Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church November 2014 Saints Peter Paul Greek Orthodox Church 1401 Wagner Road Glenview, Il 60025 Phone: (847) 729-2235 Fax: (847) 729-6562 [email protected] Rev. Father Panagiotis Boznos, Proistamenos ([email protected]) Sunday &Weekly Services Matins 8:15 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Church Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am-4:30pm Fri. 8:30am - 3:00pm Office Administrator: Jeannine McIntyre Office Assistant: Toula Garbis Bookkeeper: Diane Bravos 2014 PARISH COUNCIL Rev. Father Panagiotis Boznos, Proistamenos James Santos, President Jim Gottreich, Vice President Steve Koulogeorge, Treasurer Demete Papson, Assistant Treasurer Therese Speropoulos, Assistant Treasurer Keith Anderson, Recording Secretary Christy Gouletas, Corresponding Secretary Chris Atsaves Athan Demakos Fritz Freidinger George Kirie Bo LaMotte Mary Ann Langas Nicholas Mechales George Nassos John Nikitas Nicole Olds Nick Paterakos PARISH MINISTRIES Agape Preschool: Renee Tzakis (847) 729-5814 Altar Boys: Dr. Ted Saclarides, Elias Papadakis Athletics: Chris Atsaves Book & Icon Store: Pat Nassos Choir Director: Therese Speropoulos Church School Coordinators: Cynthia Olson Angela Schmidt Louis Pappapichiel Coffee Fellowship: Lucy Economos (847) 827-5593 Dynamis Group: Gail Kachoyeanos Georgia Photopulos Cancer Support Group: Bud Photopulos and Phyllis Perivolidis Greek School: Stella Theoharopoulos (847) 803-4792 Morning Bible Study: Dr. Helen Theodoropoulos OPA: Rev. Fr. Panagiotis Boznos Organist: Helen Mariano Outreach: Mary Ann Langas Philoptochos President: Pat Nassos PROSPHORA: Calliope Prekezes Stewardship: Chris Atsaves Ushering: Jim Gottreich and Bo LaMotte PASTORAL NOTE Please telephone the Church office (847) 729-2235 during daytime hours for all spiritual emergencies. For evening emergencies contact Fr. Panagiotis at (630) 664-2173. God bless you always! PASTORAL MESSAGE “Be Filled with the Holy Spirit…giving thanks always for all things to God the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5.18, 20) No discussion of the month of November could be considered adequate without ample attention paid to Thanksgiving. It is a time to take stock of the gifts and blessings we have received in the past year and to offer thanks; thanks to God, thanks to our loved ones, thanks to anyone who has enriched our lives over the past year. As a civil institution Thanksgiving is uniquely North American, being celebrated in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving owes its establishment as a National Holiday to Abraham Lincoln, who looked out upon a war torn country and in 1863 proclaimed a national day of thanks as a means to heal the wounds and ills plaguing Civil War era America. Thanksgiving also plays a vital part in the lives of Orthodox Christians the world over; perhaps not the Civic holiday, but rather the concept of offering thanks. Nowhere is this more evident than in the worship of the Church. Holy Communion, the very pinnacle and center of the Church’s worship is referred to as the Eucharist (Greek for Thanksgiving). One does not need to strain to see all the references to giving thanks in the Divine Liturgy. It is proper and right to sing to You, to bless You, to give thanks to You. We give thanks to You Invisible King. Let us worthily give thanks to the Lord. As Fr. Alexander Schmemann states, “The only natural…reaction of man, to whom God gave this blessed and sanctified world, is to bless God in return, to thank Him”. This goes beyond the once a year day of thanks. As an Orthodox Christian thanksgiving is a way of life, essential to our being and relationship with God. We see that reflected in the quote from Saint Paul up above. The difficult task is to give thanks, as he says “Always for all things”. To give thanks not only in times of prosperity, but as Lincoln suggested, we should thank God also during times of struggle and pain. It is “natural” for man to participate both in the offering of his personal thanks, and in the offering of thanks that is made by the entire Church, ie the Eucharist. This means taking the time to prepare to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis. A communing Christian is a “natural” Christian. Take the spirit of thanksgiving with you outside the celebration of the civic holiday. Offer the thanks to God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon you. Offer thanks during times of trouble, and join the Body of Christ in offering thanks in the Holy Eucharist, for all of these are “natural” to a human in relation to God. + Fr. Panagiotis Parish Council News November, 2014 I'm pleased to announce that Nicole Olds was appointed to the vacant parish council seat at our October meeting. Nicole has been involved in various activities of the Agape pre-school and is interested in helping parents of young children get more involved in parish ministries. The council is looking forward to her input and participation. Many thanks to the other applicants who expressed interest in this position. As a reminder and for those unaware, there are a total of 18 positions on the council. The term is for two years and 9 positions come up for election each year. This year's election will take place on December 7th and every steward in good standing was mailed an application last month. If you have an interest in running, please return the application by November 8th. The final numbers are in for the Greek festival that took place on September 6-7. Thanks to the hard work of the festival committee, all who volunteered, the generous donations of many vendor/sponsors, and the leadership of Christy Gouletas, the festival netted a $35,000 profit. I would also like to thank Chris Atsaves who chaired the SS Peter & Paul golf outing on September 29th. We had forty golfers out at Highland Park Country Club and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and evening. This event netted a profit of $6000. Please plan on attending the fall general assembly meeting which will take place following Liturgy on November 16th. Among other items, the 2015 budget will be presented for review and approval. Despite the success of our most recent fundraisers, please know that the overwhelming majority of our financial support comes from our stewardship program. You will be receiving your 2015 stewardship packet in the mail shortly. I encourage you to reflect on your financial contribution to the church and make a pledge that is truly sacrificial. This is one of many ways you can support Christ's church, and one that can help all of us grow spiritually. I wish all of you much happiness and good health as we head into the holiday season. May God's blessings continue to be with you and your loved ones. Jim Santos Parish Council President SACRAMENTS +Baptisms Evangelene, daughter of Peter and Elaine (Kollias) Apostol Sponsor: Anastasios & Maria Teresa Koumantos Elizabeth, daughter of Danilo and Helen (Ress) Oliveri Sponsor: Jim & Anna Venetos Kyleen Garcia (Adult Baptism) Sponsor: Lauren Curry. GOD’S BLESSINGS AND LOVE! Chrismation Jeremy Spiros was confirmed into The Holy Orthodox Faith on September 28, 2014. Orthodox Sponsor is Nancy Parra. WELCOME TO THE FAITH AND CHURCH COMMUNITY! +Wedding Sacrament Florian and Tannya (Jara) Nistor Sponsor: Boboi Dimitru Erik and Karen (Benetatos) Raestas Sponsor: Christina Benetatos GOD’S LOVE AND JOY! +40 Day Churching of Mother and Infant Aphrodite, daughter of Demetra (Vranas) and Panagiotis Flevaris GOD’S BLESSINGS ALWAYS! +Funerals Our Condolences to the families of: Mary Goundas, Sam Bouboutsis, Sam Boznos, Elaine Speropoulos, Helen Georgopoulos, and Nicholas Shereos MAY THEIR MEMORY BE ETERNAL! PARISH NEWS Konstantinos and Marigo Afendras Arina Dennis Anthony and Nicolette Circolone Jane and Jeff Devine Welcome to our New Members! DYNAMIS - November 20th Dynamis will visit the Art Institute and tour the HEAVEN and EARTH Exhibit of artworks from the early Christian and Byzantine eras. The cost is $37.00 and includes bus fare of $26.00 plus $12.00 for tour ticket. We will meet in the Church parking lot at 9:45 a.m. to board the bus. At 3:00 p.m. we will board the bus and return to the Church. Lunch will be on your own. Please make your reservation today to reserve bus seating and tour ticket. Deadline for reservations is November 15th. Call Gail Kachoyeanos @847-965-2348 or Athena Ames @847-256- 5306 SAVE THE DATES! SS. Peter and Paul Church School Presents: Saint Nicholas Gift Project Sunday, December 