In The End... All You Really Have Is Memories

Louise Jaenicke
Becomes Bride
In Germany
s an d So ciety
Mr, a n d Mis, Bruna Jaenicke of
99-56 83rd avenue, Forest Hilli, have j _*" ; "|P~77
announced the m a r r i a g e of their|___ K
daughter, the former Miss Louise
Jaenicke, lo Olto Llcht of Dessau,
Germany, in Dessau a t a recent
ceremony. T h e bride's grandfather,
G u i t a v Jaenicke of Dessau, w a s
one of the wedding guests.
The bride, who became engaged
to Mr. Licht in New York in 19.16.
tailed for Germany in March. T h e
newly married couple will live in
Dessau, where Mr. Lichf is a teacher. T h e bride, who w a s recently
elected to Sigma P h i Kpsllon and
is also a member of Alpha Sigma
Rho, attended a girl's school In
Weimar, Germany, at one time. S h e
is a graduate of Newlown High
School and Hunter College, where
she specialized in languages.
Radiating Glamour At St. Teresa Parish Show
Rosalind Schiff Wed
To William Jackness
Woodhull Group
Initiates 3
State Councilor
Initiation exercises w e r e held at
a recent meeting of i h e auxiliary lo
Nalhanlel Woodhull Post, Veterans
of Foreign Wars, In t h e meeting
rooms a t 89-05 Astoria boulevard,
FRIDAY, JUNE IB, 1989 Jackson
Heights. N e w m e m b e r s received by Ihe group a r e E v a Flatow,
Mabel Perry and C a r m e l a La Cagnum.
At the same meeting delegates
were named to Ihe n a t i o n a l conMrs. Paul Bruce Findley of 33-00 vention in Boston August 26 to Sep168lh street, Flushing, was hostess tember 1. Mrs. Mae W a t r o u s , presito Ihe education committee of dent of the auxiliary, Margaret
Queens Branch, American Associa- Kent and Mabel P e r r y will be deletion of University Women, re- gates. Harriet Wilson a n d Gertrude
Blstodaih a r e a l t e r n a t e s .
A Joint card p a r t y sponsored by
Mrs, Paul Klapper, wife of t h e
president of Queens College, con- the post and its a u x i l i a r y h a s been
ducted an Informal discussion on Planned for Thursday Louise Shaw
plans of t h e group for next year, and Rose O'Connell a r e chairmen
Mrs, Herbert D. Ayers Jr., president, of the women's committee and John
McCue and John McDonald, chairwas among Ihe guests.
An outing will be held Tuesday men of the post c o m m i t t e e .
The post drum a n d bugle corps Mrs. Mildred Schweitzer of Bellelo J o n e s Beach. Mrs. Irving J.
Mayer h a s charge of t h e committee
rose. Manor, formerly of Elmthe post and auxiliary on July 4, hurst, w h o w a s recently elected
for t h e affair.
T h e International relations group when memorial services will be state councilor of t h e Sons and
will meet Wednesday In t h e home held a t Mastic Beach a n d w r e a t h s Daughters of Liberty. She r e of Mrs. J. A. St. Clair on Long Is- placed on Ihe g r a v e of General cently paid a n official visit t o
Members will have a box Nathaniel Woodhull. An afternoon Sheridan Council, Woodside, h e r
home group.
luncheon and plans for t h e year picnic and beach p a r t y will follow.
Harriet Wilson, I r e n e P a p p r i a and
will be discussed.
T h e evening group will meet In Mary Marx, members of Woodhull
the home of Miss Ethel Dultgen, Post Auxiliary, were flag a n d ban43-14 159th street, Flushing, J u n e 27 ner bearers for t h e organization
at 8 P . M, Miss Marian Martin will during Ihe recent welcome to the
lead a discussion on « program for British King and Queen.
