(driven by the voice of its readers

The Voice of the Maltese
(driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 91
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St Mary’s Cathedral (right) and
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December 23, 2014
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Malta: 40 years after becoming a Republic - President Marie-Louise Coleiro-Preca says...
A more learned society, healthier, and
enjoying wider spectrum of civil rights
n her address during the awarding
ceremony marking the 40th Anniversary of Malta as a Republic,
the President of the Republic Marie
Louise Coleiro Preca said that 40
years from the day, on December 13,
1974 that Malta became a Republic,
the people can boast of a more learned
society, a healthier nation with longer
life expectancy, and a wider spectrum
of civil rights, more opportunities for
learning and employment.
While urging civil society to continue to assist Malta to reflect critically, and act wisely, in relation to
human challenges existing within society and the country, she added that
the achievements of the Republic of
Malta can only be attributed to its hardworking, wise and creative people, who
are determine to accomplish, notwithstanding the constraints.
“The Republic owes its success also to
the politicians who even in difficult economic turbulence, forever upheld their
principles of social justice and solidarity,” she said.
During her speech that was characterised by challenging notions, the President acknowledged those who worked
hard to renew the structures and social
relations. She said leaders, and those
who aspire to lead, have to dialogue
humbly, with courage, love and respect.
She argued that the Catholic Religion
was no longer central to cultural activity
because of the vast changes happening
in our society, and said that on such an
important day, we should be questioning
what is secular process and religious diversity and how to act in this context.
She said, that elsewhere, the debate on
secular process and cultural change has
provoked extreme reactions from fundamentalists who felt threatened and at the
same time close enough to power to impose their values.
The President said that the Republic
can mature democratically, if there is
unity, if people dialogue, if intellectual
thought intertwines with popular wisdom, if we listen to the sceptical, if we
do not accept mediocrity in thought just
because it suits our purpose, and if we
take into consideration wisdom no matter from where it emanates.
She added that a Republic that doubts
intellectuals, and stifles, ridicules or ignores critical thinking, is weak and one
that has not matured to its fullness.
The only viable approach to a strong
democratic Republic is that of critical
literacy, a community that must continue
to learn.
Wealth is created by many people, especially manual workers and intellectuals, and not just an elite group of people
who think that only their voices deserve
to be heard.
She believed that any positive purpose,
whatever its origin, should be given
space in the public sphere. “This is the
kind of democracy I want to see flourish
in our country; democracy without intrusion, based on diversity, to be able to dialogue openly and where everyone may
have the opportunity to prosper,”
On what is sometimes described as the
phenomenon of irregular migration,
President Coleiro Preca said that a caring Republic should seek the refuge of
international solidarity, so that the
movement of people becomes a quality
experience, and not a tragic end to many
hopes and lives.
She reiterated the need to seek international collaboration in this regard and
not depend only on the national context:
“History has shown negative outcomes
when some countries put emphasis on
the second type of solidarity,” she said.
Coleiro Preca said an inclusive Republic expected the Presidency to dismantle
the artificial boundaries that prevent us
from moving close to each other, and
face one another.
She pledged that her Presidency would
serve as a bridge so that people with diverse aspirations, desires and visions,
come together and translate their differences into collaboration based on dialogue and true respect for each other. It
would also be distinguished through its
efforts to move from rhetoric to action.
In this regard, it has established a Foundation to offer a permanent structure
from where the presidency, in a coherent and coordinated manner, may
execute projects to celebrate life and
human dignity.
The President said that for this dialogue to take place, different languages have to become one language,
“which utters the word solidarity in
unison; different views become one
view so that together, we can make a
difference, our fears become our fear
that the country is failing its vulnerable, and our aspirations become one
aspiration, that fosters democracy and
social justice,” she said.
She reiterated that society could not
aspire to democracy. “if together we do
not create a framework of thinking and
new actions, if the new order does not go
beyond old practices which have hindered
our way forward along the path of economic, social and environmental solidarity.
“Genuine dialogue leads us to question: Who may speak and who may not?
Who can be heard and who not? Who
can dialogue with whom and from what
position of power?
Coleiro Preca said poverty diminished
human dignity and a fair and democratic
Republic could never tolerate thousands
of people living in poverty, or at risk of
poverty. “Whether we accept it or not,
poverty affects us all, because it is through our taxes that poverty can be offset.”
She argued, that the recognised association between education and poverty
shows the limitations of education: “As
stated by many sociological thinkers in
the field, we cannot attribute to education, powers it does not possess. Education can contribute extensively, along
with other stakeholders, but it cannot
work in isolation.”
Touching on the problem of precarious
employment, the President said this was
a disease that not only undermined wellbeing, but destroyed individuals and
families. Saying that precarious work
hindered the level playing field among
employers, she appealed that profit
should never outweigh the urgency to
give workers what is rightfully theirs;
workplaces that assert workers’ dignity.
Finally, President Coleiro-Preca called
on the Maltese people to strive together
so that Malta could move forward democratically, economically, socially and
culturally. She said the Republic was
born from unity, and would continue to
grow and be strengthened by the unity
of the Maltese and Gozitan people.
Tuesday December 23, 2014
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Malta tonora lil Gejtu Pace bil-Midalja
g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika
iΩ-Ωmien li fih il La
Fejn g˙andu x’jaqsam ilValette Social Centre
LVSC, flimkien ma’ o˙rajn
fi Blacktown qed
qajjmu mhux ftit iç-Çentru u
ifakkar u jiffeste©©ja l-50
g˙amluh wie˙ed mill-akbar
sena mit-twaqqif tieg˙u, iltax-xorta tieg˙u fejn hemm
president ˙abrieki taç-Çenil-Maltin. Dan iç-Çentru li
tru, Gejtu Pace, ©ie onorat
j˙addan mas-650 membru
f’Malta f’g˙eluq l-40 sena
attivi, sar ewlieni biex iservi
ta’ Malta Repubblika. Huwa
l-Maltin fl-Awstralja, u issa
kien fost 10 persuni li
qed anke jag˙ti l-wisg˙a lil
ng˙ataw il-Midalja g˙allg˙add ta’ Ωg˙aΩag˙ li qed
Qadi tar-Repubblika milljuru l-inizjattiva li jistg˙u
President tar-Repubblika
jkunu l-gejjieni mhux biss
l-ET Marie-Louise Coleiro
tal-post imma wkoll li jg˙inu
Preca fil-Palazz fil-kapitali
li ˙alli tinΩamm ˙ajja l-kulMaltija Valletta, f’jum li fih,
tura u t-tradizzjonijiet
b’kollox ©ew onorati 59
Gejtu mhux se jinsa lil
Meta ltqajt ma’ Gejtu Pace
Malta. Fil-fatt, minkejja li ilu
f’Malta, fejn ©ie apposta
dawn is-snin kollha fl-Awbiex jirçevi l-midalja, qalli li
stralja baqa’ qatt ma kiseb
kien sorpriΩ li ©ie nnominat,
iç-çittadinanza Awstraljana,
imma kuntent g˙all-a˙˙ar, u
u Ωamm biss dik Maltija. Alfir-reazzjoni tieg˙u g˙alllura kwaΩi kwaΩi ma tantx
unur li rçeva qal lil The
tista’ ssejja˙lu Malti-AwVoice li aççetta dan l-unur
b’umilta` kbira f’isem il-koHuwa jinΩel Malta millmunita` tal-Maltin li jg˙ixu
inqas darba fis-sena u j˙ossu
barra minn Malta. Sa˙aq li
komdu ˙afna minkejja d-difkull membru fil-komunita`
ferenza bejn pajjiΩ’ kontinet
Maltija g˙andu sehem s˙i˙
kbir u l-gΩira çkejkna ta’
Gejtu Pace f’Malta juri l-Midalja g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika
minn dan l-unur li rçeva.
Malta. Meta jinΩel Malta fuq
Ûied jg˙id li ˙assu aktar fer˙an u kburi btala, jg˙ix fil-Qawra u hi l-hena tieg˙u li
Ûied jg˙idli li wie˙ed irid jiftakar li
g˙alkemm l-unur jing˙ata lil persuna indi- g˙al dan l-g˙arfien, g˙ax jista’ jaqsam dan jo˙ro© kmieni filg˙odu u jiltaqa’ u
vidwali, iΩda wara kollox jing˙ata g˙as- ir-rikonnoxximent ma’ kull membru tal- jitkellem mal-Maltin.
servizz li dik il-persuna tkun tat b’risq komunita` Maltija. “Dan l-unur kul˙add
Mill-esperjenza tieg˙u qed jinnota dak li
˙utha l-Maltin, “u dan is-servizz ji©i g˙andu sehem minnu, u kul˙add g˙andu b˙alissa ˙afna jsibuh b˙ala l-good feel facrikonoxxut b˙ala servizz, propju lir-Re- j˙ossu fer˙an u kburi mieg˙i,” qal.
tor. In-nies donnhom huma aktar miftu˙a
Gejtu Pace ilu jg˙ix l-Awstralja b’mod u l-attivita` kummerçjali tg˙a©©bek b’tant
publika g˙aΩiΩa tag˙na!”
Il-˙atriet fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu u kontinwu bil-familja sa mill-1987. Imma ˙wienet u negozji jift˙u. Qed jittama li
l-g˙otjiet tal-Midalja g˙all-Qadi tar-Re- qabel kien di©a’ qatta sitt snin o˙ra l-Aw- Malta tibqa’ tag˙mel progress u l-Maltin
pubblika jsiru skont l-Att dwar Ìie˙ ir-Re- stralja meta bejn l-1978 u l-1984 il-gvern tal-Awstralja qatt ma jinsew li fost kollox
kien ˙atru Konslu fi NSW. Wara ssejja˙ huma l-ewwel u qabel kollox Maltin
pubblika fuq parir tal-Prim Ministru
Flimkien ma’ Gejtu Pace, fl-istess jum
Ma setax jg˙id jekk ©iex onorat biex lura ˙alli jmur ja˙dem sena fil-Kummisjikkonçidi mal-50 annversarju taç-Çentru, sjoni IngliΩa fl-Ingilterra qabel g˙al- tar-Repubblika ©ew onorati o˙rajn, fosimma çert li l-˙idma tieg˙u biex dan darb’o˙ra ntbag˙at sentejn o˙ra jservi thom il-Prinçep Alwaleed bin Talal bin
Abdulaziz Alsaud, membru tal-familja
issa˙˙a˙ u sar il-mekka ta’ ˙afna Maltin, fl-Awstralja.
Mal-bidla fil-gvern fl-1987 il-karriera rjali Sawdija u negozjant, investitur f’li anke jekk forsi g˙all-bidu kienu sfurzati
jmorru l-Awstralja biex ikollhom g˙ajxien diplomatika tieg˙u f’Malta ntemmet. Malta u filantropu li ©ie mla˙˙aq
deçenti, sabu fih l-isfog tag˙hom. Dan Huwa ssejja˙ lura u t˙alla Malta kwaΩi in- Kumpann Onorarju. G˙axar Maltin ©ew
min˙abba li fiç-Çentru ssir ˙afna attivita’ jorat. Kien min˙abba f’hekk li b˙al ˙ass innominati g˙all-Ordni Nazzjonali Maltija
li l-bieb g˙alih biex jibqa’ jag˙ti kontribut tal-Mertu u mog˙tija l-Midalja g˙all-Qadi
li ΩΩommhom qrib dak li jse˙˙ f’Malta.
Fil-fehma tieg˙u, l-unur li ng˙ata hu din b˙al qabel ing˙alaq. G˙alhekk fuq su©©er- tar-Repubblika’ fosthom tnejn wara
is-sena, kif ukoll dak ta’ Lawrence Dim- iment ta’ martu iddeçidew li jemigraw lejn mewthom.
Tlieta persuni ng˙ataw l-unur ta’ Uffiçjal,
ech fl-istess okkaΩjoni s-sena l-o˙ra, juri l-Awstralja fejn dejjem kienu j˙ossuhom
biç-çar “li l-©id, il-kura u l-‘wellbeing’ komdi.
wie˙ed ta’ Uffiçjal Onorarju u sebg˙a
Hemmhekk stinka u rnexxielu jsir mem- b˙ala Membri. Il-bqija, 37, kollha membri
tal-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta
huwa ferm g˙all-qalb il-gvern ta’ Malta u bru tal-Law Society of NSW biex seta’ jip- tal-Qawwiet Armati ta’ Malta, ©ew
ta’ ˙utna li jg˙ixu f’Malta.”
prattika f’oqsma tal-li©i konnessa mal- mog˙tija id-‘Distinguished Service Medal’
Barra minhekk, skont Gejtu Pace, “juri insurance, u xog˙ol ie˙or relatat. Barra (DSM) B˙ala g˙arfien u s-sehem eççezwkoll biç-çar li a˙na l-Maltin a˙na poplu minhekk da˙al ukoll b’ru˙u u ©ismu fit- zjonali tag˙hom fil-˙idma fil-Ba˙ar
wie˙ed mag˙qud ng˙ixu fejn ng˙ixu, u tmexxija taç-Çentru La Valette (LVSC), Mediterran biex isalvaw immigranti li
g˙alhekk, ˙add minnha m’g˙andu j˙ossu fejn ilu president g˙al dawn l-a˙har17-il kienu fil-periklu li jeg˙rqu
mifrud, allavolja ng˙ixu mijiet ta’ mili l- sena. Hu wkoll membru fil-Kunsill g˙allbog˙od minn pajjiΩna.”
Maltin li jg˙ixu Barra.
Joseph Cutajar
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Il-Messa©© tal-President ta’ Malta,
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
G˙eziez Maltin u G˙awdxin fl-Awstralja
’dan iΩ-Ωmien daqshekk sabi˙ tas-sena nselmilkom minn qalbi u nawguralkom Milied
˙ieni mal-familji u l-ma˙bubin tag˙kom.
Il-Milied g˙alina l-Maltin minn dejjem kien
Ωmien ta’ ©abra mal-familji tag˙na, Ωmien fejn
na˙sbu f’˙addie˙or. Jien nixtieq li b˙ala Maltin
iΩΩommu ˙aj it-tradizzjonijiet tag˙na, g˙alkemm
qeg˙din tg˙ixu l-bog˙od minn art twelidkom.
In˙e©©i©kom li tkomplu trawwmu tradizzjonijiet
Maltin tal-Milied anke fl-Awstralja. G˙andna
˙afna tradizzjonijiet sbie˙ marbutin mal-Milied,
li ma nixtieqx nara jintemmu. G˙alhekk, komplu
g˙allmu lill-uliedkom kif jag˙mlu l-presepju
tradizzjonali Malti, u Ωommu ˙ajja it-tradizzjoni
tal-priedka tal-Milied mit-tfal.
IΩda fuq kollox, il-Milied huwa Ωmien ta’
g˙aqda, g˙aqda li tant nixtieq nara fost il-Maltin
u l-G˙awdxin kollha, jg˙ixu fejn jg˙ixu.
In˙e©©i©kom biex tkomplu trawmu l-g˙aqda filfamilja tag˙kom.
Ilum il-©urnata bil-mezzi tal-komunikazzjoni li
g˙andna, imkien m’hu daqshekk il-bog˙od li ma
nistg˙ux nitkellmu bejnietna, inΩommu kuntatt u
nkunu qrib xulxin. In˙e©©i©kom ukoll tfittxu lg˙aqda ma’ kull min jg˙ix madwarkom. L-
g˙aqda biss tista’
©©ib il-paçi u nevitaw tra©edji li tant
L-g˙aqda tfisser
ukoll solidarjetà ma’
minn hu vulnerabbli fis-soçjetà tag˙na ˙alli kul˙add ikun jista jg˙ix b’dinjità. Hawn
insemmi nies morda bil- kançer li jkollhom bΩonn
kura speçjalizzata, u li ttihom çans a˙jar li jg˙ixu.
G˙al dan il-g˙an, il-Malta Community Chest
Fund, ta’ kull sena jtella’ l-Istrina fejn jin©abru
fondi biex jg˙inu lill dawn in-nies. In˙e©©e© lill
kull minn jista’ jg˙in bid-donazzjoni tieg˙u, li
jag˙mel dan g˙all-©id ta’ min hu fil-bΩonn.
