RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILISERS LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) An ISO – 9001-14001-OHSAS 18001 compliant. INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM APPROVED BY IRQS. THAL UNIT, THAL, TALUKA- ALIBAG, DIST. RAIGAD (MAHARASHTRA).- 402208. Phone: 02141 - 238580*2717, 238016, FAX: 02141- 238071/238206/238091 EMAIL: [email protected] CIN L24110MH1978GOI020185 This tender is issued on limited basis and is published on the Company’s website and CPP portal for INFORMATION ONLY. Unsolicited bids will not be accepted in this tender. NOTICE INVITING TENDER TO : M/S.MAN TURBO INDIA PVT.LTD., PLOT NO.220, GIDC, RANOLI – 391350 DIST. VADODARA. EMAIL : [email protected] FAX NO. : 910265 – 2240960. For any correspondence on this subject, please quote this –----NIT NO. : TH/IES/AO-02(14)/82. DATE : 20.12.2014. Dear Sir, SUB : NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR : SERVICES FOR PAC – III CONTROL SYSTEMS IN AMMONIA PLANT. We are pleased to forward this tender enquiry to you with salient features as follows : 1. Tender Enquiry No. : AS MENTIONED ABOVE. 2. Last date of submission of sealed quotation in the office of the undersigned. 3. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit (see clause No.1.5 Annexure IA) 4. Validity of Tender : 27TH DEC. 2014. by 2.30 p.m. : NOT APPLICABLE. : 60 days from the last date of submission of tender as above. SINGLE envelope containing TECH. & PRICE BID . As per Annexure IA As per Annexure I As per Annexure II As per Annexure III 5. Mode of submission of sealed tender : 6. 7. 8. 9. : : : : Instructions to Tenderers General Terms & Conditions Scope of work Schedule of Rates Deviations from terms & conditions of the tender enquiry, if any, must be enclosed in separate sheet marked 'DEVIATIONS TO NIT' in absence of which it shall be presumed that all terms and conditions of the subject tender enquiry are acceptable to you. Any deviations mentioned in the text of the tender shall be ignored. The following tenders are liable to rejection : 1. Late tender i.e. tender received after the last date and time of submission. 2. Incomplete/conditional tender. 3. Tender not subscribed by authorised signatories. In addition to above, RCF reserves the right to accept in part or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Please go through the NIT carefully and submit your competitive quotation by the date as above. In case, you are unable to submit your quotation for any reason, kindly intimate us accordingly before the last date. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, D.T.CHOWDHARY CHIEF MANAGER (IES) *************************************************************************************** Encl : Annexures as above. TH/IES/2014 ANN - II SCOPE OF WORK FOR SERVICES FOR PAC III CONTROL SYSTEM IN AMMONIA PLANT. The scope of work shall include but not limited to following : Technical scope & other conditions : 1. Your engineer shall visit to our Ammonia plant in accordance with date, time/mutually discussion with Chief Manager(I)Ammonia. During each visit he will trouble shoot and rectify the problem and check the overall health of the control system. 2. The required hardware to carry out the job will be supplied by M/s.R.C.F.ltd. • Recommend spares required in case of any part failure which needs to be procured by M/s.R.C.F. • The party will quote separately for genuine spare items required • Revisit site on pro-rata basis on procurement of required spares by M/s.RCF. • The expected duration of visit will be 6 Man days(Two visits of three days duration each), in a year. COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS : The contract shall be lined up on item-wise rate basis and work order shall be issued after evaluating offer on techno-commercial basis and party shall be intimated accordingly. You will quote for item-wise rates as per annexure-III. • NO ADVANCE SHALL BE MADE. • No incidental charges shall be paid. • Service tax shall be paid extra as per prevailing rates. • The party can also quote any other taxes, if applicable mentioning sufficient justification for the same. • 100% payment shall be released within 30 days from date of receipt of invoice submitted after successful completion of each mile stone of job. The invoice will mention party’s I.T.PAN NO., SERVICE TAX_REG_NO., ACCOUNTING CODE NO., VAT_TIN without which payment shall not be released. The party will attach all necessary testimonials and mention I.T.PAN NO., VAT NO., TIN NO. with dates without which payment shall not be released. • I.T. shall be deducted at source. • The party will sign and stamp on each paper of NIT document in technical bid as a sign of acceptance of our technical scope of work, general terms and conditions and will submit the same along-with quotation at the office of undersigned within stated stipulated period. • The offer shall be sent thro’ Professional courier addressed to D.T.CHOWDHARY, Chief manager (IES). • R.C.F’s general terms and conditions shall be applicable. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** • D.T.CHOWDHARY CHIEF MANAGER (IES) TH/IES/2014. ANN - III SCHEDULE OF RATES : SERVICES FOR PAC III SYSTEM : AMM. The party shall quote for each item as mentioned below : SR.NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT RATE (RS.) Qty. TOTAL RATE (RS.) EXPERT ENGINEER CHARGES/ DAY 5 days DEARNESS ALLOWANCE /DAY 6 days ENGG.CHARGES PER DAY FOR HOLIDAY 1 day CHARGES FOR OVER TIME/HR 20 hrs. TOTAL CHARGES SERVICE TAXES SHALL BE PAID EXTRA AS PER PREVAILING RATE.