Convergence of two-step Newton methods for solving nonlinear equations in Banach spaces Wen Zhou∗ Abstract In this paper, we consider a family of two-step Newton-like methods for nonlinear equations in Banach spaces. We make an attempt to establish the semilocal convergence of high-order Newton-like methods under the weak conditions by using recurrence relations. We derive the recurrence relations for the methods, and then obtain an existence-uniqueness theorem to give the R-order of the methods and a priori error bounds. Finally, we apply this family of high-order methods to a simple and typical example of flow in porous media, and show that these methods are better than Newton’s method. MSC: 65D10; 65D99 Keywords: Nonlinear equations in Banach spaces; Newton-type method; Recurrence relations; Semilocal convergence. 1 Introduction We consider the solution of nonlinear equations in Banach spaces given by F(x) = 0, (1.1) where F : Ω ⊆ X → Y is a nonlinear operator on an open convex subset Ω of a Banach space X with values in a Banach space Y . Such equations include the nonlinear differential equations, the nonlinear integral equations, nonlinear algebraic equations, and so on. Iterative methods are often used for solving (1.1). The most well-known iterative method is Newton’s method [13] xn+1 = xn − F 0 (xn )−1 F(xn ), (1.2) which has quadratic convergence. In order to accelerate the convergence, a family of third-order methods for scalar case has been presented in [10] and here, we consider its ∗ Department of Foundation Courses, Hubei Vocational Technical College, Xiaogan 432000, Hubei, China. 1 extension in Banach spaces xn+1 = xn − 1 Γn F(yn ) + (θ 2 + θ − 1)F(xn ) , 2 θ (1.3) where θ ∈ R, θ 6= 0, Γn = F 0 (xn )−1 , zn = xn − Γn F(xn ) and yn = xn + θ (zn − xn ). This family of methods requires only one more evaluation of F per iteration than Newton’s method, but the R-order of convergence is improved to three for sufficient regular zeros of F. Therefore this family can be more efficient and of practical interest. The special one (θ = 1) of the family given by (1.3) has been studied in [14], and it is applied for a basic conservative problem arisen from a nonlinear boundary-value problem [4]. Another special one (θ = −1) is presented in [11] for solving the single equation, and then it is successfully used to solve non-symmetric algebraic Riccati equations arising in transport theory [12]. The convergence of the iterative methods in Banach spaces is often derived using a majorizing function [7, 19–21]. In [15], the approach of recurrence relation is developed to establish the convergence of Newton’s method, and up to now, it is also successfully used to establish the convergence of some higher-order methods [1,2,5,6,8,9]. In this paper, we