SKI FUN! ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH 1 CONTENTS The disabled 4 Flatland activities 5 Activities on hills 11 2 welcome to play and fun! This brochure is for anyone intending to organize skiing activities for children and youth. This could be used in childcare centres, schools, sport clubs or ski clubs. We hope this brochure will be a source of inspiration and assist you while organizing ski play, training and competitions. The games and exercises are fun, exciting and at the same time challenging. They demonstrate how versatile skiing activities can be, and how to effectively utilize ski equipment. Basic skills are built through fun and exciting play. The games and exercises in this brochure can be done in either a ski play field or in an alpine ski field with a variation of natural elements. It is important that the size of the area matches the number of skiers. Everybody should be active at all times, to eliminate waiting time. Avoid long ques. Have less skiers on the course. Run other activities on the side for the ones who are not using course. Make use of the natural features in the terrain. The level of difficulty must be adjusted to match the skier’s age and skills. The games and exercises do not require much equipment, and they can be mixed and matched. You can pick some here and some there to make your own variations. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Encourage the children to come up with their own variations too! More detailed descriptions and instructions can be found on The children will learn to master skiing through fun and excitement. Enjoy and good luck! Ski regards from Norges Skiforbund 3 THE DISABLED The Norwegian Ski Federation is responsible for making skiing activities available for the disabled. It should be possible for everyone to participate in skiing activities, whether upright or sitting. It is important to focus on the many possibilities, not on the more obvious limitations. PHYSICALLY DISABLED This group includes many different levels and types of disabilities such as amputees, celebral palsy and spinal injuries. This group is separated into standing and sitting. The standing use skis and poles according to special needs. The sitting use cross-country sit-skis and in general need more facilitation. The children must be given the possibilities to explore what they are able to do. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all! If something seems to be unmanageable, just try a more simple solution. There is no such thing as right or wrong. Everything depends on each individuals skills and the ability to dare to challenge ourselves while skiing. As with most other activities there will always be someone more daring than the rest! Most of the activities described in this brochure can easily be modified to suit children with different types of disabilities. VISUALLY IMPAIRED This group includes blind and partially sighted. A good companion/guide will always be valuable, even though many partially sighted will manage fine without one. During activities that involve using a ball, it is important that the ball has a colour that provides a good contrast to the surroundings. A white ball in the snow does not work that well! A ball with sound is a good alternative. HEARING IMPAIRED This group includes persons that are deaf or hard of hearing. This group usually has no other physical disabilities, and can therefore attend the activities without any extra preparations. The challenge here is communication. Make sure you are facing the person you are talking to, it makes lip reading possible. Speak clearly! INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED The least homogenous group, with a very broad range of skill levels. Some will be able to take part in the activities as they are described, at the same level as non-disabled skiers. Others will need one-on-one assistance. Remember simple and clear communication! Make sure not too many things are going on at the same time. Repeat the exercises many times, and don’t hesitate to do the same exercises over again the next training session. With a steady progression in challenges and activities this group can master a lot. It is all about being given the opportunity to try! 4 You should try to avoid steep hills with sharp corners. But with a companion to help support the sit-ski they can still get to experience high speed descents! FLATLAND ACTIVITIES THE BALLOON POPPER Everybody attaches a balloon to their ankles/lower legs. Everybody is against everybody. Now try to pop your rivals balloons while protecting your own. The last one left with an un-popped balloon is the winner. Remember to bring along enough balloons! AROUND THE POLES Everyone leaves their poles upright within a restricted area. The aim is to try to make your way through without touching the poles. This activity can be combined with any of the variations of IT. SNATCHING THE TAIL Use whatever is available to make tails; marker ribbon, vests, scarves etc. Attach the tails at the back by tucking it inside