Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence Board of Trustees BOARD MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, November 20, 2014 5:00 PM, Gilbert Hall I. PRELIMINARY: A. CALL TO ORDER: 5:05 PM B. ROLL CALL: 5:05 PM - 5:07 PM Present Absent Mark Epstein X Allison Holdorff Polhill X Monica Iannessa X Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X James Pasto X Jeanne Saiza Kimberley Allen Leslie Woolley Mystic Thompson Michael Stryer Present X X X X Absent X NON VOTING MEMBERS Ben Safvati Present X Absent Present X X Absent PCHS MANAGEMENT/STAFF Pamela Magee Greg Wood II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: (5:05 PM - 5:10 PM) A. BOARD MEETING – Sept. 16, 2014 Motion: Mystic Thompson Seconded the motion: Mark Epstein Yes No Abs Mark Epstein X Jeanne Saiza Allison Holdorff Polhill X Kimberly Allen Monica Iannessa X Mystic Thompson Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X B. BOARD MEETING – Oct. 21, 2014 Motion: Mark Epstein Seconded the motion: Leslie Wooley Yes No Abs Mark Epstein X Jeanne Saiza Allison Holdorff Polhill X Kimberly Allen Monica Iannessa X Mystic Thompson Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X Yes X X X No Abs Yes X X X No Abs A. BOARD MEETING – Nov. 10, 2014 Motion: Mark Epstein Seconded the motion: Mystic Thompson Yes No Abs Mark Epstein X Jeanne Saiza Allison Holdorff Polhill X Kimberly Allen Monica Iannessa X Mystic Thompson Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X Yes X X X No I. PUBLIC COMMENT: (5:10 PM - 6:02 PM) Non-agenda items: No individual presentation shall be for more than two (2) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed sixteen (16) minutes. Board members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation. Speakers may choose to speak during the public comment segment and/or at the time an agenda item is presented. 16 speakers commented, mostly on the noise issue. The vast majority spoke in favor of PCHS and the value of its programs, particularly its Marching Band (Drum Line). Three neighbors, including the Diamonds, commented about neighborhood noise issues coming from amplification. The parents of a PCHS student spoke about what they considered to be the unfair suspension of their son from the baseball team. th The Board decided that on Thursday Dec. 4 they would hold a special meeting specifically to address the concerns of Palisades neighbors about PCHS amplified noise. II. PRESENTATION ITEMS: (6:08 pm – 7:03 pm) A. Physical Education Mystic Thompson Mystic Thompson presented on the Physical Education program and its successes. Leslie Wooley asked whether students are still able to graduate without passing the PE test? Mystic affirmed that they are. B. Program Improvement Year Three – Monica Iannessa Monica Iannessa updated the board on PCHS academic scores and emphasized the need for quality instruction in the classroom both in ELA and in Math. Academic Achievement is increasing student intervention. Dr. Magee noted future yet unknown changes on state and national level in No Child Left Behind requirements. The administration is focusing on making sure that our students have all the opportunities for quality instruction. Mark Epstein relayed his concern that the statistics for PCHS will get worse and what would happen in that case? Iannessa answered that there would be a PI 4 (see board materials for PP presentation). III. ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS: (7:05 PM – 8:47 PM) Organizational reports shall be submitted in writing, it is recommended that oral reports be limited to less than 3 minutes. A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Dr. Magee Report stands as submitted. Dr. Magee also reported on the successful PCHS charter renewal and the successful department District Review of PCHS’ Special Education department (see board materials for report). Abs B. CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER’S REPORT–Greg Wood Report stands as submitted. Greg Wood added that billions of dollars in extra revenue in the state budget over the next several years and the possibility that some of those monies would go to education. C. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS- Dave Riccardi Report stands as submitted (see board materials for report). Allison Holdorff Polhill complemented Dave Riccardi and Dr. Magee for their presentations at LAUSD despite heckling from Palisades neighbors. Monica Iannessa praised the various authors of the Safety Plan and that unlike Mira Costa’s two-day Yik Yak closure; PCHS was only shut down for two hours. D. HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR–Jim Schiffman Report stands as submitted (see board materials for report). E. CLASSIFIED REPORT – Kimberly Thomas questioned when the Board is going to vote on the Job Study. F. STUDENTS’ REPORT – Ben Safvati Safvati added that the students’ Education Concerns Committee met that morning and produced significant student input from a survey of 35-40 students. They will produce a formal report. Board members Leslie Wooley asked that they present the findings. Dr. Magee noted that the leadership class were valuable contributors to the LTSP process. Noted the dozens of things that PCHS has done in the last two years to be good neighbors and the information is online: PCHS will continue its programs for students and also exercise responsibility as good neighbors. G. PARENTS’ REPORT – Allison Holdorff Polhill, Mark Epstein, Greg Nepocumeno Stands as submitted (see board materials for report). Allison Holdorff Polhill also noted that this rd Saturday Nov. 22 is the 3 annual Boutique by the Sea. H. FACULTY REPORT – Jeanne Saiza Report stands as submitted. I. BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT – Sara Margiotta Margiotta reported on recent Budget and Finance committee developments including recommendations for new committee members, discussions on classified positions, accounts payable policy, auxiliary positions, formation of lifetime health benefits subcommittee (see board materials for report), and related requests for information from Budget and Finance to the Board of Trustees. I. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE – Jeanne Saiza, Leslie Woolley Saiza requested that anyone wanting to add to bylaws should contact her. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS: (8:47 pm – 9:30 pm) A. Revised 2014-15 Schoolwide Goals Dr. Magee presented on PCHS revised 2014-15 goals, which were shared with LTSP and the faculty. Spoke about the effort to change the school tone/improve customer service. Mark Epstein asked about the goals and Dr. Magee explained that the Math team set the specific goals. Epstein asked about, and Dr. Magee explained, how data will be measured, utilized and brought to the Board. Monica Iannessa moved that the goals be approved. Kimberly Allen seconded. Motion passed. B. Proposal to amend governing policies There was discussion about whether it was necessary to amend the governing policies. It was decided that it wasn’t. Filling Board Committees - The board discussed numerous assignments to fill standing board committees. VII. ACTION ITEMS: (9:30 PM-9:35 PM) A. RESOLUTION TO MOVE BOARD MEETING FROM NOV. 18 TO NOV. 20 Motion: Monica Iannessa Seconded the motion: Jeanne Saiza Yes No Mark Epstein X Allison Holdorff Polhill X Monica Iannessa X Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X Abs Jeanne Saiza Kimberly Allen Yes X X No Abs No Abs The Board approved moving its meeting from 11/18 to 11/20 in light of the Charter Renewal petition meeting at LAUSD on 11/18. B. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION TO INCLUDE BARGAINING UNITS AT BOARD MEETINGS Motion: Mark Epstein Seconded the motion: Kimberly Allen Yes No Mark Epstein X Allison Holdorff Polhill X Monica Iannessa X Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X Abs Jeanne Saiza Kimberly Allen Yes X X The Board approved the resolution to include UTLA and PESPU representatives at Board meetings. C. Charter Renewal Update – Dr. Magee Dr. Magee advised the Board about the PCHS Charter Renewal petition coming up at the LAUSD Nov. 18, 2014 board meeting; advised a positive campaign for the petition. Mike Stryer recommended reaching out to Steve Zimmer before the LAUSD meeting. VIII. CONSENT AGENDA: i. APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENTS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL ii. APPROVAL OF FIELD TRIPS IX. