_ v It, IfM T _~ « „ n / l iBwnhower decided to lutt U. S. troop. Qff UTICA DAILY PRESS ; •««». »** ° » » i - ^ •**•»* ""* of endinf the war as quickly as possible I. n*ttf> •• &AAOLD E MOOsun CULSKXT r. S a U T S S1ASOM r C apg ew* * Behind the News with the fewest number of casualties." There was "no evidence of a poiidtal bargain between Allied and R u s s i a n leaders whereby the forces of the latter were to capture Berlin." *a MKar PAIX T A T U » • BtftMr Eatatiiabad 1SU . — _ , . . W | | . , . r f ~ i n a r y » c / : LM • • * • ! * «Ml»**T P* • * • < ' • « • P ^ w r ^ * ^ " - 1••'- g i - » Onaaaay^riaja. i tw-a. W H P Vraat Gaaa-rt. TTeSSBaet- •> D a * ^ H e « m njiprwiiiiit Harfc«rt W Cruir*sha*k. Sermaxy d « r | i C Warta, Treasurer w 4 SeCEXX M SOt'SX* ki**rimm* Director O r a C S H. FAVOa. Orcuiauoa I U M W /-*« . By RAY TUCKER Is m tke T> A W A S H I N G T O N Tha eaatif a U d and cancelled D u w a Yataa 4a*U funuabea a claw t » t h t Eia«ahow«r admuuatra* Uoc • long-ranst powar policy, la tha opinion of Rap. Gaorgo A Doadaro of Mtcktfan. Aa rankiag Republican on tha H O U M Public Work* CommitUa, Dundvro handlea lh« VMuU Houaa profram in this field. In an rniifbtaning article in UM current Public Utihuaa rortniffatly which i» th« recojTiiaad publication of tha private utility mtaraati. tha Micnifan le«:alator makaa thia prophatlc alAUxnant: "Tha dramatic canceiial.on of t h t Diaon-Yatet contract may mark tht atart toward development of a realiaUcaJly haalthy approach t o t h t problem of financing electrical generating and tranamuaion in tha Tanneaata Valley A u thority." ] Sets Good Example ( A six-member American Lefion special I committee assigned to investigate serious TXLMTHOSX j-nn | charges made against the United Nations T«rm» of Si.t>t> rtj i Educational, Scientific and Cutural OrBT CAkKU t'TU A A.NI> VICIMTT - Deil*. >i». 1 . ganixatiun (UNESCO) has done a pains• t u t . tXM. 1 year t i t 00 ! taking job of seeking the facts. It is all the BT S U l t tUTHLN N T STATU - Dalljr 1 I • tn | l U: I < , more noteworthy because the Legion itmo. ' fc» Ki • oWHitri* U SU. X yaar. 11X00 «H !>:!>«: N T S T A T * A >, D CITT O f UT1CA—SeUr' \ self participated in condemnation of 1 a*,: '.i »• V. 1 >•»- 110'-• ftaeaittaatva of aax-uota.T»O ina froae tt# above ratae UNESCO two years ago. vsil b« aceaptae *i.J » « ' t 4 tor w k * u w s e n e a it carers at above eubacrtatiea tatea. After a year-and-a-half of laborious •Ent*r*d at J* Pi*t Office at L' tua, N. T. inquiry into the aims, personnel, makeup aa aacond ciaaa matter and past activities of the UN organizaJ F v;.Kii.«* A Son National Rrpr*a*al*U*« M aocA*ie *r Pia*a Naw Torn «00 Mlcaieaa A t e . Chl- tion, the Legion special committee dee^ft *»: M»ratt at San Kranciaco Mtmi-T "f Ttst Associated Pr*a» Th* Aaaociatad Frees clares firmly that the serious charges 1* antit.'d t*ciu.«iT»!y to U>* u»* which have been repeated far and wide fi r rrp\di... air a of all tha . > *1 a*«» I'tinle-cl in thia n a a a p a i T , are baseless. aa • < : . aa ail c**> w « i diapatchaa The report has more than passing inMONDAY MORNING. SEPT. 11. ISM terest upstate b e c a u s e Jacob Ark, Rochester attorney and past New York The absolute independence and integrity State commander of the American Legion, •7 a member of tks Gannett Group of played an important part in its creation. newspapers must never be m doubt. ,FKASK GASSETT Ark and his five collegues met in Washington and in New York on several occasions to plan the exhaustive inquiry. "Between meetings volumes of officii] Small business, generally not faring documents were studied. Congressional so well as its big brothers in the present ' testimony was reviewed, responsible govpenod of prosperity, has been assured eminent and United Nations authorities of federal assistance of various kinds j were interviewed and hundreds of ihquirfor the coming two years. Just before i ing letters were sent to responsible people "Congress adjourned, it