the hem of the pants. Everybody makes their way between the poles within the restricted area, while trying to snatch as many tails as possible within a set time. The acquired tails must be attached with the other one straight away. A variation of this game can be attaching pegs down the side of the pants instead of the tails. FOX AND RABBIT Mark a starting line and a finish line, about 15-20 meters apart. Everyone has their own tracks. Two people are chosen to be foxes. The foxes start 8-10 meters behind the rest. The ones who get overtaken by the foxes before they manage to cross the finish line become rabbits. IT Create a restricted area. The participants should leave their poles behind while playing IT. One or two are IT. The ones getting caught can be freed when given a hug from another, getting touched on the shoulder, having another crawl through their legs etc. Vary the rule during the game. Count how many are currently caught at two minutes. The next ones who are IT can try to beat the record. HOSPITAL IT The ones who get caught become unable to move and need to be pushed along by a fellow to a restricted area - the “hospital”. If they make it there, they are free and can join the game again. SOCCER AND BANDY All activities involving the use of a ball should happen without the use of poles, and with only a few people on each team. During the soccer only one ski can be attached, as one foot is needed to kick the ball. Bandy can be played on two skis. Use indoor hockey sticks. HORSE AND CARRIAGE Divide the group into pairs. One person pulls the other one along with the use of the poles or a rope. Make different courses that they must navigate through. This activity can also be done as a relay race. STIFF WITCH Create a restricted area. Divide the group into pairs, the pairs hold hands. One of the pairs is the witch and have to try to catch the other pairs. The ones who get caught have to stand still facing each other and with their arms, create an arch between them. They become freed when another pair passes under the arch. TROLL AND ROCK The trolls are IT. Those who get caught turn into “rocks” and have to squat down. They are freed when another, with one ski on each side of the “rock”, passes over. 5 BASKETBALL Two teams, two hula hoops and one ball. Create a court with two halves. One player from each team stands on the opposite teams half, about where the basket would THE NUT COLLECTOR Create two, equally sized, restricted areas. Then divide the group into two teams who get an area each. The teams line up behind a starting line on their area. Within the two areas there should be “nuts” spread out, or in a pile. Use whatever is available; pegs, mittens, balls, bags of beans, sticks etc. Now it is a matter for each team to collect all their “nuts”, and put them behind their own starting line. The team members are only alowed to bring one “nut” at a time, then go back for another one. Variation: As above, but they are also allowed to steal the other teams “nuts”. have been on a proper basketball court, holding the hula hoop. The hula hoop should be held horizontal at head height. The teams score goals by getting the ball through their team mates ring. VOLLEYBALL If you have access to an existing beach volleyball- or other volleyball court this can be used. Otherwise use a stretched out rope, either between two trees or just laying on the ground as a net. Use beach volleyball rules. There should only be a few players on each team. DANISH CANNONBALL Create a restricted area. Everyone against everyone, no poles. One to three balls in play at the one time. The aim is to get hold of a ball, then try to throw it at someone. It is not allowed to move around while in possession of a ball. Those who get hit by a ball have to wait outside the restricted area. When the one who hit you gets hit, you are free to join the game again. Variation: Two courts are used simultaneously. The ones getting hit just move over to the other court and continue playing there. This way everyone is in constant activity. BLINDFOLDED Divide the group into pairs. One person is blindfolded, the other one is the companion. Move around and explore the terrain, in the tracks or outside. Try out different techniques. The companion should only communicate via short messages and sounds to indicate where the blindfolded should go. In the beginning they can hold hands, but eventually the blindfolded should move around by himself only guided by the sounds and messages from his companion. 