STUDENT EXPRESS OCTOBER 2014 Habit of Being a ‘Good’ Finder Court esy of Assist ant Professor Garland Johnson “What ever you look for in life, you t end t o at t ract more of.” Our Grand Mast er has always t aught us t o look for t he good in every st udent and build off of t hose st rengt hs. When we search for t he good in children, we build t heir confidence and selfest eem. They become more eager and excit ed t o t rain and give t heir best effort t he mart ial art s school, at home and also at school. As adult s, we st ress t he import ance of searching for t he good in ourselves and in ot hers, focusing on t he progress we are making versus where we are not ...yet . We also encourage our st udent s t o look for t he good in ot hers. A ‘good’ finder is quick t o prase and compliment ot hers on t heir posit ive qualit ies. It ’s been said t hat any fool can crit icize, complain and condemn. Please don’t be a fool! Be a ‘good’ finder! Be a force for good by ignit ing t he posit ive energy and emot ions in yourself and ot hers. Search for t he good and you’ll find it . On t he ot her hand, if you search for t he bad, you’ll find t hat as well. What’s Inside... Message of the Month Habit of Being a Good “Finder’…….1 Halloween Party.....1 Parent/Student Relationship Self-Defense Tips……...2 Upcoming Events.2 Birthdays………….2 Quotes to Motivate..3 Kid’s Corner Pictures to color…...3 Being a mart ial art s champion means t hat you at t ract t he posit ives and repel t he negat ives in life. You must st rive t o mast er people skills as well as mart ial art s skills. It ’s part of becoming a high qualit y, well rounded and respect ed champion. This is t he way t hey t rain everyday t o develop t he habit s of excellence. OCTOBER 31st ALL TREATS—NO TRICKS!! COME JOIN US IN A FUN AND SAFE ENVIROMENT FOR HALLOWEEN! COME DRESSED IN YOUR FAVORITE COSTUME, BRING SOME FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS FOR FUN, GAMES AND TREATS. WE WILL HAVE PRIZES (DAVID DEATON T-SHIRTS) FOR WINNERS OF GAMES AND BEST COSTUMES AND LOTS AND LOTS OF CANDY! (QUICK START PASSES WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR GUEST). INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN DRESS UP. BRING YOUR CAMERAS. THIS FUN ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE DURING YOUR REGULAR CLASSTIME (CHILDREN’S CLASSES ONLY). THIS FUNCTION IS FOR CHILDREN 4 & UP. SEE YOU HERE! DAVID DEATON & STAFF The Teacher-Student Relationship A teacher doesn’t hand truth to the student. He or she leads the student to the truth, but the job of figuring out the truth is actually the student’s. The teacher’s job is to study students individually and guide each student in a specific manner so that the student becomes ready to learn and go to the next level. Therefore, the teacher needs to be open-minded and sensitive, which encourages the student to be the same way. October Birthdays BRENTWOOD HENDERSONVILLE 1 P.J. MINEO 1 MICHAEL SAYERS Self-Defense Out and About Tips for Urban Environments 2 ELLIOT HAMPTON 3 MILLER DEGELAU 3 WALT OSTROWSKI 4 GRANT SIRCY Many victims of harassment, assault and stalking are working women, which makes the workplace a central point of intervention. Contact our employer if you are a victim of workplace violence-your employer can be an effective partner and bears responsibility to maintain a safe environment. 