Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove 2015 TENTATIVE Ministry Schedule Speakers/artists have confirmed availability for the listed opportunities; however, circumstances necessitating changes could arise. All titles and topics should be considered tentative at this time. All meals, materials, and refreshments are included in the registration fee. See back page for lodging costs and additional information. Speaker/Artist TENTATIVE Topic/Scripture Focus Dates Per Person Fee 1. Jane Derrick Women’s Bible Study—AM: Is Peace Possible? (Selected Scripture) Jan. 6–March 3 (Tu AM) FREE WBS 2. Kendra Graham Women’s Bible Study—PM: Compelled: Christ’s Relentless Love for You Jan. 6–Feb. 17 (Tu PM) FREE WBS (Selected Scripture from the gospels) 3. Brandon Heath An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) February 12 (TH) 4. John Cook 5. Michael Catt Military Marriage Seminar—Building a Resilient Marriage in Turbulent Times February 13-15 (F–SU) $50 EAC *FREE MIL (Genesis 2; 27; 30-38; Ephesians 5) (*FREE to active duty military personnel & spouses!) Church Staff Retreat—Nehemiah: Elevating Excellence in Ministry (Nehemiah) Special reduced group rate of just $99 per person for groups of 4 or more! 6. Jim HenryLeadership Renewal Retreat—Encouraging the Shepherd (Genesis 48:15) (*FREE to qualifying pastors and spouses!) limited availability lodging full February 19–20 SO (TH-F) $129 CSR Group: $99/person February 23–25 SO (M-W) *FREE LRR 7. Larry Crabb 8. Selah Jonah: The Prophet Who Hated Success (Jonah) (FREE Lodging Seminar—pay program fee only—meals included!) February 27–Mar. 1 CE (F–SU) $284 FLS An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) March 12 (TH) 9. Anne Graham Lotz with Joel C. Rosenberg Biblical Prophecy Seminar: Blowing the Trumpet March 13-15 SOLD OUT SO $50 EAC $284 (F–SU) SEM (Joel; Matthew 24) 10. Ron Hutchcraft Believing Big: God’s Blueprint for Supernatural Outcomes (Ezra) March 16–18 CE/SO (M–W) 11. Ron Whittemore with David Gaines SeniorSalt Impact Hymn Sing March 23 (M) 12. R. Albert Mohler Jr. Pastors’ Institute—Faithful Preaching in a Post-Christian Age (Colossians 1:24-29) (Genesis 48:15) (*FREE to qualifying pastors and spouses!) March 24 CE/SO (TU) 13. R. Albert Mohler Jr. Faithful Living in a Post-Christian Age (Colossians 1:24-29) March 25-27 CE (W–F) 14. John Parrish Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat (Single Occupancy $405; Double Occupancy $570) March 27–29 (F–SU) 15. Cissie Graham Lynch Women’s Spring Luncheon March 29 (SU) 16. Herb Reavis, Jr. Living the Christ Life (Matthew 6, 10, 17, 27) March 31–April 2 (TU–TH) $284 SEM 17. Point of Grace An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) April 9 (TH) $284 FLS (FREE Lodging Seminar—pay program fee only—meals included!) 18. Charles Price SeniorCelebration—Living in the Fullness of Christ (John 15) with Buddy Greene & Jeff Taylor (Of special interest to those ages 55+) April 20–22 (M–W) 19. Rachael Crabb Women’s Day Away—Listen In: Building Faith and Friendship Through Conversations That Matter (Proverbs 18:21; Hebrews 10:24) April 23CE (TH) $29 SHS *FREE PI $284 SEM $405/$570 GPSR $29 $50 WSL EAC $189 SR $49 WDA 20. Alex McFarland Standing Strong in Truth: Effective Evangelism in the 21st Century (Selected Scripture) April 27-29 SO (M–W) $284 SEM 21. James Emery White Walk Through God’s Story (All 66 books of the Bible) May 1-3 (F–SU) $284 SEM 22. Ron Whittemore with David Gaines SeniorSalt Impact Hymn Sing May 12 (TU) 23. Chip Ingram Culture Shock: Whatever Happened to Right and Wrong? May 22-24 (F–SU) $284 SEM 24. Ken Boa Growing in Love with God (Psalms 16, 103, 139 & 145) May 26-28 (T–TH) $284 SEM CE 25. Gary Thomas Military Marriage Seminar—Building a Lifelong Love (Matthew 6:33; 1 John 3:1) (*FREE to active duty military personnel & spouses!) May 29-31 (F–SU) 26. Ron Whittemore with David Gaines June 1 (M) SeniorSalt Impact Crusade Journey Hymn Sing $29 SHS *FREE MIL $29 