4th Sunday of Advent ~ December 21, 2014 ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH 75 Alma Street, Moncton, NB E1C 4Y3 Phone: 858-8289; Church office email: [email protected]; Check our website, www.StJohnsMoncton.ca for times of meetings, events, etc. WELCOME! A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence enriches both us and this time of celebration together. This bulletin has been donated In Memory of Margaret MacFarlane by daughter Sandra MacFarlane NOTICES, UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Calendar of St. John’s Meetings & Events Check our website at www.stjohnsmoncton.ca for dates & times of events & meetings - found under link to Sunday Bulletin & Announcements on left-hand side of Home page. Dec. 21 Sun 9:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 24 Wed 4:00 pm Christmas Eve 7:00 pm Church Office closed 25 Thu Cancelled Dec. 28 Sun Cancelled 11:00 am Jan. Jan. 1 4 Thu Sun Cancelled 9:30 am 11:00 am MEN’S CHOIR Practice Christmas Carol sing-along WORSHIP SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT Child-care in not available today in the Nursery. Parents are welcome to use the Nursery if needed. CHRISTMAS EVE: Service especially for Families with small children. Baptism CHRISTMAS EVE: Traditional service with Carols, Readings, Candle Lighting from noon Dec. 24 – Dec. 26 for Christmas & Boxing Day CHOIR Practice MEN’S CHOIR Practice WORSHIP SERVICE NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) and CRAFT TIME (ages 4 -12) CHOIR Practice MEN’S CHOIR Practice WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL (4-12 yrs) & NURSERY CARE (0-3 yrs) The POINSETTIAS here in the Sanctuary have been donated in Memory of Loves Ones. The names were listed in last week’s bulletin, and lists are currently posted on our bulletin boards. 2 TREE OF COMFORT & JOY - Thank-you to all who helped support our Tree of Comfort & Joy. Today was the deadline to bring in items; they will be taken from here today and delivered to the organizations. 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES - if you didn’t get yours yet, check the table outside the Church Office. If you want offering envelopes, but there isn’t a set with your name, please take a set from the extras and record your name & phone # on the sheet by the envelopes. CHRISTMAS LETTER - If we’ve missed addressing a Christmas letter to you, there are extras available by our bulletin boards; but please contact Wanda at the Church Office, by phone or email, to be added to our Directory. “COME VISIT THE STABLE”- THANK YOU TO ONE AND ALL! The memories and stories of the 56 Nativity Scenes, shared by many members and friends of the congregation at the Come Visit the Stable event last Sunday, were appreciated by all who viewed them. Those who shared their Nativity Scenes include: the Sunday School, Patti Arsenault, Jean Barks, Aaron Billard & Lori-Ann MacKay, Peggy Bohus, Sheri Brooks, Roberta Bunker, Mary Campbell, Wanda Colwell, Carol Davidson, Luiz & Kimberley de Jesus, Joan Donald, Hugh and Colby Englehart, Harry & Gail Fraser, Peggy Fraser, Phyllis Hicks, Carol Holdsworth, Kathryn Jay, Lynda Leclerc, Dianne Logan, Carol Morton, Vicki Meli, June & Doug MacEachern, Dianne & Don MacLennan, Lillian MacMellon, Brenda McFarlane, Barbara McLaughlin, Stacey McQueen, Liz Parker, the Patterson Family (Nancy, John, Everett, William and Eleanor), Betty Plant, Adeline Ramsay, Kathryn, Laura, and Emily Steeves, Lawson & Susan Steeves, Trina Vautour, and Lois Weatherby. Thank you to those who helped set-up and take down the displays: Peggy Bohus, Shirley Brown, Kimberley de Jesus, Phyllis Fownes, Gail Fraser, Gordon & Phyllis Hicks, June MacEachern, Alberta MacLellan, Dianne & Don MacLennan, Lillian MacMellon, Brenda McFarlane, Phyllis Perry, the Ross Family, Ann Smith, and Lois Weatherby. Thanks to Rev. Dr. Doug MacEachern for the collage of photos of this event, which is meaningful to us as we celebrate the Advent Season. UPDATE ON MISSION & SERVICE FUND - As you may have noticed on the tracking thermometer posted at the Victoria St. entrance, the 2015 objective for donations from St. John’s congregation to the UCC Mission & Service Fund, as agreed upon at the annual congregational meeting, was set at $23,500. To-date we have received $22,132, which means, with only 2 weeks remaining in the current year, we need $1,368 to meet our objective. Rt. Rev. Gary Paterson, our current Moderator, said, "M&S is a profound and tangible expression of our faith across Canada and around the world - it is our lifeblood." SOBEYS, SUPERSTORE & CO-OP GIFT CARDS - We have Sobeys and Superstore gift cards in denominations of $100, $50, & $25; and Coop gift