Clinical Audit for Improvement

a national policy update on local and national clinical audit
how clinical audit teams can better engage with clinicians
ensure clinical audit delivers on quality improvement locally
demonstrating action and improvement following clinical audit
the role of clinical audit in the new CQC inspection process
auditing against the CQC key lines of inquiry
board assurance for clinical audit
training and educating frontline staff in clinical audit
update on national clinical audit programmes
cross organisational audit and multi-site audit
quality standards and clinical audit
auditing against NICE quality standards and guidelines
legal issues update for clinical audit managers
in depth masterclasses in key issues for clinical audit
Supported delegate
fee for clinical
audit managers and
Supporting organisations:
Chair & Keynote Speakers include
Prof Danny Keenan
Medical Director
Healthcare Quality
Improvement Partnership
Richard Arnold
Clinical Audit Lead
NHS England
Plus over 40 local clinical audit leads and practitioners
Recognised by
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Sessions include:
Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 March 2015
Hallam Conference Centre, London
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for Improvement
Professor Nick Black
National Advisory Group
for Clinical Audit & Enquiries
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Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 March 2015
Hallam Conference Centre, London
Through a series of focus sessions, panel discussions, masterclasses and poster presentations, this Healthcare Conferences UK two day
conference endorsed by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership brings together an exceptional gathering of leading practitioners,
clinicians, policy makers and academics to set out the major developments, promote innovative areas of clinical audit, and debate the key
challenges affecting you and your organisation.
Chaired by Professor Danny Keenan Medical Director Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), and Professor Nick Black, Chair
The National Advisory Group for Clinical Audit and Enquiries, the conference will give national update on the role of national and local audit in
delivering national and local improvement.
Following the joint introductory session the conference programme splits into a series of focus issues providing delegates with the opportunity
to hear from and question a variety of clinical audit leads, clinicians and managers including practical case studies of clinical audit and
improvement at a local level, from clinical audit to improvement action implementation, monitoring progess, meeting the CQC standards and
understanding the role that clinical audit plays in CQC inspection, whole systems and cross boundary clinical audit, clinical audit and NICE
quality standards and many more current issues impacting on clinical audit leads and managers.
The conference aims to empower clinicians and clinical audit leads to demonstrate to your trust board the importance of clinical audit. Clinical
audit and clinical audit skills have a vital place in the centre of quality improvement and improving outcomes for patients. The aim of the
conference is to ensure that audit is impacting on patient outcomes at a local level and answers the questions that trust boards are asking.
The conference sessions are supported by in depth masterclasses designed to develop
your skills in the areas that delegates have suggested will improve clinical audit practice.
Delegates will have the chance to take part in masterclasses on:
• Legal Issues for Clinical Audit Managers masterclass
• Undertaking a clinical audit impact assessment
• Board assurance for clinical audit
• Action planning
• Training and educating staff in clinical audit
• Improving the quality and support for junior doctor led clinical audit
Visit our website
or tel 01932 429933
Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals
Care Quality Commission
fax 0208 181 6491
Joint Introductory Plenarey Session: Chairman’s introduction
Professor Danny Keenan Medical Director Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Clinical audit for local improvement
Professor Danny Keenan
Medical Director
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
NHS England Update
Richard Arnold
Clinical Audit Lead
with Cathy Hassell
Deputy Director, Quality Programmes, Medical Directorate
NHS England
• working with electronic patient records
• our experience and tips for success
How audit teams can engage better with clinicians and service managers: bridging the gap
• from audit manager to service manager: understanding different perspectives
Steve Walters
Service Manager
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
• where clinical audit fits into the national agenda
• the role of clinical audit in delivering the national quality framework
• national and local clinical audit: looking forward
Question and answers, followed by coffee and exhibition
Conference splits: choice of main stream or two masterclasses
Electronic Patient Records and Clinical Audit
• clinical audit in a paperless NHS
Carl Walker
Clinical Audit Manager
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust & Chair East Midlands
Clinical Audit Network (CASnet) & Member N-QI-CAN
• developing the conditions for clinical audit to lead local improvement
• HQIP update: national and local developments
• clinical audit in NHS trusts: what needs to change?
