C om i n g U p T h i s W e e k . . The Sunday, December 21: Fourth Sunday in Advent 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 11:45 am 2:00 pm 7:00 pm Communion Worship Service NO JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Communion Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am service on Channel 7 Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Contemporary Communion Worship Service w/PraiseBAND playing PraiseBAND Rehearsal Carolers Meeting at Benedictine with guitars and instruments AA Meeting (closed) A nnouncements Page for Sunday, December 21st, 2014 Monday, December 22: 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am service on Channel 7 “The Kitchen” meal served Tuesday, December 23: 11:00 am 12:00 pm Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am service on Channel 7 Deadline to have flowers/plants for Christmas Flower Garden at church 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 3:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 11:00 pm Candlelight Communion Worship Service AA Meeting (open) Candlelight Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of Candlelight Service on Channel 7 Candlelight Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of Sunday School Program on Channel 7 Public Access TV Broadcast of Candlelight Service on Channel 7 Candlelight Communion Worship Service Wednesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Thursday, December 25: Christmas Day Holiday – Offices Closed 9:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast of Candlelight Service on Channel 7 10:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast of Sunday School Program on Channel 7 12:00 pm Public Access TV Broadcast of Candlelight Service on Channel 7 5:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00 pm AA Meeting (open) Friday, December 26: 7:00 pm Public Access TV Broadcast of Sunday School Program on Channel 7 9:00 am AA Meeting (closed) 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am NO Worship Service NO JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of Sunday School Program on Channel 7 NO Sunday School NO Celebration Singers Rehearsal NO Contemporary Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of 9:30 am service on Channel 7 Public Access TV Broadcast of Sunday School Program on Channel 7 AA Meeting (closed) Saturday, December 27: Sunday, December 28: 10:45 am 12:30 pm 7:00 pm MISSION Trinity aspires to be a community of faith where people are invited to Gather joyfully into the presence of The Father, inspired to Grow into passionate Disciples of Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to Go out and serve the world. VISION To be an inclusive, inter-generational, Spirit-filled worshipping community passionate about sharing the Gospel and inspiring faithful Disciples of Christ to serve and mend God’s creation. CORE VALUES NURTURING COMMUNITY BUILDING BIBLICAL FLUENCY ENGAGING WORSHIP SERVING OTHERS LIVING OUR FAITH BUILDING BIBLICAL FLUENCY - We commit to be a congregation intensively teaching, preaching, and centered upon the Holy Scripture as the foundational language of faith, making the Scripture the center of our life together and striving to reach and teach all generations both the larger story of God’s covenant and the specifics of God’s covenant faithfulness in Jesus Christ. We strive to use tradition and creative methods to teach the Holy Scriptures in a manner consistent with the Lutheran tradition. We recognize that many no longer understand and/or are able to speak and to hear Christian language with an understanding of its meaning in our contemporary culture. We intend to provide every possible opportunity for God’s children here to learn, to love, and to live God’s Word. Trinity Lutheran Church 511 S Fifth Street, Saint Peter, MN 56082 507-934-4786 www.trinitystpeter.org [email protected] For Those Who Are Interested, Gluten-Free Wafers And Grape Juice Are Available At Communion! As you come forward to receive communion, simply tell your server, and they will be offered to you. A Warm Heartfelt Thank You to all that helped with our Sunday School Christmas Program. It was great to see Trinity’s children share their wonderful talents! Thank You To All The Families who have been lighting the Advent Wreath Candles each Sunday morning for the services throughout this Advent Season. We appreciate this time with family! A Caroling We Will Go. Please join the Children & Families Committee on Sunday, December, 21st at 2:00 pm at the Benedictine Community Living, 1907 Klein Street, Saint Peter, to serenade the staff and residents. Bring your guitars, any other appropriate musical instruments and your singing voices (of all ages) for a fun filled afternoon of spreading the Christmas Spirit. We’ll meet back at church for cookies and cocoa once we have stopped at a few of Trinity’s homebound members’ homes. Come Check It Out! The tree in the Gustafson Room is full of wonderful ornaments that the Sunday School children made, stop by and take a look! Please Note The Extra Times that the Public Access TV, on Channel 7, will be broadcasting the Sunday School Christmas Program and the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service through January 11th, 2015. See the weekly calendar schedule on the back page of this pamphlet for dates and times or check online the St. Peter Public Access website at www.saintpetermn.gov/sppa. There will be additional broadcast times of the Sunday School program added throughout the next couple weeks. We will return to our regularly schedule on January 11. with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. Cards are available in the office during business hours AND today in the narthex. 