2015 Volume 1/Winter Training Catalog - Public Documents

2014 Photo Contest, Structures Category, 1st Place: “The
Cascades, Water falling into Randleman” Boutham Vannavong,
City of High Point
2014 Photo Contest, Structures Category, 2nd Place-tie: “Worn
Impeller”, Chris McCorquodale, Town of Siler City
2015 Volume 1/Winter
The North Carolina Section of the
American Water Works Association (NC AWWA)
The North Carolina Member Association of the
Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
2014 Photo Contest, Structures Category: “Sludgecicles”,
Amanda Hill, City of Mebane
The Academy
Seminars & Institutes
eLearning: Online Courses
Wastewater Schools
General Information & Course Descriptions
Maintenance Technician Schools & Exams
General Information & Course Descriptions
Maintenance Technologist Exam Application
Collection & Distribution School
General Information & Course Descriptions
Meter Curriculum & Voluntary Meter Exam Application
Exhibit Information & Application
Exam Information & General Information
Seminar & Schools Registration Information & Form
Advanced Book Purchase Form/Course Materials Guide
SLAM Application Form
NC AWWA-WEA Schedule of Events
2015 Training Catalog Publication Schedule
Volume 1/Winter
Volume 2/Spring
Volume 3/Summer
Volume 4/Fall
Advertises Events Jan. - Apr.
Advertises Events Apr. - Jul.
Advertises Events Jul. - Oct.
Advertises Events Oct. - Dec.
Available in February
Available in April
Available in July
Available in October
This quarterly catalog provides registration materials for schools and seminars being held in the upcoming year, and a preview of what’s ahead for
the remainder of the year. Please read the information related to each event carefully to make sure that you are signing up for the correct class and
are submitting paperwork by the appropriate deadlines. Seminar and school class spaces are limited. Registrations are accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis according to receipt of completed registrations (i.e., completed form and full payment). Incomplete forms will delay the processing
of your registration. Online registration is available for most schools and seminars.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter
The Academy for Water Professional Development is a new initiative
of the Association to fill an industry training gap and advance the
careers of participants. The program includes multi-year technical
and soft-skill training courses, which have been developed based on
input from industry leaders across North Carolina. The Association’s
goal is to release the first phase of the program in July 2015.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Academy for Water
Is this training required by the State?
Professional Development (The
No. Most training will result in voluntary certificates.
The Academy is a specialized training and certification program
for current or prospective water industry employees seeking to
advance their careers.
Why should I enroll?
The Academy has been built for professionals who look at the
water industry not just as a job, but as a career. The Association
consulted with industry leaders to determine the most highly
desired skillsets for upper level employees. Our courses have
been designed to incorporate that feedback and position
participants for supervisory and upper level management
positions. Any individual who is serious about advancing his or
her career and is willing to invest time into training is
encouraged to enroll.
How is The Academy structured?
The courses for each discipline in our program have been
organized into four certifiable levels: Apprentice, Journeyman 1,
Journeyman 2, and Master. Certification will require completion
of all courses within each level (or equivalent) and passing a
comprehensive exam.
Can I receive credit for prior training or years in the workforce?
Credit for previous training courses and/or work experience will
Will I receive a degree or college credit?
The Academy is not currently affiliated with any college or
outside degree program. All certifications will be from NC AWWAWEA only.
Where will the training be held?
Training sessions will be held at venues throughout North
Carolina and on the web.
What disciplines are currently available
for certification?
We are currently offering courses in Collection System
Technician and Distribution System Technician programs;
however, more disciplines are currently under development.
How long will it take me to complete
each level of a discipline?
The timeframe for completing each level will vary depending on
the number of hours the participant can devote to the training.
Will CEUs be required to maintain
be determined on a case-by-case basis. Participants will be given
an opportunity to submit these items for review upon
Yes. To maintain the value and credibility of the certificates,
continuing education will be necessary.
When does it start?
How can I become an instructor or
The Association’s goal is to release the first phase of the program
volunteer to help with The Academy?
in July 2015.
What is the cost?
Volunteer opportunities with The Academy are numerous and
include behind the scenes administrative work, course and
curriculum development, marketing, and instruction. Individuals
While exact pricing has not yet been determined, The Academy’s
who are interested in volunteering or becoming an instructor
cost will be consistent with other comparable trainings and
should contact Catrice Jones at [email protected].
seminars currently being offered by the association.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: The Academy
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) &
The North Carolina Member Association of the Water Environment Association (NC WEA)
to a variety of industry professionals and
resources to answer your questions.
to stay informed and support your
professional certification or licensing.
2014 Photo Contest, 1st Place Members At Work category. “Hard at
opportunities to develop skills, advance
it. Julius, Chad and Tony disassemble City Lake raw water pump.”
your career, and shape the Association.
Photo by Bountham Vannavong, City of High Point
NC AWWA-WEA Membership - Learn more at www.ncsafewater.org
Regional GROW meetings are intended to foster a sense of
community among NC AWWA-WEA members, serve as an
informal setting to introduce non-members to the benefits of
membership, and overall increase communication and
coordination among water professionals in the region and across
North Carolina.
While the location and topic for each meeting will change, all
GROW meetings will offer high-quality technical content, great
food, and networking at an affordable cost.
All meetings are open and everyone, from any part of North
G rowing
R elationships and
O pportunities through
W ater Resources
Carolina is invited to attend.
Tentative GROW Meetings in 2015
February 19, 2015 in Wilmington
March 26, 2015 in Raleigh
May 28, 2015 in Greensboro
July 30, 2015 in Charlotte
September 24, 2015 in Asheville
October 29, 2015 in Wilmington
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: GROW
Seminars & Institutes
To keep up with the changing needs of our members and their employers, in 2015 we will be restructuring our training
programs. Our new Institute program will shift our focus from producing seminars based on committees’ interests, to
developing on-demand programs based on a hosting utility's needs. In this new format, utilities will reserve dates and
space at their facility and request training topics. NC AWWA-WEA committees will then create training programs based
on the requested topics. To ensure that small utilities and individuals not employed by utilities continue to have access
to our training, a block of seats will be reserved at each Institute event, and that block will be open for general
registration, similar to our current seminar program registration.
If you are interested in hosting an Institute training in 2015 contact Betsy Drake, Town of Cary, (919) 481-5093 or
[email protected].
Several Institute programs and seminars are planned for 2015. Details and registration information will be posted online
at www.ncsafewater.org in January 2015. Additional information for future Institutes and seminars will appear in future
issues of the Training Catalog.
Who do YOU know that deserves kudos???
Water Distribution Operator
Wastewater Collections Operator
Collection System
Distribution System
Treatment Plant O&M
Lab Analyst
Maintenance Technologist
Industrial Operator
Disaster Preparedness
Dedication to Profession
Nominee Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Position: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Nominator (Your Name): ______________________________________________________________________________
Whom should we contact for additional information? ____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________
Visit www.ncsafewater.org to download the full nomination packet.
To make a quick nomination, submit this form to [email protected] by June 1, 2015.
There are superstars amongst us, people who
work daily to help our industry and provide
access to a fundamental human need:
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Seminars & Institutes
Wastewater Operators Schools
Eastern Biological Wastewater
Treatment Plant Operators School
February 16 - 20, 2015
NCSU McKimmon Center - Raleigh, NC
All classes will take place at the addresses listed above. Directions/map
to the appropriate location will be provided with your registration
confirmation and are available at www.ncsafewater.org.
1101 Gorman St., Raleigh, NC, 27695
Early Registration Deadline: January 23, 2015
Advanced Book Purchase Deadline: January 23, 2015
No Registrations Accepted After: February 6, 2015
Switch Deadline: February 6, 2015
Requests to switch schools must be received in writing. Registrants may only switch
between the Eastern and Western Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
Schools. There will be a $15 administrative fee charged for each switch.
Refund Deadline: February 6, 2015
Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh Brownstone-University
1707 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27605
Phone: 919-828-0811 or 800-331-7919
A block of rooms has been reserved at the following rates; Single $105
+ tax, Double $115+ tax (all rates are per night). Room rate includes
breakfast coupons. This hotel is newly renovated.
Western Biological Wastewater
Treatment Plant Operators School
June 15 - 19, 2015
Reservation Deadline is January 25, 2015.
Lodging informsation is pending and will be posted at
Foothills Higher Education Center - Morganton, NC
www.ncsafewater.org once it becomes available.
