i 'District Eastem Star Offieers Pay Visit To Astoria Chapter Aileen A\Haupert To Become Bride Of Brooklyn Man Mr» Kis/a A, Haupcrt of 57-03 6*Mjri lane, Maspeth, i n n o u n c e i the !o"' n ng mamage of htr d». '• Aiiecn Adnra, to Alex OalatfMtrft, MM of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Caiandra of 16 Starr atreet, Brooklyn. l>» ceremony Will take place Sund.iy at .1 P. M. In St. James EpJacopal Church. Elmhurst, w i t h the Rev. George W. P a r s o m offlciatłng. The b n d e wili be given in marriage by her brother, F r e d e m k. S h e will wear a white frosted mouss*! r*» 'it-soje g o w n with a fingertip rełl She will carry a caseede bouquet of w h i t e roso* and M i e l of the valley (Ttłom*«i M n Violet Haupert of Si. Al MKS K O I H K I fl.KMKN banii, alstrr-in-law of the bride, wtll be m a t r m of honor. She will wear The f o r m e r Dorothy Hahnau, a light blue marqui*ette gown with daughter of Mr. and M n . William a m a t r h i n g hcadpiece and carry a T. Hahnau of Woodside, became bouquet of gladioli and tria. the hride of Mr. Plemen. formerly .Louis Alruri of Brooklyn, the of B e e c h Grove, Ind., in Corpus 'oridegroom'* hrother-in-law, will be Christi Roman Catholic Church. b**t man A reeeption for W) gtteata will be held in the Forest Hilll Inn following which the coupVe wilł leave on a wedding trip to Waahington, D C mm H w p e r t »« » graduate of N e w t o w n High School. Mr. Całan dra U a m»mber of the N e w York City Fire Department He served Ifi th<* Navy as. a redioman. nr. <;rARt>i—Bocrrzzi J e a n n e t t e B<> r u / / i Mfef Pmil De Guardi. both el Fast Elmhurst and graduates of N e w t o w n Hi eh School in Elmhurst. exchang»*d nuptial von | • Bi Gabriel - * Koman Cathołlc Chureh A rocwfttoa followed at P s - r n'l Rfstaurant. Tka bride wore a white satin gown w i t h an orange blosKom coronet. and carrted a bouquet of gar. d e m a s and iilies-of-the-valley. F a y e P i u n i of Baisley Park, majd of honor, wore gold taffeta, fashianed w i t h a beaded neehllne and a peplum bodice. Sh« had a gold-flowered tiara, and carried American beauty roses. Andrew DeGuardi waa h l i brothar'a best j man. T h * b n d e is the daughter of Mr. | and Mrs Anthony Boccuzzi of 36-40 : 96* h itraet. Mr. DeGuardt, son of Mr. a n d . Mrs. John DeGuardi of 96-04 31st j evenue. w*< d u r h a r g e d from the i / . m y as a serceant after two years ! over*eas service T h e y spent three weeks in L a k e | MKS. CHARLES R. FRKEMAN Plarid', and are livlng at 31-35 95th Mrs. Freeman, tha former Marstreet J-ieksnn H e i g h U . garet P. K a n e of 22-05 120th HERZOG—HAN LET street. College Point, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. H a n i t y of Freeman exehanged v o w s in St. 86-10 109th street. Richmond Hill, Fidelis Roman Catholic Church. announced t h e m a r n a g e of their daughter. Florence, to W i l l i a m Herzog, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R Herzog of 56-25 135th street. Flushing. T h e ceremony was performed by Deputy City C l e r k Frank B. Auburndale American Legion M^Glynn at Jamaica Court House. Post Auxiliary heard reports given The bride was attired in a blue at a monthly m e e t i n g held in Megabardine suit w i t h a peplum in „, •_«• i, . morial Hall. 198-()9 J3rd avenue. bark. S h e wore a pink flowered „, , . „ . ,, ... x, ._;_, corsage _ „Robert , . F| i u s h i n g . Mrs. B e r4t h a Franklin. hat and an orohid Haniey. the bride's brother. was a president, conducted the meeting. Chairmen reporting included Mrs. w . t n e s s . John H e r z o g was his b r o t h e r a best man. A reception Pauline Weg, Americanism, child Mrs. took plare at the Harmony House welfare and rehabilitatipn; Frances Murray, good cheer and F o l l o w i n g a wpddlng , t r i p t o past presidents parley; Mrs. Ann Greeley, Pa., the couple will make thł^lr h o m t with tha bridegroom's Wertz, history; Mrs. Besala Billings, publicity, and Mrs. Ltlllan parents. Hoppe, musie and poppies. Mrs. W e g reported t h e collection of cancelled stamps for Halloran Hospital, Staten Island. Mrs. Hoppe announced that she had communiT w o hundred and flfty persons rated with Public School 159 reattended the eighth annual Dad- Rarding a poster contest in w h i c h Daughrer dinner of Girł S c i u t the pupils may take part. T h e con Trorip 4-140 in the social hall of the test is being sponsored by the Lutheran Church of the Messiah. County Legion auxiliary. Plans were mada for a card Fiushing. party at 1:30 P. M. on April 10 In The pastor. Rev. Thaodora RessMemoriał Hall. Mrs. Dorothy ler, said grace. Troop c o m m i t t e e s Schmidt ls rbairman. of Troops 4-140. 4-384 and 4-306 A new seeretąry will be elected s*rved. at the next m e e t i n g of the auxilMrs. John Herbert Sipp. leader of T m o p 4-140. weleomed Mrs. Nor- iary on April 17 in Memoriał Hall, val A. Bacon, district comnus- instead of April 3 as scheduled, besjoner; Mrs. Hugh Evans, deputy c a u s e of H o l v W r e k . commisałoner. and Mrs. William Troy. Genevieve Rire, Elatne Har ris, Ruth Gooch, Jarqut>line Sipp, Mrs. Haig Mergerian and Mrs. Wal ter Burk«*. troop leaders and asslstCluh Charsel. recently organized a n t ł A * profleiency badge award fol- hy a « r o u P o f y°un* J e w i s h w o m e n lowed the dinner. First class ranks i f o r charitahl* work and łocial «c• n d curved bars w e r e presented b y i , i v i t ł " - . w l U o u „ t , i n e " P r o « r « m a t Mra Bacon. Mrs, Raymond C i * m ' f , i n « a t 8 3 0 P M - tomorrow C->«ch, North S h o r t Red Cross In the home of Mrs. M. L. Gould, nutrition chairman, gav« out aeout 140-10 Franklin avenue, Fiushing. Offieers of the club are Mrs. Shiriiutrition certifleates president; Mrs. S t e p h e n Wagner. William Moaaly, ley Greenberg, Jane Bart H a v e n s and William C r a y - ! Baumgarten, treasurer. and fourd were receiv*d as "uncles" of M r s - r ' n * Le h <> w »'z. secretary. the troops, ILL IN HOSPITAL T h a following seniors presented Mrs. George F. Huies of 40-24 a musical skit, Barbara and Emily Colrman^ Alta Bacon. Nikki Wen- 24th street, L o n g Island City, ls deroth and Martina Feist. Mrs convalescing in Port Chester after Willard Crouch, district program a heart attark. Her daughter, Mr». ehairman, w a s t h e eoaeh and ac- Robert Nerrie Jr., formerly of Massapequa, has arrived in Japan to companist. r»»join h*>r hushand, Captain Nerrla. I>Ł RAI ER TO KPEAR Dr. Louis H. Bauer, president of tha State Medicąl Sociaty, will addrass the Queens Medical Sooiely oi • -Rerenł Trends in Medira Care a* f» "łO P M. today at the s o r i e t y b u i l d i n g . _ 112-25 Queens • evard Forest Hills. Poster Contest Plans Drafted Dad-Daughter Dinner Held by Girl Scouts Club Charsel Plans Charity Program Utnr I.Y.IIIM MK8. LEO B KLEIN The bride is the former Susan Grey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D u n n of 39-58 47th street. Astdiia. w h o s e husband is also of Astoria. Mrs Sarah Harrison, d i s t # c t dep uty grand matron and Ojf^y F. Myers, district grand lecdarer, of the First District of Q u e e n i t Order of the Eastern Star, madę ł h e i r official visit to Advance C h i p t e r in Masonie Tempie. 