SMUD Home Performance Program—Multifamily (HPP-MF) Program Guidelines and Procedures Jan 2015 Sacramento Municipal Utility District: Misha Sarkovich 916.732.6484 6301 S Street, MS A203 Sacramento, CA 95852-1830 [email protected] Website: (search for “multifamily” in the search box) PROGRAM SUMMARY The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Home Performance Program – Multi-Family (HPP-MF) is a performance-based incentive program, managed by SMUD, and funded by SMUD’s internal energy efficiency public goods funds. To qualify for the program, properties must improve energy efficiency by a minimum of 10% above existing conditions, based on the KWh site based savings (no gas savings), and install at least two different types of energy efficiency measures. The following resources are offered through the program: 1. Cash incentives or rebates to the property owner of existing multi-family properties upon verified installation of qualified energy efficient upgrades. 2. Cash incentives to HERS II raters to help offset the cost of HERS II rater energy assessment analysis. Projects must complete HERS II pre-retrofit analysis (test-in), HERS II post-retrofit analysis (test-out), undergo HERS II final construction verification, and submit all final completion documentation to SMUD program manager. Incentives are available on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to funding availability, until funds are expended. All projects enrolled in the program are required to receive inspection and verification by a HERS II rater. Incentives start at $300 per MF unit (at 10% KWh energy improvements over existing conditions), increasing at $30/unit for every additional one percent (up to $1,500/unit at 50% improvement). All of the energy efficiency retrofit rebates will be paid at the end of the retrofit project, after HERS II rater verifies the installation. The third-party energy modeler, the HERS II rater, is hired by the property owner and continues plays an integral role in SMUD’s HPP-MF. HERS II raters should have a written contract with the property owner outlining the roles, responsibilities, terms & conditions, and contract firm per MF unit or per building payment schedule. HERS II raters is not allowed to share energy efficiency savings or rebate with the property owner. SMUD will provide the $80 per unit incentives to HERS II rater regardless of the size of the apartment complex. SMUD will pay 35% of the total HERS II rater’s incentive at the time when the HERS II rater submits the pre-retrofit (test-in) Energy Pro Econ-2 paperwork and electronic “bld” file, and completed and signed application form. The remaining 65% of the total incentive at the time when the HERS II rater submits the post-retrofit Energy Pro Econ-2 paperwork and completed and signed installation verification form. Property owners must hire a HERS II rater to audit the property (pre- and post-retrofit energy assessment analysis), analyze the buildings and recommend upgrade packages, and inspect and verify installation of measures. The rater must have received specialized training for multi-family retrofits. A full list of rater companies who have these requirements are housed on the SMUD website: (and search under “multifamily” in the search box). PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY The following are core general eligibility requirements: SMUD service account (Properties must be served by SMUD electric distribution). Multi-family buildings. Multi-family properties must consist of at a minimum 3 units. Both affordable and market-rate properties qualify. Single-room occupancy (SRO) facilities, such as dorms and assisted living facilities may also qualify. Duplexes may also qualify under the circumstance where there are multiple duplex buildings on one apartment site. Other residential buildings will be considered on a case-by-case-basis. Improve KWh energy efficiency by at least 10% as calculated by the Energy Pro software in Econ-2 form. Properties must improve energy efficiency by installing at least two different and separate KWh saving energy efficiency measures. Hire a HERS II rater All of the HERS II electronic energy assessment work files (bld files) and software results for that particular retrofit project belong to the MF property owner. If the HERS II rater performs an energy assessment under SMUD’s HPP-MF program and receives subsequently SMUD subsidy for this work, and if requested by the MF property owner, then all of the supporting “EnergyPro” software energy assessment electronic documentation for this project, including the electronic bld files with all of the pre-retrofit input data, must be turned over to the MF property owner within the next five (5) working days. As part of the test-in review, HERS II rater must submit it to SMUD staff for review the sites bld files. Finally, if it becomes necessary, the property owner has discretion to fire the existing HERS II rater under the terms and conditions of the existing contract, and hire a new HERS II rater for this project. Non-Qualifying Properties The following project types are examples of property types which do not qualify for program incentives: 1. Single-family homes and stand alone duplexes-- Single-family homes and duplexes may qualify for rebate/incentives through SMUD’s Home Performance Program for single family. 