy Kronk, Devin, Irene, Jeanne and Eugene Buel,
Tom Stadtmiller, Karen Hahn, Janet Husseli, Gwen
Maes, Ron Abramovich, Dorothy Keefe, Nancy
Sharpy, Bob Sixbery, Betty Carb, Caroline Bilicki, Vic
Howe, Addison Donahue, Tom McSweeney, Heather
Bierlein, Sharon Stadtmiller, Linda Heppler, Larry
Sweeter, Tom Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe,
Donna Miller, Fred Preiss, Carol Kronk, Addison
Donehue, Marylyn Trader, Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Michelle Schmid, Ben Hemker,
Cheryl Gautherat, Steve Reichardt, Mary Anderer,
Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble, Cynthia McIntosh, Dan
Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn Long, Abbie Fountaine,
Mark Matras, Herb Langer, David Martin, Hogan
McCuan, MaryAnna, Sherri Kunkel.
Please remember in your
prayers: Theresa Burt and
Mike Mahar and family in the
death of Gene Brennan, their
uncle, and Thomas Endres and family in the death of
Rita Endres, his mother.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Church Building Closed - Dec. 24 & Dec. 25
Monday, December 22
No Pre-School
11:00 am—12:00 pm Individual Penance
6:00 pm
Magdalen’s Kitchen
7:30 pm
Regional Penance
Tuesday, December 23
No Pre-School
11:00 am—12:00 pm Individual Penance
6:30—7:30pm Individual Penance
7:00 pm
Music Ministry
Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
Church Office Closed
No Pre-School
4:00 pm
Christmas Vigil Mass
6:15 pm
Christmas Vigil Mass
10:00 pm
Mid-Night Mass
Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day
Church Office Closed
No Pre-School
10:00 am
Christmas Mass
Friday, December 26
No Pre-School
Saturday, December 27
Sunday, December 28
10:15 am
11:00 am
“And with the angel there was a
multitude of the heavenly host,
praising God”!
Continuing the tradition in the parish that we began a
few years ago, all are invited to bring an unbreakable
“angel ornament” of any size or type for the trees at
the stable in the gathering area (ONE PER FAMILY).
Please place them in the basket near the trees. We
store them each year and the angel trees continue to
be filled adding to the beauty of our Christmas environment.
ICHTHUS: Music, Stories, Friendship
Join us each Sunday morning at 10:15 am in the
North Room, featuring guest speakers. All are welcome and the Nursery is available and supervised
for young children.
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Religious Formation News
Youth News
from Mary at [email protected] and
Karen at [email protected]
from Margaret at [email protected]
and Stasia at [email protected]
Christmas Break Begins Dec. 28
Classes Resume Jan. 4!
You have until the very end of this month to take
care of your remaining balance for the winter getaway in January. If you have not yet signed up and
are still interested in coming along, the total of $105
is due at the time you register. Make checks payable to St. Mary Magdalen. The cost of skiing and
rentals, if you chose to do that, is extra. We will go
up to Caberfae in Cadillac. Visit caberfaepeaks.com for details about pricing and
edgettslodge.com to see where we stay! Please
email me if you need financial assistance at [email protected]
Last weekend we celebrated Christmas with
a white elephant gift exchange and finished with a
conversation about the meaning of Christmas and
how it has changed for many of the high school students. Christmas joy comes from within. It can’t be
bought and wrapped to keep under the tree until a
certain day and time. It is a joy that comes from
having a relationship with God. I prayed that God
would fill their heart with so much joy and love that
sharing the Christmas spirit this season would be
easy as their own cup overflows. I pray that for you
as you read this. Share with your family what
makes you happy and plan to make someone else
smile as well.
Our first meeting back in the New Year will
be Sunday January 4th. Enjoy the time off from
school as well and take time to visit with friends and
family. Share in the joyous occasion of Christmas
by making yourself present with the company you
surround yourself with. Put the smart phone or tablet down; close the computer and grab a warm
drink and talk about everything, nothing or snuggle
and watch a movie.
Thank you in advance to Erin Wolfe for organizing
our Christmas 6:15 Gospel play and Kathryne Friske
for leading our youth children’s choir! Both have done
a wonderful job!
During this season of Advent: Monday evening,
Dec. 22, we have our Regional Penance Service at
7:30 pm and on Wednesday evening we have Liturgy
at 7. Please join us.
Sunday, January 4, help needed: at our 9 & 11 Liturgies. I need help assembling crowns for our CLW.
Please let me know if you can help!