SHS June 8-11 (M-W) *call RRT 28. BGEA Rapid Response Team Sharing Hope in Crisis (Lodging option available. Call for complete rate details.) June 12 CE (TH) $60 SHIC 29. Steve Brown Who Is In Control? (John 3:8; Acts 2) June 12-14 CE (F–SU) $284 SEM 30. Woodrow Kroll Intensive Bible Training—Being Captured by the Passion of Christ (John 18-20) June 15-19 (M–F) $429 IBT 31. Andrew Peterson An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) June 20 (SA) $50 EAC 27. BGEA Rapid Response Team Rapid Response Team Chaplain Training Conference (For those interested in crisis relief ministry. *Call for complete rate details.) 32. Mark Yarbrough Intensive Bible Training—How to Read God’s Word Like a Bible Scholar: A Practical and Engaging Exploration of Scripture (Genesis to Revelation) 33. NewSong An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) June 22-26 SO (M–F) June 28 (SU) $429 IBT $50 EAC 34. Neil Anderson Intensive Bible Training—Discipleship Counseling: Helping Others Walk in Freedom and Grow in Christ (2 Timothy 2:24-26) June 29-July 3 (M–F) $429 IBT 35. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. July 6-10 SO (M–F) $429 IBT Intensive Bible Training—The Book of Zechariah and the Coming of the Lord (Zechariah 1: 1-14) Speaker/Artist 36. Sean McDowell TENTATIVE Topic/Scripture Focus Student Seminar—The Cause: Strengthen Your Faith for College! (Selected Scripture) Dates Per Person Fee July 10–12 CE (F–SU) $284 STU (FREE Lodging seminar—pay program fee only—meals included! Student pastors/pastors attend for free with 4 student registrations.) 37. Michael Card An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) July 12 (SU) 38. Michael Card Intensive Bible Training—Hesed: A Portrait of God (Selected Old Testament Scripture) July 13-17 SO (M–F) $429 39. Lon Allison with Steve Amerson SeniorCelebration—From Faith-lite to Faith-full: How God Can Transform Ordinary You (Hebrews 11) (Of special interest to those ages 55+) July 20–22 $189 40. John Munro Encountering Jesus (John) July 24-26 CE (F–SU) $284 41. Stormie Omartian Women’s Seminar—Choose Love: How Three Simple Choices Can Alter the Course of Your Life (Mark 12:30-31; 1 Corinthians 3–13) July 31-August 1 (F–SA) $179SEM-2 42. John Parrish Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat (Single Occupancy $570; Double Occupancy $780) August 3–6 (M–TH) 43. Laura Story An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) August 6 (TH) $50 44. Will Graham When People Whine, a Prophet Prays, and God Speaks (1 Samuel 8-11) August 7–9 $284 45. Jonathan Falwell Finding Power for LIfe (Acts 1:8; Ephesians 1-6) 46. Lloyd John Ogilvie $50 CE IBT SR (M–W) SO EAC SEM $570/$780 GPSR EAC FLS (F–SU) (FREE Lodging Seminar—pay program fee only—meals included!) August 11–13 CE/SO (T–TH) $284 FLS Grace Upon Grace (Selected Scripture) August 14-16 CE /SO (F-SU) $284 47. Ron Whittemore with David Gaines SeniorSalt Impact Hymn Sing August 18 (TU) 48. Lee Strobel The Unexpected Adventure of Being Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) August 19-21 CE (W–F) 49. Pedro Garcia Seasons of the Soul: Overcoming Trials and Dealing with Tension (Selected Scripture) August 21–23 (F–SU) $284 FLS 50. Jason Crabb An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) August 23 (SU) $50 EAC 51. Wayne Barber Not I, But Christ (Galatians) August 28-30 $284 SEM (FREE Lodging Seminar—pay program fee only—meals included!) SEM $29 SHS $284 SEM (FREE Lodging Seminar—pay program fee only—meals included!) 