Newsletter - First Christian Church

THURSDAY, December 18, 2014
“Gifted to Serve”
Drop-In Communion
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
First Christian Church Sanctuary
First Christian Church
915 S. Maple
Harrison, AR 72601
Office: (870) 741-5757
Fax: (870) 741-2733
Office Hours:
8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday
“Lessons & Carols
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
6:00 pm
First Christian Church Contemporary Worship Area
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. David Artman
Senior Minister
Cindy Adler
Youth Director
Kim Trublood
Children’s Ministries Director
Karon Pierce
Church Administrator
Kim Mouser
Music Coordin. & Choir Director
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Combined Worship Service
Sunday, December 28, 2014
9:00 am Sunday School
10:00 am Worship in Traditional Sanctuary
Board Officers
Dale Wagner
Jerry Pledger
Vice Chairman
Cindy Ramsey
Board Secretary
Bill Grant
Mary Pledger
Financial Secretary
9:00 1st Worship Service
December 21, 2014
Matthew 8:1-10
11:00 1st Worship Service
Worship Leaders:
Wanda Thompson
Charles Adair & Sarah Bing
Shannon Blessing & Clara Sims
Cindy Ramsey, Shari Holt, Danny Hickman,
David Blessing &
Mary Hickman, Tom Ramsey, Carrie Richter,
Jill Miller
Paul Woolston, & Homer Yawn
Children’s Moment:
Carrie Richter
Children’s Church:
Carrie Richter
Cindy Adler
Lynn & Nancy Houtman
and Shelia McCutcheon
In This Issue …
 Holiday Events..................... pg. 1
 Serving Schedule.................. pg. 1
 From the Heart .................... pg. 2
 Team United ......................... pg. 2
 Kid Time ............................... pg. 2
 Next Newsletter .................... pg. 2
 Birthdays & Anniversaries.. pg. 3
 Joys & Concerns.................. pg. 3
 Calendar............................... pg. 4
 Pictures ................................ pg. 4
 Christmas Special Offering . pg. 6
 What Gift Will You Give...... pg. 6
 Poinsettia Donations ........... pg. 7
 WNF/SGU ............................ pg. 7
 Salvation Army..................... pg. 7
 Thank you card .................... pg. 7
 Office Holiday Schedule...... pg. 7
 Ozark Share & Care ............ pg. 7
 Bus Driver ............................ pg. 7
 Facts & Figures ................... pg. 7
 From the staff ....................... pg. 8
(Disciples of Christ)
9:00 1st Worship Service
December 28, 2014
Worship Leaders:
Children’s Moment:
Children’s Church:
Phyllis Young
Charles Adair & Pam Henry
Cindy Ramsey, Shari Holt, Danny Hickman,
Mary Hickman, Tom Ramsey, Carrie Richter,
Paul Woolston, & Homer Yawn
Monique Wilson
Cindy Adler
Lynn & Nancy Houtman
and Shelia McCutcheon
9:00 1st Worship Service
Worship Leaders:
January 4, 2015
Luke 6:20-49
11:00 1st Worship Service
to be determined
Ken Reeves & Mary Pledger
Jerry Pledger & Shannon Blessing
Randy Newman, Sherri Billings,
Connie DePriest, Larry Evans, Leah West,
Wayne Hartlerode, Alf Hudspeth, & Linda Hudspeth
Children’s Moment:
Children’s Church:
Gloria Taylor &
Ransey Methvin
to be determined
Kim Trublood
to be determined
Cindy Adler
Page 2
From The
This is the last newsletter of the year, and it’s been
a good year, which is something I never take for granted. Having a good year at a church is not ever a given
thing. To have a good year at a church means we work
together, we plan together, we make adjustments when
things don’t go as planned, and we fill in for each other.
Having a good year at church means that a thousandmillion things happen without anybody ever really even
knowing about it. So let me just say this...
Thank you.
Thank you for everything you did this year that
you did without asking for any thanks, and for
which you probably got no thanks, and maybe even
nobody (except God) noticed.