Rites Reminders: Solemn Penance Rite of Enrollment, crosses turned in to Fr. Dave Saturday, Jan.10,
at 4:30. First Eucharist Rite of Enrollment, chalices
turned in to Fr. Dave Sunday, January 11, 9am
(followed by a pancake breakfast hosted by the
Knights!). All parishioners will be asked to pick a
name after liturgy to pray for a youth and their family
as they journey towards the sacrament making you
their “prayer partner.”
9th gr. Parent/Candidate meeting is scheduled for
Sunday Jan. 11 at 5:30.
Registrations for formation classes are still taking
place! Call or come in to get your child(ren) registered.
It is not too late.
Class calendars are available in the gathering area
or online at www.saintmarymagdalen.org. Be sure to
visit our website for all your formation needs, catechist
contact information, class calendars and syllabus information and publisher link.
As we get ready to end this year, your Lead Catechists: Jill, Sharon, Teresa, Sharon, Kevin, Cathy, Elizabeth, Karen and I would like to take the time to thank
all our parents and families for all you do in the formation of your children! No matter what the season, it
is always important to celebrate the simple things in
life. There are too many things that slow us down in
the winter - make each day matter! And we would like
to wish you a Blessed New Year!
Have a great week!
Our next meeting back won’t be till Monday
January 12th. Jeannie Herrell, Jill Joyce and I want
to wish you and your families a wonderful blessed
holiday filled with warmth, love and laughter. We
wish too that if you are missing a loved one because of distance, sickness or death may your conversations and visits be filled with fond memories
and the Kleenex within reach.
Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there is always a space in which the good
seed can grow. You have to trust God.
Pope Francis
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Adult Education and Formation
Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce
[email protected]
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Sunday, January 4
A Eucharistic Day
School for Discipleship: Winter Classes
We are always learning something new,
whether it is reading, taking a class or living everyday
with purpose. In order to grow in our faith, in our service and in our relationship with God, we offer you the
following six week classes:
The Gospels: Father Dave Howell
Mondays 7-8:45 pm beginning January 13
Explore the writers, the audience, the times and the
message for all the Gospels and your own response.
This class gives credit to Catechists in Formation.
World Religions Part I: Mr. Derek Day
Thursdays, 7 – 8:45 pm beginning January 15
This Course will enlighten you to the formations of religion from Abraham to the evolutions of Christianity.
Those words, spoken by the Magi from the East as
they searched for the infant Jesus, resound through
the centuries to be echoed in the heart of every person who makes a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. The
presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is as
real today as the infant Jesus was to the Wise Men
who sought Him by following a star rising in the East.
The only cost for the classes is your time and commitment. You will receive more than you can imagine.
Pick up a brochure at the Adult Formation Board or
register on line.
***Childcare is offered at the Parish for parents who wish to attend these classes.
All members of the parish are invited to spend some
quiet time in prayer. You may come when you like
and stay as long as you like. Especially invited are the
members of the Worship Ministry Team, Eucharistic
Ministers and Ministers of Prayer.
Prayer to Know One’s Vocation
Lord, my God and my loving Father, you
have made me to know you, to love you,
and to serve you, and thereby to find and
to fulfill my deepest longings. I know that
you are in all things, and that every path
can lead to you.
But, of them all, there is one especially
by which you want me to come to you. Since I will do
what you want of me, I pray that you send your Holy
Spirit to me: into my mind, to show me what you want
of me; into my heart, to give me the determination to
do it, and to do it with all my love, with all my mind,
and with all my strength right to the end. Jesus, I trust
in you. Amen.
Welcome Newly Baptized
Brooks Cecelia Pence, parents are
Lindsey & Nick; and Justin Michael Bubak, parents are
Christina & Jason.
“We have come to
do Him homage.”
Following the 11am Liturgy, we may come to pray
anytime before 4pm. We will then close our day with
“The Lord is risen, do You Believe?”
With Deacon Ralph Poyo
January 25, 26, 27, 28 St. Patrick , Brighton 7-9 pm
[email protected]
Please remember those serving in the Military.