21-14 30ili|avcnue. Astoria. Mrs. Ann Falk, | matron and Frank Falk, patron, w l c o m e d the yisitors and 300 m e m l f r s and friends. Mrs. Lily S c h r a m m a n i David McBride were soloists, accolripanied by Mrs. l^aura E b e r h a r d l a t the organ. Mrs. Amelia Fric*; floral matron and her staff. p e r B r m e d a springtime Ceremony and pgesenied gifts to the Kuests. A m o n g the g u e s t s were mes. Margaret Weinberger, grand r m r e s e n t ative to S a s k a t c h e w a n ; M i i . Jessie Hutchison. district d e p u t l grand matron of t h e Third DlArict of Brooklyn and John D o l s o ł , grand ma>shal; Mrs. Joseph i ne B. Pater, matron of Pleiades C h a p l ł r ; Mrs. Et hel P. Van Clief. m a t r o i of As toria Chapter; Mis. .lulijpte MeDougal and Samuel M Kirkman, rrmtron and patron of A n c A r Chap ot ter; Henry Helnlein, l > i | r ° n Island City Chapter; M r « Nelda Lankenau and S t e p h e n • . Joehl, matron and patron of J B a y s i d e Chapter; Mrs. Astrid K i i t e s and Albert Kibies, matron a n i patron of Mizpah'8 Star Chapt*r;' Mrs Marjorie Salage and D a v i i Sjilage. matron and patron of F o » s t Hills Chapter; Mrs. Sadie A l t e A i a n and Benjamin Reiser, matron l a n d pa tron of Bath Sheba Chapipr; Miss Rita Katz, and Albert KruaL matron and patron, Gęba Star I c h a p t e r ; Miss Allison Fowler andjl William Twomey. matron and patipn, Cygnus Chapter; and Miss p l i z a b e t h Martin, matron of MaspoHi Chap ter. Mrs. K a t h l e e n Fleureto|i, associata matron and her cjpmmittee served a buffet supper I n l t h e banquet hall. Mrs. F l e u r f t o n an nounced a jamboree card and g a m e s party will be held March §9 at 8:30 PM. in Masonie T e m f l e . An Easter ceremony will be p r e s e n t e d at the next m e e t i n g April 4. 60 Attend Reception For Mrs. A. A. Cobb MRS. JAMES P. FLAHERTY Mrs. Flaherty. t h e former Eleanor Mary Clymcr of Elmhurst, was married to Mr. Flaherty in St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church, Jackson H e i g h t s . Her home was at 41-21 Hampton street. ENCACED REDMOND—HAGIFS Mr. and Mrs. William Hagius of Astoria announce the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter, Irenę Florence, to Phillip Richard Redmond of Syracuse. Miss Hagius is a graduate of Canton H i g h School, Canton, and Cen tral Buainess Institute, Syracusa. T h e wedding will take płaca in Jtina. FIER-ALTSCHUI.ER Mrs. Bernard Altschuler of 76-15 35fh avenue, Jackson Heights, an nounce th*> e n g a g e m e n t of her daughter, Jpannotte Nadie, to Sey mour Fier of Manhattan. Miss Nadl»» is a graduate of New town High School, Elmhurst. Her flance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Fier of Manhattan, is a graduate of Stuyvesant High School, Man hattan, and City College. T h e coupla plan to be married June 7 at the Barbizon Plaża Hotel. Jewish Center Juniors Sets Spring Dance T h a Misses Barbara Kahn and Adrienne Beber, leaders of the Junior League of the F i u s h i n g Jewish Center, Broadway-Flushing, today announced plans for a spring dance to be held at 8:30~P.M. on. April 19 at the center, 171st street and Northern boulevard. T h e dance c o m m i t t e e includes the Misses Marilyn Numark, Lucille Hershfeld, Alvin Resnick and Maryin Gussoff. Mrs. Albert A. Cobb o f j F l u s h i n g and Peterboro. N. II.. A l r o d u c e d her daughter-in-law, M r s J A . A m e s Cobb, to 60 friends and Imembers of the family