• engaging and working better with frontline staff and clinicians
• understanding motivation: bridging the gap
Demonstrating action, improvement and reflection following participation in national clinical audit
• how do you demonstrate action and reflection following participation in national clinical audit?
Professor Tony Rudd
Chair The Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party
Chair Quality Standard for Stroke Expert Group
NICE & Consultant Physician in Stroke Medicine
• areas where improvements need to be delivered
• case studies of good practice
• how do we reduce the unacceptable variation in stroke care
Question and answers, followed by lunch and exhibition
Focus: from clinical audit to improvement action implementation
Using clinical audit findings to ensure improvements in patient care
• supporting and enabling clinicians to implement action plans quickly and re-audit for
Yvonne Murray
Head of Clinical Audit
Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Linking Clinical Audit with Clinical and Organisational Risk and Quality Issues
• ensuring your clinical audit programme is focused on core quality and risk issues and board
Dawn Nortman
Head of Clinical Audit and Research
with Dr Peter Maskell Medical Director
Kent Community Health NHS Trust
• linking with board assurance
• ensuring the information arising from clinical audit has the appropriate impact
• ensuring the clinical audit department promotes the triangulation of data
Monitoring progress and demonstrating action implementation
• monitoring progress and demonstrating action implementation
Robert Donlevy
Clinical Audit and NICE Manager
Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
• developing the clinical audit assurance framework
• how do you identify audits where patient care activities require immediate improvement?
Working with risk registers. our experience in Manchester
• effective action planning as part of clinical audit
• how do you demonstrate improvement
• our experience and case studies
Question and answers, followed by tea and exhibition
Joint closing session: Meeting the CQC standards and the role of clinical audit in CQC inspection
The role of Clinical Audit in CQC Inspection
Care Quality Commission
• the new inspection process and clinical audit
• how CQC are using Clinical Audit data as part of intelligent monitoring
• what does outstanding look like?
• how do we inspect against quality
• why is the effectiveness domain more difficult to assess?
• the role of clinical audit in demonstrating a trust/service is effective?
• how can you prepare for inspection?
• what have we learnt from the inspections to date
Preparing for inspection: auditing against the CQC key lines of inquiry
• providing assurance of CQC inspection and regulation
Speaker to be announced
• developing audit standards in line with the CQC key lines of inquiry
Clinical Audit: learning from the CQC inspection
Speaker to be announced
Question and answers, followed by close
• audit data and expectations from CQC
• the role of Clinical Audit in our Inspection
• an overview our outstanding rating and the role clinical audit played in this
• learning from our inspection experience
DAY 1 Tuesday 3 March 2015
Masterclass 111.50-13.15
Undertaking a clinical audit impact assessment
Facilitated by:
Mandy Smith Quality Improvement and Development Facilitator Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Details of masterclass to be announced
Masterclass 211.50-13.15
Using Root Cause Analysis techniques to maximise the impact of clinical audit - Taster Session
Facilitated by:
Stephen Ashmore Director National Clinical Audit Support Centre
‘The workshop will explain how a number of RCA tools and techniques can be used to help improve the quality of clinical audit
projects and the wider delivery of clinical audit. The workshop will specifically focus on the five whys, brainstorming and brain
writing and the use of run charts to enhance clinical audit work’
Transforming and accelerating clinical audit through the addition of improvement methodologies
Tricia Woodhead Improvement Advisor and Medical Lead for Safer Care South West Weston Area Health Trust
• how we have improved the quality of junior doctor clinical audit
• improving quality and safety of patient care as identified through local and national audits, complaints and global trigger tool
Masterclass 3
Action planning
Facilitated by:
Nancy Dixon
Healthcare Quality Quest Ltd
This Masterclass will focus on:
• closing the gap between audit and improvement
through action planning
• formalizing accountability for improvement through
action planning
• developing action logs
• from action planning to improvement
• interactive discussion
Masterclass 4
Training and educating staff in clinical audit
Facilitated by:
Stephen Ashmore
National Clinical Audit Support Centre
Tricia Woodhead
Improvement Advisor and Medical Lead for Safer Care
South West
Weston Area Health Trust
This masterclass will focus on training and educating
frontline staff in clinical audit.