52. Gary Chapman Military Marriage Seminar—God and Family: Enhancing Your Most Important Relationships (*FREE to military personnel & spouses!) CE (F–SU) September 4-6 (F–SU) Pastors’ Institute—The Stewardship of Influence September 8 SO (TU) 53. Johnny Hunt and Spiritual Leadership (Exodus 18) (Pastor and spouse may attend together for just $99!) *FREE MIL $69 PI Couple: $99 54. Jerry Vines 55. David Bruce with Guy Penrod Spiritual Infiltration: Apostasy Through Jude’s Eyes (Jude) September 9-11 CE (W–F) $284 SeniorCelebration—Joy for the Journey: Making Our Latter Days Our Best Days! (Philippians) (Of special interest to those ages 55+) September 14-16 CE (M–W) $189 SR 56. R.T. Kendall Wisdom: The Greatest Gift (Proverbs; James) September 20-22 CE/SO (S–TU) $284 SEM 57. Bob Russell What the Church Can Be (Acts 1-4) September 22-24 CE (T–TH) $284 SEM 58. Stephanie Seefeldt SeniorSalt Impact Concert (Concert & lunch; lodging also available) October 5 $29 SI 59. Stuart & Jill Briscoe David’s Heart: Devoted but Distracted (2 Samuel 23:1-7) October 5-7 (M–W) $284 SEM 60. Ravi Zacharias (speaker) and World Medical Mission Prescription for Renewal (PFR) (For medical professionals & spouses*) **Missionary Medicine Seminar (MMS—optional CME credit*) October 9–11 (F–SU) **October 8–9 (TH–F) 61. Alistair Begg Strength Through Grace (1 Peter 5:5-11) October 12-14 SO (M–W) 62. Alistair Begg Pastors’ Institute—The Bible’s Priorities for God’s Shepherds (Selected Scripture) (Pastor and spouse may attend together for just $99!) October 15 CE (TH) $69 Couple: $99 63. Jack Hayford Solid Footings for Unstable Times: A Practical, Demystifying Study of Revelation October 21-23 (W–F) $284 SEM 64. Chip Ingram The Invisible War: Seeing What Lies Below the Surface (Selected Scripture) October 23-25 (F–SU) $284 SEM 65. Annie Moses Band An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) October 25 (SU) $50 EAC 66. Erwin Lutzer Grace to Get Past Our Past (Selected Scripture) October 26-28 $284 SEM 67. Henry, Richard, and Mike Blackaby Experiencing God Through the Giants of the Bible (Hebrews 11:1–12:2) November 2-4 (M-W) $284 SEM 68. Anne Graham Lotz Prayer: Reversed Thunder (Selected Scripture) November 6-8 (F–SU) $284 SEM 69. Fernando Ortega An Evening at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) November 8 (SU) $50 EAC 70. Michael Youssef (Selected Scripture) Empowered by Praise: How God Responds When You Revel In His Glory November 10-12 CE/SO (TU–TH) $284 SEM 71. Don Wilton The Greatest Prayer Requests (Colossians 1:9-13) November 17-19 CE (TU–TH) $284 SEM 72. Veritas Christmas at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) December 3, 4, 5 $59 CAC 73. Ron Whittemore with David Gaines SeniorSalt Impact Carol Sings—Mornings (Of special interest to those ages 55+) December 7, 8, 14, 15 $29 SCS 74. Casey Schutrop Women’s Christmas Luncheon: The Testimony of the Tree December 6 (SU) $29 75. Marty Goetz 76. Huntley Brown Christmas at The Cove (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) December 18 (F) $59 Christmas at The Cove—Excerpts from Handel’s Messiah December 19 (SA) CE (M) CE SO (M–W) SEM $284 PFR ($399 MMS+PFR) $284 SEM PI (Come Early and Stay Over opportunities available for all Carol Sings) (Dinner & concert; lodging also available) WCL CAC $59 CAC A D D I T I O NA L I N FO R MAT I O N Come Early (CE) and Stay Over (SO) Opportunities: On dates noted, registered on-property inn guests may enjoy extended time away to rest and refocus on God. Inn CE/SO guests Come Early, arriving late afternoon one day prior to event, and/or Stay Over the night the event concludes, departing after breakfast the next day. Fees include meals and evening devotional. Cost for each night you participate is $40 per person PLUS the cost of an additional night’s lodging (see back page for rates). Participation is limited to individuals with confirmed inn reservations for the course of their event and is subject to space availability. Please check our Web site for updates. Christmas at The Cove: A festive celebration with a gourmet dinner, followed by an uplifting concert. Overnight lodging available at applicable rates. CAC Church Staff Retreat: A two-day training/retreat opportunity for church ministry staff and para-church ministry teams beginning with an afternoon session and concluding with CSR lunch on the second day. Plenary sessions feature solid inspirational biblical