passed a~1rtn~T0 T icToll the nation in the broad plan to -. r extend the Uf£j?f _the Small Business Ad- 1 uncovejqhe truth about each ipfacific icministration to mid-1957. The legislation cusation wherever possible. broadened the lending powers of the • National notice has been taken of the agency bjTaluthorinng it to rhaT«loifis~T6T group's wofYT Life "magazine;r"Hr an edi» as much as $250,000 instead of $150,000. torial, remarkeoT that x the committee Despite rising general prosperity, the 'really investigated UNESCO inside and mtte ISraalT BasHieW8 Committer' iaat r<mtr~ winntmed every-charge fehs> ««yspring found the profit position of small body ever made against it, rooted out manufacturing enterprises "most disturb- the truth and found that all the major ing-/' The economic status of little busi- accusations were false." The New York ness has improved since then. But as re- Times similarly joined in th* applause for cently as July 30 Chairman Sparkman CD- the approach the group took to its inAla) of the Senate committee directed quires, commenting editorially: 'The Aid to Small Business — -artei ff-ff*P" : hstwe«a--g«""nit»ep ropnrt w a t h o r o u g h a n d pains- -Using Words National Affairs By William Morris woRi>v sr.mins pmKvim* JYIRAYMOND MOLEY World Seriei coming: up—and tht profit rates of the largest companies taking 40.000-word job." time for Dr. Morris' annual runTalk About Senator Knowfausd and those of the The ,Legion committee has. set , . smallest companies. . . . . . , a healthy . . . down of baaeball »lang for th« rVcaiise of MLW eCTnomJc, aixual--«nd| example for any group-which, without^n^-pf-thcre poor btnightad l i s a-.Iong tt^y._ from - tha-j neni aa-Knowiand u inevitabla, Gate to London, but a and there la some la California. political Importance of the small business ^finnT factual foundation, H tempted to follc^whtwe m t e i e s t in t h e TIS- Golden visitor in either region is likely Two complaints are that ha ass tional g a m e comes to life only JKgmejQl_cJLJh£ economy—more than 4 ffitcq'Ntttar join in serious charges merely because 1 million of the approximately 4.2 million they ^ V & ^ l ^ ^ f ~ ^ ^ W l ^ ^ ^ ^ a 2 ! ^ ^ therms o,uesUons_about William. Know- aiduoua in his attentions to his business enterprises in the United States the/moment. one of them in your own houae- land, senior Senator from Cali- vast constituency, and that as and leader of the Senate loader of hla party in tha Senare ranked as small—its welfare is of « hurdle remains: The report goes hold. So. if the djed-in-the-wool fornia Republicans In England last ate ha should follow the lead of will bear with me, we'll Unfailing interest to Congress. It usually fore the American Legion national con- fans spring I heard and read a good the President in all thinga. take a look at some of the color•is eager to help small business aolv» the,, vention in Miami. Influence certainly will M items from tha jargon « f ninny animadversions a b o u t An answer to the first of Knowland's attitude toward the these complaints ran be found special problems that go with limited size be brought to bear to have the hard- baaebaU. Chinese Communists and our -in tha Congressional Record, ^4a an. economyiMeajin^^ document repudiated. Ark and his Let's run them over in alpha* for - ^alist ^ ^ government ^ S S ^ ' l ^ on^ormosa. V i l ! S ^ r 4 : « ^ ^ * * * ^ ± * » <*•• business giants. collegues, who have stood their guns ***-.-±**r-t**r granted that even the moat ill- This I could dismiss as the stltution of the United States. iLas__had against4ieavv pressures already, plan to intnm~i f.n w^w. th> tw.»nfrf 'Yeirttiiieiit ^firnall A nartv leader in the a ti/uiitiy eagei _ata_has difficulty in obtsuaif^-^uity-^pitj^^od^be-on-han^ »r.^it» fiwHinga in 'of simple terms iike_hit; baae on lor a-firii -of> sjijaxaxtinj^ aU-abaoi resumpMon-ofballs and pitcher's mound. Hare Lag job. Ha must be there allong-term credit Unike large corporations, person. wlth China under almost any most continuously, and there goes . however ' humili- are few discussions on the floor which usually can raise new capital easily The deserve the solid backing of the "Away*!