SM mall expansion project turns 'Gapo into 'Green City'
Life in Pampanga
‘Mandakap Bulig’
(mudfish catchers)
“There were four of us in the group yesterday, and
we talked about catching fish early morning today,” one
of the boys said. “But only three of us made it. Perhaps
our other friend is still enjoying his dreams up to this
hour. But that’s a blessing in disguise! Today, we caught
one fish for each of us! So our message to our absentee
friend: Dream on!”
DECEMBER 19-21, 2014
The Medical City Clark vows
specialized health services
BY marna dagumboy - del rosario
— Equipped with the mostadvanced medical and diagnostic technology, The Medical
City or TMC Clark has vowed to
provide specialized health care
with its certified physicians
and state-of-the-art equipment.
medical city clark... PAGE 7
Angeles City employees
to receive P10K bonus
By Charlene A. Cayabyab
ANGELES CITY - Plantilla personnel of the city
government will receive an
additional P10,000 Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) bonus before
The additional bonus
came after Mayor Edgardo
Pamintuan approved Sup-
plemental Budget No. 3, ordained by the Angeles City
Council during a Special
Session on Wednesday.
“Our permanent, coterminus, contractual and
casual employees deserve
this additional productivity bonus especially those at
the front line services. This
is based on Executive Order
ac bonus... PAGE 7
SM mall
project turns
‘Gapo into
‘Green City’
Prime Holdings Inc., the property development firm of business tycoon Henry Sy, signed
a Memorandum of Agreement
(MoA) with the Olongapo City
government for the construc‘gapo green city... PAGE 7
SM PROJECT. Olongapo City
Mayor Rolen Paulino shakes hands
with SM Prime Holdings Inc. Executive
Vice President Jeffrey Lim after signing
an agreement to build an SM complex
in Olongapo. Also in photo are (SBMA)
board of director Cynthia Paulino, City
Councilor Noel Atienza and Winnie Ortiz. At the background is the perspective plan of SM Olongapo complex.
Headline Gitnang Luzon • december 19-21, 2014
Elderly, orphans overjoyed after receiving gift packs from CDC
by Marna Dagumboy
-del Rosario
state-owned Clark Development Corporation (CDC) has
successfully completed its
third and last leg of gift-giving
activities, which have benefited
at least 103 orphans and elderly
from two home care shelters in
the cities of San Fernando and
CDC External Affairs Department (EAD) Manager Angelo “Sonny” Lopez Jr. said 43
more orphans staying at Duyan
ni Maria Children’s Home of
Angeles City Inc. were overjoyed after receiving Christmas
packages which include one cavan of rice, grocery items, slippers and other food items delivered right to their doorstep
last Wednesday by EAD staff
and volunteers from other CDC
The shelter houses 23 girls
and 20 boys, with the youngest
aged 2 years old and the oldest,
23 years old. The latter is now
a 3rd year student taking up
Bachelor of Science in Education.
The CDC workers also distributed
at Bahay Pagibig (House of
Prayer) in Barangay Telabastagan, which accommodates
60 senior beneficiaries. Of the
number, 20 are men and 40 are
The senior citizens got grocery packages consisting of
food and non-food items such
as shampoo, toothpaste, detergent soap, and one cavan of
rice brought to the center by
the CDC employees.
gift packs... Page 7
Training program to
promote CSR among
Subic locators
By Butch Gunio
BRIEFING. SBMA PRD Manager Armie Llamas answers a query during the press briefing of a training program on CSR, which will
be held on January 21 to 22, 2015 at the Subic Holiday Villas. The program aims to promote corporate social responsibility among locators
at the Subic Bay Freeport Zone and businesses in the area. Also in photo are RP Energy Corporate Social Responsibility Officer Vic Chan
and Donna Tamayo, executive director of Subic Bay Freeport Chamber of Commerce. --BUTCH GUNIO
DAR Bataan grants
wine processing
center to cooperative
BY Butch Gunio
Bataan - Bataan Provincial Agrarian Reform
Officer Engr. Eric San
Luis said they have granted a P350,000-bignay
wine processing center to
the Tanato Multi-Purpose
Cooperative from Balanga City.
He said the bidding
process for the project
has already been concluded.
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer
Norma S. Evangelista
said the funding of the
project came from DAR
Central Office-BARBO.
San Luis presented to
Headline Gitnang Luzon
the bottled bignay wine
product of the agrarian reform cooperative.
Tanato is an upland village of Balanga City.
Few months ago, DAR
Bataan also granted P4
Agrarian Reform Ben-
eficiaries Multi-Purpose
DAR Bataan fully
supports agrarian reform
cooperatives in the province.
Earlier, their office
completed the conduct of
14 required trainings for
which were given for free.
Cooperatives need to
undergo 14 training packages based on Republic
Act 9520 or the Philippine
Cooperative Code of 2008.
Additional trainings
were also conducted for
agrarian reform cooperatives this month.
Bataan ranks No. 1 in
the country in the implementation of Agrarian
Reform Community Connectivity and Economic
Support Services program of DAR.
Under the program,
complete sets of agricultural production equipment are provided for
free to agrarian reform
cooperatives. •
training program dubbed CSR 101 will be held
here to promote the practice of corporate social
responsibility (CSR) among locators in this Freeport zone and businesses nearby.
The program will be held on January 21 to
22, 2015 at Subic Holiday Villas.
In a press briefing on Wednesday here,
SBMA PRD Manager Armie Carvajal Llamas
said CSR 101 aims to enhance the awareness,
understanding, and promote the practice of CSR
among Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ) locators
and businesses around the areas.
