DECEMBER 21 & 28, 2014 The Harbinger A N E WSL ET T ER OF F IR S T PR E SB YT ERI AN C HUR CH, B EL MONT NC WORSHIP Morning Prayer 9:00-9:15 a.m. in Sanctuary Psalm 24;150; Isaiah 29:9-24; Revelation 21:9-21; Luke 1:26-38 Fourth Sunday of Advent Adult & Youth Choirs ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Special Services and Events December 21 “Lessons and Carols” Adult and Youth Choirs 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer (Chapel) Adult and Youth Choirs (Sanctuary) 9:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Youth Breakfast (F. Hall) 9:30 a.m. Children/Youth Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Called Session Meeting (Parlor) 10:30 a.m. Worship 5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth (Ford House) 6:00 p.m. Youth Supper (F. Hall) 6:30 p.m. High School Youth (Ford House) 4th Sunday of Advent December 21 The Adult and Youth Choirs will present “Lessons and Carols” during Worship. Advent Candle of LOVE December 24 “Christmas Eve Services” Sunday Schedule Christmas Eve Services Family Communion Service at 11:00 am December 24 Candlelight Communion Service at 5:30 pm Family Communion Service with a Birthday Cake for Jesus (11 am) Candlelight Communion December 28 Service (5:30 pm) “First Sunday after Christmas” NEW MEMBERS Epiphany Sunday January 4 January 4 The Lord’s Supper “Epiphany Sunday” The Lord’s Supper END OF YEAR FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2014 CHARITABLE GIFTS need to be received by the church by Wednesday, December 31, 2014. Any checks received a er December 31 will be considered a 2015 contribu on. A backdated check received in 2015 cannot be deducted in 2014. There is one excep on; checks that are mailed and postmarked in 2014 are deduc ble in 2014 even if not received un l 2015. Jeannie will be in the office un l 5:00 pm on December 31. If you need informa on regarding your 2014 contribu on record, please feel free to call Jeannie. DO NOT FILE YOUR 2014 TAX RETURNS before you receive your 2014 contribu on statement or wri en acknowledgement from the church. You should receive your statement around the 3rd week of January. STEWARDSHIP UPDATE General Fund 2014 Budget Gifts Received (12-14-14) Offering Month-to-Date Offering Year-to-Date Nov YTD Revenues vs. Expenses Special Offerings $672,567.00 $13,297.00 $20,797,.00 $530,305.00 ($69,981.00) Capital Fund 2014 Pledged Offering Gifts Received (12-14-14) Gifts Received Month-to-Date Gifts Received Year-to-Date Total Gifts Received 2007-2014 Nickel-a-Meal (11-09-14) Nickel-a-Meal 2014 $4,617.00 Souper Bowl of Caring 2014 $562.00 30 Hour Famine 2014 $360.00 One Great Hour of Sharing 2014 $275,978.00 $1,500.00 $2,375.00 $214,349.00 $6,378,358.00 $452.00 VBS Mission Project 2014 Mi Escuela 2014 $1,382.00 TBD $11,085.00 Christmas Joy Offering 2014 $1,293.00 Christmas Eve Offering 2013 $1,334.00 December 14, 2014 Caly & Thais Pettit (Amelia) November 30, 2014 Geoffrey & Alex Wise (Avery & Jackson) November 23, 2014 Kyle Allison, Carroll Mackey, Joe Pat & Gail Roop (Henry & Alex) November 16, 2014 Stacia Howe , Matt & Heather Mendy, Al & Susan Wall BIRTHS Phoebe Katherine Stacey Born 11-20-14 Daughter of Kevin & Kimberly Stacey Savannah Elizabeth Smithers Born 11-3-14 Daughter of Jeff & Elizabeth Smithers Lillian Grace Jones Born 10-30-14 Daughter of Josh and Stephanie Jones BCO PANTRY F E E D T HE H UN G RY We are collecting cereal products, peanut butter, and canned food items for the BCO pantry. Please bring your items on Sundays and place them in the wagon located at the front entrance of the church. Food collected on 12/14/14: 17 Worship Volunteer Schedule December 21 December 28 Sun. Morning Prayer Margaret Packard Daria Ragan Acolytes Ashleigh Burns Meghan Kimbirl Olivia Sudderth Taylor Nixson Acolyte Coordinator Lindsay Rhyne Lindsay Rhyne Elder Greeters Lissa McMeeken, Chris VanderMeer Lissa McMeeken, Chris VanderMeer Greeters Ernestene Knowles, Nancy Maier Leslie McLeod, Lissa McMeeken Youth Reader Max Neisler Connor Paschall Sound System Joe Hall Joe Hall Lay Readers Adult Choir Program Elizabeth Johnson Prayer of Dedication TBD Walter Dixon Prayers of the People Chris VanderMeer Daria Ragan Children’s Sermon Robin Russell TBD Children’s Church Adult Choir Program TBD Infant Nursery Megan Rhoden Beth Howe Toddler Nursery Jon & Emily Wilson Helen Fleming PAWS Jay & Ann Brittain Green Jeff & Hope Meadows Sanctuary Guild Care: Leslie McLeod, Del Poovey Greenery: Advent Wreath Care: Richard & Verna Neal Greenery: Advent Wreath Deacons Class of 2015 Class of 2015 Deacon Open/Close Class of 2015 Class of 2015 Ushers Pam Lee, Steve Maultsby Rob Modlin, Lisa Neisler Pastor On Call Phone Daria Ragan Daria Ragan Youth Supper Holder, Leedy NO YOUTH EVENTS Frank P. Hall Enrichment Series SAVE THE DATE Volunteer Opportunities GOT WHEELS? DELIVER MEALS! Spend one hour a month delivering a smile and a hot lunch to