Click - ICNB 2014

Conference Schedule
2014 Barcelona Conferences
Barcelona, Spain
December 18-20, 2014
2014 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Engineering
(ICPSE 2014)
2014 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology and Biosensors
(ICNB 2014)
2014 International Conference on Mechanical Properties of Materials
(ICMPM 2014)
Conference Schedule
This conference is made possible with the support of
Thank you also to our sponsors
Conference Schedule
Welcome to 2014 Barcelona Conferences
The American Society for Research (ASR) and our host, IACSIT, welcome you to attend ICPSE2014, ICNB2014,
and ICMPM2014 in beautiful and historic Barcelona!
Each year, ASR endeavors to provide a perfect balance between professional and personal development. We
hope that over the 2 days your work and that of your institution or company will be enhanced both by what
you learn and those with whom you connect. Our field is enriched by the dialogue among colleagues from
around the world which occurs during presentation sessions as well as informal conversations.
We hope this is a memorable, valuable, and enjoyable experience!
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
General Conference Information
Instructions for Oral Workshop
Conference Keynote Speakers
Conference Schedule
ICPSE2014 Sessions
ICNB2014 Sessions
ICMPM2014 Sessions
Session 1
Session 3
Session 6
Session 8
Session 4
Session 7
Session 2
Session 5
Poster Presentation
Hotel Information
Upcoming Conferences
Conference Schedule
*ICPSE 2014 conference papers will be published in Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge
Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google
Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE), etc.
*ICNB 2014 conference papers will be published in Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge
Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google
Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE), etc.
*ICMPM 2014 conference papers will be published in Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge
Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google
Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE), etc.
A best presentation will be selected from each session, announced and award a certificate at the
end of session
Conference Schedule
General Conference Information
Take a look at 2014 Barcelona conferences offer you...
•There are 8 sessions, on topics as Electrical materials and alloys materials, Civil Engineering Materials,
Composites materials, Nanosensors and biochemical materials, Electrical Engineering and Electric
Machines, Power Systems and Control Engineering, Electrical and electronic materials, Energy
Engineering and Management.
• Inspiring and thought-provoking keynote presentationsfrom Prof. Magnus Thor Jonsson and Prof. B.V.
Reddy (see page 5-6 for details about the keynote speakers)
• Plenty of opportunities to network and forge connections with your fellow attendees from across the
globe,including Keynote Speech Session and Oral presentation Sessions.
• Explorethe rich and colorful attraction in Barcelona.
Instructions for Oral Workshop
Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:
• Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader)
• Projectors & Screen
• Laser Sticks
Materials Provided by the Presenters:
• PowerPoint or PDF files
Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively):
• Regular Oral Session: about 15 Minutes Presentation including 3 Minutes of Q&A
• Keynote Speech: 40 Minutes of Presentation including 5 Minutes of Q&A
Conference Schedule
Conference Keynote Speakers
Prof. Magnus Thor Jonsson,
University of Iceland, Iceland
Magnus Thor Jonsson is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the
School of Engineering and Science, University of Iceland, located in
Reykjavik, Iceland. He received his MSc. degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of Iceland, Department of Industrial
Engineering in 1982 and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the
Mechanical Department at the Technical University of Norway in
Trondheim in 1987. His major field of study was model based design
using nonlinear FEM models. His main research interest is in the field of model based optimization for
geothermal power plants. He has published a number of reviewed research papers and led a number of
funded research projects in the areas of thermal and structural modeling of geothermal wells and
optimization of steam gathering systems for geothermal power plants.
Prof. Jonsson has worked as the Department Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department and has
been the chairman of the Engineering Research Institute, University of Iceland, chairman of Continuing
Education, and the chairman of CAD, CAM and CAE Association in Iceland. He has also been the
chairman of the Machine Group of Icelandic Standards. He has been a board member of many steering
committees at the University of Iceland and at Icelandic associations such as the Icelandic Society of
Engineers and the IT&T User Forum.
Conference Schedule
Prof. B.V. Reddy,
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT),
Bale Viswanadha Reddy (B.V. Reddy) is a Professor in Department of
Mechanical Engineering in Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, Ontario,
Canada. Prior to this Dr. Reddy also worked as an Associate Professor in
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of New Brunswick (UNB),
Fredericton, Canada. Dr. Reddy received his MTech and PhD degrees in
Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur, India. Dr. Reddy research interests are in the area of
advanced and sustainable energy systems, exergy analysis, energy management, heat transfer, waste
heat recovery and alternative energy sources. Dr. Reddy has led funded research projects in the area of
combustion, energy systems, energy efficiency improvement and biofuels. Dr. Reddy has published 175
papers in refereed journals and refereed conference proceedings. He is also involved in the organization
of many international conferences as a conference chair, track chair, organizing committee member,
advisory committee member etc. He has also chaired technical sessions in international conferences and
has delivered keynote and invited presentations in various international conferences. Dr. Reddy also
contributed book chapters along with his research collaborators in thermodynamics and energy systems
area. Dr. Reddy has also received best professor award for teaching excellence five times both in India
(VIT, Vellore) and in Canada (UNB, Fredericton; UOIT, Oshawa).
Conference Schedule
Conference Schedule
Day 1, Thursday, December 18, 2014– Onsite Registration Only
Registration: Hall
Arrival, Registration and Conferencematerials collection
**Certificate for Participation can be collected at the
registration counter**
Day 2, Friday, December 19, 2014
Simple Version:
Opening Remarks
Keynote Speech I:
Prof. Magnus Thor Jonsson,
University of Iceland, Iceland
Keynote Speech II:
Prof. B.V. Reddy,
University of Ontario Institute of
Technology (UOIT), Canada
Plenary Photo
Coffee Break
Session 1
Session 2
Conference Schedule
Afternoon --- Author’s Oral Presentation
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Coffee break
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 1 /10:20-12:05
Energy Engineering and Management
Time Table
Session 3 / 13:00-16:00
Electrical Engineering and Electric Machines
Session 6/ 16:10-19:00
Power Systems and Control Engineering
Session 8/ 16:10-19:00
Electrical and electronic materials
ICNB 2014
Time Table
Session 4/ 13:00-16:00
Composites materials
Session 7/ 16:10-19:00
Nanosensors and biochemical materials
ICMPM 2014 pp.
Time Table
Session 2/10:20-12:05
Civil Engineering Materials
Session 5/13:00-16:00
Electrical materials and alloys materials
Conference Schedule
Full Schedule:
Plenary Speech+ Plenary Photo
Opening Remarks
Keynote Speech I:
Prof. Magnus Thor Jonsson,
University of Iceland, Iceland
Keynote Speech II:
Prof. B.V. Reddy,
University of Ontario Institute
Technology (UOIT), Canada
Plenary Photo
Coffee Break
Morning Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICPSE2014-Energy Engineering and Management
Session Chair:Prof.Mohammed
Aounallah, University of
Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf of Oran
USTO-MB, Algeria
Conference Schedule
Experimental Study of Temperature Variation of a Solar Air Collector
Tassoult Houda, Haddad Brahim and Sellami Rabah
Unité de Développement des Equipements Solaires, UDES/Centre
Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER, Algeria
Abstract—Solar energy which is free and abundant in most parts of the world has
proven to be an economical source of energy in many applications. The energy that
the earth receives from the sun is so enormous and so lasting that the total energy
consumed annually by the entire world is supplied in as short a time as half an hour.
The sun is a clean and renewable energy source, which produces neither green-house
effect gas nor toxic waste through its utilization.
The development of solar air collectors has seen its growth during the oil crisis.
These sensors are generally used in space heating, particularly in the field of drying
food products. Our experimental work is the study of the variation of the
temperature of a solar air between the absorber and the working window with
natural convection and for drying of food products.
The measured temperatures of the absorber and the air at the outlet of the sensor
have been used to find the temperature profile. This study will be useful for a new
design of a photovoltaic-thermal hybrid solar panel in order to improve the electrical
performance extrairant heat at the absorber.
Index Terms—Component / solar air collector / solar drying / air distribution /
thermal effect.
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises: Lessons Learned in 280
Energy Audits across Europe
Fabio Morea, Johannes Fresner, Christina Krenn, Juan Aranda Uson, Fabio
AREA Science Park, Italy
Abstract—This paper investigates the main factors influencing an energy auditing
procedure, leading to the adoption of energy efficiency measures by small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), providing suggestions both for enterprises and
energy policy makers. Our analysis is based on a sample of 280 SMEs from 7
European countries which participated in an international project devoted to
industrial energy efficiency. Lessons learned during the energy audits are
summarized in 8 key findings: (1) Energy Audits are a valuable activity for SMEs,
yet (2) not a viable option for consultancy on a commercial basis. The main
difficulties in carrying out an energy audit are (3) lack of data on energy
consumption, (4) information barriers and (5) other soft factors such as expectations
and previous experience. Economic factors (6) are significant barriers to energy
efficiency. Among the energy efficiency measures (7) behaviour and control are key
factors. Finally (8) an appropriate method for energy auditing is a key to success.
Index Terms—Energy Conservation, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Energy Audit,
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; energy efficiency barriers; Linear Regression.
Wide Spread Exploitations of Bioenergy: Are the Ways towards Sustainable
Md. Mizanur Rahman, Jukka V. Paatero, and Risto Lahdelma
Conference Schedule
Aalto University, Finland
Abstract—The recoverable proven reserves of fossil fuel sources are projected to be
exhausted by the end of this century. In response to the exhaustion of fossil
resources, there is a serious need to find alternative fuel sources. Bioenergy is one of
the potential candidates to counteract the fossil-fuel depletion challenge. Despite
bioenergy sources appear to be renewable and net-zero GHG emitter, bioenergy
undergoes competition with food, feed and other crucial applications. Since earth’s
eco system has a limited capacity of land and water resources, overuse of these
resources in bioenergy production could cause adverse social and environmental
impacts. This paper summarizes the key sustainability issues involve in bioenergy
chain, and examine the potential role of bioenergy in dealing with these
sustainability issues. We found that bioenergy can be a sustainable source of energy
provided that it has maintained irrationality in using of natural resources and several
limits. In contrary, bioenergy would provoke further social and environmental
problems if the sustainability issues are not given proper consideration.
Index Terms—Sustainability, bioenergy, soil erosion, biodiversity, emission.
Energy Losses Decrease in Oil Transportation Based on Plant-Wide Technology
Dmitrii Starikov, Evgeny Rybakov and Evgeny Gromakov
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
Abstract—Energy losses minimization with Plant-wide technology usage is
described in the article. Main consumer in oil transport is founded and described to
decrease losses during regulation. Obtained results during research show possibility
of power losses in oil transport system and appearance of synergetic effect.
Index Terms—Pressure control, Plant-wide, bypass valve, pipeline, energy
A Study on the Development of Cooling Water Pump with Closed Construction for
Electric Vehicle
Joohan Kim and Youngkyoun Kim
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), South Korea
Abstract—It is used electric drive water pump for efficient thermal emission in
electric vehiclecooling system. Electric vehicle is managing thermal emission of
drive motor, inverter and highpower devices efficiently. There is difference with
mode that cool heat that is occurred in engine ofconventional vehicles. Therefore,
need correct cooling water pump in electric vehicle property. Thispaper deals with a
high efficiency design of cooling water pump for electric vehicle,
especiallybrushless DC (BLDC) motor and impeller for cooling water. We achieved
impeller flow analysisabout high efficiency and low commutation torque ripple
motor design. We have used the 2D FiniteElement Method for calculating the
characteristics of brushless DC (BLDC) motor, computing fluidmechanics (CFD) as
numerical analysis for impeller design. We confirmed generating power of 32w,in
the case of approving voltage of 13.5 V this experiment. In this load point, input
current is about 2.6A, motor efficiency was evaluated about 78 %. We confirmed
static pressure of 0.59 Bar and flow rateof 16LPM, wad evaluated about 59.3% of
Conference Schedule
pump impeller efficiency.
Index Terms—Cooling pump, Impeller, CFD, BLDC motor, Static pressure,
Evaluation of the Use of a Solar Source for Air Conditioning for Home in Algeria
University of Souk Ahras, Algeria
Abstract—Today's global environmental problems, such as global warming,
destruction of the ozone layer, degradation of air quality and their implications for
human health have become a major concern for the environment, residential areas as
well as our living conditions. Numerous research studies were devoted to address
these topics due to their crucial importance. The purpose of this study is to develop
and improve the bioclimatic architecture of residential housing according to the
Algerian energy policy. We have calculated the reduction of housing energy
consumption for air conditioning and hot water by replacing the system which is
based on fossil fuels (oil and gas) by the newly proposed architecture which is based
on renewable solar energy. This is being conducted for three different sites within
Algeria. We carried out an explorative economic comparison of the two systems.
Based on experimental results, the proposed system proved to be able to cover more
than 55% of the total electricity needs for air conditioning. Therefore, this shows the
potency of reducing the electricity utility bill up to a half with much better expected
results for southern regions of Algeria.
Index Terms—Energy buildings consumption, Solar heating System, Energy
simulation of building, economic comparison, Algerian regulation.
Experimental Studies on a Pendulor Wave Energy Extractor in a Wave Channel
Sumesh Narayan, Ashneel Deo, Niranjwan Chettiar and Jai Goundar
The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Abstract—A Pendulor wave energy convertor was tested in a two-dimensional
Wave Channel, whichproduced sinusoidal waves, to study its performance at
different wave frequencies (varied from 0.5Hz to 1.0 Hz) and four different mean
water depths of 240 mm, 260 mm, 280 mm and 290 mm. Thewave parameters such
as wave height and the wave frequencies were measured for the available
wavechannel. It was found that the wave height increases while the wavelength
decreases with increasingwave frequency and water depth. The relationship of
pendulor paddle swing angle, rotational speed,torque and output power against wave
frequency were obtained and discussed in this paper. It isfound that the output power
is more when the paddle moves in the direction of wave propagation,compared to
the backstroke when the paddle is moving against the direction of wave propagation.
Index Terms—Wave energy, Pendulor, Wave frequency, Water Depth.
Conference Schedule
Morning Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICMPM 2014-Civil Engineering Materials
Session Chair:Dr. Charles
E. Lord, University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom
Mechanical properties of high-strength steel obtained using DIC for specimens with
a hole
Michaela Štamborská, Miroslav Kvíčala, Monika Losertová
VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Abstract—This article is aimed at determining the mechanical properties of
high-strength steel obtained by digital image correlation for specimens with a hole in
different rolling direction. This geometry generates a heterogeneous strain field
which was measured during the test using a digital image correlation system. The
advantage of using a heterogeneous strain field in the identification procedure is that
a complex state of stress-strain can be analyzed at the same time and much more
information can be obtained in a single test. On the other hand, the stress field
cannot be directly computed from the test and a suitable identification procedure
must be developed. Here, the virtual fields method (VFM) adapted for large strains
and plasticity was used to identify the hardening behaviour and the anisotropy of the
material. The values obtained with the VFM were compared with the results from a
standard identification made using uniaxial tensile tests.