cards in $50s and $25s available for sale each Sunday at the sales table in the Great Hall, after the service during fellowship & coffee time. We make 4% on every card sold. Your support is needed & appreciated. Our goal this year is to make $3,000 profit from this fundraiser. Sales to-date for 2014: $59,500.; Profit $2,480.00 3 GROCERIES FOR THE KARING KITCHEN - The Outreach Committee would like to bring your attention to the Karing Kitchen’s need for these groceries: Canned Milk, Cream of Celery Soup, Ranch Salad Dressing, Butter or Margarine White Baskets will be at our 2 main entrances on Dec. 24th & 28th for your donations. CHURCH COMMUNITY EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS See the Bulletin Board for other Events not listed here. LET’S DO LUNCH Cards - As a Karing Kitchen fundraiser the LET’S DO LUNCH Christmas cards are available at the Church entrances and from Karing Kitchen Board members. The Karing Kitchen Board thanks those from St. John’s congregation who have supported the work of the Karing Kitchen over the years. How do these cards work? Make a donation to the Karing Kitchen on behalf of someone on your Christmas list, and let that person know by sending them one of these cards, either alone or with a Christmas gift. Every dollar of your donation provides a nutritious meal for someone coming to the Karing Kitchen. Send your donation of any amount, to the Karing Kitchen address on the card insert. Income tax receipts will be given for gifts of $10 and more. Your gift is also a reminder of this ministry, which, through a daily meal gives meaning to people of all ages. WORSHIP SERVICE (The congregation is invited to join in responses printed in bold) ORGAN PRELUDE WE GATHER IN THE SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY DOXOLOGY (VU # 7, vs.1-4) HOPE IS A STAR 1. Hope is a star that shines in the night, Leading us on till the morning is bright. Chorus: When God is a child there’s joy in our song. The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong, And none shall be afraid. 2. Peace is a ribbon that circles the earth, Giving a promise of safety and worth. 3. Joy is a song that welcome the dawn, Tell the world that the Saviour is born. 4. Love is a flame that burns in our heart, Jesus has come and will never depart. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 CALL TO WORSHIP & ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTING Come; peek into the birthing room of the Saviour. A hospital it is not - no beepers, no buzzers, and no doctors or nurses. Listen. You can hear the sounds of Bethlehem, a tired country community. The contractions are becoming more frequent. It’s time. Joseph, with the rough hands of a carpenter, beholds a miracle. Tired and relieved, Mary tenderly nurses Immanuel. The Saviour is born! Come and worship. We come to worship Christ, the newborn King! We have lit the first three candles, one for Hope, one for Peace, and one for Joy. Today we light the forth candle, the candle of LOVE. This should be the easy one, because love is all around us - in the children, the lights, the music, the gathering together. But, how often do we let our preparations – or our memories - push love to the side? Love is like an underground spring that wells up within us, but love is also a choice, an attitude. Like a muscle, it needs to be exercised. So today we open ourselves to love, trusting that God has already planted it in us. All we need to do is give it care and offer it to share. (Forth candle is lit.) Loving God, we open ourselves to you, trusting that this is how you made us - you created us for joy-filled hearts and lives. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us the peace that comes from justice. Fill us with the kind of love that cannot be contained, but must be shared. Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you, that we may walk in the light of Christ. Amen. OPENING PRAYER God of wonder, we come this day to hear your story told once again. We come today as children, and as those with many years. We come in search of something. And, we bring the only gifts we have: our hands to reach out; our vision - to see a different world; our hearts - to care for the planet and all living things; and our intellect - bringing our curiosity to our faith. May we find ourselves in this story today, and may we ponder these things in our hearts. Amen. HYMN # 62 ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID’S CITY THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Presented by St. John’s Sunday School All children will stay with us during the service today, as child-care is not available in the Nursery. If needed, parents are welcome to use the