Water and Wastewater Training October - December 2014 Hands-On Mechanical Seals Effective Utility And Their Application Management Date: October 3, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐2:00pm Location: Williston Fire Department, 645 Talcott Road, Williston, VT W Credit: 4.5 TCH Non‐member cost: $45 WW Member cost: $36 Instructor: Ed Czeremcha (AW Chesterton) Proctor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) This class will cover the following topics: How pump reliability affects Mechanical Seal performance The importance of Mechanical Seals Basic Principles of Mechanical Seals and how they operate in rotating equipment The purpose and function of Mechanical Seals Mechanical Seal parts, types, configurations, and materials of construction The importance of Environmental Controls and how they directly relate to seal performance Troubleshooting Mechanical Seal failures Installation/”Hands-on” Small Systems Class 2 Water Operator Certification Date: October 10, 15, 16, 17, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐2:00pm Location: Rutland Regional Planning Com‐ mission, 67 Merchants Row, Rutland, VT W Credit: 18 TCH Non‐member cost: $180 (plus $30 for text‐ book) Member cost: $144 (plus $30 for textbook) Instructor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) This course is designed for those who will be taking the VT Class 2 Water Operator Certification Exam. The Eighteen hour class provides a survey of aspects of operating a small public water system using groundwater as a source. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirements, sampling water sources, well construction, source protection, storage, distribution, hydraulics, crossconnections, safety, disinfection, and treatment, and water math will be cover. This class is not designed for the operators of Transient Systems (TNCs). *BRING A LUNCH* Dates & Locations (choose one): October 14, 8:30am‐2:30pm, Enosburg Ambulance Service, 83 Sampsonville Road, Enos‐ burgh, VT October 29, 8:30am‐2:30pm, Montpelier Public Works Gar‐ age, 783 Dog River Road, Mont‐ pelier, VT (please park across street at athletic fields) December 3, 8:30am‐2:30pm, Springfield Fire Department, 77 Hartness Avenue, Springfield, VT (NOTE: training room in basement/no elevator access) Credit: 6 TCH W Non‐member cost: $60 WW Member cost: $48 Instructor: Paul Sestito (VRWA) This workshop is designed to assist utilities in addressing the challenges and improving the management of their operations and infrastructure. Topics will include: How to deliver increasingly efficient and higher quality services. How to improve long-term sustainability and increase resiliency. How to use the Rural and Small Systems Guidebook to Sustainable Utility Management to make improvements at your system. Through group and individual exercises, including team and self-assessments, participants will learn how utilities can make improvements in ten key management areas, with a focus on their most pressing challenges. *BRING A LUNCH* Chlorination Disinfection for Water & Wastewater Operations Date: October 21, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐2:30pm Location: Emory Hebard State Office Building (State Confer‐ ence Room), 100 Main Street, Newport, VT Credit: 4.5 TCH W Non‐member cost: $45 WW Member cost: $36 Instructor: Michael Harrington, CET (USA Bluebook) Proctor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) Let’s first review the dosing technology for the three basic forms of chlorine disinfection. We’ll take a brief look at the chemistry difference, and then look at the pros and cons of each type of system. Learn why switching from a gas-based chlorination process may not be advantageous or cost effective, when one looks at the “real” costs. Discover why most current hypochlorite users don’t routinely measure product strength. Examine hypochlorite strength and residual testing methods. Find out why on-site generation systems may be appropriate and cost effective. Look at simple ways to minimize disinfection byproducts. Is a tablet based chlorine disinfection system appropriate? Through the use of superb computer visuals, expert commentary, demonstrations and case histories, the operator will leave with answers to these questions and more. *BRING A LUNCH* Save The Date Vermont Rural Water Association Annual Conference and Trade Show May 6 and 7, 2015 Lake Morey Resort · Fairlee, VT True Confessions of a Water/ Wastewater Operator Date: October 22, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐2:30pm Location: Rutland Regional Planning Commis‐ sion, 67 Merchants Row, Rutland, VT W Credit: 4.5 TCH Non‐member cost: $45 WW Member cost: $36 Instructor: Michael Harrington, CET (USA Bluebook) Proctor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) OK, how did you set that initial chemical dose last year? Through superb interactive graphics and vibrant animated presentation, the operator will explore the most common chemical dosing mistakes, like; “All treatment chemical strengths never change”, “Dosage adjustments are only needed when flow and demand change”, or “Delivered chemical product is always exactly as specified”, “Chemical feed pump outputs never vary”, “Set-it & forget it”, or “I need to monitor what’s in my water”? Let’s lift the veil related to chemical feed and see why chemical strength, pump calibration, product verification, and residual measurements are so important to conserve resources. *BRING A LUNCH* 5 Common-Sense Practices of Well Run Water & Wastewater Facilities Date: October 23, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐2:30pm Location: Marlboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon Street, Brattleboro, VT W Credit: 4.5 TCH Non‐member cost: $45 WW Member cost: $36 Instructor: Michael Harrington, CET (USA Bluebook) Proctor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) This program looks at common misunderstood key elements to achieve a well run operation. First, we’ll explore the two most important measurement parameters an operator can make, but which typically take a back-seat in importance. Find out why understanding the key role they play can lead to a better process. Next we’ll investigate the 3 key operational practices most often ignored in the chemical feed process. One of those most ignored could lead to a catastrophic event that could kill or injure your personnel, or even worse, civilians. See why and how to always verify every chemical delivery. Learn some key advantages in always using the weakest possible strength of a chemical that is practical. Just because one can buy 12% hypochlorite, or 50% caustic, doesn’t necessarily mean it should be dosed at full strength. Utility Management Certification (UMC) Training Dates & Locations (choose one): October 28 & 30, 8:30am‐3:30pm, West Rutland Town Office Build‐ ing (Auditorium Room), 35 Marble Street, West Rutland, VT December 2 & 4, 8:30am‐3:30pm, Enosburg Ambulance Service, 83 Sampsonville Road, Enosburgh, VT December 16 & 18, 8:30am‐3:30pm, Montpelier Public Works Gar‐ age, 783 Dog River Road, Montpelier, VT W Credit: 10 TCH WW Non‐member cost: $100 Member cost: $80 Instructor: Shaun Fielder (VRWA) This two-day training provides a comprehensive review of all items relating to effective management of a water or wastewater system. It is designed for those currently in management or those wishing to gain more knowledge on management topics. All attendees will receive a copy of the “Utility Management Certification Guide” (NRWA – Water University Publication). The training covers all subjects in the UMC guide. A partial list of subject matter to be covered includes financial and capacity development to include financial accounting, financial reporting, budgeting and planning. Technical sustainability including laws and regulations, managing water resources, water operations, wastewater operations, energy conservation. Managerial sustainability and capacity development including, human resource management, manager and governing body relations, customer service, emergency preparedness, public relations and public policy. All individuals completing the training are eligible to take the UMC online certification test at a later date. Those achieving a grade of 70 or greater and meeting eligibility criteria will receive the nationally recognized UMC Certification; to date nearly 800 individuals across the nation have obtained the certification. Please note: Eligibility for the certification is based on a point system with credit given for items such as education, experience, certifications held, 70 or greater test grade, and there is credit given to those who complete this UMC classroom training. The eligibility criteria and UMC application are available at the following link: http://vtruralwater.org/training/utility-management-certification.php Upon course registration, VRWA will be in contact with individuals to insure UMC registration form is completed and to verify eligibility criteria details. VRWA has secured a grant with the VT Department of Labor to cover some costs associated with this training. This includes the UMC registration fee, fee for the