COMPLETION SOLUTIONS Unconventional Completions RapidFrac® and RapidFrac Non-Delay (ND) Multistage Fracturing Systems For use with Multi-Point Completions and Sub-Interval Fracturing RapidStage® Sleeves Swellpacker® Isolation System RapidStart® Initiator Sleeves Swellpacker Isolation System HAL36485 RapidFrac® Sleeves ® RapidFrac and RapidFrac ND systems for openhole applications RapidStart® Initiator Sleeves RapidStage® Sleeves HAL36932 RapidFrac® ND Sleeves RapidFrac and RapidFrac ND systems for cemented applications ® RapidFrac multistage fracturing systems provide operators enhanced options for completing multi-interval wellbores to enable highly accurate placement of fractures, with minimal or no intervention. These multi-entry sleeve systems allow access to multiple fracture points within an isolated interval and are available in either standard delayed or non-delayed opening options. Both sleeves allow the outflow ports to be fully open or customizable to the needs of the planned treatment. A RapidFrac system includes either standard RapidFrac sleeves or the new RapidFrac ND (non-delay) sleeves and a RapidStage sleeve within a single interval. The ND system offers a lower-cost completion solution while maintaining much of the premium capabilities of the standard RapidFrac system. This exposes the reservoir face to multiple fracture points, similar to the “plug and perf ” process, without the loss of time, waste of water resources or extended exposure of personnel. Numerous fracture points can be applied within an isolated interval. ® RapidFrac completion systems can be run into the wellbore using the VersaFlex liner hanger system or production casing to surface. Based on reservoir conditions, isolation can be achieved with either the Swellpacker isolation system or ZoneGuard packers for an openhole completion. Cement isolation, such as Halliburton SoluCem cement, is also an option. ® ® ® ™ Operators completing in the major North America shale plays report that the RapidFrac system enables them to complete their wells more quickly than a ‘plug-and-perforate’ system, while delivering increased initial production. The application of RapidBall dissolvable ball technology helps eliminate the need for costly wellbore cleanout operations. ™ COMPLETION SOLUTIONS RapidFrac® Systems ® HAL40391 ® RapidFrac ND Sleeve The RapidFrac ND system is a ballactivated fracturing sleeve, which enables multiple entry points in a target fracturing stage. By allowing multiple entry points per target fracturing stage, RapidFrac ND sleeves allow operators to mimic traditional plug and perf operations with the efficiency of a ball drop fracturing sleeve system. RapidFrac ND sleeves can be run in horizontal or vertical wellbores on either production liners or long casing strings. Multiple RapidFrac ND sleeves can be run with a single RapidStage sleeve and the exit ports in the fracturing sleeves can be customized to any ID desired. The completion can be optimized with AccessFrac PD diversion treatment to maximize reservoir contact. ® RapidFrac sleeves are activated by releasing a ball at surface into the stimulation fluid stream. The ball travels down the wellbore and lands on the targeted RapidFrac landing baffle. The standard sleeve features a delayed-open response, whereas, the ND sleeve opens as soon as the ball passes through the baffle. The ball will continue along the wellbore opening each RapidFrac sleeve within the target stage. Once fracturing is completed, well cleaning is assisted by flowing all lower zones simultaneously. Features • Up to 55 multi-entry stages per wellbore with RapidFrac ND sleeves and 24 with standard RapidFrac sleeves • Multiple sleeves per target stage • Up to 100 bpm fracturing rates • 10,000 psi and 350°F rating • Customizable exit ports ® • Compatible with SoluPort protectors for cemented applications • Available for openhole isolated or cemented applications Benefits • Maximizes reservoir contact • Lower completion costs • 50% faster than traditional plug and perforate completions • Decreases water and chemical usage • Minimizes over displacement ™ • If used with RapidBall dissolvable balls no intervention is required HAL36115 RapidFrac® ND System Specifications ® RapidFrac Sleeve Casing Size (in.) Number of Stages Temperature Rating (°F) Maximum Differential Pressure Rating (psi) Maximum Treatment Rate (bpm) 5 1/2 55 350 10,000 100 RapidFrac® System Specifications Casing Size (in.) Number of Stages Temperature Rating (°F) Maximum Differential Pressure Rating (psi) Maximum Treatment Rate (bpm) 4 1/2 24 350 10,000 100 5 1/2 24 350 10,000 100 For more information on how the RapidFrac® sleeve systems can help you with selective multi-zone operations, contact your Halliburton representative or email [email protected] © 2014 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. H08004 12/14
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