Jekk Alla jrid, jien se ni©i fostkom biex inkun
nista’ naqsam mag˙kom il-˙sibijiet tieg˙i aktar
mill-qrib. Nixtieq nara b’g˙ajnejja l-˙ajja li tg˙ixu
intom, li g˙alkemm il-bog˙od minn art twelidkom,
Ωgur li tkomplu tag˙mlu unur lil din l-art li
tag˙tkom isimha. Sakemm tasal din il-©urnata,
nibg˙atilkom l-isba˙ xewqat g˙al Milied ˙ieni u
sena mimlija ©id, paçi u sa˙˙a.
Awguri minn qalbi.
Malta li tippremja l-bΩulija
Messa©© mill-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat
-2014 kienet sena li g˙allmitna ˙afna. L-ewwel
sena s˙i˙a tal-amministrazzjoni l-©dida fittmexxija ta’ pajjiΩna li matulha ˙dimna b’umilta ©enwina biex flimkien inkomplu nag˙mlu Malta aktar
b’sa˙˙itha u aktar ©usta.
L-element li jiddistingwina f’dan il-pro©ett politiku
hija l-g˙aqda. Naf li l-Maltin ta’ barra, fosthom dawk
fl-Awstralja, segwejtu mill-qrib iç-çelebrazzjonijiet li
kienet involuta fihom, matul din is-sena, art twelidkhom, l-art li ˙allejtu snin ilu biex tfittxu opportunitajiet a˙jar g˙all-familji tag˙kom.
Kien xieraq li nfakkru b’dinjita l-©rajjiet li ˙afna
minnkom, ˙utna Maltin, tiftakru sew b˙ala l-mumenti li sawwru lin-nazzjon tag˙na. Jiena kburi, u
konvint li intom kburin ukoll, li pajjiΩna fakkar il-50
anniversarju tal-Indipendenza, l-40 anniversarju tarRepubblika, l-35 tal-Óelsien u l-10 sena mid-d˙ul ta’
Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropea, b˙ala poplu wie˙ed u
maqg˙ud, li kapaçi jag˙Ωel il-maturita` fuq il-firda.
U hija din l-g˙aqda fil-˙idma ta’ kuljum li qed tissarraf f’sens ta’ ottimiΩmu fost il-familji u n-negozji
Maltin, b’ekonomija li qed i©©ib riΩultati, bl-inqas livell ta’ qg˙ad fl-istorja u bi tkabbir ekonomiku li qed
jisboq il-medja ta’ s˙abna l-Ewropej. Fadal ˙afna
xog˙ol xi jsir u t-triq hija twila biex inkomplu nwettqu
l-bidliet li jag˙mlu d-differenza fil-˙ajja tan-nies.
Fl-edukazzjoni, riformi biex
aktar studenti jie˙du t-tag˙lim.
Fl-ener©ija, riformi biex l-elettriku
jibda ji©i ©©enerat b’mod aktar
nadif u ir˙is. Fis-sa˙˙a, riformi
biex jing˙ata l-aqwa servizz b’xejn u fil-˙in, u fil-qasam tad-diΩabilita`, riformi biex
dawn il-persuni jkollhom dinjita ta’ post tax-xog˙ol
favur integrazzjoni s˙i˙a.
Fuq kollox, irridu nissoktaw nag˙tu drittijiet çivili lil
kul˙add biex inne˙˙u d-diskriminazzjoni u nda˙˙lu
l-ugwaljanza. Ikolli nistqarr li fost l-isba˙ mumenti
tal-2014 kien hemm id-d˙ul tad-dritt tal-unjoni çivili.
Stajt nara quddiem g˙ajnejja koppji differenti li, g˙allewwel darba f’˙ajjithom, bdew i˙ossuhom rikonoxxuti
u stmati fis-soçjeta daqs kull koppja o˙ra.
G˙ax Malta hija ta’ kul˙add, tal-familji beΩlin kollha
li, bla eççezzjoni, jixirqilhom l-opportunitajiet, u
mhux id-dipendenzi, dik il-klima li tkun tirrendi g˙alihom kollha li jo˙or©u ja˙dmu. Nemmen illi meta nippremjaw il-bΩulija nkunu qed nirrispettaw
karatteristika ewlenija li ssawwar lill-poplu tag˙na li
huwa ta’ ispirazzjoni g˙al min imexxih.
Is-sena l-©dida nilqg˙uha b’entuΩjaΩmu, ming˙ajr
qatt ma nistrie˙u fuq is-suççessi li nkunu di©a`
ksibna. Qeg˙din in˙arsu ‘l quddiem biex inkomplu
nisimg˙u u nkomplu nie˙du deçiΩjonijiet importanti
li jsa˙˙u aktar lil pajjiΩna.
F’ismi, u f’isem il-familja tieg˙i, f’isem il-Gvern li
mmexxi, lilkom il-Maltin fl-Awstralja nixtieqilkom
minn qalbi l-Milied it-Tajjeb u sena ©dida mimlija
paçi, hena u ©id.
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday December 23, 2014
The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our
readers and their families a wonderful Christmas!
May it bring you joy, happiness and everything else
you deserve.
Happy Christmas
May the New Year 2015 be one of health, happiness,
wealth, wisdom, peace and prosperity.
Message by Maltese
High Commissioner
From the Australian
High Commissioner
to Malta
t has been almost a year and a half since I
have presented my credentials to His Exthe Governor General of Australia. I
have also presented my credentials to His Excellency the Governor General of New
I feel that during this period I achieved
quite a lot in as far as our relations with the Australian and New Zealand Governments and our Maltese-Australian community is concerned.
In the last twelve months, together with my staff, we gave our best to serve the
large number of our Maltese Community and those who have asked for our assistance through our High Commission and Consulate Offices, including also our
Honorary Consuls.
One of my initiatives this year was to open the High Commission of Canberra to
the community where we had local and several interstate visits of Maltese groups,
including one group from Malta.
At the same time, as head of Mission, I kept up the contacts and enhanced our
diplomatic relations with the Australian and New Zealand officials. I also mention my constant contact with my colleagues in the diplomatic corps.
I have been in touch with many of our Maltese-Australians living in various
states. This I have done by visiting some states and taking the initiative to
speak to them when they call for assistance at the High Commission. I believe
that this would further promote a sense of belonging.
Because of the large number of Maltese origins living in this continent, I feel
that besides my diplomatic duties, I am duty-bound to ensure that our Mission
is also to promote and protect the welfare of Maltese where possible.
My appeal to the leaders of the Maltese community and to the community at
large in this season of togetherness is to encourage solidarity, respect and understanding of each other. As Maltese we are well known for our sense of togetherness.
On behalf of my wife Victoria, and the officers and staff of the High Commission, Consulates and Honorary Consuls, I extend to you our best wishes for
Christmas and the New Year. We look forward to a better and prosperous 2015.
Charles Muscat
High Commissioner
Malta High Commission,
n behalf of all the
team here at the
Australian High Commission in Malta I
would like to wish the
Maltese community in Australia a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We look forward to working with the community during 2015, which will be an important year as it will mark the 100th
anniversary of the Gallipoli Campaign and
Malta will host the Commonwealth Heads
of Government meeting in November.
I hope you and your families have a safe
and happy holiday
Il-messa©© bil-Malti
F’isem it-tim tal-Kummissjoni G˙olja Awstraljana f’Malta, nixtieq lill-kommunita`
Maltija fl-Awstralja xewqat sbie˙ tal-Milied u s-Sena it-tajba.
A˙na ˙erqana li na˙dmu mal-kommunita` matul l-2015, li se tkun sena importanti g˙ax se tfakkar il-100 anniversarju
tal-Kampanja ta’ Gallipoli, u Malta se
tilqa’ il-Kapijiet tal-Gvernijiet tal-Commonwealth g˙al-laqg˙a li jmiss f’Novembru li ©ej.
Nispera il intom u l-familji tag˙kom ikollkom festi fer˙ana u bla periklu.
Jane Lambert
High Commissioner Australian
High Commission, Malta
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The Voice of the
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Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell
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6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Il-Milied fl-eqqel tas-sajf
kitba ta’
Lawrence Dimech
Meta jkun hemm il-˙tie©a li trid t˙alli
pajjiΩek biex temigra fuq baΩi permanenti u tasal fid-destinazzjoni mmirata ssib quddiemek ˙afna affarijiet
differenti jekk mhux ukoll o˙rajn
strambi. Jien emigrajt lejn l-Awstralja
meta kont g˙adni Ωag˙Ωug˙
mimli ˙ajja. F’nofs il-˙amsinijiet Malta ma kinetx dik li hi
llum iΩda xorta konna ng˙ixu
˙ajja mimlija, ˙ajja fer˙ana.
Skola, festi, kaΩini, Azzjoni
Kattolika jew g˙and is-superjur
tal-MuΩew ˙dejn il-Hollywood,
illum Supermarket, nippassi©©aw Strada Rjali l-Óamrun,
kultant na˙arbu lejn Sqaq ilFatati u fuq kollox kellna l-futball. Imsomma konna ng˙adduha.
IΩda fejn ˙alla l-karkura xxitan, fuq in-na˙a l-o˙ra taddinja, il-˙ajja verament sibniha ta’
ta˙t fuq jew a˙jar down under. Il-festi
parrokkjali li kienu ji©u ççelebrati fissajf, hawn fl-Awstralja kienu ja˙btu
fix-xhur tax-xitwa. M’hemmx dubju
li l-ikbar sorpriΩa u stallet f’qalbek
kienet il-festa tant ma˙buba minna,
dik tal-Milied.
Festa universali li tfakkar it-twelid
tal-Gesu` fil-maxtura, tradizzjonalment marbuta mal-bard tax-xitwa u
f’˙afna pajjiΩi, borra, sil©, insomma
klima li ©©g˙alek titgeddes. L-iktar
˙a©a li tolqtok fl-Awstralja, barra sintendi l-klima s˙una, hi li fil-fatt ittradizzjonijiet
maç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-pajjiΩ fejn
hemm il-kesha, tista` tg˙id li kollha
Ibda mis-si©ra tal-Milied miksija bilborra artifiçjali, il-mod kif inΩejnu, u
spiçça b’Father Christmas imgezzez
bil-libsa twila ˙amra u l-baffi bojod
(min jaf kemm i˙oss s˙ana). G˙al
˙afna wkoll l-ikla tradizzjonali tal-Milied iΩΩomm it-tradizzjoni b’ikel taxxitwa, g˙alhekk daΩ-Ωmienijiet aktar
ikollna festin ta’ barbeque fuq xi xtajta
jew ta˙t xemx tiΩre©.
Il-Milied fis-sajf g˙andu impatt
qawwi fuq l-industrija u l-kummerç.
j˙ajjru lill-˙addiema tag˙hom
jie˙du l-btajjel
tag˙hom f’dan
iΩ-Ωmien tal-Milied u ˙afna jibdew
l-bibien tal-fab-
briki min-nofs Diçembru sal-ewwel
©img˙a tas-Sena l-Ìdida.
Huma ˙afna dawk li jie˙du l-btajjel
annwali tag˙hom f’dan iΩ-Ωmien.
Jg˙idulek li nofs l-Awstralja tie˙u
pawsa f’dan il-perijodu tal-Milied u lfesti assoçjati mat-tmiem u l-Ewwel
Il-Milied fis-sajf g˙andu l-vanta©©i
tieg˙u g˙ax isiru ˙afna attivitajiet filmiftu˙ waqt li l-poplu jkun fil-mistrie˙ annwali tieg˙u. L-iktar li huma
impressjonati l-Carols by Candlelig˙t,
attivita’ li kellha l-ori©ini tag˙ha
f’Melboure fl-1937. Illum dawn huma
akkumpanjati minn kunçerti kbar u
varjati f’kull belt kapitali li jie˙du
sehem fihom l-aqwa artisti u muΩiçisti, u jattiraw eluf kbar ta’ partecipanti u udjenza akbar fuq it-televiΩjoni.
Xi ng˙idu mbag˙ad g˙al-log˙ob
tan-nar li l-belt ta’ Sydney tant saret
famuΩa g˙alih f’lejlet is-Sena l-Ìdida?
Min˙abba li qeg˙din l-isfel mill-ekwatur, iç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-log˙ob
tan-nar trasmessi fuq it-televiΩjoni
jift˙u b’dawk ta’ Sydney. Id-dinja
kollha titpaxxa bl-ispettaklu. Il-belt
ta’ Sydney, bil-Harbour Bridge b˙ala
sfont ma tiddiΩappuntax.
L-Awstralja hija
wkoll pajjiΩ multikulturali. F’dan
il-pajjiΩ issettiljaw
nies minn kull
rokna tad-dinja u
g˙alhekk iç-çelebrazzjonijiet talMilied anke jie˙du tema multikulturali f’˙afna
differenti li jkomplu jag˙tu qima u
gie˙ b’modi differ-
enti u ˙afna drabi kkulurit littwelid ta’ Gesu`.
Il-komunita’ Maltija wkoll Ωammet ˙ajjin it-tradizzjonijiet li saru
parti mill-kultura tag˙na, b˙al ma
hi l-priedka tal-Milied mit- tifel, ilpurçizzjoni bil-Bambin, il-quddiesa
ta’ nofs il-lejl u l-kant tal-innijiet
JaqbiΩlek id-dmug˙ meta tisma’,
Ninni la tibkix iΩjed, ninni Gesu`
Bambin f’xi çentri jew fit-triqat ta’ xi
subborgi ta’ Sydney fejn g˙andna komunitajiet kbar ta’ Maltin. Il-Festa
tradizzjonali g˙adha fl-aqwa tag˙ha
fil-knejjes fejn jattendu l-Maltin jew
iç-çentri fl-istati ta’ Melbourne, Sydney u o˙rajn.
Veru li ti©i ffaççjat b’taqliba kbira
iΩda dik biss parti Ωg˙ira milli ©©ib
mag˙ha l-emigrazzjoni fuq baΩi permanenti. Issibha diffiçli biex tidra,
iΩda m’hemmx x’tag˙mel. Mill-Awstralja ma tistax taqbad ajruplan jew
karozza u tkun f’pajjiΩek fi ftit tassieg˙at.
Kif jg˙idu, fid-dinja kollox tidra u lMilied fis-s˙ana wara xi snin tinduna
li jista’ jkollu ˙afna vanta©©i. I©ib
mieg˙u l-btajjel annwali, iressaq lillfamilji flimkien jew il-familji flimkien
imorru g˙all-btala f’in˙awi o˙ra talAwstralja, ˙afna drabi lejn xi xtajta.
S˙ana jew bard? Jiddependi minnek,
iΩda l-ag˙ar meta jkollok tag˙mel ittaqliba, g˙ax ng˙idu kif inhi, jekk
titwieled jew tmut f’pajjiΩ tas-sil©, dak
pajjiΩek, l-istess jekk titwieled bil-Milied fis-s˙ana. Dan tidrah ukoll.
Fuq kollox, jasal fejn jasal, il-Milied
ida˙˙alna fi Ωmienijiet ta’ riflessjoni,
donnu li nersqu iktar lejn xulxin, bilparties, iç-çelebrazzjonijiet, il-knejjes,
kul˙add jixtiqilna l-isba˙ xewqat
lilna u lill-familja tag˙na. Kieku a˙jar li nestendu u nattwaw dawn ixxewqat tul is-sena kollha. Anke jekk
mank g˙al ftit tal-jiem iwasslu wkoll
˙afna fer˙ lil ˙afna.
Jien, marti u l-familja tieg˙i, minn
din in-na˙a tad-dinja, fis-s˙ana tassajf u kultant xi ˙alba xita u xi maltempata (g˙ax hawn temp tal-©enn)
ukoll nixtieq lill-qarrejja kollha Milied qaddis u sena mimlija ser˙an ilmo˙˙, u fuq kollox il-paçi.
Tuesday December 23, 2014
In Australia
‘Santa Claus uses
six white boomers
instead of reindeers’
The Voice of the Maltese 7
families also make the festive seaaltese citizens who decided to make Australia their
son even more special by visiting
homeland way back in the 50s and 60s, at first found it by
each other and food and drink is
difficult to get used to celebrating Christmas in the mid- Mark Bonello
mostly in abundance. It is just a
dle of a very hot summer. However, they soon got used to it. They
case of make merry at Christmas
argued it is only the season that has changed from their time in
Malta as Christmas still comes in December, the exception being time.