Index Terms—specimen with a hole, digital image correlation, virtual fields method
Sintered SiO2 modulus of rupture optimization by means of artificial neural
Miroslav Kvíčala, Michaela Štamborská
VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Abstract—This article discusses the use of artificial neural networks for solving
industrial non-trivial problem, which is undoubtedly modulus of rupture
optimization in case of sintered ceramics based on amorphous SiO2. Melting
crucibles made from high purity silica are commonly used for production of high
purity silicon ingots that are used in photovoltaic industry. Optimal modulus of
rupture is very important variable that is related to the reliability and crucible usage
Index Terms—modulus of rupture, neural networks, optimization, silica, sintering
Conference Schedule
A Computational Chemistry Approach for Investigation of Low Friction
Mechanisms based on FEP Film with Functionalized SiO2 Nanoparticles
Yusuke Morita, Marleen De Weser and Gerhard Schottner
Toyota Motor Europe, Belgium
Abstract—To improve the fuel efficiency of automobile internal combustion
engines, we investigated the fundamental mechanism of friction reduction within
engine moving parts. A new coating was designed by introducing SiO2 nanoparticles
in FEP film. The SiO2 nanoparticles were functionalized with hydrophobic
fluoroalkyl units on their surface to create additional low friction property. Universal
Surface Tester friction measurements revealed a significant reduction of the friction
coefficient with increasing number of hydrophobic fluoroalkyl units for SiO2
surface functionalization. To clarify the friction reduction mechanisms by the
functionalization of SiO2 nanoparticles, a quantum chemical calculation was carried
out. The result indicates that an attractive force occurs between nanoparticle Si
atoms and polymer F atoms, while by adding fluoroalkyl units on the SiO2
nanoparticle surface, this force changes to repulsive. By performing a molecular
dynamics simulation of a shear model between FEP film and SiO2 nanoparticles, we
observed a decrease of friction force with increasing fluoroalkyl units which lead
smooth rolling motion of nanoparticles, thus confirming the repulsive effect of
nanoparticle functionalization. We conclude that fluoroalkyl units on the SiO2
surface play an important role in creating a repulsive force between nanoparticle and
FEP film which lead to low friction coefficienty.
Index Terms—friction reduction, SiO2 nanoparticle, functionalization, molecular
dynamics, quantum chemical calculation
Effect of martensite morphology and Mn partitioning on mechanical properties of
low carbon dual phase steels
Manoranjan Kumar Manoj, V Pancholi and S K Nath
National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India
Abstract—Dual phase (DP) steels have been developed from normalized plain low
carbon steel containing 0.14wt % carbon. Intercritical austenitisation (ICA)
treatment was carried out at 740oC, 760oC, 780oC and 800oC followed by water
quenching. Duration of ICA treatment was varied from 1 to 15 minutes. Different
martensite volume fractions (MVFs) ranging from 17.3% to 63.7% have been found
in these DP steels. Two different morphologies of martensite have been obtained in
these DP steels. First one is networking of martesnite along prior austenite grain
boundaries and secondly, formation of islands of martensite primarily at triple
junction of grain boundaries. Further, during ICA treatment, alloying element (Mn)
redistributed itself between ferrite and austenite depending upon ICA temperature
and time. Networking of martensite has been found to increase strength considerably
and hardness marginally but decreased ductility. On the other hand, it has been
found that Mn present as solid solution provide better mechanical properties
compared to accumulation at grain boundaries.
Index Terms—Dual phase steel; Martensite morphology; Hardness; Ductility;
Manganese Partitioning
Conference Schedule
Quantitative Evaluation of Voids in Lead Free Solder Joints
Sabuj Mallik, Jude Njoku and Gabriel Takyi
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Abstract—Voiding in solder joints poses a serious reliability concern for electronic
products. The aim of this research was to quantify the void formation in lead-free
solder joints through X-ray inspections. Experiments were designed to investigate
how void formation is affected by solder bump size and shape, differences in reflow
time and temperature, and differences in solder paste formulation. Four different
lead-free solder paste samples were used to produce solder bumps on a number of
test boards, using surface mount reflow soldering process. Using an advanced X-ray
inspection system void percentages were measured for three different size and shape
solder bumps. Results indicate that the voiding in solder joint is strongly influenced
by solder bump size and shape, with voids found to have increased when bump size
decreased. A longer soaking period during reflow stage has negatively affected
solder voids. Voiding was also accelerated with smaller solder particles in solder
Index Terms—Voiding, Soldering, X-ray, Lead Free Solder Paste.
A Phenomenological Predictive Model for Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Notched
Type 304 Stainless Steel
Justin Karl, Andrew Copeland, Amy Besio
University of Central Florida, USA
Abstract—The behavior of parts subjected to simultaneous thermal and mechanical
fatigue loads is an area of research that carries great significance in the power
generation, petrochemical, and aerospace industries. Machinery with expensive
components undergo varying applications of force while exposed to variable
temperature working fluids. An example case is found in steam turbines, which
subject stainless steel blades to cyclic loads from rotation as well as the passing of
heated gases. Accurate service life prediction is especially challenging due to the
thermo-mechanical loading being present on the complex geometric profile of the
blades. This research puts forth a method for determining crack initiation lifetimes
in variably-notched type 304 austenitic stainless steel specimens subjected to
differing fatigue and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions. A base analytical
model and genetic algorithm were used to develop phenomenology-informed
predictions that fall within a factor of two of the actual crack initiation times.
Index Terms—Stainless steel, fatigue, thermo-mechanical, LCF, creep, mechanics,
prediction, notch, stress concentration, modeling, behavior.
Nanofibrous filters for respirators
Vysloužilová Lucie,Seidl Martin, Hrůza Jakub, Bobek Jiří, Lukáš David, Lenfeld
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Abstract—This article deals with a development of new filtration materials for
respirators. Contemporary used filters with charged microfibers are not sufficiently
stable in all conditions and not efficient for all types of particles and that is the
Conference Schedule
reason why the requirement for new generation of filtration materials is rising up.
The research was focused on the development of nanofibrous filters that have a great
precondition to be used as filters for respirators. The filtering material was designed
as a multilayer sandwich consisting of spundbound, meltblown and nanofibrous
layers. For the evaluation of final properties and filtering performances different 3D
structures were also created.
Index Terms—Filtration, nanofibers, respirators.
An Experimental Study on the Usage of Poisson’s Ratio as a Damage Index
Cagatay Yılmaz,Cagdas Akalın, Esat Selim Kocaman, and Mehmet Yıldız
Sabanci University, Turkey
Abstract—Damage accumulation in uni-directional glass fiber reinforced epoxy
matrix composite manufactured with a stacking sequence of [90/0/0]s using vacuum
infusion method is investigated by monitoring the change in Poisson’s ratio during
quasi-static tension and quasi static cyclic tension test. During the tests, axial and
transversal strains are recorded by utilizing extensometer and a strain gauge to
compare the response of sensor types for the evolution of Poisson’s ratio.
Index Terms—Poisson’s ratio; glass fiber; polymeric composites.
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICPSE2014-Electrical Engineering and Electric Machines
Session Chair:Prof.
Eduardo Vega-Fuentes, University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Experimental Measurements of Pressure Losses in the Inter-Turbine Duct of a Gas
Cleopatra Florentina Cuciumita, OLARU Daniel, VILAG Valeriu Alexandru,
COMOTI Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Romania
Abstract—The paper presents the total pressure experimental measurements carried out
at the Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI in
Conference Schedule
order to determine the total pressure losses in the Inter - Turbine Duct of a two spools gas
turbine, as a function of the gas turbine operating regime (mass flow rate) and rotational
speed. The Inter - Turbine Duct experimental assembly has been designed, manufactured
and tested at COMOTI. The total pressures were measured as a function of the
pre-swirling angle, which simulates the influence of the high pressure turbine rotational
speed located upstream of the Inter turbine duct in the real gas turbine, as well as for
three operational regimes, without the pre-swirlers modules. The results indicate that the
total pressure loss along the Inter - Turbine Duct is of maximum 0.9 %. The lowest
overall total pressure loss occurs at 0ºpre-swirling angle, around 0.8%, while along the
ITD struts, the lowest pressure loss is obtained for a 15ºpre-swirling, below 0.1%. The
influence of the operating regime on the total pressure loss was found to be linearly, the
pressure loss increasing with the reduced mass flow rate, between 1% and 1.9% overall,
and between about 0.1% and 0.4 % along the struts.
Index Terms—Gas turbine, pressure losses, inter-turbine duct, measurements.
Link Power Level Improvements in an Amplified 8-Channel CWDM System with in-line
HybridEDFA-SOA Amplifier
Khadijah Ismail, P. S. Menon, Sahbudin Shaari, Abang Annuar Ehsan, Norhana Arsad,
and A.Ashrif A. Bakar
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Abstract—The link power improvement in a coarse wavelength division multiplexing
(CWDM) system which is transmitted using a hybrid erbium-doped fiber amplifier
(EDFA) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) scheme as in-line amplifiers, is
discussed. The network is designed for amplifying 8 CWDM channels ranging from 1471
nm to 1611 nm. The hybrid amplifiers’ gain measurement is obtained from experimental
work with gain peak at 22 dB which is observed at 1531 nm. The amplifiers also caused
power increment of 5.06 dB in the transmission link before the signal is split individually
at the receiving end. Based on the higher gain peaks and power spectrum at 1531 nm and
1551 nm wavelengths, the proposed amplified link would be useful for the transmission
of video applications.
Index Terms—In-line, EDFA-SOA, 8 channel CWDM.
Literature Study on Condition of Tertiary Bushing of Interbus Transformer and
Alternative Protection Scheme
Joko Muslim, Buyung S. Munir, Didik F. Dakhlan, Satyagraha A. K. and Arrester C.S.
Abstract—Transformer bushing plays important role in the reliability of power system,
especially the bushing of interbus transformer which interconnected between two
different voltage levels thus enable the power interchange between these two voltage
systems. Failure in the bushings, either in the primary or secondary or tertiary windings
of a 500/150/66 kV interbus transformer will instantly lead to the power interruption and
outage in the consumer sides. Normally, interbus transformers are constructed of three
windings with the primary and secondary winding are connected in wye and the tertiary
is connected delta. The primary and the secondary windings are loaded, and sometimes
tertiary winding is loaded, but mostly not loaded. The main purpose of the tertiary
Conference Schedule
winding is to provide the isolating system due to the unbalance from the other two
windings. The windings of interbus transformer and the power system is linked via a
Improper operating voltage of power system above the nominal voltage of the bushing
tends to reduce the operating cycle of bushings. The displacement of absolute reference
of voltage from phase to phase voltage thus will raise the operating voltage applied to the
bushing which exceeds the nominal voltage of bushings. Theoretically, applying
operating voltage of 1.571 x U0 to the tertiary bushing continuously is likely to reduce
the life time of bushing to approximately 2.5 years.
Online monitoring techniques to observe the diagnostic parameters of bushing could be
occupied to monitor the changes in the bushings which due to the degradation of
insulation quality. Literature study focusing on the ideal condition of a bushing against
the real loading cycle of bushing in operation also considered to estimate the bushing
insulation degradation mechanism. This study put more efforts in analyzing the bushing
condition as the function of loading pattern and the applied voltage experienced by the
bushing. Several measurement data of bushing online monitoring are attached as well to
describe the occurrences inside the bushing. At the end of this study, options on the
protection scheme are described with either directly earthed or floating analysis.
Index Terms—Tertiary winding, partial discharge, expected life time, protection scheme.
Providing Security of Vital Data for Conventional MicrocontrollerApplications
Bayram AKEMİR and Hasan ÜZÜLMEZ
Selcuk University, Turkey
Abstract—Microcontrollers are widely used in industrial world, and almost all kind of
devices were based on microcontroller to achieve high flexibility and abilities. All
microcontrollers have nonvolatile and volatile memories to execute the software. During
the running, microcontroller calculates many variables and records them to any
non-volatile memory to use later. After re-energizing, microcontroller takes the data
calculated before the power off and executes the program. In case of any electrical
writing error or any power loss during the writing procedure, un-written memory blocks
or any un-written data leads to malfunctions. Proposed method uses a gray code based
signed two memory blocks to secure the memory reserved for data. Microcontroller uses
these memory blocks in alternately. Even if microcontroller has no any real-time ability,
gray code provides a guarantee which block is written in last. For every re-starting
microcontroller dos not lose the data. In case of any reading problem during the starting,
microcontroller has two chances to decide the action. One is to start with default values
and the other is to start with the previous data. This study is offered in elevator
application not to lose position and vital values.
Index Terms—Data security, Microcontroller, Memory, Non-volatile, Gray code.
Neural Network Predictive Control of the System Unified Power Flow Controller
Larouci Benyekhlef and Boufaden Kada
University of Science and Technology of Oran USTO.MB, Algeria
Abstract—In our present article, we studied the control of a unified power flow
controller (UPFC) by the Neural Network Predictive controller to improve the stability of
Conference Schedule
the electrical power network, hence providing security under increased power flow
conditions and it is able to control simultaneously and independently the real power and
the reactive power of the line.. We proposed the application of a regulator based on
neural network predictive control for a robust drive of system UPFC. In order to test the
parametric robustness of the various control developed in this work, the performance of
the neural network predictive controller is simulated on a two bus test system. The
simulation results show the power and the accuracy of the neural network predictive
controller and the effective in improving the transient power system stability and very
robust against variable transmission line parameters.
Index Terms—UPFC, FACTS, Neural Network Predictive regulator, PI-D.
Instrument for Measurement of Transfer Ratio Voltage Transformers
Pavel F. Baranov, Valeriy N. Borikov, Edvard I. Tsimbalist
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Abstract—The paper presents the instrument for measurement of transfer ratio voltage
transformers in the frequency range. The instrument distinctive feature is measuring of
small differential signal of the voltages with sensitivity 2 nV against the background of
large common-mode signal. The instrument features, its technical and metrological
parameters are also considered.
Index Terms—voltage transformer, lock-in amplifier with a differential input,
common-mode rejection ratio, inductive voltage divider, transfer ratio
An Approach to Optimum Route and Site Selection of a Steam Gathering System for
Geothermal Power Plants using Multiple Weight Distance Transform
Magnus Thor Jonsson
University of Iceland, Iceland
Abstract—This article proposes a new approach to select the location for separators and
routes for two phase flow pipelines in a geothermal steam gathering system. Multiple
weight distance transform is presented and used to find the optimum location of site for a
steam separator based on the flow capacity of geothermal wells. The routes are
monotonic and the incline is slight in order to minimize the pressure drop and the slug
flow conditions in the pipeline. A map with weighted distance for five wells shows the
accessible area and the route from each well is calculated. The optimum site location
reduces the total pipe length from all wells by 9%.
Index Terms—Geothermal, Two Phase Flow, Distance Transform, Route and Site
The Air Solar Collectors: Introduction of Chicanes to Favour the Heat Transfer and
Temperature in the Air Stream Dynamics
Omar Mahfoud, Abdelhafid Moummi and Noureddine Moummi
Centre de Developpement des Energies Renouvelables, Algeria
Abstract—The thermal performance of a single pass solar air heater with chicanes
attached was investigated numerically using a 2D model of solar air stream dynamics
collectors where the turbulence standard (𝐤−𝛆) model has been implemented. The
chicane is formed with two parts: the first is perpendicular to the air flow and the second
Conference Schedule
part is titled (α), they are mounted in successive rows, oriented perpendicular to the air
flow and soldered to the back plate. The predicted results are validated by comparing
with the literatures semi-empirical and experimental data and shown a reasonable
agreement. Effects of relevant parameters as the (Reynolds number, chicanes upper parts
tilts angles and air mass flow rates) on the heat transfer coefficient and temperature
development are discussed. It is apparent that the turbulence created by the chicanes
resulting in greater increase in heat transfer inside the air stream dynamics.
Index Terms—Solar air collector, chicanes, heat transfer, temperature, performance.