—tha number of play- conditions. ating. Moreover, the British, by selling stock, small companies find it American Legion. ers put out. T w o away" means while generally friendly to the in watch he ia not involved. He must maintain unity within hla hard to acquire funds in that way. Intwo men out. United States, always have a party membership, watch tha "Bat .around"—whan all nine favorKe American whipping ability of little business to command the players of a team bat in one in- boy. This year they have both opposition continuously, deterbest management and technical skills, conmine, t a a drgrec the order of ning. Knowland and Nixon in t h a r biwatMA. and keep; informed on stitutes,ftnjBthexpejglsting^problcnL., Agd. ' —*Be» -IJSH-^— n *aff-tJrtWF- "«»«r small manufacturing concerns have only ~^"~ By Kl. PrmiHS~I=lZ t i o n a l l y pitched -at a batter's Carthy; and for years before, a thousanH "different subjects involved in legislation. The burlimited resources for conducting research head. This is illegal but tha it was Senator Taft and ax- den on a Senate leader is pitcher claims he was only try- President Hoover. or diversifying production. reflected in the A N OeCA* FOnV A KELLY In California, which baa al- graphically ing to "dust" the batter—that la, t r a g i r i l l w « a nt t h a TVftww The position of many smtH tnterprii Chlna in state police commissioner, John 'pitch"tlow^dTis'hea^to^fgrca' "ways sasu cuius sad Japan" cratic leader, Senator Johnson iias been adversely affected recently by KeHy, lartirfa column's C o m m i s h - o f - T h * T e a r -trirrrbaclr t r o n r t h a irtatar Nowm- ~from an angle quite unlike that of Texas. Those whose memory "Mrr_Horsa Senaa-For 1956." Ha smashed l ^ y s most players wear a plastic visible to the British, the ^reductions in defense spending, with a and through recant hokum, nonsense, bunk and 'imer under their caps, rightly prestige of Knowland is very runs back 18 years can recall a ^consequent narowing of the opportunities bumbling holiday waek-end law enforcement by |f««iing that this is more protec-1 nigh, ^n 1952 his majority orer heart attack by a Senate leadJoseph Robinson, which had Jfor both prime contracting and subcon- stripping pottca c a n of their identification marks 'tion than blind faith in the o p - his opponent in the primary er, aa even more tragic end. _ athich decided the election waa, .tracting The "Senate cohinlltteTnpolntexl hr the drt»s Ut stop mwrder an the highways, lapsing- pitehar. our hook thia is tha first intelligent, fact"Bench Jockey"—a player es- aa I remember, something like out on July 30 that small companies had In No doubt Knowland would finding approach in years to the problem of pecially tdept at heckling on- 1.6 million. That is. as far as been "receiving less in terms of -Prime.^s^wtiasi to««a-itfa on tha ~afl* of tha XJMJL. \^ZyT£S5 ^"tZ'Z-ZZ 1 have been able to learp^ the, j-apura any claim far aymjathv iiontract dollars generally." it found even We salute commisaionaT K«uy and g«t off this ^ ^ ' Ga ; RQy^ Q,^^ n largest vote" of conxidence because of ins burden he must Gang days, to him; Lippy Lao Durocj»>r knew no ever given in the United States bear aa TsfTs luttsssui. But ~ Jnore distrubing the fact that the perfor a candidate for any office, It might serve ma critics well peer as a bench jockey. jcentage of total defense contracts con- Dear Commiah: _ ' "Blooper"a looping fly bail excepting the Presidency sad if they would realise the facts. There is no sense whatever in sanding police sidered s u i t a b i s for award to small cars They might also ponder the en the road aa rsrogniiahle aa steam cal- which may fall just out of reach Vice Presidency. claade reply of Edmund Burke of infielder and outfielder alike. Companies had been