Another tradition is for neighbours to visit each other to look at
that having their Children around resulting from their summer
holidays - from early to mid December to early February – like the light displays at night that sometimes are put out early Dethose who were born here, they could even perhaps go swimming cember.
Australians, and now even Maltese-born also follow the local traor be camping at Christmas!
Another difference is that as it is hot at Christmas time in Aus- dition of decorating their houses with bunches of 'Christmas Bush',
tralia - sometimes they quite often experience massive bush fires a native Australian tree with small green leaves and cream
across the country - and whereas in Malta they used to dress up coloured flowers. In summer the flowers turn a deep shiny red over
with heavy clothes to face the cold weather, in Australia they shed a period of weeks (generally by the week of Christmas in Sydney).
In each State capital city and different other cities, large Carols
the winter clothes to don their summer ones.
As young children in Malta we used to hear that Santa Claus by Candlelight services are organised along with pageants sometravels around the world to deliver the presents by reindeer. How- times with the participation of local bands and choirs, and broadever, out here the story goes that because of the heat, and rein- cast on TV across Australia. A number of famous Australian
deers cannot stand the terrible heat, when Santa Claus delivers singers also help to sing the carols, some original Australians.
his presents in Australia he gives the reindeers a rest and is taken Most towns and cities have festivals and parades and in some
round by six big white old man kangaroos, called the Six White places, there is a fireworks display at the local park.
Boomers (a popular Australian Christmas song!), and even
As it is the middle of summer in Australia at Christmas time,
changes his clothes for less 'hot' ones!
the words to the Carols about snow and the cold winter are someWhen it comes to the Christmas spirit the difference is minimal, times changed to special Australian words!
particularly with the Maltese-Australians who like to follow the
On Boxing Day most people go and visit their friends and often
traditions and sometimes, like it or not, even go overboard and have barbecues at the beach. A famous Yacht race from Sydney
exaggerate with their decorations and the way they light up their to Hobart in Tasmania is also held on Boxing Day.
houses with Christmas lights.
The Flying Doctor Service has to work all though-out ChristThey also follow the country’s traditions and hang wreaths on mas, and on Christmas Day the people who live in the outback
their front doors, while their children join other nationalities and send Christmas greetings to each other over the radio network.
sometimes go out
Most families, particuChristmas carol singing
larly the Maltese-Auson Christmas Eve.
tralians try to be home
Many Maltese houses
together for Christmas and
have also kept to the
the main meal - 'traditiontradition of building the
ally Maltese’ is eaten at
Christmas crib the Mallunchtime. Others Austese way, and like all
tralians have a cold Christothers also decorate
mas dinner, or a barbecue
their houses and garwith seafood such as
dens with Christmas
prawns and lobsters along
Trees and Christmas
with the 'traditional English
sometimes have little
No wonder that on Christcompetitions as to who
mas Eve, fish-markets are
has got the best light
often full of people queudisplay. Most Maltese
ing to buy their fresh
Australians celebrating
win hands down.
seafood to consume on this
Christmas on the beach
Small or extended
particular day, Christmas.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Adoramus Dominum
l-fer˙ li ja˙kem lill-bniedem
hekk kif tfe©© din il-festa tant
g˙ażiża ˙afna drabi ma
jirnexxilekx tesprimih bil-pinna u
lanqas bil-fomm g˙ax dan huwa
fer˙ mhux tas-soltu. Kul˙add iżejjen daru u ˙afna jibnu l-Presepju li
huwa l-qofol ta’ dan il-fer˙ kollu.
a mill-ewwel sena li
twaqqfet l-G˙aqda
G˙awdex-Malta 1985,
dejjem ˙e©©et lil kul˙add biex ma j˙allix Milied jg˙addi bla presepju
fid-dar. Nemmen li liskop intla˙aq, u llum ilpresepju tarah fiç-çentri,
fl-iskejjel, f’xi vetrina, fittejatri, fil-knejjes u bla
dubju fit-tokk tad-dar.
Il-Presepju ˙a postu
wkoll fil-mijiet ta’ kartolini li jintbag˙tu matul
dan iż-żmien u bla dubju
fil-Letteratura tag˙na.
“Adoramus Dominum” Ejjew nadurawh! Na˙seb
li dawn kienu l-ewwel
kelmiet li ˙ar©u minn
fomm ir-rg˙ajja ta’
Betlem hekk kif intasbu
g˙arkuptejhom fl-g˙ar
kiesa˙ fejn twieled
Gesu`’ Bambin. Ma
setax ikun mod ie˙or
g˙ax mistur ta˙t dak ilfaqar kien hemm l-iben
t’Alla mag˙mul bniedem, ir-Re tar-rejiet, dak
li kellu jifdi lill-bniedem
minn dnubietu.
Bla dubju dawn il-˙lej-
Dun Gor© kien li xerridha
b’˙e©©a fost il-Maltin,
x’g˙amlet l-im˙abba t’Alla
g˙alina l-midinbin.
Joe M Attard
jaq ma kenux jafu bilkobor ta’ dik il-krejatura
li kien hemm quddiemhom imfisqija fi ftit
˙rieqi, imma g˙allbxara tal-an©li ferrie˙a
˙allew kollox u ©rew
lejn il-g˙ar biex jaduraw
lis-Sid tas-sidien. Min
jista’ jg˙id x’fer˙ ˙assew
hekk kif ˙allew il-kes˙a
tal-kampanja u da˙lu
fl-g˙ar g˙eri u fqajjar
imma mimli m˙abba u
paçi tas-sema!
Jien na˙seb li mmutaw
hekk kif lem˙u lil
Gużeppi u Marija, umli
u kwieti jindukraw
daqsxejn ta’ tarbija
mimduda fuq ftit tiben fi
stalla tal-annimali
msa˙˙na biss min-nifs
s˙un ta’ baqra u ˙mara
©wejdin. G˙alkemm ma
kontx tilma˙ ˙lief faqar
madwarek, żgur li f’dak
l-g˙ar kien hemm paçi
u fer˙ li ma tfissirhomx.
G˙ax il-kuntentizza
ma ti©ix biss mill-©id u
l-kumdita’, imma wkoll
mill-paçi u l-grazzja li
jsaltnu f’qalb il-bniedem
li jiddistakka ru˙u mill-
alta-born Andy Cutajar has taken his
Christmas ‘addiction’ to the extreme
and decorated his Sydney home with more
than one million lights. He is attempting to
set his personal best this year and began installing Christmas lights around his Northmead home more than three months ago.
Xi tfisser din is-silta
li g˙andna bil-Latin!
Tfisser li l-Iben t’Alla
©ie jg˙ix fostna l-bnedmin.
Kitba u
flus u l-frug˙a tad-dinja.
Gesu` ried isir bniedem
tad-demm u l-la˙am
biex seta’ jifdina u jsalvana. Hekk tfisser ilfrasi Verbum Dei caro
factum est li San Gor©
Preca ried li j©orru
fuqhom il-membri tassoçjeta’ tal-Museum.
(ara wkoll pa©na 7
Qatt ˙sibt fuq dal-misteru?
Kemm hu ta’ ©id g˙alik
Alla sar bniedem veru
biex b’hekk seta’ jifdik.
G˙ax kien propju g˙alina
Li ˙alla s-smewwiet
U ried i©ib il-paçi
U l-g˙aqda fis-saltniet.
G˙alhekk inne˙˙u l-frug˙a
U l-g˙ira g˙al xulxin
Ning˙aqdu lkoll ma’ Sidna
Biex ng˙ixu lkoll ˙enjin.
L-adorazzjoni tar-rg˙ajja (pittura ta’ Gerard van Honthorst
Andy’s one million lights for Christmas
The 75-year-old has been decorating his
house for the past 20 years and has raised
thousands for charity by opening his display to the community every Christmas
Eve. His Christmas
lights display was featured prominently in the
Parramatta Advertiser.
Andy’s home is one of
hundreds of Christmas
light displays popping
up all over Sydney with
the aim of giving back
to the community. Last
year Andy raised $6000
for charity, and this year
he aims to get over the
$7000 mark.
“I started putting lights
up in September and I
still haven’t finished,” he said. “I am a bit
addicted to it.”
Last year his display earned him first place
in a community Christmas lights competition, winning him $800 worth of lights,
which took him over the one million-bulb
He first discovered his passion for a big,
illuminated Christmas light displays several
decades ago when he started helping a
friend who decorated his Greystanes home.
“I would be dressed as Santa and sit on a
throne in his garden but then I started walking around all the roads nearby,” he said.
When his friend stopped putting the lights
up, Andy started doing them at his home.
However, it is not just lights. Among other
things he has a baby Jesus imported from
Malta, and runs a raffle and two public barbecues.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday December 23, 2014
L-isfida ta’ Kristu
istg˙u na˙sbu li min jemmen
fi Kristu mhux g˙ajr xi ˙add
kalm u kwiet, mag˙luq fih innifsu
u kuntent bid-dinja ta’ madwaru.
Nistg˙u na˙sbu li Kristu ma jitlob
xejn minna ˙lief li nobdu lill-©enituri, nistudjaw, noqog˙du bilg˙aqal u l-˙wejje© Ωg˙ar tas-soltu
li bihom, ftit jew wisq, ma nkunu
qeg˙din nag˙mlu xejn ˙lief li
n˙allu d-dinja kif sibniha billi ma
nçaqilquha bl-ebda mod.
It-twelid ta’ Kristu m’huwiex ˙lief
sfida kbira g˙alina. It-twelid
tieg˙u huwa differenti minn
tag˙na, mhux biss g˙aliex huwa
Alla, imma wkoll g˙ax twieled fittbatija, f’g˙ar......Hu twelid li
g˙andu j©eg˙lna nibdew na˙sbu
dwar Kristu differenti. Huwa
twelid li jipprovokana g˙ax hu
twelid fqir, imΩebla˙, twelid li kellu
jçaqlaq lid-dinja u jipprovokaha.
Ma nkunux fhimna lil Kristu jekk
ma nifhmux li twelidu huwa l-bidu
ta’ bidla mill-qieg˙, bidla li g˙ad
trid issir fid-dinja sakemm l-ulied
kollha ta’ Missier wie˙ed
jing˙aqdu u jiftehmu f’dinja ta’
©ustizzja u m˙abba. G˙alhekk
waqt li l-Milied ta’ Ωmienna jistedinna “nie˙du”, il-Milied ta’ Kristu
hu biss stedina biex “nag˙tu”.
Il-faqar tieg˙u jrid ikun il-programm tag˙na; sa issa mhuwiex.
Dan fehmu tajjeb Scrooge fil-kitba
ta’ Charles Dickens bl-isem ta’ A
Christmas Carol meta beda jg˙in
lill-foqra ta’ madwaru u ˙ajtu
nbidlet b˙al lejl g˙an-nhar.
L-istatwa ta’ San Nikola
waqt il-purçissjoni fi
Plumpton NSW
Madankollu jaqbel perfettament ilpoeta Kelinu Cachia fil-poeΩija
RiedaTajba fil-Milied
It-toroq illi fihom
Saltan tad-dlam is-swied,
Illum tant sbie˙, mixg˙ula,
Isellmu lill-Milied.
U qalbi li fl-img˙oddi
Inksiet bi swied id-dnub
Tilma f’dal-jum li jfakkar
Twelid is-sid tal-qlub.
Ipetptu wa˙da f’wa˙da
Fil-bera˙ tas-smewwiet
Il-kwiekeb Ωg˙ar, leqqiena,
F’dil-lejla tal-Milied.
Dawwal lil qalbi b’dawlek
Kewkba li Ωbaqt kull dija;
Uriha triq is-sewwa
Li tie˙u g˙all-Messija.
Qed nisma’ daqq u g˙ana
Jiksru tal-lejl is-skiet;
©ejjin Ωg˙aΩag˙ bil-kotra
Fer˙ana bil-Milied.
Issie˙eb, qalbi mag˙hom
W ifir˙u g˙alenija;
Kemm sliem u ©id u hena
©iebet din it-tarbija.
Ilma˙t mi©bura f’darhom
Lil omm, missier u wlied,
Imkenna madwar mejda
G˙all-ikla tal-Milied.
U g˙idt bejni u bejn ru˙i,
“Kemm hawn f’dal-ksie˙, bil-©u˙?
G˙al dawn, f’Jum twelid Sidna
Mhemmx ˙niena minn xi ru˙?”
San Nikola je˙les minn ˙alba xita
Dejjem hu pjaçir li tasal wasla sa Plumpton NSW g˙all-fest ta’ San Nikola. Dan l-a˙˙ar
f’dawn l-in˙awi kellna ˙afna xita u maltempati xi daqqiet koroh izda xejn ma kien se
jΩomm milli ti©i ççelebrata l-35 festa fil-knisja tal-Good Shepherd.
Il-festa bdiet bil-quddiesa u l-pani©ierku minn Fr Ben Sant waqt li l-kant tal-kor JC
tmexxa minn John Beale. Kien hemm preΩenti wkoll il-kappillan Fr Gerard O’Dempsey
u Fr Claude Borg li ˙a l-okaΩjoni biex jappella ˙alli xi ˙add jinkarga ru˙u mill-JC Choir.
It-temp ippermetta li to˙ro© il-vara mill-knisja sas-sala tal-parroçça, iΩda fl-a˙˙ar ftit
metri r-reffieg˙a kellhom jg˙a©©lu g˙ax infet˙u bwieb is-sema u bdiet nieΩla xita
qawwija. Il-festa ssoktat fis-sala enormi tal-parroçça fejn il-Banda OLQP u l-kor JC
ferr˙u lil dawk preΩenti f’atmosfera tal-Milied.
Wasal ukoll Father Christmas, u l-festa ing˙alqet bit-tradizzjoni tal-log˙ob tan-nar.
Wie˙ed ta’ min jag˙ti ˙ajr g˙as-suççess tal-festa lil Bill Schembri, il-president, u lillimsie˙ba l-o˙ra tal-kumitat ta’ St Nicholas Festa Committee g˙ax-xog˙ol tag˙hom.
G˙addej ˙afif u mg˙a©©el
Fl-ir˙ula u fl-ibliet,
Tal-posta hu u jqassam
L-im˙abba fil-Milied.
Sa tibqa’ l-firda ssaltan
Bejnietna, il-bnedmin?
Ejjew niftehmu, na˙fru,
U ng˙annqu lil xulxin.
G˙al dawk ta’ rieda tajba,
Tal-an©li l-g˙anja dwiet,
T˙abbrilhom sliem u glorja
Fil-lejla tal-Milied.
Irrid li g˙anjet l-an©li
Ma tkunx g˙alija g˙alxejn
Inkella l-“Milied Tajjeb”
Ma jkun ifisser xejn.
The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights.
We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Il-presepju u aktar uΩanzi
tal-Milied Malti
ix-xahar ta’ Diçembru f’Malta niççelebraw
Ωew© festi kbar: il-Kunçizzjoni u l-Milied. Lg˙ada tal-Kunçizzjoni nizirg˙u l-©ulbiena,
no˙or©u l-presepju u nfarfruh mit- djarhom ifa˙˙ru lil Alla g˙all-esperjenza
trab, nirtukkawh, niççekkjaw id-dwal, sabi˙a u unika li ©arrbu f’˙ajjithom.
u ©img˙a qabel il-Milied narmawh bilMinn dakinhar, il-presepju sar parti mitpasturi u nqeg˙duh f’post çentrali fid- tradizzjoni u miç-çelebrazzjoni tal-patridar fejn jista’ jitgawda minn kul˙add. jiet Fran©iskani, u t-tradizzjoni talProprju hi din ir-riflessjoni dwar dan il- presepju da˙let f’kull kunvent tal-patrijum g˙aziz li g˙addietli minn mo˙˙i jiet madwar id-dinja. Wara bdiet tinfirex
waqt li kont qed in˙ares lejn g˙add ta’ ri- ukoll f’bosta djar, g˙all-ewwel f’dawk
tratti ta’ presepji mibnijin fuq stil tradiz- sinjuri u wara wkoll f’bosta djar o˙ra.
