As the Body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the world. December 21, 2014 WORSHIP PRAY/ENCOURAGE Christ the King Lutheran Church offers the following opportunities to worship: Please keep these members and friends in your prayers: David, Doris, Damien, Char- Sunday: 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 am Third Sunday of each month: 1:30 pm at Michiana Rehab. Center on Douglas, with Pr. Terri Monday: 6:30 pm Wednesday: 11:30 am Mid day prayer Second Friday of each month: 3:00 pm at the Hearth at Juday Creek, with Pr. Terri TODAY Advent Jeopardy: On Sunday, December 21, at 9:30 am, during the Sunday school hour we will be having a one of a kind crossgenerational event. Do you think you know a lot about Advent, Christmas, Chrismons, and church traditions? We’ll test your knowledge against other members during an all-out Jeopardy style brawl. There will be food for all, and prizes for the winning team. Come on out to the fellowship hall and a have great time with the whole family!!! Please note: this will be in place of all child, youth, and adult Sunday school classes for the day. Advent Family Activities: On Sunday, December 21, at 4 pm, (includes a meal) families of all ages are invited to: an Interactive Christmas Program PASSAGES Death: We pray for the family of Jim & Marla Preisch as they mourn the death of Marla’s brother, Alan Smith, who died on Saturday, December 13. Death: We pray for the family of Will and Brigetta Evens as they mourn the death of Brigetta’s father, Claus Linden, who recently passed away in SC. The funeral will be held in Hilton Head where he resided. lie, Brianna, Wendy, Sean, Ann, Sandy, Sue, Sarah, Ron, Jan, Megan, David, Jeff, Earl, Chris, Marianne, Bruce, Bernice, Tina, Brenden, Connie, Gayle, Lorrie, Karl, Jackie, Catherine, Cynthia, Don, Pat, Don, Karen, Louis, Avery, Mike, Peg, Don, Sandy, Paul, Al, Anne, Dan, Marvin, Colton, Ruth, Rebecca, Miriam, Dale, Jack, Marge, Moles family, Dylan, Connie, Pitcher family, Katie, Gary, Don, Bob, Shari, Greda, Ryan, Gaynetta, Luise, Andy, Allison, Geraldine, Natalie, Susan, Bob, Lorrie, Virginia, John, Art, Alyssa, Carol, Susan, Kathleen, Karen, Paul, Joel, and Josh. INTO CAMPAIGN Thanks be to God and thank you for commitments to the campaign. Thus far: 136 pledges $872,850 pledged $82,000 received In process at the moment: 1) editing of job descriptions for part time staff (mission director; IT person). 2) preparation of documents in order to receive bids for the building / property projects (parking lot paving; lighting in sanctuary; replacing furnaces; replacing carpet; renovation and repurposing of narthex, music room, & youth room spaces, storage for fellowship hall) It is anticipated that a plan will be presented at the annual meeting on January 25 at 4 pm, for the sequence and scope of what will be accomplished with INTO funds. Pledge cards are available in the narthex. SNOWBIRDS Attention Snowbirds: Please let the office know your winter mailing address preferences by sending an email to [email protected]. It helps us avoid returned postage costs. THIS WEEK YOUTH ACTIVITIES “Blue Christmas” Celebrating The Birth while Mourning Loss In a time of comfort and joy for most, we reach out to the sad, displaced and lonely. This service is for those who have suffered a significant loss, are ill, or are not interested in the sometimesforced happiness of the season. Please join us or extend an invitation to others. Monday, December 22 at 6:30 pm Christ the King Lutheran Church CtK Music Schedule for Christmas Eve 4:00 pm Worship Service Traditional hymns and carols with organ Featuring CtK Children’s Choir (Children’s choir is to arrive for warm-up by 3:15 pm) 6:00 pm Worship Service Traditional hymns and carols with organ Featuring the Alleluia Ringers and music by Lindsay Meekof (The Alleluia Ringers are to arrive for warm-up by 5:15 pm) 8:00 pm Worship Service Traditional hymns & carols with organ as well as a mix of contemporary Christian music featuring CtK Adult Choir and Xalt! (The Adult choir and Xalt! are to arrive for warmup by 7:15 pm) YAH YAH Planning Meeting: Join us on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 10:15 am in room 103 to discuss: What would you like to do? Where would you like to go? Who would you like to hear? When? Bring information to share. Motown Trivia Night to benefit National Youth Gathering Participants - February 6, 2015 at CtK. Contestants may come between 5:30 - 6:00 pm to decorate their table. The best table will win a prize. The cost is $15 per person with mulligans and a fifty-fifty raffle. We will also have a game show style raffle. More details to come. BASKETBALL Pickup basketball games will resume January 8. No sign-up sheet needed, just come out and play on Thursdays from 6 pm to 7:30 at Madison School (next to Memorial Hospital). No cost, though donations to support programs at Madison are welcome. The gym is large enough to accommodate a full court game on one end (a short court!) and lots of room for the younger set on the other end. Enter door 2 from the parking lot on the south side of the building. Contact Pastor Steve with any questions. HELPING BROADWAY CHRISTIAN Can You Help?: On Monday, December 29, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 225 Haney Ave, South Bend, is serving breakfast in their fellowship hall to the homeless community that usually eats at Broadway Christian (next door) four mornings each week. If you would like to assist with greeting, serving and / or clean-up that morning please let one of the pastors know. Doors will open at 8 am and breakfast will be served at 8:30 am. ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting: Please plan to attend the annual meeting on January 25 at 4 pm. Carryin supper following the meeting. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN YEAR-END REPORTS CONTRIBUTION REPORTS: Luke 2:8-14 “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and laying in a manager.’ Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests’” New International Version Bible (NIV) PRAYERS Prayers of Intercession Names of loved ones and friends, as well as your own, my be submitted to the church office or one of the pastors for inclusion in the prayers on Sunday morning. At each service on Sunday morning we pray for 1/3 of the entire list. (When you've added a name, please let us know as well when it's time to remove the name.) Prayer Chain Names may be submitted to the prayer chain (made up of people will to offer intercessory prayers upon request) by calling the prayer chain leader, Lois Poynter, at (574) 2727333. Prayer requests are kept confidential by the group. Names submitted to the Prayer Chain are not automatically included in the Prayers of Intercession and vice versa. Year-end Contribution Reports for 2014 will be mailed to members in January via first-class postage. If you need an update to help you plan your contributions as 2014 comes to a close, please contact me and I will send it to you. Deb Frecka, Financial Secretary 574-272-2766 or [email protected] MISSIONAL EXPERIMENTS Dismas House dinner preparation continues on the last Tuesday of each month. The next opportunity to serve in this capacity will be Tuesday, December 30. Dismas House, a nonprofit organization offering transitional housing and programming for men and women returning to our community following jail or prison commitments, believes their evening meal is an integral part of their program. Sign up on the narthex kiosk, or contact Bill Montgomery at 273-4973 or [email protected]. CALENDAR NOTES Fit and Faithful: Fit and Faithful will not meet on December 22 and 29. No Sunday School on December 28 and January 4 because of the holidays. Sunday School will resume on January 11. Red Cross Blood Drive: On Sunday, January 11, from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in room 504, there will be an opportunity for you to donate blood at CtK. Sign up sheets will available in the narthex and online by the end of December. Altar Flower Chart 2015: The new flower chart is up on the kiosk. Flowers cost $25 per week and are available for you to take home following the 11:00 am service on Sundays or you are welcome to take them home later in the week. Flowers can be given in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. SERVING TODAY Preaching/Presiding: Pastor Steve Schwier and Pastor Terri Peterson 8:15 Ushers 9:30 Diane Gram Norene Rhodes Acolytes 11:00 Diane Cortelyou Mike Hollowell Margie & Tom Yarger Dan Dixon Carly Scopel Nicholas Bennett Landon Slaggert Assisting Minister Matt Douhan LeAnne Marsh Matt Douhan Readers Margie Yarger Annette Johnson Susan Lightcap Communion Servers Judy Fredine Rita Hunter Cathy & Ty Scopel William Bennett Dave Doenges Greeters: Peg & Ed Stood, Pam Montgomery and Kathy Butterbaugh PowerPoint Projector (9:30 service): Bill Montgomery Communion Bread was baked by: Jeanine Larson Communion Setup: Judy Fredine, Ginny Gorman, Sue Koski and Michele Jensen Altar flowers donated by Janis Crook in memory of Joan & Gene Crook Ushers, Communion Servers & Communion Bread Bakers: Volunteers are needed for December. Please sign up on the kiosk. **THIS WEEK** Monday, December 22 12:00 pm 6:00 6:15 6:30 7:00 Honker’s Alleluia Quintet Rehearsal No Fit & Faithful Blue Christmas Alleluia Ringers Rehearsal Stephen Ministry Tuesday, December 23 7:00 pm Genealogy Wednesday, December 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 10:00 am No Adult Study Group No Women’s Journey 11:30 No Mid day Prayer 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship 6:00 Christmas Eve Worship 7:00 *AA in VOH 8:00 Christmas Eve Worship Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Road, South Bend, IN 46635 574-272-4306 Thursday, December 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Office closed 7:00 pm No Xalt Rehearsal Friday, December 26 Office closed 7:00 pm *AA Saturday, December 27 8:00 am *AA Meeting Sunday, December 28 8:15 am 9:30 11:00 7:00 Service of Lessons and Carols Service of Lessons and Carols No Sunday School – all ages No Adult Forum Service of Lessons and Carols * AA Meeting * indicates a community activity held at CtK
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