teaching by experienced ministry leaders with time allotted for individual ministry teams to meet for their own strategic planning, prayer, and group interaction. Come Early and/or Stay Over opportunities may also be provided for those desiring an extended retreat time. Program fee of $129 for individuals is reduced to $99 per person for groups of 4 or more! An Evening at The Cove: An evening of inspiration with a delicious buffet dinner, followed by an uplifting concert. Overnight lodging is available at applicable rates and will EAC include breakfast the following morning. Registration fee for each evening is $50 per person. Free Lodging Seminar: These seminars feature 2 nights FREE LODGING at one of our Inns! Pay only program fee (meals included). Upgrade fees for balcony rooms or suites will apply. FLS Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat: A Guided Personal Spiritual Retreat provides the opportunity to customize your retreat experience through an orientation with a trained Cove GPSR staff member, as well as participation in times of small group reflection, collective prayer, and celebration. Intensive Bible Training: Designed to take an in-depth, comprehensive approach to understanding a specific topic or section of the Bible over the course of five days. The IBT begins IBT with registration and a teaching overview on Monday afternoon.and runs through Friday morning. The registration fee of $429 includes all meals from dinner Monday through lunch Friday. Daily registration may be made available closer to the event date ($149 per day, including meals and program fees). Lodging is available at applicable rates. Leadership Renewal Retreat: Designed to encourage, uplift and strengthen those serving in pastoral ministry roles. *FREE to qualifying pastors and spouses. (Includes program LRR fee, meals and lodging.) Please call 1-800-950-2092 to request an application form. Military Marriage Seminar: A refreshing and inspiring weekend for military personnel and their spouses. *FREE to qualifying active duty, Guard, and Reserve service members MIL who have deployed previously, or may deploy in the future, (also free for their spouses). Please call 1-800-950-2092 to request an application form. Missionary Medicine Seminar: AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit available at this optional seminar. (Spouses are also welcome.) MMS Prescription for Renewal: A relaxing and renewing weekend of fellowship, testimonies, and Bible teaching tailored for Christian physicians, dentists, and medical professionals and PFR spouses interested in the mission field. Pastors’ Institute: Insightful and refreshing, one-day Pastors’ Institutes are designed to encourage pastors, spouses, and their ministry teams. Lunch is included in the $69 registration PI fee. Pastor and spouse may attend together for just $99! Rapid Response Team/Sharing Hope in Crisis: Developed to equip you to appropriately offer the hope and comfort of Christ to others in time of crisis. Designed for use in daily life, ministry, and community or regional catastrophic situations, it will introduce you to the work of the BGEA Rapid Response Team (RRT) and is a requirement for RRT chaplaincy. RRT/SHIC SeniorCelebration: Each SeniorCelebration will address specific concerns of seniors today with special workshops and teaching from God’s Word to help you learn to live for Christ SR and share Him with others. Restful and inspiring! (Open to all, but designed for ages 55 and up.) SeniorSalt Hymn Sings and Carol Sings: These events include a morning of singing traditional hymns or carols, uplifting Scripture readings, and stories. A buffet lunch follows SHS/SCS each program. Program fee of $29 includes lunch. SeniorSalt Impact: SeniorSalt Impact programs are designed to encourage senior adult believers to reach their friends and family for Christ. Program fee of $29 includes lunch. SI SeniorSalt Impact programs are open to all, but are designed for