6 BONGO, CHIP’N DALE Divide the group into pairs of Chips and Dales. Mark a line in the snow in the middle of a large, flat area. Also mark two free lines on each side, parallel to the one in the middle. It is important to have lots of space to move around in. The children line up along the line in the middle, the Chips on one side, the Dales on the other side. The pairs should stand, sit or lay down next to each other, but make sure there is enough space to turn around. The person in charge stands at one end of the line and calls out Chip, Dale or Bongo. If Chip is called, all the Chips have to try to make it to their free line before the Dales catch them. Opposite if Dale is called. Points go to the ones who make it to their free line in time. If Bongo is called, everyone must stay still. WINDING THE ROPE Tie a long rope to a tree or pole. One or two children hold the end of the rope. Keeping the rope tight, they walk around the tree/pole until they can touch it. Then back out again. It is important to have lots of space as they will end up moving fast! Use two ropes and trees/poles, and two teams can compete. RED LIGHT Create a restricted area, about 20-30 meters long, with a starting line in one end and a finish line in the other end. One participant (the red light) stands at the finish line, facing away from the rest of the participants who are lined up along the starting line. The red light calls out; one, two, three, red light and then turns around. The aim is to reach the finish line without being seen moving by the red light. If the red light sees you move, you have to go back to the starting line. This can be done with, or without poles, on one ski, backwards etc. FRISBEE-GOLF This game is based on the principles of golf. Make a lap course and hang hula hoops from the trees. Everyone carries their own frisbee as a golfball, throwing it in front of them as they are aiming for the next hula hoop (golf hole). The frisbee needs to be “put” through the hula hoop, before they can go for the next one. The aim is to use as few throws as possible to complete the course. HIT THE TARGET! Activities based on the principles of biathlon are fun and exciting. Poles, spears, snow balls, balls, bean bags, frisbee, plastic bottles, sticks etc. can replace bullets and a rifle, use your imagination! Buckets, lids, balloons, hula hoops and drawn circles in the snow are some of the things that can be used as targets. An attached string can be used to make it possible to retrieve the “bullet” if the target range is unattended. SINGING GAMES The children are singing while they move around. Singing games are social activities and can be a great way to acquire basic skiing skills. Singing games are also great as warm up activities. 7 LAP COURSE Create a lap course with various tasks and activities along the way: • slalom between cones, 10-12 turns • hula hoops to work the hips, 3x20 spins • figure eight track, two laps • poling, 20-50 meters • hit a bucket with a ball • biathlon, snowball through hula hoop • gliding on one ski • skiing backwards • move under a portal/pole The lap course can be done in a number of ways: • timed; try to beat your record on the next lap • as many laps as possible within a set time • set time race • in pairs, one copies the other one • chase race • in pairs, one blindfolded the other as a companion If the tracks are in good condition skiing side by side is possible. Set tasks along the way: • ski without using your poles • ski backwards for a while • keep skiing while closing your eyes • how far are you able to glide after five kicks? • try to glide as much as possible • only use your poles keeping your legs parallel and stiff • put a tennis ball in each track, how far and how fast are you able to push it in front of you only using the tips of your skis? 8 OCTOPUS TRACK Create a track consisting of three to four loops. The loops (octopus arms) can go around a building, up a hill, around a tree etc. Either the whole course or each of the loops can be used as stages in a relay. Create stops with fun activities along the way. Tips on different activities can be found throughout this brochure! RELAYS IN PAIRS FIGURE EIGHT COURSE The figure eight is a well suited shape for a course filled with social and entertaining activities. Make sure to make the figure eight big enough- more room makes it easier to go faster. Vary the activities. One or many in the course at the same time, a chase race with two or more contestants. Ski with or without poles, what about backwards? It will work best with two courses if you want to do a relay. Divide the group into pairs. Create a restricted area with a starting line and a turning point. The pairs should make it to the turning point and back to the starting line as fast as possible. They should be given different tasks for each lap, and solve the challenges that may appear along the way: • four skis, no poles • two skis, no poles • four skis, two poles • three skis, three poles • three skis, no poles • legs tied together with a scarf, ski forward, backward or sideways • one sitting down while the other one pushes from behind while skate-skiing • one blindfolded with a scarf, the other one pushing from behind • one skis backward, the other one forward • both ski backwards while holding hands FLATLAND SLALOM A lap course tends to work best, about 50-100 meters from start to finish. The course should be fairly flat so it is possible to skate-ski fast through the gates. Place the gates about 6-8 meters apart. Create a course that consists of about 6-8 turns. The gates can be marked using poles or sticks etc. You can set individual races, race in pairs or relay races. With or without poles. 