The Nurses Drill Corps of NaTroop 32, girl scouts, sponsored
next year.
thaniel Woodhull Post h a s elected: by Trinity L u t h e r a n Church, greeted
Dorothy Stanfleld, president; Ruth 150 persons at a fashion show and
Sllzman, vice-president;
M a r i o n e n t e r t a i n m e n t in t h e parish house,
Burkhardt, secretary; Edith Moran, Dry Harbor road and Penelope avetreasurer; Muriel N o v a k and AveMiss Winifred Stidolph, d a u g h t e r rill Wright, t r u s t e e s ; M a e Walrous, nue, West F o r e s t Hills, under t h e
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slldolph commandant; Rose F . O'Connell, direction of Mrs. Ruth Dittmer,
of 88-17 53rd avenue, E l m h u r s t , w a s captain, and Miriam Cloughy, lieu- captain.
Miss Annis West of t h e School
feted a t a surprise kitchen shower tenant.
Sewing Service w a s t h e stylist and
given in h e r honor recently by Mrs,
the following
scouts acted as
Klbert Hendry of 127 Nesblt termodels:
Mabel Burger, Florence
race, Irvinglon, N. J.
Buchholz, Dorothy Schaeffer, Peggy
Miss Stidolph will become t h e
Waterson, J e a n Menge, Violet Dittbride of Lester Loder, son of Mr.
Miss Alice O'Connor of 12-20 27th
and M r s . Emmet Loder of F o r e s t avenue, Long Island City, and Miss mer, Marilyn Rausch, Helen Schmelke, E v a Renz, Helen Sehlichttng,
Hills, in October.
Kthel Kercsztes of 41-35 63rd street,
Guests at the shower Included Woodside, will be Initiated today Marie H a r t i g a n , Christine Liesen,
Mrs. Stidolph, Mrs. Loder a n d I h e Into Theta Beta, H u n t e r College Florence Holzberger, Irene Noerfollowing co-workers of Miss Sti- chapter of Sigma T a u Delta, na- ling and Julia Hoerning.
After t h e fashion show t h e foldolph in Ihe finance d e p a r t m e n t of tional professional English fraterIhe American Baptist H o m e Mis- nity, a t a tea in t h e faculty room lowing e n t e r t a i n e d : Estelle Chrission Society of New York: M r s . at t h e Lexington a v e n u e building tiansen, t a p dance; Elaine Hartigan
G. W. French of Springfield, N. J.; of t h e college. Dr Blanche Colton and G e r t r u d e Grill, a Dutch dance,
Mrs. R. E. Jacobus of Orange, N. J.: Williams, retiring c h a i r m a n of t h e and Eleanore Osborne, a vocal
Mrs. Lillian Ehler of Brooklyn a n d English department, will be guest solo,
Mrs. George Duke of Woodside,
Doris Rooflund was Invested as a
of honor. Miss Kereszles Is o i t h e
tenderfoot a n d J u n e Gulhier, Helen
Miss Mary Hovseplan of Nulley, committee In charge of t h e tea.
Schmelke, Florence Buchholz, Peggy
N. J.; Miss June Malhews of ManWaterson, Marie Hartigan, Violet
hattan, Miss Claire Jacobus of I r v The Newtown Horse Shoe Club of Dittmer, Dorothy Schaefer, Jean
ington, N. J „ and Miss Dorothy
Elmhurst closed Its social season Menge a n d Marilyn Rausch were
T h i e m e r of Elmhurst.
T h e bride-elect is a g r a d u a t e of with a dinner and dance attended advanced to second-class scouts.
Mrs. E m m a Feurer, chairman of
Newtown High School, from which by 35 members at. l i n d e m a n n ' s
John lite troop committee, and Mrs. Elsie
her fiance, an employe of Ihe Chase Tavern, Broadway, Astoria.
National Bank, also w a s graduated. Kenney, president, w a s in charge of Hartigan assisted Mrs. Ruth Dittmer, captain.
the dinner a r r a n g e m e n t s .
University Women
Findley Guests
Miss Rosalind Schiff, d a u g h t e r of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schiff of 30-58
34th street, Long Island City, became t h e bride of William Jackness, son of Mrs. Julius Jackness of
Brooklyn, at a recent ceremony performed in t h e Astoria Mansion,
M a n h a t t a n , by t h e Rev. Dr. Max
The bride wore a gown of white
lace and net with a long tulle veil.