shall use recurrence relations to establish the semilocal convergence for the methods given by (1.3) to solve nonlinear equations in Banach space. We construct the system of recurrence relations for (1.3). We derive the convergence analysis based on recurrence relations of the methods and obtain the error estimate. Fluid flow through porous media is a subject of most common interest in hydrology and petroleum reservoir engineering [3, 16–18], in which various nonlinear differential equations occur frequently. In this work, we apply the methods given by (1.3) to a simple and typical example of flow in porous media, and we also present numerical comparison to Newton’s method. 2 Preliminary results Definition [13]. Let Π be an iterative process for the nonlinear operator F with limit point x∗ . The R-order of Π is defined by the quantity ( ∞, if Rq (Π, x∗ ) = 0, ∀q ∈ [1, ∞), ∗ OR (Π, x ) = inf{q ∈ [1, ∞)|Rq (Π, x∗ ) = 1}, otherwise, where ( ∗ Rq (Π, x ) = lim supn→∞ kxn − x∗ k1/n , if q = 1, n lim supn→∞ kxn − x∗ k1/q , if q > 1. If 0 < Rq (Π, x∗ ) < 1 holds for some q ∈ [1, ∞), then the R-order of convergence of Π is q. Let an initial approximation x0 ∈ Ω and the nonlinear operator F : Ω ⊂ X → Y be continuously second-order Fr´echet differentiable where Ω is an open set and X and Y 2 are Banach spaces. We assume that (C1) kΓ0 F(x0 )k 6 η, (C2) kΓ0 k 6 β , (C3) kF 00 (x)k 6 M, x ∈ Ω, (C4) kF 00 (x) − F 00 (y)k 6 ω(kx − yk), ∀x, y ∈ Ω, where ω(t) is a non-decreasing continuous real function for t > 0 and ω(0) > 0, (C5) there exists a non-decreasing positive real function ϕ ∈ C[0, +∞), with ϕ(t) 6 1 for t ∈ [0, 1], such that ω(ts) 6 ϕ(t)ω(s), for t ∈ [0, 1], s ∈ (0, +∞). Remark. The conditions (C4) and (C5) are general as they contain the H¨older continuity of F 00 ; that is, kF 00 (x) − F 00 (y)k 6 Nkx − yk p , ∀x, y ∈ Ω, p ∈ (0, 1]. In that case, we have ω(s) = Ns p and ϕ(t) = t p that satisfy (C4) and (C5). R We denote J = 01 ϕ(t)(1 − t)dt and define the following scalar functions which will be often used in the later developments. Let 1 g(t) = 1 + t, 2 2 , h(t) = 2 − 2t − t 2 1 1 1 f (t, u) = th(t) 1 + t t + Jϕ(g(t))u + Jϕ |θ − 1| + t u. 4 2 2 (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) It is obvious by the definitions that h(t) = 1 . 1 − tg(t) Some properties of the functions defined previously are given in the following lemma. √ Lemma 1. Let the real functions g, h and f be given in (2.1)-(2.3) and s = 3 − 1 where s is the smallest positive zero of the scalar function g(t)t − 1. (a) g(t) and h(t) are increasing and g(t) > 1, h(t) > 1 for t ∈ (0, s), (b) f (t, u) is increasing for t ∈ (0, s), u > 0, (c) Let ε ∈ (0, 1), then we have g(εt) < g(t), h(εt) < h(t) and f (εt, ε 2 u) < ε 2 f (t, u) for t ∈ (0, s), u > 0. Assume that