at a receptiojl and tea in her home. T h e bride is t h e former Audrey Jayne of Fiushing, w h o s e marriage to Mr. Cobb Jr. took pfare Feb. 22 In the Church of the Tfansflguration, Manhattan, soon aftjjhr he was discharged from service Iwith the Marinę Band s t a t i o n e d j at San Diego, Cal. • T h e y o u n g couple ls Maying at the Cobb home for the pralent. Also g r e e t i n g the g u e s t s was Mas. Fanny Trevaskis, a great-grand^piother of the bridegroom. who will celebrate her lOOth birthday next August. Mrs. Etta Davis of JGardiner, Mass., formerly of Fluslfing. was a guest. Mrs. John M d j e o n presided at the tea table. • f Golden Anniversary Markcd by Couple Society Page S i x i nu bakedfroma rccipc ccnturicsold 1 4 » I 8 41M Avt.. Fluthinq i im • fiditnr TUKSHAY. MARCH 2:>. 194' i lir i w Repi-esentatives of the F l u s h i n c , Malha. and Douglaston Ga Clubs and the Garden D e p a r t m e n t of the Bay*td* Wom«n's Club receiving praise from their fełlow club memhers for their prizp n i n c entries exhibited at t h e 31st annual International Flower Show — at Grand Central Palące. T h e top-ranking w i n n e r among the Long Island Garden groups was Mrs. William A. Stickles, president Mr. and Mrs. Maurlce B. Vort of of the Malha Garden Club and rep- 19 S t r a t h m o r ę road, Great Nerk. resenting both the F i u s h i n g and announced the marriage of their Sipp announced that tha r e M daughter, Miss L \ n n Vort, to Pa u Ma I ba Clubs. iUding fund campa:gn haJi rent, son of Mrs.' Isadort Mrs. S t i c k l e s had an entry in T. (ireent ver t h e top. €amper«h:|ja icoiie over each of the six days of the show. Greene of Broi>kl.\n and the i were awarded > Jean Flostroy ...of She also exhibit*d a Victorian com- Mr. Greene. $10; Be%fer!y | Ti'*»op 4-l(t, B .u The ceremony took place Sunday position by i i u i t a l i o n . T h e MHII>H i * •'""• P el, Troop 4-1H4, North Fiu»hiifcg» woman r e c e u e d a~tutal of 17 points m the Hotel Billmote, Manhattan. $15, and A i i*>en F"t*h of Mar mer "for her eniries. Iwo blue ribbons, a Rabbi J Rudin, spiiitual leader of h h t { ' i 4-210. North Fhtthinig, $1.5. t$H setund and I h n d prizo and t w o hon- Tempie Bet b KI. Great N« ł k, ofllei- " MBS. ' TIMOTHY C. %VCO"NNOK anm luncement. alito 'Ctted irawa ated. orabla mentions. Mr." and Mrs. (TConnor of Fast JKna [>pe of Troop a-lO, South. F1uah» The bride wore an antł<|ue satin Elmhurst hnve'retui"iied from i w o ! lnu. F n d a y s display a t t h e exhibit who re*nlved honorable matt* was deyoted to Scandinavia and the gown with alen<"on lace and a veil w e e k s In Canada and are I iv m g tiOT! of the same materiał. Miss Joan af his home, 24-31 Gilmore łtreel Low Countries. announcementt were a (M her Saturday was devoted to Russia Vort, cousin of the bride. was maid' S h e ls t h e former Edna M, Carr i nem :» i nood c o m m i t t e e traimnf and Mrs. J a m e s A. Coyle. lecturer of honor. se_Apni 24 at 10 A. M. at tha of 'M-14 ICttth street. Corona. Milton J. Greene w a s best man on a i r a n g e m e n t s , represented the Hril "a>-s.iii -ii.on plan" aieet* Douglaston Gaixlen Club with her for his brother. Ijiwrenee Zai iriten lat i v e | j aet for April 22 at exbibit in the invitation class of a sky, Fred A. Baibanel. Herbert 107; openłng of annual cookt* composition s u g g e s t e d b> the Rus- Fine, Gertild Dvotkln, J e r o m e Vort, Ą.prłl 1; district B r o w n i e leadi• 'TT' 11 sian Ballet. T h e litle of the I>OUK- Stewart Vort, Alan Vort, and L» >nmieeting t h u w d a i at M A. M\ ard Frischer were ushei s. laston woman's composition was te \:!.