I have learned over the years that church does not
just “happen.” Church involves a lot of coordination,
and a lot of things that aren’t exactly coordinated. Or
maybe I could say it better by saying that there is an invisible coordinator at work all the time, moving among
us in hidden ways, brining things together in a surprising harmony.
From my point of view as a pastor I get a front row
seat for all of this. It’s a humbling thing to see so many
giving so much. So thanks again for a great year, and
here’s looking forward to another good one together!
Onward and Upward!
Your Pastor, Dr. D.
We have begun planning serving
schedules seasonally rather than
month by month, so that we can
make information available to all
of our volunteers as early as possible. There have been some shifts
in volunteer availability, and it
would be wonderful if any of our
congregants felt that they had
enough time to join our Children's Church or Sunday
School rotation. We need two volunteers for Children's
Church, which would allow each teacher to do one class,
either first or second service (their choice), every six
weeks. If we had two Sunday School volunteers, we
would have a rotation of one month every six months.
The curriculums are well outlined and easy to follow. If
you think you might like to try, but are concerned about
your comfort level, I would love to to co-teach with you
a time or two while you decide if it's a good fit. The
children are a joy to work with, and we always have a
ton of fun. It's incredibly rewarding to be a part of their
growing base of Biblical knowledge. Please call or text
me at 479-871-9215 or email at [email protected]
if your heart tells you that you'd like to participate. You
can always talk to me at church, as well. Thank you for
reading and considering.
In Him,
Kim Trublood
Next newsletter Jan. 8, 2015
Team Unit ed!
As I get older, the value of Christmas has changed. I
have always known that the really meaning of Christmas is the birth of Christ. But as years go by, Christ really does become the meaning of Christmas time for
me. The gifts I receive lose the value I once had for
them as a kid, and my focus is more concerned with
sharing the birth of Christ with my friends and family.
When we stop and count our blessings at the end of the
year, we can ultimately say that the best Christmas gift
we have ever received is the birth of Jesus.
Merry Christmas Church Family ☺
December 21st – Children’s Christmas Party 10:00 am
January 10th
– Youth Bowling Trip
January 18th
– Youth Lunch 12:00 pm
In Him,
Page 3
Dec 21 --- Frank Conner, Chris Ramsey,
Dorwin Shaddox
Dec 23 --- Edwin Eoff, Gus Miller
Dec 24 --- Kallie Eoff, Kali Miller, Sue Sturgeon
Dec 25 --- Jesus
Dec 26 --- Luke Allen, Karen Boyers, Tori Cecil, Bob Dodson
Dec 27 --- Doris Kiple, Brad Otwell
Dec 28 --- Jenna Martin
Dec 29 --- Jordan Cecil, Doris Jones, Sam Kekaha
Dec 30 --- Dale Wagner
Jan 2 --- Linda Cuendet, Kim Mouser, Rita Ramsey
Jan 3 --- Barbara Feber, Debbie Martin
Jan 4 --- Gary Booher
Jan 6 --- Mark Billings, William Holt
Jan 7 --- Geneba Burrows, Matthew Clark, Tatum Holt,
Scott Howie
Jan 9 --- Randy Judy
Dec 20 --- Jerry & Linda Pledger
Dec 25 --- Bill & Jane Ryan
Dec 26 --- James & Wanda Thompson
--- Hilton & Leah Ann West
Dec 27 --- Bill & Martha Albright
--- Bill & Suzanne Grant
--- Clayton & Misty Hudspeth
--- Ryan & Addi Jones
Dec 28 --- Mark & Debbie Martin
--- Joe & Esta Lee Pattie
Dec 30 --- Matt & Mary Ann Carr
--- Sam & Lois Kekaha
Dec 31 --- Ben & Robin Seymore
--- Eddie & Phyllis Young
Jan 4 --- Joel & Sarah Hartlerode
Jan 5 --- Mike & Helen Fish
Among Our Own
Continue to Pray for: Barbara Feber, Lee Ivaska, & Verna
Nursing Homes & Shut-ins
Autumn Hills, Inc.; 500 Hammond Ave; Berryville; 72616
– Robbie Cotton
Highlands of Harrison at Orendorff; 115 Orendorff
– Modean Martens - Room 107
Highlands of Harrison at Tims; 202 Tims
– Sharon Kekaha- Room 58
Hillcrest Nursing Home; 1111 Maplewood Rd.