She added the training program hopes to
professionalize the practice of CSR, moving beyond philanthropy toward sustainable practices.
“Rock star resource speakers from multinational companies will share their knowledge
and expertise concerning various aspects in the
practice of sustainable CSR programs”, said Vic
Chan, RP Energy corporate social responsibility
HAU prof attends 2 int’l conferences
By Charlene A. Cayabyab
professor from the Holy
Angel University (HAU)
recently attended two international conferences.
Dr. Arturo Mariano
Figueroa, program coordinator of the Graduate School of Engineering, served as the
Philippine representative
at the “Workshop on Re-
cent Trends and Future
Perspectives on Bio-Fuel
Production in Asia” held
in Kasetsart University in
Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr. Figueroa presented a technical research
paper entitled Design of
Heat Absorber for Solid
Waste Energy Recovery.
workshop, which had
funding from Food and
Center of Taiwan, was
participated in by delegates from Germany,
South Korea, Taiwan,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Figueroa also joined
the International Technical 3rd Annual Alumni
Meeting of the South
East Asia Green Network
(SEAGN) in Mactan City,
SEAGN is composed
of Indonesia, Vietnam,
Cambodia, and the Philippines.
alumni meeting was organized by the Deutsche
Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) GmbH, or the German Federal Enterprise
for International Cooperation.
GIZ is an enterprise
HAU PROF... Page 7
SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TREAT. A doctor and a nurse provide free medical services to Olongapo patients at the
Rizal Triangle. The Christmas treat was sponsored by Olongapo Electricity Distribution Co. Inc. and San Miguel Energy Corporation.(STORY ON PAGE 3) --BUTCH GUNIO
december 19-21, 2014 • Headline Gitnang Luzon
Cagayan power coop visits Pelco I
By dencio pacheco
–The Cagayan I Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Cagelco I)
visited last Tuesday the Pampanga I Electric Cooperative,
Inc. (Pelco I) at its main office
in Barangay Sto. Domingo,
this town to benchmark the
latter’s institutional, financial
and technical operations.
Cagelco I delegates, composed of almost 60 employees, spent their day at Pelco
I while observing the good
practices, management style
and technological innovations of the said Pampanga
power distribution firm.
They also expressed their
gratitude to Pelco I for accommodating their delegation as
they intimated to replicate
the accomplishments and
achievements of the latter.
Engr. Loliano Allas, General Manager of Pelco I, has
likewise extended his gratitude to the management of
Cagelco I for choosing their
Pampanga counterpart as
their site for their benchmarking activity.
Pelco I supplies electric
power and services to the
towns of Arayat, Candaba,
Magalang, Mexico, San Luis
and Sta. Ana towns in Pampanga.•
VISITING PELCO. Cagayan I Electric Cooperative, Inc. delegates pose with Pelco I General Manager Engr. Loliano Allas (clad in barong)
during the former’s visit to the Pampanga power distribution firm. --DENCIO PACHECO
‘Gapo folk get
treats from
By Butch Gunio
OLONGAPO CITY - City residents got Christmas treats from
Electricity Distribution Co., Inc.
(OEDC) and San Miguel Energy
Corporation (SBEC).
In the Christmas-inspired
Handog ng San Miguel Energy
Corporation at OEDC Para sa
Olongapeño”, needy residents
were provided medical and dental
services for free held at the Rizal
Triangle here.
OEDC Vice President Pacita
Chavenia Gabriel said they were
able to serve 1,000 patients from
16 barangays who were recommended by their respective barangay captains.
The electric company supplies
the power needs of the city. Starting operations here just last year,
OEDC has already conducted the
needed rehabilitation of the power
system here to provide high quality service to electric consumers. •
solar energy... Page 7
Headline Gitnang Luzon • december 19-21, 2014
well spent
AND SO it was announced: Plantilla
personnel of the city government will receive an additional P10,000 Productivity
Enhancement Incentive (PEI) bonus before Christmas.
This is already on top of the P12,000 received by each city government employee
as part of the new Collective Negotiation
Agreement (CNA) signed by Mayor Ed Pamintuan and the employees union AGENDA, as well as their 13th month pay and
P5,000 cash gift each.
It would be a merry Christmas indeed
for Angeles City hall employees this year.
After all, they deserve it, according to the
mayor, especially those at the front line
Because they will be given an additional bonus they so well-deserve, we’re
sure that the workers would also spend
their bonuses wisely and sparingly. Like
people say nowadays, “Ang hirap ng buhay ngayon.”
We’re sure the employees from the
provincial Capitol also have the same
thing in mind, after receiving the good
news of a P30,000 bonus this year. The
amount may seem a lot, but with the way
things are going for the country economically, P30,000 can vanish in a snap.
Christmas, as they also say, is the most
fabulous time of the year, which should
be well-spent with the family. This is one
Holiday when most families get together,
reminisce and bond. It does not necessarily mean we should spend heavily to have
fun and enjoy the Yuletide season.
So bonus or not, let’s enjoy the Christmas season with the people we hold dear.
HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon is a Daily Regional Newspaper
General Manager: MARLO a. franco
Layout Artist/Photographer: JP Manalang
Marna dagumboy - Del rosario
Administrative Staff: sherylin l. rivera
Marketing Head: ELAINE MAPILES
Account Executive: caren m. garcia
monica bianca cabiling
Publisher: I.N.I. Newspaper
Email: [email protected]
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GPP means convergence of services
HE GRASSROOTS partici- ernment (DILG) Regional Office
patory process (GPP) is tan- conducted an orientation on the
tamount to convergence of implementation of the Grassroots
resources and services of the dif- Participatory Budgeting Process
ferent line agencies of the nation- (GPBP) for the Preparation of the
al government. Meaning, all line FY 2016 Budget and succeeding
agencies of the government shall years.