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS X. NEW BUSINESS XI. CLOSED SESSION: (9:35 PM – 10:25 PM) Board Chair will report publicly on any closed session action items for which a vote occurred. A. PENDING, THREATENED OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION B. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS C. CONFERENCE WITH INFORMATION FROM LABOR NEGOTIATIONExecutive Director/Principal, Employee organizations: PESPU, UTLA XII. OPEN SESSION: XIII. ADJOURNMENT: (10:25 PM) (Meeting Materials can be found on the Pali website under Governance, Board of Trustees, Agendas and Minutes, Material for Board Meetings) 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 * (310) 230-6623 * @PaliCharterHigh * Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence Board of Trustees SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES December 4, 2014 5:00 PM, Library I. PRELIMINARY: A. CALL TO ORDER: 5:05 PM B. ROLL CALL: 5:05 PM - 5:07 PM Present Absent Mark Epstein X Allison Holdorff Polhill X Monica Iannessa X Emilie Larew X Greg Nepomuceno X James Pasto X Jeanne Saiza Kimberley Allen Leslie Woolley Mystic Thompson Michael Stryer Present X X X X Absent X NON VOTING MEMBERS Ben Safvati Present X Absent Present X X Absent PCHS MANAGEMENT/STAFF Pamela Magee Greg Wood II. PUBLIC COMMENT: (5:10 PM - 6:02 PM) Non-agenda items: No individual presentation shall be for more than two (2) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed sixteen (16) minutes. Board members will not respond to presentations and no action can be taken. However, the Board may give direction to staff following a presentation. Speakers may choose to speak during the public comment segment and/or at the time an agenda item is presented. Sixteen speakers commented on the PCHS activities and how the sound level of specific activities and events impact the neighborhood. Various neighborhood parents spoke in favor of the marching band. One neighborhood child who participates in the Westside Aquatics program at the PCHS pool described his fear after a male neighbor yelled at the swimmers and called some of them by name. Palisades resident Brent Loncart praised PCHS as a nationally ranked high school, and commented that a small number of neighbors should not be able to represent the entire community. He disliked the idea of monies that the school worked hard to raise going to appease a small number of people who will not be satisfied. He asked that the larger Palisades community stand up and support PCHS. Several speakers, including band parent Lisa Richardson, noted that individuals had interrupted band practice and questioned and intimidated PCHS students; they should faced with a restraining order. She wondered what kind of imaginary ideal of silence that some people wanted, and worried about the impact on this quality enrichment program. Neighbor Stewart Muller relayed his displeasure at the change in Pacific Palisades over the years and said that PCHS should accommodate the Palisades instead of Palisades accommodating PCHS. Another neighbor, Janet Davis, felt that neighbors who complain about PCHS noise have been disrespected in public forums. She asked for compromise and an end to electronically broadcast events. A letter from a band parent relayed that the Marching Band had greatly improved her son’s discipline, responsibility, and sense of teamwork within the family. Another speaker advised that the Board’s time not be wasted on this issue; set up a committee to deal with it Neighbor Andrea Bell stated that amplified sound from the Turkey Trot had intruded in her home Thanksgiving morning (Dave Riccardi’s response is below) and that it was inconsiderate. A band student noted that she did not live in the Palisades; the privilege of attending a high school in a safe community; and the enrichment value of the Marching Band. Neighbor Sid Greenwald marveled at the band’s hard work and how it forms a close-knit community of PCHS students. She doubted whether LAUSD would have made the 50 accommodations to a neighborhood. Palisades community leader Nicole Howard noted that PCHS is the first to volunteer space for fundraisers and other Palisades events; the first to donate food. She also noted a significant increase in Palisades parents sending their students to PCHS. III. PRESENTATION ITEMS: (6:08 pm – 7:03 pm) A. Neighborhood Concerns - David Riccardi, Brooke King Director of Operations David Riccardi noted the list of 50 concessions that PCHS has made to its neighbors over the last two years. He stated that he turns down 80% of permit requests. PCHS turns down $75,000-$100,000 a year in potential revenue in order to be good neighbors. He noted that the school absorbs the costs of the charitable events it hosts. PCHS holds its permit holders to strict guidelines and revokes permits when unacceptable levels of noise occur. For example, this past Thanksgiving the organizers of the Turkey Trot were limited to announcing the race and the national anthem. They have told PCHS that they will not return due to the sound restrictions. PCHS continues to work on lessening sound including how to bounce sound directionally in the stadium. Riccardi stated that he continues to be available to dialogue with the community; his contact info is on the website. Director of Aquatics Brooke King noted that 80% percent of PCHS pool users are Palisades residents and the pool serves a wide age range from infants to senior citizens. Her program Westside Aquatics is 75% Palisades residents. She relayed modifications of the last year including banning whistles or megaphones, cutting light usage in half, cutting operation hours, and training lifeguards to police noise (unusual for a pool). There have been five repairs on the gate to decrease its closing sound. Board Comments/Questions Board member Monica Iannessa communicated her concern that PCHS is accommodating too much; she questioned pulling an MS fundraiser because of neighbor complaints. Community members trespassing onto school property and intimidating staff and students is unacceptable. Board member Leslie Woolley noted that PCHS wants to be good neighbors but hoped that student activities are not being compromised. Board Chair Allison Holdorff Polhill questioned how much administration time is spent on this issue. Mr. Riccardi estimated 40% of his day. Dr. Pam Magee noted the lost potential revenue from the accommodations and that as an independent school PCHS has to work hard to raise critical funds. She spends a significant amount of time on neighborhood concerns, which takes away from administrative duties. Board member Mark Epstein asked how many of the 50 accommodations originated from the neighbors? Mr. Riccardi estimated 25% and reiterated that he welcomes constructive ideas communicated in a positive way; mean spirited emails denigrating him, and Dr. Magee, are not productive. Ms. Holdorff Polhill asked what had occurred at LAUSD, and Dr. Magee described how four neighbors attended LAUSD’s charter renewal board meeting, publically disparaged PCHS, and interrupted Mr. Riccardi’s presentation to the LAUSD board by yelling out “That’s a lie! XIII. ADJOURNMENT: (6:02 PM) (Meeting Materials can be found on the Pali website under Governance, Board of Trustees, Agendas and Minutes, Material for Board Meetings) 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 * (310) 230-6623 * @PaliCharterHigh * Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence Visual & Performing Arts 12.16 Board Meeting Presentation – Josh Elson & Rick Steil • • • • Data Presentation (# of students in VAPA, Courses, Grades, Accomplishments) Common Core Future Plans for VAPA Mercer Hall Concerns Pali Student Support Services Students with Disabilities IDEA Section 504 Rehabilitation Act / ADA Health Office Study Center Special Education Staff serving 246 Students Special Education Office Assistant 13 Teachers 22 Sp Ed Assistants School Psychologist Related Service Staff Adapted PE Teacher (Pali emp) Transition Teacher (FFS) Speech Pathologist (NPA) Occupational Therapist (NPA) Physical Therapist (NPA) BID (NPA) BII DHH (FFS) LRE Counselor (FFS) OI Specialist (FFS) Counseling (Sch. Psy) Students Served 8 All Students 20 8 4 2 1 3 3 1 16 Resource Specialist Program 8 Resource Specialists 193 Students Focus: Support student progress within general education classes Responsibilities: Case Manager for maximum of 28 students Academic Assessment Eligibility Develop Individual Education Plans Behavior Management IEP Team Meetings Compliance Documentation of Services