She carried a white Bible with
aatin streamers decorated with lilies
of t h e valley and she also had a
bouquet of gardenias.
She w a s attended by her cousin,
Miss Madeline Titbit
of Long Island City. The maid of honor wore
a gown of light blue lace and n e t
a n d carried a mixed bouquet of pink
flowers with African daisies predominating. H a r r y Jackness w a s F o u r " g l a m o u r girls'* who c h a r m e d a large audience at t h e show given by members of S t . Tereaa'a Church,
best m a n for his brother, and Nor- Woodside, in Clinton Hall, M a s p e t h . Left to right a r e M a r g a r e t Mullany, K a t h r y n O'Connell, Kathleen
F y m a n and K i t t y W h e l a n , a l l o f Woodside.
m a n Ferber, a n o t h e r cousin of t h e
bride, w a s page boy.
After a wedding trip north,' t h e
newly married couple will live a t
45-22 44th street, Sunnyside.
At t h e closing meeting for t h e
The petite, attractive, b r u n e t t e | They like to have h e r read aloud spring term held by t h e Mothers'
wife of Assistant District Attorney j to them, and, since books of all d e -Club of Public School 166, Long
Michael S. McPhillips of 34-22 84th scription are Mrs. McPhillips' hobby, Island City, t h e club w e n t on recA paper demonstration marked street, Jackson Heights, collected that works out, nicely all around.
ord as opposed lo a c u t In t h e eduChildren
Iso Collect
t h e recent meeting held by t h e first editions In h e r u n d e r g r a d u a t e
cational budget, particularly a s It
Woodside American Legion Auxili- days a t Vassar College, and n o w
affects kindergartens
and night
ary unit in Legion Hall, £>g-14 Roose- she is collecting degrees. S h e h a s
explains. They a r e working on schools.
velt avenue, Woodside.
j u s t added a law degree lo h e r col- stamp, shell, coin and book collecA report w a s heard on a recent
Winifred Vonah was in lection, having received it Wednestions. Mrs. McPhillips has been a n card parly In Brooklyn attended by
charge of a r r a n g e m e n t s for 1he proday night, when she was g r a d u a t e d ardent collector of children's books, club members, for which Mrs. A. J.
g r a m of e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h a t Inespecially autographed a n d first
Brennan was chairman of t h e arcluded a Flag Day celebration a n d from t h e F o r d h a m University L a w editions.
committee. Mrs. R. B.
social as well a s t h e demonstration.
At Vassar, t h ; a t t r a c t i v e l a w
Mrs. McPhillips, the former Miss
Blotto was named chairman of t h e
•Mrs. Pauline Reilly, Americanism
chairman, offered a recitation on Leonline Kennedy, is a niece of Dr. debating team, which she says h a d commit lee to a r r a n g e for a party to
Flag Day. Mrs. Vonah was assisted George J . Ryan, former president of something to do with building u p be held in t h e home of a club
the Board of Education, S h e w a s
by Mrs. Mae Breault.
her interest in t h e legal life. Upon member in September.
Mrs. Ruth Gethin was named chair- graduated in 1926 from Vassar Col- graduation from college, s h e r a n a
Miss Ruth T. ritzell, principal of
man of the committee on a r r a n g e - lege, where she had specialized in cooperative book shop.
P. S. 166, visited the Mothers' Club
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin L. Mehl will
exm e n t for a junior unit -card p a r t y
meeting to wishc m e m b e r s a pleas- reside «f 60-02 Northern boulevard
to be held T h u r s d a y night in Le- peciiiig lo ieacii Kngiisn. B u t , since 1919, and members of h e r ant vacation. Mrs. P. S. Satosk was
gion Hall 1o defray Ihe expenses of shortly afterward, she married t h e family have all been aclive in com- named chairman of t h e committee Woodside, when they r e t u r n later
this month from a wedding tour
t h e juniors' uniforms.
A Fidac lawyer w h o is now assistant district munity interests. Before living in conducting'a welfare fund contest.
through Canada.