the conditions (C1)-(C5) hold. We now denote η0 = η, β0 = β , a0 = Mβ η, b0 = β ηω(η) and d0 = h(a0 ) f (a0 , b0 ). Let a0 < s and h(a0 )d0 < 1 where s = √ 3 − 1 is the smallest positive zero of the scalar function g(t)t − 1. We now define the following sequences for n > 0 ηn+1 = dn ηn , (2.4) βn+1 = h(an )βn , (2.5) an+1 = Mβn+1 ηn+1 , (2.6) 3 bn+1 = βn+1 ηn+1 ω(ηn+1 ), (2.7) dn+1 = h(an+1 ) f (an+1 , bn+1 ). (2.8) From the definitions of an+1 , bn+1 and (2.4)-(2.5), we obtain an+1 = h(an )dn an , (2.9) bn+1 6 h(an )dn ϕ(dn )bn . (2.10) Nextly we shall study some properties of the previous scalar sequences. Later developments will require the following lemma, √ Lemma 2. Let the real functions g, h, f be given in (2.1)-(2.3) and s = 3 − 1 where s is the smallest positive zero of the scalar function g(t)t − 1. If a0 < s and h(a0 )d0 < 1, (2.11) then we have (a) h(an ) > 1 and dn < 1, ϕ(dn ) 6 1 for n > 0, (b) the sequences {an }, {bn } and {dn } are decreasing, (c) g(an )an < 1 and h(an )dn < 1 for n > 0. Proof. By Lemma 1 and (2.11), h(a0 ) > 1 and d0 < 1 hold. It follows from (2.9) and (2.10) that a1 < a0 and b1 < b0 . By Lemma 1, we also have h(a1 ) < h(a0 ) and f (a1 , b1 ) < f (a0 , b0 ). This yields d1 < d0 , ϕ(d1 ) 6 ϕ(d0 ) 6 1 and (b) holds. Based on these results we obtain g(a1 )a1 < g(a0 )a0 < 1 and h(a1 )d1 < h(a0 )d0 < 1 and (c) holds. By induction we can derive that items (a),(b) and (c) hold. Lemma 3. Under the assumptions of Lemma 2. Let γ = h(a0 )d0 , then we have n dn 6 λ γ 2 , n > 0, (2.12) where λ = 1/h(a0 ), and also for n > 0, n n+1 −1 ∏ di 6 λ n+1 γ 2 . (2.13) i=0 Proof. Since a1 = γa0 , b1 6 h(a0 )d0 ϕ(d0 )b0 6 γb0 , by Lemma 1 we have 1 −1 d1 6 h(γa0 ) f (γa0 , γb0 ) 6 γd0 = γ 2 1 d0 = λ γ 2 . k Suppose dk 6 λ γ 2 , k > 1. From Lemma 2, we have ak+1 < ak and h(ak )dk < 1, and thus dk+1 6 h(ak ) f (h(ak )dk ak , h(ak )dk ϕ(dk )bk ) 6 h(ak ) f (h(ak )dk ak , h(ak )dk bk ) 6 h(ak )dk2 k+1 6 h(a0 )λ 2 γ 2 k+1 = λ γ2 . 4 n Therefore it holds that dn 6 λ γ 2 for n > 0. By (2.12), we get n n i ∏ di 6 ∏ λ γ 2 i=0 n i n+1 −1 = λ n+1 γ ∑i=0 2 = λ n+1 γ 2 , n > 0. i=0 This shows (2.13) holds. The proof is completed. Lemma 4. Under the assumptions of Lemma 2. Let γ = h(a0 )d0 and λ = 1/h(a0 ). The sequence {ηn } satisfies ηn 6 ηλ n γ 2 n −1 , n > 0. (2.14) Hence the sequence {ηn } converges to 0. Moreover, for any n > 0, m > 1, it holds n+m ∑ ηi 6 ηλ n 2n −1 1 − λ γ m+1 γ 2n (2m +1) 1 − λ γ2 i=n n . (2.15) Proof. It is easy to obtain ! n−1 ηn = dn−1 ηn−1 = dn−1 dn−2 ηn−2 = · · · = η n −1 6 ηλ n γ 2 ∏ di i=0 Because λ < 1 and γ < 1, it follows that ηn → 0 as n → ∞. Let n+m ρ= i ∑ λ iγ 2 , i=n where n > 0, m > 1. Since ρ 6 2n λ nγ + λ γ ! n+m−1 2n ∑ λ iγ 2i i=n n n = λ nγ 2 + λ γ 2 n+m ρ − λ n+m γ 2 , we can obtain n ρ 6 λ nγ 2 n m +1) 1 − λ m+1 γ 2 (2 n 1 − λ γ2 . Furthermore, we get n+m ∑ n n −1 ηi = ηγ −1 ρ 6 ηλ n γ 2 i=n Therefore ∑∞ n=0 ηn exists. 