The orientation was
converge and comattended by 10 repreprehensively address
sentatives each from 130
the basic needs of
Local Poverty Reduction
the people in the loAction Teams (LPRATs)
calities based on the
in Central Luzon, five
proposal of the conrepresentatives from the
cerned local officials
local government unit
and beneficiaries.
and DILG and five repThis will be done
resentatives from the
through the impleCivil Society Organizamentation of the
tions (CSOs) in order to
Parfurther appreciate Grassticipatory
BudgetPitik-Bulag roots Participatory Proing Process (GPBP)
cess (GPP) for Fiscal Year
which is now underAngelo Blanco
way in Central Luzon. All sectors who
are involved with
the GPBP are now
equipped with the
technical know-how
on its implementation down to the municipal/city up to the
barangay level. Local officials, civil society organi- (FY) 2016 particularly the Policy
zations and the community ben- Guidelines and Procedures.
This is in line with the national
eficiaries had been consulted and
actively participated in the initial thrust of inclusive growth and development which provides that the
formulation process.
With this, the national govern- GPP shall be mainstreamed to all
ment through the Department of concerned sectors specifically by
Interior and Local Government having updates on the status of
and other concerned line agencies GPP FY 2014 project implementais expected to implement projects tion, GPP FY 2015 proposed proand programs more beneficial and jects and GPP FY 2016.
For this purpose, they need the
attuned to the needs of the people.
The concerned beneficiaries were expertise of the members of the
given the chance to express their Regional Poverty Reduction Acneeds, problems and even their tion Team (RPRAT) composed of
opinions on how to alleviate their the DILG, DBM, BFAR, DA, DENR,
living conditions during the plan- DOH, DEPED, DOLE, DSWD, DTI,
DOT, NEDA, NIA, NCIP, and TESning stage.
Just recently, the Department DA who serve as resource speakers
of the Interior and Local Gov- during the orientation.
They promoted their respective programs to the LPRAT. The
orientation was participated in
by various representatives from
Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) like
the Department of Energy (DOE)
and NEA, seven provincial planning and development officers and
seven National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) provincial focal
persons as basic sector representatives.
The orientation for the provinces of Bataan, Bulacan, Pampanga,
Tarlac, Zambales and cities of Angeles and Olongapo was held at
Subic Bay Peninsula Hotel.
On the other hand, the orientation for the provinces of Aurora
and Nueva Ecija will be held at
Baler, Aurora and Palayan City,
“The bottom-line of the GPP program is convergence. Based on the
discussion several stakeholders such as LGUs, CSOs and NGAs will
converge and through concerted efforts, the perennial problem of
the communities - that is poverty, will be addressed.”
The bottom-line of the GPP program is convergence. Based on the
discussion several stakeholders
such as LGUs, CSOs and NGAs will
converge and through concerted
efforts, the perennial problem of
the communities - that is poverty,
will be addressed.
It can be noted that the Philippines was the third placer (Gold
Award) for the GPP last September
24, 2014 during the recent Inaugural Open Government Partnership
Awards at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA.
The Philippines was recognized
for its outstanding efforts to deepen citizen engagement in the budget process.•
december 19-21, 2014 • Headline Gitnang Luzon
Mga bagyo sa buhay ng mga Pilipino
ing pamahalaan, mula sa lokal
hanggang sa pambansang bahagdan, ay maisipang i-donate ang
isang buwang suweldo nila o kahit ang mga “bonus” at mga “incentives” na matatanggap nila, sa
mga biktima ng mga
natural na kalamidad
na humagupit sa ating
bansa. Isang malaking
hamon ito sa lahat ng
mga pulitiko at sa lahat
ng mga may kakayahang makatulong sa
anomang paraan.
rin sana tayo mula sa
hanay ng simbahan,
kagaya ng ating mga
the Light
kaparian, mga obispo,
at maging ang ciudad
sa Vaticano, na mag-
AGAYA ng mga naunang
naisulat na ng marami
tungkol sa mga bagyo at
iba pang kalamidad, uulitin ko
pa ring ang katotohanan na alam
na nating lahat, ngunit madalas
nating hindi pansinin:
ang bawat pagsubok
ay may kaakibat
na mga pagkatuto,
kung atin lamang
itong pagtutuunan
ng sapat at karapatdapat na pansin.
Una sa lahat, pagkatapos ng maraming
bagyong humagupit sa
atin, ang malakas na
at ang napakalakas na
bagyong si YOLANDA
at Ruby. Lahat ng mga
kalamidad na ito ay
isinisigaw sa atin ang
aral na hindi tayo dapat na masyadong
kumakapit at nananangan sa mga bagay na pansamantala lamang… na may
mga bagay na mas
dapat nating parating mas pahalagahan kaysa sa mga
bagay na kayang wasakin ng
mga natural na kalamidad.
Ang unang aral na ito, para sa
akin, ay ang pinakamahalaga at
pinakadakilang aral na maaaring
maituro sa atin ng mga nagdaang
Pinipino lamang ng mga
natural na kalamidad na ito
ang buhay nating mga Pilipino. Ito na marahil ang pinaka-angkop at positibong perspektibo na
maaari nating panghawakan, lalo
na sa ganitong mga mapanubok
na panahon sa buhay natin bilang
isang masayahing bansa.