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Saint Mary Magdalen
2201 Old US 23 Highway
Brighton, MI 48114
Office Phone:
Preschool Phone:
(810) 229-8624
(810) 229-6471
(810) 229-0010
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Pastor: Fr. David F. Howell
Permanent Deacons: H. David Scharf, James Chevalier,
Gary Prise, Devon Wolfe
Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P., Sr. Joyce
Hoile, O.S.F (Adult Formation & Evangelization)
Director of Faith Formation: Mary Mahar
Formation Administrative Assistant: Karen MacDonald
Director of R.C.I.A. & Liturgist: Diane Kubus
Youth Ministry: Margaret Callaghan
Youth Ministry Assistant: Stasia Eisenhut
Director of Music: Steven H. Schulte
Director of Pre-School: Kathie Anderer
Parish Secretaries: Debbie Dehanke, Sandi Phillips, Jillian
Bookkeeper: Dave Wisniewski
Facilities Team: Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, Mark Wolf
Sacramental Information:
Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9 & 11 am
Weekday Liturgies: 9:00 am Monday, Thursday, Friday
7:00 pm Wednesday
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
Infant Baptism: Erin Wolfe
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the office at least
nine months prior to wedding date.
The Bishops of Michigan have declared this liturgical year as the Year for Marriage. Here at St. Mary
Magdalen we are planning a series of events and opportunities throughout the year aimed at honoring,
strengthening, and building fulfilling marriages in our
parish. Devon and Erin Wolfe will be coordinating these
activities which will be guided by a Year for Marriage
Working Group. If you would like to serve on this Working Group, or if you have any other questions about
marriage or marriage resources, please contact Deacon
Holy Family Liturgy for Marriage
There will be 5 liturgies this year that will focus
on marriage. The first is the Sunday after Christmas,
December 27-28, which is the Feast of the Holy Family.
The homily will focus on applying the Scriptures about
the Holy Family to married life, and there will be special
prayer intentions for marriage as well. The second Year
for Marriage liturgies will be on January 17-18, 2015.
Upcoming Marriage Enrichment Calendar
These are Marriage Enrichment events for the next
three months. You can find a full listing for the year, as
well as a short description of each program and a weblink by clicking on the Year for Marriage logo on the St.
Mary Magdalen website.
January 16-17, 2015: Second Half Weekend Workshop– Chelsea
January 16, 2015 for eight weeks: Eight Great Dates
at St. Mary Magdalen
January 23, 2015: Retrouvaille weekend, DeWitt
Looking for a mediocre marriage?
Or a GREAT marriage?
If your answer is “Great, of course!”,
then our 8 Great Date Nights is for you.
8 Friday evenings, beginning January 16, enjoy a catered dinner, at a candlelit table for 2. Consider the
gift of time for each other in the New Year! Childcare
is available. Limited space. Sign up in the Gathering
Area. $225 per couple.
Call Sandi Phillips at 810-229-8624 or 810-923-4915.
February 7, 2015: Marriage Conference - St. Patrick
Church, Brighton
February 28, 2015: We Care 2, St. Patrick Church,
Brighton. 9am to 1pm
March 20-22, 2015: Worldwide Marriage Encounter
weekend, Lansing
March 28, 2015: Theology of the Body Conference Day
- St Patrick Church, Ann Arbor
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Save the Date - Feb., 7, 2015
5th annual Marriage Enrichment conference
“Marriage … Faith and Finances”
Presented by “I Do for Life” Marriage Ministry
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Brighton MI
Featured speakers: Randy & Therese Cirner and
Thomse Zordani. To register: www.idoforlife.org
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Mon. 12/22
Tue. 12/23
Wed. 12/24
Thu. 12/25
Fri. 12/26
Sat. 12/27
Sun. 12/28
8:30 pm
11:00 am
--------11:00 am
Men’s Basketball
Hartland Basketball
------------Hartland Basketball
Sun. Dec. 21
Mon. Dec. 22
Tue. Dec. 23
Wed. Dec. 24
Thu. Dec. 25
Fri. Dec. 26
Sat. Dec. 27
John Galleher, Linda Molitoris
Bruce Dehanke, Don & Dena Mandich,
Pat & Bob Metz, Maryann Kozak
Karen Kerr, Jim Cubr
Ros & Cass Wodarski, Larry Detter, Jody
Judy & Russ Genter, Anna DeMonaco,
Kathy Riccardi
Mary Ann Hargrave, Madelyn Gostomski,
Carol Yakel
Jacqueline DeFranco
Men’s Retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center
Jan. 16-18, 2015
Theme: “Jesus Invites us to Put Our Lives Together”
and further Commandments for Living as Disciples Over the Long Haul. To register call Deacon
Jim Chevalier 810.229.9734 at home or 810.229.8624
at the office, or the Retreat Center 517.669.8321, or
website www.stfrancis.ws.
Suggested donation is $145.00.