2128 South Sterling St., Morganton, NC 28655
Early Registration Deadline: May 22, 2015
Advanced Book Purchase Deadline: May 8, 2015
No Registrations Accepted After: June 1, 2015
Switch Deadline: February 6, 2015
Requests to switch schools must be received in writing. Registrants may only switch
between the Eastern and Western Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
Schools. There will be a $15 administrative fee charged for each switch.
Refund Deadline: June 6, 2015
Physical/Chemical Wastewater
Treatment Plant Operators School
February 17 - 20, 2015
NCSU McKimmon Center - Raleigh, NC
For all classes listed below short 10-15 minute breaks will be given
twice a day with refreshments available.
Biological WW School Grade
I II III IV NC Biological Training Course Standards ‐ Grades I & II (Needs to Know) X X NC Biological Training Course Standards ‐ Grades III & IV (Needs to Know) X X Lunch included (Mon. ‐ Thurs.) February 16‐19 or June 15‐18 X X X X Lunch included (Friday) February 20 or June 19 X X Physical/Chemical
WW School
Grade I ONLY 2 1/2‐days Grade II ONLY 1 1/2‐days Grades I & II 4‐days Needs To Know X X X Advanced Book Purchase Deadline: January 23, 2015
Lunch ‐ February 17 X X No Registrations Accepted After: February 6, 2015
Lunch ‐ February 18 X X Refund Deadline: February 6, 2015
Lunch ‐ February 19 X Lunch ‐ February 20 X X 1101 Gorman St., Raleigh, NC, 27695
Early Registration Deadline: January 23, 2015
Study Materials
It is highly recommended that students refer to the Advanced Book
Purchase Form/Course Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 and have
access to the books that correspond to their class.
As of January 1, 2013, NC AWWA-WEA is no longer fulfilling book
orders by shipment. School attendees may use the form on pages 23 24 to order their books in advance and pick them up at the school.
Depending on inventory, there may be a limited number of books
available for purchase at the school. If you would
like to purchase books from another source, a list
of potential book vendors is available at
Please note, the appropriate Needs To Know
Manual for each course is included in the
registration fee and students will receive their manual when they
arrive at school. Needs To Know Manuals are also available on
www.ncsafewater.org and may be downloaded for free.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Wastewater Operators Schools
Successful completion of these schools constitutes attendance at a
minimum of 80% of the school’s total class hours.
These courses are designed to provide the individual with a general
knowledge of the operation of wastewater treatment systems. The
courses will provide the individual with knowledge of the laws and
regulations related to wastewater treatment systems operation, and
equipment usually employed in such plants, and the ability to describe
the general operation requirements for such plants. This course is
designed to assist the individual in preparation for the North Carolina
Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:15pm (lunch not included)
Topics Include: Biology, Attached Growth, Activated Sludge,
Disinfection, Anaerobic Sludge Digestion, Sludge Conditioning, Sludge
Disposal, Sampling, Laboratory Procedures, Pumps and Hydraulics,
Industrial Pretreatment, Health and Safety, Personnel, Public Relations,
Laws and Regulations, Wastewater Plant Security, Mathematics
Conversion Factors
Biological Wastewater - Grade IV
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE07120502
Tentative Schedule
Monday: Registration 7:15am, Class: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Biological Wastewater - Grade I
Topics Include: Activated Sludge, Biological Nutrient Removal,
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm (lunch included)
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE07110501
Disinfection, Reclaimed Water/Reuse, Anaerobic Sludge Digestion,
Tentative Schedule
Solids Handling and Disposal, Composting, Pumps and Hydraulics,
Monday: Registration 7:15am, Class: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:00am - 11:15am (lunch not included)
Topics Include: Introduction to Wastewater, Wastewater Collection
Systems, Grease Traps/Grease Interceptors, Pumps, Septic Tank/Sand
Filters Systems, Preliminary Treatment, Wastewater Lagoons and
Odor Control, Laboratory Procedures, Health and Safety, Industrial
Pretreatment, Laws and Regulations, Personnel, Public Relations,
Budget and Finance, Wastewater Plant Security, Mathematics
Conversion Factors
Ponds, Constructed Wetlands, Introduction to Activated Sludge,
Physical/Chemical Grade I
Disinfection, Sampling, Laboratory Procedures, Required Technical
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE06210401
Knowledge, Applied Electricity, Instrumentation and Controls, Health
Tentative Schedule
and Safety, Laws and Regulations
Biological Wastewater - Grade II
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE07110502
Tentative Schedule
Monday: Registration 7:15am, Class: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm (lunch included)
Topics Include: Preliminary Treatment, Sedimentation and Flotation,
Tuesday: Registration 7:30, Class 8:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Topics Include: Motors, Coupling, and Drive Mechanisms, Pumps,
Hydraulic and Flow Measurement Equipment, Instrumentation,
Clarification, Groundwater Remediation System, Treatment Using
Granular Media Filtration and Microscreening, Flow and Load
Equalization, Residual Solids Management, Ash Sedimentation Basin,
Engines and Generators, Carbon Adsorption, Dissolved Air Flotation,
Grease and Oil Removal
Biology, Attached Growth Systems, Activated Sludge, Disinfection,
Physical/Chemical Grade II
Advanced Treatment, Solids Handling and Disposal, Sludge Digestion,
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE01190501 (Grade II ONLY),
Mechanical and Maintenance Operations, Instrumentation and
BE03110401 (Grade I & II)
Controls, Sampling, Laboratory Procedures, Required Technical
Tentative Schedule
Knowledge, Industrial Pretreatment, Laws and Regulations, Public
Relations, Health and Safety
Biological Wastewater - Grade III
WPCSOCC Course ID: BE07120501
Tentative Schedule
Monday: Registration 7:15am, Class: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Thursday: 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Topics Include: Chemical Treatment Processes, Chlorination/
Dechlorination and Ultraviolet Disinfection, pH Adjustment/
Neutralization, Coagulation, Rapid Mix, Flocculation, and Clarification,
Metal Precipitation and Removal, Ultra-filtration (UF), Reverse Osmosis,
Ion Exchange, Industrial Waste
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Wastewater Operators Schools
Maintenance Technologist Schools & Exams
Eastern Maintenance Technologist
Schools & Exams - Class I, II, & III
February 17 - 20, 2015
NCSU McKimmon Center - Raleigh, NC
1101 Gorman St., Raleigh, NC, 27695
Early Registration Ends: January 16, 2015
No Registrations Accepted After: January 23, 2015
Refund Deadline: January 23, 2015
Maintenance professionals in the water and wastewater industry
continue to be confronted with increasing technology challenges and
changes requiring an extensive knowledge of the many facets of
industrial maintenance. In order to stay abreast of these challenges,
our profession needs to implement a continual program of education,
reinforcement and validation of the skills necessary to sustain our
A maintenance training and certification program provides the ability to
raise and validate knowledge and skills required to successfully
perform maintenance activities according to current professional
standards. Two four-day schools are being offered in 2015. Each school
will consist of 3.5-days of instruction culminating in the opportunity for
attendees to become certified by taking the Plant Maintenance
Technologist Exam on the afternoon of the fourth day. The certification
exam taken will correspond with the Class level taught at a particular
school. Class IV will be added to the maintenance school curriculum in
the future.
All classes will be held at the Foothills Higher Education Center at 2128
South Sterling Street in Morganton, NC 28655. Directions/map will be
provided with your registration confirmation and are available at
Lodging information is pending and will be posted at
www.ncsafewater.org once it becomes available.
Successful completion of these schools constitutes attendance at a
minimum of 80% of the school’s total class hours (not including the
Participants who attend 80% of the school, but do not take or do not
pass the certification exam will receive a Certificate of Attendance. This
certificate will document attendance for use in demonstrating
continuing education credits.
Participants who attend 80% of the school AND pass the certification
exam will receive a Certificate of Attendance for use in documenting
continuing educating credits, and a Maintenance Technologist
Certificate that will include their new certification number.
Certificates of Attendance will be distributed before the exam. For
individuals that pass the exam, Maintenance Technologist certificates
will be mailed after the certification exams have been graded. Please
allow 8-12 weeks to receive your exam results and/or certificate.
Maintenance Technologist - Class I
Class I instruction covers the basics of maintenance. Subjects covered
will include the importance of lubrication and the importance of
frequent equipment monitoring followed by routine preventive
maintenance (PM). Class I is geared toward the apprentice level person
needing a foundation of terminology and the basic principles of PM.
Basic math skills are required. Maintenance mechanics and technicians
with experience may consider this level a review and preparation for
the Class I exam to validate their knowledge.