3 m +1) 1 − λ m+1 γ 2 (2 n 1 − λ γ2 . Recurrence relations for the method The following lemma gives an approximation of the operator F. 5 , n > 0. Lemma 5. Assume that the nonlinear operator F : Ω ⊂ X → Y be continuously secondorder Fr´echet differentiable where Ω is an open set and X and Y are Banach spaces. We have 1 00 F(xn+1 ) = F (xn ) (xn+1 − zn )2 + (xn+1 − zn )(zn − xn ) + (zn − xn )(xn+1 − zn ) 2 Z 1 + F 00 (xn + t(xn+1 − xn )) − F 00 (xn ) (1 − t)dt[(xn+1 − zn )2 0 +(xn+1 − zn )(zn − xn ) + (zn − xn )(xn+1 − zn )] Z 1 + F 00 (xn + t(xn+1 − xn )) − F 00 (xn + tθ (zn − xn )) (1 − t)dt 0 (zn − xn )2 , (3.1) where θ ∈ R, θ 6= 0, Γn = F 0 (xn )−1 , zn = xn − Γn F(xn ) and yn = xn + θ (zn − xn ). Proof. By Taylor expansion, we have 1 1 1 1 − F(xn ) − 2 F(yn ) + F 00 (xn )(xn+1 − xn )2 F(xn+1 ) = 2 θ θ θ 2 Z 1 + F 00 (xn + t(xn+1 − xn )) − F 00 (xn ) (xn+1 − xn )2 (1 − t)dt,(3.2) 0 and 1 F(yn ) = (1 − θ )F(xn ) + θ 2 F 00 (xn )(zn − xn )2 2 Z 1 F 00 (xn + tθ (zn − xn )) − F 00 (xn ) (zn − xn )2 (1 − t)dt. (3.3) +θ 2 0 Substituting (3.3) into (3.2), we can obtain (3.1). The real functions g, h, f and the sequences {ηn }, {βn }, {an }, {bn } and {dn } are defined as the previous section. Let a0 < s, g(a0 ) > |θ |(1 − d0 ) and h(a0 )d0 < 1 where √ s = 3 − 1 is the smallest positive zero of the scalar function g(t)t − 1. We denote B(x, r) = {y ∈ X : ky − xk < r} and B(x, r) = {y ∈ X : ky − xk 6 r} in this paper. In the following, the recurrence relations are derived for the methods given by (1.3). For n = 0, the existence of Γ0 implies the existence of y0 . This gives us kz0 − x0 k = kΓ0 F(x0 )k 6 η0 , (3.4) ky0 − x0 k = |θ |kz0 − x0 k 6 |θ |η0 . (3.5) This means that y0 ∈ B(x0 , Rη) where R = kx1 − z0 k = 6 g(a0 ) 1−d0 . Consequently, we obtain 1 kΓ0 [(θ − 1)F(x0 ) + F(y0 )]k θ2 Z 1 0 1 0 kΓ0 k F (x0 + t(y0 − x0 )) − F (x0 ) (y0 − x0 )dt 2 θ 0 6 kΓ0 kkz0 − x0 k2 6 1 Mβ0 η02 . 2 Z 1 tdt 0 (3.6) 6 Therefore we get 1 kx1 − x0 k 6 kx1 − z0 k + kz0 − x0 k 6 η0 + Mβ0 η02 6 g(a0 )η0 . 2 (3.7) Since the assumption d0 < 1/h(a0 ) < 1, it follows that x1 ∈ B(x0 , Rη). By a0 < s and g(a0 ) < g(s), we have kI − Γ0 F 0 (x1 )k 6 kΓ0 kkF 0 (x0 ) − F 0 (x1 )k 6 Mβ0 kx1 − x0 k 6 a0 g(a0 ) < 1. It follows by the Banach lemma that Γ1 = [F 0 (x1 )]−1 exists and kΓ1 k 6 β0 = h(a0 )β0 = β1 . 