Min tiftix li g˙amilt, sibt, li aktarx li lzjonali li tant g˙adu jing˙o©ob middilettanti tal-presepji, anke jekk fi Ωmien- ewwel imma©ni ta’ presepju fil-gΩejjer
na da˙let id-drawwa, li naqilbu g˙al stili Maltin dehret fil-knisja tad-Dumnikani raktar moderni – stili li fil-fehma tieg˙i ma Rabat g˙all-˙abta tal-1620. Jing˙ad li ltantx jinzel tajjeb ma’ min irid iΩomm aktar presepju antik li g˙adu jeΩisti
f’Malta u li x’aktarx inbena fl-1826 jinsab
˙ajja t-tradizzjoni tal-presepju Malti.
L-ewwel presepju sar minn San Fran©isk fil-monasteru tas-sorijiet Benedittini flli kien i˙obb isejja˙ il-Milied b˙ala l-festa iMdina.
tal-festi, g˙aliex fih niççelebraw kif Alla sar
Insibu wkoll li fl-a˙˙ar snin tas-seklu 19,
bniedem b˙alna u twieled b˙ala tarbija.
çertu Beneditto Papale, Sqalli li kien jg˙ix
Jing˙ad li waqt udjenza li Fran©isku f’Malta kien esebixxa l-presepju tieg˙u
kellu mal-Papa Onorju III fl-1223, urieh g˙all-pubbliku, waqt li l-ewwel presepju
bix-xewqa li hu flimkien ma’ s˙abu l-pa- mekkanizzat f’Malta kien g˙amlu çertu
trijiet jiççelebraw il-quddiesa tal-Milied Muscat Fenech minn Óal Qormi.
Óafna tal-fehma li l-presepju Malti jixba˙
b’xena li tixba˙ l-G˙orfa ta’ Betlem, bilmaxtura, il-baqra u l-˙mara. Konxju mill- lill-iSqalli. It-tradizzjoni da˙let proprju
ispiritwalita’ u l-qdusija ta’ Fran©isku minn Sqallija. Fl-img˙oddi Malta kienet
l-Papa tah permess li ssir din il-quddiesa. parti mir-renju ta’ Sqallija, il-kulturi tag˙na
Lejlet dan il-jum g˙aΩiΩ, Fran©isku u jixxieb˙u ˙afna, l-isfqijiet tag˙na kienu
s˙abu ˙ejjew maxtura bit-tiben, baqra u Sqallin, u ˙afna min-nutara li kienu jag˙˙mara f’wie˙ed mill-g˙erien ta’ Greccio, mlu l-testmenti u l-kuntratti kienu Sqallin
u meta lestew kollox talbu lin-nies tal- ukoll, u l-prodotti tal-ikel u ˙ti©ijiet o˙ra
in˙awi biex g˙al dik is-sena, il-Milied konna nimpurtawhom minn hemm
Dari ˙afna mill-presepji fid-djar Maltin
jiççelebrawh mag˙hom fl-g˙ar.
Ftit qabel nofs il-lejl, in-nies tal-post kienu mag˙mulin mill-karti tas-siment
imxew lejn l-g˙ar bit-torçi mixg˙ula jew ©urnali mxarrbin bil-kolla tad-dqiq.
f’idejhom u mlew kull rokra tieg˙u. L-ewwel kien ji©i ffurmat l-g˙ar ewlieni,
X’˙in sar il-˙in bdiet il-quddiesa fuq il- u wara xi g˙erien zg˙ar qribu. Imbag˙maxtura li kienet isservi b˙ala l-altar. ad bl-istess karti jiffurmaw il-blat. Meta
B˙ala djaknu, San Frangisk, qara l- l-karti jinxfu kienu jag˙tu l-kulur, iferrxu
Van©elu u wara g˙amel kelmtejn ta’ l- fuqu ftit serratura kulur il-˙amrija u xi
okkaΩjoni dwar l-Im˙abba ta’ Alla li ˙axix artifiçjali.
Ìimg˙a qabel il-Milied il-presepju kien
dehret fost il-bnedmin.
Jing˙ad li ˙afna min-nies li ˙adu sehem jintrama bil-pasturi, ©eneralment tattaw xhieda li raw lil Gesu’ jitbissem tafal. Il-pasturi kienu mag˙rufa b˙ala tasf’dirg˙ajn Fran©isku. Meta ntemmet iç- sold, iΩda aktar tard bdejna naraw ukoll
çelebrazzjoni n-nies kollha telqu lejn pasturi tal-plastik, tal-©ibs jew materjal
Presepju tipku Malti, dak
mekkaniku fl-Istitut Ìesu`
NaΩΩarenu taΩ-Ûejtun li
©ie mibni fl-1947 u baqa’
dejjem jikber bil-g˙ajnuna taΩ-Ûejtuni Joe Pavia
Joseph Serracino
ie˙or. Illum insibu presepji mibnijin minn
©ebel rustiku, gagazza, sufri, ©ablow u anke fa˙am.
Illum fostna naraw ukoll presepji artistiçi bi stil Naplitan, izda l-kotra kbira talMaltin g˙adhom marbutin lejn l-istil
tradizzjonali Malti u ftit li xejn japprezzaw stili ta’ presepji o˙ra.
Matul il-˙akma IngliΩa f’Malta da˙lu luΩanzi ©odda, b˙all-kartolini tal-Milied, ilFather Christmas u s-si©ra tal-Milied li llum
issibha fi kaΩi d-djar kollha Maltin.
B’danakollu l-preΩenza tal-presepju u lBambin tax-Xemg˙a g˙adhom fid-djar
tag˙na, u ©ieli naraw Bambin imdawwar
bil-©ulbiena ta˙t is-si©ra tal-Milied.
Jing˙ad li t-tradizzjoni tal-pasturi tattafal ilha minn zmien il-kavallieri, g˙alkemm xi studjuΩi jsostnu li din is-seng˙a
hi antika ˙afna aktar. Aktarx l-ewwel sett
ta’ pasturi tat-tafal bil-kostum Lhudi
da˙al minn Sqallija.
Il-Maltin mill-ewwel tg˙allmu s-seng˙a
u bdew jag˙mlu b˙alhom, iΩda maΩΩmien tawhom il-bixra Maltija u biddlu
l-kostum f’wie˙ed Malti bil-qalziet, issidrija, it-ter˙a u l-milsa f’rashom. Imbag˙ad Ωiedu l-girna, il-mit˙na tar-ri˙,
il-furnar u s-sajjied. Xorta g˙adek issib
min jippreferi l-kostum Lhudi, u forsi
pasturi tat-tafal minn ta’ materjal ie˙or.
Illum issib diversi g˙amliet ta’ presepji
moderni, biss id-dilettant Malti g˙adu
marbut mal-grotta jew ir-razett tradizzjonali Malti, bil-Madonna, San ÌuΩepp
u l-Bambin fil-maxtura u l-˙mara u lbaqra, imdawrin b’xi rg˙ajja, l-aduratur,
l-g˙a©eb, ix-xabbatur u r-rieqed. Ftit ‘il
bog˙od mill-grotta ssib tliet rg˙ajja
j˙arsu lejn l-an©lu mdendel b’fildiferru
(miksi bit-tajjar) ma’ si©ra tal-palm.
F’xi presepji nsibu wkoll l-mara bilbomblu tal-ilma fuq spallitha, rag˙aj qed
itella’ l-ilma minn xi bir, l-g˙annejja u ddaqqaqa tal-kitarra, taΩ-Ωaqq u t-tambur
u sintendi xi ftit nag˙ag qrib il-grotta.
Minbarra t-tradizzjoni tal-presepju fiddjar, ˙afna familji g˙adhom jg˙oΩΩu wkoll
il-purçissjoni f’kull parroçça mis-soçjeta’
tad-duttrina (il-Museum) kif ukoll ilpriedka tat-tifel jew tifla fil-quddiesa ta’
nofs il-lejl. Xi familji g˙adhom ukoll bittradizzjoni li wara l-quddiesa ta’ nofs il-lejl
jie˙du kikkra kokotina – jew l-imbuljuta ma’ xi ˙lewwiet tradizzjonali.
Sintendi l-uΩanzi tal- kartolini, tas-si©ra
tal-Milied u Father Christmas illum saru
parti mill-folklor tag˙na, iΩda ma ninsewx it-tradizzjonijiet tag˙na li jfakkruna
fit-tifsira vera ta’ dan il-jum g˙aΩiΩ. Ixxju˙ tag˙na kienu jg˙idu li l-presepju
mhux biss ifakkarhom fit-twelid ta’
Kristu, iΩda jimlilhom qalbhom bl-ispirtu
nisrani u jkattar il-fer˙ u paçi fi djarhom
u fil-familiji tag˙hom.
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Human Rights medal awarded to
Holroyd’s principal
ydney high school principal,
Dorothy Hoddinott AO, M.A has
won the 2014 Human Rights Medal
in recognition of her lifelong passion for
and commitment to education, particularly
for disadvantaged and refugee students,
many of whom have experienced unimaginable trauma.
Ms Hoddinott who is also a Fellow of
Senate of the University of Sydney received the prestigious Human Rights
emm tiftakru minn dawn ittaqbiliet? L-ewwel wa˙da ta’
‘Ninu Ninu tal-Milied’ Ωgur li
hija ferm familjari ma’ ˙afna li qattg˙u tfulithom f’Malta. L-o˙rajn
mhumiex daqstant. Huma versi
ori©inali ta’ Dr. Marisa Abela. Ta’
min jismag˙hom
Mela g˙alina.....
Ninu Ninu tal-Milied,
Ommi g˙amlet il-qag˙qiet,
Il-qag˙qiet tal-qastanija,
Santu Rokku tat-ti©rija.
U Diçembru re©a’ mag˙na,
ix-xahar kiesa˙ tal-Milied,
Fejn nibag˙tu l-kartolini, nag˙mlu
l-˙elu l-kejkijiet.
Ìo kull dar fit-tieqa nsibu, si©ra
twila b’˙afna dwal,
Qniepen bΩieΩaq mag˙ha ndendlu,
ta˙tha npo©©u xi rigal.
Ilkoll nag˙mlu il-presepju, il-Bambin fuq ftit tibniet,
San ÌuΩepp u il-Madonna, xi ftit
rg˙ajja fuq l-g˙oljiet.
O tarbija mill-maxtura, fuqna
Ωomm idejk çkejknin,
T˙allix illi lilek noffendu,
billi nag˙mlu il-˙aΩin.
Glorja lilek O Alla tag˙na,
li twelidt f’dal-lejl ta’ bard,
RiΩq u hena ©id u paçi, ibqa’
xerred fuq din l-art.
at an
ceremony hosted by the Australian Human
Rights Commission to mark International
Human Rights Day.
Ms Hoddinott has been the principal of
Holroyd High School, in Greystanes,
Western Sydney since 1995. This school
was for many years used by the Maltese
Community Council of NSW as its meeting place before they moved to their own
premises at West Parramatta.
“I am a teacher. For the greater part of
my career, I have taught in schools on the
other side of the tracks, working with disadvantaged students, particularly students
from immigrant and refugee communities.
Almost sixty per cent of our students are
of recent refugee background, many with
interrupted or no schooling before they
come to us, and most with experience of
trauma that would be unimaginable in the
mainstream Australian community.
“I have learned a lot on my almost fiftyyear journey in teaching: that birth, social
class, wealth, ethnicity and gender should
not define or limit your future; that all children can learn; that all children, regardless
of their background and family circumstances, deserve a sound education that respects them and provides them with the
firm foundation they need for the rest of
their lives as active participants in society.”
The Human Rights Commission president, Professor Gillian Triggs, described
Ms Hoddinott’s contributions to the well
being of her students as life changing.
“Dorothy’s focus on helping disempowered and previously illiterate students
enjoy success in their schooling is inspiring,” Professor Triggs said.
“Dorothy’s success at Holroyd High provides a very practical model for teachers
and schools across the country as they
work with students from refugee and disadvantaged backgrounds. Dorothy has
shown us how to help these students, how
we can give them hope, give them education opportunities, and help refugee and
disadvantaged students become hardworking, motivated and resilient Australian citizens.”
Professor Triggs paid tribute to all of the
winners and finalists for the 2014 Human
Rights Awards, at a self-funded awards
ceremony at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney.
Dr John Falzon, of Maltese descent, the
chief executive of the St Vincent de Paul
National Council of Australia was one of
the finalists for the Human Rights Medal
awarded annually to an individual who has
made an outstanding contribution to the
advancement of
human rights in
Dorothy Hoddinott (right) and (below)
applauded after receiving the award
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Minister Brad Hazzard asked to give
answers re the Martin Place tragedy
The Voice of the Maltese
e m
is is a bi-lingual (in
English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication
specifically targeting all
Maltese living abroad
with emphasis on the
Australian scene.
is online magazine is
sent via email by request.
Subscription is free.
Malta: Joseph Cutajar
Lawrence Dimech: MOM,
email address:
[email protected]
Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be
e-mailed to: [email protected].
Now you can also join us
on facebook:
Charles Agius from Sydney, NSW writes:
elow is a copy of a letter Mr. Tony
Borg, from Sydney, sent to NSW
Government Minister Mr. Brad Hazzard
seeking answers about the Martin Place
tragedy. I concur with and is also urging
as many people as possible to pass it on to
everybody whom we all know, and in particular also send emails to Mr Brad Hazzard: [email protected]
Dear Mr Hazzard,
I, and many other patriotic and law abiding citizens of this country, would appreciate your direct answers to the following
questions about the deranged criminal that
terrorised our city and murdered two innocent people.
1. How did Monis get bail when he was already charged with serious offences such
as attempted murder and forty counts of
sexual assault?
2. Who was the magistrate responsible for
3. Why was the police application to refuse bail denied by this magistrate?
4. How could the magistrate form the
opinion that Mr Monis was “not a threat”?
Noting that he was charged with attempted
murder and sexual assaults?
5. Given that new bail laws are to be enacted on 28 January 2015, what other
remedies were available to the deciding
magistrate at the time other than to grant
6. Why were those available remedies not
7. What action will now be taken against
that particular magistrate who made such
a decision? Three people have died as a
consequence of that decision, in particular
two very innocent people.
8. What will now be done in relation to
members of the judiciary to ensure that
their decisions are in the best interests of
the public?
9. Police lives were also put at risk during
the siege. What action will now be taken
to ensure the magistrate responsible and
the judiciary in general will be cognizant
of the real fact that our police are at risk?
10. What is going to be done to ensure that
other persons similar to Mr Monis, who
presumably are currently on bail, will no
longer pose a threat to the public (and police) due to lenient decisions of magistrates?
I and many other citizens, friends and
family members will look forward to your
response for the above questions and in the
meantime I wish you and your family a
safe a joyous Christmas. Sadly, there are
two particular families who will be in
mourning due to this callus event.
Il-Konvenzjoni 2015 se ssir?
Josette Mifsud minn Ontario l-Kanada tikteb
ikteb din l-ittra b’g˙afsa ta’ qalb.
Qalulna li f’April 2015 f’Malta se jkun
hemm Konvenzjoni g˙all-Maltin ta’ Barra.
IΩda jidher li ma smajna xejn iΩjed mill-organizzaturi. Naf min applika xhur ilu iΩda
mank g˙adu rçeva acknowledgement.
G˙andi wkoll ˙bieb l-Awstralja li huma
wkoll applikaw iΩda mank biss ©ew
mog˙tija twe©iba. Qatt ma niftakar tant
diΩorganizazzjoni. Ma nafx min qieg˙ed
imexxi iΩd’issa suppost li g˙andna Kunsilli
u Direttorat imma jidher li konna a˙jar meta
konn ag˙ar.
Jidher li l-organizzaturi ma jistg˙ux jifhmu
xi tfisser li tinΩel Malta mill-Kanada, il-USA
jew anke mill-Awstralja. Mhux lakemm
taqbad u titlaq fl-a˙˙ar ©img˙a.
Imbag˙ad xi ng˙idu dwar l-g˙ajnuna li ssoltu ti©i mog˙tija? Skiet perfett! Jidher li listrate©ija se tkun mill-©did, Konvenzjoni
g˙al dawk li joqog˙du Malta biex juruna
kemm jifhmu fl-affarijiet tal-Maltin ta’ Barra.