Eligibility Requirements
• High school diploma, GED, or equivalent; and
• One year of acceptable maintenance experience in a water or
wastewater system. Acceptable maintenance experience for Class I
includes lubricating, performing readings, conducting rounds, and
performing routine preventive maintenance.
• No substitution of education for experience shall be permitted.
Tentative Schedule
Tuesday: Registration 8am - 8:30am, Class: 8:30am - 5pm
Each day short 10 minute breaks will be given throughout the day with
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
refreshments available and a one-hour lunch break will be given
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:45pm
around noon. Lunch will be provided.
Friday: Class 8:00am - 12:00pm, Lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Test Taking
Study Materials
It is highly recommended that students refer to the Advanced Book
Purchase Form/Course Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 and have
access to the books that correspond to their class.
As of January 1, 2013, NC AWWA-WEA is no longer fulfilling book orders
by shipment. School attendees may use the form on pages 23 - 24 to
order their books in advance and pick them up at the school.
Depending on inventory, there may be a limited number of books
available for purchase at the school. If you would like
to purchase books from another source, a list of
potential book vendors is available at
Please note, the appropriate Needs To Know Manual
and Core Competencies for each course is included in the registration
fee and students will receive their manual when they arrive at school.
Needs To Know Manuals and Core Competencies are also available on
www.ncsafewater.org and may be downloaded for free.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Maintenance Technologist Schools & Exams
Skills & Exam 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Agenda Topics: Drawings, Electrical Devices and Concepts,
Instrumentation, Lubrication/Predictive Maintenance, Maintenance
Administrative Management, Maintenance Security Management,
Materials/Fasteners, Math, Motors and Drives, Pipes and Valves,
Pressure Vessels and Blowers, Pumps, Rotating Components, Safety,
Safety Practices, Tools/Hand, Tools/Precision
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Attendees must be present for 80% of the class in order to receive
CEU’s. No partial credit will be given.
• The Class I school is approved for 22.75 contact hours for continuing
education for water operators by the NCWTFO Certification Board.
COURSE ID: 091420
• The Class I school is approved by the Wastewater Commission for
22.75 contact hours for continuing education for wastewater
operators. WPCSOCC COURSE ID: BE06290901.
• The Class I school is approved for 22.75 PDH’s for professional
Maintenance Technologist - Class II
Class II instruction will build on the principles of preventive
maintenance covered in Class I by examining routine methods of
equipment tear-down, performing repairs and installing or reinstalling
equipment. This level is a little more challenging for both new and
more seasoned maintenance personnel. Students preparing for Class
education for water operators by the NCWTFO Certification Board.
COURSE ID: 091420
• The Class II school is approved by the Wastewater Commission for
23.00 contact hours for continuing education for wastewater
operators. WPCSOCC COURSE ID: BE03311101.
• The Class II school is approved for 23.00 PDH’s. for professional
Maintenance Technologist - Class III
Class III is designed to demonstrate competency at the advanced skilled
and journey working level. More specifically, Class III certification
implies competence in the knowledge, skills and abilities required to
perform the Core Competencies of an advanced skilled and journey
working level Maintenance Technologist.
Eligibility Requirements
• Hold an active Class II Maintenance Technologist certificate, and
• Successful completion of an NC AWWA-WEA Class III Maintenance
Technologist School, and
• Five years of acceptable maintenance experience in a water or
wastewater treatment facility, inspecting and supervising Class I and
II duties and analyzing and performing predictive maintenance with a
minimum of two years performing Class III duties.
• Substitution of related education for experience shall be permitted
but shall not exceed fifty percent of the stated maintenance
experience requirement.
II should refer to the Needs-To-Know and review the suggested
Tentative Schedule
readings well in advance of the school. Prior knowledge of intermediate
Tuesday: Registration 8am - 8:25am, Class: 8:30am - 4:25pm
shop math concepts will be helpful for this and subsequent certification
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:55pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:20pm
Eligibility Requirements
Friday: Class 8:00am - 11:20am, Lunch 11:20am - 12:20pm, Test Taking
• Hold an active Class I Maintenance Technologist Certificate, and
Skills 12:20pm - 12:50pm, Exam 1:00pm - 4:00pm
• Three years of acceptable maintenance experience in a water or
Agenda Topics: Advanced Lubrication/Predictive Maintenance,
wastewater system with a minimum of two years performing Class II
Advanced Materials, Advanced Tools, Drawings, Electrical Devices and
duties. Acceptable maintenance experience for Class II includes
Concepts, Instrumentation, Maintenance Management, Math, Motors
tearing down equipment, performing repairs, installing and
and Drives, Pipes and Valves, Pressure Vessels, Pumps, Rotating
reinstalling; and
Components, Safety
• Substitution of related education for experience shall be permitted
but shall not exceed fifty percent of the stated maintenance
experience requirement.
Tentative Schedule
Tuesday: Registration 8am - 8:30am, Class: 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:45pm
Friday: Class 8:00am - 12:00pm, Lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Test Taking
Skills & Exam 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Agenda Topics: Alignment, Blowers/Compressors, Boilers, Drawings,
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Attendees must be present for 80% of the class in order to receive
CEU’s. No partial credit will be given.
• The Class III school is approved for 23.00 contact hours for
continuing education for water operators by the NCWTFO
Certification Board. COURSE ID: 091420
• The Class III school is approved by the Wastewater Commission for
23.00 contact hours for continuing education for wastewater
operators. WPCSOCC COURSE ID: BE03311102.
• The Class III school is approved for 23.00 PDH’s for professional
Electrical Devices and Concepts, Instrumentation, Lubrication/
Predictive Maintenance, Maintenance Administrative Management,
Maintenance Security Management, Materials, Math, Motors and
Drives, Pipes, Valves and Tanks, Precision Instruments, Pumps, Rotating
Western Maintenance Technologist
Certification Schools & Exams
Components, Safety Practices, Shop Tools
June 15 - 18, 2015
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Morganton, NC
Attendees must be present for 80% of the class in order to receive
CEU’s. No partial credit will be given.
• The Class II school is approved for 23.00 contact hours for continuing
Registration materials will be available in the Volume 2/Spring
Training Catalog.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Maintenance Technologist Schools & Exams
2015 Maintenance Technologist Exam Application
with registration form
Name (First, MI, Last):____________________________________________________________________________________________________
on pages 21 - 22.
Have you previously taken the Maintenance Technologist Exam?
Yes - Date____________
Must be submitted
Demographic Information Federal Law requires us to ask for this information.
Year of Birth: __________
Sex: Male
Other gender identity
Prefer not to answer
Required Education
High School Graduate:
Are you of Hispanic, Latino or
Spanish origin:
Prefer not to
What is your race:
American Indian or Alaska Native
High School Equivalent/GED
Asian or Pacific Islander
Some other race
Prefer not to answer
Graduation Year: ____________
High School Name: __________________________________________________________________
City & State: __________________________________________________
Additional Related Education Attach additional sheets as necessary.
Actively Enrolled
From /
College or Institution
Related Course Work
Degree Earned or Years Completed
Include City, State, & Zip Code
Experience 1800 hours equals 1 year of experience. Attach additional sheets as necessary
From /
Position and Duties
Include City, State, Zip Code, Last Supervisor, & Phone Number
Specific as related to maintenance
Hours Per Week
of Related Work
Substituting Education For Experience - DIPLOMA NEEDED If the answer is YES, you must attach copy of diploma and/or college transcript.
Are you applying for Class II or III AND substituting related education for experience.
Agency (i.e. State)
Type (include class or grade)
Applicant’s Statement of Certification
I certify that the information given is correct to the best of my
knowledge. I have read the eligibility requirements and I believe that I
am eligible for this level of certification.
Applicant’s Signature:__________________________________ Date:____________
Recommendation by Applicant’s Supervisor
I have reviewed this application and verify that all statements are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that the
applicant has performed all the required activities and meets all the
eligibility requirements for this certification. I therefore recommend
this applicant be considered for the certification by the NC AWWA-WEA
Board of Education and Examiners.
Supervisor’s Name:______________________________________________________
Job Title:__________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:___________________
Supervisor’s Signature:_______________________________ Date:_____________
Staff Use:
Rcv’d: _______________________
Pymt: ______________________
Sent for Aprvl: ____________________
MC: ____________________
Review Committee Use:
Applicant is eligible to take the following class/exam:
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Applicant is NOT eligible to take the following class/exam:
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Not enough related experience is listed in application.