I . jr.-im « ; l ' be held by the unit attnrnev Thai started her interest Jaekson Heights, ihe then Miss Ken*
in law.
l'lie h n d e is the former Miss
Monday night u n d e r t h e directipn
nedy lived in E l m h u r s t . S h e a t Marie Andrea Obst, d a u g h t e r of
In 1936, when h e r children, George tended P. S. 89 a n d N e w t o w n
of Mrs. Jeanne J o h n s t o n .
Mr. a n d Mrs. John Obst of 60-02
and Mary Lee, wt.-re j'tst beginning High School. H e r scholastic record
N o r t h e r n Boulevard.
T h e bridetheir own school years, Mrs. Mc-won h e r scholarships
in high
Phillips decided to return to school school and in college.
Eight tables of bridge
were groom is t h e son of Mrs. Matilda
Mehl of 31-33 60th street, Wood— and entered Fordham Law.
played a t t h e second In a weekly
A Family Tradition
"I w a s afraid, when I started law
Her Interest in t h e high school series of hridge t o u r n a m e n t s of t h e
At t h e wedding ceremony, which
Plans were completed a t a meet- school, t h a t it would be very h a r d has remained, and s h e is now a
in St. Sebastian's
ing of the Rego P a r k Community to go hack to being a student again member of t h e P a r e n t - T e a c h e r s ' Bayside Yacht Club in t h e club's took
and Civic Club for a garden paaty after allowing so -nueh time to pass Council of Newtown. I t would have lounge.
Church, Woodside, t h e bride wore a
and supper to he held S a t u r d a y since my last, experience at school,"
Mrs. John T. Carroll is general gown of white taffeta and lace with
night in the clubhouse, 62nd road says Mrs. McPhillips. "I found m y
chairman of t h e series, which will a tulle veil fastened to a crown of
and Wetherole street.
fear g r o u n d h a. It. Is easy to g e t become a teacher, because h e r terminate September 26.
shower bouquet of gardenias and
o r a n g e hlossoms.
She carried a
Louis Belz is general c h a i r m a n of back to school routine, end I t h i n k mother, a sisler of Dr. Ryan, w a s
High scorers a t t h e latest ses- lilies of t h e valley.
t h e a r r a n g e m e n t s committee. H a r r y one is a b e t t e r student after a lapse principal of old P . S. 10 until h e r
sion were Mr. and M r s . Leonard
Schneider, president, Is on t h e r e - of years.
Miss Rita Mehl, a sister of t h e
recently death, and h e r a u n t , a n ception committee. E n t e r t a i n m e n t
Advises Study I n t e r l u d e
of 240-12 Beverly road, Doug- bridegroom, was maid of honor, a n d
and dancing will feature t h e eve"In fact," s h e continues, "I would of the Board of Education, w a s M r s . laston, who r a n up a tolal of 5,180 the Misses Frieda and Rose Mehl,
strongly advise all women inter- Monica Ullo, principal of P . S. 84.
twins, also sisters of t h e bridepoints.
The supper will be served by Miss ested in a career to take a few
groom, were bridesmaids. T h e maid
But then, she has a husband a n d
Mary Barry, c h a i r m a n ; Mrs. Wil- years off after college to think
an uncle, William Pvyan, w h o a r e Mrs. C. F . Wlnkleman of 42-26 206th of h o n o r wore a white embroidered
liam Main, Mrs. Oscar Luchsinger, about w h a t (hey really want lo do
so t h a t makes law a tradi- street, Bayside, with 4.590 points. o r g a n d y gown and carried a showMrs. Louis Belz, Mrs. William Molin- r a t h e r than plunge right on Into
T h e evening award, donated by er bouquet of delphiniums a n d
ski. Mrs. Frances Cleaver, M r s . g r a d u a t e work. A woman should inMrs. Niles Persons, wife of t h e w h i t e daisies.
Conrad Zwick, Mrs. Henry Schnei- terest herself In h e r home and in
T h e bridesmaids were dressed in
actively engaged In civic a n d re^ commodore of t h e club, w e n t to
der and Mrs. Peter Shaw.
raising a family. After a few years
embroidered white organdy laced
Mrs. Sands.