declining. The ex- liopes sad Mardi Grae foists. It is high time -to his constituents in Bette* ia Califoiniaas are proud ef~ If it does; it's called a Texas acme law enforcement official, sickened by maimplanation, according to the Defense Detheir representation in Wash- which he reminded them "I sad tha deaths at the hands ^of potential Leaguer. partment, was that the growing complez- inga ington, which includes the Vice could net court-yeu sad serve "Changa-of-pace" means that kiUers, ended tha comic routine of making poi f y ftf BV'ay ^fmi flf equipment needed by U ~ muUm H « f H y ManHflahla a t all rtlatanr— .a P i t r h f r i s Skilled i n YHy^f. President; the Chief Justice; you too," .the armed services was putting more and up to a mile. Do datectivaa on a Hunt for the speed of balls pitched, To- Knowland: Thomas Kucne^TBe —TKr argumanl Chat trie wear high aats and purple whiskers t day !!£hange-up" is generally junior senator: and an ab)e~snd Senate leader represents the ?nore contracts beyond the capacity of killers aggressive group of congress- President is whollv wrotrg PerDo wa raqulra that FBI agents be nine feat ;«•«* »T *porU announcers ^msil companies. men. It is seldom that a single haps this idea gnv up during tall? Do wa put bells on bloodhounds? mean a pitcher's alow balL dero txpoaaa cartatt TV A praxUcea. and u m t a a other dtiaa l a the Twnaaaee Vallay ta follow tha e x a n p l e of Memphia. Whan TV A c o n i r a c u to deliver power to a municipality, auch aa Memphu, it InalaU o a two raatncUva pruviaiona. It demand* that municipal cooaumer» and farm co-operaUvea agrea to buy power from no other eourte It aiao b a n them from pledging- any proflla from the reaale of i u power tc lae^e aoiida for conalrut-Uon of addu Uonal utility facilltie* In ahart. they become "captives" to TV A s buraauc ratio m a n a f era Memphis w a s able la c u t awav from TV A, and, in ra~ sent men t against tha DixonTataa plan, lo build i t s o w a plant because its contract with TV A expiree in 1*54. TV A. Dondero points out, can fulfill its original purpose of a conservation program Dondero then proceeds to rather than a competitor with divulge fa. ta a&out TV A s op- 1 p n v a U .nterpnaa by making arationa and power dietrtbution only a few changes la its operweilch are unknown to the general public, especially tha I ations. Instead of reserving its a .pterm* ef TV A a cohtracU with i " ply of power for homes, cities, ao-called "captive cltiea' like ' towns and farm co-operatives, Memphis. The Eisenhower adt the so-called "preference cusministration, he says, does not \ tomexa." T\A.a operators haxa. -seek to daatror TVA. H ehnpW wants to maintain TV A and contracted to tail 10 par cant similar projects along their of Its output ta 14 large indusoriginal lines- a natural con- tries It has attracted tl servation enterprise r a t h e r corporations to tha Tenn« than tha embryo of a vast pub- Valley with promises of cheap. .. ^ subsidised. poarar> io»\ n€ po^ear-eeitptre' 1 and reduced taxes. The Dix«nrYaie* rontrsctt cavuiad U a t UM> private u u k ^ . „ Dondaro Dond»rp_ says M y a t hthat_corn|>lea t ^£>jmj>le-^ j jty firms would build a p a n t to . " o n of rtrtain s t e a m planta supply Memphis with electri- ! will permit TV A to meet tha city, since TVA's commitments neada of its "praferenca cua* t o new gto'tnl* f n e f g y c m t W t ' wouM iriske I t impossfhle f o r f ^ e t v -refnserf i s l e t T V A pand through building n e w it to serve the Tennessee citv. When thia proposal became steam plants, but he aays it J»TptmtRSIT issue, Wi* Ifaw Ties** ish and public power officials those already planned auof Memphis took president thorlsed. That appeal to- be Eisenhower off the political Btsenhower*s idea. hook by offering to build their Then, following the example owa faculties instead of buying of Memphis whem their peeaeat power from the Dixon-Yates contracts expire, other' etttos interests Ike quickly okayed may cut away from TVA