Ngunit kagaya naming mga
taga-Bacolor, Pampanga na siya
na marahil ang pinaka-nasagasaang bayan sa pagragasa ng
lahar sa pagputok ng bulkang Pinatubo dito sa aming lalawigan
halos dalawang dekada na ang
nakililipas, na yaong mga hindi
na lamang dumarating sa atin ang
hindi natin makakayang tanggapin at hindi natin mahahanapan ng makabuluhang paliwanag.
Sa huli’y makukuha pa rin nating
magpasalamat na sa kabila ng lahat ng mga paghihirap na ito dulot ng mga natural na kalamidad
ay buhay pa rin tayo at makukuha
pa nating bumangon at maayos
muli ang ating mga buhay. Nakakakita pa rin tayo ng liwanag sa
gitna ng kadiliman, lalo na kung
alam nating may mga taong mabubuti ang kalooban na hindi
tumulong at sumaklolo sa ating
mga nasalanta
ng mga natural na kalamidad,
alam nilang sila
ang patuloy na
magbibigay ng
pag-asa sa mga
taong uhaw dito
sa kasalukuyang kundisyon nila
sa buhay.
“Sa mga panahong ito pinaka-kailangan ng
mga munting bayani, saan pa man sila maaaring manggaling. Gano’n pa man, sana ay dito
gamitin ng maayos ang kaban ng bayan. Sana
ay mas maraming maka-isip na tumulong mula
sa hanay ng mga pulitiko at mga mayayamang
angkan sa lahat ng dako ng ating bansa.”
Sa mga panahong ito pinaka-kailangan ng mga munting
bayani, saan pa man sila maaaring manggaling. Gano’n pa man,
sana ay dito gamitin ng maayos
ang kaban ng bayan. Sana ay mas
maraming maka-isip na tumulong
mula sa hanay ng mga pulitiko at
mga mayayamang angkan sa lahat ng dako ng ating bansa. Sana
ay mas maging bukas-palad ang
lahat na makita sa kanilang mga
puso ang kahit anong maliit na
paraan na tumulong at magbigay
ng kusa upang kahit paano’y makagaan ito sa kalagayan ng mga buhay ng mga nasalanta ng kalamidad na ito.
Sana ang bawat opisyal ng at-
bigay ng kani-kaniyang tulong,
personal man ito o kolektibo, sa
mga nasalanta ng mga natural na
kalamidad na lumipas at lalo na
ang kasalukuyang kalamidad, lalo
pa’t malapit na ang Pasko. Hindi
rin naman parating sasapat ang
mga dasal lamang mula sa ating
mga kaparian, mga obispo, at mga
relihiyosong organisasyon at mga
kongregasyon dito sa ating bansa.
Talagang mahirap makatulog
ng sobrang himbing gayong alam
mo kung gaano kalaki ang pinsalang iniwan ng bagyong Yolanda
sa napakaraming buhay ng ating
mga kababayan. Parang ang hirap
isipin kung saan at kung paano
magsisimula upang pulutin at
buuin muli ang nagkasira-sirang
mga buhay at mga ari-arian. Ang
hirap ding unawain at punan ng
tama at makabuluhang kasagutan kung bakit dito pa sa Pilipinas
tumatama ang mga napakalakas
na bagyo, gayong hindi pa nakaaalpas mula sa dalawang halos
magkasunod na kalamidad ang
ating bansa. Parang ang hirap na
basta na lamang tanggapin ang
lahat ng pasakit na ito nang wala
man lamang tayong makuhang
paliwanag kung bakit…kung bakit
tayo pa…o kung bakit tayo na lang
Gasgas na nga sigurong mabasa pa ninyo ang kasabihang ito,
ngunit sa mga panahong kagaya
ng pinagdadaanan ng marami
nating mga kababayan ngayon,
pinaka-angkop na maipaalala sa
kanila ang matandang kasabihang
PAG-ASA. At totoo naman ang
aral na ito.
Tama nga si San Pablo nang
sabihin niya: “Spe salvi facti
sumus…” (In hope we were
saved.) Ngunit ang pag-asang ito
ay tayo…tayong mga may mas kakayahan pa na makapagbigay ng
tulong at makagawa ng iba’t ibang
hakbang at mga paraan upang
makatulong at maging sagisag ng
pag-asang tinutukoy ni San Pablo sa isa sa kanyang mga liham.
Hindi nauubos ang pag-asang ito,
sapagkat ito ay nagmumula sa
pag-ibig ng Diyos na hindi Niya
pinagsasawaang ipakita sa atin sa
pamamagitan na rin ng mga taong
may kakayahan at may wagas na
puso para tunay na magmalasakit
sa kanilang mga kapwa…lalo na sa
mga kapwa nilang dumaranas ng
mga matitinding paghihirap.
Ito ang katotohanan at ang
toward the light... Page 7
Prison life is more fun
in the Philippines
COULD hardly think straight right at this very
moment. Who does anyway? The fact that a notorious criminal is enjoying life in his prison cell
while most people are filled with burdens in their
everyday living is abominable.
I was so appalled when I
saw the news footage on the
recent raid conducted by the
Department of Justice at the
National Bilibid Prison. Who
would imagine that a convicted criminal lives like a king in
our foremost national penitentiary?
Seeing the high-end gadgets, the branded personal effects, a jacuzzi and a humansized sex toy was like a big blow ELLEZ J. DAVIO
to my stomach. I nearly choked
myself from my own vomit and
uttered invectives as many as I could.