UMC certification study guide, and fee to take the UMC test following completion of the course. For those that meet UMC eligibility criteria and pass the UMC test, the UMC Certification Plaque is provided at a later date at no additional cost. This is a value of over $300. GPS / GIS Training in Montpelier—June 2014 Wastewater Biosolids: The Vermont Residuals Management Perspective Date: November 14, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐12:15pm Location: Montpelier Public Works Garage, 783 Dog River Road, Mont‐ pelier, VT WW Credit: 3 TCH Non‐member cost: $30 Member cost: $24 Instructor: Eamon Twohig (State of Vermont) Proctor: Wayne Graham (VRWA) This class is an overview of Vermont’s residuals program, regulations, and general solids (disposal/use) management plus residuals management topics facing Vermont. DWGWPD Rule Update Dates & Locations (choose one): December 3, 9:00am‐1:00pm, Ver‐ mont Rural Water Association, 20 Susie Wilson Road, Essex Junc‐ tion, VT December 10, 9:00am‐1:00pm, Temporary Town Office for Hart‐ ford at 35 Railroad Row, White River Junction, VT. Parking available at 171 Bridge St. or at lot across from temporary office building. Credit: 3.5 TCH W Non‐member cost: $35 Member cost: $28 Instructors: Julie Hackbarth & other VT DEC DWGWPD personnel Proctor: Matt Guerino (VRWA) Attend this session for an update on several rule related items from Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Division personnel. Various topics to be covered could include regulatory updates, drinking water & groundwater protection division information, paperless office approach, updates on division website, revised total coliform rule, DBP – stage 1 & 2, lead & copper, water supply rule revision, operating permits, public notification, sampling, source protection plan updates, compliance & enforcement. Identifying Illicit Wastewater Discharges Water and Wastewater Budgets and Rates Date: December 5, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐12:15pm Location: Williston Fire Department, 645 Talcott Road, Williston, VT Credit: 3 TCH WW Non‐member cost: $30 Member cost: $24 Instructor: Dave Braun (Stone Envi‐ ronmental) and Jim Pease (State of Vermont) Proctor: Wayne Graham (VRWA) Identifying suspected wastewater discharges is not always easy; many times a bacteria test alone is not sufficient. The instructors have years of experience in tracking down these illicit discharges. Students will learn of several important analytical tests and investigative techniques to identify and eliminate these illicit discharges, which can turn up in some pretty unlikely places from unlikely sources! Date: December 17, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐12:15pm Location: Hartford Public Safety Building (2nd floor), 812 VA Cut Off Road, White River Junction, VT Credit: 3 TCH W Non‐member cost: $30 WW Member cost: $24 Instructors: Rachel Marvin and Joe Duncan (Aldrich + Elliott) Proctor: Wayne Graham (VRWA) Learn how to get your water and wastewater finances in order by determining budgets, revenue sources, rates, future system needs, and capital replacement planning. This class will help you ensure sustainability of your municipal water and wastewater infrastructure. W Ordinances and Reserve Capacity Allocations for Wastewater Systems WW Key = approved for water credit = approved for wastewater credit Date: December 11, 2014 Time: 9:00am‐12:15pm Location: Hartford Public Safety Building (2nd floor), 812 VA Cut Off Road, White River Junction, VT Credit: 3 TCH Non‐member cost: $30 WW Member cost: $24 Instructors: Rachel Marvin and Joe Duncan (Aldrich + Elliott) Proctor: Wayne Graham (VRWA) Ordinances are vital to properly managing your facility and the type of wastes that flow into it. Students will be taught how to put together an ordinance that will protect your facility, assist with permit compliance and give your community a stronger legal standing. Proper handling of reserve capacity allocations will also be covered. Gina Snyder (EPA Region 1) presents to wastewater operators—March 2014 Wastewater Operator Certification Exam (Pr e-registration Required) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 EXAM: The exam is closed book, multiple choice. Scrap paper and No. 2 pencils will be provided. Formula sheets are provided. No other formula sheets are allowed. You may bring a non-programmable calculator. LOCATIONS: a) Rutland Wastewater Treatment Facility – Rutland SEATING CAPACITY – 25 b) Boutwell Masonic Center – Montpelier SEATING CAPACITY - 50 DATE and TIME: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ARRIVE