Ì The Magnificat Ì W E E K L Y N E W S & E V E N T S I N F O R M A T I O N F O R T H E P A R I S H O F S T . M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H , M I D D L E S B O R O U G H , K Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W E L C O M E HISTORIC ST. MARY’S CHURCH, founded in 1890, is a mutually supportive Christian community worshiping in the living Anglican tradition of beauty in liturgy and music. We are ordinary faithful folk, called and gifted, learning to live out in the immediacy of our lives what we all face something of: God’s desire. TOGETHER WE PURSUE LOVE OF GOD AND NEIGHBOR, and pattern our lives according to ancient forms of Christian practice and belief. We encounter God in humble service to one another and the world, in prayer and silent devotion, and foremost in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. WE DON’T PRESUME TO HAVE GOD’S PERSPECTIVE ON IT ALL. We are each on a pilgrimage toward God. We embrace the difficult questions of life and explore the meaning of our faith. We need each other, and believe that within every circumstance, every object, every person, God’s love is already at work, moment by moment. PLEASE JOIN US! We invite you to help make Saint Mary’s Church a place where God’s grace is freely shared by all. EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! Regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender identity, and sexual orientation! C H I L D R E N CHILDREN ARE WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES, and parents should feel free to come and go with restless children as necessary. A changing station can be found downstairs in the Nursery; you can get there by following the sidewalk outside and entering through the side door of the church. T H E V E S T R Y The Reverend Peter A. Helman, Presider; Steve Obermann, Senior Warden; Jim Frodge, Junior Warden; Sue Granger, Treasurer; Matthew Sweet, Clerk; Bill Blackmon; Susan Leo; Georgina Anderson; Donna Smith, Keith Nagle P A R I S H S T A F F The Reverend Father Peter A. Helman, Priest-‐in-‐Charge Edwin Langford, Interim Choirmaster & Organist Father Peter+ is available to you in confidence with regard to any matter. Please feel free to contact Peter by email ([email protected]), via Facebook, by cell phone (cell 940.735.1235), or simply visit the Parish Office. O U R M I S S I O N To witness Christ’s love to a hungering world. T H E T H I R D W E E K O F A D V E N T ( D E C E M B E R 1 4 -‐ 2 0 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ì PLEASE NOTE, ALL OF OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MIDWEEK SERVICES ARE CANCELLED THIS WEEK. WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Daughters of the King (Parish Undercroft) THURSDAY 5:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Parish Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY – SUNDAY Parish Office Closed SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Spoken Holy Eucharist, Rite II w. A Penitential Order 10:00 a.m. St. Mary’s Parish Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. An Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols Choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church (Parish Undercroft) Lesson 16: Advent – Jesus is Born 12:15 p.m. Hospitality Hour and A Christmas Party @ the Home of Donna & Kirby Smith (See below) Ì Fr. Peter+ is available to you in confidence with regard to any matter. The Sacrament of Confession is available by appointment. Please feel free to contact Peter by e-mail ([email protected]), via Facebook, by telephone at (606) 248.6450, or simply visit the Parish Office. The Parish Office is open Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For Pastoral Emergencies, please phone Fr. Peter+ at (940) 735-1235. Ì A F I N A L R E P O R T : S T M A R Y ’ S 7 T H A N N U A L C H R I S T M A S B O X P R O J E C T ______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Friends and members of St. Mary’s, Each year our project is a bit different. This year, our seventh, was no exception. Thanks to the good efforts of teenaged parishioner Emma Wiley, the Beta Club from J. Frank White Academy joined in our efforts this year, providing a huge assortment of high-quality toys and baby supplies. JFWA also provided two students, Michaela Simpson and Lucas Payne, to help with our fundraiser dinner on Dec. 5. This was Lucas's first time with us, but Michaela is an old hand now for both