The L Livin ng S Stonees Novem mber 20014 Greetings loved ones, As Seniorr Warden and d editor of thee Living Stonees I have manny opportunitties to speak m my mind. Herre is a unique op pportunity to bring b forward d a subject neear and dear. Y You may wonder how Steewardship couuld be near and dear to anyo one. That iss a fair quesstion. I have come to thiis point wherre the meaniing of stewardsh hip has taken on a deeper level of undeerstanding. Thhe root of myy understanding of stewarrdship goes back k to my youth h and the storry of Middle Earth. E Yes thhat is right, thhe well-know wn trilogy by JJ.R.R. Tolkien – The Lord of o the Rings. You may have h read th is story, or ssaw the movvie. Do you recall Denethor,, Steward of Gondor? Den nethor had co ome to think oof himself ass king and waas reluctant too give up his pow wer should th he real king (Aragorn) retu urn. Denethorr had lost hiss way, thinkinng he was anoointed to kingshiip. This is ho ow I first cam me to understaand that the cconcept of steewardship waas more than ttaking care of paassengers on a cruise ship. As an adu ult Christian I have continu ued to grow in i this understtanding. If yoou’ve read myy other letterss over the years you will know w that I have a strong adm miration for Toom Olcott. Frrom my vantaage point Tom m was always a strong s believeer and a stron ng person. I haave learned m much from Toom in the shorrt time I knew w him. One thing g that was alw ways clear waas his messag ge, his belief rreally, in the importance oof stewardshiip. He gave me guidance g and provided hellpful resourcees. Now Gail Paul is our sttewardship chhair and leadiing us with her own o unique and a powerful style. Gail’s message Sunnday Novembber 2nd was reeally meaninggful to me. Whatt I took away was that giving back to God G was not ssupposed to bbe like leavinng a tip basedd upon the service provided. Im magine this conversation with w God – “hhere you go G God; things w were pretty goood for me last yeear so I feel like I can dig a little deepeer for a few m more coins”. O Or this – “Heey God, man iit was tough, I ju ust do not seee how I can help h you out, sorry”. s Such approaches aare like leavinng a tip in thee plate and that is not spirituaally healthy. A better apprroach, one wee have all beeen taught, is tto give of ouur first fruits, to do d so willinglly and with a smile. In thiss way our relaationship withh God can beecome closer, more intimate. After A all this is what God wants w from us - that sense of intimate fr friendship. So how do d I view stew wardship? Reeally it is verry simple forr me, even chhildlike. Godd is the sourcce, the creator off all that we are, a all that we have, all that we see andd touch, smell and feel. It is His to sharre and He does so s freely. However He rettains ownersh hip of creatioon. Thus we aare all stewarrds with rightts and privilegess, but also dutties and expecctations. We reside r in His ccreation, and are His sons and daughterrs. My own stewardship s of o what God has given mee has seen a llot of ups andd downs overr my life. I coonfess that I wass more of a tipper t for mu uch of my liffe, giving beccause it was expected andd according tto my budget. Also A Bobbie and a I have no ot always seen n eye to eye when it camee time to fill out a pledgee card. This has changed in reecent years with w both of us u gaining a more maturee understandinng of stewarddship. Recently we w had an un nplanned wind dfall with a sttock sale. Forr the first timee in my life I knew I had too give a tithe bacck. So at the first f chance we w wrote that check, givingg back the firsst fruit. Nothiing changed eexcept that insidee my mind I knew k it was th he right thing g to do and it m made me smiile. Every Sun nday we pray y for the stew wardship of alll Gods gifts, aloud or silenntly. My hopee is that eachh of us keeps thiss fresh and reaal in front of God and each h other. Yours in faith, W Richard Wallstrom Rector’s Corn ner Living With W the Commu union off Saints One of th he most Chriistian of observances occurs this tim me of year annd it goes virrtually unnotticed. And it is not Halloweeen. First of all, a I really liike