Plans were also m a d e for b u s s h e Is enriched by those experiences
at t h e waist with narrow, black ribrides in July and August. T h e next and thereby better prepared for member of t h e St. M a r t i n a Circle
bon. They carried Colonial bouof
the young lawyer Is interested. S h e
meeting will be held J u n e 27.
serious study t h a n she was upon
Soeiely of t h e Church of St. J o a n Is a member of the College Women's q u e t s of sweet peas and yellow
graduation from college,"
of Arc, Jackson Heights; t h e Cath- Club of Jackson Heights, for which daisies.
McPhillips, who explains
S t e v e n Cavagnaro of Manchester,
Lady Campbell Lodge, D a u g h t e r s t h a t t h e research phase of law in- olic Ladies of Charity and other r e - she once served as treasurer. S h e Conn., w a s best man, and t h e ushwas also president of t h e Jackson
of Scotia, will meet Wednesday- terests h e r mostly at t h e present, ligious groups.
ers Were Theodor Obst, t h e bride's
night a t 8 o'clock in Metropolitan will become associated wilh h e r husThere a r e many civic and political Heights Community Playground for b r o t h e r , and Walter Slewersten.
Hal! Grand avenue, Middle Village, band's law offices at 40-36 82nd groups in Jackson Heights in which two years.
Following t h e ceremony, t h e newlyto celebrate Young Girls' Night.
street, Jackson Heights.
wed couple received for 200 guests
Margaret Stevenson will be acting
During t h e s u m m e r she does n o t
at t h e Steuben House, Woodside.
chief daughter for t h e evening, a n d plan to devote all of her energies
T h e bride Is a g r a d u a t e of Brythe sub-chief d a u g h t e r will be to law, because she expects to spend
a n t High School and h e r husband
McGlade, with
Elizabeth weekends with h e r family In their
Is a graduate of Newlown High
Stevenson acting a s chaplain. A so- s u m m e r home at. Point L o o k o u t
cial will follow t h e meeting In t h e
Despite l a w and a career, h e r 9The S t . James Players will prebanquet hall, It, has been announced year-old son and 7-year-old d a u g h t e r sent t w o one-act plays tonight in will be Gertrude Jacob, cast as
by Mary Stalker, chief daughter.
a r e Mrs. McPhillips chief concern. t h e parish hall of St. J a m e s ' Episco- Mrs. Simpkins, owner of t h e boardP e t e r L. Waters, Jr., son of P e t e r
pal Church, 51st street a n d Broad- ing house; E t h e l E. Brust, Helen
.lost, Efftie Woolley, Helen Rath- L. Waters, track t iach of M a n h a t way, E l m h u r s t . Richard A. Miller jen, Dorothea Harms, H u m e War- tan College, has been g r a d u a t e d
is directing both productions, which ing, William MacKellar, and Ever- from t h e college with a n engineer's
nclude "The Mad Breakfast," a ett Mackintosh.
degree. He celebrated his graduation
play dealing with a scene In t h e
T h e cast of "Copy" will include with a dinner party a t Gllhooley's,
dining room of a boarding bouse, Tom Hardgrove as a n editor; Bob M a n h a t t a n .
Daniel F u r s t T r. of 39-35 50th
and "Copy," a drama based on an Lilienthal, playing t h e role of asavenue,
has been graduated from
occurrence in t h e newsroom of a sistant editor; John Jacob, F r a n k
Dawson, and Dick Todd, in t h e role M a n h a t t a n College with B. A. d e metropolitan newspaper.
of reporters; F r a n k Savastano J r . gree.
F r a n k Smith J r . of 48-46 47th
as t h e office boy; and William
s t r e e t h a s graduated from S t . Ann's
Beckel as a telegraph operator,
Hume W a r i n g and P . K. Kelly Academy a n d will e n t e r F o r d h a m
and * < nmpMr line af P»rlj Supplira
are stage managers for t h e produc- University next semester.
