Holy Protection of the Mother of God! Byzantine Catholic Church!

Holy Protection of the Mother of God!
Byzantine Catholic Church!
“Culture of Life” Resources and Articles
1201 S. Elizabeth St., Denver, CO 80210!
1074 S. Cook St., Denver, CO 80209!
Homilies/ YOUTUBE:!
BULLETIN INSERT REQUEST: email: [email protected]!
Fr. Michael O’Loughlin - Pastor!
Telephone: (303) 778-8283 - E-mail: [email protected]
Day / Commemoration
Liturgical Schedule
8:30 am
October 12- Sunday!
Sunday of the Fathers of the 7th
Ecumenical Council
October 14- Tuesday!
Paraskevia/ Venerable Woman
October 15- Wednesday !
Longinus/ Martyr (For Thurs.)
October 16- Thursday !
Longinus/ Apostle
October 17- Friday!
Hosea/ Prophet
October 18- Saturday
10:00 am
3:00 pm
Intro. to the Byzantine Church
Divine Liturgy for the parishioners of
Holy Protection Church
Divine Liturgy in Ft. Collins for the
members of the Outreach
7:30 am
6:30 pm
Divine Liturgy for +Dr. Arlene L
Fraikor. From Fred Fraikor.
12:05 pm
4:30 pm
8:30 am
Divine Liturgy for +Mary Fraikor. !
From Fred Fraikor.
Divine Liturgy for the parishioners of
Holy Protection Church
19th Sunday after Pentecost!
Holy Prophet Joel!
Divine Liturgy in Ft. Collins for the
members of the Outreach
Mystery (Sacrament) of Reconciliation: Sundays at 9:30am or by appointment.
October 19- Sunday!
10:00 am
40 Days for Life
From September 24 – November 2, our Denver Catholic community will take part in 40
Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray
that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city —
and beyond. Please go to http://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/denver/ for more
Baby Supply Drive for Gabriel House
From Brittany Balke:
October is Respect Life Month, and in honor of that, we're hosting our second annual
drive for baby supplies that will be donated to Gabriel House in Denver. Last year’s
drive was extremely successful, thank you for your generosity! Let’s do it again!
“The Gabriel House is an outreach program of the Archdiocese of Denver committed to
helping pregnant women and women with young children in need with resources,
clothes, supplies, and spiritual and emotional support.” (More information available at
GabrielHouseDenver.org) The supplies we donate to Gabriel House can help ease the
financial burden that might otherwise seem so immense to a parent as to encourage them
to choose abortion. Acceptable donations include new or gently used clothes, toys,
bottles and blankets as well as new diapers, baby food, formula, strollers, Please place
any donations in the labeled boxes at the entrance of the church after Divine Liturgy on
the Sundays of October 26th and November 22nd. Two more volunteers who can help
put the donation boxes in the closet after the Sunday socials would be greatly
appreciated. If you have questions or would like to help put boxes away, please contact
Brittany Balke via email at [email protected] and include "Gabriel House" in
the subject line. Thank you!
From Alternatives Pregnancy Center
Please pray for a pregnant client who is feeling pressure from the father of the baby to
choose abortion. Pray that he would experience a change of heart and choose to come
alongside her during this time.
!(Read the new Alternatives Pregnancy Center blog at http://youhavealternatives.org/blog/)
Our ill and homebound
parishioners for
remembrance in prayer:
O Divine Physician of soul
and body, send your
blessings upon your servants:
Fr. Christopher Zugger,
Matthew Suppes, Tracy
Pender, Lance Spitzner, Fred
Fraikor, Olga Bodnar,
Margaret Chando, Ray Mega,
Bob O’Loughlin, Joyce
Knapp, Helen Kmeck, Nora
Kmeck, Margaret Varga, Erica
Cornett, Doug Cramer, Renee
Nelson, Kevin McKaskey,
Jerzy Zielinski, Michael
Frank, Millie Frank, Jeanne
“Grammy” O’Loughlin, Chris
Berry, David, Debbie Berry,
Chris, Mary Thomas, Jesse
Wright, Jim McKinstry,
Geraldine Schulz, Caitlin
Mulryan, Gary Nydeggar,
Christine Lentz, Sandy
Woods, Jerry Screws, John
McElderry and all those in
need of your blessings.
Bless also those who you
have given the ministry of
caring for the sick.
Please tell Father Michael if
there are other names that
should be added to this list or
if there are any shut-ins to
whom the Holy Mysteries
(Sacraments) should be
Hello parents!
From Theresa Fedorco:
Here are the dates for ECF classes. Oct. 12 and 19
Nov. 9 and 23
Theology of the body for Teens:
Oct. 19, Nov. 9 and 23
These dates in December will be for play practice for
Dec. 7, 14 and 21
Support Our Seminarians!