PLC / Pod Remediation / Accommodations Monitoring Progress Collaboration / Consultation with General Ed Teachers (80 teachers / RSP) Special Day Program 50 Students on Diploma Track Special Education Teachers – Core Content/Case Manager / PLC / Assessment / IEP Development / Gen Ed Consultation (25 avg.) English 9-12 Health Reading Algebra 1a1 Algebra 1b1 Integrated Science 1 Algebra 1a2 Algebra 1b2 Integrated Science 2 Applied Math / Geometry Government US History Economics World History Independent Study / Transition Special Day Class – Alternate Curriculum 7 Students 1 Teacher provides instruction and provides case management to students with intellectual disabilities Focus: Functional Academics / Independent Living Skills / Community Based Instruction / Inclusion / Vocational Skill Development Special Activities: ELSA (Grant from Optimist Club) Pali Buddies Field Trips IEP Meetings Held 2014-15 30 Day Initials Pending Referrals Re-Evaluations Annuals Triennials Amendments TOTAL IEP’s held to date: 24 14 9 12 4 42 22 53 159 (80 school days) RSP Numbers by Period Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Teacher 4 Teacher 5 Teacher 6 Teacher 7 Teacher 8 Per.1 2 Conf. 6 Conf. 4 6 Conf. 1 Per. 2 9 Conf. 6 5 6 5 8 Conf. Per. 3 6 7 8 7 6 Conf. 1 Conf. Per. 4 5 3 2 Conf. Conf. 11 Conf. 6 Per. 5 Conf. 4 Conf. 8 Conf. 8 8 Conf. Per. 6 Conf. 0 Conf. 4 7 Conf. 3 Conf. SDP Class Numbers Per. LB NS CC CL 1 11 E9 9 E10 7 IS2 10 Gov 2 11 E12 8 WH 12 A1a 7 A1b 3 10 E11 Conf. 11 IS2 12 AM 4 Yoga 12 WH 13 IS1 8 USH 5 9 IS 6 Rdg Conf. 6 A1b 6 12 Hlth 8 E10 11 A1a Conf. Section 504 504 Coordinator 117+ Students Conducts assessment / collects information from general education teachers. Develops Accommodation Plans in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act. 3 year review / updates plan as needed. Monitors progress / compliance Provides test accommodations / Safe Haven Safe Haven Finals week: 15 -18 students scheduled for testing 504 Students Services Primary referral reason: • Health condition (concussion; diabetes; migraines; seizure disorder) • Emotional instability (recent hospitalization, suicide attempt / ideation, psychiatric issues) • Learning disabilities / ADHD Case Management – originally counselors now 504 Coordinator • Providing testing accommodations • Alternative work area (essays / make up work) • Support due to emotional instability • Support for classroom accommodations • Communication with parent / significant other as needed Health Office 1 Credentialed School Nurse 1 Registered Nurse Conduct Vision & Hearing Screenings Provide medication management Compliance with Immunization Requirements Emergency Cards Management of Health Conditions (Diabetes, Allergies…) Attends IEP team meetings when Health is a significant factor, Initial IEP & Triennial IEP team meetings. Study Center 1 Coordinator 150 Students Daily (Avg) 400+ students register for individual tutoring / semester 100 Tutors: 17 paid student tutors / 4 adult volunteer tutors / 2 paid teachers (140 students attended 12/10 Algebra 2 Review (3:15-5:30pm) Hires, Trains, and Supervises Academic Tutors Manages a comprehensive Tutoring Program providing support to students daily Before School Nutrition & Lunch After School Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOARD OF TRUSTEE’S MEETING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND PRINCIPAL’S REPORT DECEMBER 16, 2014 Congratulations Pride of the Palisades Marching Band First Place 2014 Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Field Championship - 3A Division And LAUSD - 1st place 3A, highest score at tournament Congratulations to Dr. Chris Lee, recipient of the Helen Bernstein Outstanding Teacher Award for the 2014 Los Angeles Mock Trial Competition Professional Development at PCHS December Learning Opportunities: • • • • • • • • • • Developing Enhanced Multiple Choice Questions workshop Learning Practices workshop - Faculty-wide workshop on instructional strategies adaptable to all subject areas that are based in and provide support for common core math standard mastery Grading Systems in IC Spring into Spring – Refresh Engagement and Discipline Strategies Schoology Tips and Tricks Atomic Learning – Online Technology Tutorials Cognitive Coaching and Pali Pal Salary Points Math department dialogue facilitated by Slingshot Media, focused on developing positive cultures for student success. Wildwood School/English department engagement conversation focused on instructional st strategies supporting 21 century, common core skills; also conferring with Wildwood about advisory program development and other strategies to increase identified student needs including increased adult connection to students, additional academic intervention, support for social emotional needs, and career exploration opportunities. PCHS conference presenters: Sarah Crompton, Julie Benke, and Chris Lee shared their expertise with other teachers and organizations Atomic Learning – Technology PD for staff, students, and parents ( PCHS has a new library of Technology Professional Development resources covering more than 250 software tools and 21st Century Learning topics. These lessons are available to all members of our community – teachers, classified staff, students and parents. Staff and students may access the full library of Atomic Learning resources via the Atomic Learning website using their PCHS email address and password. Alternately, a smaller library of lessons on common tools used at Pali (for example, Pages, KeyNote, Numbers) are viewable through our Technology Professional Development Course on Schoology. Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES The PCHS subscription to Atomic Learning includes access for staff, students and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to project-based training on: • • • • • • • 21st century concepts and content Tech Integration Projects: Lesson Accelerators Workshops on emerging tech topics, such as blogging Applying 21st century skills in the classroom 50,000 step-by-step technology tutorials Tech Skills Assessment 21st Century Skills Assessment Upcoming PD - January 12 – ALICE emergency response training LA HITECH coordination with Santa Monica College PCHS will be working with SMC to offer a new course, Media 1: Survey of Mass Media Communications in spring semester. Credit is UC/CSU transferable. The course introduces aspects of communications and the impact of mass media on the individual and society. This is the initial stage of a partnership with SMC to offer additional college courses to PCHS students. Interested students should contact the Academic Counseling department. Community Involvement/Outreach • • • • • • YMCA Board of Directors met at PCHS Palisades-Malibu Youth & Government has expanded to include more than 60 PCHS students since reforming 2 years ago. Rick Caruso/Pacific Palisades Town Meeting at PCHS Pacific Palisades Rotary Club recognized two Students of the Month on December 11: Community Service - Matthew Bakalinsky Matthew has a passion to help those in need and give back to the community. He has delivered care packages to the needy; helped out at Atria Senior Living; worked hard at the YMCA's Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Lot, and is always looking for ways to lend a helping hand. Scholar of the Month - Sierra Climaco Sierra is a scholar, a leader and an athlete. She maintains the most rigorous Junior academic schedule and was elected Junior Class President. She is also a member of girls lacrosse team. She aspires to live a life of service to others. PCHS presents at the Rotary Club on January 15 Virtual Academy prominently featured in the December 11 edition of the Palisadian Post Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES CBO REPORT Board Meeting Gilbert Hall, 5 pm December 16, 2014 2013-2014 Budget Updates • The 2013-2014 PCHS Annual Financial Report is still being compiled & finalized by our outside auditor’s (VTD). As of this report, we are reviewing a Draft Report now from the Auditors and are in the process of comment, confirmation and finalization. Audited Financials are due & will be filed to the State by December 15, 2014. 