What is happening to our country? What happened to the so-called justice system of PNoy? When
the Bureau of Corrections chief stated that his agency
was unaware of the extent of the structures and fur-
Now We
“It is so despairing to hear that even in
our jail system, the division of rich and
poor manifests. While some prisoners
are having the time of their lives living like a rockstar, other inmates are
crammed like sardines in one cell.”
ther stated that you need a guide to explore the entire
penitentiary because of the vast number of inmates
and of the many partitions of the establishment, I almost fell from my seat. What a mousy answer coming
from the chief himself.
We all know better. Bribery is so rampant that
even a straight policeman could become a fallen angel when temptation sets in. The prison cell serves
only as a guise to these criminals. They have all the
access they need to facilitate their operations and
conduct their activities like free men.
Probably this is the main reason why crimes in
our country do not decline in number. Kidnappings,
illegal drugs and other gang-related crimes are so
prevalent that even the long arm of the law could not
grasp and stop them from spreading their tentacles
of evil. The recent news on the luxurious activities
of some high-profile criminals highlighted the corruption in our prison system. There are reports that
some convicts with cash are given special privileges
and treatment from the prison guards. There are
also unconfirmed reports that these people are allowed to spend a night or two outside the establishment if the price is right.
It is so despairing to hear that even in our jail system, the division of rich and poor manifests. While
some prisoners are having the time of their lives living like a rockstar, other inmates are crammed like
sardines in one cell. I could not agree more when a
blogger posted a comment in social media saying
that prison life is more fun in the Philippines. Truly
it is. •
Enriching Our Youth’s Future
by Jason Ibe Villanueva
NE way to find and uphold
truth is by means of exhaustive research employing valid
relevant agenda, modern technologies
and planned programs congruent with
DepEd’s policies as well as international
standards. Through R and D, teachers
and educators meet any pressing needs
or attack any existing problems on the
inadequacies and weaknesses of the
present educational system. They will
be benefitting from the research initiatives to be used and to be applied for
their student’s welfare.
Research progress regarding literacy gaps like language comprehension,
values integration and others will be
given to teachers especially those with
bold initiatives on implementation,
strategies, quality and relevance, reading difficulties, communication arts
and Interactive Computer Education,
ICT, Enhancement and Management
and leadership practices to be applied
in school and to school children.
Equipped with sufficient confidence,
we educators must accept the challenge
hurled by researchers manned by the
new breed of brilliant research enthusiasts to realize educational goals. The
Rise of the K-12 basic education curriculum can be likened to an inoculation shot given to a critically ill patient.
(EFA) Plan of Action which mandates to
lengthen the basic education cycle to 12
years, is indeed a long awaited proverbial shot in the arm. For this will be a
solution to our dire need for graduates
of multi-faceted skills and competencies. This definitely spells the difference
between the usual record of mediocrity
and future remarkable competencies of
Moreover, if this timely brilliant innovation in our educational program
will be followed by continuing relentless passion in search of truth, progress
in the system is not far behind. Through
this and whatever will be shared with
the educators will constitute a vital additional weapon in honing their craft
thereby making the teaching-learning
process more effective. They will feel
secured and happy having a chance to
teacher’s corner... Page 7
Headline Gitnang Luzon • december 19-21, 2014
Senator Nancy Binay,
pinatatag ng intriga
UONG ningning na
sinalubong kasama
ng kanyang staff
ang Philippine Movie
Press Club, nang tapatan
si Senator Nancy Binay
ng mga ito sa kanyang
tanggapan sa Philippine
Coconut Palace kamakailan lang.
ng isang masaganang mer yenda
ang senadora at
talaga namang
matamang nakinig
sa mga carols ng
At siyempre
kasunod na y ung
inter view sa kanya
ng mga members,
and just like the
image she has, accommodated lahat ang mga
At dahil nga mga
showbiz writers ang mga
PMPC members, mga
showbiz ang katanungang ibinato sa kanya.
Yes, mahilig pala
sa mga local movies si
senadora and in fact,
isa raw sa mga una niya
panoorin ay ang “My Big
Bossing” dahil paborito
raw niya si Ryzza Mae. “I
like her, napatawa niya
ako, and of course, I also
like Bossing Vic, and as
far as I can remember,
pinanood ko lahat ng
festival movies niya.”
Gusto raw niyang
makatulong sa industr ya pero sa ngayon,
pinag-aaralan niya kung
ano ang puwede niyang
ibahagi. “Puwede siguro
sa taxation problems ng
industr y, o kaya naman
subsidy, basta we’ll help,
walang problema yan.”
Nadako ang usapan
kung paano niya inilagan ang mga dumarating na batikos sa kanya
at sa kanyang pamilya.
“Hindi ko na sinasangga,
di ko na lang pinapansin,
para bawas stress. Sa
trabaho ko pa lang ang
dami nang stress, y un
pa ang pagkakabalahan
ko? Idinadaan ko na lang
sa tawa, magsasawa sila
nang kababatikos, di ko
sila papansinin.”
Sabi pa rin ni Senador
Nancy, ganun din daw
ang stand ng Daddy niya,
si Bise Presidente Binay,
apektado rin daw ito
pero mas y ung idinadaan
na lang ng pamilya sa
deadma ang mga batikos.