Cost Effective Maintenance of Wind Turbines Using Finite State Markov Model
Lahcene Boukelkoul
Electrical Engineering Dpt University of 20th Aug 1955 Skikda Algeria
Abstract—Nowadays the cost effectiveness concept becomes a decision-making and
technology evaluation metric. The cost of energy metric accounts for the effect of
reliability through levelized replacement cost and unscheduled maintenance cost
parameters. One key of the proposed approach is the idea of maintaining the WTs which
can be captured via use of a finite state Markov chain. Such a model can be embedded
within a probabilistic operation and maintenance simulation reflecting the action to be
done. In this paper a finite state Markov model is used for decision problems with
number of determined periods (life cycle) to predict the cost according to the option of
the maintenance adopted. The minimum cost is taken as the optimal solution.
Index Terms—Maintenance, cost, Markov decision process, finite state.
Significant of Isothermal Flow Studies for High Swirling Flow in Unconfined Burner
Norwazan A.R. and Mohd. Jaafar M.N.
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia, Malaysia
Abstract—This paper is presents numerical simulation of isothermal swirling turbulent
flows in a combustion chamber of an unconfined burner. Isothermal flows of with three
different swirl numbers, SN of axial swirler are considered to demonstrate the effect of
flow axial velocity and tangential velocity to define the center recirculation zone. The
swirler is used in the burner that significantly influences the flow pattern inside the
combustion chamber. The inlet velocity, U0 is 30 m/s entering into the burner through
the axial swirler that represents a high Reynolds number, Re to evaluate the differences
of SN. The significance of center recirculation zone investigation affected by differences
Re also has been carried out in order to define a good mixing of air and fuel. A numerical
study of non-reacting flow into the burner region is performed using ANSYS Fluent. The
Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) realizable k-ε turbulence approach method
was applied with the eddy dissipation model. An attention is focused in the flow field
behind the axial swirler downstream that determined by transverse flow field at different
radial distance. The results of axial and tangential velocity were normalized with the U0.
There are also studied the effect of difference inlet velocity from 30 m/s to 60 m/s to the
axial velocity flow. The velocity profiles’ behaviour are obviously changes after existing
the swirler up to x/D = 0.3 plane. However, their flow patterns are similar for all SN after
x/D = 0.3 plane towards the outlet of a burner.
Index Terms—Burner, swirling flow, axial velocity, tangential velocity, realizable k-ε
Conference Schedule
Design of a Gorlov Turbine from Marine Current Energy Extraction
Niranjwan Chettiar, Sumesh Narayan, Jai Nendran Goundar, and Ashneel Deo
The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Abstract—As fossil fuels near depletion and their detrimental side effects become
prominent on ecosystems, the world searches renewable sources of energy. Marine
current energy is an emerging and promising renewable energy resource. Marine current
energy can be alternative energy source for electricity production. Many marine current
converters are designed to tap marine current energy; however, Gorlov turbine proves to
have minimum manufacturing and maintenance cost, hence giving desired power output.
A 0.3m diameter and 0.6m long 3 bladed Gorlov turbine was designed, fabricated and
test to analyse its performance. The turbine produces average power 15 W and proves to
be quite efficient for marine current energy extraction.
Index Terms—Renewable Energy, Marine current Energy, Gorlov Turbine, Design,
Design and Performance Analysis of Micro Wind Turbine for Fiji
Ashneel Deo, Jai Nendran Goundar, Sumesh Narayan and Niranjwan Chettiar
The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Abstract—Today’s major research area is based on finding alternatives to fossil fuels.
Wind energy can contribute significantly towards renewable energy production. A
functional wind turbine built locally proposes a huge impact for Fiji and the Pacific
Islands renewable energy industry. The design has to take into consideration the wind
speed of the pacific which is quite different from other countries. A low Reynolds
number airfoil was selected and modified for horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) and
its aerodynamic characteristic was studied. The analysis were done using XFoil software,
the numerical results were validated with experimental results before analysis were done.
The Q-blade Software is used to design the blade for the wind turbine. The cut in velocity
of wind turbine is 3 ms-1, which is a big achievement when it comes for the power
generation. The rated power is 50 watts at rated velocity of 6.5 ms-1 and the cut of
velocity is at 20 ms-1. The numerical results were validated with experimental results.
The peak power after measurement was 23.73 watts at wind speed of 8 ms-1.
Index Terms—Renewable energy, Horizontal axis micro wind turbine, Airfoils, Blade
Design of a Ducted Cross Flow Turbine for Fiji
Jai Nendran Goundar, Niranjwan Chettiar, Sumesh Narayan, Ashneel Deo, and Deepak
The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Abstract—Marine current energy is clean and reliable energy source. It can be alternative
energy source to produce electricity if tapped with a suitable marine current energy
converter. Pacific Island countries (PIC) like Fiji can reduce the amount of Fossil fuel
used. However for most energy converters designed perform well at marine current
velocities above 2m/s and it needs to be installed at depths of 20 – 40m also installation
and the maintenance cost of such devise will be quite high if it needs to be installed in
Fiji. Therefore a ducted cross flow turbine was designed, which can give desired output
Conference Schedule
at minimum installation and maintenance cost. A dusted cross flow turbine has been
design taking into account for its operating condition. The turbine was modelled and
analyzed in commercial; Computational Fluid dynamic (CFD) code ANSYS-CFX. The
code was first validated and with experiment results and finally performance analysis of
full scale turbine was carried out. The designed turbine can have maximum efficiency of
56% producing rated power of 21kW; it produces 0.77kW at cut in speed of 0.65m/s.
Index Terms—Renewable energy, Ducted cross flow turbine, Design, Experimental
validation, Performance analysis.
Efficiency Estimation of Thermoelectric Generators Application in the Liquefied Natural
Gas Gasifiers
Artem Novikov, Dmitriy Uglanov, and Alexander Dovgyallo
Samara State Aerospace University, Russia
Abstract—The object of the research is a thermoelectric generator installed in a liquefied
natural gasgasifier. In this article the numerical estimation of parameters of
thermoelectric generators (TEG) atcryogenic temperatures are presented and the
experimental study of the thermoelectric properties ofTEG at low temperatures as well as
the outlook for using thermoelectric generators as a part ofindustrial liquefied natural gas
gasifier has been carried out. In the process used heat transfer theoryof cylindrical thin
wall with a one-sided fins and the estimation of thermoelectric performance ofTEG. As a
result the experimental work has been investigated by TEG parameters at
cryogenictemperatures; the evaluation of TEG number to produce electrical energy has
been considered.
Index Terms—Thermoelectric generator, alternative energy sources, utilization of cold
energy,liquefied natural gas, gasification
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICNB2014- Composites materials
University, South Korea
Method of heat balances for calculating heat transfer in flat multilayer nanostructures
Vladimir I. Khvesyuk and Denis A. Vorobyov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia
Abstract—We suggest method of calculation of one-dimensional temperature field in
Conference Schedule
multilayer nanostructures. Our method allows obtaining non-stationary temperature
distribution in the periodical and non-periodical spatial structures with a different degree
of periodicity. Comparison temperature distributions in the multilayer nanostructures and
equivalent continuous samples are performed in this study. In addition we suggest
experimental application of our method for estimation an average value of thermal
Kapitza resistance.
Index Terms—Multilayer nanostructures, Kapitza resistance, heat transfer, ballistic
thermal conductivity
Determination of the Gel-Fluid Phase Transition Temperature of Single Supported
Phospholipid Bilayers using QCM-D: Fundamentals and Applications
Andreas Wargenau and Nathalie Tufenkji
McGill University, Canada
Abstract—Supported phospholid bilayers (SPBs) have been demonstrated as valuable
experimental models for fundamental studies of biomembranes and their interactions
with various solutes, biomolecules and nanoparticles.
Herein, we report a novel method to detect the temperature-induced gel-fluid phase
transitions of single SPBs using a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation
monitoring (QCM-D). The proposed approach, which utilizes viscosity changes of the
ambient medium to determine the temperature in the immediate environment of the SPB,
enables the determination of the gel-fluid phase transition temperature with a precision of
± 0.1 °C. As transition temperatures obtained in this manner do not depend on the
temperature scan rate, the method also facilitates systematic evaluation of the transition
kinetics. The precise determination of both the transition temperature and the transition
time not only allows for fundamental studies on the transition behavior of these particular
bilayers, but also opens up new possibilities in the development of biosensing tools.
Possible applications including the detection of bilayer interactions with nanoparticles
and membrane soluble compounds are discussed based on various examples.
Index Terms—Gel-Fluid Phase Transition, Supported Phospholipid Bilayer, Quartz
Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Buckminster Fullerene (C60) Added Glass
Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 66 Multiscale Composites
ReyhanKeskin, IkilemGocek and GuralpOzkoc
Pamukkale University, Turkiye
Abstract—In the present study, Buckminster Fullerene and glass fiber reinforced
Polyamide 66 multiscale composites were produced using laboratory type twin screw
extruder and injection molding machines, respectively. The glass fiber reinforcement was
set as 30 wt % and samples A, B and C were produced with 0.1, 0.5 and 2.0 wt %
Buckminster Fullerene addition besides the glass fiber reinforcement. Tensile tests were
conducted and their results were compared with samples having only 30 wt % glass fiber
reinforcement to investigate the effect of Buckminster Fullerene addition. The
morphological structure of the multiscale composites were investigated using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) analysis
Index Terms—Multiscale composites, tensile strength, morphology, fiber-matrix
Conference Schedule
adhesion, glass fiber, Buckminster Fullerene, SEM analysis
Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes-Quicklime Nanocomposites using
Co Catalysts Supported on CaODerived from Carbonate Stones
Ruzanna Ibrahim, MohdZobir Hussein, Nor AzahYusof and Fatimah Abu Bakar
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Abstract—This work involves the synthesis of carbon nanotube-quicklime
nanocomposites(CQNs) via the CVD technique of n-hexane using Co metal catalysts
supported on CaO obtained from local carbonate stones. The CVD process was
conducted at temperatures between 600°C and 900°C. XRD results show that at
temperatures higher than 700°C, peaks attributable to CNTs are present. As the
composition of the catalysts is changed, it was shown that the catalyst composition of 10,
15 and 20wt% Co exhibit peaks that are attributable to CNTs the sample obtained using
when Co/CaO (20wt%) catalyst giving the highest XRD peak intensity. Transmission
electron microscopy of the CQNs confirmed the existence of nanotube morphology in the
samples. Raman spectroscopy of the CQNs samples show that CQNs synthesized using
20wt% Co gave the highest IG/ID ratio (2.169) indicating a highest degree of
graphitization. Incorporation of the CaO from carbonate stones in this type of CNT
nanocomposites may be useful in application as advanced building materials.
Index Terms—Carbon nanotubes, nanocomposite, calcium oxide, chemical vapour
Optical Properties of CztseNanocrystalline Thin Films for Photovoltaic Devices
Anderson DussanCuenca, Heiddy P. Quiroz, Jorge A. Calderón and Sandra M. López
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Abstract—Presents a study of optical properties from transmittance measurements as a
function of wavelength to CZTSe thin films (Cu2ZnSnSe4) using Bhattacharyya model
and basic elements from the Swanepoel theory. The optical constants such as the
absorption coefficient (α), the refractive index (n), the extinction coefficient (k) and
physical properties such as gap (Eg), the real and imaginary part of the dielectric function
(1 and 2) and the film thickness (d), were determined. Gap values between 1.2 and 1.7
eV were obtained for compound when the mass (MX) of ZnSe was varied during the
deposition stage. Inhomogeneity and high surface roughness were observed by SEM
measurements for all samples. Size grain varying between 458.16 and 630.28 nm were
obtained while the ZnSe binary mass varied from 0.171 to 0.153 g. Refractive index and
extinction coefficient of Cu2ZnSnSe4 films were obtained for λ = 800 nm. A decrease of
ε1 and ε2 was observed as the wavelength increases; it is associated with the presence of
binary phases in the XRD patterns.
Index Terms—CZTSe compound, thin films, optical properties, Dielectric function,
Graphene-CNTs into Neuron-Synapse Like Configuration a New Class of Hybrid
Antonio F. Avila, Aline M. de Oliveira, Viviane C. Munhoz and Glaucio C. Pereira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Abstract—This paper describes the experimental procedures for developing and testing
Conference Schedule
of a new class of hybrid nanocomposites, the neuron-synapse configuration ones. Two
carbon based nanostructures, multiwall carbon nanotubes and multi-layered graphene,
were incorporated to carbon epoxy laminated. The processing technique employed which
includes a combination of sonication and high shear mixing allows the formation of a
neuron-synapse nanostructure.X-ray diffractometry indicates that multi-layer graphene
(MLG) has an average diameter close to 22 nm. TEM observations and
ramanspectroscopy revealed a thickness of 10 graphene layers, and a hybrid
nanostructure where MWNT interpenetrated the MLG nanostructure. The hybrid
nanostructure seems to be linked by Van der Walls bonds. This could be the reason for
large crack density generated during short-beam bending tests. No significant stiffness
changes were observed in both, tensile and bending, tests, while tensile strength were
improved by 19% with 1 wt.% addition ofgraphene the interlaminar shear strength, was
increased by 22% with the addition of MWNTs and 2.5% with the graphene (1 wt.%) and
MWNT (0.3 wt.%) together.
Index Terms—Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, Composite Materials, Mechanical
Properties, Nanostructure Morphology
Nanoclay as Anti-Blistering Agent in Polyester Based Coating: Effect of Sea Water and
Distilled Water Exposure
SitiNorasmahSurip, Abd Malik AbdRahman and Wan NurRaihan Wan Jaafar
UniversitiTeknologi MARA, Malaysia
Abstract—This study was conducted to investigate the effect of nanoclay on hardness,
pull off and blistering effect of polyester based coating. Polyester coat, nanoclay and
hardener (MEKP) were mixed and mechanically stirred for one hour at ambient
temperature at a shear rate of 1000 rpm. Prepared coating was then applied on
the surface of plywood for the characterization of the hardness and pull off
strength and for the observation of blistering effect towards sea and distilled water. As a
result, 6% nanoclay loading gives better hardness strength which is 65% increment from
unmodified polyester. However, the pull off strength shows that 2% of nanoclay loading
gives higher strength among others with 114% increment compared to unmodified
polyester coating. Blister was mostly observed at samples without nanoclay loading for
both sea water and distilled water. While the less blistering effect was present at 2%
nanoclay loading for sea water and 4% nanoclay loading for distilled water. The presence
of nanoclay within the coating improves its bonding ability and the decreasing the micro
space within the polymer. Blistering effect for highest and lowest frequency was observed
by electron scanning microscope (SEM).
Index Terms—Modifiedpolyestercoating,nanoclay, anti-blister
Preparation and Characterisation of Surface Adsorbed Reduced Graphene
Oxide/PolyanilineNanocomposite on Polymer Membrane for Trimethylamine Sensing
Rey Alfred G. Rañola, Isabella Concina, ElisabettaComini, Fortunato B. Sevilla and
Giorgio Sberveglieri
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines/Sensor Lab, University of Brescia, Italy
Abstract—A graphene/polyaniline (rGO/PANi) nanocomposite was synthesized by
solution blending method and deposited on to a nylon-6 membrane via vacuum assisted
self-assembly (VASA) method to fabricate a flexible material applied as a chemoresistive
Conference Schedule
gas sensor for trimethylamine (TMA). The morphological and structural characterization
of surfaced adsorbed polymer nanocomposite was carried out by FT-IR, SEM, UV-Vis
and surface profilometry. While, electrical property was carried out by four-point probe
measurement. Prepared rGO/PANinanocomposite has a percolation threshold around
0.40% vol. fraction, with a conductivity of 8.28 S/m (rsd = 3.0%, n=3) and thickness
around 38.58 μm (rsd = 7.63%, n=3. The composite sensor exhibited linear range from
45 to 230 mg/L (r2= 0.9962) and the calculated limit of detection was 25.30 mg/L. It
exhibited a repeatable response to TMA gas.