– Roger Collier - Room 10 Crestview
– Ruby DeWoody- Room 306 Summit
– W.H. McCutcheon - Room 26 Crestview
Maple Esplande; 1400 Old Bergman Rd.
– Sue Barrett - Room 310
– Betty Gray McFarland - Room 312
Newton County Nursing Home; 610 E. Court St.; Jasper;
– Mary Sue Moore
Cloteen Cowan (501) 400-3599
8700 Riley Drive
Woodland Heights
If you have the opportunity,
Apt. #116
please go by and visit or
Little Rock, AR 72205
a card to our members
Belva Holman
who are shut-in or in
1732 Ridgeview Dr.
nursing homes.
Springdale, AR 72762
College Students
Gregory Bacon
Aaron Bass
Katie Blessing
Clay Carr
Sarah Carr
Jacob Clary
Eric Crawford
Shelby Edwards
Byron Elliot
Eden Garrett
Jordan Grant
Joel Hartlerode
Prayer Outreach
(Our Extended Church Family)
New Concern: William Helbe—eye injury (grandson of Shelby Akel
Continue to Pray for: Destiny Davis—leukemia (daughter of
friend of Wanda McCutcheon), Mike Hoppis—infection
(husband of Dottie Hoppis), Mike Johnson—cancer (friend of
Reeves Family), Curt Shaddox—cancer (brother-in-law of
Jeanette Shaddox), & Ken Shaddox—health issues (son of
Jeanette Shaddox)
Prayer concerns will be posted for one month. Please call the church at 741-5757 to extend
(long term concern) or resubmit names if the prayer concern continues.
Thank you.
Sarah Hartlerode
Tatum Holt
Summer Laffoon
Jacob Langston
Jillian Langston
Taylor Leger
Jennifer Ludbrook
Wilson Marseilles
Kindall Martin
Scott Mayo
Heather McKay
Elizabeth Melton
Addie Milam
Zac Mouser
Austin Price
Hunter Rogers
Sarah Stambaugh
Jenny Thompson
Jacob Weidenfeller
Emily Wohlgemuth
Jake Woolston
Dalton Young
Tia Young
Logan Cook
Jeremy Hayes
Justin Hayes
Tony Richardson
Travis Weidenfeller
Deployed service
men & women and
their families
Page 4
Calendar of Events
Sunday, December 21
9:00 AM — 1st Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
10:00 AM — Children’s Christmas Party
11:00 AM — 2nd Worship Service
Wednesday, December 24
6:30 AM — Disciples Men
3:00 PM — Church Office Closes
5:00 PM — Drop-in Communion
6:00 PM — Lessons and Carols
Wednesday, December 31
6:30 AM — Disciples Men
Thursday, January 1
Church Office Closed
Sunday, January 4
9:00 AM — 1st Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
11:00 AM — 2nd Worship Service
Thursday, December 25
Church Office Closed
Wednesday, January 7
6:30 AM — Disciples Men
5:00 PM — Disciples Women
Friday, December 26
Church Office Closed
Friday, January 9
1:00 PM — Disciples Women
Sunday, December 28
9:00 AM — One Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
Saturday, January 10
6:00 PM — Youth Bowling Party
Monday, December 29
Church Office Closed
Sunday, January 11
9:00 AM — 1st Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
11:00 AM — 2nd Worship Service
Mainnie Wilson
knows the books
of both the
Old and New Testaments!
Page 5
FCC children did a wonderful job Wednesday night singing Christmas carols!