8 RICHIE OBERMEIR 5 NICOLE MUMFORD 7 BRADLEY GORDON Be suspicious of unannounced or unexpected sales or repair persons at your home or work. Look them squarely in the eye for identification purposes and ask for ID from behind your locked door. If possible, confirm a company vehicle and a call for verification. Never allow our children to answer the door alone. Have a ‘safety drill’ rehearsed in advance with our children to lock them safely inside our car if you are threatened. Teach your children and family how to properly call 911 for assistance and what to say. Never hang up on 911, stay in contact. 911 calls are always recorded and can be a powerful recorded defense if you must defend your family on the street or in your home. The 911 operator will serve as a like between you and police, tell the operator where you are, how you are dressed, what the aggressor looks like and what he is wearing. UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 10TH—HENDERSONVILLE GRADUATION, NO REG. CLASSES 11TH—BLACK BELT EXAM 18TH—KARATE OLYMPICS—WILSON CENTRAL H.S. SCHOOLS CLOSED 24TH—BRENTWOOD GRADUATION, NO REG. CLASSES 25TH—BLACK BELT EXTRAVAGANZA BRENTWOOD SCHOOL CLOSED “RACE FOR THE CURE” 31ST—HALLOWEEN PARTIES—REGULAR CLASS TIMES NOVEMBER 1ST—MASTER BLACK BELT STAR REVIEW 7TH—HENDERSONVILLE GRADUATION, NO REG. CLASSES 15TH—BRENTWOOD GRADUATION, NO REG. CLASSES 10 ROBYN ROTEN 11 RICKY FERNANDEZ ANGELINA PRICE 15 JAKE ROSEN DANIEL RAMSDEN 16 BENTON WRIGHT PARKER TOROK 17 WILLIAM SEIBELS 11 GRANT MULLENAX 18 JACOB NORRIS 13 ELI WAIT 19 JACK ALLEN 15 JONATHAN DELVILLAR 20 LUCY SCHMITT 16 ISIS RICHARDSON 19 JASON FRANKLIN 21 ANSLEE WARE CLAY CARPENTER 21 WRIGHT MANTOOTH BENJAMIN BROWNING 23 24 CHRISTOPHER PASTRANA KADEN CHRISTIAN FOSTER DAHLQUIST 25 ATREYU SKYERS 26 TRAVIS MULLINS MAX BOYLAN 28 DEEYA PRABHU 30 KIMBERLI CROSS 31 REAGAN COKER 29 KARSEN THOMPSON QUOTES TO MOTIVATE YOU “YOU’LL MAKE MORE FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES BY TAKING AN INTEREST IN OTHERS THAN IN A MONTH TRYING TO GET OTHERS INTERESTED IN YOU.” -AUTHOR UNKNOWN “A DAY WITHOUT LAUGHTER IS A DAY WASTED.” -CHARLIE CHAPLIN “MANY OF LIFE’S FAILURES ARE PEOPLE WHO DID NOT REALIZE HOW CLOSE THEY WERE TO SUCCESS WHEN THEY GAVE UP.” -THOMAS EDISON “NEVER WASTE A MINUTE THINKING OF ANYONE YOU DON’T LIKE.” -EISENHOWER PICTURES FOR YOU TO COLOR! October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 HENDERSONVILLE—TEST WEEK 5 6 7 HENDERSONVILLE BLACK BELT EXAM GRADUATION NO REGULAR HENDERSONVILLE—P.T. WEEK 12 13 14 CLASSES 15 16 17 18 KARATE OLYMPICS WILSON CENTRAL H.S. SCHOOLS CLOSED BRENTWOOD—TEST WEEK HENDERSONVILLE—BO WEEK 19 20 21 22 23 24 BRENTWOOD—P.T. WEEK 26 27 28 BRENTWOOD—BO WEEK HENDERSONVILLE—TEST WEEK 25 BRENTWOOD GRADUATION NO REGULAR CLASSES 29 30 31 HALLOWEEN PARTIES SEE CALENDAR BACK FOR DETAILS BLACK BELT EXTRAVAGANZA BRENTWOOD SCHOOL CLOSED “RACE FOR THE CURE” Visit us on the web: OCTOBER 31st ALL TREATS—NO TRICKS!! COME JOIN US IN A FUN AND SAFE ENVIROMENT FOR HALLOWEEN! COME DRESSED IN YOUR FAVORITE COSTUME, BRING SOME FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS FOR FUN, GAMES AND TREATS. WE WILL HAVE PRIZES (DAVID DEATON TSHIRTS) FOR WINNERS OF GAMES AND BEST COSTUMES AND LOTS AND LOTS OF CANDY! (VIP PASSES WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR GUEST). INSTRUCTORS AND STAFF WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN DRESS UP. BRING YOUR CAMERAS. THIS FUN ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE DURING YOUR REGULAR CLASSTIME (CHILDREN’S CLASSES ONLY). THIS FUNCTION IS FOR CHILDREN 4 & UP. SEE YOU HERE! DAVID DEATON
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