Kont na˙seb li ta˙t Gvern Laburista l-affarijiet kienu se jsiru a˙jar. Jinbidlu l-Gvernijiet
iΩda s-sangisugi hemm imwa˙la jibqg˙u u
flok imexxu ‘l quddiem b’makakkerija jpo©©u
l-bsaten fir-roti biex dejjem je˙el il-Gvern.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday December 23, 2014
It’s almost Christmas
– redistribution of hope
A new look for
Civic Park
visit to Civic Park in the suburb of Pendle Hill NSW one will imA
mediately notice the latest improvement, not only to the Maltese Bicentennial Monument but the environment. After close
consultation with the Maltese Community Council of NSW, Holroyd City Council undertook extensive work to provide better and
more pleasant facilities costing more than $20,000.
A new pergola structure is now in place (photographed above)
after the old one was removed. Paving has been extended and
new aluminium seats installed. This end of the park looks much
more attractive now.
All VIPs from Malta, including Prime Ministers and Presidents
visit the Maltese Bicentennial Monument, a project initiated by the
Maltese Community Council of NSW. It is also used as a backdrop for the annual commemoration of the Maltese uprising
known as the Sette Giugno (7th June 1919). The monument
marking this event was erected in 1988 as part of the Australian
Bicentenary celebrations and to recognise the history of Maltese
immigration to Australia.
Frances Montesin, the secretary of the MCC told The Voice of
the Maltese that once again useful representations made by the
MCC have benefitted the Maltese community.
hy should those
who have little be
asked to pay more?
Why are we forcing
people who can’t afford
their energy bills to
shoulder the risk?
These are the questions
being asked by Dr John
Falzon, the chief executive of the St Vincent de
Paul Society of Australia, in his recent article on The Sun Herald titled “Hard to know its
Christmas if the burden’s on you”.
Dr Falzon writes that it is almost Christmas and
we are still debating the May budget.
According to the Credit Suisse report on global
wealth, Australians are the richest people on earth
yet the people left out and pushed out before the
budget continue to be excluded from the nation’s incredible prosperity.
Dr Falzon argues that we are still debating whether
people living in poverty should be made to pay the
price of protecting the privileges of the powerful.
“We are not asking favours of our government. We
are simply asking it to face up to its obligations to
all of the people, not just the rich.
“It’s almost Christmas and the people who the St
Vincent de Paul Society assists could not be blamed
for feeling that their hopes for a better future are all
but dashed”.
Dr Falzon concluded that our twin enemies are
surfeit and despair. Our twin objectives are a redistribution of hope. We might be living in a time of
massive inequality of incomes but when it comes to
the human right to housing, a job, education (from
pre-school to TAFE and university) and universal
health care, we should be striving to achieve equality of outcomes.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Christmas jew Xmas?
A version of this series in
English may be found in
the author's blog at:
in il-©img˙a d˙alt f’supermarket tal-Indjani f’Wentworthville, f'Sydney. F'˙in
minnhom rajt li kellhom presepju pjuttost
kbir, bil-maxtura, il-figurini eçç, xejn different
ikolli ng˙id mill-˙afna presepji li ©ieli rajt f'Malta,
u w˙ud ukoll li kont narma meta kont g˙adni tifel.
Forsi wie˙ed ma jistennix li jassoçja simboli
Nsara mal-Indjani, g˙ax dan il-pajjiΩ ta' biljun ru˙
iktar huwa assoçjat mal-ÓinduiΩmu, l-IΩlam, ilBuddiΩmu u s-SikhiΩmu fost l-o˙rajn. Madankollu, forsi mhux daqshekk mag˙ruf li l-Indjani
wkoll g˙andhom tradizzjoni Nisranija twila ˙afna
li tmur lura sal-Appostlu Tumas.
Din id-dehra mhux mistennija fakkritni, g˙al xi
ra©uni, f'tendenza li ilni
ninnota, li fil-Milied, li hi
festa reli©juΩa Nisranija,
il-preΩenza ta' Ìesu` Kristu ftit ftit qed tisparixxi.
Meta kont Ωg˙ir, niftakar
nirçevi kartolini tal-Milied bil-kliem Merry
Xmas, u kont nistaqsi lil
ommi xi tfisser. Kont
bqajt mistg˙a©eb meta
qaltli, b'fastidju mhux
wisq mo˙bi, li l-ittra X
tintuΩa biex qisha qed Óanut fost il-˙afna mΩejjen
taqta' lil Kristu 'l barra. b’o©©etti relatati mal-Milied
Iktar reçentement, qrajt1
(b;mhux ftit ser˙an il-mo˙˙) li l-ittra X bdiet tintuΩa b˙ala abbrevjazzjoni tal-verΩjoni Griega tal-kelma Kristu (Christos, bl-ewwel
ittra li tinstema 'chi' tinkiteb X).
Sa reçenti spiss ikolli diskussjonijiet ma xi ˙abib tieg˙i li j˙addan
il-fidi Nisranija, li jg˙idli jew tg˙idli, b'ton immas˙an li din is-sena
saret deçiΩjoni li fit-tali lokal, ˙anut jew çentru, ma kinux se jarmaw presepji jew kwalunkwe simbolu reli©juΩ relatat mal-Milied.
Naturalment, il-muΩika kummerçjali relatata, iΩ-Ωmontor, ilglobi u d-dwal ipetptu huma dejjem eΩentati minn din ir-regola,
u dawn jibdew jidhru anke minn Novembru, li ma mmorrux ninsew li a˙jar nibdew infaddlu ˙alli nkunu nistg˙u ninfexxu fl-or©ja
ta' xiri bla raΩan lejn l-a˙˙ar tas-sena.
Ir-ra©uni li ting˙ata dejjem tkun li ma jkunux iridu jgerrxu lil
nies li ma j˙addnux il-KristjaneΩmu, li ma jmurx jintilef xi bejg˙
f'din il-parti tant importanti tal-kalendarju ekonomiku. Wara din
ir-ra©uni, ©eneralment ikun hemm xi kliem ta' rabja g˙al dawn limmigranti Musulmani, Buddisti, ateji u l-bqija li qed i©ag˙luna
ndawwru l-kultura tag˙na. X'wiçç tost! Ara f'hiex wasalna! Mur
g˙idilhom ibiddlu l-kultura tag˙hom f'pajjiΩhom!
Óa nqerr mag˙kom. Jien g˙andi ˙afna ˙bieb li mhumiex Insara.
Kieku qatt xi darba smajt lil wie˙ed imqar jimplika li j˙ossu
skomdu bis-simboli Nsara tal-Milied, inkluΩi dawk li huma ateji.
Naturalment, billi jien ma smajtx bihom, ma jfissirx li ma jeΩistux, imma m'g˙andix l-impressjoni li hawn xi moviment qawwi
kontrihom. Intom qarrejja. personalment, qatt smajtu lil xi ˙add
direttament jg˙id dan?
Musulman g˙alfejn g˙andu j˙ossu skomdu b'simboli Nsara?
G˙alihom Ìesu` hu t-tieni l-iktar profeta importanti fl-IΩlam,
wara biss Mawmettu nnifsu.
G˙al segwaçi ta' reli©jonijiet o˙ra, jew g˙al min huwa ateju jew
anjostiku, b˙al ma smajt anke sa din il-©img˙a stess, g˙alihom ilMilied ma jfisser xejn f'sens reli©juΩ, imma xorta jgawdu l-©urnata
b'ikla tajba ta' nofsinhar jew b'xi ˙ar©a, ji©ifieri hemm konvivenza
kitba ta’
Il-veru sinifikat hu ttwelid ta’ Ìesu` Bambin.
Imma l-presepju qed jinqata’ mill-˙wienet?
kulturali. Allura lproblema x'inhi?
Jien na˙seb li l-problema mhix ©ejja affattu
minn min mhux Nisrani, imma minn min
kien responsabbli li
jarma dawn is-simboli
reli©juΩi. Ma kienx qed
jag˙mel dan b'xi devozzjoni, imma biex ji©bed lin-nies li kienu predominantement Insara, bil-motivazzjoni tkun purament kummerçjali.
Issa li s-soçjetà hija bil-wisq iktar multi-kulturali, il-kalkulazzjoni ta' 'kif-se-nag˙mlu-biex-naqilg˙u-flus-iktar-mis-sena-lo˙ra' qeg˙da xxaqleb lejn li ma jitte˙idx xi riskju Ωejjed.
U wara kollox, din hija verament problema?
Jien il-parir tieg˙i g˙al min dan is-su©©ett huwa ta' xi importanza, huwa li l-iktar simbolu qawwi Nisrani f'din id-dinja ji©i
meta nsegwu fil-˙ajja ta' kuljum it-tag˙lim ta' Ìesu`, u nsiru lmel˙ tal-art f'din id-dinja.2 M'hemmx g˙alfejn jindaqqu t-trombi
jew jixxejru l-bandieri.
Fejn hemm simboli Nsara viΩivi li g˙adhom jidhru, ejja ngawduhom u ng˙oΩΩuhom f'dan il-Milied. U fi spirtu ta' tolleranza li
nistennew minn ˙addie˙or, ejja ngawdu wkoll lid-dragun ÇiniΩ
ji©ri fit-toroq fil-bidu tas-sena lunari, u d-dwal imdendel mattwieqi tal-Indjani fil-festa Óindu ta' Diwali.
G˙amlu lil ˙addie˙or kif tridu lil ˙addie˙or jag˙mel lilkom.3
Tassew regola tad-deheb!
Il-Milied it-tajjeb, u s-sliem, lill-qarrejja kollha.
[1]http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/d [2]Mt 5:13
DictCode=all, retrieved 14/12/2014
[3]Mt 7:12
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Maltese build
Nativity Scene
at Kurnell
oe Deguara, known as
‘Il-Mosti’ who lives un
Kurnell, a suburb in
Southern Sydney, NSW, is
once again instilling the
Christmas spirit in his
part of the world and
along with Victor Sammut, has built the Nativity
Scene (Il-presepju) in three
layers, which is a
view and
Joe Deguara’s house
an interpretation
of a village
life to what
he and Victor believe
it was like
when Jesus
Christ was
born 2014
years ago
in a cave
that also
served as a
Joe’s village consists of the manger
on the bottom left of the picture. To
the right and in the centre of the
lower section, one can see an authentic waterfall, and to the right a hotel.
In the second layer there’s also an
open area leading into an area where
one can find the model of a carpenter
decorated for Christmas
working, while above the manger
farms can be seen along with shepherds and various farm hands at
Looking at the scene, one can also
detect a number of musicians, and
next to them is a bridge over the waterfall with three camels and handlers crossing over it. There’s also a
Maltese language and culture
Students awarded
Certificates at end
of scholastic year
The scholastic year came to an end and all students who attended the Maltese Language
School of NSW at Horsley Park and at Seven
Hills were awarded with a Certificate of
Achievement in recognition of the study of the
Maltese Language and Culture.
Both schools and the new one at Luddenham
will resume classes at the beginning of February 2015. The Maltese Language School of
NSW is run by The Maltese Community Council of NSW. More information can be obtained
from the Principal on 02 96012189.
Pictured, One of the students, Shannon Said
(centre), receiving his certificate, flanked by
Ivan Cauchi , head teacher at Seven Hill and
Mary Pace-Feraud, the School Principal.
water duct (something Romans
use to build during those years)
and to the right, in the third
layer, are dwellings. Above the
manger, are various other
dwellings, a waterfall, and to the
right King Harrods's castle and
the king himself Harrods reading a proclamation.
All told Joe estimates they are
using over 250 figurines including sheep, goats and other animals. What’s also interesting the
fact that all the figures (pasturi)
were all imported from Malta, either
by Victor Sammut himself or sent to
Joe by his old Mosta Scout Master
(who, he says is still in touch with).
Meanwhile, the Nativity scene has
also been featured in The Leader, a
widely read local newspaper in Kurnell that has a circulation of over
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta/1
IMF gives Malta clean bill of health
t the end of an official staff visit by the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), Malta was given a clean
bill of health, after finding the island’s economy very
positive. It said that Malta continues to weather the
global crisis well, with its real GDP growth being
one of the highest in the euro area and has remained
solid this year.
The IMF said Malta’s external position has stayed
strong, and unemployment is close to historical lows,
adding that it is among the lowest in the euro area,
while the developments reflect a relatively diversified
economy and a stable banking sector.
In its report, the IMF continued to say that Malta’s economic outlook is strong, with main drivers being ongoing investment projects and strong private consumption, and the latter underpinned
by rising wages and employment. Inflation is projected to remain
subdued, reflecting the reduction in energy tariffs, lower global oil
prices, and persistently low euro area inflation.
According to IMF, risks are broadly balanced. In the short-term,
a prolonged stagnation and very low inflation in the euro area
would reduce external demand and make fiscal adjustment more
challenging. In the longer term, Malta’s competitiveness could be
eroded because of regulatory and tax reforms at the European level,
and if Malta falls behind in implementing structural reforms while
many euro area countries continue to reduce their unit labour costs.
It said that now is an opportune time to push forward with policies
to raise growth in a sustainable manner and reduce vulnerabilities. Despite a robust outlook, Malta faces important
challenges: public debt is still high; non-performing
loans are elevated; despite abundant liquidity, the cost
of capital is relatively high; and maintaining competitiveness is increasingly challenging.
It added that the policy agenda, therefore, should
focus on three areas: 1) progressing towards fiscal
sustainability; 2) maintaining financial stability; and
3) strengthening competitiveness and reducing the cost
of capital.
IMF welcomed the budgetary targets for 2014-2017, even
though meeting them could be subject to risks. The fiscal deficit
declined to 2.7 percent of GDP in 2013, and with the output gap
closed; there is a window of opportunity to reduce public debt.
It also welcomed the government’s efforts to strengthen fiscal
governance, and said that overall, the financial sector remains stable.
IMF, however, said that efforts are needed to further boost the resilience of Maltese banks and ensure robust supervisory and contingency arrangements, and that maintaining Malta’s
competitiveness will require sustained productivity growth.
It mentioned the reduction of public debt, containing spending
on pension, healthcare and public corporations, reducing non-performing loans, and other structural reforms as priorities for the
The first half of December has been quite hectic for Malta and certainly news media had a full schedule as they tried to cope
with all the activities that were packed in just a few days. The celebrations marking the 40th Anniversary of Malta becoming a
Republic took pride of place but other important events also shared the space on the broadcasting and press media.
marking 40th
of Malta
becoming a
hen it comes to the 40th Annicersary of of
Malta becoming a Republic, the celebrations
on December 13 started with the customary Ceremonial Parade held at St George’s Square, followed
at the President’s Palace in Valletta with the Investiture Ceremony when, on behalf of the Government
and people of Malta, the President of Malta,
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca paid public tribute to
a number of Maltese citizens who distinguished
themselves in different fields of endeavour.
During the Ceremony, the President appointed ten
Maltese nationals to The National Order of Merit
and awarded the ‘Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika’ to ten individuals. Two of these awards were
made posthumously. Moreover, two foreign nationals were appointed to ‘The National Order of Merit’
on an honorary basis.
Malta also honoured foreign nationals who have
distinguished themselves in different fields of endeavour, in the enhancement of international relations or who have earned the respect and gratitude
Malta, Azerbaijan sign
MOU on Cooperation
agreement in energy sector
President Marie Louise
Coleiro-Preca at the Ceremonial Parade in Valletta
of the people of the Maltese Islands.
In addition, thirty-seven members of the Armed
Forces of Malta were awarded the ‘Distinguished
Service Medal’ (DSM) in recognition of their distinguished and exceptional role in dangerous operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea to save
life at sea and rescue people in distress during
The President also delivered an important speech.
(see also pages 2 and 3)
Then in the evening, a very interesting show was
organised with architectural projections on the facade of the President’s Palace in Valletta. It was organised by the Fondazzjoni Ċelebrazzjonijiet
The projections were followed with a spectacular
show incorporating local talent and international
artists and involving choreography, acrobatics,
music and art in St George's Square.
An exhibition celebrating past Maltese citizens
was also held in the Palace Courtyard.
Malta and Azerbaijan have signed
a Memorandum of Understanding
on strategic cooperation in the oil
and gas sector. This resulted from
a visit Prime Minster Joseph
Muscat made to Azerbaijan last
week, during which he also had
talks with Azeri President Ilham
At the end of the visit, The government said that both sides
recognised the transformation occurring in the Maltese energy sector and the creation of new
regional opportunities that could
be serviced from Malta.