the dinners and the Christmas Box Project itself. Kudos to Emma, Lucas, Michaela, and the Beta Club Members and their sponsor Mrs. Cindy Hankens-Koppell. We raised $1,512 with our fundraising dinner on December 5th, a record amount, in fact, exceeding our previous record by more than 50%. A number of donations came in at the same time, swelling the total, but that was the figure we had for the project at the end of the night. As usual Jim Frodge is to be commended for his excellent chef skills, but this year he was joined by Jim Wilson, a new parishioner at St. Mary's with considerable chef skills of his own. Kudos also to Susan Leo who managed the dining area, assisted by Watina Frodge and Ingrid Leo. Nearly the entire membership of St. Mary's came out for the dinner. In addition to our record fundraiser dinner, we received a large number of cash donations this year. Ever faithful is our sister parish in the diocese, Trinity Covington, who provided $1,000 for us, and the DeWitt family came to come and help us with the wrapping of gifts. Three anonymous donors from Alabama who follow us on our web site sent a check for $600. Two businesses in LaFollette donated $200 through the J. Frank White students' effort, and many of our own parishioners and former parishioners also made generous donations as well. I am pleased to say, we did not have to pinch pennies this year, and the 83 children received wonderfully filled gift boxes. Mr. Frodge was in charge of the senior citizens' portion of the project again this year. He gathered the information on the seniors from Sandy Hoskins at Bell-Whitley and had 10 parishioners who each 'adopted' a senior to receive a gift box. The seniors each got a somewhat smaller food parcel than the families received. We are thankful to Long's Pic Pac of Pineville, who always does such a good job with the food parcels and kept the price the same as last year, helping our dollars go farther in 2014. Susan Leo and Donna Smith headed up the shoppers on Friday, Dec. 12. Susan fed us a beautiful supper before the evening's work began. Thanks to all the wonderful donations, we had much less to purchase this year. Wal-Mart donated a $50 gift card for our effort as well. For the lunch on Christmas Box Day, Jim Furbee, our old friend and outreach partner from Ohio, furnished ham sandwiches, Jim Wilson came to help with the soup, and Mary Peters brought an apple stack cake. With such good organization from our shoppers, and with the seemingly endless supply of gift-wrapping paper we got last year, we were able to finish in record time, enjoy our lunch, and have some fellowship as well. In addition to all their help with this project, Trinity Covington provided a large shipment of coats, jackets, hoodies, and sweatshirts to the students at Bell County High School, and a generous check to their youth services program to provide dinners for any BCHS families in need this year. Their generosity never stops! Of course, we could not do this project without our friends at Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency in Pineville. Our 40 families are selected from their Headstart Program, meaning they are pre-screened for income and children in the home. Bell-Whitley also provides the names of deserving seniors to receive gifts as well. Lisa Baker has been my "go-to" person for seven years now. Thanks, Lisa! I am pleased to report that we will be able to carry over enough funds for next year's project in order to have a good head start, as we did this year. The Outreach Committee plans to discuss strategy early in the New Year about the future of this project, where we want to go with it, and possibly increasing some of the numbers that we serve. No one disagrees that there is an endless local need, and we have already had some interesting suggestions made. I am always humbled to see the extremely generous outpouring from people both near and far for this project. It takes many hands, many gifts of various types and sizes, and a lot of love to make this project go each year. I am glad to be able to have a part in it. I look forward to next year's Christmas Box Project. Faithfully reported, Robert Cox, St. Mary's Outreach Coordinator I M P O R T A N T D A T E S A T A G L A N C E ______________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, December 21 An Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols Choral Holy Eucharist, Rite II (11:00 a.m.) Tuesday, December 23 