*•!. Bhore Red Croaa heade After the Fawn." T h e bride is a g i a d u a t e of Bret IX>M 3Sttl aren .je. ter Also r e p r e s e m i n g the Douglaston nau College, G a i n e s \ i l l e , Ga. Mr. The -North i h O t t ttllitl of the ••nior le»der T i mie«e!ti»g Club, Mis. Charles J. Post of Bay- Greene was graduated from St. \\"om<'n's I.<'a^,n> for Palesttne d April 1 at i F M . be side reoeived second prize for her John's I*niversity and St. Lawrence heard Mrs. David L, laaacu, dele i leader*ii w e e k e n d eaj»pi»|t: Holland a r r a n g e m e n t of tulips. gat.' to the Woi id Zionist Gongreai Law School, Manhattan. tu Caiwp Andre, June 7 ' a n d S. Mrs. Asa W. Jennings, Douglaston cnifir leader'* training counta After a w e d d i n g trip South, the who ls In Manliattan on a nflieali ng Garden Club president, exhibited an e o i t t l * will live in Forest Hills. tour for thr* leapue. speak at I o p e r April 8 at 7:30 P. MU t h a arrangement featuring calla lilies m e e t i n g at the F i u s h i n g l e w i n h »iat. • to be announced la ter. A ecn> and w h i t e bulbous flowers arranged N F R S E A N D P H Y S I C I A N Center, 171st street aod Northern or onference will be held April I. in a dark green glasa eon tai ner. boulevard, Fiushing. S h e spnke on MAKE WEDDING P L A N S Awarried an honorable m e n t i o n "The Communtty of Palestine." Miss D o r o t h y E v e l y n • Witt, for her D u t c h a r r a n g e m e n t on Fri- nurte, of 90-09 ^08th street, B< JVTrs. Bertha Cherney, p i e s l d e n t r% day, Mrs. S t i c k l e s featured red tu- lalre. and Dr. E r n e s t Gerard S t a c h a i ot F Umf,w a conducted h et h e mNorth e e t i n g Shore which s opened lips. 'blue tria, a n e m o n a a n d blue of 29-07 35th a w n u e , Astoria, oh- w i t h t h e s i n g i n g of the "Star S p a n grapa hyacinth i n a metloch con- talned a license to wed at the City Igled Banner" and "Tlatikvah.** the .Morę than 50 members af tha tainer. On Saturday t h e Maiba Clerk's OfRce. Manhattan. J e w i s h national song. Mrs. Ann E y e n i n g Branch of t h e Guild ot AH woman receiyed a third prize for Epiiacopal Church. :2l4th. Mi*« Witt, a native of Ridgpwood. iMollin w a s accompanist. Mrs, Irenę Saint* her Russian a r r a n g e m e n t in a brass is t h e d a u s h i e r of Frank Edward fTerry aang t w o selectlons. place and 40th avenue, Ba>"sida. eon ta i ner. Mrs.. Rosę Danrhig gave a report heard a, talk on India hy the H r t , and Helen Dolan Witt. Dr. Stacha Mrs. Theodore Zahneiser receiyed was born in Elmhuritt, and is the ' on donallons received from v«i'ious B n n k l e y S. Snów den. "Motion pmhonorable mention for her Holland son of Ernest C. and Joseph!ne Ca- • members and Mrs. Anna Jacobi re- tures of t h e work of t h e church J n arrangement on Friday. Jt»ofted on an earlier meeting. India were shown, pice Stache. Mrs. William Joy of Hollis and Mrs. C h e r n e y welromed a group Utaa Gladya Ware 'conducted f|«* member of the Fiushing Garden of n e w members, 21 of w h o m folned. meeting. Mrs. E d w i n P . F a l ł e t , EIJLKN S O N I U N HHllłi: Club served as a judge Saturday. "from the Ladiea Gul Id of the^ Fiush program ehairman, announced m OF JAMKS PATTEUHON Members of the Malba Club w h o repreaentative from 'the Fedwrai Ellen Ruth Sonkin, a former rot- ing J e w i s h Center. served as h o s i e s s e s were Mrs. Wil It wa$ announced that the Wom Bureau of I n y e a t l f a t i o n will he H*a porał in t h e W o m e