2. Non-residential buildings 3. Hotels and motels Incentives Financial incentives are paid to the property owner to help off-set the cost of efficiency upgrades. (In addition, SMUD incentives are available for HERS II Rater companies, which should cover the cost of the HERS II analysis). Property owner has option to authorize SMUD to cut the rebate check directly to the contractor installing the retrofit measures. Projects are also encouraged to leverage additional funding from other utility funded incentive programs (such as PG&E), as well tax credits if available. Incentives start at $300 per unit (at 10% improvement—KWh saving only) and increase at $30 per additional 1% improvement up to a maximum of $1,500 per unit (at 50% and above). Incentives shown below at 5% increments are listed for demonstration purpose only: Performance (10% improvement) $300/unit Performance (15% improvement) $450/unit Performance (20% improvement) $600/unit Performance (25% improvement) $750/unit Performance (30% improvement) $900/unit Performance (35% improvement) $1,050/unit Performance (40% improvement) $1,200/unit Performance (45% improvement) $1,350/unit Performance (50% improvement) $1,500/unit Incentives are 100% paid at time of construction completion, and after the verification is complete and reviewed. All incentive amounts listed in the table are maximum amounts per dwelling unit of a multifamily project. Incentives are not to exceed the total cost of materials and labor of the energy upgrade package for the property. For example, if the actual project upgrade cost is $650/unit, then the program will pay $650/unit for that project in owner incentives. There will be no rounding up of the incentives—for instance 10.7% energy efficiency improvement is treated as 10% improvement and eligible for $300 per unit incentive. HERS II Rater Company Incentives HERS II rater incentives paid to the HERS II rater regardless on the size of the apartment complex (number of units in the complex) and the incentive is $80/unit. The incentives were designed to help offset the assessment, energy modeling, verification and HERS II rating costs. 35% of HERS II rater incentive is paid at completion of pre-retrofit assessment and energy modeling component and the remaining 65% of incentive is paid upon completion of verification and rating (post-retrofit analysis) which confirms that the project has exceeded 10% improvement threshold. HERS II rater incentives are paid directly to the rater company. A 35% portion of the incentive is paid when the pre-retrofit assessment review is complete. The balance of the incentive total (65%) is paid after the post-retrofit verification inspection is complete, and only if the project completes the entire retrofit construction and the post-retrofit verification confirms that the project has exceeded 10% improvement threshold. Eligible Measures, Analysis, & Verification Requirements The HPP-MF program provides long-term energy benefits by promoting a performance-based, comprehensive, cost-effective package of energy efficient measures. This performance-based approach aims to encourage multifamily housing property owners to choose the most cost-effective measures to achieve a 10% energy improvement over existing building conditions. At least two (2) separate types of building measure improvements are required (for example --windows and HVAC or windows and insulation). This comprehensive building analysis approach uses HERS II raters to evaluate a wide palette of energy efficiency options when rehabilitating multi-family properties. The eligible measures include (a combination of two (2) of these measures will be applied to achieve maximum savings potential): Windows Roof/attic insulation/Wall insulation/Floor Insulation Cool roofing Space cooling equipment or HVAC/Duct Sealing and insulation Water heating equipment, if it is electric water heating system (including solar pre-heat) Comprehensive hard wired indoor lighting Kitchen appliances (refrigerator and dishwasher) Ineligible Upgrade Measures The following upgrade measures will not be considered as part of the energy analysis for program participation: Solar photovoltaic Landscape/parking lighting Any lighting not affixed to the multi‐family building Any exterior lighting Water efficiency Low flow fixtures, etc. Some appliances (Stove ranges, fans, clothes, washer/dryer) Blower door testing Envelope sealing and weatherization measures Paint, carpet, cabinets, etc. Many of these measures are eligible for prescriptive rebates through other programs such as PG&E, and the local water utility. These rebates can be leveraged in addition to the incentives for this program. Energy Analysis Requirements Following an assessment, participating properties must conduct an energy analysis using California Energy Commission approved HERS II simulation program – EnergyPro. The HERS II Rater must provide the owner and HPPMF Program staff with recommended upgrades showing an improvement margin of at least 10%. HERS II Verification Requirements This program requires a certified HERS II Rater to perform field verification of energy upgrade elements, during the construction. Once this verification is complete, the Rater must finalize a HERS II whole building energy analysis (test-out). This process, along with property owner request for incentive documentation, must be completed before incentives are issued by SMUD. HPP-MF PROGRAM PROCESS All applications will be treated on first come-first served basis. The program has eight (7) steps, outlined in more detail in the section below: 1. Energy Assessment: property owner works with hired HERS II rater to complete energy audit, analysis (test-in), and to determine the retrofit work scope. 