Applicant lacks certification by progression. An active Class certificate is
required in the next lower certification class.
Application cannot be processed. Reason:________________________
Reviewer Signature: _______________________________ Date:________
Action by Voluntary Certification Program
Applicant FAILED Exam, Failed #____________
Applicant PASSED Exam
Certification Issued, #_________
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Maintenance Technologist Schools & Exams
Collection & Distribution Schools
Coastal Collection &
Distribution School
March 16 - 20, 2015
Carteret Community College
Study Materials
It is highly recommended that students refer
to the Advanced Book Purchase Form/Course
Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 and have
3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557, www.carteret.edu
access to the books that correspond to their
As of January 1, 2013, NC AWWA-WEA is no longer fulfilling
The objective of the school is to REVIEW the basic concepts in the
on pages 23 - 24 to order their books in advance and pick
proper operation and maintenance of water distribution and
wastewater collection systems. The curriculum will provide information
that should be helpful in preparing a participant for the mandatory
certification exams in Water Distribution, Backflow, and Wastewater
Collection, and the voluntary certification exam for Meter Technician.
Schools include course programs in: Water Distribution (D, C, B & A),
Wastewater Collection (I, II, III, & IV), Backflow Prevention/CrossConnection Control, Shoring, Advanced Collection, Advanced
Distribution, and Meter Technician.
book orders by shipment. School attendees may use the form
them up at the school. Depending on inventory, there may be
a limited number of books available for purchase at the
school. If you would like to purchase books from another
source, a list of potential book vendors is available at
Please note, the appropriate Needs To Know Manual for each
course is included in the registration fee and students will
receive their manual when they arrive at school. Needs To
Know Manuals are also available on www.ncsafewater.org and
may be downloaded for free.
Advanced Collection Systems Seminar
Advanced Distribution Systems Seminar
Backflow/Cross Connection
Distribution (C, B, & A)
Distribution D - Not offered at the Coastal School
Collection (I, II, III, & IV)
Meter Technician - Not offered at the Coastal School
Directions/map will be provided with your registration confirmation
and are available at www.ncsafewater.org. All classes will meet at
Carteret Community College.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the following hotels. When
making reservations, please identify yourself as being part of the North
Form and complete payment must be received on or before the
Carolina American Water Works Association (NCAWWAWEA) group.
following dates. Applications for all classes are accepted on a first-
Doubletree by Hilton (formerly Sheraton)
come, first-served basis. Class sizes are limited - especially the
2717 West Fort Macon Rd,
Backflow/Cross Connection class.
Atlantic Beach, NC 28512
Early Registration Ends: February 13, 2015
Phone: (252) 240-1155
Advanced Book Purchase Deadline: February 13, 2015
No Registrations Accepted After: March 6, 2015
Refund Deadline: March 6, 2015
When: Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Time: 4:00pm - 7:30pm (Dinner will be served)
Vendors will be set-up from 4:00pm - 7:30pm. Door prize drawings will
Room Rates (Based on Single or Double Occupancy): $79.00 per night +
tax for ocean view. Reservation deadline: February 17, 2015.
Each day short 10-15 minute breaks will be given throughout the day
with refreshments available, and a one-hour lunch break will be given
around noon. Lunch will be provided Monday - Thursday for students
registered for a class taking place on that day.
take place after dinner.
Where: To be announced
Who: All students registered for Backflow/Cross Connection,
Collections I, II, III, & IV, Distribution C, B, & A, and Meter Technician are
invited to attend.
For information on exhibiting refer to pages 16 - 17, or contact the NC
AWWA-WEA office at (919) 784-9030.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Collection & Distribution Schools
Advanced Collection Systems Seminar
Western Collection &
Distribution School
Monday, March 16, 2015
July 13 - 17, 2015 in Morganton, NC
private sectors interested in current environmental and technical
Eastern Collection &
Distribution School
September 14 - 18, 2015 in Durham, NC
Registration materials will be available in future Training Catalogs.
Seminar is designed for key individuals employed in both the public &
collection system issues.
Tentative Schedule
Registration: 7:45am, Class: 8:15am - 4:30pm
Contact Hours
• Approved for 6.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for
wastewater operators by the NCWPCSOCC - Course ID: CE03020402.
Must be present for entire class to receive certificate of attendance.
Backflow/Cross Connection
Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20, 2015
Past Topics
• Root Control, Regulatory Updates, Bypass Pumping, Hydraulic
Cleaning, Emergency Generator Sizing, Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG),
Condition Assessment, System Security.
Tentative Schedule
Advanced Distribution Systems Seminar
Monday: Registration: 7:30am, Class: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Seminar is designed for those interested in water quality as produced
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
by distribution systems. It should be of concern to public utilities,
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
academia, state & federal regulators, and others.
Contact Hours
Tentative Schedule
• Approved for 25.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for water
Registration: 7:30am, Class: 8:15am - 4:15pm
operators by the NCWTFOCB Course ID: 091346. Must be present for
75% of class to receive certificate of attendance.
• Students who attend at least 75% of the class and DO NOT pass the
practical exam are not eligible to take the state certification exam,
but will receive a letter indicating the number of contact hours
Topics Include
• Cross Connections, Confined Spaces, Repair & Troubleshooting,
Residential Protection, Record Keeping, Safe Drinking Water Act
Requirements, Pressure Vacuum Breaker, Operation & Testing,
Reduced Pressure & Double Check Valve Assembly
Please Note
• Students need to bring several small screwdrivers, a calculator, and
should dress for a wet lab environment.
• Textbook for this class is included in the class registration fee and
will be given to students at the school. These books cannot be
purchased through our bookstore.
Contact Hours
• Approved for 6.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for water
operators by the NCWTFOCB - Course ID: 091344. Must be present
for entire class to receive certificate of attendance.
Past Topics
• Regulatory Updates, Thrust Blocking and Restraint, Technology Tools,
Hydraulic Modeling, Disinfection Byproducts, State Certified ORCs vs.
Testers, Cross Connection, Leak Detection, Automated Meter
Reading, System Security.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Covers activities & dangers related to ditch cave-in and is explained in
practical application of techniques using appropriate equipment for
Tentative Schedule
Registration: 7:30am, Class: 8:15am - 4:30pm
Update from the NCWTFOCB…
The NC Water Treatment Facility Operator Certification Board may require certain additional conditions for certification reinstatement requests
brought before the NCWTFOCB under 15A NCAC 18D .0309 (b). As of March 15, 2011 the Board may require a person to first satisfactorily
complete the appropriate school conducted by the NCWTFOCB if his or her certificate has been expired, retired or revoked for more than five
years from the date of Board's consideration request. Satisfactory completion of said school is in addition to any original school that was
completed for the original certification. If you have any questions please contact the NCWTFOCB at (919) 707-9040.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Collection & Distribution Schools
Contact Hours
• Approved for 6.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for
wastewater operators by the NCWPCSOCC - Course ID:CE01310102.
Must be present for entire class to receive certificate of attendance.
• Approved for 6.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for water
operators by the NCWTFOCB - Course ID: 091349. Must be present
for entire class to receive certificate of attendance.
Collections I, II, III, & IV
Wednesday, March 18 - Friday, March 20, 2015
Tentative Schedule
Wednesday: Registration: 7:30am, Class: 8am - 5pm
C-Distribution NCWTFOCB Course ID: 091347
• Topics Include: Safety, Erosion Control, Math, Quality Water, and
Repair & Maintenance
• Distribution Workbook is included in registration fee for CDistribution and will be given to students when they arrive in class.
• Shoring is required to sit for the C-Distribution exam. As of October
2003, Collections I NO LONGER fulfills this requirement.
B-Distribution NCWTFOCB Course ID: 091345
• Topics Include: Math, Quality Water, Record Keeping, Repair &
Maintenance, Safety, and System Integrity
• Shoring is required to sit for the B-Distribution exam when the
candidate is eligible to skip the C-Distribution exam. Please contact
the NCWTFOCB at 919-733-0379 for more information.
Thursday: 8:00am - 5pm
A-Distribution NCWTFOCB Course ID: 091343
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
• Topics Include: Large Valves & Specialty Valves, Math, Quality Water,
Contact Hours
Repair & Maintenance, and Safety
• Approved for 17.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for
wastewater operators by the NCWPCSOCC. Must be present for 80%
of class to receive certificate of attendance. See below for course ID
for each course.
Course Materials
• Refer to the Course Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 for a list of
books suggested for these classes.