(MENTION RATE) LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSES, TO & FRO TRAIN FARE/AIR FARE ,LODGING, ETC., SHALL BE EXTRA AT ACTUALS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ANNEXURE- IA 1.0. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS The tenderers shall note the following before submitting the tender. 1.1. Clarification of tender : The tenderer may visit RCF Thal at his own expenses to get acquainted with the work involved and other details. In case any clarification is required, the tenderer is advised to contact the concerned Plant Engineer. 1.2 Rates : Quotations shall be submitted strictly in a manner specified under ‘Schedule of Rates’ to facilitate comparison of rates. The tenderer shall quote their rates in prescribed tender form only. Erasures as well as corrections in figure without tenderer’s signature may be treated as rates not quoted for that item and dealt with accordingly. If the amount in words and figures differs, the amount in words shall be considered. 1.3 Validity of offer/ Tender : The validity period of the tender shall be 90 days from the last date of submission unless stated other wise. If any tenderer unilaterally withdraws or revokes his tender or revises the tendered rates for any item within the aforesaid period of 90 days or after the issue of letter of intent, his Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited. RCF reserves the right to extend the last date of submission of tenders. 1.4. The tenderer will return all the tender forms duly subscribed by authorised person / Proprietor / Partner on every page together with the company’s stamp as a token of their acceptance of the terms and conditions. 1.5. Earnest Money Deposit :(NOT APPLICABLE) The tenderer shall submit “ Earnest Money Deposit” (EMD) in following form. Cheques are not acceptable. 1. For EMD amount up to Rs.1 Lakh: Demand Draft From any Nationalized Bank and Payable to RCF Ltd. at S. B. I. Thal Vaishet Branch,Code No.7289 2. For EMD amount above Rs.1 Lakh: Bank Guarantee (BG) executed by Nationalized bank as per enclosed RCF Proforma. The BG shall remain valid for a period of six months from the due date of opening of the tender. Foreign tenderers can also submit EMD in form of BID Bond as per Proforma enclosed. This bank guarantee shall be counter guaranteed by STATE BANK OF INDIA, SWASTIK CHAMBER, CHEMBUR, MUMBAI. No interest is payable on EMD. SSI units registered with N.S.I.C. for the tendered works is exempted from submitting EMD. The monetary limit indicated in NSIC Registration certificate should cover the value of the items of works. Registration certificate should be valid as on the date of orders. Photocopy of valid NSIC Registration certificate shall be enclosed in EMD envelope. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded on finalisation of order with the successful tenderers. 1.6 Submission of Documents : Following documents shall be submitted along with the tender if not submitted earlier. a) A statement duly signed declaring the names of the officers of RCF who are related to them and if otherwise, same may be clearly indicated in the statement. b) Latest Income Tax clearance certificate. c) Attested copy of Memorandum and article of association in case of limited company, a copy of partnership deed in case of partnership firm and declaration by a proprietor of the firm that the said firm is a sole proprietary concern. d) An undertaking by the contractor that the constitution of the firm shall not be changed during the subsistence of the contract without prior consent in writing from RCF Thal. 1.7 Cost of Bidding : The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of bid and neither RCF nor its nominee / its consultants will be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 1.8 Opening of Bids : Unless otherwise specified, the bids received by RCF will not be opened in presence of the bidders. 1.9 Negotiations : Normally, RCF may not conduct any negotiations. However, RCF reserves the right to conduct negotiations, if the conditions so warrant. 1.10 Split of work : The work in respect of the subject tender may be awarded to two or more contractors at the sole discretion of RCF, if such deviation of work is possible. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** ANNEXURE IA GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS : The terms repeatedly used shall mean as follows: 1.1. 'Contract/work order' shall mean and include any award of work in writing with general terms and conditions / special conditions of tender, enclosures, annexures and subsequent amendments thereto. 1.2 ‘Contract Value’ shall mean the total amount payable to contractor towards the jobs actually executed by the contractor in accordance with the order issued to contractor by RCF. by the owner and shall include 1.3 'Contractor' shall mean the bidder whose bid has been accepted contractor’s heirs, legal representative, successors and assigns. 1.4 'Date of contract' shall mean the date of issue of letter of intent or the date so mentioned in the work order. 'Owner/RCF' shall mean and include the Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. having its Registered 1.5 Office at Priyadarshini, Eastern Express Highway, Bombay-400 022, their successors, assigns or legal representative. 