9 RELAY WITH VARIATIONS Create a restricted area and make a 60-70 meter loop. Split the group in many teams with only a few children on each team. Give different tasks for each stage. All the team members should do all of the tasks once. Alternative stage tasks: • with/without poles • single-/double-poling • with one ski and one pole • as above, but with opposite leg and arm • With one ski and two poles • as above, but with opposite leg HIT THE BUCKET RELAY Mark a starting line and a finish line, about 50-100 meters apart. Two or three on each team. Two buckets per team, one placed about halfway and the other one at the finish line. Fill the “halfway bucket” with various objects like tennis balls, snow balls, bean bags etc. The contestants skate ski to the “halfway bucket” and pick an object, skate to the next bucket which they put the object into before they skate ski back to the starting line where the next contestant is ready. When all the 10 objects have been moved to the second bucket they should be moved back to the “halfway bucket” following the same procedure. The team with a full “halfway bucket” wins the relay. BEST FRIEND RELAY Children are grouped into pairs. One takes off the left ski, the other one the right ski. Tie the two legs with skis on together with a rope or a scarf, then use the foot without skis to push forward. Let them practise before starting the relay. Set TASKS! This activity is more fun if there are lots of pairs skiing at the same time. The more, the better! A large open space is preferred. The coordinator should give different tasks along the way: Ski backward! Ski without poles! Close your eyes! Push five times and then slide along as far as possible! Move along only by using your poles! ACTIVITIES on HILLS BALANCE ACTIVITIES Balance activities are exciting and the children can stay active and focused for a long time doing them. Let them decide how far they want to challenge their skiing balance abilities. Let the children use their imagination! These activities should be performed without poles. CHALLENGING TASKS Piruettes Flat skis. Ski back to front, and then rotate back. Do one piruette at a time, and then try continuous piruettes. Ski back to front In plough position, straight down with parallel skis and plough turns. Try two skiers next to each other. Shaken Ski straight down the hill while shaking the arms, shake the head and then shake both arms and head. What is happening then? One ski at a time Try left and right. Slide along as far as possible. Try to turn. Shake the arms and the ski that is up in the air. Ski in pairs, hold hands. Ski over bumps and small kickers. ASSOCIATION GAMES Ski down the hill, and move like: a tiger; aggressive a bird; light an aeroplane; shifting weight from side to side a motorbike; lean in while turning a bear; low centre of gravity a ballet dancer; high centre of gravity a figure skater; challenge balance a kangaroo; forward/backward balance Pick up Pick up different objects that are spread out on the ground along the way while skiing down the hill. It makes it more difficult if the objects are around bumps and small kickers. Shut one eye Ski down the hill while shaking the arms and the head. Try the same on one ski. 11 With a ball In pairs. Throw a ball (or a mitt) to each other while skiing down the hill. Try on only one ski. Put up gates, ski under them while throwing the ball. SKIING FACILITIES Well organised facilities require less coordination and preparation as it makes it easy for the children to engage themselves in activities. Even a simple terrain can be turned into something exciting and challenging. There are lots of different things that can be added to a small hill, a mountain side or a slope to create fun. activities. Bumps and ditches - wave section Can be made with wide, narrow, tall, low, steep or gentle sloping bumps. It is important to have enough space between the bumps to create an even transition between them. A wave section will help the children to develop basic skiing skills. The bumps will encourage them Soccer On a gentle sloping hill. Everyone wears only one ski and uses the other foot to kick the ball with. Ten passes game On a gentle sloping hill. Four or five on each team. Several teams, two teams per ball. Five passes equals 1 point, without interception. Otherwise normal rules. Variation; while blindfolded One closes their eyes, the other is the companion. The companion gives instructions on where to go. Try on one ski. The dog on the slope. Hold on to the tips of the skis while the knees are resting on the skis. Ski down the hill in this position. Race each other! Horse rider The horse holds on to the tips of the skis while the knees are resting on the skis. The rider stands over the horse with one ski on each side. Go! Holding hands Big turns and short turns. Increase the speed. Do balance activities together. Set challenging tasks. Ski over bumps, ditches and small kickers. Start with only a few skiers holding hands and then increase the number. It is important to get into a simultaneous rhythm! 