Index Terms—Graphenenanocomposite, chemiresistor, trimethylamine, surface adsorbed
Improved Dna Immobilization and Binding Efficiency on Novel Carboxylic Acid
Milena Rowinska
Dublin City University, Ireland
Abstract—A new methodfor the fabrication of carboxylic acidgroups on solid supports is
reported. The carboxylic acid functional layer is obtained by spin-coating dissolved
polymethmethacrylate (PMMA)onto an underlying solid substrate (e.g. plastic, glass,
gold) and oxidizing it with either UV light-ozone (UV/O3) or oxygen plasma. The
thickness of the spin-coated layer can be as low as 5nm, and can be controlled by
manipulation of PMMA concentration, spin time and spin speed.This surface can be
applied in fabricationof surface arrays of ssDNA (single-stranded DNA)and point-of-care
devices, which are at the center of some of the most active areas in biological research.
A well-known approach applied by many researchers for producing microarrays is to
modify the DNA oligomers with a functional group that allows covalent attachment to a
reactive group on the surface. 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC)
was used as linker and amino-modified ssDNA probe. EDC reacts with the carboxylic
acid surface to form an o-acrylisourea intermediate, which subsequently reacts with an
amine-terminated ssDNA oligomer to form amide bonds. However, during
immobilization experiments, it was observed that the ssDNA probe binds not only via its
modified terminus but also by its nucleobases. We show that DNA has the ability to
anchor itself via the amine groups present in the backbone (BB) nucleobases (Adenine,
Guanine, Cytosine) and that this bindingnegativelyaffects hybridization efficiency during
subsequent hybridization assays. In order to improve hybridization efficacy, click
chemistry (CC), was demonstrated as a bio-orthogonal and highly specific alternative,
which does not promote binding of probe to the surface via multiple anchoring points on
the backbone. Both immobilization techniques were compared and direct hybridization
experiments with short ssDNAoligomerswere performed. It was found that hybridization
efficiency is 40% higher for CCthan for EDC linking at room temperature. To conclude,
PMMA is a versatile substrate suitable for DNA microarrays. CC immobilization is more
suited and specific, can be performed at room temperature and results in higher
hybridization efficacy when compared to EDC linking chemistry.
Index Terms—Surface science, click chemistry, DNA immobilization, DNA
Hollow TiO2 Spherical Structures Prepared by Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal
Treatment without Template
Conference Schedule
Carine Ribeiro, Carine S. S., Zenatti, Alessandra and Ribeiro, Anderson O.
Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Abstract—Three-dimensional hollow spherical structures has good performances that
attract significant attention nowadays, due to their higher specific surface area, lower
density, better cell permeation and greater light-harvesting capacity. Hence, the hollow
TiO2 spherical structures has been used in many areas and applications, including
photocatalysts, electrochromic devices, gas sensor, dye sensitized solar cells, biomedical
implants and field emitters, delivery carriers and adsorbents.
In this work, hollow TiO2 spherical structures were prepared by microwave-assisted
hydrothermal treatment without template. A solution containing 0.2 grams of TiO2
amorphous spheres synthetized previously by sol-gel method was mixed with NaF,
ethanol and water and transferred to a 100 mL Teflon-lined autoclave, which was sealed
and kept at 180ºC for 1 h. After, the material was washed seven times with ethanol and
centrifuged. Results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed crystal planes of TiO2 anatase.
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) showed the different
morphology of the material before and after microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment
(Figure 1). Other characterization will be realized, such as, superficial area, pore volume
and compositional analyzes FTIR and Raman spectroscopy.
Index Terms—
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanosilver Intercalated Graphene Embedded High
Density Polyethylene composite thin films
Mahmoud BorhaniZarandi, NooshinMoshtzan and Mohammad Reza Nateghi
Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Iran
Yazd university, Iran
Abstract—Graphenenanoflakes were prepared from expanded graphite by direct
ultrasonication. Silver nanoparticles were prepared in dimethyl formamide at the
presence of polyvinyl pyrrolidone as stabilizer by direct reduction method. The colloidal
solution of synthesized Ag nanoparticles was added to the ultrasonicatedgraphene
suspension so that the silver to graphene weight ratio of 1:1 is achieved in final solution.
HDPE/graphene/Ag composites were fabricated using melt mixing method. The
composite thin films were characterized by SEM, TEM, XRD, DSC, and four point probe
techniques. For comparison, HDPE/graphene composites were also prepared by similar
method. Electrical resistance measurements reveal that the HDPE/graphene/Ag
composite layers in comparison with HDPE/graphene show lower percolation threshold
(1.8 vol.% vs. 2.2 vol.% of conducting phase) and very higher maximum electrical
conductivity (1.0×10−3 S/cm vs. 1.0×10−7 S/cm) at 7.8 vol.% of the conducting phase
loading. Changes in crystallinity percent and melting temperature of the composite
samples were studied by DSC technique. It was recognized that the crystallinity and
melting temperature of composite samples containing graphene/Ag is more dependent in
conductive phase content than HDPE/graphene composite films. 10 C increase of
melting temperature in HDPE/graphene/Ag samples by 10 wt% loading of conducting
phase is indicating the increase of crystallinity and then density of the samples. XRD
results indicated that the size of crystallites and distance between crystal plates are
Conference Schedule
Index Terms—
Numerical Investigation of a High Performance Subwavelength Grating based
University of Tabriz, Iran
Abstract—A Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensor based on a
subwavelength grating structure is studied numerically for detection of bulk refractive
change of aqueous environments such as biological buffer solutions. A high grating
thickness of 40 nm and a short grating period of 50 nm are selected to evaluate
numerically the effect of the other grating structural parameter i.e. fill factor (f.f) on the
sensor performance including dispersion curve, sensitivity, FWHM, MRR and resonance
angle. Evaluation shows that corresponding wavelength to the effective resonance of
surface plasmons which locating in near infrared (NIR) wavelength range is displaced
with f.f value. Also, as shown for some f.f values sensitivity is enhanced slightly whereas
FWHM, MRR and resonance angle is increased. Thus with adjusting both of operating
wavelength and f.f value, it is possible to get a better performance for the plasmonic
Index Terms—Subwavelength grating, Localized surface plasmon, Biosensor, Near
infrared wavelengths
Indium Tin Oxide for Super-resolution Light Microscopy Study
Xun Lu, ThibaultTabarinc, Philip R. Nicovich, S. R. C. Vivekchanda, Katharina Gaus
and J. Justin Gooding
University of New South Wales, Australia
Abstract—Super-resolution light microscopy techniques such asphotoactivated
localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy
(STORM) can break the diffraction limit and achieve a resolution of tens of nanometres.1,
Fundamentally, both techniques rely on the temporal separation of fluorescence
emission of those individual fluorophores in the specimen so that the size of the point
spread function (PSF) can be reduced, leading to a nanometre-sized localization
precision.As originally introduced, PALM uses photoconvertable and photoactivatable
fluorescent proteins while STORM, utilizes reversible photoswitching of specially paired
organic fluorophores.As biomolecules such as peptides and proteins are usually up to
several nanometres, it is, in principle, possible to localize single molecules by this
Indium tin oxide coated glass substrates (ITO) werechosen in this research because
well-designed chemical modification can be achievedon the ITO surface. It was
previously reported that a variety of sophisticated and wellcontrolled chemical
modifications can be applied on ITO surface, such as self-assembling of
organophosphonic acid, alkane-thiols or carboxylic acids.3, 4, 5Also ITO is both optically
transparent and electronically conductive, which additionallyenables optical and
electrochemical study simultaneously.
The purpose of this study was to explore the applicability of ITO instead of glass as a
substrate for super-resolution lightmicroscopy (PALM/dSTORM6) use and demonstrate
super-resolution light microscopy imaging of biological structures and single molecules
on ITO substrate. Herein, a quantitative study was processed through calculating and
Conference Schedule
localizing fluorescently(Alexa Fluor 647) labelled BSA molecules on glass
substrates.Furthermore, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) was carried
out to measure the lifetime of Alexa Fluor 647 on both glass and ITO surfaces to see if
there was any change in its photophysical property. Then, both ITO and glass were
utilized as substrates for dual-colour imaging of NIH-3T3 cell under both PALM and
dSTORM. Finally, ITO substrates were functionalized with RGD peptides of different
densities by varying the ratio of hydroxyl and methoxy terminated monolayers during
surface modification (Figure 1). Then tdEos-Paxillinlabelledfocal adhesions (FAs) ofthe
NIH-3T3 cells were imaged under PALM; meanwhilethe Alexa Fluor 647 labelled RGD
molecules were detected on the same area under dSTORM.
Index Terms—
Studying Properties of RNA Nanotubes via Molecular Dynamics
Roderick Melnik and Shyam Badu
Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Abstract—RNA molecules are very flexible in nature. This feature allows us to build
various motifs which are essential in bio-nanotechnological applications. Based on the
previous studies on RNA nanorings, in this contribution we analyze the structure and
properties of RNA nanotubes, where we focus on nanotubes consisting of up to five
nanorings of around 20nm in diameter. We have developed a molecular dynamics (MD)
method and implemented it by using the NAMD and VMD packages to study the
structural and thermal properties of the nanotube in physiological solutions. In particular,
we have analyzed such characteristics as the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD), the
radius of gyration, the number of hydrogen bonds per base pairs, and the radial
distribution function for the different nanoclusters in nanotubes of various sizes. The
variations of energy and temperature with simulation time have been studied for all sets
of simulations. Variations in RMSD, radius of gyration and the radial distribution
function with temperature have been analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the number of
23Na+ions around the nanotubes within the distance of 5A at two different temperatures
has also been studied. It has been found that the number of ions accumulated around the
nanotubes within the specified distance is growing with increase in temperature from
310K to 510K. The final configurations of the systems simulated at 510K have been
considered as the starting point for further MD simulations at 310K. We confirmed the
process of ion evaporation with temperature decrease. This is due to the phenomenon of
Index Terms—
Conference Schedule
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICMPM2014- Electrical materials and alloys materials
Session Chair:Dr.
Sabuj Mallik, University of Greenwich,
United Kingdom
Effect of Fiber Content on Failure Modes of Glass Fiber Reinforced Injection Molded
Polyamide 66 Composites
Ikilem Gocek, Reyhan Keskin and Guralp Ozkoc
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Abstract—In the present study, glass fiber reinforced Polyamide 66 composites were
produced using laboratory type twin screw extrusion and injection molding processes.
The glass fiber reinforcement was applied at 1, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 wt% loadings. The
morphological structure of the samples and failure modes of glass fiber reinforced
Polyamide 66 composites were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
analysis on fractured surfaces of tensile tested samples in this study
Index Terms—Fiber reinforced composites, failure mechanisms, fiber-matrix adhesion,
glass fiber, polyamide66, SEM analysis
The Effects of Either Height of Bellows Ends on the Stress Distributionaccording to
Rotation Angles
Jinbong KIM
Hanseo University, KOREA
Abstract—As analysis research, the effect of either height of bellows ends on the stress
distribution has been proposed in the study. Rotation angle only is considered as a
boundary condition. FEM solution for a u-shaped flexible tube under the action of angle
of rotation is obtained. The design factor, convolution height of bellows ends, is
considered for the simulation. The analysis is performed using the finite element analysis
program. The maximum von-Mises stress and its reduction rate according to the height of
bellows ends is compared respectively.
Index Terms—Flexible tube, von-Mises stress, Lateral deflection, Stress Reduction Rate.
Tuning the Microwave Dielectric Properties ofNd0.96Yb0.04(Mg0.5Sn0.5)O3 by
Introducing Ca0.8Sr0.2TiO3
Yih-Chien Chen,Chih-Hung Li, Hua-Xian Liu, and Jing-Yu Fu
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Conference Schedule
Abstract—The influence of sintering temperature on the microwave dielectric properties
and microstructure of the (1-y)Nd0.96Yb0.04(Mg0.5Sn0.5)O3-yCa0.8Sr0.2TiO3
ceramic system were investigated with a view to their application in microwave devices.
The (1-y)Nd0.96Yb0.04(Mg0.5Sn0.5)O3-yCa0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ceramic systems were
prepared using the conventional solid-state method. The X-ray diffraction patterns of
the (1-y)Nd0.96Yb0.04(Mg0.5Sn0.5)O3-yCa0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ceramic system shifted to
higher angle as y increased. A dielectric constant of 38.2, a quality factor (Q×f) of
53,500 GHz, and a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of -3 ppm/℃were
obtained when the 0.4 Nd0.96Yb0.04(Mg0.5Sn0.5)O3–0.6Ca0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ceramic
system was sintered at 1600 ℃ for 4h.
constant, Quality factor, Temperature coefficient of resonant frequency.
Stress-strain behaviour of dielectric elastomer for actuators
Raj Kumar Sahu, K. Patra, S. Bhaumik, A. K. Pandey and D. K. Setua
National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India
Abstract—Dielectric elastomer (DE) is gaining importance for potential strategic and
commercial application as actuators. This paper reports the experimental investigation on
different mechanical phenomena at large deformation of a commercially available acrylic
dielectric elastomer material, VHB 4910 (3M) which is widely used for dielectric
elastomer actuator (DEA) research. Attempts are made for accurate and precise
experimental determination of nonlinear stress-strain, strain rate dependent hysteresis
behaviour and cyclic softening of this material. It is observed that with the increase in
strain rate maximum stress at a particular strain increases whereas hysteresis loss
decreases. In the cyclic loading case after a particular number of cycles almost the
hysteresis loss and maximum stress becomes constant. These experimental results are
likely to be interesting for the designers for proper designing and characterization of the
actuators fabricated with this material.
IndexTerms—Dielectric elastomer actuators, acrylic rubber, large deformation,
hysteresis, stress softening
Flow Behavior of Wood Treated with Melamine Formaldehyde Resin under
Non-equilibrium Thermal-compression
Tsunehisa Miki, Rumiko Nakaya, Masako Seki, Soichi Tanaka, Nobuo Sobue, Ichinori
Shigematsu, Kozo Kanayama
National institute of advanced industrial science and technology (AIST), Japan
Abstract—A uni-axial compression test of solid wood containing a melamine
formaldehyde resin and moisture at a heating condition was carried out to investigate
fluidity of solid wood aiming at application of wood-flow-forming with an acceptable
pressure level. Results show that there is a preferable moisture condition for initiation of
flow phenomenon of the resin-treated wood. Since the decrease in the flow stress of
wood generating pronounced size change in the drying process was distinguished, there
might be a positiveeffect of the non-equilibrium state in moisture on the ease in
generation of flow deformation.
Index Terms—Wood, Flow, Non-equilibrium Thermal-compression, Deformation,
Conference Schedule
Plastic Forming
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Titanium Alloy Tribological Behaviour in Beta
Solution Treated Condition
Srinivasu Gangi Setti and R. N. Rao
National Institute of Technology Raipur (NITRR), India
Abstract—In the present investigation artificial neural network (ANN) approach was
used for the prediction of wear and friction properties of low cost near beta titanium alloy
β solution treated condition. The input parameters are load, track diameter and β solution
treated temperature and output parameters are %weight loss, coefficient of friction and
temperature generated between the pin and disc. In order to get the best model, different
parameters like number of layers, number of hidden neurons, and transfer functions are
changed. The data obtained in sliding wear tests were divided into two sets training data
and testing data. A neural network was trained using a training data set and was validated
using test data. The best network for prediction of tribological properties of these β
solution treated specimens was 3-[11]1-[9]2-3 layer recurrent with purelin transfer
function and trainlm is training function. The percentage error for %weight loss,
coefficient of friction and temperature are 2.8, 1.7 and 5.3 respectively.