2. Application: HERS II rater or property owner submits HPP-MF application package to SMUD 4. HERS II Energy Assessment Review: SMUD program staff conducts review of the test-in HERS II Econ-2 reports and HPP-MF application. 5. Notice To Proceed (NTP) is issued and retrofit construction starts-- property owner coordinates with contractor to install upgrades. The property owner has 90 days to complete the retrofit construction from the date NTP was issued. 6. On-Site Verification: property owner works with HERS II rater to conduct verification. 7. Request for Payment for Incentive: HERS II rater submits completion documentation to SMUD 8. Payment: property owner receives incentives from SMUD This form should be submitted to SMUD program staff prior to engaging a HERS II rater and/or starting retrofit construction. After SMUD staff reviews and approves the Project Pre-Qualification form, only then the property owner could hire HERS II rater from the HPP-MF list of participating HERS II multifamily raters to start the test-in energy assessment work, and only then HERS II rater could be entitled to receive 35% portion of the HERS II incentives. The property owner has 60 days from the date of receiving the Project Pre-Qualification approval to hire HERS II rater and start the energy assessment. Step 1: Energy Assessment The property owner must engage a HERS II Rater who has fulfilled the program training requirements for the multifamily energy analysis, to conduct an energy assessment. The list of HERS II rater companies who have met these requirements can be found on the SMUD website by searching word “multifamily” in the search box. The property owner may choose HERS II Rater at their own discretion. The HERS II rater is responsible for establishing a relationship with the owner and providing reliable and accurate and independent energy analysis and inspection services. This energy assessment will determine the current conditions of the property, and input that information into the EnergyPro software model. The model will allow the HERS II Rater to present upgrade scenarios and the associated SMUD incentives. Once the energy upgrade works scope is agreed upon by the rater and property owner, the HERS II Rater must submit documentation to program staff for quality assurance purposes. This documentation will include: Electronic input files (.bld) and PDF copies of the HERS II Econ-2 reports showing a minimum 10% improvement over existing KWh conditions. Take-off sheets of existing conditions from the pre-retrofit assessment, (including equipment specifications and building sketch with north arrow and dimensions) Site plan. Once the HPP-MF application and energy assessment has been completed and submitted to SMUD staff, the HERS II rater need to submit at the same time the copy of completed SMUD’s Request for Payment form for the first 35% of the HERS II incentive (payable to the HERS II rater --SMUD Accounting requires this form). Step 2: HPP-MF Application The HERS II rater and property owner must submit a complete and signed application package to program staff. A complete application package includes: 1. Program Application: wet- or electronic-signatures accepted. All fields completed. 2. Unit Address Sheet: list of property unit location and addresses. Complete application packages should be submitted to HPP-MF program staff: Electronic Submissions: [email protected] Mail Submissions: Attention: HPP-MF, 6301 S Street, MS A203, Sacramento, CA 95852 Complete application packages are accepted on a first-come, first serve basis. Program funds are limited and applications will be processed in the order received. Therefore, it is important to submit your application package as soon as possible to ensure incentive availability. Before submitting the completed application, it is strongly recommended to check with the HPP-MF program management via e-mail ([email protected]) to learn the most current status of funding availability. Step 3: SMUD Staff Assessment Review Before the incentives are reserved, SMUD program staff will complete an assessment review check to fully document the upgrades using plan check procedures. As part of the HPP-MF Quality Assurance (QA), SMUD staff will conduct the pre-retrofit on-site inspections to verify the existing or pre-retrofit baseline conditions at the property. The review would contain the following checks: Project location, ownership, other project details Number, area and orientation of units in each building All buildings (and units) in the project plans have electronic bld performance files HVAC system information is complete and equipment types are consistent with the systems specifications—existing SEER levels for the existing HVAC equipment must be specified Water heating system information is complete and types match (only electric water heating system are allowed) Envelope details (insulation, fenestration, etc.) are complete and match If the initial eligibility review plan check results in questions about the thoroughness, accuracy, or compliance of the documents, SMUD will discuss any deviations with the property owner and/or rater (as applicable). When