12 to bend their knees. • bend the knees on the bump, straighten knees in the ditch • ski with straight knees over the bump, what happens? • increase the speed • ski in pairs • one ski only • in pairs on one ski • turn while skiing over the bumps • do telemark turns while skiing over the bumps • do jumps while skiing over the bumps • try to jump from one bump to the next • sit in downhill position • ski backward • ski blindfolded • ski several people at the same time • put up gates on the bumps • create a simple slalom course in the wave section • give the children other challenging tasks Moguls Skiing moguls is never easy, but always fun and challenging! To make sure the children stay motivated it is important to start off with easy tasks, and increase the difficulty along the way. Start halfway up the hill if it is too steep. Do short stages. Stop, calm down, continue. HALFPIPE AND JIBBING Jibbing is a common term used for ski activities performed on twintip skis. Ski facilities/parks can consist of halfpipes, quarterpipes, rails and funboxes. The most common tricks are: Grabs Safety grab: Pull your knees up, then grab under a boot with one hand. Right hand under right boot and on the opposite. Mute grab: Pull your knees up, cross your skis, then grab your ski right in front of your left binding with your right hand, and the opposite. Tail grab: Pull your knees up, cross your skis, then grab the tail of your right ski with your right hand, and the opposite. Easy progression. • ride diagonally, get comfortable with the moguls • try with a bit more speed • find out how to dampen the moguls • how fast can you go across a mogul without taking off? • start at the edge of the course, try to turn • find a track to follow More difficult activities • ski without poles • ski in pairs, try to hold hands • ski while double poling, then single poling • one ski • ski while closing one eye, then blindfolded • make one or more kickers on the moguls • make a slalom course • do telemark turns • race; fastest one down wins! Japan air: Straighten one leg while pulling up your other knee. Then grab the tail of your ski. Right ski with right hand and the opposite. Spins 180: one half rotation, landing backward 360: one full rotation, landing the right way 540: one and a half rotation, landing backward 720: two full rotations, landing the right way Flips Backflip: Traditional backward flip Frontflip: Traditional forward flip Flair: Traditional back flip with one half spin. Landing backward Mistyflip: Partially inverted 540-degree front flip, performed off a straight jump Rodeoflip: Partially inverted 540-degree backflip, performed off a straight jump Contoured course Build a course with contoured turns. Use snow to build the contours. The higher they are the more fun it is to ski them. 13 Cross Country Cross This is an exciting and inspiring way for children and youth to compete. The course is filled with technical challenges. Cross country cross is fun! It motivates and inspires the children, and creates a basis for further development of technical skills and ski enjoyment. The competition is held in a lap course, created in varied terrain, consisting of a broad range of challenges. Cross country cross is well suited to short racing, long distance racing, relays, pair relays etc. A good Cross country cross course should offer lots of fun and challenging tasks! Let the existing terrain create natural variations! Suggestions for course elements include: “Pump organ”, bumps and ditches, wave sections, large waves. Contoured and sharp turns, obstacles and flat sections. Steep hills and gates which have to be passed through backward; slalom through the gates. Kickers; single ones and in a series. Bobsleigh turns. Throwing balls. Additional turns. Use you imagination! Cross country cross should be fun. There is no right or wrong when creating a Cross country cross course. 14 Kombi-cross This is Cross country cross combined with ski jumping. The cross country part and the ski jumping part can be done on the same pair of skis Ski-cross This is a cross between several kinds of skiing. A skicross course is made in an alpine ski facility, with added turns, bumps and ditches. Everybody starts at the same time, first one to cross the finish line wins! Ski-play A ski-play facility consists of different elements within a restricted area where the children can play freely. It is important to make use of the existing terrain. TO SET A COURSE The aim is to set a course that helps develop skiing skills and motivate children. The course should also give the children the feeling of mastering. It is possible to set a challenging and variable course by using easily accessible objects like poles, sticks/branches etc to mark it out with Remember to - adjust the course to match the children’s equipment, skills and age - let the course follow the terrain - not pick an area that is too steep - put the gate further down