1 − a0 g(a0 ) (3.8) In consequence, y1 is well defined. Nextly we consider F(x1 ). By Lemma 5, we can get Z 1 1 kF(x1 )k 6 M+ ω(tkx1 − x0 k)(1 − t)dt kx1 − z0 k2 + 2kx1 − z0 kkz0 − x0 k 2 0 Z 1 +kz0 − x0 k2 ω(t(kx1 − z0 k + |θ − 1|kz0 − x0 k))(1 − t)dt 0 1 M + Jω(kx1 − x0 k) kx1 − z0 k2 + 2kx1 − z0 kkz0 − x0 k 6 2 +Jkz0 − x0 k2 ω(kx1 − z0 k + |θ − 1|kz0 − x0 k) 1 1 1 M + Jω(g(a0 )η0 ) 1 + a0 a0 η02 + Jω |θ − 1| + a0 η0 η02 6 2 4 2 1 1 6 M + Jϕ(g(a0 ))ω(η0 ) 1 + a0 a0 η02 2 4 1 +Jϕ |θ − 1| + a0 ω (η0 ) η02 . (3.9) 2 From (3.8) and (3.9), we have kz1 − x1 k = kΓ1 F(x1 )k 6 kΓ1 kkF(x1 )k 6 h(a0 ) f (a0 , b0 )η0 = d0 η0 = η1 . (3.10) Because of g(a0 ) > 1, we obtain ky1 − x0 k 6 ky1 − x1 k + kx1 − x0 k 6 (g(a0 ) + |θ |d0 )η0 < Rη, which shows y1 ∈ B(x0 , Rη). 7 (3.11) At the same time, we also have MkΓ1 kkΓ1 F(x1 )k 6 h(a0 )d0 a0 = a1 , (3.12) kΓ1 kkΓ1 F(x1 )kω(kΓ1 F(x1 )k) 6 h(a0 )d0 ϕ(d0 )b0 = b1 . (3.13) By Lemma 2, it follows that η1 < η0 , a1 < a0 < s < 1, b1 < b0 , and d1 < d0 . Moreover, it holds that g(a1 )a1 < 1 and h(a1 )d1 < 1. Now we prove the existence of x2 . kx2 − x1 k 6 g(a1 )η1 . (3.14) Since g(t) is increasing for t ∈ (0, s), it holds g(a1 ) < g(a0 ). Therefore, by η1 = d0 η0 , we get kx2 − x0 k 6 kx2 − x1 k + kx1 − x0 k 6 g(a1 )η1 + g(a0 )η0 < g(a0 )(1 + d0 )η0 < Rη. (3.15) This shows that x2 is well-defined in B(x0 , Rη). As a summary result of above process, the system of recurrence relations for (1.3) given in the next lemma must be satisfied. Lemma 6. Let the assumptions of Lemma 2 and the conditions (C1)-(C5) hold. Then the following items are true for all n > 0: (I) There exists Γn = [F 0 (xn )]−1 and kΓn k 6 βn , (II) kΓn F(xn )k 6 ηn , (III) MkΓn kkΓn F(xn )k 6 an , (IV) kΓn kkΓn F(xn )kω(kΓn F(xn )k) 6 bn , (V) kxn+1 − xn k 6 g(an )ηn , n+1 2n +1 (VI) xn , yn are well defined in B(x0 , Rη), and kxn+1 − x0 k 6 g(a0 )η 1−λ1−dγ0 where R = < Rη, g(a0 ) 1−d0 . Proof. The proof of (I) -(V) follows by using the above-mentioned way and invoking the induction hypothesis. We only prove (VI). By (V) and by Lemma 4 we obtain n kxn+1 − x0 k 6 ∑ kxi+1 − xi k i=0 n 6 ∑ g(ai )ηi i=0 n 6 g(a0 ) ∑ ηi i=0 n +1 6 1 − λ n+1 γ 2 g(a0 )η 1 − d0 since γ < 1, λ < 1 and λ γ = d0 . This lemma is proved. 8 < Rη, 4 4.1 Semilocal convergence Convergence theorem Now we give below a theorem to establish the semilocal convergence of (1.3), the existence and uniqueness of the solution and the domain in which it is located, along with a priori error bounds. Theorem 1. Let X and Y be two Banach spaces and F : Ω ⊆ X → Y be a two times Fr´echet differentiable on a non-empty open convex subset Ω. Assume that x0 ∈ Ω and all conditions (C1)-(C5) hold. Let a0 = Mβ η, b0 = β ηω(η) and d0 = h(a0 ) f (a0 , b0 ) √ satisfy a0 < s, h(a0 )d0 < 1 and g(a0 ) > |θ |(1 − d0 ) where s = 3 − 1 is the smallest positive zero of the scalar function g(t)t − 1 and g, h, f are defined by (2.1)-(2.3) . Let g(a0 ) B(x0 , Rη) ⊆ Ω where R = 1−d , then starting from x0 , the sequence {xn } generated by 0 (1.3) converges to a solution x∗ of F(x) with xn , yn , x∗ belong to B(x0 , Rη) and x∗ is the T 2 − Rη) Ω. unique solution of F(x) in