ages 55 and up. Seminar: Standard three-day seminars begin with afternoon registration, buffet dinner, and evening session on the first day, and conclude late morning on the final day. SEM The Cause—Student Seminar: Strategically designed to empower students seeking a deeper walk with Christ to be prepared to defend their faith on the battlefield of the college STU campus. This advanced seminar is open to students in their junior and senior year of high school as well as to college freshmen. $284 rate includes FREE lodging and meals for all participants! Pastors and Student-Pastors bringing four or more students are eligible to attend at no cost. Women’s Bible Study: These FREE Bible studies are open to area women and meet each Tuesday (possible exceptions) offering corporate praise and worship, Bible teaching, and WBS guided independent study. New participants and visitors are always welcome. The Tuesday morning study offeres an optional lunch ($10 reservation), and small group opportunities. (Lunch reservations must be made by noon on the Friday prior to the Bible study.) Lodging is not available in conjunction with these studies. Note: No Bible study will be held on 2/24. WDA Women’s Day Away: A one-day getaway designed just for women! Enjoy a few hours of retreat and rest, featuring a gifted speaker, uplifting music and a delicious lunch. The registration fee of $49 includes lunch. Open to women ages 15 and above. Space is limited Women’s Spring Luncheon/Women’s Christmas Luncheon: Enjoy a delicious lunch, a relaxing afternoon of music, and an inspiring message by a guest speaker. Registration fee of WCL $29 (for either program) includes lunch. Open to women ages 15 and above. Space is limited. of $29 (for either program) includes lunch. Open to women ages 15 and above. Space is limited. ON-PROPERTY LODGING RATES ‑ 2015 January through August: Single or Double Occupancy Each Additional Person Requested Balcony Room (additional) RoomSuite $134 $198 $20 $20 $20 September through December: Single or Double Occupancy Each Additional Person Requested Balcony Room (additional) RoomSuite $154 $249 $20 $20 $20 advance payment and deposit requirements Each reservation must be accompanied by a deposit of $75* per person, per event. Remaining program and lodging fees may also be paid at that time and must be paid in full no less than 30 days prior to your scheduled arrival. Failure to prepay 30 days in advance will result in loss of deposit and cancellation of program/lodging space. Most cancellation requests received prior to 30-day deadline are eligible for full refund (exceptions noted below*). A refund of payments received, less your deposit, may be requested up to two weeks prior to arrival. No refunds will be made less than two weeks prior to the event; however, monies paid may be transferred to another event in the same or following calendar year. Lodging accommodations in our inns and participation in our Come Early/Stay Over opportunities are subject to space availability. *An Evening at The Cove, Christmas at The Cove, SeniorSalt events, Pastors’ Institutes, Women’s Christmas Luncheon and Sharing Hope in Crisis require advance deposit equal to cost of event. Deposits are nonrefundable; however, if cancellation is made at least 30 days in advance, monies paid may be transferred to another event in the same or following calendar year. A lodging deposit, where applicable, is also required. additional information Programs, meeting facilities, and lodging accommodations are open to adults, ages 18 and over, and to youth ages 15–17 when accompanied by an adult. Youth ages 9-15, accompanied by parent or guardian, may participate in An Evening at The Cove, Christmas at The Cove, and SeniorSalt events. We are unable to accommodate infants, children younger than the ages noted above, or pets (other than service/guide dogs) in any of our facilities or programs. REV 12/17/14
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