K e n n e t h Maffuci of 41-14 63rd
tion. T h e boosters for t h e play Include prominent m e m b e r s of t h e s t r e e t was graduated from t h e
parish as well as t h e Rev. C. Law-P e t e r Stuyvesant High School.
Phone STillwell 4-S702
Mr. a n d Mrs. Frank Smith of 48-46
son Willard" J r „ rector of t h e
Will 14th STREET WOODSIDE, I,. 1.
4?lh street celebrated their 18th
church, and M " . Willard.
w e d d i n g anniversary.
Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Donnelly of
50-32 42nd street celebrated their
In Si*** l»M t o 24H
21st wedding anniversary.'
mni 3* t e 4 *
Mr. and Mrs. James Mafuccl ef
41-14 63rd street celebrated their
I t t h anniversary,
Mrs, Anna Gensheimer of 5?th
s t r e e t h a s a badly sprained ankle.
J u s t 100 of these cool,
washable d a y t i m e dresses
In ln»ely pastel ahadea of
Ladies' Auxiliary, Aiden T e r r a c e
aqua, rose, blue a n d o r tTATIONIRV
C o m m u n i t y Council—Annual J u n e
• RITCH1N • A D « l f l
chid. These dresses a r e e x w a l k from clubhouse, F u r m a n ceptional value* a t t h i s
viiie avenue and 83rd street, a t
2 P . M.
price. I n s n o r t , t h e y ' r e
Rego P a r k Community a n d Civic
Club—Garden party a n d s u p p e r
want t e live in this s u m t n clubhouse, 62nd road a n d Wethmer , . . • « rfon't paaa
erole street,, a t 8:30 P . M.
than by!
Troop 32 Scouts
Entertain 150
Winifred Stidolph
Given Shower
Mrs. McPhillips Adds Degree
In Law To Her Collection
P. S. 166 Mothers* Club
Concludes Season
Woodside Auxiliary
Marks Flag Day
Bayside Yacht Club
Host At Bridge
Garden Party On Card
For Rego Park Club
St. James9 Church Thespians
To Stage Plays Tonight
Hunter College Group
To Hold Initiation
Agnes T. Main Becomes Bride
Of Gertz Junior Executive
W h y fret a b o u t • gift for those a t h o m e , y o u r h o s t e s s , t h e
rinSlnt'i MMISS
b o n v o y a g e r ? T h e W e m r a t h s h o p s a r e full o f IDEAS) NEW
BOOKS M A I L E D POSTAGF.-FRKE t o a n y w h e r e in t h e U . S.I
fur M i r Sp*tiu(
17-W Mini STRUT
f w r w r w Court*
a * m n AB misiKitsa cntmai—
A n d r l o i e n i of o t h e r a p p e a l i n g gift i terns J
par. C O L L I O I COURSE—
Par t i n t »i»»«i»f U t * t* a*n»r«
Writ* 1 pfe«M f«t MUM!* Mftutmas
a»s»IH B M M M T C m * l i
t t m AU1TIN I T E 1 E T , F O R M f
SS I I MAS. J * .
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
Flfly members of t h e Mothers'
Club of Public School 13, E l m h u r s t ,
gathered In t h e school yesterday
for t h e annual election luncheon,
which closed t h e season's activities
until Septemher,
Mrs. A, K. Stevens w a s unanimously elected to serve a s president for t h e next year. S h e h a s
been active In the affairs of t h e
club for many years and h a s served
on various committees.
Chosen to serve on t h e staff of
officers .with h e r were: M r s . William R. Ijanahan, vice-president;
Mrs. William Eschmann, secretary,
and Mrs. H. J. Schollmeyer, treasurer.
Mrs. Thorns- P a y n t a r w a s chairman In charge of the luncheon a r rangement*.
Annual reports were given by r e tiring officers and c h a i r m e n of
standing committees.
The annual boat ride of t h e g r o u p
will be held on July 11 to Bear
Mountain. Mrs. Kschmann w a s a p pointed chairman of t h e c o m m i t t e e
of a r r a n g e m e n t s .