Index Terms—Artificial neural networks, Beta titanium alloys, Tribology
Investigation into effect of Cutting Conditions on surface roughness while dry machining
Al-11%Si and Al-11%Si- 1% Bi Die Casting alloy
Mohsen Marani Barzani, Ahmed A. D.Sarhan, Saeed Farahani,Ramesh Singh
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia
Abstract—These days turning process is required to more accurate and efficientin
machining process. It has effect on surface of workpiece and decrease manufacturing
coast. Therefore, understanding the key factors in machining parameters is important to
develop effective machining strategies. In this study, an experimental investigation was
conducted to determine the effects of cutting speeds and feed rates on surface roughness
in turning of the Al %11Siand Al-11%Si- 1% Bidie cast alloys. Experimental trials
carried out using coated carbide inserts (PVD). Three different cutting speeds, 70, 130
and 250 m/min and three feed rates 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/rev were used with a 0.15 mm
constant depth of cut for all experiments. Additionally scanning electron microscope
(SEM) was employed to clarify the different types of silicon morphology. Results
revealed that surface roughness increased with increasing feed rate from 0.05 to 0.15
mm/rev and decreased with increasing cutting speed from 70 to 250 m/min. The result
showed that workpiece containing Bi had the best surace roughnes with lamillar silicon
shape in comoareson with aluminium-silicon with flake-silicon shape.
Index Terms—Turning,Surface roughness, Microstructure, Bismuth, Silicon
Optimizing detection parameters of magnetic Barkhausen noise using heat affect zone in
welded ship steel plate
Mohamed Sawalem, Mohamed Blaow and Ibrahim Adarrat
University of Misurata, Libya
Abstract—Magnetic Barkhausen noise measurements on a welded marine steel plate
Conference Schedule
were performed in a line that passes through the weld bead and extends to the base metal
from both sides of the weld. The heat affected zone was characterized by a pattern in
the peak height as a function of distance from the weld bead. Barkhausen noise profile
analysis by extracting relevant parameters like peak position, profile area and profile half
width was also performed. The result showed a clear variation in MBN profile
parameters in a way similar to that of the profile peak height. It could be concluded that
MBN profile parameters superimposed as a function of measurement distance from the
weld bead may provide an accurate determination of the affected material near the weld
bead. The variation in MBN profile parameters was enhanced by microstructural and
mechanical changes along the measurement line. This experiment demonstrates that
the Barkhausen noise profile parameters could be used to track various manufacturing
and maintenance processes of steel instead of using a single parameter like the root mean
square (rms) to eliminate the variability of results and narrow the tolerance of acceptance
Index Terms—Magnetic Barkhausen emission (MBN), Residual stress, welding,
Structurally affected zone (SAZ), Mechanically affected zone (MAZ), Heat affected zone
The Mechanical Response for Metallic Closed-Cell Foam at High-Strain Rates
Charles E. Lord, Zhen Huang
University of Sheffield, UK
Abstract—As the trend for lighter more efficient structures continues, the requirement
for alternative materials follows. One material that has gained attention more recently is
porous metallic foam. One drawback to these materials is that there is limited pedigree
and understanding of their performance. As with all materials, the use of metallic foam
for structures requires knowledge of its mechanical properties; including at high-strain
rates. The focus of this paper is to determine the compressive mechanical properties and
the influencing parameters for AISI 4340 steel closed-cell foam under high-strain rates
(776s-1 to 3007s-1). ANSYS commercial finite element code is used to simulate a
closed-cell sample under a split Hopkinson pressure bar test. In this paper the pores are
considered to be spherical in shape for simplification while various parameters such as
the pore size, the number of pores, the distribution of pores, and the strain rate are varied.
Each of these parameters gives this material a unique response which is presented in this
Index Terms—porous metal foam, closed-cell foam, high-strain rate, split Hopkinson
pressure bar
The Effect of Rise Angle of V-Hull Non Ballast Ship on Seakeeping performance
Hesham Elkady, Duanfeng Han and Lianggao Gao
Harbin Engineering University, China
Abstract—In this paper a new concept in ship design was used to be alternative of ballast
water system, to emerge that remedy the introduction of invasive marine species and the
disadvantages of ballast water treatment systems.Thus, the hydrodynamic influences due
to hull line variation of this kind of ships were studied, using the invariant cross-section
area curve under the design draft to change the rise angle at bottom. Then numerical
calculation was used to get the seakeeping at each angle. Two 3D models were
Conference Schedule
constructed for 59000 DWT oil tankers and 35000 DWT bulk carriers, where the result
of the bulk carrier was exposed.
Index Terms—Hull line, Non-Ballast ship, Rise angle, Seakeeping, RMS for Rolling,
RMS for Vertical acceleration, Bottom Slamming probability, Dick wetness probability.
Experimental researches of Co-Cr Alloys powders manufactured by sintering process
DMLS and Ni-Cr Alloys used in dentistry
BĂILĂ Diana-Irinel
University POLITEHNICA of Buchares, Romania
Abstract—The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemical and metallurgical
aspects, mechanical properties and hardness of the Co-Cr alloy powders manufactured by
sintering process DMLS and compared with Ni-Cr alloys used for personalized dental
In dentistry are develop new methods to obtain personalized dental crowns quickly, the
cost is not expensive and is identically with the dental scan realized by dentist. DMLS
sintering manufacturing is a new method who permits to realize in the same day the
dental crowns with the first control.
Powders of Co-Cr alloys presents good sintered properties, good mechanical properties
and the sintered probes don’t present tensile strength in the material after DMLS process.
Index Terms—Ni-Cr alloys, Co-Cr alloys powders, Sintering Process DMLS,
granulometry powder, electronic microscopy SEM, dental crown sintered.
Experimental analysis of the structural and functional fatigue in shape memory alloy
Nitinol wires when subjected to cyclic thermo-mechanical loading
Anchal G, K. R. Frei, C. S. Upadhyay, D. J. Hartl
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Abstract—The concept of deployable panels for solar energy and for moisture absorption
is fascinating and is emerging as a new field of research. It requires sun or wind tracing
using a solar or humidity sensor. Mechanism to move system uses stepper motors and is
bulky. If new mechanism can be derived using SMA wires, it can be significant reduction
in weight and complexity of the device. Ideally it can also serve to improve solar
harvesting devices in space structures. Towards this, preliminary study is done on such
devices using origami methods and test set-up is made.
Index Terms—Shape memory alloys, cyclic thermo-mechanical loading, induced fatigue,
hardening effect.
Coffee Break
Conference Schedule
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICPSE2014-Power Systems and Control Engineering
Session Chair:Prof.
Magnus Thor Jonsson, University of
Iceland, Iceland
Optimal Coordination of Power System Stabilizer in Multi-machine Power System by
using Hybrid Big Bang-big Crunch Algorithm
Mojtaba Mohamadi, Hasan Shokouhandeh,Mojtaba Eslami Endargoli, Manouchehr
Jafari Kaliji, and Hadi Jafari Kaliji
MazandaranElectricalDistribution co, Iran
Abstract—The main goal of this study is to enhance the stability of multi-machine power
system by coordination of power system stabilizers. The objective considered is to design
the proposed controller as a defined optimization matter. Hybrid Big Bang-Big Crunch
(HBB-BC) algorithm was used to minimize cost function. The proposed algorithm was
applied to a four-machine system and the influence of proposed algorithm in setting the
stabilizers parameters was studied under different conditions. The results of simulations
denote high efficiency of the algorithm in designing stabilizers compared with other
optimization algorithms such as particles swarm algorithm (PSO).
Index Terms—Power System Stabilizer, Hybrid Big Bang Big Crunch Algorithm,
Multi-machine Power System, Low Frequency Oscillation.
An Application of Economic Dispatch Problem using Game Theory
Bahcesehir University, Turkey
Abstract—This paper presents a game theory application for economic dispatch problem.
In this application, economic dispatch problem has been applied to 6 thermal stations in
14-bus, 380kV power system in Turkey, by taking the generator limits and total demand
into account, but transmission losses have been neglected. To find the optimum dispatch
strategy Nash equilibrium has been used with MATLAB. Instead of following any
particular strategy, the entire system has been analyzed. At the end of this paper, it was
shown; calculated system total cost is smaller than the total cost of genetic algorithm and
Lagrange function applications.
Index Terms—Economic dispatch, optimization, game theory, Nash equilibrium.
Energy Management and Control of a Solar Electric Vehicle
Bendjedia Bachir,A.Hadjadj, F.bouchafaa, A.Benhouia,M.Temmir, and N. Rizoug
Conference Schedule
Amar Telidji University, Algeria
Abstract—This paper deals a detailed study, control and energy management of a solar
vehicle Multisource Power Supply. A PVG is used as the principal energy source and the
batteries are used as secondary/storage source. The use of this last source can reduce
strongly the power stress imposed on the primary source. Two DC / DC converters to
establish the power transmission to the traction part connect the power sources (PVGbattery) to the DC bus. The main source (PVG) is connected to a Boost converter which
controlled by an MPPT strategy. Finally, an energy management strategy based on
satisfying the load power requirement is used, for this reason, a DC-DC buck-boost
converter to control batteries bank is used.
Index Terms—Energy Management, PVG, DC-DC Converter, MPPT, Batteries.
DC bus control of Back-to-Back connected Two-Level PWM Rectifier-Five-Level NPC
Voltage Source Inverter to Torque Ripple Reduction in Induction Motor
Thameur Abdelkrim, Karima Benamrane, Badreddine Bezza
Applied Research Unit on Renewable Energies, Algeria
Abstract—This paper proposes a regulation method of back-to-back connected two-level
PWMrectifier-five-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) in order to reduce the torque
ripple in inductionmotor. First part is dedicated to the presentation of the feedback
control of two-level PWM rectifier.In the second part, five-level Neutral Point Clamped
(NPC) voltage source inverter balancing DCbus algorithm is presented. A theoretical
analysis with a complete simulation of the system ispresented to prove the excellent
performance of the proposed technique.
Index Terms—Back-to-back connection, two-level rectifier, Five-level NPC VSI,
Feedback control,Redundant vectors, Torque ripple.
Analysis and initialization of GE wind turbine control model
EPC Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract—In this paper the analysis of a General Electric Wind Turbine Control Model
(GEWTCM) and comparison with a Generic Wind Turbine Control Model (GWTCM) is
presented. The analysis is performed for the GEWTCM stationary state. Based on the
analysis, a systematic method for the GEWTCM initializations as well as a methodology
for calculation of the GEWTCM operating point in steady state are presented. It has been
shown that, due to lack of limiting of the pitch controller and pitch compensation,
uniqueness of solution for initial and steady state values of all GEWTCM state variables
are ensured except for the state variables of the pitch controller and pitch compensation.
Conclusions from the analysis can help in the implementation of the wind turbine control
model in power system dynamic simulation software packages in applications with
variable wind speed.
Index Terms—Generic wind turbine control model, GE wind turbine control model,
analysis, initialization, anti-windup.
Study of Distributed Generation Units Impact on Pricing On The Wholesale Power
Conference Schedule
Energy Market
Ilya D. Polyakov, Stepan A. Dmitriev and Pavel V. Chusovitin
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia
Abstract—This paper is devoted to the study of distributed generation units impact on
pricing on the wholesale power energy market. The paper deals with results the analysis
of the wholesale electricity market and power. This analysis is necessary for proper
impact assessment of distributed generation units on a total optimization. Optimization
calculations performed for the real power system, when distributed generation units
operating the basic and peak modes, as well as the cost-effectiveness of this modes.
Index Terms—Distributed generation units, optimization, wholesale electricity market
and power, factors, electric energy.
A New Financial Model and Economic Feasibility of Grid-Connected PV Power Plants
for the Future of Renewable Energy in Turkey
Nurettin Çetinkaya
Selçuk University, Turkey
Abstract—In this study, the economic feasibility of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV)
power plants is investigated. In addition, a new financial model for renewable power
system is proposed. The proposed structure of the financial model, operation and
economics has been examined. Other objects of this study are to win more for both
operator and the investor, and to set out the latest legal regulation for investment in
Turkey’s emerging solar power market and to provide some guidelines to potential
investors who appreciated country’s huge solar energy potential. Different options
customer owned systems, operation systems, and other models are evaluated in detail.
Feasibility is made for PV power plant. The proposed financial model is applied to PV
power plant. Conclusions are discussed to find the best financial model for solar PV
power plant systems.
Index Terms—Economic feasibility, photovoltaic power plant, renewable energy support
Method for Determining Line Drop Compensator Control Parameters of Low-Voltage
Regulator Using Random Forest
Hiroshi Kikusato, Naoyuki Takahashi, Jun Yoshinaga, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi,
Shinichi Kusagawa and Noriyuki Motegi
Waseda University, Japan
Abstract—Compensation of a voltage within the appropriate range becomes difficult
when a large number of photovoltaic (PV) systems are installed. As a solution to this
problem, the installation of a low-voltage regulator (LVR) has been studied. In this
paper, we propose a method for instantly and accurately determining the line drop
compensator (LDC) method parameters as a part of a voltage management scheme,
which consists of prediction, operation, and control. In the proposed method, the solution
candidates of the proper LDC parameters are narrowed by using a random forest that
learns the relationship between the power-series data and the properness of the LDC
parameters, thereby reducing the computational cost. We performed numerical
simulations to verify the validity of the proposed method. From the results, the LDC
Conference Schedule
parameters can be rapidly and accurately determined. Additionally, the desirable voltage
control performance is verified.
Index Terms—Distribution system, voltage control, low-voltage regulator (LVR), line
drop compensator (LDC) method, random forest.
Possibility of Four-Phase Grids Application in Russian Power System
Alexandra Khalyasmaa, Dmitry Bliznyuk, and Andrey Plyasunov
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia
Abstract—This paper is devoted to four-phase electrical grids of high and extra-high
voltage, principles of its formation and its possible operation and maintenance in united
power system of Russia. Development of new simulation model of four-phase power grid
for further realization in software is under consideration. Special attention is given to
compliance with present both technical and economical requirements of this model in
Russian Federation. Economic analysis of four-phase power system applying is done by
means of comparison of different kinds of transmission Ural – Siberia.
Index Terms—four-phase electrical grids, four-phase power line, three-to-four phase
transformer, long distance power transmission.
Maximum PV Penetration Capacity Evaluation of a Novel Method for Determining LDC
Control Parameters of Step Voltage Regulators
Shunsuke Kawano, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto and Yasuhiro Hayashi
Waseda University, Japan
Abstract—This paper presents a new method for determining the load drop compensator
(LDC) parameters of a load ratio transformer (LRT) and step voltage regulator (SVR)
used in an electrical power distribution system. Because the voltage control effect
produced by an LRT and SVR depends on the combination of their respective LDC
parameters, these should be determined properly in order to control voltage within a
proper range. Introduction of photovoltaic generation systems into a distribution system
makes voltage control difficult and causes the optimal parameters to vary between dayand nighttime. In the proposed method, the parameters are reset every hour based on a
database of all feasible parameters during every hour in the past. Simulation results in
which the maximum PV penetration capacity of the proposed method is compared with
that of a centralized control method are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed
Index Terms—Electrical power distribution, voltage control, photovoltaic system, step
voltage regulator, LDC method
Voltage Reduction Field Test On a Distribution Substation
Eduardo Vega-Fuentes, J.M. Cerezo-Sánchez, S. León-del Rosario and A.
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Abstract—This paper highlights the relationship between power demand and voltage
level on the distribution network. It shows how a small change in voltage with existing
assets delivers a very meaningful response in power demand and in energy consumption.