n ' s Marlnea, liam Barbe and Mrs. Ralph Fisber. daughter ot Esther Sonkin of 41-08 en'! League will hołd its spring speaker at t h e April W meeting... ..A M n . Isaac S m i t h , Mrs. Martin Poli 42nd street, Long Island City, be luncheon on .April M at the Hotel i śpeciał invitation is eztended ta t h a mer and Mrs Hichard Brown aerved came t h e bride of J a m e s A. Patłcr* Aator. Manhattan. Mra. Ann Tel-j men of the pa.tiah t o attend, as hostesses from the Fiushing 'Gar* son, t o n af Mr. and Mrs. Chamlea c h e r a n d Mra. Elsie Goodwin are den Club. Patternott of S a l t Lakę City. Utah, co-chaiT-men. W i l l 11 Mrs. Bertha Rudnick, ehairman at a ci"Vll c e r e m o n y in Brooklyn. T h e bride wore a N a v y blue dress of t h e "blue boxes" w h i c h should with w h i t e polka dots and a w h i t e be placed In e v e r y m e m b e r s h o m e Mora t h a n 1,000 persons attended straw hat trimmed with N a v y and for pen nieś. nickels and dimes. colt h e annual m i n s t r e l s h o w and , w h i t e accessories, Beatrice C. Cos- lected the boxes at t h e m e e t i n g . dance held by C a m p l i , Patriotlc entino and B e a t r i c e S o n k i n , . sistetr Order of Americans, łn 'Lost BatBIRTHDAY fARTY ot the bride, w e r e the attendants. t al i on Hall, Queena boulevard, Elm Margaret Kalusa celebra ted her A.. .reception for 40 g u e s t s w a s hurst, held at t h e Hotel Si. George, Brook tnth birthday at a party giyen by Mrs. Caroline Burkę, president, lyn. T h e brtde 1* a graduate of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew greeted t h e guesta. T h e ahow w a s Pratt • I n s t i t u t e and • Traphagen Kaluia of ,15-22 14*>t.h street, Fiush auperyiaed by Mra. Blanc ha Decker School. H e r tliltband ls in the ing. Games w e r e played and prlgea w i t h Mrs. Kata Zuhoski, generał Mavy. awarded. e h a i r m a n . . T h a tnterlocutor waa mummmmmmmmmm i Mra. Matilda Llaeke and t h e e n d men w e r e Mrs. Anna Sklenka, Mra. Gertrudę Aełllo, Mrs. Evelyn Slack and Mrs. Julia B a h i n . T h e Wom*lt'l Soriety of the First Sołoa w e r e s u n g by Mr*. Ret ty Woerner, Mrs. Florence Hammel, ] Congregational Church, Fiushing, Mrs. Elizabeth D a m m , M:rs. Frances I will hołd a missionary m e e t i n g Brennan, Mrs. Charlotte Wlssman, Thurada.v'at 1:1$ P.M. in the chapel. Mrs. Kate Zuhoski. Mrs. Margaret .18-20 B o w n e street. Three study groups, with "India" Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Degnan. Mra, Liaske, Mrs. Marie S o m s k y , as their topie, will he led by Mrs. A, Hayner, Mrs. Gi^n Mrs. Elizabeth Schroeder, Mrs. Bur ton Decker,. Mrt, Sklenka, Mra. Aeiłlo, j Wright and Mary E. Janas. Mrs. Mra. Julia Bałvin, Mra. Slack a n d Jdaeph C. C o x la tea ehairman. Mra, Edith Stack. D a n c e numbera A t e w l n g aeision for the North w e r e given by Barbara T a m m , j Shore Red Croaa Chapter will. he Blanche Ś l i w k a and Patricla Q u l n n . j held from 10 A.M. t o l P.M. Lynn Vort Wed To P. T. Greene ionist Delegate Delivers 1 alk Church Guild Hears Lecture on India Mmstrel Show, Dance Held in Elmhurst Church Gromp fu Men u is for Rillor TisforRitt«r's rkiililo Fuli of ?\avot forTaddlers HEINZ PINEAPPLE RICE PUDD.IN& 2* MA&C COfiimtłMCt a HO P0T-AW 6R0UMDS »ed ViSCCrVER AMAZING GfOEASe-DiSSOMNG CL£AN£R WOMEN TELL US (MN of b a W l i m ę cninimues piełuras łavoriła ora that & aood. * \ 1££* Uka tha i rx liahtłw* T a « t « ł « h ^* . A ^ i . *••«• V t g * m •dł•« , , , •• B , l nd ftlTTClt tStCOHOMCALJOOi MAWCUPSASmOM APOUMV 0* 6RDUH0 Look at theae savings taken from our actual aurvey! I n cleaning a bathtub. B a b O saved, on the average, 1 m i n u t e s ; on a frying pan, 2 minutes; clean ing a atove top, 5 minutes. old fading w4ll b« an heirloom. don't miss this offor! ^ \:^*m?