DAY 2, Wednesday 4 March 2015
Joint Introductory Plenary: Chairman’s welcome and introduction; Update from NAGCAE
Professor Nick Black
Chair National Advisory Group for Clinical Audit and Enquiries
Professor of Health Services Research Department of Health Services
Research & Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
National Clinical Audit: Update on National Clinical Audit Programmes
Professor Danny Keenan
Medical Director
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
• an update on National Clinical Audit and what it means at a local level
• new national clinical audits and developments within the existing programmes
• developments in National Clinical Audit
National Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit Network (N-QI-CAN) Update Session
• an update from N-QI-CAN
Kat Young
National Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit Network
• the role of NAGCAE and how they fit into the national picture
• current projects and developments
• challenges and successes in local clinical audit
Question and answers, followed by coffee and exhibition
Conference splits: choice of main stream or two masterclasses
FOCUS: Whole systems and cross boundary clinical audit
Information Governance & Clinical Audit
Liz Smith Quality Improvement Facilitator
& Kim Rezel HQIP PPI lead
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)
Cross organizational audit demonstrating the clinical and cost effectiveness benefit of primary care clinics
• demonstrating cost and clinician efficiencies of moving care out of hospital
Dr Anita Sharma
GP and Clinical Director in Vascular and Medicine Management
NHS Oldham CCG and Pennine Care Foundation Trust
• our service and our experience of using audit to demonstrate improvement in primary
care clinics
No Boundaries: Integrating multi-site and multi-sector clinical audit in the new NHS
• the development of our regional audit network of community services, hospitals and
Dr Andrew Khodabukus
Specialty Registrar in Palliative Medicine
Merseyside & Cheshire Palliative & End of Life Strategic Clinical
• developing revised guidance on information governance for clinical audit
• access to data for clinical audit
• making patients aware of how their information could be used as part of a clinical audit is
crucial to ensuring a fair and lawful process
independent sector hospices
• deepening patient, carer and public involvement
• tips and advice for developing multi-site and multi-sector audit
Question and answers, followed by Lunch and exhibition
Joint closing session: Clinical Audit and NICE Quality Standards
Quality standards and clinical audit: NICE update
Jane Moore
Implementation Consultant
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
• NICE guidance and quality standards: an update
• Quality Standards in development
• the role of clinical audit in monitoring adherence to standards
• NICE Quality Standards and support for audit in practice
Using Clinical Audit to demonstrate quality improvement with NICE Quality Standards
• clinical audit as a tool to demonstrate improvement using NICE quality standard statements
Case Study 1
• the new NICE quality standard for delirium
The NICE Quality Standard for Delirium
• the six statements explained
• key priorities for quality improvement
Dr Duncan Forsyth
Consultant Geriatrician
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
& Member NICE Quality Standard Advisory Committee
• moving forward
Case Study 2
The NICE Quality Standard for Pressure Ulcers
Professor Gerard Stansby
• the role of clinical audit in reducing pressure ulcers
• using the new NICE quality standard for pressure ulcers
• what are the key outcomes?
• changing the culture and using NICE quality standards in practice
Case Study 3
The NICE guidance and Quality Standard for Safe
Staffing Ward based audit and ward accreditation
Helen Young
• delivering ward based audit and accreditation for quality
• the role of audit in monitoring adherence to safe staffing
• red flags and escalation
• real time continuous ward based audit for improvement
NICE Guideline Development Group Chair, Prevention and Management
of Pressure Ulcers Guideline
Director of Nursing and Midwifery
Birmingham Women’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Question and answers, followed by coffee and exhibition
DAY 2 Wednesday 4 March 2015
Masterclass 511.50-13.15
Board Assurance for Clinical Audit
Facilitated by:
Dr John Bullivant
Good Governance Institute
This Masterclass will discuss communicating Clinical Audit findings to the board, what the board need to know and how to
deliver board assurance on Clinical Audit at a local level
Poster Presentations
The following posters will be displayed for viewing in the exhibition area
Improving medicines reconciliation in an orthopaedic admissions ward with clinical audit
MJ Vincent, FY2 Orthopaedics, Western Infirmary Glasgow
Peripheral Nerve Blockage Documentation. Hatem Jlala, Speciality Trainee Royal Derby Hospital
Full audit cycle of improving awareness of best practice when diagnosing postural hypotension among healthcare
professionals. Dr Lavanya Shenbagaraj, CT1 Trainee, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board
Build me up! Improving nutrition in hip fracture patients across the UK
A Sylvan, Core Surgical Trainee, Whittington Hospital
Be(A)Ware: Type 1 diabetes commonly begins over 40!