2014-2015 • Our Unrestricted Cash Balances (Cash In County) at the end of November 30, 2014 was approx. $6.6 million ($6.8 million Oct. 31st). • Our First Interim 2014-15 Financial Report was completed and filed with LAUSD and was submitted on our behalf to the CDE by December 15th. The attached report contains actual expenditures through October 31, 2014 and the full year projection of the 20142015 Budget. The Report contains comments that are noted on the column next to line items that provide additional information regarding either year to date (10/2014) amounts or full year projected amounts. • Month 4 Enrollment & Attendance data is pending. We will be filing our P-1 attendance report in the next month. Lower than Budgeted attendance is still anticipated and the Attendance Office is currently targeting to enroll 40 students for the second semester (30-9th Grade/10-10th Grade). Additionally, we are reviewing the attendance information in our Infinite Campus SIS system for possible attendance reporting under reporting. Updates will be provided as we learn more. • The Payroll/Accounts Payable Specialist was hired at the beginning of this month. The Finance Manager position has had a second round of interviews conducted and the hope is to have this position filled by the start of the second semester. • The Cafeteria Updates & comments are enclosed. • The Capital Expenditure Updates & comments are enclosed. PALISADES CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL First Interim 2014-2015 Budget Update and YTD 10/31/14 2014-2015 Budget Rate per ADA ADA Estimate 2014-2015 Budget Updates 12/14 2,878.8 EPA Funding-Prop 30 5,833 General Purpose Entitlement - State Aid - Current Year High Needs Grant in LCFF C S Funding In Lieu of PropTax 7,881,305 10/31/14 YTD 20142015 Actuals Comments-Year to Date & Projected Amounts 2,843.8 Lower ADA than Budget still anticipated. 2nd Semester enrollment currently underway & SIS (Infinite Campus) attendance under review. 2,843.8 $ 7,726 $ 7,726 $ 7,726 $ 223.25 3,259,283 $ 223.25 3,259,283 $ 223.25 937,907 14,058,719 13,788,309 3,774,524 642,692 4,280,915 22,241,609 642,692 4,280,915 21,971,199 253,758 536,148 7,105 2,960 9,379 17,910 254,525 529,629 7,105 2,960 7,026 0 63,631 186,550 1,690 375 398,249 1,225,509 398,249 1,199,495 0 252,246 99,168 214,964 45,945 362,729 35,076 364,006 18,257 35,076 18,257 2,939 114,780 0 299,725 455,127 22,321 86,364 1,582,879 96,689 11,228 1,563,635 11,228 525,601 75,000 2,355,996 709 75,000 3,134,417 709 55,625 682,625 199,974 199,974 51,920 848,339 848,339 253,799 38,293 75,000 38,293 75,000 90 10,736 YTD 10/2014-Included in General Purpose Ent. (Above) 1,403,297 6,115,728 Federal Revenues NCLB:T1,Basic School Support 194.65 Special Ed: IDEA Basic Local Assistance Entitlement NCLB:TII, Teacher Quality NCLB:TIII, Immigrant Education Program NCLB:TIII,Ltd English Prof (LEP) AP Fees Child Nutrition Program Timing Difference on Fed. Nut.-Claims made, in process Other State Revenues Prop. 39 energy 120 State Lottery:Non Prop 20 - Current Year State Lottery:Non Prop 20 - PY adjustments Child Nutrition: School Programs Mandated Costs Reimbursement 170 Common Core Funding 25 State Lottery:Prop 20 Inst Matls-Current Year State Lottery:Prop 20 Ins Matls-PY adjustments 543.05 Special Education- None to date-Funding Received later in Year Prior Year Funding None to date-Funding Received later in Year None to date-Funding Received later in Year Prior Year Funding All other State Revenues: Student ID LAUSD-Sp Ed Grants Other Local Revenues 0 Food Service Sales Leases & Rentals Interest Lease Revenue- iPad Rentals Fundraising Total Revenue 175,000 175,000 41,509 1,336,606 1,336,606 358,054 27,159,720 27,641,716 7,408,653 County Treasury Int. not posted through 10/14 Certificated Salaries 12/11/2014 PALISADES CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL First Interim 2014-2015 Budget Update and YTD 10/31/14 2014-2015 Budget Teachers School Admin Other Support/Impact of / Step and Column New Periods & Teachers (Master Budget- Other) Salaries Placeholder Certificated Salaries 2014-2015 Budget Updates 12/14 10/31/14 YTD 20142015 Actuals 10,608,570 758,488 115,000 10,691,199 790,859 2,745,966 197,102 645,080 485,086 12,612,223 645,080 485,086 12,612,223 2,943,068 700,276 239,300 1,302,987 37,586 700,276 251,006 1,302,987 37,586 162,469 33,976 351,077 8,179 747,689 23,000 747,689 11,294 217,530 240,000 240,000 131,634 131,634 Comments-Year to Date & Projected Amounts Alloc. Of Step/Column New Admin Rates Allocated to Teachers & Admin Classified Salaries Inst'l Aides Admin. Sal Clerical/Office Food Services Other Classified Impact Step and Column Proposed New Positions/Hours (Master Budget-Other) Salaries Placeholder Classified Salaries Total Salaries 3,422,471 3,422,471 New Admin Rates-Full Year Admin Step/Column Allocated 773,230 16,034,695 16,034,695 3,716,298 1,198,161 323,899 1,363 212,193 176,571 47,915 1,807,537 1,109,876 323,899 1,363 212,193 176,571 47,915 1,807,537 257,516 71,396 570 43,434 40,640 10,838 599,197 866,334 9,209 5,430 178,349 866,334 9,209 5,430 165,639 267,357 3,801 1,629 87,924 105,244 510,684 219,922 97,744 510,684 219,922 24,205 38,178 6,321 Employee Benefits STRS - Certificated PERS - Classified OASDI Regular - Certificated OASDI Regular - Classified OASDI Medicare - Certificated OASDI Medicare - Classified Health & Welfare Benefits - Certificated Health & Welfare Benefits - Classified Unemployment Insurance - Certificated Unemployment Insurance - Classified Workers' Compensation - Certificated Workers' Compensation - Classified Other Employment Benefits - Certificated Other Employment Benefits - Classified 5,662,811 5,554,315 1,453,006 21,697,505 21,589,010 5,169,304 280,649 191,409 280,649 191,409 Other Supplies 555,435 109,105 671,435 109,105 236,119 34,607 Pupil Transportation 415,019 415,019 45,864 302,852 1,854,468 302,852 1,970,468 Employee Benefits Total Salary & Benefits Books & Supplies Textbooks Instructional Materials 66,979 Common Core Impact being reviewed 48,747 Non-capitalized Equipment Food Service Supplies ###### Books & Supplies Includes Additional Prop 39 Expenditures for updated projection Transportation pre-funded by parents/Most Exp incurred last 3 months 16,094 Timimg diff. Food Service Billing & Revenue 448,410 12/11/2014 PALISADES CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL First Interim 2014-2015 Budget Update and YTD 10/31/14 10/31/14 YTD 20142015 Actuals Comments-Year to Date & Projected Amounts 2014-2015 Budget 2014-2015 Budget Updates 12/14 Operation and Housekeeping Services 1,536 81,000 130,652 205,376 404,677 1,536 81,000 130,652 189,078 404,677 165 5,018 Common Core Alloc. Possible 71,939 154,137 Insurance primarily paid in advance 198,112 Rentals/Leases/Repairs&Noncapitalized Improvements 429,803 429,803 107,437 0 1,705,108 1,705,108 606,739 Services, Other Operating Exp Personnel Services-Mileage Travel/Conference Due/Memberships Insurance Consulting Services-LAUSD Professional Consulting Services& Operating Exp Services, Other Operating Exp 157,848 3,115,999 157,848 3,099,701 71,419 1,214,967 Capital Outlay/Depreciation 650,000 500,000 166,666 65,386 65,386 19,110 Communications ###### Capital Outlay Other Outgo Debt Service: RESTRICTED FUNDS-/Pool Interest Direct Support/Indirect Costs/All Other Financing Uses Indirect Cost ( total charter school supervisory oversight fees only) Total Expenses Amount Left for Total Fund Reserve Addition (Reduction) 214,930 214,930 66,577 27,598,288 27,439,495 7,085,035 202,222 323,618 (438,568) 12/11/2014 PCHS Priority Capital Expense-Update 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT Project Status RATIONALE OF EXPENSE Budget Year Funding Source 1A 2014 General Fund PRIORITY Reinstall HAVC in Gilbert Hall removed by LAUSD $ 22,000 100% Done Provide healthy and comfortable learning environment for students Various signs across campus (not incl. building signs or directory) $ 4,000 100% Done Improve student safety; campus security and disaster preparedness 1A 2014-2015 General Fund $ 96,000 100% Done Healthy air for students & staff 16k/Building 1A 2014-2015 General Fund $ 90,000 On-Going (10% Done) Energy conservation /improved campus safety & security 1A 2014-2015 Air handler cleaning remaining buildings (C,D,E,F,G,J) Replace all existing light timers and install lighting control system campus wide New upper deck parking lot lampheads are in place but need to be Install retaining wall and add crosswalk in parking lot by loading area Deferred to 2015-16 Pedestrian safety for students entering campus from upper parking lot 1A 2014-2015 General Fund Refurbish and renovate student restrooms $ 25,000 70% Done Facilities need to be clean and sanitary and accommodate for present day needs 1A 2014-2015 General Fund Furniture requests for classroom (see below) $ 65,000 