Halloweeen. Halloweeen, All Halllows Eve, iss now all aboout “ghostiees and ghoulies and things that t go bump p in the nigh ht”. It is a tim me for kids to dress up aas princessees and cowboys, the obligattory ghosts and a witches, and favoritee cartoon characters. Annd yes, latelyy, the day has evolved –w with the enccouragement of the costtume industtry. We are more and more fixated on zombies and a sexy sup per heroes. On O the plus sside, for thiss chocoholic, records acttually do show that more candy c is sold d for this niight than any ny other holiiday, followed by Easteer and Christmaas trailed by Valentine’s Day. No qu uestion, it’s a lot of fun. But its ro oots are deep per and reveeal something about the People of G God usually rrememberedd only at baptisms and the occasional funeral. Wee mouth it oon Sundays,, too: ”I bellieve in the Holy Spirit, The Commun nion of Sain nts.” The Communion of Saints. N Now that caan mean a llot of mage for manny is of duusty statues in old churrches, different things. Perrhaps the prrevailing im whisperin ng together in the silen nce of an em mpty sanctuuary. Perhapps one expeeriences a vvague, fleeting thought t of heaven h and all a the perfecct people sittting aroundd talking aboout saintly thhings, seated on n clouds. But St Paaul has anoth her image th hat my own faith f asserts as totally truue. He neveer fails to adddress the churcches he serveed as “the saaints.” By th his he meantt the averagee everyday C Christian likee you and me. These are living saints. Not perfeect but forggiven. Acceppting the faact that whaatever m trusting in God and livving their livves in the ligght of righteoussness we maay have comes only from the Crosss and Resurrrection. The exteension of thiis vision, and one we ussually give a nodding aacceptance too –at funeraals--is that Life in Christ is eternal. Theerefore thosee in Christ inn this life arre also with---and in-- Him in the next. The comm munion of Saaints begins at baptism and proceeeds throughoout eternity. That includes you and me. Those who o have gone before b are a part of the ssame commuunion that w we are a part of. They wo orship, in a sense, besiide us everyy Sunday. W We are, as a prayer ssays,” surround ded by a clou ud of witnessses.” And so o we are. We have a whole mo onth before Advent A begins. For me, this year, I ppropose to reemember thaat the Commun nion of saintts is somethiing we can live l in, trust in, and experience from m day to dayy. We are neverr alone. Those who havee gone ahead d of us are liiterally ever with us. Thhat month is filled with them mes of the harvest h and the changin ng of the seaasons. Thannksgiving iss, for me, a mere foretaste of that ban nquet that Jeesus promisees. This moonth, for us, can be “Thhe Season oof All Saints”. Not N merely a passing day d after Hallloween, butt a month too wrap our hhearts and m minds around th he true mean ning of everlasting life. And, yess…… I do hope h they haave turkey and a pumpkinn pie when I finally geet home for those ultimate holidays. Readings for Personal Study and Devotion Beginning Sunday November 2 Sunday Ps24, 29 Monday Ps56, 57 Tuesday Ps61, 62 Wednesday Ps72 Thursday Ps70, 71 Friday Ps69:1 38 Saturday Ps75, 76 Beginning Sunday November 9 Sunday Ps93, 96,34 Monday Ps80,77, 79 Joel 1:1 13 Tuesday Ps78:1 72 Joel 1:15 2:2-11 Wednesday Ps119:97 120, 81, 82 Joel 2:12 19 Thursday Ps83, 23, 27 Joel 2:21 27 Friday Ps88 Joel 2:28 3:8 Saturday Ps 87, 90,136 Joel 3:9 17 Beginning Sunday November 16 Sunday Ps66, 67 Hab. 1:1 2:1 Monday Ps89:1 18 Hab. 2:1 20 Tuesday Ps97, 99, [100] Hab. 3:1 18 Wednesday Ps101,109:1 30 Mal. 1:1,6 14 Thursday Ps105:1 22 Mal. 2:1 16 Friday Ps102 Mal. 3:1 12 Saturday Ps107:33 43,108:1 13 Mal. 3:13 4:6 Beginning Sunday November 23 Sunday Ps118 Zech. 9:9 16 Monday Ps106:1 18 Zech. 10:1 12 Tuesday Ps120,121,122,123 Zech. 11:4 17 Wednesday Ps119:145 176 Zech. 12:1 10 Thursday Ps131,132 Zech. 13:1 9 Friday Ps140, 142 Zech. 14:1 11 Saturday Ps137:1 9,144 Zech. 14:12 21 ADVENT Starts November 30 Sunday Ps146, 147 Isa. 1:1 9 Monday Ps1, 2, 3 Isa. 1:10 20 Tuesday Ps 5, 6 Isa. 1:21 31 Wednesday Ps119:1 24 Isa. 2:1 11 Thursday Ps18:1 20 Isa. 2:12 22 Friday Ps16, 17 