Dr Andrew Brooks, Honorary Consultant Physician, Hampshire Hospital NHS Trust
Junior medical rota changes and VTE prophylaxis in orthopaedic patients: addressing deficits in compliance through rapid
cycle re-auditing. Dr Iain Bohler, Monklands District General Hospital
Audit on adequacy of postoperative pain relief improving patient care
Dr Lavanya Shenbagaraj, CT1 Trainee, Morriston Hospital
Can electronic operation notes lead to improved surgical documentation and clinical coding in orthopaedics?
R Taha, SHO Neurosurgery Royal London Hospital
The split Clinic: a prescription for efficiency in the gastroenterology outpatient clinic
Maria Francesca Jaboli, Royal Free Hospital
Clandestine Hand Hygiene Monitoring: A True Reflection of Practice
Iain Ross MacPherson Bohler,FY2, Monklands District General Hospital
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Clinical Audit for Improvement
3-4 March 2015
Hallam Conference Centre, London
> How to book
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receive a 10% discount*
> Your Details (please complete a new form for each delegate. Photocopies are acceptable)
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A Joint Healthcare Conferences UK and Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership Conference
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the ‘Your Details’ section above, ensuring your email address
is clear and the ‘Payment’ section..
I cannot attend the conference but would like to receive a PDF containing the
conference handbook material, which includes speaker slides, at £49 each.
Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street, London,
W1W 6JJ. A map of the venue will be sent with
confirmation of your booking.
3-4 March 2015
Which Masterclasses would you like to attend?
1. Clinical Audit Impact Assessment
2. Board Assurance for Clinical Audit
3. Acting to achieve improvement
4. Training and educating
5. Legal issues for Clinical Audit
6. Junior doctor clinical audit
Note you can attend the main stream and not attend
*Credit Card Payment discount
Conference Fee
£350 + VAT (420.00) sponsored rate for Audit Leads, Managers
& Facilitators
£495 + VAT (594.00) for NHS, Social care, private healthcare
organisations and Universities.
£465 + VAT (£558.00) for voluntary sector / charities and I
£595 + VAT (£714.00) for commercial organisations.
One day prices subject to availability
The fee includes lunch, refreshments and a copy of the conference
handbook. VAT at 20%.
Confirmation of Booking
All bookings will be confirmed by email, unless stated otherwise.
Please contact us if you have not received confirmation 7-10 days
after submitting your booking.
10% discount when you book online via credit card. This offer is exclusive
to online credit card bookings and cannot be used in conjunction
with any other Healthcare Conferences UK offer including the HQIP
discounted rate.
Group Rates
A discount of 15% is available to all but the first delegate from the same
organisation, booked at the same time, for the same conference. This is
not available for the HQIP discounted rate.
Terms & Conditions
A refund, less a 20% administration fee, will be made if cancellations are
received, in writing, at least 4 weeks before the conference. We regret
that any cancellation after this cannot be refunded, and that refunds
for failure to attend the conference cannot be made, but substitute
delegates are welcome at any time.
On confirmation of your booking you will receive information for booking
accommodation should you require it.
CPD Accredited. Endorsed by HQIP, the Good Governance Institute.
For more information contact Healthcare Conferences UK on 01932 429933 or email [email protected]
The information provided will be held on the Healthcare Conferences UK’s
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or tel 01932 429933
Healthcare Conferences UK reserve the right to make changes to speakers and
programmes without prior notice.
©Healthcare Conferences UK Ltd 2014
fax 0208 181 6491