“Mga naninira lang
yan, since day one kasi
ver y vocal na ang aking ama na tatakbong
presidente ng bansa kaya
inaasahan na namin ang
paninirang ito. Ang mas
mahalaga ngayon ay y ung
di kami magpapaapekto
hanggat maari at tuloy
lang ang programang
aming ginagawa. My dad
knows what to do kaya di
naman talaga problema
So there!•
GMA-7, mananatiling poor
second lang sa ABS-CBN!
t is obvious na nakapeg na ang network na
ito to become a poor
second sa reigning network
na Kapamilya network.
Saksi sa opinion na ito ang
mga nakasusulasok nilang
afternoon and evening teleseryes na halatang second
rate ang pagkagawa.
We will not delve much
sa katsipan ng mga prime
ek ek nila but more on the
present harvest of awards
nila sa mga awarding bodies. Halata na di sila paborito ng mga award-giving
bodies dahil nga ang syongit ng mga palabas nila,
mula umaga hanggang sa
Case in point? Isa sa mga
opener nila sa umaga ay ang
kay Tom Rodriguez na game
show. Dapat nang sibakin
ito dahil hindi naman ito
mukhang game show. At the
most mga kabalbalang ek
lang ang ipinapakita sa program. At yung mga inane
nilang shows sa hatinggabi,
Diyos ko day, the public
can’t seem to stand Tim Yap
na talaga namang parang
tumutula lang ng walang
emosyon the way he hosts
to the show.
sound, Tom and Tim, opening at closing, parehong
Ang pangit talaga. Isali
pa riyan ang walang relevance at pilit na ginagaya
ang mga noo’y sikat na talk
show host ng bansa. Epic
fail talaga ang GMA sa mga
shows nila.
In stark contrast of
course sa ABS-CBN na
dekalidad at may tunay na
puso ang mga shows nila.
This could be the reason
kung bakit sila ang nanguna at kulelat ang GMA 7?
Ano pa ba kaya ang ibang
dahilan kung bakit epic fail
ang image ng kanilang mga
Yung kawalan ng PR ng
kanilang PR Department
headed by a supposed angel
but in reality just an ordinary mortal like the others na hindi naman talaga
angelic ang pakikisama sa
press people. Meron siyang
chosen few at kasama niya
ang mga ito sa naglalagay sa
network sa lusak ng kangkunngan.
Dingdong, nawawalan
ng pag-asa na maging
Best Actor sa MMFF?
Dantes, hindi
siya umaasang mananalo bilang best
actor para sa pelikulang “Kubot: The
Aswang Chronicles”.
na nanalo ang aktor as best actor sa
Metro Manila Film
nights para sa naging MMFF movies
Mano” in 2011 at
“One More Try” in
Say pa ng aktor,
ever since, wala siyang expectations
na manalo.
“Always kasi ’pag
inilalagay ko ang
sarili ko sa isang
proyekto, binibigay
ko lahat regardless
kung may ini-expect. Siguro, para
sa project na ito,
masaya na ako na
napasama ako sa
film festival dahil
ng opportunity na
mas maka-reach out
sa mas maraming
“And siguro, mas
masaya po ako na
napabilang ako sa
cast kasi ang buhay po talaga ng
istoryang ito, eh,
kung paano ’yung
bawat performance
ng bawat isa,” pahayag ni Dingdong
sa grand presscon
ng “Kubot: The Aswang
last Thursday.
Bale ba, magkalaban ang movie
nila ng mapapangasawang si Marian
Rivera. Nasa “My
Big Bossing” naman
ang aktres with Vic
Asked kung na-
pag-usapan na ba
nila kung alin ang
uunahin nilang panoorin
aniya, hindi pa.
“Pero we’re hoping na magkaroon
ng special screening
baka mauna ang
“Kubot” pero wala
pa kaming ano,” he
Alam ni Dingdong na mahigpit
ang kompetisyon ng
MMFF entries ngayon pero hindi raw
siya nagwu-worry
na madedehado ang
kanilang pelikula in
terms of box-office.
Kung si Vice
Ganda, wini-wish
ang “The Amazing
Praybeyt Benjamin”
at si Kris Aquino na-
man, dumoble ang
kita nilang magkakasosyo sa “Feng
Shui 2”, si Dingdong, ang wish lang
ay kumita sila nang
higit sa kinita ng
part 1 (Tiktik: The
Aswang Chronicles).
Ang “Kubot: The
Aswang Chronicles”
ay mula pa rin sa
direksyon ni Erik
Matti at magkakatulong na iprinodyus
ng Agosto Dos Films
(ni Dingdong), GMA
Films at Reality Entertainment.
Also in the cast
are Joey Marquez,
Lotlot de Leon, KC
Montero, Julie Ann
San Jose, Abra, Ramon Bautista and
introducing Hanna
Ledesma, ang baguhang pumalit kay
Be heard! Send us
your comments & opinions
mail US:
2nd Floor, U2 Building, Dolores, McArthur, Hi-way,
City of San Fernando, Pampanga
[email protected]
december 19-21, 2014 • Headline Gitnang Luzon
CebPac launches mobile check-in for holiday peak
by Marna Dagumboy-del Rosario
Pacific Air launched yesterday its
mobile check-in option through
its mobile application, just in
time for the holidays.
Mobile check-in joins web
check-in, self check-in kiosks at
the airport, and Agent Xpress
(roving airport agents equipped
with tablets) as alternate forms
of check-in for CEB f lights.
“With the peak travel season
upon us, CEB introduces more
check-in options, so guests will
be empowered to manage their
trips. With check-in counter
space limitations in airports
such as Manila or Kalibo, we encourage more guests to check-in
online to avoid the line,” CEB VP
for Marketing and Distribution
Candice Iyog said.