Nursery. WELCOME by Lexi Morton and Erik Petersen 5 ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS by the 3 - 5 year-olds FIVE LITTLE BELLS by the 4 - 5 year-olds CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD Written by Kimberley Buck de Jesus (adapted from Leanne Guenther) Please join with the Children and Choir as they sing the following hymns throughout the concert. ‘TWAS IN THE MOON OF WINTERTIME (VU # 71, vs. 1 & 4) ‘Twas in the moon of wintertime, when all the birds had fled, that mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel choirs instead; before their light the stars grew dim, and wondering hunters heard the hymn: Jesus your King is Born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria. O children of the forest free, the angel song is true, the holy Child of earth and heaven is born today for you. Come, kneel before the radiant Boy, who brings you beauty, peace and joy. Jesus your King is Born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria. WHAT CHILD IS THIS? (VU # 74, vs. 1 & 3 ) What Child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom Angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste, to bring Him laud, the Babe, the Son of Mary! So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh; come, one and all, to own Him. The King of Kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him. This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste, to bring Him laud, the Babe, the Son of Mary! IN THE BLEAK MID-WINTER (VU # 55, vs. 1 & 3) In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter, long ago. Enough for him, whom cherubim worship night and day, a breast full of milk, and a manger full of hay. Enough for him, whom angels fall down before, the ox and ass and camel which adore. O CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree! Thy leaves are so unchanging. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree! Thy leaves are so unchanging For every year this Christmas tree, brings to us such joy and glee. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, such pleasure do you bring me! 6 SIX WHITE BOOMERS (Chorus only) Six white boomers, snow white boomers, racing Santa Claus through the blazing sun. Six white boomers, snow white boomers, on his Australian run. AWAY IN A MANAGER (VU # 69, vs. 1, 2, 3) Away in a manager, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes. I love you, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky, and stay by my side until morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay, close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in your care, and fit us for heaven, to live with you there. WE REFLECT UPON OUR COMMON STORY SCRIPTURE LESSONS Luke 1:26-38 Luke 1:46b-55 The Birth of Jesus Foretold Mary’s Song Read by Sienna Isaac Read by Allie Billard God's story is for all people. It is ours to receive and share. WE RESPOND TO GOD’S LOVE OFFERING & CHOIR ANTHEM Come & Sing the Christmas Story OFFERTORY # 55 (v. 4) IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him - give my heart. Perry/Pote Cranham A PRAYER FOR CHILDREN and the LORD’S PRAYER (Spoken, VU p. 921) led by E. Patterson HYMN # 64 O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM BENEDICTION CHORAL BENEDICTION Go, Tell It On The Mountain 7 ORGAN POSTLUDE Thank-you to the children of St. John’s for leading in worship this morning, and for sharing a wonderful program! Special thanks to our Sunday School leaders for organizing this service; and many thanks to the parents, grandparents, and all others who have helped the children learn their parts. You are invited to join us in the Great Hall after this service for a time of fellowship and refreshments. MEMORIALS Memorials have been placed In Loving Memory of: ♥ Robert (Bobby) Ramsay by Adeline Ramsay & Family ♥ Lynne Girvan Geddes by sister Lee Geddes TODAY’S GREETERS & USHERS: South Door - Alma St.: Greeters: Claire & Dave MacNevin Offering: Joan LeBlanc, Claire & Dave MacNevin, Carol Morton North Door - Victoria St.: Greeters: Elaine & Gerald Ouellette Offering: Cedric Allaby, Eunice Burnes, Elaine & Gerald Ouellette ELEVATOR OPERATOR: SPECIAL MUSIC GROCERY CARD SALES: TELLERS: Gordon Belyea Luiz de Jesus, Don Sage Karen & Terry Teed Sheri Brooks, Sandra MacFarlane, Trina Vautour CHURCH MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND STAFF Rev. Aaron Billard, Minister email: sjucrev @ gmail.com Owen Fraser, Organist email: owen.fraser @ xplornet.ca Wanda Colwell, Office Administrator email: sjuc @ nb.aibn.com Patti Arsenault, Custodian Email Rev. Dr. Doug MacEachern, Minister Emeritus email: dougjune @ nb.sympatico.ca 8
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