7th And SS. Peter and Paul Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 14th Saint Nicholas Gift Project will involve children bringing a gift that will be blessed and distributed to area Orthodox and Civic Charities SS. Peter and Paul Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 14th Immediately Following Divine Liturgy There will be a required dress rehearsal for ALL Pageant participants. Saturday, December 13th from 9:30am until 11:30am Nursery 3, 4 & K from 9:30am until 10:30am Grades 1-12 from 9:30am until 11:30am If you are interested in helping with the pageant, please contact Maryann Rasmussen at [email protected] If you are interested in helping with the St. Nicholas Gift Project, p lease contact Angela Schmidt at [email protected] Philoptochos News Congratulations to Amelia (Milly) Pappas nominated to represent SS. Peter and Paul Philoptochos for the 2014 Agape Award. On September 20, at the Annual Metropolis Benefit Luncheon, certificates of Merit were presented to the nominees from each chapter of the Metropolis. Pictured with Fr. Panagiotis are Presbytera Nichole, President Pat Nassos, and Nominee Milly Pappas. Amelia (Milly) Pappas has been a dedicated member of SS. Peter and Paul Philoptochos for many years and served as President for five years (1990 to 1995). Throughout the years, she has continued to be an active Board member, serving in numerous positions. She is currently Publicity and Goodwill Chairperson. She has chaired many events, including the annual Holiday Fair, Palm Sunday Bake Sale, Vespers/Feast Day Celebration, Fashion Show Benefit, Anastasi Celebration, Luncheon for the Lenten Quiltathon, and the Cookbook Committee. The work Amelia loves the most is Philanthropy, assisting those in need. AGAPE – ALL GENERATIONS ACCOMPLISHING PHILANTHROPIC ENDEAVORS. Philoptochos Coming Events; November 2014 02 - Sunday - PHILOPTOCHOS SUNDAY – Artoclasia for the good health and well being of all Phloptochos members, and a memorial service to honor all deceased Philoptochos members. 09 - Sunday - VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION. Philoptochos to host coffee hour and present a slide show in honor of our brave men and women who served our country. 13 - Thursday - BLOOMINGDALE’S SHOPPING DAY BENEFIT, Old Orchard Center, Lagos Trunk Show. 11:00 a.m., Complimentary Continental Breakfast, PLEASE RSVP. Raffle – 12:00 Noon. 18 - Tuesday - PHILOPTOCHOS GENERAL MEETING – 6:30 P.M. – REFRESHMENTS - PROGRAM - 7:30 P.M. Program chairlady, Tiana Cocallas invites you to come and help celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the movie, “Gone With The Wind’. Historical actress Lynn Rymarz will tell us about the making of the book, the movie. Save the Date – Philoptochos Christmas Dinner Party. Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Place: The Glen-View Club, 100 Golf Road, Golf, IL - More Details to Follow - Join Us for our Annual SS. PETER AND PAUL PHILOPTOCHOS Fundraiser: JOLLY OLD SAINT NICHOLAS - HOLIDAY FAIRE Saturday, December 6, 2014 10:30 A.M. (following the St. Nicholas Nameday Service) to 5:00 P.M. General Admission - $2.00 Children and Students – No Charge LUNCH – 11:30 A.M. TO 2:30 P.M. Homemade Greek Cuisine - Children’s Menu - Carry-Outs Available BAKERY - FEATURING A LARGE VARITY OF HOMEMADE GREEK AND AMERICAN PASTRY – ALSO, FROZEN TIROPITES AND SPANAKOPITES. COFFE SHOPPE - ENJOY VARIOUS COFFEES, TEAS, AROUND THE BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS ST. NICHOLAS TREE. SERVING VARIOUS PASTRIES, INCLUDING HOMEMADE GALAKTOBOURIKO (CUSTARD DESSERT). SHOP ON THE BALCONY – FEATURING ARTISANS WITH GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS, CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS (PERSONALIZED), NEW VENDORS ADDED. CHILDREN’S “CANDY CANE ROOM” – VISIT SANTA – 10:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. PARENTS BRING YOUR CAMERA FOR PICTURES WITH SANTA. GOODY BAGS FOR ALL CHILDREN AND CRAFTS FOR FUN. SS. PETER AND PAUL BOOK AND ICON STORE. NEW ITEMS HAVE BEEN PURCHASED, INCLUDING CHILDREN’S BOOKS, BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED ICONS, AND MUCH MORE. HOLIDAY RAFFLE - THE RAFFLE IS BACK. PLEASE STOP BY TO VIEW THE EXCITING GIFTS. THE RAFFLE TICKETS WILL BE