Isa. 3:8 15 Saturday Ps20, 21:1-13 Isa. 4:2 6 1 Cor. 12:27 13:13 Rev. 14:1 13 Rev. 14:14 15:8 Rev. 16:1 11 Rev. 16:12 21 Rev. 17:1 18 Rev. 18:1 14 Matt. 18:21 35 Luke 12:49 59 Luke 13:1 9 Luke 13:10 17 Luke 13:18 30 Luke 13:31 35 Luke 14:1 11 1 Cor. 14:1 12 Rev. 18:15 24 Rev. 19:1 10 Rev. 19:11 21 James 1:1 15 James 1:16 27 James 2:1 13 Matt. 20:1 16 Luke 14:12 24 Luke 14:25 35 Luke 15:1 10 Luke 15:1 32 Luke 16:1 9 Luke 16:10 18 Phil. 3:13 4:1 James 2:14 26 James 3:1 12 James 3:13 4:12 James 4:13 5:6 James 5:7 12 James 5:13 20 Matt. 23:13 24 Luke 16:19 31 Luke 17:1 10 Luke 17:11 19 Luke 17:20 37 Luke 18:1 8 Luke 18:9 14 1 Pet. 3:13 22 Gal. 6:1 10 1 Cor. 3:10 23 Eph. 1:3 14 Eph. 1:15 23 Rom. 15:7 13 Phil. 2:1 11 Matt. 21:1 13 Luke 18:15 30 Luke 18:31 43 Luke 19:1 10 Luke 19:11 27 Luke 19:28 40 Luke 19:41 48 2 Pet. 3:1 10 1 Thess. 1:1 10 1 Thess. 2:1 12 1 Thess. 2:13 20 1 Thess. 3:1 13 1 Thess. 4:1 12 1 Thess. 4:13 18 Matt. 25:1 18 Luke 20:1 8 Luke 20:9 18 Luke 20:19 26 Luke 20:27 40 Luke 20:41 21:4 Luke 21:5 19 NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Men's Fellowship 9AM DOK 9:30AM 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Daylight Savings Church @ 8 & 10AM Church @ 8 & 10AM Church @ 8 & 10AM Vestry Church @ 8 & 10AM 30 Marcy Cox Bday Bruce Howland Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Veterans Day Resource Ctr 9-11AM Resource Ctr 9-11AM Chris Hall Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Richard Wallstrom Bday S 5 12 19 26 October M T W 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Ladies Retreat Noon Healing Service Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Cameron Hilton Bday Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Jim Redman Bday 2014 Th F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 Sa 4 11 18 25 S 7 14 21 28 Resource Ctr 9-11AM Peter Burley Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Andrea Bertero Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Thanksgiving Resource Ctr Closed December 2014 M T W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 Sa 6 13 20 27 Diocesan Convention Men's Fellowship 9AM Diocesan Convention Festive Meal 6PM Kathy Dettmer Bday Notes: © 2009 Vertex42 LLC Sunday DECEMBER 2014 1 Monday Tuesday 2 Resource Ctr 9-11AM Phil Brock Bday Wednesday 3 4 Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Al/Betty Anniversary Thursday Resource Ctr 9-11AM 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 Church @ 8 & 10AM Church @ 8 & 10AM Anne Cantrell Bday Dec. Solstice Church @ 8 & 10AM Scott Walker Bday Church @ 8 & 10AM CJ Redman Bday Jim/CJ Anniversary Elizabeth Brown Bday Terry Burley Bday Norm/Jan Anniversary Melissa Cuculich Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Resource Ctr 9-11AM Holly Feliciano Bday Resource Ctr 9-11AM Resource Ctr 9-11AM Sally Allenby Bday Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Chanukkah Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Christmas Eve Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Church at 10PM Resource Ctr 9-11AM Resource Ctr 9-11AM Christmas Day 26 Friday Saturday 6 Men's Fellowship 9AM DOK 9AM Kari Hilton Bday 13 Christmas Party 6PM 20 Men's Fellowship 9AM Kwanzaa begins 27 New Year's Eve Bible Study 10:30AM Noon Healing Service Andy Cuculich Bday Brad/Geralyn Anniversary S 2 9 16 23 30 November 2014 M T W Th F Sa 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 S 4 11 18 25 January 2015 M T W Th F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Sa 3 10 17 24 31 Notes: © 2009 Vertex42 LLC Praaise Repoorts For a wonderfull and successsful Art and Craft Fair NOV VEMBER Biirthdays 3 Marcy Cox C Bruce Howland 6 Peter Bu urley 9 Ariel Kee ener 12 Cameron n Hilton 13 Andrea Bertero B 19 Andrew Ludwick 24 Chris Ha all Richard Wallstrom 25 Jim Redman 26 Kathy Dettmer 29 NOV VEMBER Anniversariess Non ne DEC CEMBER Birrthdays 2 Phil Bro ock 8 Elizabetth Brown Kari Hilton 12 14 Anne Caantrell 15 Fr. Terry y Burley 16 Holly Feeliciano 21 Scott W Walker 28 CJ Redm man 29 Melissa Cuculich 30 Sally Alllenby 31 Andy Cu uculich DEC CEMBER An nniversariess 3 Albert & Betty Gaggliardi 15 Norman n & Jeanette Dickens 28 Jim & C CJ Redman 31 Brad & Geralyn