Its official Cebu Pacific mobile app is now available on the
App Store, so guests can checkin using their mobile devices
and book their f lights on the go.
While initially available for iOS
devices, CEB is scheduled to roll
out a version for Android devices
Mobile check-in is available
from 72 hours up to four hours
for international f lights, and up
to two hours for domestic f lights.
Seats will be automatically be assigned for those with no pre-purchased seat assignments. Boarding passes can be emailed, saved
as an image, sent as an MMS or
printed straight from the iPhone.
Guests can do mobile check-in
for up to 14 passengers. It will be
initially available for those with
web or mobile bookings only.
The mobile check-in service is
not available for guests with infants, interline or check-through
f lights, or those requiring special handling, as they have to go
through the usual check-in process.
Those who also wish to book
f lights can do so using the Cebu
Pacific mobile app. CEB and Tigerair Philippines f lights, prepaid baggage allowance and seat
selection may be booked for up to
14 guests. Only credit cards are
accepted for mobile app f light
port aviation complex.
Patients at TMC-Clark may
benefit from receiving safe and reliable care in an environment with
state-of-the-art diagnostic technology.
The hospital is equipped with
the most-advanced CT and MRI
scanner which can perform a variety of procedures on abdomen,
chest/thorax, angiogram, brain,
extremity, MRCP pelvis and spine,
Yumul said.
The hospital also boasts of
radiation therapy, cardiac catheterization laboratory, a 4D cardiovascular ultrasound machine, a
fully-digital mammography unit,
and a digital fluoroscopy and radi-
ology services.
TMC Clark is confident that it
can provide a healthcare environment brimming with hospitality
and compassionate care for both
local and international patients.
Yumul said the medical firm acquired ARDI Healthcare Center located at the Berthaphil Compound
III for its Ambulatory Center.
The TMC Clark Ambulatory
Center offers a wide range of laboratory imaging, cardiovascular
and other diagnostic services,
consultation, surgical and nonsurgical procedures.
The ambulatory center is open
from 7 am to 5 pm from Monday
to Saturday, according to Yumul.•
medical city clark... from Page 1
According to TMC officials led
by Evelyn “Ebong” Luciano Yumul,
the medical center is committed to
offer orthopedics, ophthalmology,
otolaryngology (ENT), radiology,
pathology, hematology/oncology,
endocrinology, physical therapy,
neurology, nephrology, pediatrics,
neonatology, OB-gynecology, and
different kinds of surgeries.
Yumul and other officials of the
TMC Clark facilitated a media tour
yesterday at the hospital, in preparation for its scheduled opening in
January next year.
The medical center is a 150-bed
hospital situated at the 177-hectare Global Gateway Logistics City
inside the Clark International Air-
ac bonus... from Page 1
No. 80 issued by President Benigno
Aquino III and its implementing
guidelines, DBM Memorandum Circular No. 2014-3 dated December 2,
2014,” Pamintuan said.
“Actually, we wanted to grant
this incentive even to our Job Order
personnel. However, rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission as well as the Department
of Budget and Management prevent
us from doing so,” he added.
towards the light... from Page 5
pinakamahalagang aral na kailangan nating mas
maipamalas ng labis bilang isang bansa na pinanday at hinubog nga mga pagsubok sa buhay, kung
kaya’t ang tawag sa atin ay PILIPINO…mga PINILING mga PINO ang kalooban sa kabila man ng
lahat ng pagsubok sa buhay.•
teacher’s corner... from Page 5
help themselves and others as they grow personally
and professionally as well. This sharing and interchange of research products will give rise to establishing a link among educational researchers for
intensive in-depth research for our youth thereby
enrich their life. That is due to a gem called research
and we have to thank enterprising researchers for
progressive development in our educational field.
Without them we could not have gone this far.
The author is Teacher – II Pulong Santol High
School – Annex I.•
GIFT PACKS... from Page 2
“It may not be too much but we hope to have filled
the void in their hearts and made them happy this
Christmas season,’’ said Lopez.
Echoing CDC President/CEO Arthur Tugade’s earlier
statement, Lopez said CDC’s support for the communities, people with disabilities (PWDs) and the indigenous
peoples, is not “seasonal”.
“It does not end on Christmas Day or this festive season. Our support and commitment particularly to the
community is constant that is why we continue to do
projects for them, hold education/awareness activities
and conduct jobs fairs, among others as proposed under
our corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.’’
He added, “The gift giving is an annual tradition for
CDC and as a regular part of our CSR program to make
less fortunate children, families or orphans in communities nearby Clark feel the spirit of Christmas through
the gifts and our moral support.’’
CDC’s four-day gift-giving project turned out to be
a success, benefiting a total of 168 orphans, physically
and mentally challenged individuals, and elderly from
four home care centers within areas contiguous to
Clark. The activity started last December 12 and ended
on December 17.•
HAU PROF... from Page 2
DBM MC No. 2014-3 states that
local government units have the discretion to set the amount “depending on the LGU finance capability”
and subject to certain conditions.
Section 4.0 of the said circular
excluded the following from receiving the PEI bonus: consultants and
experts hired to perform specific
activities or activities with expected outputs; laborers hired through
job contracts; student laborers and
apprentices; and, individuals and
groups whose services are engaged
through job orders, contracts of services or other similarly situated.
This PEI bonus is on top of the
P12,000 received by each city government employee as part of the
new Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) signed by Mayor Pamintuan and the employees union
AGENDA, as well as the 13th month
pay and the P5,000 cash gift.•
huge crowds.
“This is a welcome development
for all of our residents, making
Olongapo as a modern city in the
region,” Paulino said.