100% Done Safe and healthy learning environment 1A 2014-2015 $ 25,000 $ 65,000 $ 5,500 $ 20,000 $ Capex - LCAP could be 50/50 split General Booster Club /PCHS Fund PTSA does not have 2014 $ fundraising funds for a complete groups restock Permit account Permit 2014-2015 deferred maintenance Account fund Prop 39 2014-2015 Prop 39 Funded General 2014-2015 Fund $ 18,000 5,500 TBD A/C compressor failed needs immediate replacement 1A 2014 $ 20,000 100% Done Decking unsafe, roof leaks, slip hazards 1A 2014-2015 $ 18,000 100% Done Safe and healthy learning environment 1A 2014-2015 Emergency supplies $ 15,000 Ordered-En route Existing supplies expired and need to be replaced 1A Repair existing track at stadium $ 32,000 Winter Break Project Safe and functional facilities 1A 1A 1A $ 609,467 Capex-Depreciable 5 yrs 3,600 $ Arwin Hernandez-Musical Instruments 19,200 $ Air compressor replacement E building Bungalow need various repairs to decking, roof, ramps Temescal Facilities upgrade (includes new furniture) On-Going (Approx 20% Done) $ 10,000 18,000 51,500 Capex-Depreciable 5 yrs $ $ $ 4,000 Prop 39 2014-2015 Music $ Prop 39 1A Winter Break Project General Fund 90,000 Improves pedestrian and campus safety 12,000 4,400 $ Winter Break Project $ $ Prop 39 Prop 39 10,000 Improved student safety; mandated by CA state law General Fund Prop 39 $ School wide plan to label all existing electrical panels Comments Capex-Depreciable 5 yrs General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund students #1 priority Tables and or desks/chairs, cost per room is $6500. Capex Capex $ Permit 7,500 $ 32,000 $ 12,000 47,591 219,791 $ 112,000 $ 32,000 12/6/2014 Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES CAPEX UPDATE 2014-‐2015: The following CAPEX list from 2014-2015 reflects the current state of existing projects. Aside from regular maintenance and unexpected emergency repairs, this list is at about 90% completed. • • • • Operations is still working on the Prop 39 Budget sections with regards to lighting and timers and will provide a detailed report upon project finalization. The stadium track repairs are expected to take place over the winter break, but could possibly be pushed off due to contractor availability. Any unforeseen CAPEX projects that crop up during the next few months will be deferred until July 1st of 2015, if possible. A detailed 2015-2016 CAPEX project report, compile in conjunction with the Operations Sub-committee of the LTSP, will be available some time in early May. David Riccardi PCHS CAFETERIA OPERATIONS 2014-2015 Prepared by Sodexo Mgt-Full Accrual Basis July 2014 Ave. Cash sales per day August 2014 $ 711.85 September October 2014 2014 $ 835.65 $ 971.68 Year To Date $ 885.30 $ $ $ $ 4,783 16,770 28,910 50,462 $ $ $ $ 2014-2015 BUDGET Revenue Adult A La carte Reduced & Paid Total Sales $ $ $ $ 813 622 1,435 $ $ $ $ 1,066 2,688 6,213 9,966 $ $ $ $ 1,609 5,673 9,431 16,713 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 129 1,484 3,048 3,048 $ $ $ $ 1,857 21,678 33,501 36,549 $ $ $ $ $ 1,167 3,404 37,656 58,940 95,489 $ 4,116 $ 45,680 $ 72,144 $ 167,633 $ 1,200 $ 4,960 $ 4,960 $ 4,960 1.251 $ 1,270 $ 14,369 $ 24,229 $ 1.757 $ 1,600 $ 18,091 $ 30,504 2,870 4,070 (0) 4,070 (1,022) $ $ $ $ $ 32,460 37,420 (3,597) 33,823 (322) $ $ $ $ $ 54,733 59,693 (1,519) 58,174 766 Catering Revenue State Reimbursements Federal Reimbursements Total Revenue Cumulative 2,108 7,597 12,644 22,349 $ 199,974 1,167 9,505 106,498 167,633 $ 35,076 398,249 633,299 $ 16,080 $ 46,983 29,881 $ 69,750 $ 258,526 $ 37,620 $ 87,814 $ 302,852 $ $ $ $ $ 67,502 72,462 (3,075) 69,387 2,757 $ $ $ $ $ 157,564 173,644 (8,191) 165,454 2,179 $ $ 561,378 608,361 2,179 119.87 $ $ Expenses Total Salaries & Benefits Total Sodexo Invoice Sodexo Management 44.3% Food Expense 55.7% 3.008 Total Expenses (Before Commodity Credit) Commodity Credit $ (8,191) Net Expenses before Operations Costs Net Income/(Loss) Total Sodexo Expenses (Invoice) $ $ $ $ $ Year To Date $ Per day profit Operating Days-Month Operating Days-Cumulative Free Students Reduced Students Total F & REnrollment (Per Infinite Campus) F&R% Meals Served: Free Reduced Paid Total Meals Participation: Free Breakfast Lunch Reduced Breakfast Lunch Paid Breakfast Lunch (1,022) $ $ 0 0 (1,344) $ (23.01) $ (578) $ 38.31 $ 14 14 20 34 23 57 772 218 990 2,940 33.67% 691 195 886 2,940 30.14% 722 192 914 2,953 30.95% 7,055 1,378 1,920 10,353 12,654 2,618 2,715 17,987 15,439 3,025 3,697 22,161 30.51% 34.76% 16.09% 25.69% 20.36% 5.38% 45.08% 46.48% 30.33% 36.79% 14.72% 5.07% 45.80% 47.18% 31.48% 37.02% 21.03% 2.41% 2,179 38.23 Incl in Food $ $ 608,361 24,938 $ 142.50 12/6/2014 Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES CBO REPORT – CAFETERIA UPDATES 2014-15 Since the start of the school year, we had been working hard to increase participation and sales, here is what PCHS’ Cafeteria Operations has changed or implemented in the last 3-4 months: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ I have one more cart outside at nutrition and lunch time New POS software (Mealtime) which encountered technical issues to start but is now fully operational On-line Free & Reduced Meal Application System Breakfast special outside in the grill once a week Change Menu and work with Sodexo to create new recipes Having meetings with ASB to identify area of opportunity Cafeteria Manager is part of the Financial Development and Fundraising Committee of LTSP Change the grill to a different point of sales to get new customers Daily Menu signs with nutritional information in all the carts and inside the cafeteria Posters to advertise specialties I post my menus on Pali High link. Implemented a new grab n’ go menu for staff and teachers Identified additional High Needs Students not in current Free & Reduced Counts for Direct Certification Students (minimum 25), in process of having the Infinite Campus Data Base Manager identify, update and upload these students into both Infinite Campus & the PCHS’ Cafeteria POS system With the help of ASB and Mr. Strouse, in process of creating a student survey to identify other area of opportunity Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES During the week of December 22nd, Operations will be working closely with LAUSD ATU for asbestos remediation. A number of classrooms have some broken floor tiles that will need to be removed while students are off-site. The F building restrooms are currently being repaired and will be down for the next few weeks. This includes the Faculty restroom in the copier room. An alternate for Faculty and Staff will be the restroom located in the vestibule in the Gym. The key is available in Ms. Perkins room. The stadium track is slated for repairs over the next few weeks with completion expected before students return to school in January. A full replacement of the track might be planned for next years budget cycle. The gym will be closed over winter break as we recondition the flooring in both courts. A detailed list of winter projects will be available shortly. Pali is contemplating helping the community in finding an alternate space for the town’s Farmer’s Market here on-site. It is traditionally held on Sundays and will need a new home while construction is underway on Swathmore. Plans for this action and activity will be released shortly. Please find below a recap of some of the Operations projects over the last few months: Operations Points of Pride for Pali 2014 We have expanded our campus security, improved our facilities and grounds, increased our outside civic center permit revenues, and improved customer service in many areas. The following list represents highlights of the some points of pride projects (This is only a partial list). 1. We returned the main quad area back to its original state of open green space. This area now can be used as an assembly area again for students. 2. Repaired many leaking pipes in buildings across campus and changed the master control isolator water valve to allow for continued water flow without interruption. 3. Refreshed and painted most of our student and faculty restrooms, as well as installed new lighting and repaired many plumbing issues. 4. Refreshed and renovated several classrooms including G, E, F, D buildings. 5. Installed Solar Film reflective material under Prop 39 for classroom temperature reductions in most classrooms. 