12/28/2014 - Stella Maris Parish

Welcome to our parish!
As pastor, I hope we can enrich your experience as much as you enrich ours.
Fr. David Ruby
The Flying Solo Society enjoyed a High Tea at their
annual meeting on Dec. 9, 2014 at Door County
Coffee & Tea in Carlsville.
Thursday, January 1-Closed
Monday, December 29
10th Anniversary planning Meeting-10:00 am-EH Office
Spring Fling Meeting-1:00 pm-EH Office
Tuesday, December 30
Scripture Class-8:30 am-SB
Pray the Rosary-12:00 pm-BH
Wednesday December 31 (New Years Eve)
Mass-6:00 pm-FC
Thursday, January 1 (New Years Day)
Office is Closed Today
Mass-Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God9:00 am-SB
Reconciliation-5:00-6:00 pm-BH
Sunday, January 4
Stella Maris Choir Rehearsal for Confirmation-11:15 am-SB
January 3-4 Bulletin Deadline-Monday, Dec. 29
By 9:00 am.
New Bulletin Deadline starting January 10-11 will
be 9 am on Tuesday’s (one day earlier)-LPI who
prints our bulletin has gone through some changes
and I will be transmitting a day earlier from now
on. Thank you. Lorie Orthober
For Online Giving to our parish, please go to www.stellamarisparish.com and click on
“Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page.
Stella Maris Mission Statement
“Stella Maris Parish, guided by our patron, lives and shares the mission of Jesus Christ"
Website: www.stellamarisparish.com
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph-December 28, 2014
2| Welcome to Stella Maris in Baileys Harbor, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island
Dear Fellow Parishioners
The feast of the Holy Family challenges
us to improve our family prayer. As we
have acknowledged during this year’s advent homilies and columns, prayer needs to
start with our own personal individual
prayer. It is only meant to start there
though and never meant to end there.
There is much more to prayer. We also
experience prayer communally in the liturgy and the sacraments. Praying in groups
is very meaningful and helpful. Families
are one group that truly benefit from prayer. From what I can tell; Jesus, Mary and
Joseph spent time together reflecting on the
place of God in their lives. We mostly read
about the angels appearing to them individually but they must have taken the time to
talk to each other about those events in order to help each other to understand them
better. They probably were both puzzled
about all that was happening and as young
people were trying to support each other in
appropriating the experiences. Asking God
to help in that inquiry only makes sense if
you believe in God and what God can do to
help us.
Prayer can be very good in helping us to
understand life but is meant to do so much
more. It is really meant to help us to adapt
and/or adjust to the world around us. Life
is always difficult to navigate especially
when we’re young and new to it. It can
also be hard to handle as we age. As we
decline physically, mentally and otherwise;
we can be greatly challenged to adapt
gracefully to the surprises rather than stubbornly. I have found that to be a great challenge in my life. I need to adjust my attitude greatly as I find myself less able to do
things well and easily that I used to be able
to do. It is helpful to pray about that with
others. I am sure that families who pray for
each other concerning those changes can
find the support they need in the Lord. In
seeking validation and encouragement from
God together, we also develop a greater
connection with each other and God. Although prayer is all about growing closer to
God, when we attempt to grow closer to
God together, all relationships improve and
become better.
The difficult part of family prayer as in
Faith Formation
The youth at Faith Formation prepared for Christmas with their
program on December 17th. The pictures say it all…(for more pictures see the photo gallery tab at www.stellamarisparish.com)
all prayer which I discussed last week is
openness and honesty. We need to be able
to be honest with each other as we are honest with God. We need to open up our
hearts and souls to each other as we do that
with God. It is amazing to me how married
couples who have pledged to be closer to
each other in relationship than anyone else
while sharing everything and supporting
each other through it all still struggle so
greatly with being totally sincere with each
other about all their struggles in life. The
next step is even more difficult to not only
share with each other but to share them
with God together. The Christian journey
is never meant to be easy though. Jesus
always told us that we are to embrace our
cross and then allow the resurrection to
take place. That includes our prayer. Letting go of our need to protect our innermost
selves so as to truly allow God’s grace to
transform us in prayer is the best thing for
us as individual and families.
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Dave Ruby, Pastor
families by assisting with their heating needs this winter. Door
County Secret Santa has the goal of providing something essential
to 20 families in the county with a tank of propane, a paid electric
bill, cords of wood or a new furnace or water heater. 100% of money goes toward helping families.