Sulllivan PARISH/DIOCESAN NEWS RESOURCE CENTER Thank you so much for your continued support of our clients. Winter is almost here. As you are cleaning out your closets remember we are in need of cold weather jackets. We are also always in need of men’s jeans and sturdy shoes. If you are cleaning out the garage we could also use tents, sleeping bags and tarps. Bobbie BITS OF SAWDUST A big thank you to all of you that contributed to “The Tom Olcott/Polly Manley Memorial Lighting Fund”. We have reached and passed our goal of $3,506. By next Sunday the new lighting may be installed as the contractor has scheduled Monday, November 10 as the installation date. Since we actually exceeded our goal the two pairs of spot lights that illuminate the altar will be replaced with LED spots. This will eliminate the need for your Junior Warden to scale a tall ladder to replace the bulbs which seem to burn out frequently. The restoration work on the Family Living Room has been completed. The walls and ceilings have been painted, the conference table refinished, new switch plates and receptacle plates installed, new thresholds installed, and trim work completed. The Family Living Room is a much nicer room and more pleasant to work in. Work on the landscaping has been postponed due to time spent on the two projects mentioned above. New sprinkler valve control wiring which has been buried about half way to the valves by Parish Hall nearest the street should be completed soon and then we can see about new plantings. ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR The Craft fair netted $2,600.00. Table/Space rentals netted $875, the Raffle Table $321.00, the Kitchen $422.00 and the Bake Sale/Craft Sale Table $982.00. The vendors seemed pleased with the weekend event and many said they’d see us again next year. Many thanks to everyone who helped in the kitchen, at the raffle table and our sale table and to those who donated food for the kitchen and items for the Country Store Table. CHRISTMAS PARTY Mark your calendars on December 13 for our First Annual Christmas Party and Fundraiser As a people of God we know that the joy of the Lord is our strength. But what does that mean? At St. Stephen’s it means we express our joy through celebration, in this case a good ol’ fashion Christmas Party. We have a fantastic committee making plans to create a wonderful time for everyone, but we solicit your help. We will be having a silent auction as a fundraiser to benefit the church and would like you to think about a quality item or service that you could donate for this event. Minimum bids will range from $5 to $200.00. If you are wondering what kind of service you might be able to offer think about the services you already pay for or would be willing to pay for—dog walking or pet sitting; house sitting; providing a dinner party for six; gardening -- let your imagine soar. Please contact Bobbie Wallstrom (831-623-4522 or [email protected]) or Gabe Paul (408842-3344 or [email protected]) about your donations or any other questions you may have. Invitations will be sent in about a week. If you know anyone outside of the parish family that would also like an invitation please contact Bobbie. THE BOTTOM LINE Operating Income through Sept. 2014: $96,345 Operating Expenses through Sept. 2014: $107,996 Net Operating Income (Loss) YTD: ($11,651) Available Cash: $11,794 DIOCESE The annual convention of the diocese will be November 14 and 15. Gabe and Gail are our representatives and will be joined by Fr. Terry. Stewardship Campaign Sometimes I think the easy part of stewardship is the Treasure part. God gives us very specific direction about that with the scriptures on tithing. But the Time and Talent can be a little less certain. I read some thoughts of John Powell, a Jesuit priest. I found them helpful and I hope you will find these excerpts thought provoking. “If God had a specific will for each and every detail of our lives, I‘m afraid God would be aiding and abetting infantile delinquency. We would never grow up. We humans grow up by struggling through and making decisions for ourselves. God would not preempt all our decisions. That would predestine us to a helpless form of