sad the Memphis plan, and called build their own systems. And off the Dixoa-Istet ajTsnge: -SO- Jn*J_the .14 oorport^ossj ostng TV A power. TVA l a his magasine article. Doa> cannot servo both groups, Others' Opinions /Seueria! S Recent rises is tab price of natural rubber are causing new interest la the disposal of produce. Also. It Is aot m a favorable locatloa for procurement of petroleum-baaed butadieae, the—hulk of—which is government • owned synthetic produced oa the Gulf Coast rubber planta of World War 2. The high price of natural __ J S T a t u r a l rubber In mid- rubber tends to offset these August was selling at about objections. So does the fact 46 cents a pound, only two that mnvrrslnn of the plant. __•*_• ._ »_ J a •_ • a a i t • *•* J*^_ * ' m l a . ••• %_ • a, », While eoroyrcwBd^be yraauair; *§, eratsr am! justi U s prwIiR'Uua faciGuee i r e . the price of natural rubber in laid out ia three lines: one at mid-Aegust 1994. SynthsUc s time could he converted to rubber was priced at SS cents make GR-S cold while the s pound. others produced 9R-S-hot. for The Rubber Producing Fa- which there is still a market. eiliuee Disposal Commissloa M o r e o v e r , a governmenton Aug. 13 advertiaed for bids plant producing akooa the Institute, W. Va., sjra"J?*^* r a ^ e r plant W ^ ^ ^ ^ i i s c a s v f l l e ; Ky?. Tias ""recea^ its kind in the world. Built -a source of' during World War 2. eommodtty readily avail* capacity of 122 000 long tone a abie. year. Twenty-five other govDaytown. Texas, nt-owned synthetic rubfar whleh only one hid was uei piania nave •een aoto oy origmally offered th^ Commissioa. eetabliahad sought by amo by the Republican Congress i s for sale, re-offered severltftS, and still another has been leased. Bids oa the InsU- al months ago. And' officials 2L* D y ^ eubeidlajy bare el* ready Indicated an tntereet hi Oct 7. the Institute plant -.for s number of Stanley N. _thex» jwera no bids for the laatltute plant when It waa fliet sat AttflrasT advertised for sals la Novem- m Senate subcommittee ber lS&i. Buyers were hesi- the Justice Department tant inasmuch as sales had to certainly wflr* be approved by the Attorney panies which bought General and Congress. Seme mant-owned rubber plants for Democrats opposed the aaiea anti-trust violations. The dtson the ground, that the plaats poeiUoa of the rubber plants would go largely to the big fits in with the general admin* rubber and oil companies lstration policy to get the which had opeiatsd Umn for the government during the administration has the war The salee, they argued. ful backing of the Hoover wwuld piuinote monopoly aneh -Commission in divesting the injure smaii rnisintes But Cos- government ©FTls business op— . a^» — I "Come»baakar"-^a pitch which - state, except occasionally New | the days when FDR sought to gress st the 1964 seasloaap- erations, of which most of the line straight I Vnrk fraq been so fortunate. * run both the executive and the pravfd the sale of 24' of the Igjjln bila This la no jolly little -game between remaining _are conducted by aa pmmU 1 1»tp«'*'-*f_ji»£art>r.»Tita of_g_OV back to the jprrawr liaaia fcw m aoU of 211 to 011- the Dtfrai cops and nitwit* atoopies, drunken -dnvera andTTin 11 I right M" IWtflrc^ r a i i ^ i the ,hig,hway. pjiehnvi The ^On^e Over joestioa-why the Brwsisnsunder M. ..-Way 1945jriien it coold-ea*ttry-h« __iaken by the western allies. And he has again ?uggested-that the whole history of Jl_frisiramr Rurrtpe would have been different had listened to of *'our appeals which I made" that the left wing JD( the allied army under General Montgomery be ordered to advance on the police work- in vehicles that stand out like deat He ia in a coordinate but t Government Rubber-Styrene) enterprises _B*_DR. JAMES-W. BARTON a sore thranb ? - There, ia nothing screwier than a operate > M n t . dejpartnaeai daakajtmaBf-a/ ror. cold., whTcn ia a greater dor oporajad bythemihtary of govthe notion that the irresponsible- autoiat is en-mxnd than the GR-S a. eThment titled to a. h»ad »tart and a fair warning. HKABT PATTXNT GOES BACK TO-SVOBK the^c' wmeh IrratitiiTt . Knowland to those who Nothing-ia so fruitcaker as the theory-that T h e medieal -literature of laeileft jaw wi>h aa iscraaaed flow. »him „ wwefi ^ „ ^«^v«.. mi „ U .a atm auST^rcnmraereT those trying to round up the highwav baddies last few y e a r s ia filled with 1°* saliva but. pain would begin! convictions, and courage. He must yell. 