The main areas of the strategic cooperation will focus on oil and gas
exploration, sourcing and logistics
of petroleum products, trading in
energy commodities in the
Mediterranean region, development of new regional infrastructure, and innovative LNG services.
Dr Muscat was accompanied by
Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi,
who signed the agreement with
Azeri Energy Minister Natiq
Aliyev in the presence of the respective Prime Ministers
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta/2
Malta signs €320m power investment
deal with Shanghai Electric in Enemalta
he eagerly awaited power contract described as the largest investment
by a foreign company in Malta, worth €320m in the energy sector between Malta and Shanghai Electric Power of China has been signed.
The contract signed on behalf of Malta by Energy Minister Konrad
Mizzi, and Yun Dan Wang, chairman on behalf of Shanghai Electric Power, allows for
the Chinese company to be a shareholder in
Shanghai will pay €100 million for a 33 per
cent stake in Enemalta and €150 million for
a 90 per cent shareholding in the Delimara
BWSC plant that was hived off to a separate
company called D3 Generation Limited. Another €70 million would be spent over the
next 18 months by the Chinese company to
convert the BWSC plant from working on
heavy fuel oil to gas.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, said this was
a very important day because it put Malta’s
energy sector on a sound footing and
strengthened its links to the globalised economy. He added that it is an example of how
in a relatively short time the government
turned a problem into an opportunity.
“From inward looking we will be looking
at providing services to the region. Negotiations were difficult but were always done in
a spirit of cooperation,” Dr Muscat said.
Signing the contract
LP unveils monument
to Perit Dom Mintoff
n the eve of the day
marking the 40th Anniversry of the Republic,
the Labour Party unveiled
a monument dedicated to
former Prime Minster and
leader of the party, Dom
Mintoff (left) in Paolino
Vassallo Square, Cospicua.
Addressing the gathering
at the ceremony, Prime
Minister Joseph Muscat described Dom Mintoff as the
man who gave the Maltese
hope for the future; a Maltese man of a global stature
who managed to separate
the past from the future,
made his voice heard, chose his
mission and implemented what
he believed in.
The Prime Minster said that
Dom Mintoff was a determined
man who gave the Maltese hope
for the future, introduced the
minimum wage, pensions, children’s allowance, bonuses for
workers and pensioners, maternity leave, free healthcare, the
decriminalisation of homosexuality and adultery, Air Malta, Enemalta, banks and industrial
The gathering was also addressed by LP deputy leader Dr
Toni Abela.
Home Affairs Minister replaced
ollowing the conclusion after just 15 days of a report by an independent board of inquiry made up of three former judges, the
Prime Minister requested Home Affairs’ Minister Dr Mallia’s resignation but failing his response, he sacked him and replaced him
with Carmelo Abela.
The board had absolved Dr Mallia of any involvement in the
cover-up involving his driver who has since been arraigned in court
and is facing charges of attempted murder after firing two shots at
the car of a Scottish man who had hit the parked car of the minister
and sped off. Initially, in a press release, the driver was said to have
fired warning shots in the air.
Dr Mallia insisted with the board that the version of the incident
that his driver had fired warnings shots - came to him from the
driver and Acting Commissioner Ray Zammit.
However, the board said that, at the very least, the minister was
aware of the content of a statement issued a few hours later, as testified by the government head of communications, during a conversation he had with the Acting Commissioner.
In its conclusion the board stated that while there was no evidence
to prove that the minister acted to cover up his driver’s actions, Dr
Mallia still carried responsibility for the fact that the official statement issued by the ministry was incorrect, and that he should have
made sure that the mistake was not made in the first place; however,
once it was done, he should have ensured that it was corrected immediately.
In the meantime, in a letter tabled in parliament by Prime Minister
Joseph Muscat, the former minister insisted that he "never read"
the statement and that he never had anything to do with the drafting
of the statement. He also refused to resign because the inquiry
"found that he wasn't involved in any cover-up".
He also confirmed his loyalty to the Prime Minister and government and said he would retain his seat in parliament to serve the
people who elected him and to see the implementation of Labour's
electoral programme.
Meanwhile, the acting commissioner was relegated back to his
former position to be replaced by Michael Cassar who has been appointed as the new police commissioner.
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18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta/3
President Marie Louise ColeiroPreca with officials from the Corradino Correctional Facility
Malta Congratulates
US, Cuba on decision
to restore diplomatic
relations after 50 yrs
President visits
Corradino Prisons
uring a visit to the Corradino
Correctional Facility as part
of her Christmas activities, President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
told the 590 prisoners that they
had responsibilities to reintegrate
and contribute to society after
their misbehaviour hurt innocent
She added that she wanted inmates to know that she is also their
President. “Whilst they must carry
the responsibility for their past
crimes, they must also be responsible for their future and that of
their families. They must take
their reform seriously”, she said.
The President was shown around
the cells and the common areas,
and briefed about changes in the
prisons, including increased support and preparation for prisoners
who are about to be released, and
more activities within the prison
itself, including arts and music.
Deputy Commissioner Zammit
noted that 43% of prisoners are
repeat offenders. This, he said,
was a problem that was being addressed through discussion with
the NGOs and improved support
to the prisoners.
alta has joined the
international community in welcoming the
announcement by US
President Barack Obama
and Cuba’s President
Raul Castro that their
two countries are to restore full relations between them after more
than 50 years of estrangement.
In fact, on behalf of the
Government of Malta, the
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
has congratulated the
United States of America
and Cuba on their announcement. It said that
the initiative to re-invigorate economic, political
and people to people exchanges between the two
neighbours is a historic moment in US-Cuban bilateral
Malta welcomes the assistance of the Government of Canada and
Pope Francis in facilitating this dialogue.
Malta said it also supports the efforts of the
European Union to negotiate a Political Dialogue
and Cooperation Agreement with Cuba that
would not only enable a
framework for closer engagement between the
two sides, but would also
assist Cuba in its ongoing reform and modernisation process to the
benefit of the Cuban
Govt. wraps up deal for public transport
he deal for the takeover of the public
transport system by Spanish company
Autobuses de Leon seems to have been concluded, with the Spanish operator, Autobuses de Leon would take over on January
8 in what is expected to be a soft launch.
The new livery for the buses will be light
green and white.
The new company has agreed to pay €8
million for the purchase of Malta Public
Transport Services that in turn had bought
out Arriva for a nominal fee of €1 at the start
of the year.
Govt will by paying a subsidy of €23 million for the first year and is expected to increase it from the following year once the
new operator implements the full route network.
Autobuses de Leon is expected to eventually bring over to Malta 142 new buses.
However, it would initially hire a number of
buses to run the service.
Fitch confirms BOV’s stable outlook
ased on the tese economy as well as from the bank's stable banking system that emerged unB
bank's strength exposure to the Maltese government scathed from the post-2008 crisis.
as a stand-alone in- through securities and related entities.
He added that the government, was com-
stitution, Fitch Ratings that affirmed the long-term credit
rating (issuer default rating IDR) and viability rating (VR) of Bank of Valletta at
BBB+ with a stable outlook.
Fitch said the VR reflected the bank's
leading domestic franchise, which provided it with robust customer funding and
liquidity, as well as healthy operating profitability.
However, the ratings were also influenced by high industry and single-name
credit concentrations deriving from the
small and undiversified nature of the Mal-
Malta’s has its
first specialist
corporate bank
n the meantime, Malta’s first specialist
corporate bank, Mediterranean Corporate Bank, has been officially inaugurated
in Sliema, with Finance Minister Edward
Scicluna saying at the opening, that a
sound banking sector is paramount for
Malta’s economic success, and that Malta
could pride itself on having a sound and
mitted to strengthening the industry and
intended to introduce legislative regulations which would support continual
The Mediterranean Bank’s CEO Mark
Watson said that the creation of Mediterranean Corporate Bank represents another
important milestone in the development of
Mediterranean Bank Group, adding that
with the opening of MedCorp Bank, they
can provide specialist and tailored financing to the local corporate market underpinned by our broad international
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Óames MPs BISS
hux drawwa tieg˙i li nikteb dwar
l-istess su©©ett aktar minn darba,
˙lief f’kaΩijiet partikulari. Hekk se
nag˙mel illum billi se nevita’ li nikteb
dwar dak li l-aktar li rreferiet g˙alih ilmidja lokali – il-kaΩ tal-isparar ta’ Ωew© tiri
min-na˙a tax-xufier - (bil-biçça l-kbira talmidja Maltija tinsa li teΩisiti l-kelma xufier
u ˙lief il-kelma ‘driver’ ma wΩatx) – talMinistru (issa eks) Manuel Mallia. Ûgur li
qrajtu u smajtu biΩΩejjed dwar dan il-kaΩ.
Biss xtaqt nirreferi g˙all-a˙bar fl-ewwel
pa©na ta’ ©urnal Malti bl-IngliΩ: Just five
Labour MPs say Mallia should stay, li
dehret qabel ma ©ie deçiΩ li l-Ministru
Mallia kellu jitne˙˙a.
Sintendi min qara dan it-titlu Ωgur li ˙a limpressjoni li kien hemm appo©© tassew
fqir li kellu l-Ministru Mallia fost il-membri parlamentari s˙abu. IΩda mbag˙ad meta
wie˙ed jaqra l-istorja kollha, jinteba˙ li fuq
Wasalna fi tmiem sena o˙ra,
sena li rnexxieli nΩomm l-appuntament mag˙kom ta’ kull
˙mistax, anke jekk kultant
kien diffiçli, min˙abba diversi
mpenji, biex inwassal l-artikli
fil-˙in u mhux darba u tnejn
˙allejt lill-edituri tal-magazine jistennew sal-a˙˙ar mument.
Nixtieqilkom il-Milied it-Tajjeb u Nawguralkom kull riΩq,
hena u sa˙˙a g˙as-Sena l©dida 2015.
kollox dan il-©urnal seta’ façilment
©ab b˙ala titlu: Just five Labour
MPs say Mallia should resign
Billi fl-istess storja jing˙ad li kienu
biss ˙ames membri parlamentari
Laburisti li qalu li Dr Mallia kellu
jirriΩenja g˙ax min˙abba dan l-inçident kien qed jitfa` dell ikrah fuq ilGvern kollu. Fuq kollox il-©urnal
jammetti li huwa rnexxielu jikseb
biss ir-reazzjoni ta’ 26 minn 39 deputat laburista.
Imma tistaqsuni, allura x’qalu is16-id-deputati l-o˙ra? Fil-fatt, tlieta ma riedux jikkumentaw,
filwaqt li t-13 l-o˙ra qablu ma dak
li kien qed jg˙id il-Prim Ministru
dak inhar - ji©ifieri li qabel tittie˙ed
deçiΩjoni wie˙ed kellu jistenna x’se jo˙ro©
mill-inkjesta dwar l-inçident.
Forsi hawn seta’ jo˙ro© it-titlu: Thirteen
L-eks ministru
Manuel Mallia
Labour MPS want to wait and see
Imma sintendi l-g˙aΩla qeg˙da f’idejn leditur... u kull editur g˙andu d-dritt li
jwassal il-messa©© li jixtieq hu...
... u inçident ie˙or
idher li lill-midja Nazzjonalista niΩlitilha jtig˙ha l-importanza, skont ma hu qrib jew
g˙asel l-istorja tal-ispartura li b˙ala riΩultat bog˙od mill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Meta mistoqsi dwar dak li ©ara Dr. Herrera
Dr Manuel Mallia spiçça tne˙˙a minn
Ministru, g˙ax issa ˙ar©u bi storja ©dida...
storja fejn sostnew li s-Segretarju Parlamentari Jose’ Herrera waqt li kien qed ˙iere© millparke©© fejn kien ipparkjat, allegatament
laqat karozza li kienet ipparkajta quddiemu
fl-istess Triq Villambrosa.... u baqa’ sejjer bla
ma g˙amel rapport lill-pulizija....
Sintendi, din l-istroja ng˙atat prominenza
kbira fil-midja Nazzjonalista fejn bilkemm
din ma tqisitx b˙ala ‘hit and run’ biex
imbag˙ad ©iet irrappurtata mill-midja lo˙ra... sintendi kull wie˙ed mill-©urnali
qal li ma jeskludix li seta’ laqat xi karozza,
iΩda jekk kien hekk, l-impatt kien tant minimu li anqas inteba˙. Fuq kollox lanqas ma
sar xi rapport lill-pulizija minn xi ndivdwu
li kellu l-karozza pparkjata f’dik it-triq.
IΩda din id-darba, kontra dak li se˙˙ fil-kaΩ
ta’ Mallia, il-ma©©oranza tal-qarrejja li kkumentaw dwar l-inçident sostnew li din kienet
dak li l-IngliΩi jsejj˙u “storm in a tea cup”
Na˙seb li jekk se nibqg˙u sejrin bi stejjer
b˙al dawn - il-Gvern u l-OppoΩizzjoni, minflok jikkonçentraw dwar il-˙ti©ijiet tal-pajjiΩ, ser jispiççaw jg˙addu l-˙in dwar
˙wejje© li, forsi, jistg˙u jiksbulhom il-voti,
imma li l-pajjiΩ u l-poplu ftit li xejn jiggwadanja.
Camera f’Toilet
-istejjer fejn jid˙ol is-sess ma jonqsux,
u wara li kellna allegazzjonijiet ta’ abbuΩi sesswali minn qassisin, patrjiet u g˙alliema fuq xi tfal, issa g˙andna storja ©dida.
Qed ji©i allegat li fi skola primarja, li s’issa
g˙ad ma ssemmietx, kien hemm g˙alliem li
bil-mo˙bi nstalla camera bil-˙sieb li jiffilmja li dawk li jinqdew f’dan il-post. Din
id-darba jidher li l-mira ma kienux l-istudenti tal-iskola billi dan it-toilet ji©u wΩat
minn l-g˙alliema r©iel u nisa biss.
Kienet propju g˙alliema li meta marret
tag˙mel il-bΩonnijiet tag˙ha nteb˙et bilcamera u sintendi din marret tirrapporta
dwar dan lill-Kap tal-Iskola, li min-na˙a
tieg˙u sejja˙ lill-pulizija li jidher li rnexxielhom jsibu min kien dak l-g˙alliem li stalla
din il-camera.
20 Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
Lanqas im˙allsa u l-aktar li ja˙dmu
kont statistika uffiçjali ta l-Eurostat,
il-˙addiema Maltin huma l-aktar li
ja˙dmu sieg˙at, iΩda l-inqas, wara pajjiΩi tal-Lvant tal-Ewropa, g˙all-˙las fissieg˙a.
B˙ala medja l-paga f’Malta hi €11.80 ssieg˙a filwaqt li dik tal-Unjoni Ewropea
hija aktar mid-doppju ta’ Malta: €24.20.
Skont l-istess statistika l-inqas paga fil-pajjiΩ membru hi €3.40 filwaqt li l-og˙la tkun
fid-Danimarka b’€40.10.
Minn na˙a l-o˙ra l-Maltin b’total ta’ 1,961
sieg˙a fis-sena xog˙ol, huma l-aktar nies li
ja˙dmu fost il-pajjiΩi tal-UE. Il-medja
Ewropeja hi ta’ 1,750 sieg˙a.
U issa li ˙ar©et din l-istatistika, aktar se
nisimg˙u l-mistqosija: A˙na veru niffurmaw parti mill-Unjoni Ewropea?
Il-pagi f’Malta jog˙lew aktar
mill-bqija tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Min-na˙a l-o˙ra l-istess Eurostat ikkonferma li matul it-tielet kwart tal-2014, il-
paga medja f’pajjiΩna g˙oliet bi 2.1% f’perjodu meta l-inflazzjoni kienet ta’ inqas minn
0.4%. Dan ifisser li f’Malta l-pagi g˙olew
aktar mill-bqija tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.
Dan se˙˙ billi matul it-tielet kwart tal2014, il-paga medja fil-pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni
Ewropeja Ωdiedet b’1.4% kontra t-2.1% f’Malta. IΩ-Ωieda li gawdew minnha l-˙addiema Maltin kienet il-˙ames l-og˙la fost
il-pajjiΩi taΩ-Ωona ewro.