6. Initiated a massive furniture expenditure and replacement program campus wide. This included hundreds of new desks, whiteboards, tables, chairs, etc. 7. Repaired and serviced remaining air handlers for improved climate control conditions in our classrooms bringing in fresher, cleaner air. 8. Installed portable a/c units and fans to cool down our warmest classrooms. 9. Our new Dolphin statue was placed at the entrance to the school and the development of the new Gateway Garden completed. 10. Head In Parking Only signs installed on upper student parking lot to eliminate any future issues involving vehicles and fire. 11. Built and installed new shelving and cabinet doors in many of the existing classrooms. 12. Refreshed Mercer Hall again. 13. New Emergency Evac signs installed across campus for improved student safety. 14. All our existing curbing, speed bumps, and loading zones were repainted and marked for safety. 15. We installed new signage at our school entrance for drop-off/pickup to improve campus-wide safety. 16. Our main gate is closed daily from 8:10 on and staffed with security personnel for improved campus safety. All visitors are directed to stadium lot. 17. Repositioned our Police officer to be stationed at the front of the school for improved visibility and safety. 18. We reprogramed and repaired all of our sprinkler units campus wide for improved water conservation during the drought. 19. Refreshed and renovated Temescal Academy, which included new lighting, electrical repairs, paint, furniture, and access to emergency doors blocked for years, added new staircases, wifi and more. 20. Installed new energy efficient lighting around campus per Prop 39 energy audit results. 21. Our marquee power supply was replaced and repaired and now can operate at 100% efficiency. 22. We refreshed Gilbert Hall to include repainting and repairing damaged walls during last school year. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Reinstalled the heat and a.c to LAUSD specifications into Gilbert Hall. Completed the Reg 4 Life Fire Safety Certification Test. Conducted a school wide energy and power assessment for allocation strategy of Prop 39 funding. Much work and repair was put into the U building bungalows including decking, termite remediation, floor and roof repairs, window repairs, painting and more. Retrofitted and replaced gas line to MGAC from main feed regulator We repaired and replaced our radio repeater on the roof of G building for improved radio communication and safety. Assembled and delivered all new furniture for coaches PE offices in the gym. GMAXX tested our stadium football field. Created new revenue streams to include day-camps, charity events, and filming on campus which gave us our best summer yet for civic center permit revenue. Repaired the broken bleachers in our large gym. We sealed the stadium bleachers with an epoxy to eliminate the injures associated with loose fiberglass shreds. Ordered and placed new emergency supplies onsite. A new AED was ordered for the Stadium by the Sea. Pali now has the life saving AED device in four areas, A building, Pool, Gym, and Stadium. Auto shop opened with more than 45 kids involved and active. Our first founding meeting a success. Solar film installed at Temescal Academy. Partitions for Main Office installed for improved customer service and beautification. New safety committee formed for improved student and campus wide safety. Initiated continued safety training for key individuals for overall campus wide security. All current Emergency Drill and EVAC incident recording documents located in Main Office for easy access. New emergency supplies deployed to classrooms. The lighting was repaired on the upper walk paths. Energy conservation evaluation Prop 39, ongoing. A continued effort to partner with community for balance/harmony and improved relations resulted in a 50 item Neighborhood Community list created and available on our website. We have revised and updated our School Emergency Operations Plan. Human Resources Board Report December 16, 2014 A CALIFORNIA DISTINGUISHED SCHOOL Elections/New Hires: Name Classification/Position Juanita Stewart Payroll/Fiscal Specialist Funding Source Effective Date General December 1, 2014 Temporary/Stipend/Coaching positions: Name Classification/Position Funding Source Effective Date John Lissauer Asst. Athletic Director Stipend November 10, 2014 Vejas Anaya Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Kris Johnson Boys Varsity Basketball Asst. Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Donzell Hayes JV Boys Basketball Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Tony Ryan FS Boys Basketball Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Matt Jackson FS Boys Basketball Asst. Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Torino Johnson Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Jeremy St. Louis Girls JV Basketball Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Kevin Lorick Girls JV Basketball Asst. Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Sheldon Crowley Girls FS Basketball Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Human Resources Board Report December 16, 2014 Dominique Scott Girls FS Basketball Asst. Coach Stipend December 8, 2014 Dave Suarez Boys Varsity Soccer Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Phillip Johnson Boys Varsity Soccer Asst. Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Robert Hockley Boys JV Soccer Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Christian Chambers Girls Varsity Soccer Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Gary Truman Girls Varsity Soccer Asst. Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Jamie Duffy Girls JV Soccer Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Brad Silver Girls Water Polo Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Jennifer Hunt Cheer Head Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Kim Allen Cheer Sponsor Stipend November 10, 2014 Randy Aguirre Wrestling Coach Stipend November 10, 2014 Nicole Katz Substitute Nurse General December 1, 2014 Retirement: Name Helene Kunkel Classification/Position Head College Advisor Funding Source Effective Date General June 4, 2014 Action Item: Approve Maintenance Technician and HR Specialist positions Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tuesday, December 16, 2014 5:00 PM, Gilbert Hall Faculty Report Emilie Larew, Jeanne Saiza • Lisa Saxon sent the following in an email to all faculty regarding traveling teachers: “I would like us to work together to improve the working conditions for new teachers. New teachers are not eligible for lifetime health benefits, a situation that puts at risk the quality of the benefits veteran teachers will receive. At the same time, we also are asking our newest -- and most vulnerable -- employees to solve a school-wide problem (lack of classroom space). Let's work together to try to create a situation where everyone has access to the same benefits -- and a workplace in which no teacher is assigned to more than two classrooms. When I got to Pali, there were contract protections for new teachers; new teachers and teachers new to Pali were not supposed to travel. When another teacher and I questioned why the contract language was not enforced, the contract language was rewritten -- to the detriment of new teachers. We need to revise the contract language again, so we can put into place a plan that does not place an unfair burden on the newest teachers, the teachers we should be supporting.” • Some staff members expressed concern that there is not a place for displaced teachers to meet. It was suggested that since the cafeteria is not utilized that may the back area could be converted to a work area with chargers and printers where displaced teachers could meet and work. • Female teachers have expressed concern regarding the temporary closing of the upper and lower “G Building” women’s bathrooms. While understanding the 2 adult restrooms that serve the bungalows, G, F and E buildings will be closed during repairs, they are wondering when to expect the restrooms to reopen and, if the reopening extends beyond the winter break, will alternatives be provided. • Some staff members have concerns about the changes to the Main Office. Mostly, the a stop sign on the swinging door, the desk changes for the principal's assistant, and new walls. They were concerned that it was not welcoming to staff and visitors. Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES Education Foundation update: Thank you DeAnn Healy, Kathleen Clinesmith and Diana Hurst for putting together a wonderful holiday boutique on November 22, 2014. Thank you also to all our parent volunteers who helped set up, run the registers, and take down the event. We are putting together a flyer, which will outline each of the fundraising arms of the school (Education Foundation, Boosters, and PTSA), with the goal of educating the parent community about each of these entities, what the group's priorities are and how parents can support them. Each group has reviewed the first draft, and we are hoping to get it finalized by the end of the month. Special thanks to Samantha Bryant for her professional help with the flyer. For 2015, we are working towards supporting PCHS' Career Services Center to expand students' exposure to, and opportunities for, internships and mentors in the business community and local industries. We are looking forward to many educational meetings in the New Year. Booster Club update: Thanks to everyone who attended the Holiday Party, and big thanks to the Pelligrini's for the use of their lovely home. It was a great party, a wonderful way to start the holiday season with the Pali High community. Save the date for the Annual Auction Event, online Feb 12-March 1, then the party on Saturday, March 7 at Tiato Restaurant. We are gladly accepting donations now as we plan for this fun event. Contact [email protected] with questions or donations! Next monthly meeting will be Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 630pm in the Pali High Library. We hope to see you then! Have a Joyful holiday and relaxing vacation! Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence Budget & Finance Committee BOARD REPORT – DEC. 16, 2014 - We voted to recommend making both the Facility Maintenance Tech & Human Resources Specialist positions permanent. - Cafeteria Update: Cafeteria Manager is working to comply with new regulations as well as trying to improve meals. She is working with students per the LTSP, including calorie counts on all items and making weekly specials. New software is allowing families to apply for free and reduced lunch program on line which decreases the processing time. She is also making soups daily for teachers who can pre-order these and just come by to pick up without waiting in line. - The teacher reimbursement policy was reviewed and we are suggesting the following for approval: All teacher reimbursements need approval from admin and the department chair. We are also recommending to elimination of the $100 spending limit on any retroactive approvals but with the knowledge that if a retroactive reimbursement request is denied, the teacher submitting the request is responsible for covering the cost of the item(s) purchased. - We would like to submit Rich Wilken for Board approval as an additional community member on the Budget and Finance Committee. - Greg Wood reviewed the First Interim 2014-2015 Financial Report - Common Core monies were budgeted inadvertently to cover the cost of textbooks/IMA that do not fall under the umbrella of Common Core. The Finance Committee is reviewing our budget to see where money can be reallocated to cover these costs. - Budget/Finance is discussing beginning the 2014-2015 budgeting process in Feb so that budgeting decisions can be made as they relate to Common Core vs. other textbooks which need to be covered by the General Funds. - There is rollover money from the 2013-2014 Common Core budget that is proposed to be reallocated to additional technology to support testing. Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence 2014-15 Schoolwide Goals Goal 1: PCHS will increase math support for both students and teachers. STUDENT SUPPORT A. PCHS will adopt and support the PCHS Math Department SMART goals: 1) Increase the percentage of 9th graders who complete the first half of Algebra (Algebra 1A/Algebra B) their first year by 5%. 2) Increase the percentage of 11th graders who complete Geometry AB by 5%. 3) Increase proficiency rates on each standard by 3% (as measured on the final exam). B. PCHS will develop and administer a math survey to students to determine perceptions about math classes and math supports. Surveys will be completed within the first five weeks of the school year and followed by a post survey in December 2014 to determine student participation in support programs. PCHS will analyze the data to determine frequency of access, level of improvement in standards acquisition, and degree of improvement in affective reactions to math. C. PCHS will develop and provide a math lab to support successful completion of math standards. Student use and program effectiveness will be monitored through log sheets, student surveys, and evidence of improvement on standards assessments. This data will also inform the school about the number of students who elect to access outside tutoring as well as the number of students who have no longer pursue outside support due to improvements in PCHS supports and programs. D. PCHS will offer a three-semester class for Algebra 1 students who need additional time to master foundational material. TEACHER SUPPORT A. PCHS will provide professional development for math teachers to analyze internal and external factors pertinent to student success. Success will be measured by surveying participants to determine participation and impact of training. B. The PCHS math coach is available to assist with differentiation, instructional strategies, and intervention. C. Each math department member will attend a common core approved math training opportunity to be completed by the end of the school year. Each math teacher will give a PLC presentation with materials for the PLC members by the end of the school year. D. PCHS Math teachers will observe in other math classrooms and participate in a reflective debrief conversation to share observations and insights each semester. E. PCHS will strategically reduce class size in targeted courses by hiring additional math teaching staff. Staffing needs will be reviewed prior to the start of second semester. Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION: WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has adopted, as a general school-wide goal, educational excellence as follows: “In a safe, supportive, and healthy environment, the diverse students of PCHS shall receive excellent instruction that shall deliver a comprehensive rigorous education that shall enable them to become inquiring, productive, and ethical members of society” and “Excellent instruction means that excellent teachers are appropriately recognized, that teachers are adequately supported and given the resources necessary to deliver an excellent education to students, that teachers who need to improve are given the tools to improve quickly, and that appropriate action is taken with regard to teachers who need to improve, but fail to do so” (Governance Policies, Global Goals Policies and Goal Policy #3); and WHEREAS the Board of Trustees believes that in order for it to fulfill its duties to the school and determine whether or not school-wide goals have been achieved it must receive specific information as to academics at PCHS; and WHEREAS it has been well over a year since any academic department has made any presentation to the Board or provided information to the Board of Trustees concerning academic achievements and challenges within their departments, despite requests from the Board to certain departments that a presentation be made; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that: 1. At each regular Board meeting, an agenda action item shall be the identification by the Board in its discretion of an academic department or departments to present at the following Board meeting, and, that in determining the academic department to present, the Board shall endeavor to rotate among the departments so that each year it hears from each major academic department at least once. 2. The presentation by the relevant academic department shall include at a minimum: (a) the most recent five years of standardized scores broken down by specific subject (e.g., AP US History; Algebra I, Spanish II, Honors Chemistry) to the extent such data is available as well as student grade levels (A-F) for each such class; (b) a comparison of PCHS’s scores with those of PCHS’s peers, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to LAUSD generally, high performing high schools within LAUSD, Santa Monica High School, Beverly Hills High School, Grenada Hills High School, and, to the extent that data is available, showing that comparison over the last 5 years; (c) a candid, honest, and detailed discussion of the department’s strengths and weaknesses; (d) areas in which the Board of Trustees can aid the department in improving; (e) steps that the administration and department are taking to improve areas of weakness and solidify areas of strength; and (f) whatever other information the department believes would be helpful to the Board. 