From Chris Haas:
It is Back to School Time, and then some. We have two
seminarians studying in Pittsburgh who would appreciate a
Care Package from our parish. Gift cards to Panera Bread
are always welcome. I am also collecting cash donations to
purchase tea, Vitamin C , munchies etc. Please see me for
more info or to make a donation. I hope to get the boxes
mailed a few weeks from now. Thanks. Chris Haas
Ladies Guild Gift Shop -- NEW Items
Check out the new items in the gift shop, located at the
basement landing. It is stocked with several new items
from the Sisters of Saint Basil in Mount St Macrina and the
New Guild in Braddock, PA. To purchase an item, cash or
checks made out to Holy Protection Ladies Guild, should be
sealed in the envelopes provided and placed in the lock
box on the side of the display case; or see a member of the
Ladies Guild.
Holy Protection 40th Anniversary Celebration November 15 & 16, 2014
We will celebrate our parish’s 40th Anniversary with a
formal dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall (1555 Grant
Street) from 4:00pm -- 8:00pm and a Divine Liturgy with
Bishop Gerald at 10:00am on Sunday November 16th,
following with a brunch. All families and friends of the
parish, both past and present, are encouraged to attend.
Invitations were sent out this past week. If you didn’t
get one, there are more available in the church today.
May God grant our parish many happy and blessed years!
-Holy Protection would like to thank our GCU “St.
Nicholas” Lodge 144 for sponsoring and printing the
tickets. These are available today as well.
Parish Growth Update
Please continue praying for the future of our beautiful
parish! Continuing to consider all available options for
providing space for our growing community: -We are awaiting specifics about the possibility of
rebuilding on our present location. We have been in
contact with an architect.
-We are considering the possibility of having multiple
communities throughout the Denver Metropolitan area.
Parishioners who live a distance from Holy Protection are
invited to work with other parishioners in their area to
discern the possibility of opening an Outreach. Fr. Michael
will have specifics about this project when he returns on
the 28th. -We are continuing to look into other options for finding
much needed worship and gathering space for our
-God’s Will be done!
Upcoming Byzantine Catholic Activities
-Young Adults: The date of the Young Adult Rally has been
changed to sometime in the winter (Most likely January 2-4).
Keep an eye on this spot for more details.
Parish Celebrations:!
The Ft. Collins Byzantine Outreach Women's Group will be meeting
every Tuesday night, alternating between Byzantine prayer/
spiritual growth, and organizing fundraisers. If you are interested
in being a part of the Women's Group please contact Elizabeth
Zelasko at [email protected] or call 973-809-8250.
!Outreach Men’s Group
For information, please contact:
-Zach Armstrong: [email protected] 970-308-6097
-Joe Zelasko: 970-222-1947
!Ft. Collins Outreach Sunday refreshments online
Signing up to host a parish social is even easier now! Go to
and enter the email address [email protected] to sign up. If you don't
have internet, or you have any questions,call Jacqueline at
970-481-2008. Thank you for your generosity!
May God grant!
them many happy!
and blessed years!!
Outreach in Ft. Collins:
!Outreach Women’s Group
Jessica Fedak!
Isaac Andrew!
Kate Bodnar!
Luke O’Loughlin!
Nikolai Cary!
Our outreach in Ft. Collins will be celebrating a Divine Liturgy
every Sunday at 3:00pm. The Liturgy will be held today at Blessed
John XXIII Catholic University Parish (1220 University Ave, Fort
Collins, CO 80521) Tell your friends!
!! Collections:!
Sun. Oct. 5, 2014:!
Tithe: 3070.17!
Souls: 79!
Tithe: 526.00!
Souls: 40
Divine Liturgy
! Guide
The Divine Liturgy begins on page 11. [All options are (A) unless noted]
Oct. 12, 2014: Sunday of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Sunday of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council: !
2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Hebrews 13:7-16, Luke 7:11-16, John 17: 1-13!
THIS WEEK'S SANCTUARY LAMP continues to burn !
before the real presence of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ !
October 12 - October 18, 2014
In Memory of Mary Madar, Anna Swayka, and Julia Swayka McKees Rocks Pa
From the GCU: !
-You are invited to sponsor the weekly sanctuary Lamp in our Church for your
various intentions. If you are interested in sponsoring this vigil candle the usual
stipend offering is $ 10.00. It will burn from Sunday through Saturday, and the bulletin
will remind your fellow parishioners of your special intention or of the memory of a
loved one. You may request as often as you would like. Write your intention and
name of the one offering the intention. Also list the week you would like it to burn.
Every effort will be made to honor the week requested.
- The following weeks are available for sponsoring the Sanctuary Lamp
John Or Mary Ellen Oslick: 303-284-2304
When you get to the...
Troparia on pg. 27
Kontakion on pg. 27
Prokeimenon on page 34 !
Alleluia on page 34 !
Go to…
Tone 1 on pg. 161. (Ribbon)
Fathers on pg. 263. (Ribbon)
Fathers on pg. 263.
Fathers on pg. 264.
Fathers on pg. 264.
Sunday (78) and Fathers (264).
Communion Hymn on page 78
“A Few Good Men” Needed
Home Depot has given us a date of Oct. 23 to install the new carpeting in the choir loft, office and
children's room. We are in need of "a few good men" to assist in moving furniture prior to the installation,
so those rooms will be ready for the installers. If you can stay after Divine Liturgy on Oct. 19 and help,
please let Mark Soutor ([email protected], 720-375-5000) know. Thanks in advance!