B(x0 , Mβ Moreover, a priori error estimate is given by n −1 kxn − x∗ k 6 g(a0 )ηλ n γ 2 1 n, 1 − λ γ2 (4.1) where γ = h(a0 )d0 and λ = 1/h(a0 ). Proof. By Lemma 6, {xn } and {yn } are well-defined in B(x0 , Rη). Now we prove that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Since n+m−1 kxn+m − xn k 6 ∑ kxi+1 − xi k ∑ g(ai )ηi i=n n+m−1 6 i=n n+m−1 6 g(a0 ) ∑ ηi i=n n n −1 6 g(a0 )ηλ n γ 2 1 − λ m+1 γ 2 (2 n 1 − λ γ2 m +1) , (4.2) it follows that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Thus there exists a x∗ such that limn→∞ xn = x∗ . By letting n = 0, m → ∞ in (4.2), we obtain k x∗ − x0 k6 Rη. This shows x∗ ∈ B(x0 , Rη). 9 (4.3) Now we prove that x∗ is a solution of F(x) = 0. It is obtained that 1 1 kF(xn+1 )k 6 M + Jϕ(g(an ))ω(ηn ) 1 + an an ηn2 2 4 1 +Jϕ |θ − 1| + an ω (ηn ) ηn2 2 1 1 6 M + Jϕ(g(a0 ))ω(η0 ) 1 + a0 a0 2 4 1 + Jϕ |θ − 1| + a0 ω (η0 ) η0 ηn . 2 (4.4) By letting n → ∞ in (4.4), we obtain kF(xn )k → 0 since ηn → 0. Hence, by the continuity of F in Ω, we obtain F(x∗ ) = 0. T 2 We prove the uniqueness of x∗ in B(x0 , Mβ − Rη) Ω. Firstly we can obtain x∗ ∈ T 2 B(x0 , Mβ − Rη) Ω, since 2 − Rη = Mβ 2 1 − R η > η > Rη, a0 a0 2 and then B(x0 , Rη) ⊆ B(x0 , Mβ − Rη) Ω. T 2 ∗∗ − Rη) Ω. By Taylor theorem, we Let x be another zero of F(x) in B(x0 , Mβ have T 0 = F(x∗∗ ) − F(x∗ ) = Z 1 F 0 ((1 − t)x∗ + tx∗∗ )dt(x∗∗ − x∗ ). (4.5) 0 Since Z 1 0 ∗ ∗∗ 0 kΓ0 k [F ((1 − t)x + tx ) − F (x0 )]dt 0 Z 1 [(1 − t)kx∗ − x0 k + tkx∗∗ − x0 k]dt Mβ 2 Rη + − Rη = 1, 2 Mβ 6 Mβ < 0 (4.6) it follows by the Banach lemma that 01 F 0 ((1 − t)x∗ + tx∗∗ )dt is invertible and hence x∗∗ = x∗ . Finally, by letting m → ∞ in (4.2), we obtain (4.1). This ends the proof. R 4.2 R-order of convergence We consider the special case that F 00 is of H¨older continuity; that is, ϕ(t) = t p , p ∈ (0, 1]. Similar to Lemmas 3 and 4, we have the following results. Lemma 7. Under the assumptions of Lemma 2. Let γ = h(a0 )d0 , then n dn 6 λ γ (2+p) , n > 0, 10 (4.7) where λ = 1/h(a0 ), and for n > 0, n ∏ di 6 λ n+1 γ (2+p)n+1 −1 1+p . (4.8) i=0 Lemma 8. Under the assumptions of Lemma 2. Let γ = h(a0 )d0 and λ = 1/h(a0 ). The sequence {ηn } satisfies ηn 6 ηλ n γ (2+p)n −1 1+p , n > 0. (4.9) Hence the sequence {ηn } converges to 0. Moreover, for any n > 0, m > 1, it holds n+m ∑ ηi 6 ηλ n γ (2+p)n −1 1+p i=n (2+p)n ((2+p)m +1) 1+p 1 − λ m+1 γ n 1 − λ γ (2+p) . (4.10) From the above results, we can derive a priori error estimate kxn − x∗ k 6 g(a0 )ηλ n γ (2+p)n −1 1+p 1 n, 1 − λ γ (2+p) (4.11) This error estimate indicates that for the case of H¨older continuity of F 00 , the R-order of (1.3) is 2 + p for p ∈ (0, 1], and especially when F 00 is Lipschitz, the order becomes three. 