Health & Wellness
Attention all book lovers... The next book group selection is "Jesus- A Pilgrimage" by Father James Martin, S
J. The group will meet Monday, January 12 at 1:30 pm
at Sister Bay to discuss the first 5 chapters. For questions contact Jim Stollenwerk at (920) 854-5640.
Christian Service & Responsibility
Random Act of Kindness- Compliment a parent on the good
behavior of their child. These affirmations can go a long way.
With our gift of $1,000 to the Door County Secret Santa program we were able to give peace of mind to a few Door County
“Living Healthy is a Prayer”
To the members of the Stella Maris Faith Community and
their loved ones, as well as to our visitors, the Health &
Wellness Committee offers this wish for the New Year:
 May 2015 find you achieving the highest level of physical
health possible for you.
 May you incorporate and maintain one NEW healthy practice
into your life.
 May your diet have a concentration of nutritionally desirable
 May you pursue positive relationships consisting of a balance
of giving and receiving.
 May you find something to laugh (or at least smile) at each
 Life can be difficult; may you seek help and support when
 May you daily recognize and acknowledge God at work in the
events of your life.
 May you grow spiritually through service, EITHER by serving
others OR allowing others to serve you.
 May you project the love of God in all your activities.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph–December 28, 2014 3|
Parish Life & Upcoming Events
END-OF YEAR CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS-Church contribu- want right on the Stella Maris website? On the top right, click
tions for 2014 must be postmarked on or before December 31st to Catholic Links. Scroll down to find the blue heading Catholic
be credited to 2014.
Prayers and Saints. Click Loyola Press- three minute retreat and
enjoy a short prayer retreat right at your computer.
"PLEASE FEED THE HUNGRY" this cold, dark and often
lonely season of Winter! With the holidays coming ever so quick- THE CLIMATE CHANGE COALITION OF DOOR COUNTY
ly, Feed My People is in urgent need of canned goods and nonpresents CARING FOR CREATION. What People of Faith Can
perishable items for our needy brothers and sisters. Just think what Do-and Are doing-About Climate Change, by Dr. Peter Bakken,
the power of one or two cans of soup, vegetables, fruit, rice or
Wisconsin Interfaith Power and Light Public Policy Coordinator:
whatever you could give would make to hungry children or adults. Wisconsin Council of Churches on Wednesday, January 7th, 7:00
Please feed God's hungry now. You will feel so warm inside! As pm Bjorklunden, 7590 Boynton Lane, Baileys Harbor. Questions?
always, we thank you.
Call Lee and Hugh LeVoy (920) 854-4919.
WE ARE PLANNING a 10th Anniversary of the inception of
Stella Maris Parish. We would like at least one member from each
committee (commission) to be represented. The meeting will be on
December 29th at 10:00 am at the Egg Har bor office. If you
cannot attend, but would like to be involved, please call Marian
Irmen at (920) 495-2347 or email [email protected].
SPRING FLING-There will be a meeting on December 29th at
1:00 pm at the Egg Harbor office. If you cannot come to the meeting, but would like to be involved, please call Marian Irmen at
(920) 495-2347 or email me at [email protected].
WEBSITE: http://www.stellamarisparish.com/ Did you
know you can take a 3 minute prayer retreat any time you
ADDRESSES FOR OUR WEEKEND HELP: F r.Anthony Birdsall, 2105 Shiloh Rd., Sturgeon Bay, WI 54234. Fr. Robert Burnell, 10494 E Stoney Ridge Circle Unit 58, Sister Bay WI 54234.
Fr. Art Heinze, 16800 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Meyers, FL 33908
Ervin & Dan Franke.
5| -The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph-December 28, 2014
Worship & Music Column
This weekend the Church celebrates the
Feast of the Holy Family and at all our
Masses this weekend, we will pray together the following World Meeting of
Families Prayer, wr itten by Pope Fr ancis for next year’s World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia September 22- 27,
God and Father of us all,
in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,
you have made us
your sons and daughters in the
family of the Church.
May your grace and love
help our families
in every part of the world
be united to one another
in fidelity to the Gospel.