Ag˙ar mid-droga
˙al f’˙afna pajjiΩi f’Malta jsiru kam- l-eta’ jixorbu lB
panji s˙a˙ dwar id-droga, u l-pulizija u alko˙ol, b’xi ©enil-awtoritajiet huma b’g˙ajnejhom il-˙in turi sa˙ansitra ma jaraw xejn ˙aΩin li jag˙tu
kollu miftu˙a biex kemm jista’ jkun jevitaw xi ftit inbid lil uliedhom ta’ eta’ Ωg˙ira.
l-abbuΩ mid-droga.
Attwalment fil-GΩejjer Maltin ikollna aktar
Sikwit isiru tfittxijiet g˙ad-droga fl-ajru- imwiet min˙abba l-ako˙ol milli d-droga.
port u l-port ta’ Malta biex kemm jista’ jkun
Mhux ta’ b’xejn li fil-Parlament meta kien
ma jg˙addux persuni li j©ibu mag˙hom id- qed ji©i diskuss l-abbozz ta' li©i dwar iddroga, u matul dis-sena l-pulizija qabdet dekriminalizzazzjoni tad-droga, il-Ministru
g˙add ta’ persuni li g˙as-Solidarjetà Soçjali, Michael Farrugia
ppruvaw ida˙˙lu d- qal, li l-alko˙ol f'Malta hu problema ˙afna
droga f’Malta.
akbar mid-droga illeçita, u li jin˙tie© naraw
IΩda donnu li kul- kif se nitrattaw dan is-settur tal-alko˙ol.
mill-Presidenza ta’ Malta, issa ˙add imbag˙ad ja- Ûied li meta tqabbel in-numri, il-kumplikaznfirex sew u nistg˙u ng˙idu li g˙laq g˙ax-xorb al- zjonijiet mill-alko˙ol u s-sigaretti huma
ma jg˙addix tmiem il-©img˙a ko˙oliku.. u kultant ˙afna akbar mid-droga u li matul is-sena dfix-xhur ta’ Diçembru u Jannar naraw anke tfal ta˙t die˙la se jsiru bidliet f'dan is-settur.
li ma ssirx xi ©abra.
Fost dawk li jag˙mlu ©abriet
kbar g˙andna l-Partiti Politiçi.
Melbourne: (03) 9335 2499
Dis-sena l-Partit Nazzjonalista
Unit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043
g˙amel l-ewwel ©bir ta’ fondi,
[email protected]
fl-aqwa tal-polemika dwar itwww.pfs.net.au
tiri li spara x-xufier tal-Ministru
Mallia. Jidher li l-PN g˙amel
uΩu tajjeb minn din l-istorja
biex jikkonvinçi lill-partitarji
tieg˙u biex ida˙˙lu idejhom filbut u jg˙inu lill-Partit li rnex- FULL CONTAINERS TO OR FROM MALTA AT
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Laburista. Jidher li l-PL g˙amel
sforz qawwi u donnu ried jg˙id
‘what you can do I can do better’. Attwalment irnexxielu ji©1 Carton A$120
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li mistennija li tinqabeΩ bil-kbir
mill-avveniment nazzjonali talFOR YOUR FREIGHT REQUIREMENTS FROM MALTA CONTACT AGENTS:Istrina li jsir l-g˙ada tal-Milied,
fis-26 ta’ Diçembru, fejn il-flus
imorru g˙all-karita’, g˙ajnuniet
soçjali, fosthom lil dawk li
TEL: 21338161 FAX: 21334188
jkollhom ˙tie©a ta’ xi kura li tirwww.tristarmalta.com
rikjedi ˙afna flus.
Ìbir, ©bir u ©bir
l-festi tal-Milied u tal-Ewwel
mhux biss it-tiΩjin
tat-toroq, tal-˙wienet, tad-djar,
parties, xiri ta’ rigali, eçç, imma
wkoll ©bir, ©bir u aktar ©bir.
Dan g˙ax donnu kul˙add
jit˙ajjar iΩid il-piΩ fuq il-but talMaltin u l-G˙awdxin billi
jag˙mel ©bir g˙al xi g˙aqda jew
Dak li Ωmien ilu kien biss il©bir g˙all-fqar, daΩ-Ωmien ta˙t
il-kappa tal-Istrina immexxija
l-kantant Ωag˙Ωug˙ Malti,
Kevin Borg (fuq), li jg˙ix fliSvezja aktar ma jmur aktar qed
isir popolari fix-xena muΩikali.
Infatti b˙alissa jinsab fl-ewwel
post tal-Klassifika MuΩikali talÌappun bl-album ‘With’. Dan
l-istess album kien fl-ewwel
post darbtejn o˙ra din is-sena.
L-akbar Ωieda fil-paga medja kienet filkostruzzjoni, bi tkabbir ta’ 4.4%. Kien
hemm ukoll Ωieda Ωg˙ira fil-paga medja filmanifattura, settur fejn il-pagi kienu naqsu
matul it-tnax-il xahar ta’ qabel.
Skont l-istatistika fl-a˙˙ar sena iΩ-Ωieda
medja f’Malta la˙qet it-2.3% li hija ferm
og˙la mill-inflazzjoni matul dan il-perjodu.
Jekk nibqg˙u sejrin hekk fl-a˙˙ar il-pagi
Maltin jersqu sewwa lejn ta’ pajjiΩi tal-UE.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday December 23, 2014
A quick glimpse at Australia
The siege at
Martin Place
hree persons were killed and several
others injured after 17 persons were
held hostage for 16 hours at the
Lindt Chocolat Café at Martin Place, the
centre of the business district of the city of
Sydney. Large parts of the city were in
lock down. The two hostages who were
killed during the siege have been identified as the manager of the Lindt Café, 34year-old Tori Johnson, and 38-year-old
barrister Katrina Dawson. The perpetrator
was also killed.
Australian authorities are now facing
questions about why, Man Moron Monis,
a 50-year-old, Iranian-born who arrived in
Australia as a refugee in 1996, well known
to the Federal & NSW Police and the spy
agency ASIO for several years was not
under surveillance.
He had a history of criminal offences and
a history of violence, had extreme views
and was unstable. Last year Monis was
sentenced to 300 hours of community
service for sending what a judge called
“grossly offensive” letters to the soldiers'
families between 2007 and 2009.
He was freed on bail when he was before
the courts on two separate matters - more
than 40 sexual assault
charges and as an accessory to the murder of his
Man Moron Monis...
former wife.
The Sydney café gun- was well known to the
man had been the sub- Federal & NSW Police
ject of an extradition request from Iran,
used to be on a national security watchlist.
The Prim Minister said he also held a legitimate gun licence, but later, the NSW
he statistics from the OrganisaPolice found out that this was incorrect.
tion for Economic Co-Operation
Officials told the country's official IRNA
and Development show there has
news agency that Iran tried to have Monis
been a 46.6 per cent increase in the
extradited in 2000, but that Australia renumber of people getting Australian citfused on the grounds that the countries do
izenship, the highest number since
not have an extradition agreement.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said “there
Statistic shows that 40,100 people
was nothing consistent with this individfrom
India, 27,300 from China and
ual’s life except he was consistently
21,700 from Britain applied to migrant
to Australia. The report adds that 62,700
No wonder so many questions are being
people whose temporary visas had exraised by the Australian citizens
pired or had been cancelled were living
A mass for the victims was held at St
illegally in Australia.
Mary’s Cathedral by Archbishop Anthony
In October more than an estimated
Fisher. For all the accolades from govern20,000 workers on the skilled 457 visa
ment and police, the siege did not end in a
had gone missing. According to OECD
negotiated outcome, but rather in a shoot-2012-13, 123,400 people were granted
out that killed the gunman and two others.
Australian citizenship; there were
258,250 working holiday visas and
259,300 international student visas issued.
Jobs that only offer cash in hand, such
as in the hospitality industry or agriculture, contributed significantly to the
number of workers who went missing.
It appears that the Immigration Department did not have the resources to find
all the “illegals”.
Gone missing
Join us on facebook
Flowers left near the
Lindt Chocolat Café,
the scene of the attack
Readers of The Voice of the Maltese are requested to join us on
facebook. All you have to do is
to go to this URL:
Jobless rate worse
The Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook
At present the unemployment rate of 6.3 per cent is
well in excess of the peak of 5.9 per cent during the
global financial crisis and is higher than anything
experienced since before the first mining boom got
underway in the early 2000s.
Yet an extra 42,700 Australian found Jobs in November. The Bureau of Statistics says most of them
were part-time. Full time employment climbed just
1,800, part-time employment 40,800.
They are indeed confusing employment figures as
things haven’t got much worse, even if the unemployment rate is the highest it has been since the
start of the century.
he outlook released by the Treasurer showed the deficit for 201415 has blown out by $10 billion more
than expected just six months ago.
Joe Hockey cited huge falls in commodity prices and the biggest drop in
the terms of trade since records
began in 1959.
The Government will allow the
budget bottom line to worsen
sharply, rather than opt for new
spending cuts, in the hope of encouraging delicate job growth and uncer-
tain business confidence.
“Export volumes have increased
significantly. Job creation across the
economy is running around 15,000
new jobs a month - this is three times
larger than the average of around
5000 jobs a month last year,” said the
The Shadow Treasurer, Chris
Bowen, blamed the budget itself for
having smashed consumer confidence through harsh measures and
broken promises.
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
A quick glimpse at Australia
visas are back
he Senate has passed sweeping
changes to Australia's immigration
laws, including the re-introduction of tem-
porary protection visas (TPV), representing a much-needed legislative win for the
Abbott Government.
A Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) is an
Australian visa document initially introduced by the Howard Government on October 20, 1999, which was issued to
persons who had been recognised as
refugees fleeing persecution. The TPV
was issued to persons who applied for
refugee status after making an unauthorised arrival in Australia, and was the main
type of visa issued to refugees when released from Australian immigration detention facilities.
After being granted a TPV, refugees were
required to reapply three years later, in
case conditions had changed in their
In exchange for the Senate crossbenchers'
support, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison agreed to lift Australia's refugee intake by 7,500 places, give asylum seekers
on bridging visas the right to work, and remove all children from detention on
Christmas Island.
Mr. Morrison had made it clear that tens
of thousands of asylum seekers would be
left in limbo unless the legislation was
Senator Ricky Muir from the Australian
Motoring Enthusiast Party; said “I am
forced into a corner to decide between a
bad decision and a worse decision; a position I do not wish upon my enemies. A decision that involves human beings,
children, mothers, fathers, lives of people
who have had to endure unthinkable hardship; people pushed to the point where
they go to any lengths to seek asylum.”
One of the late changes to the bill will
allow asylum seekers to work while they
wait for their claims to be processed, a
change Mr. Morrison said would take effect immediately. New five-year safehaven enterprise visas would also be
introduced to encourage refugees to live
and work in regional areas, and could
eventually offer a pathway to a permanent
Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young accused Minister Morrison. "Using children
as hostages is never OK and only a sociopath would do it,” Human rights lawyer
David Manne said. “The laws are not only
radical and extreme, but will violate the
fundamental rights. They'll violate the rule
of law and they'll endanger the lives,” he
Australian Neurosurgeon,
Prof Brian Owler
Another change
to the budget
fter seven months of bad publicity
and the very possibility that the Senate will not pass it, the Abbott Government has formally put forward a reworked
version of the $7 GP co-payment.
Now, veterans, concession card-holders,
and children under 16 will be exempted
from any upfront charge. For other patients, however, the Medicare rebate paid
to the doctors will be reduced by $5 per
consultation, leaving up to the individual
GPs to recover the loss through a new patient charge.
Australian Medical Association president Prof Brian Owler, an Australian
trained Neurosurgeon, said the changes
230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147
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Twitter: @mrowlandmp
would lead to a shift away from bulkbilling, where a doctor bills Medicare directly. Bulk-billing are at a record high,
with more than 82 per cent of GP visits
bulk-billed in 2013-14.
As health minister in the Howard Government, Tony Abbott introduced bulkbilling incentives and new items that
contributed to bulk-billing from 67 percent in 2004 to almost 77 per cent in
2007. Recently Mr. Abbott suggested
that bulk-billing was being overused.
Profs Owler said that Medicare was
never meant to be free for everyone but
welcomed the government’s decision to
exempt vulnerable patients.
Tuesday December 23, 2014
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Maltese migrant victim of child
abuse gets $80,000 in damages
aphael Ellul, a Maltese child miIn Western Australia, about 100 comgrant who was abused at St
plainants were paid an average of
Mary’s Agricultural School in
$36,700 each, relating to abuse at four
Tardun, has been awarded a further
$80,000 to the $53,000 compensation
Eleven of the schools’ former residents
he had earlier been given after an ingave evidence at hearings in Perth
quiry into child sexual abuse at four
throughout April and May. They reChristian Brothers institutions in Western Australia found that the organisation
counted stories of painful abuse and
was aware of abuse allegations for
psychological damage they have sufdecades, and the damage it could cause,
fered as a result, which led to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and
but did not stop it.
The Royal Commission into Institualcoholism.
tional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Sixteen brothers were named as perpeexamined abuse at Christian Brothers
trators of sexual abuse, but only four
institutions in Bindoon, Tardun and
were ever charged and of those, only
one was jailed.
Perth between 1947 and 1968 and found
management failed to prevent the sexThe royal commission has also found
Rafael Ellul ... now
ual abuse of children living at the wants to move on
the brothers had an obligation to provide the children with an education but in many cases subjected
Some of the victims were as young as seven when brothers and them to physical labour instead.
older boys sexually and physically abused them. Maltese child migrants, along with others, had been entrusted to the institutions in a bid to build themselves
a new life.
Ellul, who was a child migrant from Malta when he
was sent to the Christian Brothers school in Tardun as a
10 year old said his time at Tardun cost him his culture,
family and any chance of a decent career. He hoped he
could now move on but he would never forgive.
Earlier this year, Ellul told the hearings he ran away
from Tardun and attempted to report the sexual abuse
to police at Mullewa. He was not believed and told not
to tell lies about the “good Christian men”. When he
returned to the school he was “belted”
“What does it say when a 14 year old goes to a police
station and gets slapped in the face?” he asked. “Nobody wanted to listen to you back then in the 1960s,
they knew exactly what was going on, they just protect
Th e Mal te se Community
each other.”
Of N SW is dee ply sadde ned
He had applied for more compensation after being
By the eve nts that took
ace rece ntly at M artin
given $35,000 by the Christian Brothers, but has now
Il-Maltese Community Council plPlace.
accepted another $80,000 from the organisation.
ipo©©i fjuri b’qima lejn il- Our condole nces go to
“I’ve never been a high wage earner so $80,000 to me
Th e familie s of
vittmi ta’ Martin Place
Katrina Dawson an d
is like a million, and that’s why I accepted it,” he said.
Tori John son.
“Well what do I do, do I sort of stay angry for the rest
of my life? I’ve had 54 years of it so I think it’s time,” Martin Place fil-qalba tal-belt ta’ Sydney May the y rest in peace
he said. “I may forget but I’ll never forgive them for fejn se˙˙ l-assedju fil-Lindt Café sar xmara
what they did to me, but I’ve got to get on with my ta’ fjuri fejn il-poplu wie©eb b’qima g˙aΩΩewg vittmi li sfaw maqtula minn aggressur
Since 1980, the Christian Brothers have paid over $20 li wkoll safa` mejjet wara 16-il sieg˙a li fihom l-Awstralja nΩammillion to people who alleged sexual abuse or a com- met fuq ix-xwiek.
Il-poplu ta’ Sydney, ta’ kull fehma, ta’ kull kulur u reli©jon
bination of sexual abuse, physical or psychological
˙onoq il-post tat-tra©edja b’bukketti tal-fjuri madwar din ilpjazza.