Grade I WPCSOCC ID:BE03241401
• Topics Include: Concepts & Terminology, Job Site Pre-Planning,
Math, Public Relations, and Shoring & Underground Construction
Grade II WPCSOCC ID:BE03241402
• Topics Include: Basic Traffic Control, Lift Station Basics, Math, Sewer
Rehabilitation, and Root Control/Sewer Cleaning Techniques
Grade III WPCSOCC ID:BE03241404
• Topics Include: Lift Station Design & Maintenance, Maps & Record
Keeping, Math & Hydraulics, and Sewer Cleaning & Maintenance
Grade IV WPCSOCC ID:BE03241403
• Topics Include: Hydraulic Design, Lift Stations, Math, Sewer
Rehabilitation, Supervision & Interviewing, and Testing Systems for
Distribution A, B, & C
Wednesday, March 18 - Friday, March 20, 2015
Tentative Schedule
Wednesday: Registration: 7:30am, Class: 8am - 5:15pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Contact Hours
• Approved for 18.0 Contact Hours for continuing education for water
operators by the NCWTFOCB. Must be present for 75% of class to
NEW! NC Currents
Operator ’s Tailgate
Photo 2011 Photo Contest entry
from Ken Stines, MSD Buncombe County.
This new section of NC Currents serves as a forum for operations
and maintenance workers to seek answers and solutions to
problems and challenges through the insights and experiences
of fellow operations-maintenance experts and professionals. All
operations-maintenance workers and professionals are
welcome to submit their questions now to have them answered
in a future issue. You can submit your questions to the forum
at [email protected].
receive certificate of attendance. See below for course ID for each
Course Materials
• Refer to the Course Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 for a list of
books suggested for these classes.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Collection & Distribution Schools
2015 Collection & Distribution School Vendor Show
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
4:00pm - 7:30pm (Dinner will be served)
Door prize drawings will take place after dinner.
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association
and the North Carolina Water Environment Association (NC AWWAWEA) will assign space to exhibitors based on the judgment of the
Collection & Distribution School committee.
Exhibit space is being provided with the understanding that the NC
AWWA-WEA and/or any hosting location are not liable for any
occurrences due to negligence of the exhibitor. Exhibitors agree to
maintain such insurance that will fully protect the NC AWWA-WEA from
To be announced
any and all claims of any nature, including claims under the Workers’
death, which may arise in connection with the operation of the
Compensation Act and for damages for personal injury, including
All students registered for Backflow/Cross
exhibitor’s display and which is caused by negligence of the exhibitor.
Connection, Collections I, II, III, & IV, Distribution C,
Exhibitors will abide by all other provisions of said rules and
B, & A, and Meter Technician are invited to attend.
regulations, fire regulations and all other regulations of government
agencies and/or any hosting location.
Exhibitors will make their own arrangements for delivery and receipt of
The North Carolina American Water Works Association and Water
any shipments related to their exhibit.
Environment Association (NC AWWA-WEA) presents three exhibit
Exhibitors will make their own arrangements for any special audio-
opportunities from our Collection & Distribution School Committee at
visual equipment they should require.
three Collection & Distribution Schools at different locations
throughout the year:
The NC AWWA-WEA and its authorized representative(s) reserve the
right to request modification of any questionable exhibit.
Coastal Collection & Distribution School
March 16 - 20, 2015
Morehead City, NC
Western Collection & Distribution School
July 13 - 17, 2015
Morganton, NC
Eastern Collection & Distribution School
September 14 - 18, 2015
Durham, NC
At each of these schools we host a Vendor Show on Wednesday to give
attendees an opportunity to meet with their fellow students,
instructors and vendors. We invite you to display products targeted
towards Collection System Operators, Distribution System Operators,
Meter Technicians, and Backflow/Cross-Connection Operators. Spaces
can be reserved for a fee of $150 (non-refundable) per Collection &
Distribution School.
Applications are currently being accepted for exhibiting at the Coastal
Collection & Distribution School in Morehead City. Applications for the
Each exhibit space will include:
• Covered 6 foot table and 2 chairs
• Electrical service is available upon request (Please indicate on your
application if you need electricity.)
• Printed copy of Collection & Distribution School attendance list
• Lunch during the show
Each exhibitor may provide their own sign for their exhibits.
Exhibitors are reminded that NC AWWA and NC WEA are nonprofit
organizations. Therefore, the provision of exhibit space is for product
education and training purposes only. Direct sales are strictly
Exhibits must be set-up between 2:00pm - 3:45 pm and broken down
between 7:30pm - 8:30pm.
Eastern and Western schools will be available later in 2015.
Receipt of Exhibit Space Application AND complete $150 (non-
The 2015 Collection and Distribution School Exhibit Rules and
space will be allowed per company.
Regulations printed on this page should address any questions that
you may have. Please complete the application on page 12 and return
it with your fee. Your space cannot be guaranteed until your fee and
application have been received.
refundable) fee per school is required to reserve a space. Only one
In the event of a cancellation of an exhibitor, NC AWWA-WEA will make
space available to another party requesting exhibit space based on the
order in which the requests were received.
For questions about the exhibits, please contact Thurman Green at
(919) 537-4224. For questions about this application and payment,
contact Catrice R. Jones at (919) 784-9030.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Collection & Distribution Schools, Vendors
2015 Coastal Collection & Distribution School,
Exhibit Registration Form
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association (NC AWWA) & The North Carolina Member Association of
the Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
3725 National Drive, Suite 217, Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 784-9030 Fax: (919) 784-9032 Website: www.ncsafewater.org
address is not provided. Confirmations will not be mailed to anyone
To submit a registration by fax or mail complete all requested
other than the registrant.
information on this form and mail or fax to the address or fax number
It is the responsibility of the person receiving the receipt/confirmation
provided above. Form and $150 payment must be submitted together.
to forward as necessary.
Faxed registrations must be paid by credit card.
If you do not receive confirmation of your registration, contact the NC
Online registration is available at www.ncsafewater.org. Credit card
payment is required for online registration.
Spaces will not be reserved until form and $150 payment are received.
At this time exhibit registrations are only being accepted for the Coastal
Collection & Distribution School.
AWWA-WEA office BEFORE the event to confirm your registration.
Refunds and switches will NOT be granted to attendees who do not
attend an event because they did not receive confirmation of their
In addition to the registrant, please EMAIL confirmation to:
Event Details
Name: _________________________________________________________________
• $150 non-refundable fee includes;
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
• One exhibit booth in the 2015 Coastal Collection & Distribution
School Vendor Show on Wednesday, March 18, 2015
• Covered 6 foot table and 2 chairs
• Electrical service is available upon request
• Printed copy of Collection & Distribution School attendance list
• Lunch during the show
Credit Card
Check/Money Order
Credit Card #: _________________________________________
Exp. Date: ___________________
Company Information
American Express)
3-4 digit code: _________
Cardholder Name: _____________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________________
Billing Address (At what address do you receive your credit card
Contact Person Name: __________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________
City: ___________________________
Cardholder Phone: ______________________________________________________
State: __________
Phone: ____________________________
Zip Code: __________
Fax: _______________________________
State: _____
Zip Code: ______
Cardholder Signature: __________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Booth Information
Products to be exhibited:________________________________________________
Do you need electricity in your booth?
____ Yes
____ No
Names of Booth workers for name tags:
Exhibitor Agreement
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association and the North Carolina Water Environment Association
(NC AWWA-WEA) is hereby authorized to reserve one space for the
undersigned in the exhibit hall of the 2015 Coastal Collection &
Item(s) donated for door prizes: ________________________________________
Confirmations will be EMAILED to the Contact Person. They may also be
emailed to ONE additional person indicated below. If an email is not
provided for the registrant but an email is provided below the
confirmation will only be emailed to the person named below.
Confirmations will only be mailed to the Contact Person when an email
Distribution School Vendor Show on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 in
Morehead City, NC.
We agree to accept the space assigned by the NC AWWA-WEA
Collection & Distribution School Committee Representative(s). We
have read, understand, and agree to comply with the 2015
Collection and Distribution School Exhibits Rules and Regulations,
that we received along with this application. We have enclosed the
non-refundable fee of $150 per Collection & Distribution School.
Contact Person Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: ____________
Exam Information
October 29, 2015
For Distribution D, C, B, & A classes, successful completion of an
approved distribution school requires at least 75% attendance of
All schools serve as a REVIEW for examinations and represent the
minimum required training. Participants are reminded that success on
a certification exam is a combination of education, specialized training,
and actual experience in the field. Since all of the relevant material
cannot be covered during the school, it is expected that participants
will have studied extensively before the schools. All concepts covered
on certification exams may NOT be covered at the school.