FCC has a Visit from Santa
Page 6
The theme for our
2014 Christmas Special
offering is
“What Gifts Shall
We Bring?”
Matthew’s story of the Wise Men who come seeking the newborn King is a familiar one, re-enacted in countless
Christmas pageants every year. We remember the Wise Men came bearing gifts – extravagant gifts fit for a
King. We may think ourselves incapable of giving such gifts until we remember that the good news of Jesus’ birth
also came to common folk like the shepherds, and that extravagance comes in many forms. Our gifts to the Christmas offering, whether large or small, support the many ways Disciples across our region discover and share their
gifts of ministry. Whatever gift you bring, give it joyfully; that’s the kind of giving that makes God smile, and
therein lies the secret of extravagance.
As we celebrate anew the Good News of God-with-us, the coming of our Lord, what gifts shall we bring? Whatever
it is, may we present them in humble thanksgiving and with joyful extravagance. Thank you!
What gift will you give this year?
It may seem like a simple question, but as we reflect on the lessons of Advent we
often find that the "stuff" we give falls short of the true gifts of the season - Hope, Joy,
Peace and Love. Global Ministries believes that these rare and precious gifts should be
shared globally.
With an Alternative Christmas Gift you honor your loved ones and make a difference in the lives of people around the world. It is a gift that does not get returned, a gift that
never breaks, a gift that does not require a trip to the overcrowded mall, and a gift that will
be deeply cherished by all who receive it.
This year, Global Ministries invites you to surprise friends and family with a gift
that cannot be found on any shelf - give Hope, give Joy, give Peace, and give Love with an
Alternative Christmas gift.
For more information and options go to
Global Ministries
Office of Resource Development
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1986
Global Ministries can either send you a special Global Ministries Christmas card
for each person that you give an alternative gift to, or they can send the Christmas
card directly to the person(s) with a photo of the work you are supporting. If you give your gift online, you also have
the option of sending an e-card to your honoree(s). You will receive a receipt for your gift along with a letter of appreciation for your support
Page 7
A thank you card was received and posted
on the bulletin board from:
The Gob’s Moms
December 24th
8:30 am - 3 pm
In Honor/Memory of …
December 25th
Office closed
Debs Fuller
by Debs Fuller Family
December 26th
Office closed
Bervin Mathis
by Mathis Family
December 29th
Office closed
Charles Neel
by Beth Neel
January 1st
Office closed
Greg Oxner
by Mary Pledger
Van Pledger
by Mary Pledger
Bill & Mary Pork
by Beth Neel
DECEMBER—Vienna Sausages
JANUARY—Macaroni & Cheese
Help children in need
Bus Driver for
December: Charles Adair 741-5961
January: Harlan Sharp 743-3480
If you need a ride to any of the church
services, please give the driver a call.
Attendance and Offering Report
Sunday, December 14th:
Thank you First Christian Church
and thank you volunteer BellRingers! The collection total for
Sunday’s Salvation Army Red
Kettle was the best EVER for a
Sunday collection in Boone
County. That means we broke
our own record from 2013. What an awesome church we
have! Thank you so much for caring AND sharing.
9:00 AM 1st Worship Service:
11:00 AM 2nd Worship Service:
Total Worship - All Services:
no report
no report
no report
10:00 AM Sunday School:
General Offering:
Total Worship 2013 Average
Total Worship 2014 Average (Year to Date)
Sunday School 2013 Average
Sunday School 2014 Average (Year to Date) 124
General Offering 2014 Average (year to Date) $8,122.83
2014 Weekly Budget Needs:
(Disciples of Christ)
915 South Maple
Harrison, AR 72601
“Gifted to Serve”
Have you remembered your church in your
will, trust or Permanent Endowment Fund?
U.S. Postage Paid
Harrison, AR 72601
Return Service Requested
Great River Region website:
To receive GRR e-newsletter e-mail subscribe with name & church affiliation to: [email protected]
Page 8
From the staff of
First Christian Church