May the example of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families, especially those
most troubled,
to be homes of communion and
and to always seek your truth and
live in your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for
Liturgies of the Week
Saturday, December 27-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Washington Island 11:00 am-DR †Robert J. Swanson
Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR
†Helen & Harold Dannhausen
Sunday, December 28-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR
†Melissa Stoeger
Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR
Members of Stella Maris
Monday, December 29
Fish Creek 8:00 am
Morning Prayer CANCELLED
Tuesday, December 30
Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR
†Michael Krishka
Wednesday, December 31
Fish Creek 8:00 am-DR
†Eva McGee
Fish Creek 6:00 pm-DR
†Joe & Eva Kita
Thursday, January 1-Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Sister Bay 9:00 am-DR
†James Champeau
Friday, January 2-Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen,
Bishops & Doctors
Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR
†Hayes, Gile & Eaton Families
Saturday, January 3-The Epiphany of the Lord
Washington Island 11:00 am-DR †Myrle & Marie Smith
Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR
†Members of Stella Maris
Sunday, January 4-The Epiphany of the Lord
Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR
†Bessie Remiszewski
Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR
†Helen Kolp
DR=Fr. David Ruby
Readings for the Week of December 28
Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb
11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/
Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40
1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40
Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18
Thursday: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28
1 Jn 2:29-3:6/Jn 1:29-34
Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
©Liturgical Publications Inc
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph-December 28, 2014 6|
Pastor Reverend David Ruby
[email protected]
Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241
PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42,
Egg Harbor, WI 54209
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax (920) 868-1481
Web site: www.stellamarisparish.com
Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30
Pastoral Associate Becky Nash
[email protected]
Worship and Music Minister Kathy Sedan
[email protected]
Bookkeeper/Wedding Contact/LoSEC (Local Safe Environment Coordinator) Jim Slomski [email protected]
Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Lorie Orthober [email protected]
Normal Bulletin Deadline - Tuesday, 9am
Faith Formation Coordinator-Linda Cummer
[email protected] (920) 421-2195
Parish Membership
Stella Maris Parish is delighted
when new people want to join
our parish and gladly welcomes
them into our faith community.
Contact the parish office.
Infant Baptism
The baptism of new babies and
young children revitalizes our
faith community. Please contact the parish office to make
arrangements for baptism.
Adult Initiation
The Catholic Church is always
enriched whenever any adult
chooses to be Catholic. Adults
wishing to be baptized, or baptized adults wishing to be confirmed, the RCIA program is
rament on the 1st Thursday of
the month from 5:00-6:00 pm at
our Baileys Harbor site (except
holidays) and by appointment.
Sacrament of Matrimony
A faith-filled wedding is a joyful time for the couple and the
parish. Our parish wants to
have all weddings here be the
best possible. The couple must
meet with the pastor before a
date can be reserved. Please
contact the parish office at least
12 months in advance to begin
Ministry to the Sick
Everyone needs extra compassion and care when his or her
health is not at its best. As a
parish, we try to meet that need.
Communal anointing Masses
take place twice yearly, with
God’s great mercy is something individual anointing done when
requested. Parishioners in the
to be celebrated. Ritually we
hospital, nursing home or other
Catholics experience God’s
unconditional love in the sacra- institution are encouraged to
notify the office to arrange for
ment of reconciliation. Our
pastor is available for this sac- visits or communion.
Faith Community Nurse-Mary Fulwiler
[email protected] (920) 421-4997
Secretary Trustee-Sharon Brabson
[email protected]
Treasurer Trustee-Richard Dannhausen
[email protected]
Pastoral Council Chair-Michelle Piatek
[email protected]
Finance Council Chair-Michael Smith
[email protected]
MORNING PRAYER: Monday-8:00 am, Fish Creek
SCRIPTURE CLASS: Tuesday mornings after the 8:00 am
Mass in Sister Bay. Please join us for a closer look and discussion on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Visitors are welcome.
ROSARY: Tuesday-Noon in Baileys Harbor.
RECONCILIATION: 1ST Thursday of the month fr om 5-6
pm in Baileys Harbor or by appointment.
Health & Wellness Committee
[email protected]
Spiritual Reflections-Marilynne Kowalski
[email protected]
Offertory Contributions Dec. 20-21, 2014
Baileys Harbor Yacht Club
Baileys Harbor
Donny’s Glidden Lodge
Sturgeon Bay
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
Actual YTD
Total Attendance last week 403