The Greening of the Church (10:00 a.m.) Wednesday, December 24 The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ w. A Procession to the Crèche & a Service of Light (10:00 p.m., Sanctuary) Thursday, December 25 The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Mass at Dawn w. Carols (8:00 a.m., Sanctuary) Sunday, January 18 St. Mary’s Annual Parish Meeting w. Elections of the 2018 Vestry Class & Diocesan Convention Delegates (12:15 p.m., Parish Guild Hall) T H E D A I L Y O F F I C E : W E E K L Y M O R N I N G & E V E N I N G P R A Y E R ______________________________________________________________________________ We gather throughout the week to say our prayers on behalf of the Church and the world. Morning Prayer begins at 9:00 a.m. and Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. (From time to time services of MP/EP are cancelled, so please consult the schedule above.) Services are brief and offer a wonderful space to start the day with true nourishment – the daily bread of prayer. A N A D V E N T F E S T I V A L O F L E S S O N S & C A R O L S ______________________________________________________________________________ Ì Please gather with us during the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, December 21, for an Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols with Holy Eucharist. Lessons are drawn from the Older Testament, from Genesis through the ancient prophets of Israel, and tell out of humanity’s great need for mercy and the promises of God’s redemptive love. St. Mary’s Interim Organist & Choir Director, Edwin Langford, and our Parish Choir have prepared for us a feast of sacred music! Here is an overview of the Programme. Ì Prelude Savior of the Nations, Come (Fugue in G) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Processional Hymn Lo! he comes with clouds descending Words: Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788) Music: Helmsley, melody Augustine Arne (1710 – 1778) Lesson I – Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-25 (Ron Gilley) Carol Adam Lay Ybounden John Ireland (1879-1962) Lesson II – Isaiah 40:1-11 (Jennifer Nagle) Carol Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Claude Goudimel (1514-1572) Lesson III – Baruch 4:36-5:9 (Robert Cox) Carol Savior of the Nations, Come German Chorale Organ Chorale Prelude Johann Sebastian Bach Lesson IV – Isaiah 7:10-15 (Sarah Sturdivant) Hymn O come, O come, Emmanuel Words: Latin, ca. 9th Century Music: Veni, veni, Emmanuel, plainsong, Mode 1, Processianele, 15th Century; adapt. Thomas Helmore (1811 – 1890) Lesson V – Zepheniah 3:14-18 (Bill Blackmon) Carol O Jesu So Sweet Old German Carol Lesson VI – Luke 1:26-38 (Fr. Peter Helman) Carol The Angel Gabriel Old Basque Carol Offertory Anthem While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks Don McAfee Communion Anthem A Virgin Most Pure Old English Carol Communion Hymn Come with us, O blessed Jesus Words: John Henry Hopkins, Jr. (1820 – 1891) and Charles P. Price (b. 1920) Music: Werde munter, Johann Schop (d. 1665?); arr. and harm. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) Processional Hymn Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates Words: Georg Weissel (1590 – 1635); tr. Catherine Winkworth (1827 – 1878) Music: Truro, melody from Psalmodia Evangelica, Part II, 1789 Harm. Lowell Mason (1792 – 1872), alt. Postlude Canzona in G section I Dieterich Buxtehude (1637 – 1707) Ì … A N D T H E N A C H R I S T M A S P A R T Y ! ______________________________________________________________________________ Kirby and Donna Smith request your presence at their annual Christmas Party, to be held at their home (424 Englewood Rd., Middlesboro) following the 11:00 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, December 21. For directions and more information, please contact Kirby and Donna (606.248.6014). L O R D , T E A C H U S T O P R A Y : T H E P R A Y E R S O F T H E P E O P L E ______________________________________________________________________________ (We Pray for the Church) FOR OUR COMPANION PARISH IN THE DIOCESE OF LEXINGTON – Trinity Church, Covington; the Rev. Peter D’Angio, Rector; the Rev. Linda Young, Assisting Priest FOR OUR LINK PARISH IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND St. Martin of Tours with St. Cuthbert’s Church, Middlesborough Deanery; the Rev. David King, Vicar IN THE DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER – Emmanuel