A 24 hour field trial at a utility without any experience with Conservation Voltage
Conference Schedule
Reduction (CVR) is described. CVR effects are assessed by acombined
comparison-regression method resulting in at least 9.42 MWh energy saved during the
test, equivalent to the consumption of 848 households in the region. The energy savings
achievable within the network under this study have been characterized and the attainable
yearly savings on the Canary Islands distribution networks, are on the whole estimated.
Index Terms—Conservation voltage reduction (CVR), demand reduction, distribution
efficiency, energy saving, field trial.
Classification of Selected Zingiberaceae Famili of Essential Oil Using E-Nose and
Discriminant Factorial Analysis (DFA) Techniques: An Initial Study
Sahrim Lias, Nor Azah Mohamad Ali, Mailina Jamil, Azrina Aziz and Siti Humeirah
Ab Ghani
Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia
Abstract—Essential oils are very valuable natural resources and considered as secondary
metabolites. They are produced from several parts of aromatic plant by using different
type of extraction techniques. Each technique produced slightly different output oil yield
and smell however they produced the same major chemicals compound markers when
they are analysed using chemical analysis and profiling technique. Pure essential oils are
known to have very strong odor and there are several techniques used to differentiate the
volatile odor generated. In this study, Electronic Nose (E-Nose) technology is used to
distinguish the smell among 8 samples selected within the same Zingiberaceae Famili.
Their pattern recognition profiles were examined by statistical analysis using
Discriminant Factorial Analysis (DFA). The result shows that the E-Nose technology
combined with DFA were succesfully discriminating all 8 samples within the same
Famili with significant p-values < 0.05 across all samples and 100% recognition value.
Index Terms—Essential oils, aromatic plant, Electronic Nose, discriminant factorial
Sea Bed Logging Applications: Predicting Hydrocarbon Depth using Mathematical
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Abstract—The aim of this research is to develop 1-D mathematical equation that relates
Normalized mean Square Error (NMSE) to depth of hydrocarbon (HC) for data
processed using cubic spline interpolation in sea bed logging (SBL) application.
Simulations were conducted using CST software that replicated real SBL environment to
generate synthetic data. Frequency of 0.25Hz was used and sediment thicknesses were
varied from 1000m to 3000m and incremented at every 250m. Data collected were
interpolated using cubic spline and NMSE were calculated between original and
interpolated data. Mathematical equation that relates NMSE (y) and depth of
hydrocarbon (x) was constructed in terms of linear, exponential, logarithm and
polynomial degree 2, 3, 4 and R2 were calculated for each equation. Mathematical
equation using exponential function was adopted because it has reasonably high R2 and
can be inversed easily. Average percentage error was calculated between calculated and
measured data to achieve 5 % or lower values. If achievable, this model was accepted as
forward mathematical model for SBL. Otherwise, the coefficients were adjusted and the
Conference Schedule
processes repeated until minimum average error was achieved.
Index Terms—Sea Bed Logging, Cubic Spline Interpolation, Normalized Mean Square
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICNB2014- Nanosensors and biochemical materials
Session Chair:
Sensitive Determination Papain Conjugated Cdse Quantum Dots by Dynamic Light
Scattering Analysis
Arup Ratan Mandal, ArturIshteev, Sergey Volchematiev and Denis Kuznetsov
National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Russia
Abstract—A strong, simple and rapid method for determination enzyme (papain)
conjugated quantum dots (QDs) by dynamic light scattering (DLS) is proposed in this
report. Yellow CdSe QDs are synthesized with changing the precursor ratio and
confirmed by absorption and emission spectra. Shape and size of synthesized QDs are
checked by transmission electron microscope (TEM). Both absorption and emission
spectra reveal very strong quantum confinement effect as expected; yellow excitonic
emission is observed at room temperature for photoluminescence spectra (PL). The peak
maxima are appreciably red-shifted when QDs are conjugated with positively charged
papain enzyme. The details possible mechanism is described here, which is very
interesting and scarcely addressed before.
Index Terms—Yellow-quantum dots, dynamic light scattering, absorption,
Characterization of ZnO Films based Sensors Prepared by Different Techniques
Sonik Bhatia, NehaVerma, Aman Mahajan and R.K Bedi
KanyaMahaVidyalaya, India
Abstract—In the present research, zinc oxide (ZnO) films have been prepared by simple
solution method and spray pyrolysis on different substrates (glass and sapphire) for
different molar concentrations (0.2M & 0.25M). The films were subjected to different
substrate temperatures (400°C and 450°C respectively. These were characterized for
SEM and XRD and the average size of the crystallites were in range of 300 and 200nm
for the films on Saphire and glass at higher substrate temperature. FTIR analysis has been
carried out and optimization conditions were used in order to confirm the significant
peaks and phase transformation. The films were subjected to ethanol gas for these
substrates and corresponding electrical properties were carried out by two probe method
Conference Schedule
and was found that the films for sapphire substrate prepared by spray pyrolysis method
showed more conductance at higher temperatures than glass. Optical properties were also
studied for these films and was found that films prepared by spray on sapphire shows less
transmittance at higher substrate temperatures in comparison to the films on glass.
Index Terms—Nanoparticles, spray pyrolysis, solution synthesis, sensors
Response Surface Methodology to Optimize the Preparation of Chitosan/Alginate
Nanoparticles Containing Curcumin Diethyl Disuccinate
SettaponBhunchu, PornchaiRojsitthisak, and PraneeRojsitthisak
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Abstract—Curcumin diethyl disuccinate (CDD)is a succinate prodrug of curcumin that
hasbetter anti-colon cancer and antinociceptive activities than curcumin and improved
stability in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. However, formulation of CDD for pharmaceutical
use is limited. Therefore, this study focused on preparation of chitosan/alginate
nanoparticles containing CDD and optimization of the formulation using response surface
methodology. Chitosan/alginate nanoparticles were prepared by o/w emulsification and
ionotropicgelification. The optimized formulation of nanoparticles containing CDD had
achitosan/alginate mass ratio of 0.05:1, a CDD concentration of 3 mg/ml, and a Tween
80®content of 4.05% (w/v). Response surface methodology was found to bean effective
techniqueforoptimization of the preparation of chitosan/alginatenanoparticles using a
limited number of experiments.
Index Terms—Response surface methodology, Curcumin diethyl disuccinate, Chitosan,
Alginate, Nanoparticles, Box-Behnken statistical design
Nanocrystalline Cu2ZnSnSe4Thin Films for Solar Cells Application: Microdiffraction
and Structural Characterization
Heiddy Paola Quiroz Gaitán and Anderson Dussan
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Abstract—This work presents a study the structural characterization of Cu2ZnSnSe4
(CZTSe) thin films by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microdiffraction (XRMD)
measurements. Samples were deposited varying both mass (MX) and substrate
temperature (TS) at which the Cu and ZnSe composites were evaporated. CZTSe samples
were deposited by co-evaporation method in three stages. From X-ray diffraction (XRD)
measurements, it was possible to establish, with increased Ts, the presence of binary
phases associated to the quaternary composite during the material’s growth process. A
stannite-type structure in Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films and sizes of the crystallites varying
between 30 and 40 nm, were obtained. X-ray microdiffraction was used to investigate
interface orientations and strain distributions when were varied deposition parameters. It
was found that around the main peak, 2ϴ = 27.1°, the Cu1.8Se and ZnSe binary phases
predominate, which are formed during the subsequent material selenization stage. A
Raman spectroscopy study revealed Raman shifts associated to the binary composites
observed via XRD.
Index Terms—CZTSe compound, thin films, Structural properties, MicroXRD
Optical and Morphological Properties of Tio2 Nanotubes for Sensor Applications
Heiddy P. Quiroz and Anderson Dussan Cuenca
Conference Schedule
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Abstract—Highly-ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays were fabricated by electrochemical
anodizing, using titanium foils as the anode and cathode and changing the amount of
fluoride (NH4F) in the solution. The effect of synthesis parameters, such as, ethylene
glycol solutions containing different amounts of water, NH4F, anodizing voltage, and
current density were studied on the optical and morphological properties. It was observed
from XRD espectra, that Anatase and Rutile phases were influenced by annealing,
between 300 and 723 K, for all the samples, while morphological changes were not
observed. Nanotubes diameters varying beteween 20 and 50 nm with diferent length sizes
were observed from SEM micrographics. A high absorption for the UV region and a gap
band round of 3.1 eV were obtained from spectrophotometry measurements. The
correlation between the synthesis parameters and the optical properties presented are an
excellent indicator for the TiO2 nanotubes application as optical sensors.
Index Terms—TiO2, nanotubes, morphological properties, optical sensors
Molecular tune of Vanadylphthalocynine Layers for Plastic Electronic Applications
Beynor Antonio Paez-Sierra, Fredy Mesa and Anderson Dussan Cuenca
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Abstract—Engineering, stability and orientation of semiconducting molecules are
necessary to achieve the high efficiency of multifunctional organic-based devices. Several
conjugated molecules facilitate the use of external magnetic fields to tailor both their
molecular orientation and electronic properties while being processed for bio or
opto-electronic applications. In this work, molecular thin films of vanadylphthalocynine
(VOPc) layers forming conducting channels in organic field-effect transistors were
investigated. Three systems based on 100 nm thick VOPc thin film were grown, one in
absence of magnetic field, while the other two with parallel and perpendicular to the
substrate plane, respectively. Devices were ex-situ investigated by electrical
characterization and confocal scanning Raman spectroscopy (SRS). All molecular layers
growth on Au electrodes presented enhancement of the Raman signal.
Index Terms—Raman spectroscopy, nanophotonics, SERS, organic semiconductors,
VOpc plastic electronics, VanadylPhthalocynine, spectroscopy, organic electronics
Turushev N. V., Avdeeva D. K., Grigoriev M. G.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Abstract—The present article describes the methods of muscle electroneuromyographic
study. The analysis of the existing electroneuromyographic diagnostic unit configurations
commercially available at Russian and foreign markets is executed. The unit developed
in the laboratory No. 63 of the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Institute of the National
Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, its functional layout and main characteristics are
considered. The present article focuses on the use of more sensitive equipment for better
human body study. The results of measurements executed by means of unit developed are
Conference Schedule
biopotential, medical devices, use of silver chloride nanoelectrodes
Heart Condition Imaging with The Help of Hardware and Software Complex Based on
The Cardiographic Equipment on Nanosensors
M. G. Grigoriev, N. V. Turushev, D. K. Avdeeva
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Abstract—Precision methods and devices for diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases are
one of the main directions for development of modern technology in the field of medical
instrument engineering. However, there are no small devices that allow for the
diagnostics of cardiac muscle with precision accuracy and without operative intervention
at this stage. This study presents the problems associated with cardiovascular diseases
(CVD) and the analysis of various organizations engaged in development of efficient
means for CVD diagnostics. Two-component FitzHugh - Nagumo model and heart
condition imaging algorithm are considered. Aspects of work aimed at designing and
developing of the hardware and software complex based on the information obtained
with the help of an electrocardiograph on nanosensors. The obtained results are
Index Terms—Functional diagnostic, electrocardiographic, cardiovascular system,
transmembrane potential
Investigating a Functionalized Terthiophene Surface for the Detection of Progesterone
using Surface Plasmon Resonance
Marsilea Adela Booth, Ashton Partridge and Yinqiu Wu
The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, New Zealand
Abstract—Herein we report a rapid and sensitive surface Plasmon resonance (SPR)
biosensor to detect progesterone (P4), a model analyte of small molecules. A terthiophene
scaffold with an oligoethylene glycol (OEG) linker is used as an anchor for the
P4-ovalbumin (OVA) immobilization on gold to form a stable, regenerable SPR surface.
Subsequently, inhibition SPR immunoassays based on this terthiophene/OVA-P4 surface
have demonstrated that P4 limit of detection (LOD) in buffer solution was 0.13 ng ml-1.
Due to the rapidity of each measurement (less than 5 min per measurement), and the high
sensitivity of the assay, we believe the sensing platform may hold great potential for P4
Index Terms—Terthiophene, Progesterone, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Biosensor
A Study on Slip Controller for Safety Improvement of Running Flat Road for Motorized
Bo-Min Kim, Won-Yung Lee and Eung-Hyuk Lee
Korean Polytechnic University, South Korea
Abstract—A slip controller that can move against the off-track and control excursion
caused by slips while driving a motorized wheelchair is proposed. Detecting slips in a
motorized wheelchair is to detect states of the motorized wheelchair and its motors in a
traveling condition. For carrying it, slip ratios are calculated using a slip detection
algorithm based on the information obtained from the six-axis IMU sensor and the
encoders, which are connected to both left and right motors. The calculated slip ratios are
used as control variables for improving the safety in a motorized wheelchair.
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In the experiment of the slip controller proposed in this study, slips are verified in a
proposed track. Also, it is verified that the maximum slip ratio section is determined
while turning left or right.
Index Terms—Motorized Wheelchair, Slip, Slip Controller, Torque
Chemiresistor Gas Sensor Array Based on Conducting Polymers for The Discrimination
of Virgin Coconut Oil
Rey Alfred G. Rañola, Karen S. Santiago and Fortunato B. Sevilla
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Abstract—An array of chemiresistors based on conducting polymers was assembled for
the differentiation of VCO.Thechemiresistor sensors were fabricated through the
potentiostaticelectrodeposition of polyaniline, polypyrrole and poly(3-methylthiophene)
on the gap separating two planar gold electrodes set on a Teflon substrate.The electrical
resistance of the sensors were measured and observed to change when exposed to the
headspace of oil samples.The sensor response was rapid and exhibited good reversibility
and reproducibility.Different signals were obtained for each coconut oil sample and
pattern recognition techniques were employed for the analysis of the data.The developed
E-nose system was able to discriminate VCO from refined, bleached and deodorized
coconut oil (RBDCO) and rancid VCO.
Index Terms—Gas sensor array; conducting polymers; virgin coconut oil; electronic
nose; chemiresistor
Temperature Induced Plasmon Shift of Quantum Particles
Mufei Xiao
Abstract—It is of recent interest to study plasmonics of metallic particles that are so
small that carriers in the conduction band are separated at discrete subbands due to
quantum confinement. These small metallic particles are referred as quantum particles in
the present work. The modifications of the plasmons of the quantum particles are studied
with an every-electron-count computational scheme. The quantum size effects are
incorporated into classic descriptions of small particle plasmons with the emphasis on
intra-subband fluctuations caused by the quantum confinement. The carrier redistribution
at the subbands is related to the operational temperature via Fermi-Dirac expression.
Numerical results have shown that both the frequency and the strength of the plasmons
are modified as a function of the particle size and the operational temperature. The
discovery suggests that potential applications to tune the plasmonics of quantum particles
externally would be possible. The environment temperature can be conveniently
controlled by light, electricity, or other means.
Index Terms—Plasmonics; quantuam particles; temperature dependence
Gold Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Vehicle for Chondroitin Sulphate (Cs) to Treat
PriyankaDwivedi, Meenalkowshik, Ashok kumar , VijayashreeNayak
Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, India
Abstract—Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease which is characterized by joint pain, swelling
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and stiffness due to wear and tear of articular cartilage and has limited self repair
capacity due to its avascular and aneural nature. Nanotherapeutics use nanomaterials for
various biomedical applications such as drug delivery, diagnostics and biosensors. This
work focuses on the use of gold nanoparticles for enhancing the delivery of chondroitin
sulphate (CS)-a drug used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA). CS has already shown
many benefits in treating osteoarthritis. Gold nanoparticles were synthesized and
combined with CS. Gold nanoparticles were characterized by Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), XRD analysis. Further invitro analyses of this combination of Gold
nanoparticles with CS (AuNp-CS)on primary goat chondrocytes were done by various
assays like MTT, Hoescht staining, Glycosaminoglycan and collagen studies. Cell
viability studies by MTT revealed that Gold nanoparticles –CS (AuNp-CS) stimulated
cell proliferation. There was increase in cell viability observed by Gold nanoparticles-CS
than Native CS at same concentration. Similar Results were also observed with GAG and
Collagen assay. There was 2.18 and 2.05 fold increase observed in GAG and collagen
production when gold nanoparticles–CS(AuNp-CS) was added in combination than
native CS. So this study shows that this combination of gold nanoparticles-CS stimulates
chondrocyte proliferation and enhances Extracellular matrix production (ECM). Thus
giving us the insight for the applicability of gold nanoparticles as a carrier for
osteoarthritic drug CS which can hold potential for treatment of disease.