immaturity. What God rather holds out to us is a general will. Do something loving with your life and your talents. Do something beautiful for your brothers and sisters. Make love your life principle. This will involve us in many decisions. We will be constantly confronted with the ever-present question: What is the loving thing to do? But it is in struggling with and making these decisions that we shall become mature sons and daughters of God. “I also believe that, in addition to God’s general will, there is operative at definite times in our lives a specific will of God. I think it is certain that God has sent you or me into this world with a specific thing to do: a definite message to deliver, a song to sing, an act of love to bestow. When we come to that point in time in our lives, when God wants us to do something specific, he will nudge us with his grace. He will put into us a deep attraction, a sense of vocation. To us it may seem like a vague conviction, ‘I am supposed to do this.’ It may be that God will make us uncomfortable until we say ‘yes.’ He comes to comfort the afflicted, but also to afflict the comfortable. I think that I was called to be a priest by such a specific will of God. I think that God chose me to be a priest and so tailored the graces of my life that I would be attracted to the altar of my ordination. There have, of course, been other moments in my life when I somehow knew that God wanted something specific of me. He wanted me to help this person, to do that thing, to become involved in this cause, to be concerned about a given situation. In each of these times, I felt that God was asking me for a specific ‘Yes!’ “ So there you have it! We’re supposed to make wise decisions and choices, but also be looking to God for guidance in all things. I remember years ago I was really stewing about whether or not I was in God’s will, and how would I know this? Finally a friend, probably tired of hearing me fret, said, “Gail, I think the God who created the world is big enough and smart enough to give you direction, if you are looking for it. The problem is that so many people are not looking to God or listening for his voice!” I know that when I am out of God’s will, it’s not God’s failure. It’s my lack of being open to him. I pray that he will give us ears to hear him and eyes to see him and a will to obey him. The John Powell quotes are form “Seasons of the Heart.” Gail Paul Sunday Servers Schedule for 2014 LEM/LEV 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Prayer Team 10:00 AM Lector 8:00 AM Loren Loren Jane Francine Jesse Jesse TBD Paul Paul Gabe Gail Richard Richard Paul Pat Jesse Brad Jane Francine Kathleen Allison TBD Jesse Jane Gabe Gail Jesse Richard Paul Pat Michael Al Paul Virginia Jesse Kathleen Walt Jesse Stan Paul S. Richard Loren Loren Anne Jane Gabe Gail Bobbie Debra Brad Geralyn Ed Jane Paul Rob Jennifer Richard Jesse Bobbie Lectors 10:00 AM Usher 10:00AM Oblation Bearers 10:00 AM Altar Guild Marjorie Manel Bobbie Richard Gail Gabe Francine Jane Bobbie Francine Brad Geralyn Jane Delores Jeannette Francine Jane Allison Manel Pat Debra Aundria Jeannette Francine Jane Allison Manel Pat Debra Aundria Date 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 Date 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/21 12/28 Marjorie Delores Stan If you are not able to carry out your assigned duties you are responsible for getting someone to take your place. Rev 8 Church St. S Stephen’s Episcopal E 651 Broadway y Gilrroy, CA 95 5020 408-842-4415 5 (office) 408-84 42-1401 (rresource ceenter) Webbsite: www w.ststephen nsgilroy.orrg/ Email:: [email protected] Offiice Hours: Mon-Wed d-Fri 9AM to Noon Resource Centter Hours: Tues & Th hurs 9AM to 11AM Pasttor – Rev. Terry Burlley Vesstry – Richard Wallsttrom - Seniior Warden n (2014); L Loren Canttrell - Junioor Wardenn (20114); Jane Olcott O (2014); Geraly yn Sullivan n (2015); Jeesse Fariass (2015); A Alison Williams (201 16); Gabe Paul P (2016 6) Janee Olcott – Clerk; C Lorren Cantrelll – Sexton n; Virginia Gomer – S Secretary; Gabbe Paul – Treasurer T Send d commentss/correction ns to: [email protected] m
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