Want to be made whole? To make you whole, God sent his Son Jesus to become human, show us God, be killed in our place, come to life, return to his Father, and come again to make everything right forever for those who belong to him. Want a share in that? Turn from living your way (sin) to living God's way, and trust that only Jesus and what he did can save you. Tell us about it and be baptized (immersed in water) to show you're a Christian. And stick with it! Want to know more? Ask the person who brought you or contact Pastor Cory. SCHEDULE FOR January 4 Worship Leader: Junior Church: Church Nursery: Greeters: Children’s Message: Scripture Reader: Tech Team: Church Mailing Address: Church Phone Number: Office Hours: Church Secretary: Email Address: Web Address: Cory Hartman, Pastor: Deacon/Deaconesses: Dave Bickers None Shirley Bickers & Val Montgomery Carol Baker & Ellen McGee None Vinnie Spallone Jesse Logue & Patty Montgomery 511 Union St - Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 696-3027 Tues. through Fri. 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Ann Logue [email protected] firstbaptisthpa.com [email protected] H) 693-9379 C) 502-9550 Lisa Claar 312-8759 Norb Gibney 696-3367 Heather Patterson 330-2713 Gloria Hartman 614-4288 Patty Montgomery 329-0504 Cory Hartman, Pastor Phone: 696-3027 Email: [email protected] Web Address: firstbaptisthpa.com ****************************************************** “The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself.” – Leviticus 19:34a (NIV) ****************************************************** December 28, 2014 Hearing from God Worship Service First Baptist Church, Hollidaysburg, PA December 28, 2014 10:45 AM Children’s Message Scripture Leviticus 19:33-34 Sermon Welcome to all our visitors today! “Connecting to the Stranger” -Jack Hartman -Pastor Cory Responding to God Preparing for God Song Prelude Welcome Prayer -Ann Logue -Jesse Logue “Welcome into This Place” -Kelly Hartman Talking to God “Three-Fold Amen” #709 PLEASE PRAY FOR: Harold Baker (I), Don Clinger (I), Don Corbin (I), Betty DeRose (E), Gloria Hartman (I), Jack Hartman (I), Helene Heeter (E), Jim Horne (I), Mildred Kenawell (E), Pat Leamer (E), Zack Leamer (U), Mary Jo Leidy (E), Anna Leonard (E), Ellen McGee (E), Helen Miller (E), Cheryl Patterson (I), Janet Taylor (I), Military Personnel (E), Pastor Cory, the Envisioning Team “You Are Good!” “Blessed Be Your Name” “He Knows My Name” Prayer Benediction -Pastor Cory To request prayer, or to receive requests to pray for others, contact Pastor Cory at (C) 814-502-9550; you may also text or leave a voice mail Giving to God Dedication of Tithes and Offerings Participants in Today’s Worship Service: Offertory Doxology First Baptist Church is registered with CCLI, license #1583692 (I) – illness (E) – encouragement (U) – unspoken (D) - death #109 Musicians: Kelly Hartman, song leader/keyboard; Nancy Sirivanakarn, violin; Dave Bickers, guitar; Daryl Hartman, bass Junior Church: Steve Patterson & Dave Bickers Church Nursery: Terri Jo Horne & Karla Paonessa Greeters: Patty Montgomery & Heather Patterson Tech Team: Mike & Lisa Auty Announcements: UNDECORATE! On January 3rd at 10am lend a hand to help take down and put away Christmas decorations here at the church. THANK YOU! February 27-28, 2015. All FBC women, high school and up, are invited to a retreat for a time of fellowship and fun as we connect with God and each other. Register and pay in full by Dec 31st for a discount. Looking Ahead This Week: Monday, December 29 6:00-8:00 PM Craft Class Undecorate Sunday, January 4 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Sunday School Worship MONTHLY MINUTES Of the First Baptist Church of Hollidaysburg Diaconate Updates December 8, 2014 Epiphany -- undecorating - is on January 3 at 10 am Submitted by Lisa Claar, Secretary Board of Trustee Updates December 2, 2014 none Christian Education Updates December 8, 2014 none The Lord’s Return The last prayer in the Bible is “Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20). Peter tells us that we should be “waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God” (2 Peter 3:12 esv). How better can we do it than by praying for the fulfillment of Genesis 12:3, Revelation 7:910 and Matthew 24:14? Pray for: Today, SUNDAY, December 28 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Saturday, January 3 10:00 AM This week pray for The speediest possible evangelization of the world, of every unreached people group, area, city and nation. The Great Commission to be restored to its rightful centrality in the ministry of the Church worldwide. December 2014 Your part in achieving this. What is God’s will for your life? In the coming year, are you willing to do whatever He commands regarding the needs of the world? Is it possible God is calling you to a specific ministry in praying, supporting or going to the ends of the earth for your Master? Your local church’s part. Pray that your fellowship may grow in missionary zeal and commitment in the coming year. Have questions or want more info about events and announcements? Please call Ann, at the church office. 696-3027
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