Astoria Companions
Enroll Member
Miss Rose W a r d was Initiated a s
a member of Astoria Circle, Companions of t h e Forest, a t a r e c e n t
meeting in Republican Hall, Astoria.
Mrs. Ella Siverson w a s welcomed
back after h e r recovery from a recent illness.
Mrs. Margaret Lenihan, w h o is a
patient a t Queens General Hospital
recovering from a recent o p e r a t i o n ,
was reported also convalescent.
A s t r a w b e r r y festival
the meeting, a t which a w a r d s were,
made to Mrs. M. J. Rudolph, Mrs. J .
J. Napolitano, Mrs. M. O. Gibbs,
Mrs. T o n y Gasso, Mrs. E. H a r a s e k ,
Mrs. I, J. Sinram, M r s . E l v e r a D e
Nero, M r s , Rose Scaaf, d e p u t y of
Astoria Circle; Mrs. Marie Hell,
deputy of S t a r of E l m h u r s t Circle;
Mrs. C. Priender, M r s . I r e n e McBreen, Mrs. A. H. K n e e r a n d M r s .
M. M. Valentino.
E n t e r t a i n m e n t was offered by
Mrs. K n e e r ,
Catherine Fagan
Engaged To Wed
A surprise dinner party w a s held
a t t h e home of Mr. a n d M r s . Joseph
Fagan of Leonia, N. J., formerly of
Astoria, lo announce t h e engagem e n t of their daughter, C a t h e r i n e ,
to J a m e s E. O'Connor, son of M r .
and M r s . J o h n O'Connor, 85-04 55th
road, E l m h u r s t . T h e guests a t t h e
dinner were Joseph F a g a n J r . , Miss
Shallow, Mr. Bullwinkel a n d Mr.
and M r s . Boylan a n d their sons.
Following t h e dinner, t h e p a r l y
motored to t h e home of M r . a n d
Mrs. O'Connor in F l m h u r s t . w b ^ r ^
a supper w a s served. T h e guests
were Miss Sheehan, J o h n F a g a n ,
Mrs. Aymong and d a u g h t e r s , Miss
Berk of Atlanta. M r . Bullwinkel
Miss Catherine F a g a n is a g r a d u ate of Madonna School, F o r t Lee,
N. J., a n d t h e Asslslum I n s t i t u t e
of N e w York. S h e is n o w e m ployed by t h e Charles H. K e n n e y
J a m e s O'Connor is a
of S t . B a r t h o l o m e w ' s
School, E l m h u r s t , a n d S t . Agnes'
Academy, College Point. H e also
a t t e n d e d t h e Columbia University.
Miss Agnes Theresa Main, daugh companled by Miss Crosson, organter of Mr. and M r s . William Main ist of t h e Church of t h e Ascension.
Following t h e ceremony, a recepnt R1-47 W e t h e r o l e Street.
tlnn v. •{•: held st the Rego Park
Park, was married to Daniel Car- Community a n d Civic Club for more
michael, son of Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k than 150 persons. T h e couple left
Carmichael of 194-26 115th road, St. for a motor trip. They will live
Albans, in t h e Church of t h e Ascen- at 105-09 221st street, Hollis.
The bride is a g r a d u a t e of Newsion, South E l m h u r s t , S u n d a y at
town High School and attended St.
5 P. M.
The ceremony w a s performed by Joseph's College, Brooklyn. She is
the Rev. James Byrne, a prefect at now s e c r e t a r y to t h e sales manager
Cathedra] C o l l e g e ,
M a n h a t t a n . a t t h e Gertz store, Jamaica. T h e
F a t h e r Byrne is a boyhood friend bridegroom received his degree from
Cathedral College, Manhattan, In
of t h e bridegroom.
The bride w a s given in m a r r i a g e 1936 and is n o w a junior executive
by h e r father. S h e wore a white a t t h e Gertz store. He is also a
lace and net gown w i t h a long past p r e s i d e n t of t h e St., Albans'
tulle veil draped from a lace cap I m p r o v e m e n t Association.
and carried a bouquet of gardenias
and lilies of t h e valley.