Paulino likewise cited the employment opportunities of the project to local workers from the start
of construction to actual operation
of the new SM-Olongapo complex.
Paulino added that the complex would also serve as a magnet
for tourist and boost the efforts of
the city to regain back its glory as
entertainment capital of the Philippines.
“There will be regular shows at
the park featuring local bands and
talents, as we will be also be promoting local made handicrafts and
products for visitors to truly enjoy,”
Paulino said.
For his part, Lim said that SM
is very much aware of its responsibility to the environment and surrounding communities as shown
in each and every place where SM
decides to put up a shopping mall.
City Councilor Noel Atienza
said that the latest project of SM
in Olongapo would surely change
the landscape of city and a sign of
“This is a dream come true for
Olongapenos as it would signify
growth of the entire city,” Atienza
SM Prime Holdings Inc. has
partnered with Solar Philippines
– the company behind the largest
commercial rooftop solar power
projects in the country – in the installation of 5,760 solar panels and
60 inverters for SM North EDSA,
“SM Prime is constantly in
pursuit of the highest level of operational efficiency to significantly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and operating costs by minimizing electricity consumption,” said
the retail and property giant in a
“In line with this, strong emphasis is put in investing in the
latest innovations in sustainable
and energy-efficient technology,” it
SM Prime said it hopes that the
project would serve as a model for
other commercial and industrial
‘gapo green city... from Page 1
tion of a modern and environment
friendly shopping complex within
the vicinity of Marikit Park here.
Olongapo City Mayor Rolen
Paulino signed the agreement with
SM Prime Holdings Inc. Executive Vice President Jeffrey Lim in
a simple ceremony held recently at
the city hall.
The ceremony was graced by the
members of Olongapo City Council,
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority
(SBMA) board of director Cynthia
Paulino along with various civic
and business groups in the city.
Under the agreement, SM will
be building a world-class shopping complex with convention center and hotel, Olongapo Museum,
rain water catch basin and more
importantly, a solar powered facilities making Olongapo as one of the
environment-friendly cities in Central Luzon.
Paulino said shortly after the
signing ceremony that part of the
agreement is the improvement of
the Marikit Park which would be
retained and will be used as a venue of various activities of the city
and events of SM to accommodate
of the German Federal Government that supports
public-benefit international cooperation projects for
sustainable development.
Figueroa represented the University as a member
of University Faculty Educators Linked to Deutschland (UniFELD), an organization of eight Philippine
universities that works closely with GIZ together
with other Philippine-German alumni associations. •
Donna Tamayo, executive director of Subic Bay
Freeport Chamber of Commerce (SBFCC), joined
Llamas and Chan in answering the queries of newsmen in the press briefing.
The training program is open to CSR officers,
community relations officers, public relations managers, human resource managers, and business owners.
Registration fee inclusive of meals, training kit,
certificates, and loot bags amounts to P3,500.
The training program is joint undertaking of
SBMA, RP Energy, and SBFCC.
RP Energy, a consortium composed of Meralco
PowerGen Corp., Aboitiz Power Corp. and Taiwan
Cogeneration International Corp., proposed to build
a 600-MW coal-fired power plant in Subic to augment the power supply in the Luzon grid. •
Republic of the Philippines
Local Civil Registry Office
Province: PAMPANGA
City/Municipality: ARAYAT
In compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order
No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172). Notice is hereby
served to the public that ALWAYNE BAÑOLA BARBO
has filed with this office, a petition for correction of entry
in the sex from “MALE” to “FEMALE” in the certificate
of live birth of SHAMIE AMIEL BAÑOLA BARBO born
on FEBRUARY 24, 2012 at Arayat, Pampanga and
whose parents are JAIME BARBO and ALWAYNE
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
file his written opposition with this Office not later than
two weeks upon publication.
Municipal Civil Registrar
HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon: December 12 & 19, 2014
special feature
The Belens
of Tarlac
The Social Security
System Tarlac Branch’s
entry to the Belenismo
sa Tarlac.
Complementing Christmas in Tarlac City is this
giant Christmas tree lantern at a park. At the left
is the Tarlac Provincial
Capitol Buidling .
A Belen displayed at a participating private school.
FOR seven years now, the
province of Tarlac has been
holding a Belen Festival which
it launched at its capital city
of Tarlac. Since its inception,
it had featured a number of
Belens or the Nativity scene of
the Holy Family, in time for the
Yuletide season.
As early as November, these Belens
are set up in residences, private and
government offices
and other establishments which feature
the Tarlaqueños’
creativity and craftsmanship.
The festival also
showcases Tarlac’s
keeping up with the
tradition of making
and designing the
nativity scene wherein Jesus Christ was
born on a stable, in
the presence of the
three wise men, with
different animals as
The best of the
Belens are also
chosen and are given
the awards in 5 categories -- diorama,
monumental, grand
monumental, church
and business establishments.
Also dubbed as
the “Belenismo sa
Tarlac”, it has earned
the capital city and
the province to be
called the Belen
Capital of the Philippines.
For this year, the
Belenismo reeled
off at the Armada
Museo Park of the
Armed Forces of the
Philippines Northern
Luzon Command
in front of Camp
Servillano Aquino,
where civilians and
uniformed personnel
gathered as hundreds of lights were
switched on to light
the Belen.
The Belens of
Tarlac will be on
display until January
6, 2015.•
A private hospital showcasing its entry to the Belenismo.
The nativity on display.
The Nativity Scene on display at Camp Aquino in Tarlac City.