3. The presentation shall be the subject of discussion at the Board meeting at which it takes place. Sufficient time shall be set aside at each meeting as early in the meeting as is practicable for the presentation and discussion. 4. In the event that the academic department cannot provide the presentation as directed by the Board, the department or the EDP shall: (a) provide a written explanation to the Board and to the public as to the reasons that the department has not complied with the Board’s directive; (b) identify by name the specific faculty person or persons who shall be responsible for giving the presentation at the Board’s next regular meeting; (c) to the extent reasonably possible and in consultation with the Board of Trustees’ Chairperson, identify an alternative academic department to make the presentation in lieu of the scheduled department. In the event that an academic department fails to make the scheduled presentation twice, the administration shall make the presentation on the department’s behalf. NEW HIRE JUSTIFICATION REQUEST Date: December 16, 2014 Department: Human Resources Supervisor: jim Schiffman Reason for New Hire: ___Replacement ___New Employee (convert position from temporary position to regular employee position) New Hire Needed For: PCHS has over 250 employees. This includes; full time and part‐time faculty, administrators, classified staff as well as aquatics staff, athletic coaches, volunteers and vendors, etc. This position in the human resources department ensures prompt efficient customer service and full coverage for all benefits, employee relations, staffing and legal matters. This position has been filled as a temporary position for the past 12 months. This has been sufficient time to see that the position is needed and should be converted to a regular employee position. Job Duties & Wages: Duties: The Human Resource Specialist supports recruitment, screening, selection, classification and processing of new personnel; assure related activities comply with established laws, codes, rules, regulations, policies and procedures; resolve a variety of personnel‐related issues and concerns. This position will also perform a variety of technical duties in support of employee benefits programs including enrollment, data collection, record‐keeping, accounting, claims processing and fund disbursement activities; provide eligible employees, domestic partners, retirees and surviving spouses with benefits. Wage: The Ewing Job study recommended a salary scale/pay range of $19.49/hr ‐ $28.88/hr Requested by: Jim Schiffman Approval: NEW HIRE JUSTIFICATION REQUEST Date: December 16, 2014 Department: Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor: Dave Riccardi Reason for New Hire: ___Replacement ___New Employee ( convert from temporary position to regular employee position ) New Hire Needed For: Facilities & Maintenance Technician With a facility the size of Palisades Charter High, there are more maintenance projects and assignments around the campus than just one person would be able to complete in 8 hours. At one point during the 2013/2014 year, PCHS was logging well over $17,000.00 in overtime pay for our one maintenance technician. There is a need for two maintenance people, so that projects can be completed on time and without overtime expenditures. This position has been filled as a temporary position (through 2 consecutive staff members) for the past 12 months. This has been sufficient time to see that the position is needed and should be converted to a regular employee position. Also, this position allows PCHS to perform many of the service related maintenance functions “in‐house” without the need to use LAUSD fee‐for‐service program saving the school thousands. Job Duties & Wages: Duties: Fixing and repairing items; including locks, doors, sprinklers, and numerous other maintenance projects throughout all of the buildings and grounds of PCHS Wage: The Ewing Job study recommended a salary scale/pay range of $16.40/hr ‐ $24.30/hr Requested by: Dave Riccardi/Jim Schiffman Approval: Palisades Charter High School More Than 50 Years of Innovation and Excellence BOARD OF TRUSTEES ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION: It is hereby resolved that the Board of Trustees accept the Ewing Job Study Table through Step 7, subject to final agreement with PESPU bargaining. PALISADES CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURES As clerk/secretary to the governing board of the above named school district, I certify that the sigantures below in Column 1 are the verified signatures of the members of the governing board. I certify that the signatures as shown in Column 2 are the verified signatures of the person or persons authorized to sign notices of employment, contracts and orders drawn on the funds of the school district. These certifications are made in accordance with the provisions of Education Code Sections: K-12 Districts: 35143, 42632, and 42633 Community College Districts: 72000, 85232, and 85233 If persons authorized to sign orders as shown in Column 2 are unable to do so, the law requires the signatures of the majority of the governing board These approved signatures are valid for the period of: January 1, 2015 In accordance with governing board approval dated December 16, 2014 to December 31, 2015 Signature________________________________________ Leslie Woolley NOTE: Please TYPE name under signature Clerk (Secretary) of the Board Column 1 Column 2 Signatures of Members of the Governing Board Signatures of Personnel and/or Members of Governing Board authorized to sign Orders for Salary or Commercial Payments, Notices of Employment, and Contracts: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Allison Holdorff Polhill Gregory Wood President of the Board of Trustees/Education Chief Business Officer SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Leslie Woolley Pamela Magee Clerk/Secretary of the Board of Trustees/Education Executive Director/Principal SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Monica Iannessa Member of the Board of Trustees/Education SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Jeanne Saiza Member of the Board of Trustees/Education TITLE: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Mark Epstein Member of the Board of Trustees/Education TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Kimberly Allen Member of the Board of Trustees/Education TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Emilie Larew SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Michael Stryer Member of the Board of Trustees/Education SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Mystic Thompson SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME Greg Nepomuceno SIGNATURE SIGNATURE TYPED NAME TYPED NAME James Pasto Member of the Board of Trustees/Education If the Board has given special instructions for signing warrants TITLE Number of Signatures required: or orders, please attach a copy of the resolution to this form. ORDERS FOR SALARY PAYMENTS N/A NOTICES OF EMPLOYMENT Form No. 503-804 Rev. 11-20-2002 ORDERS FOR COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS 2-Incl. LACOE Asst. Superintendent CONTRACTS Palisades Charter High School Expense Report/ Reimbursement Form 2014-2015 Name: PAMELA MAGEE Date Vendor 11/8/14 Uber Virgin America 11/8-11/9 Description cost Transportation to Airport 22.52 Roundtrip Air to Conference 408.2 Lodging for Conference (Schools That Can e2e) Total 12.12.14 Classroom Materials Conferences P.O. # Comm/ Postage 336 766.72 Grand Total Charged Amount Net Due Employee Date: Hotel 336.00 - - $766.72 $766.72 Employee Signature:_________________________________________ Approved By:_________________________________________ Department/Program Name & #:___________________________________ *-Provide full description on amounts in this column to allow for proper identification Please submit original receipts for reimbursement. Reimbursement forms must be submitted within 30 days of purchase. Rev. 09/08 Date:_______________ Business Rate Per Miles Mile Total Mileage
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