'Too hoo! Here I come:" Gangway "'••* few y e a r s off in a couple of minutest can weQ survive the attacks of for the Kelly Plant Too many driven are la- -articles concerning patients v/hnTT . J .tom-d w i k m » terpreUns: their license toB read aa follows: ireturn to work and who . live for \ DDr. JT „t 4 o u d^ f«feels , ^ ^ t. h^a*t ' -fre-i _ :! his critics at home and abroad. r S Stroud eria V1 - T^XT* » ^ » o ^ "J*" •" \ f r _ _ l , ' « , . « « %,-.— «-*•* KaaiaH .M-.^ ssj BsOWABD KXaanaeaW ossl SBGSBASAD la I V X T many years with healed m myoear-l h i s is a hcense to become autocratic many y o e a r - ! ^t ^^ pTh y w c i .m n , M ^ . , f 4*~ ultj dial infarcU (heart strokes. "I am ' l ^ ^ Physicisns a r e a t "German capital. i disdainful, supenor, selfish, domineering, rude in nnot explaining' carefully to The Daily Poem m ot quoting Dr. Wlmam Stroud ta 'each «q>«»»«r d sis: hearts.' West made the patient with a «rafuily heart stroke : It is ncVclear that the 3ecision"to hah ,' discard *" *°~«*™*entiUes good the b**r,r to .Geriatrics who reports on some BenkateeaNalaeraaie all rules of» etiquet, manners, By Anne C«mpb«ll eneen of spades snd North[that, following recovery from the Sostk sealer Rallied f o r c e s s h o r t of B e r l i n and leave t h e i deeencx, fair play and horse sense. It eonsti- 1200 cases, among whom the old- 'acute a t t a c k , the restnctieasl south made aU 12 tricks. Dest eely the l o s t head) clarer won the opening lead, *-©* LAVftA ' y open for t h e advanciftf v Russian w a s tutas a permit t o i p o r a the laws, laugh; at i ^ p c m # V t « i J ^ ^ J ^ T £ .which were placed on his actions ~ . / 4 a K» riajT-aral » in tka> caution stgna. giggle at sharp curvea, play i7«*" old. who suffered b h ' „ ^_ OtherwSM Tfea n„ow v»»aJ/ drew trumps ia three leads, ana m a d e b y General sQsenhower m the ^ ^ ££n wtth the the cope cons and and behave . l o n9£ ! L behave hke first heart stroke » Tyears ago. *f*. 1 0 01 MIRTH b v iamr discarded all fiva of hla clubs ^ * " wwh £ e n«' P** P * * *** *' ***** t h s t r »*"»*«• Tha^-Uadits af b-r «»tr - t e a fell ifield, n o t b y officials in W a s h i n g t o n . | a n ^ a a ^ a d heeL < ireured from acuve duty « "**»* ^ be « • » • • Th. ***** af .*% activities ^ should forever;Vpoe iSieaiiuBg aa dummy's good diamonds, * IT 2—It is a hcense t o leer a t the Commsad- [72 i l l y e a r s after bis first . ! A persocal messige to Prendest Rooseeventually trumping a club for C A Q 10 4 which w a r e to UM m nt the thirteenth trick. neat aio' Tveh by Churchill on Apr. 1 had pointed * "?**»* »han not t n - and -Do unto othersstroke). Another famous men- ^ " 1 ™ , . . treatment. ilM M y tt l htTt thr Uow 1t often happens that jff, *** n o f t B a ts T With SilodoT on lead, however. thai-of Mac- f* o j J«<» « = *« "^jot that the Rxasaane were already In **J—It * ™ * you a V." X.*°L""^ **** tables tVery !jtxsird « « » « . i sone or u eSir w oJames m r s great^ * *myocardial * ^ *infarction. '** • cpoe- ^~ y o Important u a V Sidney gav* thought to the op£A5T great the heart heal, but the pedant diapai. Iposttxso to take Vienna and asked whether Xdmci «»d authorise, you carryiVary out theImportant routine. Ihanxie. •«•» V mone ' b eofi rthe T ^workTs n . *T£Z ponents' bidding. The rr rr»: =Sshia> JQJW4 4 9 1 7 41 a crackpot a gangster aa sn ma mvmJkl h ^their tsJung; Berlin also might not "lead of ailra<-.» d North heard hla partner's heart stin playmg gold ta " * " ~ » °< C 1 1 2 9 7 S ball, a rumpot and a punk. The bearer is re- * ° rta he had to stop a-^rAMoety. T h i a ia where -X is atacj r—aata v b a 'th**" into a mood which will raaffe__£rave qiured to save tms asto hcense. Vpon requir'hid he leaped to four no-trump. anas af brretbli senses *" .