necessary, SMUD will verify that changes to the project specifications still meet the program criteria. The plan review process is as follows: SMUD will receive copies of the HERS II EnergyPro Econ-2 paper files and electronic bld files and assessment take-off worksheets from the HERS II Rater. SMUD will review the files to verify that existing conditions have been modeled correctly and will review the files to verify that energy measure upgrades have been modeled correctly and the energy savings are at least 10% of existing conditions based on internal plans check procedures. SMUD will notify the rater once the files are approved, and issue a ‘Notice To Proceed’ with retrofit construction to the property owner. When properties do not qualify, SMUD staff will discuss the issues with the HERS II rater, and work to find solutions. The extent of design assistance will vary by project, based on the needs of the participant and the willingness and ability of the HERS II rater to perform this role. SMUD program staff can meet with the project owner in person or by conference call to discuss the merits of the energy efficiency upgrade options and help them select the measures that will meet energy efficiency goals as well as program goals. The meeting may include the HERS rater and other project stakeholders. Additional research may be required to answer the owner’s or staff’s questions, or address concerns with new technologies or solutions. Step 4: Incentive Reservation and Notice To Proceed (NTP) Once the energy assessment review is completed and the application form is completed and signed, SMUD program staff will confirm the upgrade work scope with the property owner and SMUD would issue incentive reservation (i.e. encumber the funds). At this stage the owner will receive a written Notice To Proceed approval via email to start the retrofit construction. This letter will contain a list of upgrade measures required to qualify for incentives and the reserved incentive amount. The property owner will then have 90 days to complete the construction from the date of the NTP issuance. Step 5: Retrofit Construction Following SMUD’s issuance of the Notice To Proceed letter, the property owner may proceed with the retrofit work scope defined and listed in the Notice to Proceed letter issued to the property owner. The property owner may work with any licensed contractor of their choosing. SMUD does not maintain a list of the participating HPP-MF contractors, and thus SMUD is not liable for any construction related issues. Property owners must notify SMUD of any major changes to the upgrade work scope before or during retrofit construction (such as eliminating one measure, or adding a new measure). If minor changes are made to the project specifications after the Notice to Proceed is issued, SMUD will not conduct a second plan review. The HERS II rater could update the energy analysis files, and provide estimates of revised energy savings and revised incentive levels, in order to ensure continued program compliance (i.e. minimum 10% KWh savings). Step 6: On-Site Verification, Energy Savings Rating, and Construction Completion Verification A certified HERS II rater shall inspect each multi-family building after the project retrofit is complete, verify that the approved package of measures (at least two different measures) has been installed, and conduct a final energy rating for the buildings. After completion of the retrofit work, both HERS II rater and the property owner must sign the program’s Verification of Construction Completion form, which would stipulate the total retrofit construction cost. As part of the Verification of Construction Completion supporting documentation, property owner must attach copies of the contractor invoices for the retrofit work, equipment purchase receipts, and other documents, as applicable. In order to ensure Quality Assurance (QA) inspection process and the HERS II raters’ work, SMUD staff will spot check all of the completed properties enrolled in the HPP-MF program. The SMUD QA inspection will occur after the HERS II rater has submitted the final Econ-2 report and Verification of Construction Completion. This Quality Assurance activity is required. If SMUD encounters problems, these issues will be discussed with the HERS II rater. The rater will be given the opportunity for corrective action (revising the final HERS II report). If similar problems persist, SMUD staff will notify the HERS II rater and, on a case-by-case basis, HERS II raters may be removed from the HPP-MF program. Step 7: Request for Payment for Incentives Payment of incentives will be made only after completion of the work, Verification of Construction Completion, and verification by the SMUD program staff, and submittal of the completed SMUD’s Request for Payment form. The property must achieve at minimum 10% energy improvement over existing conditions. The rebate cannot exceed the total retrofit construction cost. The property must be inspected and verified by a certified HERS II rater (both pre- and post-retrofit). Retrofit construction must be 100% completed, and final Verification of Construction documentation submitted. SMUD staff will perform the final QA inspection to verify the energy savings. Before approving the rebate check, SMUD must have the property owner’s valid W-9 IRS form in SMUD files, with a valid Federal Tax ID number. In order to