Please note that although successful completion of an approved school
is a requirement to sit for any exam, it is not the only requirement. For
a complete listing of the eligibility requirements for the exams, contact
the appropriate agency.
Various books and manuals are recommended to help students
prepare for each school and the corresponding certification exam. It is
highly recommended that students refer to the Advanced Book
Purchase Form/Course Materials Guide on pages 23 - 24 and have
access to the books that correspond to their class.
As of January 1, 2013, NC AWWA-WEA is no longer fulfilling book orders
by shipment. School attendees may use the form on pages 23 - 24 to
order their books in advance and pick them up at the school.
Depending on inventory, there may be a limited number of books
available for purchase at the school. If you would like to purchase
books from another source, a list of potential book vendors is available
at www.ncsafewater.org/resources_/bookstore/.
Please note, the appropriate Needs To Know Manual for each course is
included in the registration fee and students will receive their manual
when they arrive at school. Needs To Know Manuals are also available
on www.ncsafewater.org and may be downloaded for free.
For Backflow/Cross-Connection, successful completion of an approved
school requires at least 75% attendance of classes and a passing grade
on the Practical Exam given at the school.
For questions about exams, certification qualifications or to obtain an
exam application: Call 919-707-9040 or Download at www.ncwater.org/
Exams will not be given at the end of the school.
The Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification
Commission (WPCSOCC) offers these exams four times per year at five
different locations - Kenansville, Morganton, Raleigh, Salisbury &
Exam dates for 2015 are as follows, please note the date by which
applications must be postmarked;
March 12, 2015
June 11, 2015
September 10, 2015
December 10, 2015
Successful completion of an approved school requires 80% attendance
of classes.
For questions about exams, certification qualifications or to obtain an
exam application: Call 919-807-6353 or Download at http://
In 2015 NC AWWA-WEA will offer the Voluntary Meter Technician
Certification Exam at the Raleigh and Morganton Collection &
To make the most out of school attendance,
please review the recommended study
materials BEFORE the school begins.
Distribution Schools.
For more information on the Voluntary Meter Technician Exam please
refer future Training Catalog, www.ncsafewater.org, or contact the NC
AWWA-WEA office at (919) 784-9030.
In 2015 NC AWWA-WEA will offer certification exams for Maintenance
Technologist Classes I, II & III. Exams will take place at the end of the
Exams will not be given at the end of the school.
February school in Raleigh and the June school in Morganton.
For more information on the Maintenance Technologist Exam please
The North Carolina Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification
refer to www.ncsafewater.org/events_education/certifications/
Board (NCWTFOCB) offers these exams quarterly at three different
maintenance_technologist_school_certification or contact the NC
locations - Kinston, Snow Hill & Raleigh.
AWWA-WEA office at (919) 784-9030.
Exam dates for 2015 are as follows and applications must be
postmarked no later than 30 days before an exam;
February 26, 2015
May 28, 2015
August 27, 2015
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Exam & General Information
Online Courses: There is no registration deadline.
Schools & Conferences: Deadlines vary for each event.
The continuing education requirement for Maintenance Technologist
certificate holders is in effect for this year. Therefore, certification
holders will need to complete a minimum of six (6) hours per year of
continuing education for future renewals. When you submit your 2015
renewal, you will be required to provide documentation of training that
is approved by the NC Department of Natural Resources for drinking
water OR wastewater. We will be posting more information on our
website in the coming months to assist certificate holders.
In 2015 NC AWWA-WEA will offer the Voluntary Wastewater Laboratory
Analyst Exam twice.
For more information on the Voluntary Wastewater Laboratory Analyst
Exam refer to www.ncsafewater.org/events_education/certifications/
ww-lan-analyst-exam or contact the NC AWWA-WEA office at (919) 7849030.
Current members of the American Water Works Association (AWWA)
and/or the Water Environment Federation (WEF) or NC State Level
Association Members (SLAM) are eligible for the member rate. Please
refer to your membership card(s) for your member number(s). We will
verify membership numbers for eligibility and will return registrations
for those who pay the incorrect amount. For information on joining,
please refer to page 31 or contact the NC AWWA-WEA office at (919)784
-9030. Individual membership numbers may only be used by the
person to whom they are issued. Organizational numbers may be used
by anyone employed by that organization.
Student Registration: The Student Registration Type is intended for
high school students and individuals enrolled full-time at a community
college or university. A student registration rate is not available for all
events. If a student rate is available it will be included in the price list or
on the registration form. Proof of full-time student status is required
when registration form is submitted. A student ID is an acceptable form
Continuing Education Requirements
NC AWWA-WEA uses an electronic card-scanning system to
track attendance. Continuing education credits cannot be
reported unless you give the appropriate license/certification
numbers to NC AWWA-WEA. Please be sure to do BOTH of the
following to insure the accurate reporting of your continuing
education credits.
Bring your certification card issued by the NCWTFOCB and/or
the NCWPCSOCC to the event.
Submit your license numbers during registration using the
registration form or online registration system.
of proof.
Retired Member Registration: The Retired Member Registration Type
is intended for members of AWWA, WEF or NC SLAM who are retired
and no longer employed in the water /wastewater industry. If retired
member rate is available it will be included in the price list or on the
registration form.
Seminars: Requests for refunds and to switch events must be received
in writing at least 5 business days before the event.
Webinars: Requests for refunds and to switch events must be received
in writing at least 5 business days before the event. Refunds will not be
Registration Frequently
Asked Questions
Current as of September 16, 2014.
issued for attendees that experience technical or equipment failures
during the webinar.
Online Courses: Requests for refunds or switches must be submitted
within 5 business days of registering for a course, provided that the
actual course has not been started. Refunds cannot be issued once a
course has been started. Refunds will not be issued for learners
discovering more than five business days after registering that they do
Seminars: The early registration deadline is listed with each event,
Refunds will not be issued for learners that experience technical or
BUT registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis,
equipment failures while taking the course.
therefore submitting your registration and payment before the early
Schools & Conferences: Deadlines vary for each school.
registration deadline does not guarantee you a space. If you want to
register for a seminar on the business day before the event, please
contact the NC AWWA-WEA office.
Webinars: The registration deadline is listed with each event, BUT
registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore
submitting your registration and payment before the registration
deadline does not guarantee you a space. Registration is not available
after the deadline.
not have the necessary or compatible equipment to participate.
All Events: Refund request forms may be obtained by calling the NC
AWWA-WEA office at (919) 784-9030 or downloaded from our website
(www.ncsafewater.org). A $30 administrative fee will be charged for all
refunds due to attendee cancellation. All refunds will be made
according to the original payment method. Refunds will not be
processed until the conclusion of an event. Please allow 2-3 weeks
after the event to receive your refund.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Exam & General Information
Seminars, Most Schools, and Conferences: Substitutions may be
Seminars: Certificates of Attendance will be given to attendees who
made at any point, including during registration at the event. Please
arrive on-time and stay until the conclusion of the seminar. Each
inform us as soon as possible so that we may have you complete the
participant must pick up their own certificate at the conclusion of the
correct paperwork and handle any cost differences between members
event. NO certificates will be given out early, mailed or given to another
and non-members. Please be aware that if you choose to do
substitutions during registration at the event, you will need to arrive
early so that you have enough time to complete the process before the
program begins.
Webinars: After the webinar, staff will verify attendance records and
produce a CEU record for attendees. These records will be emailed to
each attendee who has received CEUs approximately two weeks after
Webinars: Substitutions must be processed two business days before
the webinar.
the webinar.
Schools: Participants who successfully complete a school will receive a
Online Courses: Substitutions may be requested at any point during
certificate of attendance at the end of the school. This certificate will
the 30 days after registration that the course is available, provided that
document attendance for use in demonstrating contact hours for
the actual course has not been started. Substitutions cannot be issued
professional growth requirements for certified Wastewater
once a course has been started.