2014 Holiday Vouchers. The St Peter Area Foodshelf and the St Peter Area Ministerial Association will again be providing groceries to needy families in our community over the holiday season. Trinity has set a goal to raise $2,014 to put toward this need. As of December 16th, the amount collected is: $1,970, just $44 to go to make our goal! Please make checks payable to Trinity with “Holiday Voucher” written in the memo line and leave it in the offering plate or use the Holiday Voucher Envelopes found in the pews and on the Welcome Table. Thank you for your generosity. This Is An End Of The Year Reminder from finance that donations to the “St Peter Area Foodshelf” and “The Kitchen” are not recorded on your contribution statements at Trinity (even if the check was written to Trinity). These are independent organizations that record their own donations and will send a statement to you, if needed. Trinity does record contributions to Holiday Vouchers and the St Peter Area Ministerial as well as the usual funds and offerings. If you have any questions about your charitable donations to and through Trinity please see Jen Hubrig. LET’S WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN FOR 2015. The Finance Committee would like to thank those of you who have contributed above and beyond your regular offering to meet the goal of starting 2015 with a clear ledger. Our total needs for the rest of the year were estimated to be $62,000 which would pay the bills AND pay off the $10,000 that was borrowed over the summer months. We now need $12,001 to start the New Year with a clean slate for the 3rd year in a row! The New Devotionals Are Here! “Our Daily Bread” is for the months of December, January and February. “The Word In Season” and “Christ In Our Home” are for the months of January, February and March. You can find them outside of the Library on the table. Help yourself and enjoy! Trinity's Christmas Flower Garden will grace the altar area for the Christmas Eve candlelight services. Poinsettias & other appropriate plants may be brought to the church no sooner than Tuesday, December 23rd but before noon. Information for listings "In Memory Of . . ." or "In Honor Of . . ." someone must be turned into the church office by 5:00 pm on Friday, December 19th. You may pick up your plants after the 11:00 pm candlelight service on Christmas Eve. 29th. REMINDER: Church Books Will Close For The Year, On Monday, December Please have your regular offerings or end-of-year contributions in that day to receive a charitable donation receipt for the 2014 tax year. If you have any questions contact Jennifer in the office. Please Note, Per The Church Council’s Decision, There Will Be Only One 9:30 am Worship Service on Sunday, December 28th and Sunday, January 4th. The Coffee Fellowship Hour will be as usual on Sunday, December 28th at 9:00 am. On Sunday, January 4th, the Annual Christmas Goodie Potluck will be one hour before and one hour after the worship service. All are welcome to bring cookies for the potluck! Kwik Trip Gas & Gift Cards For Sale. In preparation for the ELCA’s National Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI our Youth have Kwik Trip Gas & Gift cards available for sale. The 10% earned on every card will go toward Trinity Youth’s Trip to Detroit where they will have an opportunity to engage REMINDER! Church Offices will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Trinity Staff. R emember In Prayer Jim Youngblom, nephew to Val Youngblom; Ester Reckward, sister to Helen Christianson; Susanne Legato, daughter of Marlys & Jack Burch; Sharon Haugen; Karen Dupuis; Joyce Bruce; Greg Eklund, son of Pastor Harry Eklund; Lloyd Sanderson; Kermit Swanson; Mike Sargent; Sharon Rasche and Janet Brown. We pray for those who are having difficulties in their relationships, the lonely, neglected, hungry, and those financially strained, those fighting anxiety & depression, recuperating from illness and surgeries, those grieving the loss of a loved one; and those serving in the military along with their families still at home. Attendance: Sunday, Dec. 14th 8:00 am - 100 9:30 am - 127 10:45 am - 248 TOTAL: 475 Wisdom for the day Jesus understands.
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