Index Terms—
Silver Nanoparticles and Luminescent Silver Nanodots under Oxidative Stress
Junhua Yu
Seoul National University, South Korea
Abstract—Silver nanodots consisting of a few silver atoms are becoming excellent
fluorophores thanks to their small size, high brightness and excellent photostability.
Initially, such clusters were prepared in noble gas matrices due to their vulnerability to
oxidization. New protection groups has improved their stability in aqueous solution,
leading to the synthesis of a series of spectrally-pure silver nanodots with emissions
ranging from the blue to the near-IR. The exact structures of various silver nanodots
remain unclear. We examined the photo-responses of various silver nanodots in oxidizing
environments. Oxidants bleaches most of nanodot emitters, but only the red and near-IR
emitters correlates with the formation of an oxidant-resistant blue emitter. The HPLC-MS
indicates that the blue is an oxidized species. Based on such a unique phenomenon, we
have demonstrated the advantage of the blue emitter as an imaging agent in oxidizing
environments and designed ratiometric luminescence probes for the ultralow
concentration detection. We also investigated the generation of silver nanodots by etching
silver nanoparticles. The addition of chelating agents, such as polyamines or ssDNA
molecules, accelerates the degradation of large silver nanoparticles to a stable stage of
silver nanoparticles, which might be critical to the generation of emissive silver
nanodots. The etching process is strongly pH dependent, and the binding between silver
and the etching groups is crucial for efficient etching. The active centres are especially
important for the formation of silver nanodots. We have shown that etching of silver
nanoparticles can be an alternative to generate new silver nanodot emitters.
Index Terms—Silver, nanoparticles, nanodots, clusters, oxidizing, luminescence,
Conference Schedule
Afternoon Session
Authors’ Oral Presentation
ICPSE2014-Electrical and electronic materials
Prof. Hamid Bentarzi, UMBB University,
Boumerdes, Algeria
Session Chair:
A Supervisory Power Flow Controller for aHybrid Power System
AbderrahmaneOuadi and Hamid Bentarzi
UMBB University, Boumerdes, Algeria
Abstract—Hybrid power system presented in this work focuses on the combination of
wind, solar,and energy storing systems for sustainable power generation. The output
power of wind turbine isonly available under a specific speed or higher. The solar
energy varies hourly, daily and seasonallywhich depends on variation of
solarirradiation. A generator-set with a battery bank can beintegrated with the wind and
PV-system to ensure the continuity of power supply for all conditions.The paper aims
to model and simulate the transient and steady state behavior of a Solar-Windhybrid
power generation system together with energy storage bank. Besides, a supervisory
powerflow controller has been developed which determines a power source that is
selected to operate inorder to satisfy the load demand taking into account the sun
irradiance and the wind speed. Theenergy storage bank may be used to store an excess
of power from the renewable energy system(RES) that will be used when there is
insufficient supplied power. If either the available power fromthe wind turbine or from
the solar panels or both of them cannot satisfy the load demand thegenerator set system
will be used to satisfy the load demand. The functionality of the presentedHybrid Power
System has been successfully designed and simulated using Matlab/Simulink tool.
Index Terms—Hybrid power system, wind turbine, solar system, Energy storing
Transparent and Hydrophilic TiO2 Anatase as Top-Protective Layer for CSP Reflectors
Houda Ennaceri, Asmae Khaldoun, Abdelilah Benyoussef, Tristan Köhler, Rodrigo
Sáez-Araoz and Ahmed Ennaoui
Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
Abstract—Titanium Dioxide is an important material that is used in many industrial
applications such as photo-catalysis, glass-defogging, self-cleaning, waste water
purification and anti-bacterial sterilization. The strong photo-catalysis of TiO2, and
therefore its ability to decompose dirt and organic contaminants makes it an excellent
top-protective layer candidate for CSP reflectors. The aim of this study consists of the
Conference Schedule
deposition of a transparent and hydrophilic TiO2 layer on top of the Concentrated Solar
Power (CSP) mirrors without altering their specular reflectance. The strong
photo-catalysis and hydrophilicity of TiO2 will decompose the dirt and organic matter
on the surface of the mirrors, which would be cleaned away from the reflectors’ surface
by rain, therefore minimizing the use of water for cleaning the CSP mirrors.
In this study, polycrystalline anatase TiO2 layers were deposited on glass substrates
with different thicknesses. The contact angle measurements show that the
hydrophilicity of TiO2 increases with increasing surface roughness, with Water Contact
Angle (WCA) of 52°and 30°for 48 nm and 100 nm, respectively. Super-hydrophilicity
(WCA < 5°) was achieved for thicker TiO2 layers, with WCA of 8°and 1°for 177 nm
and 220 nm, respectively. The deposition of a 48 nm-thick TiO2 layer on glass showed
a high transmittance in the visible and Near Infrared (NIR) range (75%), whereas the
transmission decreased with increasing thicknesses of TiO2. Therefore, a TiO2 layer of
48 nm thickness is suggested in this study as a hydrophilic top-protective layer since it
preserved the specular reflectance of the mirrors (97.5%) in the NIR range, compared to
98.6% without the TiO2 layer.
Index Terms—TiO2 anatase, Hydrophilicity, Specular Reflectance, Self-Cleaning,
Equipment State Assessment System Based on ANFIS
Alexandra Khalyasmaa, Artem Aminev, Andrey Sergeev, Stepan Dmitriev and Dmitry
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia
Abstract—The paper analyzes the modern expert systems to assess the technical
condition of power stations and substations high-voltage equipment. The main
problems of modern expert systems and their possible solutions are determined. As the
structure and their basic construction principles are considered. Also this paper
proposes an algorithm for the expert system model using fuzzy inference on the basis of
technical diagnostics and tests. As a case study of assessment of power transformers
state based on dissolved gas analysis in the oil is presented.
Index Terms—technical state assessment, expert systems, hybrid neural network,
ANFIS, chromatographic gas analysis.
SINS/CNS Integration Algorithm and Simulations for Extended Time Flights using
Linearized Kalman Filter
Khan Badshah, Qin Yongyuan, and Jinliang Zhang
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China
Abstract—A robust integration algorithm of Strapdown Inertial Navigation
System/Celestial Navigation System (SINS/CNS) is designed and investigated in this
paper. The main objective of the developed integration scheme is the estimation and
correction of unacceptable SINS’ errors in long time navigation missions. A Charged
Couple Device (CCD) star sensor is utilized as a CNS suite in this work for integration
with SINS. A mathematical model is developed to transform the CCD measurements to
Psi-angle vector and transformations of different frames were exercised. A Linearized
Kalman Filter (LKF) with a modified measurement model is used to optimally fuse the
data of SINS and CNS. Finally, simulation results for extended time flight are produced
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to show the integrity and validity of the designed integration algorithm.
Index Terms—Celestial navigation system, Strapdown inertial navigation system,
integrated navigation, Kalman filtering, charged coupled device and star sensor.
Numerical Simulation of Thermal Plasma Gasification Process
Sooseok Choi
Jeju National University, Republic of Korea
Abstract—Numerical analysis of plasma gasification process was carried out base on
the combination of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and computational fluid dynamics
(CFD). A two stage gasification system which consists of a heater and a plasma rector
was used to enhance syngas production in the present work. Nitrogen thermal plasma
jet generated by a low power plasma torch was analyzed by a self-developed MHD
code, and complex thermal flow field in the plasma reactor was simulated with a
commercial CFD code. The accuracy of numerical simulation was confirmed from the
comparison between numerical results and experimentally measured data of arc voltage
and reactor temperature. From the numerical analysis, a high temperature for the
thermal cracking of methane was expected in the upper region of the plasma reactor.
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Advanced Combined 3D Scanner based on Ultrasonic and Infrared Waves
Evgeny A. Rybakov, Dmitrii P. Starikov and Denis Y. Berchuk
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
Abstract—This article contains information about creating special unit for scanning 3D
objects andpractical applicability of computational electromagnetics. The main part of
the unit is ultrasonictransducer and infrared sensor, which are send waves to the object
and receives back waves forcalculating distance. After that, microcontroller send to PC
data, and computer program create modelfor printing from the plastic, gypsum, brass
Index Terms—Plastic, ultrasonic, infrared, shaft, clutch, stage, and microcontroller.
Low Cost Treatment for Remediation Coal Mining Water using Shrimp Shell in Natura,
aiming to Obtain Water that Enable the Reuse for Secondary Non-potable Purposes
Dámaris Núñez Gómez, María Ángeles Lobo-Récio and Flávio Rubens Lapolli
Abstract—The acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the most serious problems of
mining on an international level, with high negative impacts on hydric courses and
water life. The main characteristics of AMD are low pH and high sulfate and different
metals ions (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Fe, Al, Cr, Mn, Mg, etc.) concentration, many of
which demonstrate to be toxics for the ecosystems, and, in last case, to the health and
quality of human life. The objective of this research was study the potential of the
shrimp shell in natura for removal of metals and acids present in mine impacted waters
(MIW), aiming to obtain, after treatment, water within legal standards that enable its
reuse for secondary non-potable purposes. The waters studied came from the coalfield
of state of Santa Catarina (Brazil), with pH around 3, and high levels of Al, Fe, Mn and
Conference Schedule
SO42-. Shrimp shell is rich in chitin, able to remove metal ions via adsorption
mechanisms, and in calcium carbonate, able to neutralize the acidity of the impacted
water. Preliminary trials were performed in batches to analyze the influence of the pH
in relation to the quantity of substratum/ water volume, the time of contact and the
agitation velocity in the remediation of MIW. The results show that the elevation of the
pH of the samples was higher with the shrimp shells rather than with the commercial
chitin. A factorial approach was made by design compost central rotational (DCCR). In
terms of efficiency in the removal of pollutant specimens, it was possible to determine
that the best experimental conditions are 188 rpm and 8,975g L-1 of shrimp shells. The
kinetic studies revealed that the model of pseudo second order provided the best
adjustments of experimental data, confirming that the control of the velocity is by a
chemical adsorption mechanism. The results of the treatment confirmed its suitability to
remove efficiently acidity and metals. So, the sustainable character of the proposed
treatment can be pointed out, with which it has been possible to transform an extremely
toxic water in an effluent capable of being used as reuse water for secondary
non-potable purposes by a cheap technology, giving an added value to a residue
initially without value, the shrimp shell.
Index Terms—Mine impacted water (MIW), chitin, biosorption, removal of metals,
removal of acidity.
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Fluid in Tee Water Duct Cooled Nuclear
Mohammed Aounallah, Mustapha Belkadi, Lahouari Adjlout and Omar Imine
University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf of Oran USTO-MB, Algeria
Abstract—The turbulent and thermal mixing in a vertically oriented T-junction is
investigated numerically using ANSYS FLUENT software. By taking account the
buoyancy forces, a steady state three-dimensional turbulent flow is considered with a
Reynolds number of 0.4×105 at the cold inlet and 3.3×105 at the hot entrance. The k-ε
standard model with standard wall function is chosen to provide closure for the
Reynolds stress tensor. The numerical results presented in the form of velocity vectors
field and contours of temperature distribution gave a good prediction of the dynamic
and the thermal fields namely in the mixing region where a reversed flow is captured.
Index Terms—Thermal mixing, turbulent fluid, Tee junction, nuclear reactor
Dielectric Proprieties and Relaxation Behavior of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Laboratoire d’Etudes et Développement des Matériaux Semi-conducteurs et
Diélectriques, Laghouat,Algeria
Abstract—The method of dielectric spectroscopy is an instrument of choice for the
diagnosis of insulation used in high voltage and also to assess the quality of the
insulation of HV equipment such as transformers, cables, capacitors, etc…
This method allows to estimating the state and the quality of the insulation using the
dielectric response of the frequency range. In this article, we have presented results of
dielectric studies in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) by means of dielectric
relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) in frequency range 10-2 - 106 Hz and temperature
between -60 and 60 °C, we will invest this method to measure the dielectric properties
Conference Schedule
and evaluate the performance of this insulator witch has always been chosen as a model
polymer material because it is the simplest polymer with respect to its chemical
structure and is used in a wide range of applications in daily life.
Index Terms—High density polyethylene, Dielectric proprieties, Spectroscopy,
Tool Wear of Aluminum/Chromium/Tungsten-based-coated Cemented Carbide in
Cutting Hardened Sintered Steel
Tadahiro Wada and Hiroyuki Hanyu
Nara National College of Technology, Japan
Abstract—In order to improve both the scratch strength and the micro-hardness of
(Al,Cr)N coating film, the cathode material of an aluminum/chromium/tungsten target
was used in adding the tungsten (W) to the cathode material of the aluminum/chromium
target. In this study, hardened sintered steel was turned with (Al60,Cr25,W15)N,
(Al60,Cr25,W15)(C,N), (Al64,Cr28,W8)(C,N), (Al,Cr)N and (Ti,Al)N coated
cemented carbide tools. The tool wear of the coated cemented carbide tool was
experimentally investigated. The following results were obtained: (1) In cutting
hardened sintered steel at the cutting speed of 0.42 m/s using the (Al60,Cr25,W15)N,
the (Al60,Cr25,W15)(C,N), the (Al64,Cr28,W8)(C,N), the (Ti,Al)N and (Al,Cr)N
coated tools, the wear progress of the (Al64,Cr28,W8)(C,N) coated tool became
slowest among that of the five coated tools. (2) The wear progress of the
(Al60,Cr25,W15)(C,N) coated tool was almost equivalent to that of the
(Al64,Cr28,W8)(C,N) coated tool. However, at a high cutting speed of 1.67 m/s, the
wear progress of the (Al60,Cr25,W16)(C,N) coated tool was faster than that of the
(Al64,Cr28,W8)(C,N) coated tool.
Index Terms—Cutting, physical vapor deposition coating method, (Al,Cr,W)N coating
film, (Al,Cr,W)(C,N) coating film, hardened sintered steel.
Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of the Effective Thermal Conductivity for Complex
Structured Multiphase Building Materials
Mazhar Hussain and Wen-Quan Tao
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Abstract—The effective thermal conductivity is an important parameter used to predict
the thermal performance analysis of complex structured porous building materials. The
observation of porous structure of building materials on REV (representative
elementary volume) scale showed that pores can be classified into meso and macro
pores. In contrast to the traditional models usually used for the (macro-meso) pore
connection , a new numerical random generation macro-meso pores (RGMMP) method,
based on geometrical and morphological information acquired from measurements or
experimental calculations, is proposed here. Along with proposed structure generating
tool RGMMP a high efficiency LBM, characterized with the energy conservation and
appropriate boundary conditions at numerous interfaces in the complex system, for the
solution of the governing equation is described which yields a powerful numerical tool
to obtain accurate solutions. Then present model is validated with some theoretical and
experimental values of effective thermal conductivity of typical building materials. The
comparison of present model and experimental results shows that the proposed model
Conference Schedule
agrees much better with the experimental data than the traditional theoretical models.