Readers of The Voice of the
Fost dawk li po©©ew il-fjuri kien hemm il-Maltese Community
Council ta’ NSW li g˙amel dan g˙an-nomm tal-komunita`
Maltese are reminded that the
Maltija, permezz tal-Viçi/President, Emanuel Camilleri u martu
next issue, and the first one for
Theresa. Dan sar b˙ala turija ta’ solidarjeta` mal-vittmi (ritratt).
the New Year, 2015, will be
Deher ukoll li wie˙ed minn dawk li nqabad f’dan l-assedju kien
published on January 6. In the
Paolo Vassallo, miΩΩewwe© bi tlett itfal li ja˙dem b˙ala supervisor
meantime we also wish to thank
fil-Café Lindt u li rnexxilu ja˙rab. Fil-fatt kien wie˙ed mill-ewwel
all those who have been loyal to
tlieta li la˙qu ˙arbu. Huwa ©ie me˙ud l-isptar g˙al osservazzjoni
our magazine that keeps growing
l-kundizzjoni medika li kien ibati minnha.
in popularity with every issue.
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Lourdes Day Mass
2014 in Melbourne
by Paul Vella
St. Patrick’s Cathedral filled to
capacity during the Lourdes
Day Mass by Archbishop Denis
J. Hart (right)
he Order of Malta, formally known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of the Knights
of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta, as
they do every year, on December 6 organised the
Lourdes Day Mass, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, East
Melbourne that was full to capacity with the faithful.
A number of them in their wheelchairs, while others
had to be helped inside the Cathedral.
It was a cool cloudy day but this did not deter a
large number of the Catholic Community to attend.
The members of the Order, including Joseph Borg,
were a great help to those in wheelchairs. Around 50
youths from several Catholic Colleges welcomed
those attending, and acted as ushers.
A section of the Knights of St
John at the Lourdes Day Mass
The congregation was given booklets with information about Lourdes and about the Lourdes water, as
well as a little plastic bottle containing water from
Lourdes and rosary beads.
The principal celebrant for the occasion was the
Archbishop of Melbourne, Rev. Denis J. Hart, DD. He
also delivered a homily, while Bishop-Elect Terry
Curtain and Rev. Brian Boyle were concelebrants. Fr.
Richard Rosse and Mr Duc Nguyen acted as MCs, Mr.
Paul Hughes was the Cantor, Dr Geoffrey Cox the organist and Mr. Peter Roberts (visiting Musician) the
harpist. Mr. Damian Benson and Mrs. Barbara
Hamilton were the readers.
It was delightful to see the Order of Malta acting its
mission of caring for the sick and those most marginalised members of society, and supporting the
The origins of the Order go back to the 11th Century.
In around 1048 the Hospitallers established the Hospital of St. John the Baptist in Jerusalem, to care for
pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. Pope Pascal II formally established them as a Religious Order in 1113,
to defend Christian territory and care for the sick.
Today the Order has projects in 120 countries. It
has 58 national institutions that carry out programmes of emergency assistance, healthcare, training and education for those in need without any
distinction of religion, race, origin or age.
The Australian Association of the Order, that has it
headquarters in the Caritas Christi Hospice in Kew,
Victoria, has several overseas projects, including
those in Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and
Solomon Islands. Within Australia, the Order
has various charitable projects including its
Coats for the Homeless programme. It also supports the Day Care Centre at Caritas Christi, and
is a partner in the Eastern Palliative Care, which
provides home-based palliative care in the Eastern Corridor of Melbourne from Kew to the Dandenongs.
Members of the Order and volunteers also take
part in the annual International Pilgrimage of the
Order of Malta at Lourdes, and also celebrate the
Feast of Our Virgin Lady of Mount Phileremos, in
the Holy Spirit Chapel of Newman’s College, Melbourne’s University, and Carlton.
Its members are also ever present during the
Mass on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of
Victories (Maria Bambina) at the St. Mary Star of
the Sea Church, West Melbourne, organised by
Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group on behalf
of the Fathers of the Missionary Society of St. Paul.
The Maltese Guild
of South Australia
Inc. wishes everyone
a happy Christmas
and a Happy and
New Year 2015
The Voice of the Maltese 25
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Community News
Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine
every fortnight.
Now we also have our our facebook page. So join us. Go
to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese
Tune In to Radio
and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes
MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on
www.3zzz.com.au. Mondays 5pm, Fridays
5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday
each month at 1pm.
MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,
each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930):
97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or
on demand: www.893fm.com.au
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am;
Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in
to link: www.unclesamdj.com
Maltese Programmes on TV and Web
on TVS is broadcast in Sydney
Every Saturday at 2pm;
Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:
http://ww.tvs.org.au; http://ww.tvs.org.au
Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc
Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street
(cr with Young Street) Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228
Maltese living at the Central Coast
Group Meetings are held every secondt Monday of each
month, starting February 9, 2015 at Wyong RSL,
cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong from 10 am to 12 noon.
For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you need receiver
or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard
on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:
http://www.sbs.com.au, www.sbs.com.au
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast
Radio: December 4, 18 from 6 pm -7
pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community
Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter:
Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming on: www.coastfm.org.au.
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care
Maltese Groups in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Come and join us and make new friends..
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors
Meets every second Friday of the
month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue
Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandillo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of the
month n the George Preca Centre of
The Maltese Language
School of NSW
The Maltese Language School
of NSW invites applications for
Maltese language classes at
the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at
59b Franklin Street (corner
with Young Street) Mays Hill
(next to Parramatta West
Public School).
Both young and adult
students may apply.
For more information contact
Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189
or email:
[email protected]
You can have full access The Voice
of the Maltese online anytime by
logging to:
and click on The Voice sign
OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George
Maltese Group
Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday
of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining.
Come Join us and make new Friends
For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)
9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices
are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)
26 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
y N
G˙arfien lill-Voluntiera
asal iΩ-Ωmien li nag˙tu ©ie˙ u
rispett lill-anzjani tag˙na fis-Seniors
Week 2015. Óu din l-opportunita’ biex
tipproponi lil xi ˙add li ja˙dem ta’ voluntier fil-komunita’ u ˙aqqu ringrazzjament.
Il-Maltese Welfare (NSW) qed jirçievi applikazzjonijiet minn individwi ta’ dixxendenza Maltij li ghandhom ‘l fuq minn sittin sena u residenti fi NSW biex
ikunu parti mill-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition li din is-sena se jsir nhar l-Erbg˙a, 18 ta’ Marzu
2015 fis-St Dominics’ Annunciation Hall, Walters Rd,
Blacktown NSW.
Biex tinnominaw lil xi ˙add jin˙tie© tiksbu formola
tal-applikazzjoni billi ççemplu lis-segretarju tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW), Emanuel Camilleri 9822 0228 0409 744 376 inkella ΩΩuru l-website:
http://www.maltesewelfare.com.au tniΩΩluha minn
hemm u tibag˙tuha mhux iktar tard mis-27 ta’ Frar 2015.
Nominate a Volunteer
t’s that time of year again when we direct a spotlight
on our seniors during Seniors Week. Take this opto nominate someone who in your view is a
genuine volunteer within our general community and
deserves to be recognised.
The Maltese Welfare (NSW) is seeking nominations
from people of Maltese descent over 60 years old, residents of NSW to take part in its annual Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition to be held at St Dominics’
Blacktown, on Wednesday March 18, 2015.
Nominations are to be made on an application form
that can be obtained by phoning the Maltese Welfare
secretry, Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228 - 0409 744
376, or visit the website:
http://www.maltesewelfare.com.au. Applicatons have
to be submitted by not later than February 27, 2015.
Malta Society of
New Zealand
We now have a Facebook page
that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland:
It is open to all who have an interest
in the Maltese culture.
tal-PBS (Malta)
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu
fil-website: www.tvm.com.mt u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata
l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.
Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li
jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta
fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet
tal-jum ta' qabel.
Maltese Cultural Centre
6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009
Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868.
AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327
Email: [email protected] Website: www.malteseguild.webs.com
Socials, Meals, Multicultural
Events, Bus Trip Excursions For
the Aged are partly supported by
Functions Calendar for the year of 2015
Bus Trip AWAY”
Dinner Dance
March 9th
April 6st
Easter Monday Luncheon
June 8th
Queens Birthday Luncheon
Bus Trip
July 19th
St. Mary
August 11th
Celebrating Mass St.
Feast of St. Mary
August 16th
September 12th
Malta National Day Dinner Dance
September 15th
Tuesday Festa
September 27th
October 5th
Monday Labour
November 3rd
Tuesday Melbourne
November 13, 14, 15, 16 Fri,Fri,Sat,Sat,Sun,
Mon 4 Days
4 DaysBus
Place to
of Be
(To Be Noti
Mass Mass
for thefor
November 17th
the Diseased
December 19th
Eve Dinner
December 31st
Thursday New Year’s
New Year’s
Eve Dinner
January 26th
February 15th
February 17th
February 28th
Please Note! The Maltese Cultural Centre will open every Tuesday From
10am till 3pm of every week, starting on January 13 to December 19, 2015
Date of Events are subject to be altered if needed to be changed.
(Formed in November 2011)
Founder /Coordinator: Jim Borg
Structure: Secretary: Marisa Previtera;
Treasurer: Rita Kassas
Official Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia:
BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448
Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta
Money raised so far: 2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 $35,000.
Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors.
Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta – 100%
Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account,
sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles.
The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official
Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia
Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinatorPhone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591
Email: [email protected]
Proudly supported by:
The Voice of the Maltese 27
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Community News
The Xaghra Association of NSW Inc.
Monday Seniors’ Day Every Monday
(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906 [email protected])
Home-made cooked two-course meal,
tea and coffee
Bingo and dancing lessons, computers available for usage.
Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra.
Phone 42 746121 and leave a message.
(Numbers are growing and been reaching
around 95 every Monday)
Date: Saturday January 24 2015. Time: Doors open 6.30 pm
for 7.00pm start. Place: Mandavilla Function Centre,
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
Dinner: 3 Course Meal, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, tea, coffee & pastizzi. Also antipasto plus fruit platters.
Entertainer: Joe Apap
For more information contact:
Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182
M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
St Nicholas Festa Committee (NSW): 2015 Calendar of events
March 22: Autumn Fiera; July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett; October 18: Spring Fiera;
November 28: Night of Entertainment; December 6: Festa ta’ San Nikola
We are One but
We are Many
The Maltese community
in NSW says:
Thank you Australia
Sunday, 25 January 2015
at the Holroyd Centre
17 Miller Street Merrylands
(parking on site)
An afternoon of celebration
From 3.30pm
Entrance free.
Light refreshments provided.
All welcome
Organised by the
Maltese Community Council
of NSW
The Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco NSW
The feast of Don Bosco will be held on February 1 at 10.30am
at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Swanson Street, St Marys.
A concelebrated Mass and a procession will be held. Refreshments. Please invite your friend and bring a plate with you.
La Valette Social Centre
Programme 2014
December 9 - Tuesday - A trip for Cherry-picking at Orange. Lunch at Orange RSL at one’s
own expense (or bring your own) - cost $55 per
person; children $30. That includes coach and
morning tea. Coach leaves from Greystanes at 6.
am, and from La Valette at 6.15 am
New years eve Dinner Dance at la Valette
Social Centre. Entertainment to be provided by
Charlie Camilleri and the Rocking Mustangs.
More information later.
For bookings and information phone: The Centre: 96225847;
Charlie Camilleri : 0410523476; Frances 04123204320; Antoinette 96712992
Learn Maltese!
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Classes are available for students from 6 years
to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese
language. We have trained and experienced
teachers qualified in language teaching and
with Maltese study credentials.
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle,
cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent
Mediterranean island.
For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189
Or email: [email protected]
Supported by the Minister of Education and Training
And the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme.
Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW.
Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia.
Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW.
The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
28 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday December 23, 2014
Malta Premier League
away with
This could be a record year for Hibernians as
with only six rounds remaining to the end of
the first phase of the the Premier League, and
aftwr 16 rounds, they have managed to build
an unassaiblable 15 points lead over their
nearest challengers, Valletta and Birkirkara
Hibs consolidated their position after the last
two rounds by first beating Valletta3-1, and
then Pieta by 3-0.
Meanwhile, Valletta recovered from the loss
against Hibernians to beat Sliema 3-1, while
Birkirkara shared the runner up position following a 0-0 result against Balzan and a 2-0
victory over Qormi.
Balzan meanwhile returned to winning wins.
Their 1-0 victory over Mosta in Round 16 was
their first since September 27.
Floriana seem to be coming back into the
fray after registered a 4-1 success over bottom
tea Ûebbu© R.
Round 16
Hibernians v Pieta H.
Valletta v Sliema W.
Edison Luis dos Santos (2), Clayton Failla
Llywelyn Cremona, Hamza Barry (2) (V);
Marko Potezica (S)
Birkirkara v Qormi
Haruna Shola Shodiya (2)
Balzan v Mosta
Edison Bilbao Zarate
Floriana v Ûebbu© R.
Amadou Samb (2), Vito Plut, Marco Piciollo (F);
Mauricio Rodriguez Britto (Z)
Tarxien R. v Naxxar L.
Firas Aboulezz
Round 15
Hibernians v Valletta
Sliema W. v Qormi
Lateef Elford-Alliyu (V);
Andrew Cohen, Jorge Pereira da Silva (2)(H)
ABocar Djumo, Mark Scerri, Aiden Jake
Friggieri (S); Frank Temile (Q)
Birkirkara v Balzan
Naxxar L. v Mosta
Gilmar da Silva Ribeiro, Pape Gueye (N);
Bojan Kaljevic (M)
Ûebbu© R. v Tarxien R.
Carlos Menendez Hevia (T); Bojan Mamic,
Yessous Camilleri (Z)
Floriana v Pieta H.
Jurgen Pisani (P); Steve Bonnici (F)
Sliema W.
Naxxar L.
R.Pieta H.
Ûebbu© R.
16 15 1
16 10 1
11 10 1
16 5 7
16 5 6
16 6 2
16 5 4
16 4 5
16 4 5
16 3 7
16 3 5
16 1 6
Hibernians’ formation, before their clash against Valletta whom they beat by 3-1
Neighbours end Melbourne V’s unbeaten run
ith Melbourne Victory and Adelaide
United failing to keep up their challenge in the last two rounds, Perth Glory,
kept up their potential and following three
consecutive victories over Sydney FC, Newcastle Jets and Central Coast, managed to
stretch their lead after 11 rounds to six points
from Melbourne Victory.
When it comes to the Victory their most recent defeat at the hands of Melbourne City
must have hurt them a lot, not only because
they lost against their crosstown rivals, but
because it also ended their unbeaten run in
the 2014-15 A-League.
Defeat came in the most dramatic fashion
imaginable on Saturday. It was Erik Paartalu’s injury time header that sealed a memorable 1-0 win for Melbourne City over their
fierce local rivals at AAMI Park.
The leaders, Perth Glory bounced back
from the disappointment of losing the Westfield FFA Cup earlier this week to crush
Central Coast 4-1 at nib Stadium.
They equalled Melbourne Victory’s record
of eight consecutive home wins from the
2008-09 season. The Mariners, are yet to
taste victory since the opening round and remain in eighth position in the table. They are
also in serious danger of missing the finals
after crashing to their sixth loss of the sea-
Adelaide United crashed back to earth with
a thud after winning the Westfield FFA Cup
on Tuesday, going down 2-1 to Newcastle
Jets who were deserved winners.
Round 11
Newcastle Jets v Adelaide Utd
Melbourne C v Melbourne V.
Perth Glory v Central Coast
Sydney FC v Wellington Ph
Brisbane Roar v Western Sydney W (Mar 25
Round 10
Adelaide U v Brisbane Roar
Perth Glory v Newcastle Jets
Wellington Ph v Central Coast
Melbourne V. v Sydney FC
Western Sydney v Melbourne C. (Mar 11)
Perth Glory
Melbourne V
Adelaide U
Wellington Ph
Sydney FC
Melbourne C.
Brisbane R.
Central Coast
Newcastle J.
Parramatta FC Warming up For 2015 season in top Division
reparations for Parramatta FC, formerly known as Parramatta Melita Eagles to kick
off the football season back in the Premier League, the highest division in NSW, are
in full swing.
They have already taken part in a number of warm-up matches, including a 3-1 win over
Southern Bulls, Apia, whom they beat 3-1. Their Under 20s also registered two wins, 41 victory against the Bulls and 2-0 agaonst Apia
More friendlies are in line, before the start of the Preseason Competition that commences
in the first week of February. Parramatta have been drawn against Marconi, Blacktown,
Sutherland, Manly and Sydney Olympic.