Church, Winchester (Network), the Rev. Chana Tetzlaff, Priest-in-Charge IN THE ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER – The Most Rev. Kahwa Henri Isingoma, Archbishop of the congo & Bishop of Kinshasa; Suffragan Bishop of Kinshasa – (Congo) The Rt Rev. Molanga Jean Botola (We Pray for One Another) FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING – Katie Bankson, Perry, Shasta, and Dalton Centers, Lisa Damron & Family, Mary Thacker, the Family of Tommy Roberts, Arnold Jones, Lillian Jones, Gypsy Ranney, Lois Bailey, the family of Edwin Robertson, Tyson Raines, John Bradley, Laura Studdard, Paul Hampton, Karen Gross, Joe Kornmiller, Lois Ann Harrington, Sam Means, Keith Gray, Shari Rose. AND FOR THOSE WITH LONG-TERM NEEDS – the family of Ann Shoffner, Barbara Brown, Ruth Hayflick, Julia Lundeen, Joy Hartman, Benny Cabuay, Adam Miracle, Keely Shattuck, Cora, Lucas, and Kristin Armstrong, the family of Mary Borneman, Patrick Wayne Robertson, Laura Brake, the family of Carla Comyack, John Travis Bussell, Pat Bolton. FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE ABROAD – Scott Lee & Paul Adams. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED – Hayden Guy, Catherine Sullivan, Kay Sullivan, Matthew Cloud, Tommy Roberts, Denise Edwards, Dean Armstrong, Mary Borneman, Sandra Dillman, Georgie Chambers, Ted Longworth, Virginia Huff, Beverly Greene, Jim Hurt. C H R I S T M A S S E R V I C E S ______________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTMAS EVE – WEDNESDAY, 24 DECEMBER 2014 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Morning Prayer, Rite II Evening Prayer, Rite II Immediately following Evening Prayer, children are invited to help assemble the manger scene. 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. The Blessing of the Crèche & the Holy Eucharist, Rite II The Solemn Christ-Mass with a Procession to the Crèche and a Service of Light CHRISTMAS DAY – THURSDAY, 25 DECEMBER 2014 8:00 a.m. Sung Mass at Dawn with Carols, Rite I DURING THE TWELVE DAYS Sunday, 28 December The First Sunday after Christmas Spoken Holy Eucharist (9:00 a.m.) Choral Holy Eucharist (11:00 a.m.) Monday, 29 December The Holy Innocents Spoken Holy Eucharist (6:00 p.m.) Thursday, January 1 The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ Spoken Holy Eucharist (12:15 p.m.) Sunday, January 4 The Second Sunday after Christmas Spoken Holy Eucharist (9:00 a.m.), Choral Holy Eucharist (11:00 a.m.) Monday, January 5 The Eve of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ Solemn Low Mass (6:00 p.m.) Tuesday, January 6 The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ Morning Prayer, Rite II (9:00 a.m.) Spoken Holy Eucharist, Rite II (12:15 p.m.) T H E G R E E N I N G O F T H E C H U R C H ______________________________________________________________________________ Do mark your calendar for the annual Greening of the Church. We’ll gather to deck the halls on Tuesday, December 23 at 10:00 a.m.! The Altar Guild will provide a delicious pizza lunch. The Altar Guild invites you to bring along any evergreen, holly, or magnolia greens to decorate inside and around the church. For more information, please contact Watina Frodge, Chair of the Altar Guild Committee ([email protected]; (423) 801-3240). Image: “Pilgrims Going to Church” (1867), George Henry Boughton (1833 – 1905), Oil on Canvas, the Robert L. Stuart Collection, New York Historical Society M I N I S T E R S F O R T H E F O U R T H S U N D A Y O F A D V E N T ( S U N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 1 ) ______________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: All those serving as Acolyte and Chalice Bearer are asked to arrive at the Church no later than fifteen to twenty minutes before service. Ministers of the Liturgy Celebrant The Rev. Peter Helman Organist Edwin Langford Acolyte Joe Nagle Chalice Bearer TBD Oblationers Ron Smith Jennifer Nagle Lectors Ron Gilley, Jennifer Nagle, Robert Cox, Sarah Sturdivant, Bill Blackmon Intercessor Jim Frodge Minsters of Hospitality Vestry Person of the Day (VPOD) Georgina Anderson Usher Ron Smith Hospitality Hour Hosts Robert Cox Ministers of Formation & Discipleship Nursery TBD Children’s Church Tonya Sweet Healing Station Ruth Hogan If you’re unable to fulfill your assigned ministry please find a suitable replacement and inform Fr. Peter+ as soon as possible. Thank you!
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