medically homebound seniors. For many years, FPC-Belmont has supported the Gaston County Adult Nutrition Program by delivering lunches in our community. We are in need of volunteers for 2015 and training is provided. Please consider supporting this worthwhile event by contacting Anne Hixson at 704-825-1779 or via email [email protected] Feed the Children Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear Mark’s Gospel the way the first Christians heard it…by listening to it told by a storyteller? This Christmas season, we will again partner with First United Methodist Church in delivering meals to children in our community. We will deliver in the Catawba Heights area. The delivery takes about 1 hour. Meals are packed and picked up at FUMC where you are provided your route and detailed instructions. Dates of Deliveries are: 12/22, 12/23, 12/24, 12/26, 12/19, 12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2 If you are able to help please contact Anne Hixson via [email protected] Birthdays December 21 Alexa Lewis December 25 Tina Cox Tom Knowles December 22 Wayne Durham Frankie Hagerty Hillary Stewart December 23 Ann Davis Bob Mack December 26 Amanda Hinson December 27 Emily Gries Justin Sharpe December 24 Steve Earley Dawn Hall Chris Jones Kids Central Wednesday, January 6 4:30 - 6:00 pm Followed by a Kids Central Supper that we encourage everyone to attend! You can register online through the church website by clicking on the Kids Central logo on the homepage of the church website. You will also need to download and fill out the medical release form and bring with you on Wednesday. Following each weekly program, we will offer a family supper for children and their families except for nights when we have our church Fellowship Supper or special events. The cost is $5 per person. If you would like to take part in the meal, please make your reservation by noon on Tuesday before by calling the church office or by clicking on the Kids Central logo on the homepage of the church website. Advent 4th Sunday of Advent - Love "For to us a child is born...And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Music Ministry December Schedule December Adult Sunday School Classes From the Loft… The Youth and Adult Choirs will lead Worship this Sunday in “A Service of Lessons and Carols. Guest musicians joining us are Nancy Watson on piano, Melanie Freeman on cello, Kennon Knight on drums and our own Kathryn Rhyne on violin. We also thank our seven readers for their participation. The Chapel Class “The Present Word Uniform Lesson Series” Leaders: Parks Wilson and Bob Decker Location: The Chapel On Christmas Eve the Senior High and Sanctuary Choirs will lead Worship. Rehearsal is at 4:30 PM in the sanctuary. **Handbells: 2 posi ons are now open for January-April. If you are interested, please contact Suzanne as soon as possible! Visitors, Inquirers and New Members Class Leader: Sam Warner, Pastor Location: Pastor’s Office Children’s Classes Christmas Post Office Grow, Proclaim, Serve! “Bible Handprints” Age: Infants - 4 year olds Location: E106 This year during Advent the children of Kids Central will have a "ChristmasPostOf ice"intheGathering Area. The Post Of ice will be open for you each Sunday morning at 9:00 am. You may send members of our congregation addressed Christmas cards without a stamp for 25 cents each. The children will deliver those cards to individuals while they are here at church, or will later deliver to their local address. All proceeds from the "Christmas Post Of ice" will go to Operation Christmas Child. 2014 Distributions of the Belmont Community Organization • 94 families for Christmas (191 children) • 36 clients received a Thanksgiving Meal & • • • • • • • • • • Holiday Basket 974 families received clothing 1,326 houeholds received food 417 families received furniture 14 families received heaters and fans 21 families received kerosene for heaters 56 persons received medical assistance 38 families received rent money 97 children received school supplies 250 families light bills paid 44 families gas bills paid Committees “Bible Footprints” Age: Kindergarten - 2nd grade Location: E104 “Bible Trek” Age: 3rd - 5th grade Location: E102 Youth Classes “Bible Journey” Age: 6th and 7th grade Location: Choir Room “Confirmation” Age: 8th grade Location: Chancel Room “Bible Reality” Age: 9th - 12th grade Location: E101 December 1, Monday Fellowship (Chancel Room) 5:30 p.m. Missions & Den. Relations (Multipurpose) 6:00 p.m. Worship (Library) 6:00 p.m. Education (Conference Room) 7:00 p.m. December 2, Tuesday Property (Library) 6:30 p.m. December 7, Sunday New Members (Library) 8:30 a.m. Called Session (Library) 4:00 p.m. December 14, Sunday Called Session (Parlor) December 18, Thursday Commitment & Finance (Library) 10:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Christmas Ornament Keepsake You have the opportunity to purchase beautiful commemorative