1.6 ‘Guarantee/Warranty Period' shall mean the pacified period from the date of completion of work (as certified by RCF Engineer) during which contractor shall rectify and remove all the defects pointed out by RCF Engineer, free of cost. 1.7 ‘Schedule of Rates' shall mean the bid rates of the contractor in respect of which the bid has been accepted. 'Tenderer/Bidder’ shall mean the person, firm or corporation who have submitted a tender / bid 1.8 against invitation to bids and shall include their legal representative, successors, and assigns. It shall also include the successful tenderer whose bid has been accepted. 1.9 ‘Amendment order’ shall mean an order given by RCF to effect additions, substitutions or alterations in the work order. 1.10 'Work' shall mean and include all activities as specified under the scope of work such as dismantling, fabrication, repair, machining, re-tubing, testing etc. 1.11.1 'RCF Engineer/Engineer In charge' shall mean the engineer of RCF under whose instructions the particular job is being executed or an engineer superior to him and shall include RCF's representative or consultant/ it its representative appointed by RCF for this purpose. 2.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT: (NOT APPLICABLE) The successful bidder called the contractor shall be issued a letter of intent / work order. On receipt of the work order, the contractor shall deposit within 15 days a sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value towards security deposit for faithful performance of the work or furnish bank guarantee from a nationalised bank in RCF proforma for equivalent amount and valid for the contract period. The security deposit /bank guarantee shall be converted into performance guarantee after completion of the work. This amount / bank guarantee shall be returned after the expiry of guarantee / warranty period. In case of annual rate contract and at the request of the contractor, RCF may consider deduction of security deposits at 10 % from the Contractor's running Bills, if EMD amount is available with RCF. On submission of security deposit the EMD of the contractor shall be returned. No interest shall be payable by RCF on the security deposit. 3.0 FREE ISSUE OF MATERIAL: When RCF’s material is taken to contractor's workshop as free issue material, the contractor shall furnish a bank guarantee towards the cost of the material as decided by RCF. This bank guarantee shall be returned after the receipt of material by RCF. When the value of the material is small, the contractor shall give a personal bond for safe return of the material. All materials shall be issued at RCF's stores and further handling shall be in the scope of the contractor. 4.0 WORK SCHEDULE : On receipt of the work order, the contractor shall submit to RCF for approval, a detailed work schedule showing all the activities for completion of the work as per the delivery period. The work shall be completed as per this schedule approved by RCF. 5.0 INSPECTION : The work at contractor's workshop may be inspected by RCF Engineer, RCF's authorised representative or a third party inspection agency as per the requirement of RCF. 6.0 TRANSPORTATION : To & fro transportation of all materials from RCF Thal to Contractor's workshop shall be the responsibility of the contractor unless otherwise agreed by RCF. Transit insurance, payment of octroi etc shall also be in the scope of the contractor. 7.0 TAXES & DUTIES : All taxes, duties, octroi shall be borne by the contractor. When RCF agrees to reimburse such charges in special cases, the same shall be against production of documentary evidence. 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 16.0 16.1 17.0 18.0 19.0 EXTRA WORK : In case any extra work other than the works specified in RCF’s order arises, the same shall be done after RCF's approval and issue of amendment to this effect. Payment for any extra work done without prior approval of RCF may not be released. RETURN OF RCF'S MATERIAL : When RCF's material is taken to contractor's workshop for repair work, the balance material and the scrap generated from RCF's materials shall be returned to RCF along with the repaired equipment. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE / WARRANTY : (NOT APPLICABLE) The Contractor shall give guarantee / warranty for the materials used and the workmanship, for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of receipt of the repaired equipment by RCF, which ever is earlier. The contractor shall furnish performance bank guarantee for 10% value of the contract and valid for the guarantee period or the security deposit will be converted into performance guarantee, as the case may be. COMPLETION TIME : The completion time shall be as specified in the scope of work. The completion time shall be counted from the date of collection of material by the contractor from RCF. The contractor shall arrange a bank guarantee towards free issue of materials within 15 days from the date of receipt of L.O.I./work order and collect the material within next 5 days. In case, the B.G. is not submitted within 15 days and material not collected in next 5 days, the delivery period shall be counted from the 21st day of receipt of L.O.I. / work order by the contractor and not from the date of collection of material by the contractor. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES : Time is the essence of this contract and in case of non-performance or delay in delivery of the repaired equipment by the contractor, liquidated damages at 1% of the contract value per week or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value, shall be levied. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT : RCF at its sole discretion may terminate the contract for its convenience or at the default of the contractor. Payment for the work completed at the time of termination of the contract shall be mutually settled. PAYMENT TERMS : 100% payment shall be released within 30 days on completion of the entire work to the satisfaction of RCF Engineer/third party inspection agency and after conversion of security deposit into performance guarantee. In special cases where the payment of security deposit is waived off by RCF, 90% payment shall be released on completion of the work and balance 10% shall be released on expiry of the guarantee period or submission of performance bank guarantee for equivalent amount and valid for the guarantee period. CONTRACT VALUE : The contract value shall be computed as follows: The total contract value shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi and remain firm without any escalation till the entire work under the order is completed. When the contract is awarded on unit rates basis, value of contract mentioned in the order shall be indicative and payment shall be released depending upon the actual work executed. However, the unit rates shall remain firm without any escalation, for the entire contract period. RCF reserves the right to recover the amount due from the contractor on any account, from the bills payable under this contract. VALIDITY OF CONTRACT: Normally, the contract shall be valid for a period of one year. SUB-CONTRACT : The contractor shall not subcontract the job or part of it to any other agency without the written permission of RCF. In case RCF permits to employ a subcontractor if found competent and in the interest of the work, it shall not imply any limitation of contractor's liability to fulfil the work order. INCOME TAX DEDUCTION: Income tax as per Income Tax Act shall be deducted from the contractor’s bills and certificate of 'Tax Deduction at Source' shall be furnished by RCF. DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION : In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this contract, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of a person appointed to be the arbitrator by CMD,RCF. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is in service of RCF, that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as an employee of RCF he had expressed views on all or any of the matter in dispute or difference. The arbitrator shall give a reasoned or speaking award. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. In the event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the CMD, RCF to appoint another arbitrator in place of out going arbitrator, in the manner aforesaid. The venue of Arbitration shall be Mumbai. The work under the contract shall continue during arbitration proceedings unless the matter is such that the work cannot be continued until the decision of arbitration is obtained. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 21.0 Jurisdiction of Court: The contract shall be deemed to have been entered into at Mumbai and all courses of action in relation to the contract will thus be deemed to have been arisen only within the jurisdiction of the Mumbai Court. In the event of any dispute or difference between RCF and any other public sector undertaking or between RCF and Govt. Dept., relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the arbitration machinery provided by the department of Public Enterprises. FORCE MAJEURE: The force majeure conditions are as follows: Neither the contractor nor RCF shall be considered in default in the performance of their obligations as per the contract, so long as such performance is prevented or delayed because of strikes, war, hostilities revolution, civil commotion, epidemics, accidents, fire, cyclone, flood or because of any law and order proclamation, regulation or ordinance of Government or subdivision thereof or because of any act of God, provided it shall promptly, in any case not later than 14 days of happening of the event, notify the other, the details of the force majeure and the influence on its activities under the contract. The proof of existence of force majeure shall be provided by the party claming it, to the satisfaction of the other. Should either party be prevented from fulfilling the obligation provided for in the contract by the existence of cause of force majeure lasting continuously for a period exceeding 3 months, then the parties shall consult immediately with each other with regard to the future implementation of the contract. In the event of indefinite delay, even if arising out of reasons due to force majeure, RCF shall have the right at their discretion to cancel the order or part of the order without any liability on their part to make any payment to the contractor, while serving the right to claim refund of any payment if advanced or paid to the contractor. APPLICABILITY OF TERMS & CONDITIONS : The terms and conditions mentioned in the scope of work (Annex.II) shall prevail over the terms and conditions mentioned elsewhere in the NIT/Work order. In case of contradiction in the specifications, more stringent of them shall prevail. The decision of RCF Engineer shall be final in this regard and binding on the contractor. ******************************************************************************************************
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