Therefore, the present model is not limited to the described building materials but can
also be used for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of any type of complex
structured building materials.
Index Terms—Lattice Boltzmann method, RGMMP, Effective thermal conductivity,
Building materials.
Effect of Glass Superposition on the Efficiency of the ET 200 Flat Plate Solar Collector
Nabila Ihaddadene,RazikaIhaddadene, and Abdelwahhabbetka
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M’Sila University, Algeria
Abstract—This research document presents an experimental study on the effect of the
superposition of glass panes on the functioning of a solar thermal collector.
Experiments were carried out on an active solar energy demonstration system (ET 200).
Three (03) commercial glass panes of 3mm, 5mm and 8mm thick were used.In the first
experiment the collector glass was replaced by the superposition of the two panes of 3
and 5mm thick. In the second experiment the collector glass was replaced by the
thickest glass (8mm). The glass of 8mm thick leaves more energy, generated from the
halogen lamp, to penetrate inside the collector than the composed glass (3mm+5mm),
which leaves less energy reaching the absorber. The glass pane of 8mm thick has an
efficiency of about 44% against 40% for the composed glass (3mm+5mm). The glass
composed from the superposition of the panes of 3mm and 5mm thick exerts a distinct
effect, on the solar collector, than the simple glass of 8mm thick.
Index Terms—Solar energy, Flat plate collector efficiency, Glass superposition,
commercial glass.
Time Varying Meshing Stiffness of Cracked Sun and Ring Gears of Planetary Gear
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Abstract—The time varying meshing stiffness of normal and cracked spur gears of
planetary gear train is studied by applying the unit normal forces at mesh point on the
face width along the line of action of the single gear tooth in FE based software Ansys
Workbench 14.5. The tooth deflections due to the applied forces at one mesh point are
noted and a deflection matrix is established which is solved using Matlab to get net
deflection and finally the meshing stiffness of gear tooth at particular mesh point. The
process is repeated for other mesh points of gear tooth by rotating it to get meshing
stiffness for whole gear tooth.
Index Terms—Meshing stiffness, unit normal force, planetary gear train.
Conference Schedule
Poster Presentation:
Optimization of Distribution Functions for the Hysteresis Preisach Model by Genetic
Mounir BOUDJERDA, Mounir Amir, Mourad ZERGOUG, Siham AZZI and Mouhamed
Welding and NDT Research Centre (CSC), Algeria
Abstract—The description of hysteresis is one of the classical problems in magnetic
materials. Theprogress in its solution determines the reliability of modeling and the
quality of design of a widerange of contemporary devices, as well as devices that will be
created in the future. The intensiveinvestigations in hysteresis modeling were induced by
the fact that accuracy models of magnetichysteresis must be studied yet. In this paper,
several identification procedures of the distributionfunctions of the Preisach model will
be investigated by means of a genetic algorithm.
The proposed approach has been applied to model the behavior of many samples and
distributionfunctions are optimized which will give accurate results of the hysteresis
loop. The results show therobustness and efficiency of genetic algorithm to model the
phenomenon of hysteresis loop. Thiswork can give solutions about the ferromagnetic
material evaluations and shows the optimization ofdistribution functions according to the
material behaviors.
Index Terms—Preisach Model, distribution functions, genetic algorithms GA,
Development of a Plasma-Dump Combustor for VOC Destruction
Young Nam Chun, Eun Hyuk Kim, Mun Sup Lim and Woo Il Cheon
Chosun University, Korea
Abstract—Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gases with low calorific values
produced from the painting or drying process whose stable combustion cannot be ensured
by direct combustion. In this study, a novel plasma-dump combustor was proposed to
remove the VOCs. The combustor is combined the concept of a plasma burner, a dump
combustor and a 3D matrix burner. Therefore, it can achieve high destruction with low
input energy and stable flame at low temperature.
The toluene was used as a representative VOC. The toluene reduction characteristic was
examined according to the total gas feed, toluene concentration, dump injector position,
and 3D matrix heat accumulator. The toluene decomposition efficiency was 99.5%, and
the energy efficiency was 447.2 g/kWh was at the optimum operating conditions.
Index Terms—volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toluene decomposition, plasma
combustor, dump combustor, matrix burner.
A Grating Monopole Antenna on Metamaterial Using MSRR for DVB-T Application
C. Zebiri, M. Lashab, F. Benabdelaziz, R. A. Hameed and F. Elmegri
Abstract—This work presents a novel broadband monopole antenna for digital video
Conference Schedule
broadcasting-terrestrial (DVB-T) application. The proposed antenna consists of a grating
patch and a concave rectangular ground plane with defected ground plane, and the
Multiple Split-Ring Resonator (MSRR). The added part in the ground plane and the
meta-material are used to enable the antenna height reduction for fixed ranges of
operating frequency. The proposed antenna can operate from 468 MHz to 894 MHz
frequency range corresponding to 62.5% of impedance bandwidth for |S11| better than
-7.5 dB. This covers the working frequency band (470–862 MHz) of DVB-T system. The
radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is omnidirectional across the desired operating
frequency band. Details of the proposed antenna designs and experimental results of the
constructed prototypes are presented and discussed.
Index Terms—antenna, DVB-T, radiation pattern, defected ground plane, MSRR,
The microstructure evolution and hardness behavior of AZ91 containing Sn magnesium
Sugun Lim
Gyeongsang National University,Korea
Abstract—In this study, the microstructure evolution and Hardness of AZ91-containing
Sn magnesium alloy during the solid solution and the aging heat treatment processes
were investigated using the optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray
diffraction, and Rockwell hardness techniques. The XRD results showed that the main
phases in the as-casted alloy were α-Mg, Mg17Al12,and Mg2Sn. The SEM images
obtained from the solution treatment of the AZ91-containing Sn magnesium alloy
showed that the Mg17Al12 phases in the alloy were dissolved in the matrix due to the
increased holding time during the solution treatment, but the Mg2Sn phases were clearly
observed. The highest degree of hardness of the AZ91-containing Sn magnesium alloy
appeared to have been 82HRE at the aging temperature of 200ºC.
Index Terms—AZ91 alloy, aging behavior, solution treatment, Sn addition, Mg2Sn.
Day 3, Saturday, December 20, 2014-Tour
Conference Schedule
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ICSST 2015
2015 the 4th International
Conference on Security Science
and Technology
ICNCS 2015
2015 the 4th International
Conference on Network and
ICK 2015
2015 International Conference
on Knowledge
All accepted papers will be published in the volume
of International Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IJET) (ISSN; 1793-8244 (Online Version);
1793-8236 (Print Version))
All accepted papers will be published in the volume
ofInternational Journal of Future Computer and
Communication (IJFCC) (ISSN: 2010-3751)
Abstracting/ Indexing: Google Scholar, Engineering &
Crossref, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, EI (INSPEC,
All accepted papers will be published in the volume of
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering (IJKE)
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICMM 2015 will be
published by Applied Mechanics and Materials
Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336).
Feb 12-13,
South Korea
ICMM 2015
Conference on Mechatronics
and Manufacturing
ICAEE 2015
2015 the 2nd International
Conference on Advances in
Electronics Engineering
ICAPM 2015
Conference on Applied Physics
and Mathematics
ICMLC 2015
Learning and Computing
ICEIT 2015
Conference on Educational and
Information Technology
ICICN 2015
Conference on Information and
Computer Networks
Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar,
Science), Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE), etc.
All accepted papers of ICAEE 2015 will be published
by International Journal of Information and
Electronics Engineering (IJIEE) (ISSN: 2010-3719)
Indexed by Google Scholar, Electronic Journals
Library,Crossref and ProQuest, DOAJ, Ei (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICAPM 2015 will be published
by International Journal of Applied Physics and
Mathematics (IJAPM) (ISSN: 2010-362X)
Indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET),Chemical Abstracts
(CAS), DOAJ,Electronic
Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library,
Nanowerk Database, Crossref, Google Scholar and
All accepted papers of ICMLC 2015 will be published
by International Journal of Machine Learning and
Computing (IJMLC) (ISSN: 2010-3700)
Indexed byEngineering & Technology Digital Library,
Google Scholar, Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals
Library, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICEIT 2015 will be published
by Journal of Information and Education Technology
(IJIET). (ISSN: 2010-3689)
Directories, DOAJ, Electronic
Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO,
Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest.
All accepted papers of ICICN 2015 will be published
Networks (ISSN: 1793-8244)
Indexed byEngineering & Technology Digital
Library, EBSCO, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library,
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, International Computer
Science Digital Library (ICSDL), ProQuest, and Google
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICFD 2015 will be published
by Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
April 6-7,
April 28-29,
ICFD 2015
2015 International Conference
on Fluid Dynamics
ICCEB 2015
ICTLE 2015
Conference on Traffic and
Logistic Engineering
ICCIT 2015
2015 International Conference
on Computer and Information
Indexed byElsevier: SCOPUS and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar,
Science), Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE), etc.
All accepted papers of ICCEB 2015 will be published
by International Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IJET) (ISSN: 1793-8236).
(CAS), DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodicals Directory,
Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals Library, Index
Copernicus, EI (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICTLE 2015 will be published
by Journal
Engineering (JTLE) (ISSN: 2301-3680)
Indexed byUlrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.
All accepted papers of ICCIT 2015 will be publishedin
the one of the following Journal with ISSN.
Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN 1796-217X)
International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering (IJCTE) (ISSN: 1793-8201)
Indexed byIndex Copernicus, Electronic Journals
Library, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET),
Cabell's Directories.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical
Engineering (IJCEE) (ISSN: 1793-8163)
Indexed byUlrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, Crossref, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET), and
Electronic Journals Library
Lecture Notes on Information Theory (ISSN:
Indexed by EI(INSPEC, IET), Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering &
Technology Digital Library and etc.
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICEEE 2015 will be publishedin
the one of the following Journal with ISSN.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar,
ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science),
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE),
ICEEE 2015
Conference on Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
International Journal of Electronics and Electrical
Engineering (ISSN: 2301-380X)
Indexed byUlrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, etc.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
(ISSN: 2301-3702)
Indexed byEI (INSPEC, IET), Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering &
Technology Digital Library and etc.
International Journal of Electrical Energy (ISSN:
Indexed byEI(INSPEC, IET), Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering &
Technology Digital Library and etc.
All accepted papers of IOAC 2015 will be published
by Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN:
May 9-10,
ICOAC 2015
2015 International Conference
on Automatic Control
Indexed byElsevier: SCOPUS and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar,
ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science),
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE),
All accepted papers of ICMML 2015 will be published
by Advanced Materials Research (ISSN: 1022-6680).
ICMMT 2015
Conference on Material and
Manufacturing Technology
Indexed byElsevier: and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar,
Science) , Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE) , etc
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICRE 2015 will be publishedin
the one of the following Journal with ISSN.
Advanced Materials Research (ISSN: 1022-6680).
ICRE 2015
2015 International Conference
on Reliability Engineering
Indexed byElsevier: and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar,
Science) , Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE) , etc
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) (ISSN:
(CAS), DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodicals Directory,
Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals Library, Index
Copernicus, EI (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICLB 2015 will be published by
Advanced Materials Research (ISSN: 1022-6680).
June 6-7,
ICLB 2015
2015 International Conference
on Lithium Batteries
ICCSN 2015
the 7th International
Conference on Communication
Software and Networks
Indexed byElsevier: and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar,
Science) , Institution of Electrical
Engineers (IEE) , etc
All accepted papers of ICCSN 2015 will be
publishedin the one of the following Journal with
Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
Indexed byEI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
Journal of Communications (JCM) (ISSN: 1796-2021;
DOI: 10.12720/jcm)
Indexed byEI Compendex; SCOPUS; ULRICH's
Periodicals Directory; Google Scholar; INSPEC; etc.
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICIIP 2015 will be publishedin
the one of the following Journal with ISSN.
Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
ICIIP 2015
2015 the 4th International
Information Processing
Indexed byEI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information
(ISSN: 2301-3745; DOI: 10.12720/jiii)
Indexed by EI(INSPEC, IET), Google Scholar, EBSCO,
Engineering & Technology Digital Library and etc.
All accepted papers of ICWOC 2015 will be
publishedin the one of the following Journal with
Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
ICWOC 2015
ICDDM 2015
July 2-3,
2015 the 4th International
Conference on Wireless and
Optical Communications
The 2015 4th International
Conference on Database and
Data Mining
ICKD 2015
The 2015 4th International
Conference onKnowledge
ICOIP 2015
The 2015 4th International
Conference onOptoelectronics
and Image Processing
Indexed byEI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
International Journal of Future Computer and
Communication (ISSN:
Indexed byGoogle Scholar, Engineering & Technology
Digital Library, and Crossref,DOAJ, Electronic Journals
Library, EI (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICDDM 2015 will be published
by WIT Transactions on Information and
Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
Indexed byEI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
All accepted papers of ICKD 2015 will be published
by International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering (IJCTE)(ISSN: 1793-8201)
Indexed by Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO,
Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google
Scholar, INSPEC, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI(INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers of ICDDM 2015 will be published
by WIT Transactions on Information and
Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
Indexed byEI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers of ICROM 2015 will be published
by Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN:
ICROM 2015
Conference on Robotics and
ICAME 2015
2015 the 4th International
Conference on Advances in
Mechanics Engineering
July 20-21,
Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) , Institution of Electrical Engineers
(IEE) , etc
All accepted papers of ICROM 2015 will be published
by Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN:
Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei
Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts
(CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) , Institution of Electrical Engineers
(IEE) , etc
Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by
technical committees of the Conference. All accepted
papers will be published in one of the following
International Journal of Electronics and Electrical
Engineering(IJEEE) (ISSN: 2301-380X)
ICCSS 2015
Conference on Circuits, System
and Simulation
included in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.
International Journal of Information and Electronics
Engineering(IJIEE) (ISSN: 2010-3719)
included in Google Scholar, Electronic Journals Library,
Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref and
ProQuest, DOAJ, Ei (INSPEC, IET).
All accepted papers will be published in one of the
indexed Journals after being selected.
Aug 22-23,
New Taipei,
ICOSP 2015
2015 International Conference
on Signal Processing
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication
Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517)
Indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus and ISI.
International Journal of Signal Processing Systems
(IJSPS) (ISSN: 2315-4535)
Indexing: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google
Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital
Library, etc.
Conference Schedule
All accepted papers will be published in one of the
indexed Journals after being selected.
International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering (IJCTE) (ISSN: 1793-8201)
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Wael Badawy
ICCCD 2015
2015 the 5th International
Conference on Computer and
Communication Devices
Abstracting/Indexing: Index Copernicus, Electronic
Journals Library, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology
Digital Library, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI
(INSPEC, IET), Cabell's Directories.
Communication Engineering (IJCCE)(ISSN: 2010-3743)
DOI: 10.7763/IJCCE
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Maode Ma
ICRAS 2015
Conference on Robotics and
Automation Sciences
Abstracting/ Indexing: EI (INSPEC, IET), Google
Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library,
ProQuest, and Crossref, Electronic Journals Library
The ICRAS 2015 proceedings will be published by
IEEE and all the papers will be archived in the IEEE
Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISI.
Sep 19-20,
Hong Kong
ICSTE 2015
Technology and Engineering
All accepted papers will be published in the volume of
Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE) (ISSN:
2301-3559), and will be included in the EI (INSPEC,
IET),DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering &
Technology Digital Library, Ulrich's Periodicals
Directory, International Computer Science Digital
Library (ICSDL), ProQuest and Google Scholar.
Conference Schedule
Conference Schedule