receive the incentive payment, and to have all supporting documentation in place for SMUD internal audits, all program documentation must be submitted, including: 1. The copy of SMUD’s Request for Payment form for retrofit construction rebate payable to the property owner has to be completed by the HERS II rater for each retrofit project (SMUD Accounting requires this form); 2. The copy of SMUD’s Request for Payment form for remaining 65% of the HERS II incentive (payable to the HERS II rater) has to be completed by the HERS II rater for each retrofit project (SMUD Accounting requires this form); 3. The copy of the final EnergyPro Econ-2 reports for every modeled building in the complex; 4. The copy of the issued Notice to Proceed; 5. The copy of the completed and signed HPP-MF application; 6. The copy of the signed and completed Verification of Construction Completion form; Once on-site rater verification, and SMUD post retrofit QA inspection is completed, and all supporting documents have been submitted to SMUD, SMUD will issue the following two incentives: 1. For the HERS II rater for remaining 65% of the HERS II rater incentive and 2. For the property owner for the retrofit construction rebate. In the event that property owner wants to authorize SMUD to cut the construction rebate directly to the contractor doing the installation work, then SMUD staff would require the following: 1. The copy of SMUD’s Request for Payment form for retrofit construction rebate payable to the contractor and for has to be completed by the HERS II rater (SMUD Accounting requires this form); 2. Signed letter from the property owner, with notarized signature, authorizing SMUD to issue the rebate check directly to the contractor. 3. Before approving the rebate check to the contractor, SMUD must have the contractor’s valid W9 IRS form in SMUD files, with a valid Federal Tax ID number. 4. If the retrofit construction rebate payment needs to be split among several different contractors, SMUD staff requires these above steps to be met for every contractor. The HERS II Rater Role and Responsibilities The HERS II rater is acting on behalf of the owner and under contract with the MF owner. The HERS II rater is responsible for contracting directly with the MF owner. However, HERS II rater must remain an objective third-party energy modeler who happened to be hired by the property owner, and thus HERS II raters are not allowed to share energy efficiency savings or rebate with the property owner. HERS II raters must have a written contract with the property owner outlining the roles, responsibilities, terms & conditions, and they must have a firm payment schedule per MF unit or per MF building. SMUD will pay 35% of the total incentive at the time when the property owner submits the pre-retrofit (test-in) Energy Pro Econ-2 paperwork and electronic “bld” file and completed and signed application form. The remaining 65% of the total incentive at the time when the property owner submits the postretrofit Energy Pro Econ-2 paperwork and electronic “bld” file and completed and signed installation verification form. To participate in the SMUD Home Performance Program – Multi-Family (HPP-MF), rater companies must meet the following requirements: Completion of HERS II ‘Whole-House Energy Rater’ Training. Currently, CalCERTS is the only California HERS Provider offering these trainings. Prerequisite to HERS II training is HERS I training (CalCERTS Levels I-VI). All companies which meet these requirements were added to the SMUD HPP-MF Rater Company Referral List, housed on the SMUD website: The HERS II rater acts on behalf of the owner and is responsible for contracting directly with the owner. The SMUD Home Performance Program – Multi-Family (HPP-MF) requires that raters perform, at minimum, the following tasks: On-site energy assessment Energy modeling On-site construction verification Once the on-site assessment has been completed, the HERS II rater uses the information collected to inform the HERS II EnergyPro model. The model will allow the HERS II rater to present upgrade scenarios and the associated SMUD incentives to the property owner. Energy analysis must be conducted using the California Energy Commission approved HERS II simulation program – EnergyPro. For high-rise building (with four or more habitable stories), the rater must use Nonresidential Performance or GreenPoint Rated Multifamily High-Rise module. The HERS II Rater must provide the owner and the SMUD staff with recommended upgrades showing an improvement margin of at least 10% in site KWh savings. Once the assessment and energy model have been completed for the property, SMUD staff will conduct a brief review of the assessment documentation and the energy model for accuracy and completeness. The HERS II rater must submit the following necessary documentation to SMUD program staff for assessment review purposes: Electronic input files (.bld) and PDF copies of the HERS II Econ-2 reports showing a minimum 10% improvement over existing conditions. The bld file would then become the property of SMUD and the MF property owner. The Multi-Family Data Collection Worksheet, including, as requested: Other take-off sheets of existing conditions from the pre-retrofit audit/inspection, including such as equipment specification sheets Building plan sketch with north arrow and basic wall, window dimensions Site plan If the initial