Christmas ornaments depicting our church. These finished, dimensional ornaments are 24 Kt. gold and attractively gift boxed, perfect for giving to family and friends. The cost of the ornament is $15.00 and the proceeds will go toward our mission trips. You can purchase these ornaments at a table in the Gathering Area after Worship on Sundays. Youth Event WINTER JAM 2015 We always leave the church by 3:00 pm and inevitably end up in the nosebleed sec on of Time Warner Cable Arena. This year, what if we become members of JAM NATION. The ckets go from the normal$10 at the door to $29.99 per person in advance. We would then be able to arrive and choose our seats at 3:30 instead of wai ng in the cold for 2 hours. We could choose our seats and hang out un l the doors open to the public at 5:00. But, we would be warm and have MUCH be er seats. Please visit h p:// onMembership We need at least 10 people in order to get this Basic Group JAM Na on Ticket. Please Contact Robin if you are interested in a ending. Contact Us First Presbyterian Church 102 South Central Ave. (P.O. Box 1) Belmont, NC 28012 Church Office: (704) 825-3357 Fax: (704) 825-8422 Weekday School: (704) 825-8225 Sam Warner, Pastor [email protected] Daria Ragan, Associate Pastor [email protected] Suzanne Fairbairn, Music Director [email protected] Cindy Hammer, WDS Director [email protected] Heather Moore, WDS Assistant Director [email protected] Robin Russell, Director of Education [email protected] Sherri Smith, Office Administrator [email protected] Jeannie Sigmon, Financial Administration [email protected] This Week at First Presbyterian Church Monday, December 22 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Monday, December 29 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Tuesday, December 30 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Tuesday, December 23 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Wednesday, December 24 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services 11:00 a.m. Family Service (Birthday Cake for Jesus) 5:30 p.m. Traditional Service Wednesday, December 31 7:00 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous (Scout Hut) Thursday, January 1 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Friday, January 2 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Thursday, December 25 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, January 3 7:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Ford House) Friday, December 26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Sunday, January 4 Epiphany Sunday The Lord’s Supper 9:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Children/Youth Breakfast (F. Hall) 9:30 a.m. Children/Youth Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth (Ford House) 6:00 p.m. Youth Supper (F. Hall) 6:30 p.m. High School Youth (Ford House) Saturday, December 27 7:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Ford House) Sunday, December 28 1st Sunday after Christmas Adult Choir Christmas Program 9:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School Children/Youth Breakfast (F. Hall) 9:30 a.m. Children/Youth Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 5:00 p.m. Middle School Youth (Ford House) 6:00 p.m. Youth Supper (F. Hall) 6:30 p.m. High School Youth (Ford House) Upcoming Events Dec 21 Dec 24 Dec 24-26 Jan 4 Ken Dole, Building Superintendent [email protected] Debbie King, Housekeeper Adult & Youth Choir Program (during Worship) Christmas Eve Services (11:00 am & 5:30 pm) Church Office Closed Epiphany Sunday Officers of the Church 2014 Pastor-On-Call Phone 704-964-1199 THE SESSION Please call should you have a need for the pastoral ministry of the church and cannot reach a pastor over the weekend. Samuel P. Warner, Moderator Jim Stallings, Treasurer Daria L. Ragan, Vice-Moderator Marty Barnes, Records Clerk Ron Barnes, Clerk of Session David W. Cloninger, Assistant Clerk Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 First Presbyterian Church Carissa Burns Jay Carpenter Wayne Baird David A. Cloninger Harold Fite Susan Bowen Tad Hixson Donna Grant Summer Cline Margaret Packard Ann Brittian Green Smitty Hanks Jeff Rhyne Laurie Maultsby Deana Murphy Mary Randall Rhyne Lissa McMeeken Chris VanderMeer Weekday School 704-825-8225 Psychological, Pastoral & Career Counseling Main Office: 5203 Sharon Rd Charlotte, NC 28210 704-554-9900 We’re on the web THE BOARD OF DEACONS Andy Stalder, Moderator Sally Dunn, Secretary Katherine Boiter, Vice-Moderator Patrick Lane, Assistant Treasurer Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Mary Austin Katherine Boiter Nancy Bosch Jeff Biggerstaff Patricia Burke Sally Dunn Dana Frady Andy Cheshire Jo Ann Evans Patrick Lane John Kines Griffin Keel Andy Stalder David Minnich Brad Kimbirl Donita Stewart Megan Price Jeff Meadows Kim Watson Doyle Wilkins April Nixon
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