Miss Margaret Main, sister of t h e
bride, was maid of honor. Her
gown was pink lace a n d n e t with
accessories to m a t c h a n d s h e carE l m h u r s t Unit of t h e American
C o m m a n d e r S a m Gillman t h a n k e d
ried a bouquet of blue delphinums
and pink roses. Miss Agnes Main, Legion Auxiliary held a "Rumanian t h e u n i t for Its donation of $50 t o
sister of the bride, w a s t h e brides- Night" in conjunction with Its Fidac E l m h u r s t Post end Commander-elect
maid. She wore a blue m a r q u i s e t t e program last n i g h t In Memorial George Crowley of E l m h u r s t Post
and lace gown, with accessories to Hall E l m h u r s t whic, was attended spoke also.
O u t s t a n d i n g on t h e p r o g r a m of
match, and carried a bouquet of by nearly 200 members of the unit
blue delphiniums a n d pink roses. guests a n d Rumanian visitors' in e n t e r t a i n m e n t were: M m e . Olga
| Cristo Loveanu, R u r <»r»lan s o p r a n o ;
Walter Carmichael, b r o t h e r of t h e native cosume.
Songs of Rumania including t h e l M o I s e Bulboaca, R u m a n i a n - A m e r bridegroom, w a s best m a n . T h e
ushers were William a n d Bob Main, national a n t h e m were sung In t h e ican t e n o r ; F r a n k Evans, choir dibrothers of t h e bride, a n d Richard language of t h e country and a group rector a t Jackson H e i g h t s ComCarmichael, b r o t h e r of t h e bride- of dances were done by men a n d m u n i t y C h u r c h ; and Miss Mildred
Richardson, w h o s a n g t h e R u groom. During t h e c e r e m o n y Rob- women in native cosume,
A talk on t h e life of t h e late manian national a n t h e m .
ert Boyle, Albert Lyon and James
Ross sang, "I Love You Truly," ac- Queen Mother Marie w a s given by
Mrs, Miriam Capelll, a past presi- chairman for E l m h u r s t U n i t , p r e dent, of t h e unit.
sented t h e program, a n d Mrs. Lillian
George R. Raerueanu J r . and J. J. Eitzen, t h e unit's president, greeted
Alexander, president of t h e Sons of the guests.
Rumania, guest speakers, emphasized "Rumania's policy for peace
Mrs, Stella Christiansen of 64-23 with a determination to defend i t s
79th street, West F o r e s t Hills, en- rights,"
tertained the Queens E i g h t Card
THAT MAKE TTOU A "STANDOthers on t h e program included:
Club a t a dessert-bridge a t h e r
Mrs. Georgiana Duffy, county Fidac
home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary
High scorers w e r e Mrs, A n n Gun- county auxiliary chairman; a n d
ther and Mrs. G r a c e Efflnger.
Mae McGarry, past county
Others present w e r e M r s . Emily auxiliary president, and also a past
Lippert, Mrs, Viola Grill, Mrs. Mae president of E l m h u r s t Unit.
Yasika, Mrs. Emily G e r d t s and
Mrs. Ruth Dittmer.
The next meeting will b e held
June 21 a t t h e h o m e of Mrs. Ruth
Dittmer of Middle Village a t 1 P. M.
'Rumanian Night* Celebrated
By Elmhurst Post Auxiliary
Queens 8 Card Club
Is Guest At Bridge
men image
The Mothers' Club of Public
School 76, Laurel Hill, will hold Its
annual card and g a m e s p a r t y Thursday night a t 8 o'clock In Anoroc
Hall, 45-23 47lh s t r e e t , Laurel Hill.
The party Is being sponsored for
the relief of t h e children's b u s ride
planned for some t i m e tHIs summer. Mrs. Elizabeth McMullen and
Mrs. N. N. Glanze a r e co-chairmen
of t h e committee on a r r a n g e m e n t s
for t h e card and g a m e s party.
O <T
Social Events Tomorrow
m Wotnmth'*/orUlf
Mrs. A. E. Stevens
Is Reelected By
P. S. 13 Club
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