MAILED WITH THE HOLIDAY FAIRE INVITATION. ALSO, TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED DURING COFFEE HOUR. UNDERWRITE – IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP BY UNDERWRITING SOME OF THE COST OF THE FUNDRAISER, WE WOULD APPRECIATE RECEIVING YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO BE SENT TO: PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY, SS. PETER AND PAUL CHURCH, 1401 WAGNER ROAD, GLENVIEW, IL 60025. ATTN: ANGIE KATSAMAKIS, ASST. TREASURER MANPOWER – WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE SIGN-UP DURING COFFEE HOUR ON SUNDAYS. BAKING DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. AGAPE PRESCHOOL Field Trip to Wagner Farm The Agape Preschool and Kindergarten visited Wagner Farm on Tuesday, October 7th. The students and staff all had a wonderful time! For questions regarding the Agape Preschool and its programs, please call Renée at 847729- 5814. November November 15 16 Matthew 1-3 Matthew 4-5 November November 17 18 Matthew 6-7 Matthew 8-9 November November November 19 20 21 Matthew 10-11 Matthew 12-13 Matthew 14-16 November November November November November November 22 23 24 25 26 27 Matthew 17-19 Matthew Matthew 23-24 Matthew 25-26 Matthew 27-28 Mark 1-3 November November November 28 29 30 Mark Mark Mark 4-6 7-9 10-11 December 1 Mark 12-13 December December 2 3 Mark Mark 14 15-16 December 4 Luke 1 December December December December 5 6 7 8 Luke Luke Luke Luke 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 December December December December 9 10 11 12 Luke Luke Luke Luke 10 11-12 13-15 16-18 December December 13 14 Luke Luke 19-20 21-22 December 15 Luke 23-24 December December December December December December December December 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 John John John John John John John John 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-11 12-13 14-16 17-19 December 24 John 20-21 SS. Peter and Paul Gospel Challenge 20-22 The idea is to read all 4 Gospels during the 40 days of Advent by reading the assigned chapters each day. Imagine the power of our entire parish reading the Bible together for the 40 days during the Nativity Fast. God could do amazing things through us in Glenview! At a time when holiday shopping and parties overwhelm our schedules, what better way to stay focused on the “reason for the season?” Beginning Nov. 15th, join Fr. Panagiotis and our parish family in doing this 40 day reading schedule. It, along with fasting, makes Advent a time of disciplined ascetic effort and spiritual growth. As a community, we will count down the days to the birth of Christ together. Youth Corner HOPE Group: The Hope Group started meeting again in Mid-October. We had a great turn out and the young kids are having a blast playing together. If you have a young child newborn-4 and would like to join the HOPE Group, contact Presbytera Nichole at [email protected]. Faith/Love/Joy: Faith Love & Joy had its first meeting of the year on Monday October 6th, with an amazing turn out. Over 30 of our parish’s elementary aged children came together to learn about Christ’s light within each of us, using jack-o’-lanterns, and finished off the night with a spirited game of Sharks and Minnows. Our next Faith, Love, and Joy night is Monday, November 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Jr. G.O.Y. A. / Sr. G.O.Y.A.: November is going to bring with it quite a few GOYA activities. They are: Nov 9th Jump Sky High in Niles (leave directly from the Church at 12:30) Nov 10th Jr GOYA Meeting 6:30 p.m. Nov 17th Sr GOYA Meeting 6:30 p.m. Nov 19th Feed My Starving Children 6:00 p.m. (Libertyville, IL) Anyone interested in the Nov 9th Jump Sky High event will need a waiver filled out by their parents. You can fil out an online waiver at their website ( There are a limited number of slots for the Feed My Starving Children event. If you are interested in participating please log on to their website and use the Join Code:553999 to sign up. Please also RSVP with Fr. Panagiotis for all of the November events. November 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 9:30am Greek School 2 3 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Philoptochos Sunday 4 11:30am HOPE Group 8:15 am Matins 4:30 pm