eligibility review plan check results in questions about the thoroughness, accuracy or compliance of the documents, SMUD will discuss any deviations with the owner/developer and/or rater (as applicable). As necessary, the rater will be asked to update and resubmit the documentation as a result of the assessment review. Once construction is completed, the HERS II rater must return to the site to perform field verification of energy upgrade elements defined in the NTP. The rater shall inspect each multi-family building and verify that the approve package of measures has been installed. In some circumstances, multiple inspections will be required for verification of upgrade measures, such as wall insulation, that will not be accessible once construction is complete. In order to ensure quality control of the inspection process and the HERS II raters’ work, SMUD will spot check all of the buildings enrolled in the program. HPP-MF DISCLAIMERS, GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS SMUD’s Home Performance Program for Multifamily (HPP-MF) program applications and rebate reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis while funding is available or until discontinued by Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). Only qualified multifamily projects are eligible for rebates and the corresponding rebate funds must be reserved by SMUD. The final rebate payment cannot exceed the project total cost. Rebates cannot exceed the purchase price of the energy-efficiency product, nor include tax and/or the rebate paid cannot exceed the combination of purchase price and installation cost. All energy efficiency products were purchased new. The following energy efficiency products do not qualify: used, rebuilt, resale, rented, won as prizes, provided by insurance companies, or new parts installed in existing products. Under certain circumstances incentives may be taxable and, if greater than $600, maybe reported to the IRS. Property owners should consult tax advisor concerning the taxability of rebates. SMUD is not responsible for any taxes that may be imposed as a result of receipt of this rebate. All property owners/contractors who are receiving rebate payments for the installation work must have W-9 form on file with SMUD. I understand the qualified product(s) may be self-installed or installed by a contractor, manufacturer, or appliance dealer. All uses herein of the words "install", installation" or similar phrases shall mean complete installation such that the subject products are fully functional. The property owner and HERS II rater understand and agree that the choice of the energy-efficiency product(s), selection of contractor, manufacturer, or dealer, purchase of materials, work performed, and the payment thereof, are sole responsibilities of the property owner. As a condition of this program participation, the property owner and HERS II rater agree to waive any and all claims against and release SMUD, its directors, officers, employees and authorized agents from, and agree to defend and indemnify SMUD for any claims losses and/or damages arising out of or in any way relating to the installation and/or use of the energy-efficiency product(s) referred to in this program application. THE PROPERTY OWNER AND HERS II RATER UNDERSTAND THAT SMUD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND FURTHER MAKES NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, USE, OR APPLICATION OF THE PRODUCT(S) REGARDING MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS, MATERIALS, AND WORKMANSHIP. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, none of such parties shall be liable for any type of damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, reliance, punitive or special damages, including damages for loss of use, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, indemnity, warranty, strict liability or tort, including negligence of any kind. SMUD has no liability or responsibility whatsoever concerning the operability, quality, safety or installation of the energy efficiency product, including its fitness, workmanship, or any other matter. The property owner is responsible for meeting all program requirements and complying with the state/county/city government permits, codes, property owner and/or homeowners' association requirements (if any) in my area regarding local conditions, permits, restrictions, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations pertaining to all installations. The property owner must understand that it is his/her sole responsibility to ensure all rebated are installed as per all manufacturers’ specifications. The property owner must agree to allow SMUD’s representative reasonable access to verify that the installed products qualify for rebate(s). As an expressed condition precedent to eligibility for any rebate offered, the property owner agrees to this inspection to be eligible to participate in the program and receive a rebate for the qualified product. I understand this inspection is for the sole purpose of determining whether or not that the installed product meets all program(s) requirements and qualifies me to be eligible to receive the rebate. SMUD is not responsible for documentation lost or destroyed in transit. The property owner and/or HERS II rater are responsible for retaining copies of each project applications.
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