Operators & Drinking Water Operators and PDH’s for
Duplicate copies of receipts may be printed by following the link in the
registration confirmation email that you receive. If you need the NC
AWWA-WEA office to print a duplicate receipt it may take up to five
business days to process. A form for requesting a duplicate receipt may
be obtained by visiting www.ncsafewater.org or by calling (919) 784-
Professional Engineers. Refer to the appropriate section of this catalog
for a definition of "successful completion" for each school. Each
participant must pick up their own certificate at the conclusion of the
event. NO certificates will be given out early or given to another
individual. Certificates will be mailed to persons who successfully
complete the school, but are not present at the end to pick up their
Conferences: After the conference, staff will verify all scanned
will be sent to each attendee who has received CEU’s approximately 4
NC AWWA-WEA’s event attendance/contact hour tracking program uses
provide an email address and mailed to attendees without an email
information and produce a CEU record for attendees. These records
the last 4 digits of your SS# in conjunction with your
license(s) number(s) as a unique identifier to verify who you are and to
communicate to the appropriate agency when reporting your event
attendance/contact hour record. We do NOT use your partial SS# for
any other purpose. Your partial SS# will NOT be given out to anyone
other than the appropriate reporting agency for your license. If you will
not allow us to use the last 4 digits of your SS#, please indicate
“refused” in the SS# blank. While we will be happy to register you, we
cannot guarantee accurate tracking of your attendance at these events.
weeks after the conference. Records will be emailed for attendees who
Recording of any sounds or visual images, and use of any recording
device or medium now known, or later developed, is prohibited at all
NC AWWA-WEA Seminar, School, Conference or other training events
unless prior written permission has been expressly granted by NC
What is NC AWWA-WEA?
Formed in 1928, NC AWWA-WEA is a volunteer association operating jointly under one Board of Trustees as the North Carolina Section of the
American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) and the North Carolina Member Association (MA) of the Water Environment Federation
(NC WEA). We are dedicated to providing water and wastewater education, training, and leadership in an effort to protect public health and the
environment. In striving to be the leading educational resource for water-related issues in North Carolina, we recognize the broad scope of the
industry and its reach beyond water sources, treatment plants, and pipe systems and its importance in homes, businesses, and the community.
We have close to 3,000 members in North Carolina representing municipal and private utilities, consulting engineering firms, government agencies,
equipment suppliers, service providers, and representatives from academia. Working through a network of committees, our volunteers provide the
foundation for all Association activities.
(What we strive to achieve)
(The purpose of what we do)
NC AWWA-WEA: THE leading educational resource
NC AWWA-WEA is dedicated to providing water
for safe water in NC
education, training and leadership to protect public
health and the environment.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Exam & General Information
2015 Seminar, Institute and School
Registration Form
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association (NC AWWA) & The North Carolina Member Association of
the Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
3725 National Drive, Suite 217, Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 784-9030 Fax: (919) 784-9032 Website: www.ncsafewater.org
License/Certification Numbers
Before registering, please take time to completely review the General
Registration Information on page 21 as well as the section of this
catalog related to the event for which you are registering.
NC Wastewater Certification # (NCWPCSOCC): _______________________
To submit a registration by fax or mail complete all requested
information on BOTH sides of this form and mail or fax to the address
or fax number provided above. Form and payment must be submitted
together. Faxed registrations must be paid by credit card.
NC Professional Engineers #: __________________________________________
Online registration is available for most schools and seminars at
www.ncsafewater.org. Credit card payment is required for online
Membership Numbers
If you are registering for the Meter Technician or Maintenance
Technologist class or exam you must also complete the appropriate
exam application available in this catalog. Online registration is not
available for Meter Technician or Maintenance Technologist.
Water Environment Federation (WEF): _______________________________
Personal Information
Confirmations will be EMAILED to the registrant. They may also be
emailed to ONE additional person indicated below. If an email is not
provided for the registrant but an email is provided below the
confirmation will only be emailed to the person named below.
Full Name: _____________________________________________________________
Preferred First Name (for name tag): __________________________________
Last 4 Digits of SS #: ________________
Year of Birth: __________________
How Many Years Have You Worked in the Water/Wastewater
Less than 1
11 - 20
6 - 10
21 - 30
Employer Information
Employer: ______________________________________________________________
Which of the Following BEST Describes Your Employer?
Consulting/Contracting Firm
Government Agency
Research/Analytical Lab
Other _________________________
NC AWWA-WEA Voluntary Maintenance Tech. Certification:
Class: ________________
Certification #:_____________________________
American Water Works Association (AWWA): ________________________
NC State Level Association Membership (NC SLAM): _________________
Confirmations will only be mailed to the registrant when an email
address is not provided. Confirmations will not be mailed to anyone
other than the registrant.
It is the responsibility of the person receiving the receipt/confirmation
to forward as necessary.
If you are registering for an event and do not receive confirmation of
your registration, contact the NC AWWA-WEA office BEFORE the event
to confirm your registration. Refunds and switches will NOT be granted
to attendees who do not attend an event because they did not receive
confirmation of their registration.
In addition to the registrant, please EMAIL confirmation to:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Select Payment Method
Contact Information
Mailing Address (
NC Water Treatment Operator ID # (NCWTFOCB): ___________________
Credit Card
Check/Money Order
American Express)
Credit Card #: __________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: __________________________
3-4 digit code: _________________
Cardholder Name: _____________________________________________________
City: __________________________
Billing Address:
At what address do you receive your credit card statement
State: _________
Zip Code: ___________
County of Residence: __________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________
Fax: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Information
Name: _________________________ Relationship: _________________________
Phone: ________________________
Alt. Phone: __________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________
State: _________
Zip Code: _______________
Cardholder Phone: _____________________________________________________
Cardholder Signature: _________________________________________________
2014 Seminar & School Registration Form (Page 2 of 2)
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________
Individual Seminar & Institute Registration
Early Registration
Late Registration
(Circle Price)
(Circle Price)
Proof Required
Event Title: ____________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Location: _______________________________________
*To discuss Institute group pricing for your utility please contact Catrice Jones, NC AWWA-WEA at (919) 784-9030 x220 or [email protected] or Betsy
Drake, Town of Cary, (919) 481-5093 or [email protected]
____ Coastal Collection & Distribution School - March 16 - 20, 2015 in Morehead City, NC
Please CHECK the school & grade for which you
are registering and CIRCLE the correct
registration fee.
Class Days
____ Advanced Collection System Seminar
____ Advanced Distribution System Seminar
Early Registration
Late Registration
____ Backflow/Cross Connection (includes manual)
Mon. - Fri.
____ Shoring
Wed. - Fri.
Wed. - Fri.
Wed. - Fri.
Collections: ____ I
Distribution: ____ A
____ II
____ III
____ B
Distribution: ____ C (workbook included)
*Exam application on page 15 must also be completed and submitted with registration form.
Wastewater Operator Schools
Please CHECK the school & grade for which you are registering
and CIRCLE the correct registration fee.
Early Registration
Late Registration
____ Physical/Chemical School
February 17 - 20, 2015
Raleigh, NC
____ Grade I ONLY
____ Grade II ONLY
____ Grades I & II
____ Eastern Biological School
February 16 - 20, 2015
Raleigh, NC
____ Grade I
____ Grade II
____ Grade III
____ Grade IV
____ Grade I
____ Grade II
____ Grade III
____ Grade IV
____ Western Biological School
June 15 - 19, 2015
Morganton, NC
Maintenance Technologist Schools & Exams
Please CHECK the school & grade for which you are registering
and CIRCLE the correct registration fee.
____ Eastern School & Exam
February 17 - 20, 2015
Raleigh, NC
Please note, this was incorrectly printed as the Western
School in Morganton in the Training Catalog mailed to
Early Registration
Late Registration
____ Class I*
____ Class II*
____ Class III*
Class IV
Will be offered at the Eastern School in 2015.
____ Class I* Exam Retake
____ Class II* Exam Retake
____ Class III* Exam Retake
*Exam application on page 10 must also be completed and submitted with registration form.
2015 Advanced Book Purchase Form
Form valid Jan. 2015 - Mar. 2015
3725 National Drive, Suite 217, Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 784-9030 Fax: (919) 784-9032 Website: www.ncsafewater.org
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association (NC AWWA) & The North Carolina Member Association of
the Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
Membership Numbers
Book Order Policies & Procedures
As of January 1, 2013, NC AWWA-WEA is no longer fulfilling book orders
by shipment. Instead, we are offering school attendees the ability to
purchase their books in advance of these events and pick them up
Depending upon inventory availability there may be a very limited
number of books available for onsite purchase at schools. Once an
item is sold out onsite, you should visit our website for a list of book
For an order to qualify for the Member Rate the contact person listed
above must be an individual member of AWWA, WEF or NC SLAM, OR
the organization that employs the contact person must be an
organizational member of AWWA or WEF. Membership numbers must
be listed below and will be verified before an order is processed.