EARLY TO SIGN-IN If you are interested in the wastewater exam, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Drinking Water Operator Certification Exams For Operator Classification: 2, 3, 4 & D Certification exams will be administered simultaneously at two locations, twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. There is currently NO FEE for taking the exam. To register, complete the application (located at the link below) and submit to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division http://drinkingwater.vt.gov/opcertexams.htm Current Exam Information: Exam Date: November 7, 2014 (Friday) Locations: Montpelier/Barre area & Rutland Area (Testing Location to be determined – check back after September 1, 2014) IMPORTANT WATER & WASTEWATER OPERATOR TRAINING ANNOUNCEMENT ENCLOSED Do not discard until December 31, 2014. To view the most current training schedule, visit www.vtruralwater.org CURRENT RESIDENT OR Green Mountain Water Environment Association Fall Meeting " Thursday, November 6, 2014 Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center South Burlington, VT Visit www.gmwea.org for more information Registration Information Deadline: Two business days before course date. Registrations received less than two days before a session are subject to a $20 late fee. No walk-ins allowed. Sign-in begins 15 minutes before the start of the course. Register on the web: www.vtruralwater.org Register by mail: Complete the form below and send it with a check or money order for the full amount to: VRWA 20 Susie Wilson Road, Suite B Essex Jct., VT 05452 Register by fax: You may complete the form below and fax it to 866-378-7213. Seating is limited, so register early. Your cancelled check confirms your registration; you will only be notified if the course is cancelled. Fees Due to government support secured by VRWA, we are able to offer courses at a reduced rate. The actual training is free of charge, but all courses have a materials fee. Cancellations / Refunds If you will be unable to attend a class, you must contact our office at least 24 hours in advance to receive a refund. Member rate VRWA member systems receive a 20% discount. To join VRWA, call 802-6604988 or visit www.vtruralwater.org. Registration Form Special needs Please contact us at 802-660-4988 prior to your class if you have any special needs. Credit Training Contact Hours (TCHs) are awarded for all training courses. These are applicable for operator certification in Vermont. You must attend 100% of the course in order to receive TCHs. Course objectives determine whether credits are applicable to a water operator or a wastewater operator’s certification; some courses apply to both types of certification. All attendees will receive a record of TCHs earned after completing a course. Repr ints of lost TCH cer tificates are available for a fee. Duplicate this form to sign up for more than one course. Course Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date & Location ___________________________________________________________________________________ Attendee Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________ Facility/Business ________________________________________________________ WSID# or WW#____________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Emergency Phone (for cancellations due to weather): _____________________ Email _______________________________________________ Total Payment Enclosed __________________________ Questions? Call 802-660-4988. October 2014 Water and Wastewater Training - Please post! To sign up for a class, visit www.vtruralwater.org or call 802-660-4988. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 8 9 10 Class 2 Certification 11 12 13 14 Utility Management 15 Class 2 Certifi- 16 Class 2 Certifi- 17 Class 2 Certifi- 18 cation cation cation 21 Chlorination Disinfection 22 True Confes- 23 5 CommonSense Practices 24 sions 28 UMC 29 Utility Manage- 30 UMC 31 Thu Fri 19 26 20 27 1 2 3 Mechanical Seals 4 25 ment November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 GMWEA Fall Conference 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Wastewater Biosolids 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 December 2014 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 UMC 3 Utility Manage- 4 UMC 5 Illicit Discharges 6 ment / Rule Update 7 8 9 10 DWGWPD Rule Update 11 Ordinances 12 13 14 15 16 UMC 17 Budgets and 18 UMC 19 20 25 26 27 Rates 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31
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