HSC Success Continues at Emanuel DECEMBER 2014/KISLEV 5775 MIND SPIRIT BEING MAZAL TOV TO THE CLASS OF 2014 • • • • 1st,3rdand5thintheStateinModernHebrewContinuers 7thintheStateinEconomics Schoolranking:18thintheState(top3%ofallschools) Schoolranking:13thintheStateforEnglish All Rounders scored a Band 6 result for 10 or more units. ALL ROUNDERS Jacob Silove Alan Shenfield Barton Shteinman Naomi Sirmai Alexander Reisin Elisheva Madar Daniel Smuskowitz ATAR:99.80 ATAR:99.70 ATAR:99.45 ATAR:99.45 ATAR:98.85 ATAR:98.60 ATAR:96.35 WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL EXCELS CELEBRATING OUR GRADUATES JACOBSILOVE–HEADMADRICH DETERMINEDLEADER YearenteredEmanuel:2007 ATAR:99.80 ELISHEVAMADAR–HEADMADRICHA PASSIONATEDEBATERAND OUTGOINGLEADER YearenteredEmanuel:2007 ATAR:98.60 ‘Emanuel School is the place that believed in me. It is the place that encouraged me to achieve my full potential, the place that truly helped me as an individual to excel.’ ‘Emanuel treats its students as individuals, informs them and entrusts upon them the opportunities to develop themselves.’ Jacob (Jake) is a natural born leader, whose determination and tenacity have helped him achieve his goals. Jake has excelled academically, across the areas of Science, Mathematics and English. He was selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum in early 2014 and then as one of eight representing Australia for the National Youth Science Week in South Africa. In 2013, he was the recipient of the School’s Year 12 Mathematics Prize as a Year 11 accelerant. Jake is also committed to helping others. He raised over $8000 for orphans in Vietnam in 2012 with the help of his fellow students, and travelled there to volunteer at the orphanages he collected money to support. In 2013 he attended a UN Youth Pacific Project to East Timor as one of ten Australian students. Jake also completed his Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award and is a keen basketball player. Elisheva (Eli) is a gregarious, positive and proactive leader who goes about every task with great gusto, taking others along the journey with energy and enthusiasm. An exceptional leader, she is also a natural orator and debater. Eli was chosen to represent NSW at the National Model United Nations Conference and then represented Australia at the largest ever Model United Nations Youth Conference, in Holland, with 4000 other international students. She and her partner won the Evatt Debating Competition, the largest High School debating competition of its kind in Australia, and only a few weeks before her HSC examinations, she won the prestigious Mikolot Jewish Schools’ Public Speaking competition. RYANKLUGMAN–COMMUNICATIONS MADRICH DEDICATED,DILIGENTSCHOLAR YearenteredEmanuel:2007 ATAR:98.70 ALANSHENFIELD: DEEPTHINKER YearenteredEmanuelSchool:2002 ATAR:99.70 ‘Emanuel is a unique school. I am able to continuously question why certain concepts are true, rather than having to accept them as truth, which helps a great deal in my learning.’ ‘Going to Emanuel means more than being just a student. It means being a leader, a teacher, helping others, taking a proactive approach to learning and actively participating in the life of the School.’ All who meet Alan are struck by his quiet confidence, academic intuition and exceptional logical reasoning abilities. He has great interest in complex scientific and mathematical principles and unravelling new concepts which demand strategic and precise thinking. Alan’s academic prowess has been recognised through his many awards of distinction and high distinction in Science, Mathematics and Informatics, both at school and externally. In 2013 he received a gold certificate in the senior division in the OzCLO linguistics competition, rating in the Top 10 teams in NSW. Ryan is an exceptionally hard-working, ingenious student who believes in perseverance and a systematic approach to his studies. In Year 9 he was first in the country at the Australian Informatics Olympiad and second internationally. Ryan is modest about this significant achievement which speaks volumes about his personality. As Communications Madrich, Ryan played a lead role in developing and organising student and community events, of which the highly successful Night of Dangerous Debate was a definite highlight. BARTONSHTEINMAN:TALENTEDSCHOLAR YearenteredEmanuelSchool:2007 ATAR:99.45;7thintheStateinEconomics Barton is a confident and academically talented young man. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, as well as a precocious talent for and profound curiosity about History. He has excelled particularly in Modern History and Extension History. Barton is a gifted writer and genuine learner. His determination to seek understanding comprises a significant part of his academic tenor. Barton’s History teacher says of him: ‘I have never known Barton to take an easy path, refuse, as a scholar, to take a risk, or regard a question as answered with dogmatic finality; he will always read more, think more and ask more questions of himself and of those who can deepen his understanding’. MIND SPIRIT BEING CELEBRATING OUR GRADUATES DARRENFINE: TALENTEDENTREPRENEUR YearenteredEmanuel:2012 ATAR:90.25 EVEALTMAN: AGIRLRISINGTOTHETOP YearenteredEmanuel:2012 ATAR:94.55 ‘School to me is where I lay the foundations for my success in the future.’ Darren Fine is a highly self-motivated, confident young man who has enjoyed playing the piano in school ensembles, at assemblies and House Music competitions. His confidence extends to outside of school where together with his twin brother, Craig, he set up a small home remote control business, which now has a turnover of which many long-established businesses would be proud. ‘Emanuel is a strong community where the students play a significant role in the life of the School.’ Although Eve only arrived at Emanuel in Year 10, she has made a significant impact on her fellow students, the wider community and beyond. Together with Social Action Madricha, Jessica Elison, Eve organised the ‘Girl Rising’ event, which included screening the documentary by the same name and inviting an Afghani refugee to discuss the plight of her fellow women. Over 100 people attended the event with $2000 raised to help build a school for girls in Afghanistan. WEIJU(JOANNA)TUAN –ARTMADRICHA EXCEPTIONALARTIST YearenteredEmanuel:2012 NAOMISIRMAI–EDUCATIONMADRICHA CREATIVETHINKER YearenteredEmanuelSchool:2007 ATAR:99.45 ‘Emanuel is more than just an educational institution but a place where I learnt about a new religion and culture.’ ‘You’re never alone in your learning at Emanuel – it’s more like a group project. There is always support from teachers and friends alike, and when you come out the other side a happy, passionate, well-rounded individual, it’s everyone’s success.’ When Joanna joined Emanuel in Year 10 she was a quiet girl. By Year 12 she had been elected as Art Madricha and had made her mark on the School. Joanna’s fondest memory is her regular Mandarin lessons at assembly, when she taught the students common and helpful words in her native tongue. Joanna is a talented visual artist and has been instrumental in helping to co-ordinate and promote the Emanuel Archies, the School’s equivalent of the Archibald Prize. Naomi is well known for her exceptional writing skills and recently won the coveted Emanuel School Writer of the Year Award, with stiff competition. It’s not surprising then that she is most proud of her work produced in English Extension 2 which earned her a nomination for the Young Writers’ Showcase. She feels that the most important skills she has developed while at school are teamwork and a good work ethic – all very useful attributes for life. DANIELSMUSKOWITZ–MUSICMADRICH GUITARHERO YearenteredEmanuel:2009 ATAR:96.35 JULIASUSSMAN–JEWISHLIFE MADRICHA FILLEDWITHSOUL YearenteredEmanuel:2009 ‘At Emanuel I have learnt that there is more than one way of looking at things – sometimes smaller is better and success comes from within.’ ‘Emanuel School has opened my eyes to a world not just focused on formal education but the gift of being able to help others in more forms than just monetary.’ If there is ruach to be had, a prayer to be led or support to be given, Julia is always the first to volunteer. Julia’s positive attitude to school and learning is complemented by her deep understanding of and compassion for others. As a Jewish Life leader, Julia had a tangible impact on the students and the ways they celebrated and practised their Judaism. Julia has a strong moral compass and believes in her ability to make a difference to the lives of individuals and the world. Daniel has an infectious smile that characterises his attitude towards life. Together with his younger brother, Dean, Daniel makes music that has been described as Everley Brothers-esque! Their beautiful voices and guitar-playing have entertained us all at assemblies and other school events. Daniel completed the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, an achievement of which he is very proud. He was also instrumental in fundraising to bring Ya, a disadvantaged Cambodian teenager, to Australia to study at the School for a few months. This experience changed Ya’s life and Daniel is grateful that he could play a part in this. WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL EXCELS CELEBRATING OUR GRADUATES TableOne Subjects Emanuel Candidature Emanuel %Band6 State %Band6 Emanuel %Band5 State %Band5 Emanuel Average % State Average % Ancient History 5 80.00 8.66 20.00 24.12 92.08 71.68 Biology 5 40.00 5.75 20.00 22.48 83.16 71.65 Business Studies 17 35.29 8.84 58.82 28.11 86.75 74.00 Chemistry 8 37.50 11.67 50.00 34.42 85.55 76.13 Drama 5 40.00 13.23 20.00 28.88 84.08 77.90 Economics 16 31.25 10.88 18.75 33.65 80.48 75.73 English ESL 2 0.00 4.49 50.00 23.79 78.70 72.67 English Standard 4 0.00 0.28 25.00 7.88 75.50 67.46 English Advanced 42 33.33 14.67 28.57 44.63 82.08 80.53 French Continuers 1 100.00 34.79 0.00 30.91 92.80 82.60 Geography 14 7.14 7.47 42.85 36.16 79.73 73.64 Legal Studies 15 46.66 12.49 33.33 27.14 86.04 73.36 Mathematics General 2 18 5.55 5.47 72.22 19.53 82.20 68.89 Mathematics 23 52.17 21.71 39.13 32.03 89.52 78.37 Modern Hebrew Continuers 6 100.00 55.35 0.00 41.07 93.97 89.35 Modern History 4 100.00 8.65 0.00 33.63 92.95 74.95 Music 1 7 42.85 18.23 57.14 41.35 89.00 80.29 Music 2 1 0.00 33.98 100.00 53.33 83.00 86.26 PDHPE 17 11.76 8.42 47.05 22.07 79.29 72.86 Physics 5 40.00 8.54 40.00 22.55 83.68 73.49 Society and Culture 5 20.00 12.51 20.00 32.49 81.16 76.65 Software Design and Development 4 50.00 6.90 25.00 21.12 88.10 73.09 Studies of Religion II 7 14.28 8.24 42.85 35.94 81.43 75.38 Visual Arts 11 0.00 10.63 63.63 37.97 81.89 78.30 Emanuel Candidature Emanuel %E4 State %E4 Emanuel %E3 State %E3 English Extension 1 10 100.00 30.52 0.00 62.47 45.67 41.19 English Extension 2 5 80.00 23.17 20.00 54.27 45.38 38.49 History Extension 5 100.00 22.34 0.00 55.36 45.68 38.71 Mathematics Extension 1 20 55.00 30.35 40.00 54.05 42.86 40.29 Mathematics Extension 2 5 40.00 31.46 40.00 54.93 39.50 40.79 TableTwo ExtensionSubjects DefinitionsforTableOne: Emanuel and State Averages Band 6 Band 5 DefinitionsforTableTwo: Emanuel and State Averages E4 E3 marked out of 100 mark of 90% or above mark of 80% - 89% Emanuel State Average/Unit Average/Unit marked out of 50 mark of 45 or above mark of 35 - 45 EXCEPTIONALACCELERANTS Libby Feldman Alia Huberman Sharon Bar-On Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 1stintheState: Modern Hebrew Continuers 3rdintheState: Modern Hebrew Continuers 5thintheState: Modern Hebrew Continuers WWW.EMANUELSCHOOL.NSW.EDU.AU
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