5 Numerical results In this section, we present numerical results to show the performance of the methods given by (1.3). Comparison to Newton’s method is also carried out. Various nonlinear differential equations need to be treated in fluid flow through porous media [3, 16–18], for example, involving the reactive solute transport with sorption. Here, we consider a simple and typical example given by d dx − K + x3 = 0, s ∈ (0, 100), (5.1) ds ds where K is the permeability of porous media and x is the pressure. The boundary conditions is given by x(0) = 1, x(100) = 0. The uniform cell-centered finite difference method [3] is used to discretize the boundary value problem. Here, we take 100 cells and K = 1. As a result, we obtain a nonlinear system F(x) = Ax + G(x) − q, 11 (5.2) 3 )T , q = (2, 0, · · · , 0)T and the mawhere x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , x100 )T , G(x) = (x13 , x23 , · · · , x100 trix A with the size 100 × 100 is given by 3 −1 A= −1 2 .. . −1 .. . −1 .. . 2 −1 . −1 3 We find the solution in Ω = {x ∈ R100 |0 6 xi 6 1, i = 1, · · · , 100}. The norm is taken as 2-norm. It is easy to find the derivatives of F as F 0 (x) = A + diag(3xi2 ), F 00 (x)y = diag(6xi )diag(yi ), where y ∈ Ω. The second derivative F 00 satisfies kF 00 (x)k 6 6 = M, and kF 00 (x) − F 00 (y)k 6 6kx − yk, which x, y ∈ Ω. We choose [0.5, 0.5, · · · , 0.5]T as the initial approximate solution. Now we apply the methods given by (1.3) to compute (5.2) and compare it with Newton’s method. We consider the two cases θ = 1 and θ = −1 for (1.3). All computations are carried out with double arithmetic precision. We plot the numerical solution in Fig. 1, which is the same for all tested methods. Displayed in Table 1 is the 2-norm of vector functions (kF(xn )k2 ) at each iterative step. n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table 1. Results of system (5.2) computed by various methods Newton Method (1.3) (θ = 1) Method (1.3) (θ = −1) 0.4129 0.2356 0.2040 0.1090 0.0407 0.0308 0.0314 0.0071 0.0047 0.0090 0.0012 6.5729e-4 0.0025 1.6697e-4 5.1137e-5 6.9121e-4 4.6276e-6 7.4554e-8 1.6143e-4 1.7643e-10 2.0975e-16 1.8675e-5 3.6304e-16 3.2264e-7 9.8612e-11 2.3965e-16 The numerical results demonstrate that the methods given by (1.3) converge faster than Newton’s method, and the performance of the case θ = −1 for (1.3) is better than that of θ = 1. 12 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Solution 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 s 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 1: Computed solution profile. 6 Conclusions This paper is devoted to a family of high-order two-point Newton-type methods for solving F(x) = 0 in Banach spaces. We have developed the recurrence relations to establish the semilocal convergence for the methods. 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