the hill than you first had planned - make sure the course is “open” and not too traversing - let the children try the course and then make adjustments Activities in the course • free activity • time it, race against yourself or others • count the number of laps you can do within a given time • complete the course in pairs, holding hands • complete the course on one ski • complete the course skiing backward • give the children other challenging tasks along the way FOREST AND TERRAIN COURSES Let the children choose where the course should go or make a set course for them to follow. BALANCE/OBSTACLE COURSE Set courses that really challenge4 the children’s balance. Use your imagination. Make sure the course involves speed and excitement, and can give everyone the feeling of mastering! If the terrain does not provide natural variations and challenges is it easy to make your own. - Moguls and uneven surfaces - Kickers of all sizes - Changes in the surface texture - Gates - Sections with long turns to slow the speed - Skate skiing and poling sections - Objects to jump over - Objects to reach for - Sections using only one ski - Objects to pick up - Target to hit with a snowball while skiing past PARALLEL-SLALOM - Set two identical courses. Two and two racing each other. Let the slowest one get a head start if necessary. Race on one or two skis. - The winners race each other. - Race two pairs, one pair in each course holding hands. - Race as above but include the ascent back to the top of the course. Use telemark or cross country skis only. 15 BOWL OF CORDIAL-RACE Set a course with a start and finish line. The course should include a few challenging elements like turns, moguls, small kickers etc. If there is enough space, two or more skiers can race at the same time. Each skier is given a bowl filled with cordial before they start the race. The aim is to reach the finish line with as much cordial as possible left in the bowl. A cup etc can be used instead of a bowl. A plate with a snowball on it or a spoon with an egg are other alternatives. CHINESE DOWNHILL Lots of skiers racing at the same time! Mark up a course with a start and finish line. Everybody starts at the same time, and the first skier to cross the finish line wins. The course must be wide so as many as possible can fit next to each other. If necessary the skiers can be organized in groups. Ski with and without poles, on one ski, two and two skiers holding hands etc. VARIED ROUND COURSE The course should consist of a cross-country part (classical and skate skiing), an uphill section (poling and herringbone), a downhill section with easy turns. Let the skier decide which technique to use in the different sections. More than one skier can ski the course at the same time if the area is wide enough. If not it can be smart to organize the skiers into groups and have other activites for the ones waiting for their turn. TELEMARK COURSES Telemark skis are very versatile and are perfect for skiing turns, jumping, ski skating and general play in all types of terrain and snow conditions. Telemark skiing can provide lots of fun for both beginners and advanced skiers. It also provides great opportunities for variations. Practice the telemark technique: the weight on the front foot and the rear heel lifted. Practice doing turns and landing in the telemark position after jumps. The telemark technique is well suited for skiing in powder. A typical telemark course consists of: - different turns - one or more kickers - moguls/wave section - reipelykkje (360 degree turn) - a flat section where ski skating is necessary The course could also be varied with obstacles, a pump organ and different types of kickers. A varied forest and terrain course also works well. You can find lots of tips in this brochure. Free activity Everybody does a warm up lap. Try different techniques. Time the laps, can you improve your time? Do as many laps as possible during a set time. Relay Several teams with a few skiers in each team. The skiers choose a prefered technique. If the course is long it can be separated into legs. Chase race Two start at the same time at opposite ends of the course. Set time One by one or in groups. Timed Do timed races. One on one or in groups 16 ACTIVITY COUSES Courses with check points and practical tasks along the way can help motivate the children to move around in the terrain. This could be in their local area, in the mountains, in a ski play area, in a training course or in a downhill ski field. In addition to the check points the course can have elements like kickers, moguls, ditches, turns, cross country section etc. Activity courses work best with groups of skiers. Useful equipment - tape/ribbon - gates/poles/markers - hula hoops/buckets - rope/skipping rope/string - plastic balls/frisbee - plastic sleeves - pencil and paper - map/compass - number batches/diplomas (can be ordered) Suggested tasks at the check points - hit a target, standing still or while moving - skate skiing leg, collect as many bean bags as possible during a set time - make a song/rap about skiing - make a snow sculpture - ski an obstacle course, timed - who can jump the longest? - who can ski the longest on one ski? - spin around a bottle and then try to hit a target - quiz JUMPS/KICKERS In local ski play areas kickers and jumps tend to be centre points. The jumps should be constructed so that everybody, regardless of their level, can use them. Everybody should be challenged and be able to master! It is not necessary to make lots of jumping hills to create variation. To construct a jumping hill - make sure the jump follows the terrain - a smooth and even transition from in run to the jump - the jump should be flat, low and 2-3 mtre long - it’s prefered to have a knoll at the beginning of the landing area - a smooth and even transition from the landing area to the flat You can also construct exciting small jumping hills that do not follow these criterias. Let the children participate in the construction. They will quickly find out if the hill works well or not and can make adjustments if needed. If the jumping hill is intended for inexperienced skiers it is important to construct it right, according to the guidelines above. Useful equipment Shovels, rake, measuring tape, tape/ribbon/flags to mark the edge of the jump with. MANY SMALL JUMPS COMPETITION VARIATIONS • Dress-up • Mini skis • Ski on one ski • Biathlon • Holding hands • Singing • Parallell cup • Skijumping Small jumps can be constructed in many different ways. This way the jumps will be available for everybody, regardless of their technical level, and many skiers can be active at the same time without waiting. • small jumps spread aroung the skiing area • jumps in series • jumps in series with turns • jumps in series with contoured turns • jumps in pairs, next to each other • kickers • jump course (kickers, small jump, kickers etc.) • jump and bounce course (varied terrain with jumps/kickers along the way) • serial jump-relay 17 EASY PROGRESSION For children who are not very experienced skiers a gradual approach to jumping is important. To be able to enjoy jumping it is essential to feel safe. At the same time it should create excitement! It should be challenging, but not too difficult. Here are some guidelines that will help the children along the way - low speed, slide over the jump - gradually increase the speed - adjust the speed and try to jump while passing the jump - more speed, jump! - practice the inrun position - ski down a gentle sloping hill while in inrun position - low speed, inrun position, stand up while sliding over the jump - low speed, slide over the jump, keep inrun position - Inrun position, low speed, jump - try to jump a bit longer every time - low speed, don’t jump, practice telemark landing - more speed, slide over the jump, telemark landing - how many times did yo manage to not fall? - less speed, jump, try to stand - how fast can you go without falling? - how far can you jump without falling? CONSECUTIVE JUMPS To construct a series of jumps is a safe recipe for success. Children love to jump consecutive jumps. It is always exciting to see if you can get past all the jumps without falling. On the last jump they can try to jump as far as as they can. To increase the challenge the distance between the jumps can be varied. Those who find it too difficult can bypass the jumps that are too close. Consecutive jumps relay First leg starts at the top, skiing down the course. Second leg starts at the bottom, skate-skiing up to the top of the course. Third leg as the first, and so on. JUMP AND BOUNCE COURSE A jump and bounce course can be constructed in a ski field or anywhere with a rugged terrain. Even the smallest bump can turn into a jump or kicker. Construct a course or let the skiers pick their preferred tracks Set tasks: - try to hit as many jumps and kickers as possible - try again, can you find even more places to jump? - how many jumps did you end up doing? - increase the speed. How many jumps did you do then? - try to jump further - ski on one ski where ever it is possible JUMPING EXERcISES - jump blindfolded - swing your arms while jumping - jump in pairs, hold hands - jump on one ski - jump in pairs, on only one ski each - try to spin 360 degrees in the air - try different tricks - try to pull your knees up while you are in the air - copycat, one in front, the one behind copies - put gates to go under on the jumps - put a pole with a bell to hit before the jump JUMPING COMPETITIONS • who can jump the longest? • who has the best style? • who does the best trick? • who can do the most jumps during a set time? • different relays • dress-up competitions • biathlon jumping, who can hit the target before jumping? Consecutive jumps in turns Construct small jumps in a course with turns. It is important to keep enough distance between the jumps to make it possible to stay on the course. It is better to make the course too easy than too difficult. Those who want more challenge can go faster, without poles, on one ski etc. 18
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