^*' away, or you'd lika a Miniaturo r • o b ł a PorT«o««» i your ^ puadinB loddU'* Miniatures If rt»rCP-ORAI0Me/ BACK' riiiu SUTE WANT MÓRG HM 6 r— TO SHOP? and . MOST OtUOOUS y tuąmw «yww».. *% " .,„.4 Con- iwlł 05 witKout chorg*. tmn Sardou Sttiiłm. 2irt Ftew SIWI Early Morning Seri/ic* for RuMtnri, Prnpl, Olhrr »#r»lfr« ,u. h , . THBtlTEE «"H FlrrtwnrK tlm araiUblt. mi • •« Work KIM [i iiliiiiiliii B y IMorth Shore Hub memlwrs Restoration •First • !b< Itss nrh »(1rtii,ion«i Ib ISc .«*h i-- tr cuch <»xrr», plu» lt% on th* totml In •rrorrt •nce with former O.P A. r*gulationj. i 1 sptciM r*ia OH Ihomas' inni I iiiiiliiiliiiiiniiiinni Mrv John Herbert. Sipp was rw1 ifi t»-d [*t*>-mrl*"• ot of • tha illouth. FlushrriR t • : I Scout Leaders Aaao-" jc;ation iit a m e e t i n g In tha N o r t h [Short Red Croaa headąuartera, Servihg with her ls Mr*..'Walter" Burkę, wet i'nary, ',, Klghty membera of the aaiocsae [tton and nei| lorhood commiftea I'" S h o r e Red Croaa thr N •e packaca program Fufi<! 1 D* Imai A- Neutaman, radio arwhich foilowed t h e busineai . sessio»n. T h i program also featured Mra V B u i k e of Baysida w h o Ulwą* Irated s»-veial ftrUclM madę trafu hoine nut!<>i iii.)s in the home nucą* Ihg ełggawa. and Ralph. E. Goda, <•» ireetor of iha chapter"* aafety aaair* 11 ces, wii.i gave .a s e n e s of demon* 1 r lower bliow rrizes Are w on DCCITING OFFER! ONLY IN MARCH! O F F E R S to the discriminating ihousewife, a D E L U X E complete!ly flnished laundry service ;Wearing apparel atarched w h e n jnecessary and flnished by hand. Turkish towels fluffed, shirts hand starched and flnished to iimeet the approval of tha most critical. M o r t than 20 years exiperience in the laundry busiiness gives u i the right to «ay i WE KNOW HOW." J E S S I E F L O R E N C E SCHULZE, Soriety Congrcgational Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ł r h e p s of 35-63 88th street. Jacksnni Heights, w e r e - i h e g u e s t s of honor at a din ner given by their six c n l d r e n at the Astoria Mansion. Manliattan, in celebration of their g o l i e n wed ding anniversary. They are the p a r e n t | | of Mrs. Matilda SteinberR and M«x S c h e p s of the Bronx, Meyer arin George S c h e p s of Brooklyn, IPr. Sam Scheps and Mrs. H. O. S«|imirer of Jackson H e i g h t s . T h e y I are the grandparents of Joseph p t e i n b e r g , Louis and Barbara Schepę, Herbert Charles Schmirer and l a u r ą and Robert Scheps. Mr. and Mrs. S c h e p s Irere mar ried in Russia in 1897 and came to I his country in 1902. 'Bie dinner was attended by 100 r e | i t i v e s and friends. 1 Girl Scout Leaders Rename Mrs. Sipp As President Jamaica Av«. at I62nd St. Jamaica - H I R I S WHY 8 A l - # CAN SAVI YOU TIMIt 90% d your daily aeouring is caused b y grease. B a b O waa created apectncaJly t o disaogW greaae. W i t h grease diaaolved, dirt wipea off eaaily, t h o r o u g h l y . Y o u ' r * through faatt S o aave time. S.r work. Uae B a b - O clean your pots and pana, porcelain and enamelware. G c t greaae-dis aolving B a b - O to day. See ifitdoean' aa ve y o u • • muc h aa h hour a d a y . Look/br Comp/sfB Ł//76 HEINZ BABy FOODS row monr* Th* t%xam0- ""j^ mm Y o * CA "- FL 3-2030 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com l V » "
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