Greek School Coffee Connection 9 10 11 11:30am HOPE Group GOYA Jump Sky High 4:30pm Greek School 5:30pm Greek School Open House/ Conferences Hierarchal Divine Liturgy @ St. Nectarios 6:30pm Jr. GOYA 7:00pm Cancer Support Meeting 16 17 18 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Coffee Connection 4:30pm Greek School 7:00pm Parish General Assembly 6:30pm Sr. GOYA 23 24 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy +Sacrament 30 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Coffee Connection 7:00pm Church School Staff Meeting 11:30am HOPE Group 8:15 am Matins FAST DAY 10:00am Adult Bible Study 12 FAST DAY 10:00am Adult Bible Study 19 FAST DAY 10:00am Adult Bible Study 6:00pm GOYA Feed My Starving Children 25 26 9:30am Divine Liturgy for St. Katherine 4:30pm Greek School 11:30am HOPE Group 13 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 7 FAST DAY 7:00pm Vespers Synaxis of the Archangels in Niles 14 FAST DAY 8:30am Matins 9:30am Divine Liturgy St. John Chrysostom 4:30pm Greek School FAST DAY 10:00am Adult Bible Study 20 Agape Thanksgiving Feast Dynamis Art Institute 4:30pm Greek School 27 Happy Thanksgiving 8 9:30am Greek School Divine Liturgy for The Synaxis of the Archangels in Niles,IL 7:00pm Vespers of St. Nectarios in Palatine 15 9:30am Greek School 11:30am Greek School Open House/ Conferences +Sacrament 7:00pm Parish Council Executive Meeting Philoptochos General Meeting 9:00am Matins 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 6 4:30 pm Greek School 6:30 pm Philoptochos Board Meeting 6:00pm Faith, Love & Joy 8:15 am Matins 5 21 FAST DAY 9:00am Matins 9:30am Divine LiturgyPresentation of the Theotokos 28 Office Closed 22 9:30am Greek School +Sacrament 29 7:00pm Great Vespers St. Andrews, Chicago Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. the law office of KATHLEEN H. GEORGEVICH, PC For further information, please call the Parish Office. 6336 N. CICERO AVENUE, SUITE 102, CHICAGO, IL KATHLEEN H. GEORGEVICH PHONE: (773) 481-6648 Attorney at Law [email protected] WWW.KHGEORGEVICHLAW.COM CARRIAGEHILLKENNELS.COM ELECTRIC COMPANY INC. Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Design • Planning Consultation ELECTRICAL REPAIR SPECIALISTS SAFETY & QUALITY FIRST • Our Work is Fully Guaranteed 3680 Commercial Avenue • Northbrook IL 60062 WILMETTE CHOP HOUSE Carriage Hill Kennels New Menu! New Chef! 847-278-2462 • Boarding 1162 Wilmette Ave. • Grooming Tue. - Sat. 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM • Indoor Aquatic Center 10% of Sales go to St. Peter & Paul when • Training PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Opening soon for Lunch, High Tea & Sunday Night 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months ALEXANDRA KOROMPILAS 847-724-0270 “Matchmaker” The Fax: 847-724-2255 2218 Waukegan Road Glenview, IL 60025 Mon-Fri 8-12 & 1-6 Sat 8-12 & 1-3 Closed Sundays & Holidays TALK ........... orders placed by 6:30 PM Francine Barnes Chris Cocallas Bob Barnes 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE GRI, President’s Club member 312.328.1300 [email protected] I have MATCHED 1350 Residential & Commercial properties to clients since 1996. Let me find the perfect MATCH for your current needs. Professional, Confidential and Concierge Service...always. 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Stop by Before or After Mass, Mention This Ad, Buy Any Drink, and Get one Free. ■ LICENSED MASTER ELECTRICIAN ■ SEMI-RETIRED SENIOR ■ 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE ■ SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ■ QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ■ INSURED AND BONDED ■ REASONABLE PRICING ■ PROMPT SERVICE ■ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL GEORGE PAPADAKIS 773-908-2271 Family Owned, Parishioners Follow Us on Twitter & Facebook 103365 Ss Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox (A) WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping 773.631.4322 COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE Serving the North Shore for over 50 years 811 Ridge Road Wilmette, IL 60091 Ph 847.251.2695 Fax 847.251.9433 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? For Ads: J.S. 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