^nportant for the physician to_ —docbts snd formidabss diffimhws" He -msr t—of 10 he ean~ t u n tfiefn lata any ^ « a f ah* aav the lajat *> A Q 9 • 3 #~J .know if the patient is the type"Tta ouaty tad:cated a powerful band inade the same point in a note to President Secretary of State and ret get a machine run. gun, In hk b o o k Dr. Msrkiaaes dial a wining in i P U t aBfl psj as S0LT1 la »r*a v*r* Tawa by ms sasp bad of two disnvmds arrows, a blackjack and a base- ,gi _ vee a history of his own case, nvahd or whether he is the type rrnonaa ft** days after Roosreeit's death » •* <* • AK2 \ over 00a cluh. Then, hearing that to make his operations easier. ha bat operationa easier the following words. "A that win fight to remain inde- Of if km Apr. 12. Truman replied that the CKJ94 partner held only a single ace. tWere not kiddxag. MiThons of car drivers doetor active ia country practice, pendent Socksumea aoctors fear u y ^ a , ^ ^ C 10 \ itarticaJ deployment of aljjed forces was thank their North d-da't bother to ask about exactly t m s w a y . ) jm ?90i, after runmag a short what w i l happen, and to be oa aft«rr-«^ T k a g s but director hid the small • J I O T M .+ auktary (ysssstinB which shook! be left to [distance, heart became very ir- the safe aade forbid s rrtura *» UMML This toid Sidney that ^ American industry premcta that closed d r - regular and the attack lasted to work whereas the patient is r llbe lodgment of the % u North must here a soad diamond i q a t T V wm m * Jc< th* o^d-faslnoaed busnvass two hours. S i n c e he waa 40 reaSv capable of takmg oa u s i r U H in SKt. exceptional heart support, | eenveataoc naneceaeary. through making !t poe- yean of age, he had noticed old job. if it * set too that . 1 * faaa 2 0 and second round control of both an nffinal ^fibje fox SsJeagsMaw-fallVUUveaa_etc. all over the .extra heals, la 1904. at age SS. ta aataresngat.be both to be a j ~ p 4 H.T M .port to the r^rshmeai Chiefs of Staff said i «*"try to bear and watch top be had a severe attack of past Of it • to a rt might be Tw-* - — n i t x - u 4^*+~m - ^ »w- - -- . eeatral nssetmg room. Ahsurd! Ta a c r o s s eh est and tato left ana. bared many of do any Tr^ Taasrnrr the h a g of one sou and a ^ h a t ^ * * * * Z U * ^ * ^ * * ***** real druydnTthat way and if Pain eonld he easily pcovoaed at Bents have returned the bnna- of fmal defeat, were aeeer tws> hours after a •-on a the o*J*r la « : t i m e s under speciel etrcunv eeeefaDy to work required the only soaaasthty of iportart m my eyes thaa the jopsa m a .stances as walktag ta the coed frequent nee of the ssaae was if Xast ,a:r or after meals Be thatHvhea a aware '.political aBasaadsrmtatsas mTorved m aa ' . t 107 seats walking rapsdry for half mils curred. Of course, to be able to trump s *afljed captare of the caratsi" which **no & k ijtr-«Mt had to be roped off and arwayi produced this mey at any time bars another work oondeia hut round of c'uba a snlhtary cbjectrve of kept empty because of a auce rale that ears. Yet he caa play piar gotf ia cose- stroke but thee* are seldom d»- aatara. d^aster WMt therefore opened the ace be hired ia a theater fort, the reason being that the rectly C\M to their work snd may e*en without the * * of dabs. Za satis of th* diacour* ra uet be hired if there are effort is not continuous, occasion- also happen to the person whe artificial Oafcea, from of thai numser. Bow eraay caa airy the pern ia the cheat was so- tats at been*, foehag ssrwsatsd the lisaias sptnt hi fcoatmued the a s L And wy sught irheag stiand hi the way. the raff that sst Winning Contract t Th Press Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com tJ*£ Zt'
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