American Water Works Association (AWWA): ________________________
Water Environment Federation (WEF): _______________________________
NC State Level Association Membership (NC SLAM): _________________
Book purchases are nonrefundable.
If you prefer to order the recommended books and receive them
before the beginning of an event, a list of books with their ISBN
numbers and potential vendors is available at www.ncsafewater.org/
Payment Method
Invoices and credit card receipts (if applicable) are sent to the person
placing the order. It is that person’s responsibility to forward the credit
card receipt to the cardholder if necessary.
Select Payment Method
Book Order Instructions
Complete BOTH sides of this form and mail or fax to the address or fax
number provided above. Orders submitted by fax must be paid with a
Credit Card
Check/Money Order
American Express)
credit card.
Credit Card #: __________________________________________________________
Contact Information
Exp. Date: __________________________
3-4 digit code: _________________
This is the person to whom receipt will be sent and will be contacted if
Cardholder Name: _____________________________________________________
there are any questions about the order.
Billing Address:
At what address do you receive your credit card statement
Full Name: _____________________________________________________________
Employer: ______________________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________
City: __________________________
State: _________
Phone: _____________________________
Zip Code: ___________
Fax: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________
State: _________
Zip Code: _______________
Cardholder Phone: _____________________________________________________
Cardholder Signature: _________________________________________________
Pick Up Information
Please complete the information below. Once pickup times and locations for each event have been finalized, the contact person will be notified
of the specific details. Person picking up items should bring a copy of the receipt with them for verification of purchase.
Person picking up books: _________________________________________________________
Event at which items will be picked up: _________________________________________________________
It is highly recommended that during school, students have access to the books
listed on the reverse side that correspond to the class that they are taking.
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Advanced Book Purchase Form
NC AWWA-WEA 2015 Training Catalog, Volume 1/Winter: Advanced Book Purchase Form
the Maintenance Technologist course.
items is recommended for individuals taking
For items marked with “**” one of the marked
Wastewater III & IV
Wastewater II, III, & IV
Wastewater I & II
Wastewater I
Meter Technician
Distribution D
C, B, & A
I, II, III, & IV
Related Class
Industrial Waste Treatment, Vol. 2 (Sacramento Manual)**
Pretreatment Facility Inspection (Sacramento Manual)
Treatment of Metal Wastestreams (Sacramento Manual)
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Maintenance Technologist Class III – Needs to Know Manual & Core Competencies
Math Manual
Item Subtotal
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Maintenance Technologist Class II – Needs to Know Manual & Core Competencies
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Industrial Maintenance, 3rd Edition
Maintenance Technologist Class I – Needs to Know Manual & Core Competencies
Water Treatment Plant Operation, Vol. 2**
Audel Mechanical Trades Pocket Manual, 4 Edition
Electrical Fundamentals for Water and Wastewater
Pumps and Pumping
(Also known as the Grade III & IV Needs To Know)
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Advanced Waste Treatment (Sacramento Manual)
NC Biological Wastewater Treatment System Operators Training Course Standards - Grades III & IV
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants - Vol. 2 (Sacramento Manual)**
Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants - Vol. 1 (Sacramento Manual)
(Also known as the Grade I & II Needs To Know)
NC Biological Wastewater Treatment System Operators Training Course Standards - Grades I & II
Small Wastewater System Operation & Maintenance - Vol. 2 (Sacramento Manual)
Small Wastewater System Operation & Maintenance - Vol. 1 (Sacramento Manual)
Kendall Hunt – www.kendallhunt.com (800) 228-0810
Backflow Prevention: Theory and Practice
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
NC Water Meter Needs To Know Manual
Water Meter - Selection, Installation, Testing, & Maintenance - AWWA M6 Manual
NC D-Distribution Needs To Know Manual
Water Distribution Operator Training Handbook – AWWA
NC Distribution Needs To Know for C, B, & A
Water Transmission & Distribution Workbook – AWWA
Water Transmission & Distribution Textbook – AWWA
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Physical/Chemical Wastewater Operator’s Needs To Know
Non-Member Price
Download for FREE from the Bookstore page of www.ncsafewater.org.
Member Price
Industrial Waste Treatment, Vol. 1 (Sacramento Manual)
NC Collection System Operator’s Needs to Know
Wastewater Collection Operation & Maintenance - Vol. 2 (Sacramento Manual)
Wastewater Collection Operation & Maintenance - Vol. 1 (Sacramento Manual)
Book Title
Advanced Book Purchase Form/Course Materials Guide
NC AWWA-WEA State Level Association
Membership (NC SLAM) Application & Renewal
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association (NC AWWA) & The North Carolina Member Association of
the Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
3725 National Drive, Suite 217, Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 784-9030 Fax: (919) 784-9032 Website: www.ncsafewater.org
NC AWWA-WEA Membership offers you Connection, Education, & Leadership;
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Denver, CO
There are three ways
to join. Review the
options and select the
one that best fits you.
Contact this national organization for more information regarding cost and how to join.
Water Environment Federation (WEF)
Alexandria, VA
Contact this national organization for more information regarding cost and how to join.
3725 National Drive, Suite 217, Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 784-9030
Fax: (919) 784-9032
Complete the form below to join NC AWWA-WEA as a state-only (NC SLAM) member. NC SLAM members receive no benefits from AWWA or WEF.
License/Certification Numbers
To submit a NC SLAM application by fax or mail complete all requested
information on this form and mail or fax to the NC AWWA-WEA address
or fax number provided above. Form and payment must be submitted
together. Faxed applications must be paid by credit card. Applications
and renewals may also be submitted online at www.ncsafewater.org.
Online applications must be paid by credit card.
NC Wastewater Certification # (NCWPCSOCC): _______________________
Please check ONE of the following options.
NC Professional Engineers #: __________________________________________
NC AWWA-WEA Voluntary Maintenance Tech. Certification:
Class: ________________
New Membership ($50 for 1 year)
Renew Membership ($50 for 1 year) NC SLAM #: _________
• All new memberships and renewals are for 1 year (12 months).
• SLAM memberships may not be shared or transferred.
• Renewal reminders will be emailed to the member’s email address 1
month before the membership expires.
Personal Information
Full Name: _____________________________________________________________
Preferred First Name (for name tag): __________________________________
Last 4 Digits of SS #: ________________
NC Water Treatment Operator ID # (NCWTFOCB): ___________________
Year of Birth: __________________
How Many Years Have You Worked in the Water/Wastewater
Less than 1
6 - 10
11 - 20
21 - 30
Employer Information
Employer: ______________________________________________________________
Certification #:_____________________________
Receipts will be EMAILED to the member. They may also be emailed to
ONE additional person indicated below. If an email is not provided for
the member, but an email is provided below, the confirmation will only
be emailed to the person named below.
Receipts will only be mailed to the registrant when an email address is
not provided. Receipts will not be mailed to anyone other than the
It is the responsibility of the person receiving the receipt confirmation to
forward as necessary.
In addition to the registrant, please EMAIL confirmation to:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Select Payment Method
Check/Money Order
Credit Card ( MasterCard/Visa
American Express)
Credit Card #: __________________________________________________________
Which of the Following BEST Describes Your Employer?
Consulting/Contracting Firm
Government Agency
Research/Analytical Lab
Other _________________________
Cardholder Name: _____________________________________________________
Contact Information
Mailing Address (
Exp. Date: __________________________
3-4 digit code: _________________
Billing Address:
At what address do you receive your credit card statement
City: ______________________
State: _________
Zip Code: _______________
Cardholder Phone: _____________________________________________________
City: __________________________
Zip Code: ___________
Cardholder Signature: _________________________________________________
County of Residence: __________________________________________________
State: _________
Phone: ____________________________
Fax: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. 23
3725 National Drive, Suite 217
Raleigh, NC 27612
First Class Mail
2015 Volume 1/Winter
Training Catalog
The North Carolina Section of the American Water Works
Association (NC AWWA) & The North Carolina Member Association of
the Water Environment Federation (NC WEA).
2015 Spring Conference
April 12-14, 2015
Wilmington Convention Center in
Wilmington, NC
Mark your calendars and make plans to join us this spring in
Wilmington! Our Spring Conference is geared towards
operations personnel and will feature two complete days of
technical sessions and demonstrations. April is early in the year
but it is never too soon to start earning your continuing
education hours, and credit will be available for certified water
and wastewater operators, and certified maintenance
technologist. More information and registration details will be
available in January 2015.
Spring into Operation
Photo by: Ann Clark, Siler City WWTP